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ПКОЯз. Англ. Профкурс (деловой) - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
Retail stores constitute
Выберите верный вариант перевода: aim
Выберите верный вариант перевода: authority
Выберите верный вариант перевода: customer
Выберите верный вариант перевода: income
Выберите верный вариант перевода: personnel
Выберите верный вариант перевода: shipping
Выберите верный вариант перевода: traits
Выберите верный вариант перевода: transaction
Выберите верный вариант перевода: warehouse
Выберите верный вариант перевода: потребитель
Выберите подходящий ответ: After the war, Pepsi' s sales
Выберите подходящий ответ: Any organization can do retailing exept:
Выберите подходящий ответ: Market segmentation is
Выберите подходящий ответ: Pricing strategy is concerned with:
Выберите подходящий ответ: The best indicator of the company' s future is:
Выберите подходящий ответ: The company must respond... to the complaints
Выберите подходящий ответ: Within one decade, Pepsi' s sales had grown
Выберите подходящий ответ: Yamacha used an enthusiastic sales force.
Выберите подходящий ответ:' Sales potential' means
Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами: Customer oriented thinking requires... carefully define customer needs.
Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами: Customers must demonstrate justified need ….product.
Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами: The computer company claims... that innovation come... listening... customer complaints.
Найдите соответствующий американский эквивалент: anywhere
Найдите соответствующий американский эквивалент: autumn
Найдите соответствующий американский эквивалент: corn
Выберите верный вариант перевода: item
Выберите верный вариант перевода: life - style
Выберите верный вариант перевода: to amount
Выберите верный вариант перевода: to emerge
Выберите верный вариант перевода: to purchase
Выберите верный вариант перевода: покупательная способность
Выберите подходящий ответ: A market is
Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами: Products are sold... response... needs.
Найдите антоним к следующему слову: awareness
Найдите антоним к следующему слову: commonly
Найдите антоним к следующему слову: different
Найдите антоним к следующему слову: failure
Найдите антоним к следующему слову: final
Найдите антоним к следующему слову: great
Найдите антоним к следующему слову: satisfaction
Найдите антоним к следующему слову: to ignore
Найдите антоним к следующему слову: to include
Найдите антоним к следующему слову: to lose
Найдите антоним к следующему слову: to realise
Найдите слова, написанные согласно стилю американского английского:
Найдите слова, написанные согласно стилю американского английского:
Найдите слова, написанные согласно стилю американского английского:
Найдите слова, написанные согласно стилю американского английского:
Найдите слова, написанные согласно стилю американского английского:

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ПКОЯз. Англ. Профкурс (деловой) - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
He was supposed ____ (make) a report about local businesses.
I haven’t got enough money _____ on holiday.
I like Tom and Ann. They are _____ nice people.
I wish I (to be rich).
I wish it _____ warmer.
If I had seen the document, ___ (tell) you about it last week:
It they _____ offer us a unit price we see them tomorrow
I’m sorry I’m late I got here __ fast __ I could.
Jeremy prefers English Hi Fi systems ______ Japanese ones.
John would rather _______ (go) to Federal Commission yesterday ___ today.
My brother is ______ than me.
My _____ brother is a pilot.
Supply the correct form:
The examination was than we expected.
The sooner the ______.
When she was young, she _____ swim once a day.
You had better _____ tonight.
You received a warning for speeding. You ____ so fast.
Your English is improving. It’ getting ______.
Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами либо артиклями, где это необходимо: Did he obtain information ___ the sales manager?
Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами либо артиклями, где это необходимо: I was responsible ___ cost control and accounting.
Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами либо артиклями, где это необходимо: Managers are the people who oversee ___ the activities of others.
Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами либо артиклями, где это необходимо: Managers can't succeed ___ their technical skills alone.
Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами либо артиклями, где это необходимо: Managers get things done ___ other people.
Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами либо артиклями, где это необходимо: She went ___ to earn her Ph. D. at Norfolk.
Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами либо артиклями, где это необходимо: They perform ___ five management functions.
Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами либо артиклями, где это необходимо: This performance must be compared ___ the set of goals.
Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами либо артиклями, где это необходимо: Work group is a primary source ___ social interaction.
Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами либо артиклями, где это необходимо: You have to take corrective action in response ___ this unforeseen problem.
Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами либо артиклями, где это необходимо: ___ average, we receive five letters a day.
Найдите антоним: continuous
Найдите антоним: effective
Найдите антоним: responsible
Найдите антоним: to attain
Найдите подходящий английский эквивалент: включать в себя
Найдите подходящий английский эквивалент: нанимать
Найдите подходящий английский эквивалент: подчиненный
Найдите подходящий английский эквивалент: распределять
Найдите подходящий английский эквивалент: управлять
Найдите подходящий английский эквивалент: участвовать
Найдите синоним: ability
Найдите синоним: common
Найдите синоним: deficiency
Найдите синоним: diversity
Найдите синоним: permanent
Найдите синоним: scarce
Найдите синоним: successful
Найдите синоним: to hire
Найдите синоним: weakness
Найдите антоним: to encompass
Найдите антоним: to establish
Найдите синоним: valuable

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ПКОЯз. Англ. Профкурс (деловой) - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
Вставьте подходящее слово в пропуски: All of the money... in bank.
Вставьте подходящее слово в пропуски: Have you got... work to do?
Вставьте подходящее слово в пропуски: Susan Black is... engineer.
Вставьте подходящее слово в пропуски: The idea was...
Вставьте подходящее слово в пропуски: The news... very good.
Вставьте подходящее слово в пропуски: The scissors... in the bottom drawer.
Вставьте подходящее слово в пропуски:... EEC (European Community) is made up of 12 members
Вставьте подходящее слово в пропуски:... banks provide... firms with... finance.
Вставьте подходящее слово в пропуски:... time is... money.
Вставьте подходящее слово в пропуски: Either his children or his wife... arriving today.
Вставьте подходящее слово в пропуски: A number of doctors... employed by the hospital.
Вставьте подходящее слово в пропуски: The number of female doctors... growing.
Вставьте подходящее слово в пропуски: Everyone... required to write a composition.
Вставьте подходящее слово в пропуски: Every man, woman, and child... given a free ticket.
Вставьте подходящее слово в пропуски: A number of students... missing from class.
Вставьте подходящее слово в пропуски: A number of students... expressed interest in the new course.
Вставьте подходящее слово в пропуски: Venture capitalists have to take... financial risks.
Вставьте подходящее слово в пропуски: Sole traders may find it difficult to raise... capital.
Вставьте подходящее слово в пропуски: I need... time to think about your offer but I' ll phone first thing tomorrow morning.
Вставьте подходящее слово в пропуски: In... year' s time we' ll be market leader.
Вставьте подходящее слово в пропуски:... decisions are made after... prior consideration.
Вставьте подходящий предлог: Businesses come... all shapes and sizes.
Вставьте подходящий предлог: Do you have a meeting room... the hotel?
Вставьте подходящий предлог: Entrepreneurs who start a new firm... buying a functioning business are expected to contribute approximately half of required funds.
Вставьте подходящий предлог: I' ve got a reservation... three nights.
Вставьте подходящий предлог: If so, you are... the right track.
Вставьте подходящий предлог: Profit is the difference... a business' s total revenues and the total of its costs.
Вставьте подходящий предлог: The person who takes the chance in starting business by investing is guaranteed the right.. all profits.
Вставьте подходящий предлог: This freedom of choice applies... the individuals right to decide what type of work to do and where to work.
Вставьте подходящий предлог: When the bakery sells the bread... the supermarket, it charges more than the cost of making the bread.
Вставьте подходящий предлог:... addition, commercial banks give qualified small businesses a line of credit.
Дополните реплики: Mr. Robinson, may I introduce you to Mr. Watson? -...
Дополните реплики: What... (to happen) at the meeting (past simple)?
Дополните реплики: Which... (to cost) more (simple present)?
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): Avoid... jobs (тупиковый).
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): Commercial bank may make a... loan (временный, срочный).
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): Entrepreneurs must also present financial... (показатели).
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): Government officials will... a company' s building (проверять, проинспектировать).
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): In the private enterprise system individuals have the right to buy,..., use and sell property (владеть).
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): It is essential to start with... capital (достаточный).
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): Profit is the... goal of business (главная).
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): The IRS means...
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): The SBA means
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова):...... is one of the basic forms of business ownership (индивидуальная компания / предприятие).
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): Business in America is more than the large corporations with which we are all... (знакомы).
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): Companies... by developing better product and unique advertising programms (конкурировать).
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): Many observers advice small business owner to avoid... borrowing (чрезмерный).
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова):... banks are often reluctant to lend money to companies that have only been operating for a few years (к сожалению).
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): Prepare a personal financial statement listing the owner' s... (обязательства)
Найдите подходящий русский эквивалент: accountant
Найдите подходящий русский эквивалент: intangible property
Найдите подходящий русский эквивалент: lease
Найдите подходящий русский эквивалент: private enterprise system
Найдите подходящий русский эквивалент: profit
Найдите подходящий русский эквивалент: retailer
Найдите подходящий русский эквивалент: take a chance

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ПКОЯз. Англ. Профкурс (юридический) - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
Choose the right translation: заключение
Choose the right translation: заключение
Choose the right translation: bill of lading
Choose the right translation: bill of lading
Choose the right translation: byproduct
Choose the right translation: byproduct
Choose the right translation: delay
Choose the right translation: delay
Choose the right translation: insurance policy
Choose the right translation: insurance policy
Choose the right translation: integral
Choose the right translation: integral
Choose the right translation: invoice
Choose the right translation: invoice
Choose the right translation: marking
Choose the right translation: marking
Choose the right translation: payment
Choose the right translation: payment
Choose the right translation: penalty
Choose the right translation: penalty
Choose the right translation: shipment
Choose the right translation: shipment
Choose the right translation: specification
Choose the right translation: specification
Choose the right translation: supplement
Choose the right translation: supplement
Choose the right translation: total amount
Choose the right translation: total amount
Choose the right translation: transfer
Choose the right translation: transfer
Choose the right translation: value
Choose the right translation: value
Choose the right translation: ассортимент
Choose the right translation: ассортимент
Choose the right translation: банковские расходы (сборы)
Choose the right translation: банковские расходы (сборы)
Choose the right translation: в дальнейшем
Choose the right translation: в дальнейшем
Choose the right translation: готовность
Choose the right translation: готовность
Choose the right translation: грузополучатель
Choose the right translation: грузополучатель
Choose the right translation: дружественно
Choose the right translation: дружественно
Choose the right translation: качество
Choose the right translation: качество
Choose the right translation: конкурент
Choose the right translation: конкурент
Choose the right translation: коносамент
Choose the right translation: коносамент
Choose the right translation: монопольное право
Choose the right translation: монопольное право
Choose the right translation: недопоставка
Choose the right translation: недопоставка
Choose the right translation: общая стоимость
Choose the right translation: общая стоимость
Choose the right translation: пени
Choose the right translation: пени
Choose the right translation: подтверждать
Choose the right translation: подтверждать
Choose the right translation: порт назначения
Choose the right translation: порт назначения
Choose the right translation: поставка
Choose the right translation: поставка
Choose the right translation: претензии
Choose the right translation: претензии
Choose the right translation: расходы
Choose the right translation: расходы
Choose the right translation: свободно вдоль борта
Choose the right translation: свободно вдоль борта
Choose the right translation: склад
Choose the right translation: склад
Choose the right translation: ссылаться
Choose the right translation: ссылаться
Choose the right translation: страхование
Choose the right translation: страхование
Choose the right translation: счет-фактура
Choose the right translation: счет-фактура
Choose the right translation: убытки
Choose the right translation: убытки
Fill in prepositions. According … the contract, payment is to be made … cash
Fill in prepositions. According … the contract, payment is to be made … cash
Fill in prepositions. After signing the present contract all previous negotiations and correspondence between the parties … connection … it shall be considered null and void
Fill in prepositions. After signing the present contract all previous negotiations and correspondence between the parties … connection … it shall be considered null and void
Fill in prepositions. All aditions … the Contract are to be made … writing
Fill in prepositions. All aditions … the Contract are to be made … writing
Fill in prepositions. All disputes arising … the contract or … connection with it are to be settled by arbitration
Fill in prepositions. All disputes arising … the contract or … connection with it are to be settled by arbitration
Fill in prepositions. All expenses connected … the opening of the L/C are to be borne … the Buyer
Fill in prepositions. All expenses connected … the opening of the L/C are to be borne … the Buyer
Fill in prepositions. Discharge … the goods shall be … the Buyers’ expense
Fill in prepositions. Discharge … the goods shall be … the Buyers’ expense
Fill in prepositions. Discharging operations could not be carried out owing … circumstances which did not depend … the tanker
Fill in prepositions. Discharging operations could not be carried out owing … circumstances which did not depend … the tanker
Fill in prepositions. Each package will be provided … marking
Fill in prepositions. Each package will be provided … marking
Fill in prepositions. For the rest we leave this matter … your hands
Fill in prepositions. For the rest we leave this matter … your hands
Fill in prepositions. If the L/C is not opened … time, the Buyers are to pay the Sellers a fine … each day of delay.
Fill in prepositions. If the L/C is not opened … time, the Buyers are to pay the Sellers a fine … each day of delay.
Fill in prepositions. Payment is to be made … an irrevocable Z/C to be opened … favour of the Selbrs
Fill in prepositions. Payment is to be made … an irrevocable Z/C to be opened … favour of the Selbrs
Fill in prepositions. The awards … this Arbitration shall be final and binding … both parties concerned
Fill in prepositions. The awards … this Arbitration shall be final and binding … both parties concerned
Fill in prepositions. The Buyers are not entitled to resell the goods sold … them under the Contract to a third party … Sellers’ previous consent
Fill in prepositions. The Buyers are not entitled to resell the goods sold … them under the Contract to a third party … Sellers’ previous consent
Fill in prepositions. The Buyers represented a claim … the Sellers … non-conformity with the goods … the present Contract
Fill in prepositions. The Buyers represented a claim … the Sellers … non-conformity with the goods … the present Contract
Fill in prepositions. The Captain gave the Seller’s representative a written notice … readiness of the tanker … loading
Fill in prepositions. The Captain gave the Seller’s representative a written notice … readiness of the tanker … loading
Fill in prepositions. The cargo is to be accepted … the Buyers … respect … quantity.
Fill in prepositions. The cargo is to be accepted … the Buyers … respect … quantity.
Fill in prepositions. The contract was concluded between V/O “Rossexport” … the one part and Messrs A.B. Smith and Co. … the other part
Fill in prepositions. The contract was concluded between V/O “Rossexport” … the one part and Messrs A.B. Smith and Co. … the other part
Fill in prepositions. The damages were calculated … the rate … 0,5%.
Fill in prepositions. The damages were calculated … the rate … 0,5%.
Fill in prepositions. The goods are bought … f.o.b. terms
Fill in prepositions. The goods are bought … f.o.b. terms
Fill in prepositions. The goods are ordered … export from the UK … Russia
Fill in prepositions. The goods are ordered … export from the UK … Russia
Fill in prepositions. The goods must be passed … the Buyers’ Inspector … shipment
Fill in prepositions. The goods must be passed … the Buyers’ Inspector … shipment
Fill in prepositions. The guarantee doesn’t apply … rapidly wearing parts
Fill in prepositions. The guarantee doesn’t apply … rapidly wearing parts
Fill in prepositions. The L/C is to be established … the full value … each lot to be shipped under the contract
Fill in prepositions. The L/C is to be established … the full value … each lot to be shipped under the contract
Fill in prepositions. The L/C is to be opened … 15 days before the agreed time … shipment of the goods
Fill in prepositions. The L/C is to be opened … 15 days before the agreed time … shipment of the goods
Fill in prepositions. The oil was insured … usual marine risks
Fill in prepositions. The oil was insured … usual marine risks
Fill in prepositions. The Sellers have the right to refuse to consider any claim represented by the Buyers … the expiration of two months of the date of the B/L
Fill in prepositions. The Sellers have the right to refuse to consider any claim represented by the Buyers … the expiration of two months of the date of the B/L
Fill in prepositions. The Sellers substituted the tanker “Baku” … the tanker “Ashkabad”
Fill in prepositions. The Sellers substituted the tanker “Baku” … the tanker “Ashkabad”
Fill in prepositions. The tests shall not free the Suppliers … their liabilities
Fill in prepositions. The tests shall not free the Suppliers … their liabilities
Fill in prepositions. The weight shown … the Bill of Lading is binding … both parties
Fill in prepositions. The weight shown … the Bill of Lading is binding … both parties
Fill in prepositions. This offer is subject … immediate acceptance
Fill in prepositions. This offer is subject … immediate acceptance
Fill in prepositions. This will balance our account … you … the whole contract
Fill in prepositions. This will balance our account … you … the whole contract
Fill in prepositions. We agree … the quantities stated
Fill in prepositions. We agree … the quantities stated
Fill in prepositions. We are also … negotiation … the tonnage for late November loading
Fill in prepositions. We are also … negotiation … the tonnage for late November loading
Fill in prepositions. We are … urgent need … the goods
Fill in prepositions. We are … urgent need … the goods
Fill in prepositions. We hope that you will be able to supply us … two barrels more of caviar
Fill in prepositions. We hope that you will be able to supply us … two barrels more of caviar
Fill in prepositions. We must insist … your nominating a steamer … October
Fill in prepositions. We must insist … your nominating a steamer … October
Fill in prepositions. We regret that no mention is made … your letter … loadings during October
Fill in prepositions. We regret that no mention is made … your letter … loadings during October
Fill in prepositions. We will cable you the name and the capacity of the tanker … 5 days before her arrival … Batumi
Fill in prepositions. We will cable you the name and the capacity of the tanker … 5 days before her arrival … Batumi
Fill in prepositions. Will you kindly send us a cheque … this amount
Fill in prepositions. Will you kindly send us a cheque … this amount
Fill in prepositions. … accordance … the terms of the contract the goods were delivered in time
Fill in prepositions. … accordance … the terms of the contract the goods were delivered in time
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: gross weight
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: gross weight
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: January
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: January
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: letter of credit
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: letter of credit
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: limited
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: limited
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: marine insurance policy
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: marine insurance policy
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: Messieurs
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: Messieurs
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: Mister
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: Mister
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: nota bene
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: nota bene
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: November
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: November
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: ocean bill of lading
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: ocean bill of lading
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: October
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: October
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: pay on delivery
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: pay on delivery
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: port of call
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: port of call
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: quality
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: quality
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: quantity
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: quantity
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: Telegraphic transfer
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: Telegraphic transfer
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: that is
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: that is
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: trust receipt
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: trust receipt
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: vice-president
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: vice-president
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases:versus
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases:versus

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ПКОЯз. Англ. Профкурс (юридический) - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
A self-employed person can be engaged under a contract. What type of contract is it?
Choose the right prepositions. ... addition ... this his accounts are subject ... a yearly audit ... a professional accountant.
Choose the right prepositions. ... receiving the goods ... his carriage the carrier shall send ... demand ... shipper issue to the shipper and bill of lading.
Choose the right prepositions. ... spite ... the defected fixtures, the price ... the machine remains unchanged.
Choose the right prepositions. A contract for sale of goods is an agreement ... which the Seller transfers or agrees to transfer the property ... goods ... the buyer ... a money consideration.
Choose the right prepositions. An agent is someone who is employed ... a principal to make contracts ... his behalf ... third parties.
Choose the right prepositions. Banks provide a wide range ... financial services ... the commercial customer ... current accounts.
Choose the right prepositions. Consumer hire agreements are covered ... the provisions ... the Consumer Credit Act 1974.
Choose the right prepositions. Consumers usually find himself ... a weak bargaining position victims ... every one- sided contract.
Choose the right prepositions. Contracts ... work and materials are now subject ... the supply ... goods and services Act 1982.
Choose the right prepositions. If you agree with this price we shall be prepared to place the order ... your company.
Choose the right prepositions. It is usual to prepare bills of loading ... two or more parts and to send them ... the consignee ... separate mails.
Choose the right prepositions. Our engineers were favourably impressed ... the performance ... the Milling Machine.
Choose the right prepositions. Payment will be made ... effective pounds sterling’s ... London ... the Moscow Narodny Bank Ltd.
Choose the right prepositions. Sellers shall arrange ... a first class British bank to guarantee the refund ... this initial payment.
Choose the right prepositions. The balance ... 90% respect ... each consignment shall be paid.
Choose the right prepositions. The bill of loading is a receipt ... the goods and is also evidence ... the contract ... carriage.
Choose the right prepositions. The Buyers shall pay ... advance 10% ... the total contract value.
Choose the right prepositions. The contract ... the sale ... Wheat will be drawn ... ... our Brokers.
Choose the right prepositions. The contract was signed ... Mr A. D. Brown ... Messrs Brown and Co, Ltd.
Choose the right prepositions. The cost ... transporting the equipment ... Birmingham amounts ... $150.
Choose the right prepositions. The delay ... the vessel occured ... no fault ... the Sellers.
Choose the right prepositions. The financial services industry is subject ... a system ... regulation established ... the Financial Services Act 1986.
Choose the right prepositions. The goods will be shipped immediately ... receipt ... the latter ... guarantee.
Choose the right prepositions. The hirer obtains possession ... the goods but ownership never passes ... him and ... the end of the agreement, the goods must be returned ... the owner.
Choose the right prepositions. The late arrival ... the steamer was due ... a bad storm.
Choose the right prepositions. The most common form ... transaction ... the business world is a contract ... sale ... goods.
Choose the right prepositions. The object ... this practice is to guard ... loss ... transit.
Choose the right prepositions. The order ... the Buyer was accompanied ... a photocopy ... licence.
Choose the right prepositions. The person responsible ... the carriage can arrange ... carriage in one ... two days.
Choose the right prepositions. The samples are submitted ... the Buyer ... their Brokers.
Choose the right prepositions. The total price ... the order is to be paid ... 4 equal instalment.
Choose the right prepositions. Transactions relating ... land are governed primarily ... the Law ... Property Act 1925.
Choose the right prepositions. Under a hire agreement, the owner of goods allows someone else to make use ... them, ... return ... regular rental payment.
Choose the right prepositions. We enclose a bill ... Exchange drawn ... Messrs Smith and Co ... $500 ... 60 days.
Choose the right prepositions. We request you to keep us informed ... the trend ... price.
Choose the right prepositions. We will carefully examine the draft ... the contract worked ... ... you.
Choose the right prepositions. Whatever the nature of a contract, the law is based ... the assumption that the terms ... an individual contract are the result ... bargaining ... equals.
Choose the right prepositions. Whenever you buy goods, whether ... a supermarket, market stall or ... mail, you have entered ... a contract ... sale of goods.
Choose the right prepositions. You must use the goods ... a careful and proper manner and keep them ... good working condition and replace batteries ... remote control units, ... your own expense.
Choose the right prepositions. Your manufactures can be shown ... advantage ... our show- room.
Identify the kind of contract described. Bill Archer orders 10 cwt of fertilizer for use on his farm from Greener Fields Ltd. Payment is to be made within month of delivery.
Identify the kind of contract described. Jack and Jill, up and coming young fashion designers, buy shop premises in Bath, with the aid of loan secured on the property from their bank, West County Bank.
Identify the kind of contract described. James buys a new Ford Sierra from Smiths Motors by trading in Lia A-reg Capri, topped up by $5000 in cash.
Identify the kind of contract described. Johnson buys a new car in return for the payment of regular instalments of $500 a month. Payment is to be made within 3 years and then the ownership is transferred to Johnson.
Identify the kind of contract described. Kate buys a bottle of lemonade from her corner shop for 6p, plus 5p on the bottle.
Identify the kind of contract described. Kelly, Murphy & Co, Solicitors, enter into two year agreement with Copytech Ltd for the use of a photocopier. Copytech Ltd agree to keep the equipment “in good repair”.
Identify the kind of contract described. New Town Industrials Ltd employ Lorna Doone as a Sale Representative for the South Western region.
Identify the kind of contract described. Smith agreed to bring you 10 eggs and as an exchange you give him some flour.
Identify the kind of contract described. You place important documents in safe custody at a bank.
In this type of contract, goods can be acquired and then paid for over a period of time. What type of contract is it?
In this type of contract, someone is employed by another one to make contracts on his behalf with third parties. What type of contract is it?
It is a method of borrowing money on the severity of some property. What type of contract is it?
It is an agreement whereby a special company undertakes to compensate a person if the risk insured against does in fact accur. What type of contract is it?
No money changes hands in this type of contract. What type of contract is it?
The customer obtains immediate possession of the goods in return for the payment of regular instalments, the transfer of ownership is delayed until some specified condition is fulfilled. What form of consumer credit is it?
Under this agreement the owner of goods allows someone else to make use of them in return for regular rental payment. What type of contract is it?
What form of consumer credit is a way of buying goods and paying for them later ownership of the goods passes to the buyer at the start of the agreement?
What form of consumer credit is an agreement for the hire of goods, at the end of which the hirer may exercise an option to purchase them from the owner?

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ПКОЯз. Англ. Профкурс (юридический) - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
Are these statement true or false: A contract will be valid even if the parties don’t enter into it freely and voluntarily.
Are these statement true or false: All contracts must be in writing.
Are these statement true or false: Consideration must be sufficient but need not be adequate.
Are these statement true or false: Conveyances of land must be in the form of a speciality contract.
Are these statement true or false: If the offeror dies after having made an offer and the offeree is notified of the death, his acceptance will be valid.
Are these statement true or false: Most of the law contract can be found in Acts of Parliament.
Are these statement true or false: Social arrangements usually amount to contracts if they have some commercial flavour.
Are these statement true or false: The absence of an essential element will always render a contract either void, voidable or unenforceable.
Are these statement true or false: The display of goods with a price ticket in a shop window is an offer.
Are these statement true or false: The general rule of common law is that a mistake does not affect the validity of a contract.
Choose the right preposition: ... the course of making a contract one person delivers ... another a document which is a form ... acknowledgement or receipt but which ... fact contains the terms of the contract and limits the liability ... the party who delivers it.
Choose the right preposition: A contract ... sale ... goods is a contract whereby the seller transfers or agrees to transfer the property ... goods to the buyer ... the money consideration, called the price.
Choose the right preposition: A contract is an agreement ... two or more persons, which may be enforced if the law is properly invoked.
Choose the right preposition: A contract may be discharged ... payment, where the liability ... one party ... the other consists ... the payment of a sum of money.
Choose the right preposition: A promise to keep an offer open ... specific time is ... the nature ... and sub subsidiary promise.
Choose the right preposition: A true and real property while it is attached ... sail.
Choose the right preposition: All contracts, whether ... writing or made ... word ... mouth, require consideration to support them.
Choose the right preposition: An offer may be revoked .... any time ... acceptance.
Choose the right preposition: An offer must also be distinguished ... a declaration ... intention, as where an auctionee advertises his intention to sell ... auction specific goods ... a certain day.
Choose the right preposition: Breach ... contract may take place ... three ways.
Choose the right preposition: If a person receives a written offer which he accepts and acts ... he is bound ... the contents of the written, ... the absence of fraud or misrepresentation, whether he has read it or not.
Choose the right preposition: It is always important matter to determine ... which party the offer emanates.
Choose the right preposition: It must be also distinguished ... as invitation to make an offer; for instance, a trader who exhibits goods ... sale does not thereby make an offer even through he employes a “self service” system ... his shop.
Choose the right preposition: Real property must be transferred ... a deed.
Choose the right preposition: Revocation ... an offer, ... order to be operative, must be communicated and brought ... the knowledge ... the office.
Choose the right preposition: The consideration ... one’s person’s promise may be a promise made ... him, ... the other and the consideration is then said to be executory.
Choose the right preposition: The consideration must be ... some value ... the sight ... the law.
Choose the right preposition: The position is different if a party ... a contract make a promise ... a third party to carry ... his obligations ... the contract.
Choose the right preposition: The price is the consideration given ... the buyer ... the property ... goods.
Choose the right preposition: The same principle without doubt applies ... a normal advertisement ... goods ... sale
Choose the right prepositions: ... ... paragraph 5 ... the contract the Seller has the right to increase the quantity ... 5%.
Choose the right prepositions: ... reply ... your letter we request you to quote us your lowest price.
Choose the right prepositions: ... the contrary it has increased lately.
Choose the right prepositions: All the goods sold ... this contract will be shipped ... the end ... May.
Choose the right prepositions: As a matter ... fact, our sales ... these goods have greatly increased.
Choose the right prepositions: I wish to thank you .... your hospitality.
Choose the right prepositions: Our prices are based ... the quotations ... Paraffin Wax published ... this magazine.
Choose the right prepositions: The amount ... freight will be paid ... advance ... the port ... London.
Choose the right prepositions: The arbitration award is binding ... both the Seller and the Buyer.
Choose the right prepositions: The cost ... freight is estimated ... our agents.
Choose the right prepositions: The demand ... these goods has not declined.
Choose the right prepositions: The goods were sold ... c.i.f. terms.
Choose the right prepositions: The vessel was late owing ... a severe storm.
Choose the right prepositions: The vessel will call ... Hamburg ... the way ... London.
Choose the right prepositions: There is a good demand ... these goods ... Sweden.
Choose the right prepositions: We are contracting ... the manufacturing plant ... order to find ... when the machine will be ready ... shipment.
Choose the right prepositions: We are sending you, ... separate cover, our latest catalogue ... Compressors.
Choose the right prepositions: We have received your cheque ... $2000 enclosed ... your letter.
Choose the right prepositions: We regret to state that our clients are not satisfied ... the quality ... the samples sent ... you.
Choose the right prepositions: We trust that the catalogue will prove useful ... you.
Fill the words in the blanks: ... is the value or benefit that a party provides to the offers with whom the contract is made (встречное удовлетворение).
Fill the words in the blanks: A contract which possesses these requirements is said to be ... (законно имеющий силу).
Fill the words in the blanks: An ... is a proposal made a certain terms by the offeror with a promise to be bound by that proposal if the offeree accepts the stated terms (оферта).
Fill the words in the blanks: An ... may take any form (акцепт).
Fill the words in the blanks: For the purpose of establishing the ... of the parties agreements are devided into 2 categories (намерение).
Fill the words in the blanks: He must ... the contract before reaching the age of 18 (аннулировать).
Fill the words in the blanks: The ... can nonetheless sue on these contracts (несовершеннолетний).
Fill the words in the blanks: The agreement may be invalidated by a number of factors - for instance ... (заблуждение).
Fill the words in the blanks: The first requisite of any contract is ... (соглашение).
Fill the words in the blanks: There is only one type of contract which must be ... in writing: a contract of garantee (засвидетельствован).

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ПКОЯз АНГЛ Практикум по аналитическому чтению и письменной речи - Электронный экзамен

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
Point out correct statements: Herbert is described as
Point out correct statements: Biddy grew up
Point out correct statements: Estella was brought up
Point out correct statements: In the end
Point out correct statements: Jaggers is
Point out correct statements: Joe is shown in the novel as
Point out correct statements: Magwitch is shown as
Point out correct statements: Miss Havisham, as a child, was
Point out correct statements: Pip, as he is growing up, is shown as
Point out correct statements: Wemmick is shown as
Point out correct statements: What is a Wop(Canary Row)?
Point out correct statements: Who was Josh Billings (The Catcher in the Rye)?
Point out correct statements: Why has Henry (Canary Row) been working on building his boat for the last seven years and hasn’t finished it?
While reading The Catcher in the Rye where we could meet Holden and Phoebe talking… at the museum
Eliza is unhappy (after the party at an Embassy)
Higgins and Pickering are happy (after the party at an Embassy)
... was the only drink with which unhappy gentlemen soothed the fever of their previous night's potation.
According to Holden, what is a catcher in the rye?
According to the firm’s book Miss Saunders from Special duties was __________(print the position)
After Needle’s death Kathleen said that Needle was lucky because …
After Rinaldi and the major had gone, Federico found that he was _______, but went to sleep.
After Skinny had fallen ill, he was sent to a ________
Algernon came to Jack's country house under the name of...
Algernon's visit to John Worthing's house is a great success for him because he....
Algernon: Indeed, when 1 am in really great trouble, as any one who knows me intimately will tell you, 1 refuse everything except....
Amelia did not speak with Rebecca on the tender subject, she compensated herself with long and intimate conversations with the ...
Among the customers at Bogle’s was a young man named Seeders, who worked in …. .
Angel did not dance with Tess in the May-Day dance because ...
Apprised of her daughter's sudden flight by her (Gwendolen's) trusty maid, Lady Bracknell followed Gwendolen at once....
Asking Amelia questions about her brother Miss Sharp was interested in his ... first of all.
At first, according to Cecily, Jack was going to send his (imaginary) brother to ...
At nineteen Samuel had quit the country and come to town and spent a year in and out the city jail for … .
At the cashier’s desk sits …, cold sordid, slow smouldering and takes your money.
Captain Dobbin easily conveyed Mr. Jos Sedley into a hackney-coach which deposited him safely at ...
Cecily keeps diary to enter ...
Cecily: Miss Prism has just been complaining of ...
Cecily: The next day I bought this little ring in your name and this is the little.... I promised you always to wear.
Cecily: You must not laugh at me, but it had always been a girlish dream of mine to ...
Choose the article for each sentence
Choose the article for each sentence
Choose the article for each situation
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Alison and Nicholas decided to play … a trick.
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Alison, the young carpenter’s wife …. .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Curl was … hair, and as the gold it shone, and spread out as a fan large and broad.
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Daun John had permission to travel outside the boundaries of his abbey because … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Daun John … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Once upon a time a merchant lived … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Once upon a time there lived a rich lout that …
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. One day this hende Nicholas decided to … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Sir Thopas fell in love with … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Sir Thopas was born … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Sir Thopas was … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The carpenter … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The clerk who lived in the carpenter’s house was called … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The merchant had a wife … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The merchant went to Bruges … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The merchant … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The merchant’s wife asked Daun John ____
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The merchant’s wife …. .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The Miller’s Tale is … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The monk was …
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The young knight’s father was … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The young monk was … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. This rich lout was … .
Choose the preposition for each sentence if necessary
Choose the preposition for each sentence
Choose the preposition for each sentence
Choose the preposition for each sentence
Choose the right synonym. in good earnest
Colonel Pickering came back to England
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. I am glad of your ..., adieu, good Monsieur Melancholy.
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. I would cure you, if you would but call me ...
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. I would I were ..., to catch the strong fellow by the leg.
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. If you outstay the time, upon my honour, you ...
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. Love is merely a ..., and I tell you, deserves as well a dark house and a whip as a madmen do.
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. O, ominous! He comes to kill my ...
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. Shall we part, sweet girl? No, let my father seek another ...
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. Still we went ... and inseparable
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. The people ... her for her virtues.
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. The worst fault you have is ...
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. There lay he, stretched along, like a wounded ...
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. Unless you could teach me to forget a ... father.
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. What’s that to me? My father was no ...
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. Why, whither shall we go? To ... my uncle in the forest of Arden.
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. Will thou ... fathers? I will give thee mine.
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. Young man, have you ... Charles the wrestler?
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. Your accent is something ... than you could purchase in so removed a dwelling.
Complete the sentence according to the text: Admiral Chandler and his friend Colonel Frobisher
Complete the sentence according to the text: Dr Andersen was
Complete the sentence according to the text: Eliza Doolittle was really in love with
Complete the sentence according to the text: Hugh broke off our engagement because
Complete the sentence according to the text: Miss Carnaby had
Complete the sentence according to the text: Miss Carnaby refused to help Herculc Poirot, because
Complete the sentence according to the text: Miss Lemon was a woman without imagination,
Complete the sentence according to the text: Mrs. Pearce is not happy to hear that Professor undertakes to teach Liza proper accent because
Complete the sentence according to the text: The title of the play is ironic
Crick, the master-dairyman, was ...
Cross out the odd word:
Cross out the odd word:
Cross out the odd word:
Cross out the odd word:
Cross out the odd word:
Cross out the odd word:
Cross out the odd word:
Cross out the odd word:
Cross out the odd word:
Cross out the odd word:
Cross out the odd word:
Cross out the odd word:
During the war Kathleen had been engaged to ______
Everyone kept telling Needle she was ______
Federico and the others were side-tracked for a long time that side of Mestre and ______ came and peeked in.
Federico got a little boy to go for _____, but he came back and said he could only get grappa.
Federico said that _______ are a wonderful little people, fond of dancing and light red wines.
Federico was put in the field hospital because ____ .
Garden at the Manor House, an old fashioned one full of...
George could not divorce Matilda, because …
George kept a … in Durban:
George killed Needle because …
George took charge of Amelia and she looked as happy as a ...
George was taken to a nursing home, because he …
George went to the police and gave himself up after …
Gino said where it really had been hell was at … and the attack beyond Lom that had gone bad.
Having arrived to Jack's house Lady Bracknell tells Jack that all _____ between him and her daughter must cease immediately.
Henry Higgins was ________ (position)
Henry Higgins met Eliza in the portico of ______
Holden never hid in Phoebe's room …
How did Doc find out that there was to be a birthday party for him?
How did Joey’s father commit suicide?
How did Mack “accidentally” find out Doc’s birthday?
How long does the treatment continue at Quitters, Inc.?
In 1862 Hardy went to London to work as ...
In The Importance of Being Earnest Algernon loved __________(print the first name)
In The Importance of Being Earnest Cecily loved __________(print the first name)
In The Importance of Being Earnest Jack loved __________(print the first name and the surname)
In The Importance of Being Earnest Gwendolen loved __________(print the first name and the surname)
Increasingly harsh attacks by critics on his "pessimism" and "immorality" in the later novels led Hardy...
Instead of money, with what did Mack and the boys buy products from Lee Chong?
It is in … that we become Christian.
It was strange for Federico to go up the slope where the … had been, beyond the place on the river where he had been wounded.
It was … when the priest came in. (A Farewell to Arms )
It was … who had actually sent the boy (Samuel) to Jefferson in the first place: he had caught the boy breaking into his commissary store and ordered him off the place.
Jack came back to his country-house from London long before Monday afternoon in order to announce that his (imaginary) brother ...
Jack liked to spend his Sundays ...
Jack: But you don't really mean to say that you couldn't love me if my name wasn't...?
Jack: Well, the only small satisfaction 1 have in the whole of this wretched business is that your friend Bunbury is quite....
Joe Larrabee sold the water-color of the obelisk to
Joe Larrabee was pulsing with a genius for
John Durbeyfield was a ________ (profession)
John Durbeyfield was prepared to sell his title for ... pound
John Durbeyfield was what was locally called a ________
Jos almost drew away the audience who were gathered round the musicians and received from hearers a ...
Kathleen’s aunt lived in ____
Lady Bracknell to Cecily: Dear child, of course you know that Algernon has nothing but his....
Lady Bracknell: "Fortunately in England education ..."
Lady Bracknell: I merely desire information. Until yesterday I had no idea that there were any families or persons whose origin was a ...
Leave out the odd word, list the others
Leave out the odd word, list the others
Leave out the odd word, list the others
Leave out the odd word, list the others
Leave out the odd word, list the others
Leave out the odd word, list the others
Leave out the odd word, list the others
Leave out the odd word, list the others
Leave out the odd word, list the others
Leave out the odd word, list the others
Leave out the odd word, list the others
Leave out the odd word, list the others
Leave out the odd word, list the others
Leave out the odd word, list the others
Leave out the odd word, list the others
Leave out the odd word, list the others
Leave out the odd word, list the others
Leave out the odd word, list the others
Leave out the odd word, list the others
Leave out the odd word, list the others
Leave out the odd word, list the others
Leave out the odd word, list the others
Leave out the odd word, list the others
Leave out the odd word, list the others
Leave out the odd word
Leave out the odd word
Leave out the odd word
Leave out the odd word
Leave out the odd word
Leave out the odd word
Leave out the odd word
Leave out the odd word
Leave out the odd word
Leave out the odd word
Leave out the odd word
Leave out the odd word
Leave out the odd word
Leave out the odd word
Leave out the odd word
Leave out the odd word
Leave out the odd word
Leave out the odd word
Leave out the odd word
Leave out the odd word
Leave out the odd word
Lisa would like to get rid of her Cockney
Match each word with its translation
Match each word with its translation
Match each word with its translation
Match each word with its translation
Match each word with its translation
Match each word with its translation
Match each word with its translation
Match the words with their meanings
Match the words with their translation
Match the words with their translation
Match the words with their translation
Match the words with their translation
Match the words with their translation
Match the words with their translation
McCann's wife's name is:
Miss Prism says she ...
Miss Worsham lived alone in the … house her father had left her.
Mollie Beauchamp was staying in town … .
Morrison's wife's name is:
Mr. Crick called Angel Clare ...
Mrs. d'Urberville's handwriting: seemed rather ...
Needle got her nickname, because …
Needle happened to be alone in the empty house of Kathleen’s aunt, because ____
Needle thought of her type of luck after _____
Needle thought that George needed _____
Needle went to the Portobello Road …
Needle’s Rhodesian friends referred to Matilda as …
Noble people in Pigmalion are:
On the whole Tess spent at Trantridge poultry-farm about...
On their way from Miss Pinkerton's institution to Miss Amelia Sedley's home Rebecca and Amelia were talking about...
Point out correct statements (3):
Point out correct statements (3):
Point out correct statements (A Farewell to Arms):
Point out correct statements(A Farewell to Arms):
Point out correct statements:
Point out correct statements:
Point out correct statements:
Point out correct statements:
Point out correct statements:
Point out correct statements:
Point out correct statements:
Point out correct statements:
Point out correct statements:
Point out correct statements:
Point out correct statements:
Point out correct statements:
Point out correct statements:
Point out correct statements:
Point out correct statements:
Point out correct statements:
Point out correct statements:
Point out correct statements:
Point out correct statements:
Point out correct statements:
Point out correct statements:
Point out correct statements:
Point out correct statements:
Point out correct statements:
Point out correct statements:
Point out correct statements:
Point out correct statements:
Point out the word not going with dinner
Point out the word not going with distant
Point out the word not going with fluttering
Point out the word not going with furnished
Point out the word not going with genteel
Point out the word not going with lively
Point out the word not going with mist
Point out the word not going with promising
Point out the word not going with restraint
Point out the word not going with smart
Point out the word not going with topic
Professor Higgins undertakes to teach Liza proper accent
Quitters, Inc. is located on:
Rebecca: «And your sister is the ... ; happy man who wins her».
T Hardy was born in ...
Tess had to take the beehives to market because ...
Tess told her mother that Alec d'Urberville called her __________
Tess's full name was __________(print the first name and the surname)
The accident happened to Prince and the mail-cart because ...
The action of shipman’s tale in The Canterbury Tales takes place in
The action of Go down, Moses takes place in _______(month)
The author of A Service of Love is __________(print the first name and the surname)
The author of Destructors is _____________ (print the first name and the surname)
The author of German Harry is __________________ (print the first name and the surname).
The author of Macbeth is __________(print the first name and the surname)
The author of The Ant and the Grasshopper is _________________ (print the first name and the surname)
The author of Special duties is ________ (print the first name and the surname)
The author of Тhе Labours of Hercules is __________(print the first name and the surname)
The author of Тhе Nemean Lion is ________________ (print the first name and the surname).
The author of A brief Debut of Tildy is __________(print the first name and the surname)
The author of A Farewell to Arms is __________(print the first name and the surname)
The author of A Farewell to Arms is __________(print the first name and the surname)
The author of As You Like It is __________(print the first name and the surname)
The author of Go down, Moses is __________(print the first name and the surname)
The author of Great Expectations is __________(print the first name and the surname)
The author of Pygmalion is ___________ (print the first name and the surname)
The author of Quitters, Inc. is __________(print the first name and the surname)
The author of Quitters, Inc. is __________(print the first name and the surname)
The author of Respectability is __________(print the first name and the surname)
The author of Special duties is ____________ (print the first name and the surname)
The author of The Black Madonna is __________ (print the first name and the surname)
The author of The Canterbury Tales is __________(print the first name and the surname)
The author of The Canterbury Tales is __________(print the first name and the surname)
The author of The Catcher in the Rye is __________(print the first name and the surname)
The author of The Creatan Bull is ______________ (print the first name and the surname)
The author of The Importance of Being Earnest is _________ (print the first name and the surname)
The author of The Portobello Road is ___________ (print the first name and the surname)
The author of Vanity Fair is __________(print the first name and the surname)
The author of The Catcher in the Rye is __________(print the first name and the surname)
The author of The Flock of Gerion is __________ (print the first name and the surname)
The Brigade had received orders that …. should be held no matter what happened. (A Farewell to Arms)
The character of The Portobello Road George was married to __________(print the first name)
The characters of the play are gathered together because
The characters of The Black Madonna Henry and Oxford were from ________
The customers at Bogle’s were Aileen’s … .
The Flower girl (Eliza) is introduced as
The ganre of As You Like It is _________
The ganre of Macbeth is a _________
The ganre of Pygmalion is a _________
The hero of A Service of Love is __________(print the first name)
The hero of German Harry had been an able _______ on a sailing vessel in his youth (profession).
The hero of German Harry is a __________ (position in social life).
The hero of Тhе Labours of Hercules is __________(print the first name and the surname)
The hero of Тhе Nemean Lion is a dog called __________(print the first name and the surname)
The hero of Great Expectations is __________(print the first name)
The hero of Pygmalion is __________(print the first name and the surname)
The hero of Special duties is __________(print the first name and the surname)
The hero of The Black Madonna is __________(print the first name and the surname)
The hero of The Creatan Bull is a young man __________(print the first name and the surname)
The hero of Respectability is __________(print the first name and the surname)
The heroine of A Service of Love is __________(print the first name)
The heroine of Тhе Nemean Lion is __________(print the first name and the surname)
The heroine of A brief Debut of Tildy is a _______ (profession)
The heroine of Pygmalion is __________(print the first name and the surname)
The heroine of The Black Madonna is __________(print the first name and the surname)
The heroine of The Creatan Bull is __________(print the first name and the surname)
The heroine of Vanity Fair is __________(print the first name and the surname)
The Miller’s tale is a fabliau, that means a
The murder of Needle was known as …
The narrator (A Farewell to Arms) had expected the Bainsizza to be ….
The narrator (A Farewell to Arms) lived ________
The needs of Bogle’s customers were supplied by … .
The new leader of the gang in Destructors is __________(print the first name)
The Note taker proves to be
The perambulator contained..., but the baby wasn't there.
The real leader of the gang in Destructors has been __________(print the first name)
The superintendent had put Wash into the obscure office at Winesburg to avoid discharging him, and he meant … .
The tale of Sir Thopas is a ________ of the metrical romances
The villain in Destructors is __________(print the first name)
The villain in The Flock of Gerion is __________ (print the abbreviation of the title and the surname)
The villain of The Creatan Bull is ___________ (print the title and the surname)
The Voice at Bogle came from the kitchen and … .
The Voice contented itself with vain repetitions of exclamations emitted by … concerning food.
The words can be formed from the word heart.
The words __________ can be formed from the word good
The words ___________ can be formed from the word ill
The words ___________ can be formed from the word rest
The words ___________ can be formed with the suffix -ly.
The words ____________ are formed correctly.
The words _____________ can be formed from the word child.
The words ______________ can be formed from the word
The words _______________ are formed correctly.
The ‘ant’ in The Ant and the Grasshopper is __________(print the first name and the surname)
The ‘grasshopper’ in The Ant and the Grasshopper is __________(print the first name and the surname)
The … has wisdom, because he is defeated from the start.
There was much … among the steady customers at Bogle’s.
They who had finished eating ate more that they might … .
Tildy was a good waitress and the men … her.
To Needle the main attraction of marrying Skinny was …
To prove that George had absolutly no motive in killing Needle, Kathleen told the police that _______
To- believe Miss Prism the Primitive Church has not lasted up to the present days because it....
Upon each table at Bogle’s stands the counterfeit of that benign sauce made … .
Upset by the refusal of Jack and Algernon to be baptized Chasuble says he must go at once as he has just been informed by the pew-opener that for the last hour and a half ... has been waiting for him in the vestry.
What color of hair does Dora have?
What did Darling become sick with?
What did Donatti do to the rabbit?
What did Donatti do with Morrison's cigarettes on his second visit to Quitters, Inc.?
What did Dora’s girls use to fend off the uninvited guests at Doc’s party?
What did Frankie steal from the store?
What did Henri give Doc for his birthday?
What did Holden offer Sally?
What did Mrs. Malloy give Doc for his birthday?
What did Sam Malloy give Doc on his birthday?
What didn’t Holden discuss with the two nuns?
What does McCann give Morrison at the bar at the airport?
What does Morrison give to the old man at Dempsey's bar?
What happened to James Castle?
What happens if Morrison puts on weight?
What is a hinge?
What is a “galley” on a boat or ship?
What is Holden's sister's name?
What is Mort Minelli's nickname?
What is Phoebe's real middle name?
What is the English equivalent to “медуза”?
What is the name of the record Holden bought for Phoebe?
What middle name does Phoebe use?
What relationship do Morrison and McCann have between them?
What was Doc collecting in La Jolla?
What was Holden looking for in Central Park?
What was Mrs. Antolini wearing when Holden arrived?
What wasn’t Holden looking for in Central Park?
What were the boys doing during the parade?
When Angel met Joan Durbeyfield for the first time he observed she was ...
When George returned home from Africa, Kathleen thought he _____
When George told Needle that he was going to marry Kathleen, she said it would have been …
When is St. Patrick’s Day?
When Liza comes to see Professor Higgins
When Needle saw George in the Portobello Road for the first time, he …
When one loves ones Art no service seems ….
When Rebecca saw the two magnificent Cashmere shawls which Joseph Sedley had brought to his sister she said that....
Where did Holden want to work instead of going to another school?
Which of the following does Holden dislike?
Whilom means ___________
Who did Morrison meet at the bar at Kennedy International?
Who gave Doc a rowing machine for his birthday?
Who had an ulcer?
Who had lung cancer?
Who is Mrs. Casini?
Who or what did Holden like?
Whose words are these: If a Body Meet a Body Coming through the Rye!
Why did Doc hit Mack several times in the mouth?
Why did Phoebe think that her father would kill Holden?
Why did Richard Frost leave the house in the middle of the night?
Why did the hitchhiker get out of Doc’s car on the way to La Jolla?
Why did women always leave Henri?
Why didn’t Doc come to his first party?
Why doesn't McCann tell Morrison how the treatment at Quitters, Inc. works?
Why was McCann's wife's finger cut off?
_____ was still a great joke at the mess. (A Farewell to Arms )
_______ was going to Milan too. (A Farewell to Arms)
________ won the fighting that summer
«He is very kind and good,» Amelia said to Rebecca about her brother Joseph, but... ».
«How are you, Sedley?» , that young wag began. «There's a ... downstairs with a black eye and tied-up head».
«My poor papa», Rebecca said to Amelia, «could give me nothing, and I had but... in all the world».
“ sheaf” is
“ to feel low” means
“ to shove down” means
“I’ll have nothing to do with them” said Wash Williams, looking with … eyes at the men who walked along the station platform past the telegraph office.
“to undo” means
Match antonyms
Match synonyms
Match the synonyms
Match the synonyms
Match the synonyms
Match the synonyms
Match the synonyms
Match the synonyms
Match the synonyms
Point out correct statements:
Sandbourne was ...
«Good Heavens! Dobbin, where have you been?», Osborne said, seizing the ... from his friend's arm.
Мг. Sedley could not endure his son's ...

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Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
The Catcher in the Rye was published in:
... used to come for Cuff to ride home on Saturdays.
After his first talk with Lady Bracknell Jack says she is ...
Algenon came to Jack’s country house to …
Algernon ...
Algernon came to Jack’s country house under the name of …
Algernon claims that more than half of modern culture depends on ...
Algernon invented a certain Bunbury ...
Algernon says it is awfully hard work ...
Algernon says that the amount of women in London who flirt with their ... is perfectly scandalous.
Algernon: Indeed, when I am in really great trouble, as any one who knows me intimately will tell you, I refuse everything except....
Algernon’s visit to John Worthing’s house is a great success for him because he….
Apprised of her daughter's sudden flight by her (Gwendolen’s) trusty maid, Lady Bracknell followed Gwendolen at once....
At first, according to Cecily, Jack was going to send his (imaginary) brother to …
Captain Dobbin wanted to join the party at supper and he paraded twice before his friends and ...
Cecily keeps diary to enter …
Cecily tells Miss Prism that she wishes Uncle Jack would … his brother …
Cecily to Algernon: And this is the box in which I keep all your ...
Cecily …
Cecily: Miss Prism has just been complaining of ...
Cecily: The next day I bought this little ring in your name and this is the little.... I promised you always to wear.
Cecily: You must not laugh at me, but it had always been a girlish dream of mine to ...
Cuff could knock you off forty Latin verses an hour and could ...
Cuff’s fight with .... and the unexpected issue of that contest, will long be remembered by every man.
Dobbin ... . He was no willing to spoil sport.
Dobbin burst out laughing at himself, for the truth is, he could sing no better than ...
Dobbin had for once forgotten the world and was away with Sindbad the Sailor in the Valley of Diamonds, when ... woke up his pleasant reverie.
Dobbin’s parent was a ... in the City.
Every soul in the coach agreed, that on that night ...
Figs, alone in the schoolroom was ..., when Cuff, entering, bade him go upon some message which tarts were probably the subject.
Figs, being a ...., brought his arm into action and hit at Cuff’s left eye.
Garden at the Manor House, an old fashioned one full of ...
Gwendolen says that whenever people talk to her about the weather she always feels quite certain that they ...
Gwendolen: "Mr. Worthing, I think it only fair to tell you quite frankly beforehand that I am fully determined to ...
Gwendolen: I am glad to say that I have never seen a.... It is obvious that our social spheres have been widely different.
Gwendolen: It's a divine name. It has music of it's own. It produces....
Having arrived to Jack's house Lady Bracknell tells Jack that all.... between him and her daughter must cease immediately.
High and low, all ...
How Rebecca now felt the want of ... who would have managed the business in ten minutes.
In order to get up to town Jack pretended to have ...
Interviewed by Lady Bracknell as an eligible bachelor Jack says ...
Interviewing Jack as an eligible bachelor Lady Bracknell says ... that Jack knows nothing.
It was, of course, Mrs. Sedley’s opinion that ...
Jack (John Worthing ) is Cecily’s …
Jack (John Worthing) was found by Mr. Thomas Cardew ...
Jack came back to his country-house from London long before Monday afternoon in order to announce that his (imaginary) brother …
Jack decides to announce that his imaginary brother is carried off suddenly by ...
Jack liked to spend his Sundays …
Jack tells Algernon he is in love with ...
Jack tells Algernon that Cecily ...
Jack told Algernon that he had received the cigarette case as a present from ...
Jack was found in a ...
Jack's cigarette case had an inscription that read ...
Jack: But you don't really mean to say that you couldn't love me if my name wasn't...?
Jack: I say it's perfectly heartless your eating ... at all, under the circumstances.
Jack: Lady Bracknell, but it is only fair to tell you that according to the terms of her grandfather’s will Miss Cardew does not come legally of age till she is....
Jack: My dear fellow, I made arrangements this morning with Dr. Chasuble to ... at 5.30.
Jack: Well, the only small satisfaction I have in the whole of this wretched business is that your friend Bunbury is quite....
John Worthing was called ... in town and ... in the country.
Lady Bracknell (pencil and notebook in her hand): "I feel bound to tell you that you are not down on my list of... "
Lady Bracknell to Cecily: Dear child, of course you know that Algernon has nothing but his....
Lady Bracknell: A few weeks later, through the elaborate investigations of the Metropolitan police, the perambulator was discovered at midnight....
Lady Bracknell: I merely desire information. Until yesterday I had no idea that there were any families or persons whose origin was a ...
Lady Bracknell: “A man should always have an occupation of some kind. There are far too many ... in London as it is.”
Lady Bracknell: “Fortunately in England education ...”
Lane ...
Lane didn't think it was ... to listen to the music played by Algernon in the adjoining room.
Leaving for town Uncle Jack always lays particular stress on Cecily’s …
Let’s step into the ... with the Russell Square party and be off to the Gardens.
Miss Prism is …
Miss Prism says she …
Miss Rebecca Sharp and her stout companion lost themselves in a solitary walk, they both felt that situation was extremely tender and Jos Sedley ...
Mr. Sedley said that his son Jos was ...
Old Dobbin, his father, gave him ... , most of which he spent in a general tuck-out for the school.
On hearing from Jack that he has not got parents Lady Bracknell ...
Rebecca kissed old Mr. Sedley and her behaviour was so affecting that he was going ...
Talking to Jack about Gwendolen and her mother Lady Bracknell Algernon says ...
The boy had been instructed to get over the playground wall and to ...
The first question Lady Bracknell asked Jack her prospective son-in-law, was
The perambulator contained..., but the baby wasn't there.
To believe Miss Prism the Primitive Church has not lasted up to the present days because it….
Upset by the refusal of Jack and Algernon to be baptized Chasuble says he must go at once as he has just been informed by the pew-opener that for the last hour and a half … has been waiting for him in the vestry.
When Algernon learns from Jack about his intention to marry Gwendolen he says it is impossible because ...
When Algernon quite unexpectedly met Jack in his country-house he….
When Algernon was making a declaration of love to Gwendolen she said that her ideal had always been
When Gwendolen said she adored the name Ernest and did not like the name Jack, John Worthing (Jack) ...
When Jack missed (noticed the absence of) his cigarette case he ...
When Jack returned to his country-house and found Chasuble there he asked the priest …
When Jack who had just come home from London saw Algernon he…
When Lady Bracknell saw Jack standing on his knees before Gwendolen , she ...
When two unmarried people get together, and talk upon such ... subjects, a great deal of confidence and intimacy is presently established between them.
William Dobbin retreated to .... , where he passed a half holiday in the bitterest sadness and woe.
Wnen Jack was talking to Algernon at his place in Half-Moon Street the latter was all the time ...
'By pure chance' means
'Enduring' means
'Impenetrable' means
'Imperishable' means
'Impervious' means
'Merely' means
'Scrap' is
'To dangle' means
'To toil' means
'Vocation' is
... was the only drink with which unhappy gentlemen soothed the fever of their previous night’s potation.
A ... made the young people remain at home and not to go to Vauxhall.
A slight pain in Mr. Ferraro’s chest reminded him of his …
A woman with fair opportunities , and without an absolute hump, ...
According to Blackie, if Trevor … that would have been an exploit worthy of the gang:
According to Elizabeth, she did not work, because …
According to George he … a fortune in tobacco:
According to George, he would never have married Matilda if …
According to George, Matilda was …
According to George, Skinny and Needle had treated him … in Rhodesia:
According to Holden, how old does one have to be to get a cocktail at Ernie’s?
According to Holden, what is a catcher in the rye?
According to Kathleen, all the women in her family were beautiful as girls, but they …
According to Kathleen, George spent a long time in her shop, because…
According to Mr. Ferraro, we are taught to pay first attention to … souls:
According to Mr. Hopkinson, Miss Sounders lived …
According to Mr. Thomas’ horoscope, he should …
According to the priest, the Black Madonna looked …
According to the text, what couldn’t Frankie help Doc with?
According to Trevor, Mr. Thomas’ house had a staircase … years old
According to Trevor, the house, in which Mr. Thomas lived, was built by …
According to Trevor’s plan, Mr. Thomas must have been stuck in …
Ackley’s favorite pastime is:
Ackley’s first name is:
After beginning treatment at Quitters, Inc., between which months did Morrison "sneak" a cigarette?
After beginning treatment at Quitters, Inc., how many times did Morrison smoke?
After Holden left the Antolini’s where did he go?
After Holden left the skating rink, what did he eat?
After Holden left the skating rink, where did he go to eat?
After Jos’s letter, It became clear to every soul in the house, except poor Amelia, that Rebecca should ..., and high and low agreed that, that event should take place as speedily as possible.
After leaving the band of archaeologists, Needle was able to live on the fee she got for writing …
After Needle’s death Kathleen said that Needle was lucky because …
After Rinaldi and the major had gone, Federico found that he was …, but went to sleep.
After Skinny had fallen ill, he was sent to a …
After the boys knew that Gay wasn’t coming back with the needed part for the Model T, who drove the rest of the way to Carmel Valley?
After the Parkers had decided to send their child to the adoption society …
All schoolboys at Dr. Swishtail’s famous school considered that the selling of goods by retail is a ...
Allie is:
Almost for the first time in his life, Mr. Sedley found himself talking without the least timidity or hesitation, to a person ...
Alone Piani was much gentler. When he was with the others he was a very … talker.
Amelia determined in her heart to ask her mother’s permission to present ... to her friend Rebecca.
Amelia did not speak with Rebecca on the tender subject, she compensated herself with long and intimate conversations with the ...
Amelia insisted upon Rebecca accepting ...
Amelia received the reply through Jos’s man that his master was ...
Amelia reminded her brother about a promise made last Easter holidays to take her to ...
Amelia was ... old when her brother Joseph went away.
Amelia: «You know, mamma, Rebecca’s father was our ... at Chiswick».
Among the customers at Bogle’s was a young man named Seeders, who worked in …. .
And presently the voices of the two speakers , Mr. and Mrs. Sedley, were hushed and replaced by the ...
Apart from George, … was grilled by the police in connection with the murder:
As for the girls, Amelia and Rebecca, they ...
As Mr. Sedley talked on, he grew quite bold, and actually had the audacity to ask Rebecca for whom she was knitting the green silk purse. «...», replied Rebecca, looking at him.
As the boys locked Mr. Thomas in the loo, he felt …
As the coach drove off, Miss Sharp put her pale face out of the window and flung the ... into the garden.
As the Parkers were expecting their child, they hoped to save up money for a …
Asking Amelia questions about her brother Miss Sharp was interested in his ... first of all.
At nineteen Samuel had quit the country and come to town and spent a year in and out the city jail for … .
At six weeks old George Osborne had received from John Sedley a present of a ...
At the beginning of their marriage, being worried about not having children, the Parkers had submitted themselves to medical tests as a result of which …
At the cashier’s desk sits …, cold sordid, slow smouldering and takes your money.
At the far end of the bridge there were …. standing on both sides flashing lights.
At the start of the winter came the permanent rain and with the rain came the … .
At what time was Morrison's wife electrocuted?
Before beginning treatment at Quitters, Inc., Morrison quit smoking once before. For how long of a period of time?
Before her marriage Lou had been a …
Before his departure Oxford promised to write to the Parkers …
Before Lou left Elizabeth’s house, she had given Elizabeth …
Before the bottle of champagne was emptied, of which Jos took ..., he had agreed to take the young ladies to Vauxhall.
Before Trevor joined the gang, … had been their leader:
Being offended by his father’s jokes Joseph Sedley took a goblet of champagne and it ...
Blackie asked Trevor if he hated Mr. Thomas a lot, because …
Blackie did not leave the gang because …
Blackie said he had seen … at work:
Blackie said that nobody would pinch things from Mr. Thomas’ house, because …
Blackie was anxious …
Boggley Wallah was...
Bonello …
By saying «I wish it were in the bottom of the Thames, I do» miss Sharp meant ...
By the end of the destruction the question of … no longer concerned the gang:
By the time Trevor arrived at the meeting, the boys had voted for …
Captain Dobbin easily conveyed Mr. Jos Sedley into a hackney-coach which deposited him safely at ...
Catherine and Federico lived … .
Catherine and Federico … .
Catherine and Federico … .
Catherine did not want to get married right away because … .
Catherine wanted to see … when they would come to America.
Childs was:
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “ weary” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “ woeful” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “a lout” is
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “a plain man” is
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “an enterprise” is
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “bargain” is
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “chaste” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “conclusion” is
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “countenance” is
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “disport” is
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “distress” is
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “eke” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “inwardly” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “ire” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “languor” is
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “lusty” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “meek” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “mirth” is
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “nay” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “oath” is
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “peppy” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “reverence” is
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “seemly” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “skittish” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “sly” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “squeamish” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “stale” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “therein” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “thereto” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to array” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to chide” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to claim” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to deem” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to dwell” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to endure” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to forsake” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to knit “ means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to lend” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to obey” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to perish” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to plain” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to plight’ means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to prick” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to reckon” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to relate” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to repent” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to tarry” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to void” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to wail” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “tournament” is
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “woe” is
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. ”zealous” means
Choose the correct translation. Alas, what danger will it be to us, maids as we are, to travel forth so far!
Choose the correct translation. He was furnished like a hunter.
Choose the correct translation. Herein I see thou lovest me not with the full weight that I love thee.
Choose the correct translation. I am no villain, I am the youngest son of Sir Rowland de Bois.
Choose the correct translation. I shall desire more love and knowledge of you.
Choose the correct translation. I will not cast away my physic but on those that are sick.
Choose the correct translation. O, Corin, that thou knew'st how do I love her!
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. A young knight named Arveragus … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Alison and Nicholas decided to play … a trick.
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Alison, the young carpenter’s wife …. .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Among Dorigen’s friends was …
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Arveragus and Dorigen … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Arveragus came home … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Arveragus … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Aurelius’s brother remembered that one day he saw … at Orleans
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Curl was … hair, and as the gold it shone, and spread out as a fan large and broad.
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Daun John had permission to travel outside the boundaries of his abbey because … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Daun John … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Dorigen took Arveragus’s proposal providing that … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Dorigen … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Dorigen’s friends … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. In a year after their marriage Arveragus … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Once upon a time a merchant lived … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Once upon a time there lived a rich lout that …
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. One day this hende Nicholas decided to … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Sir Oliphaunt … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Sir Thopas drove back from the country of Fairy and … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Sir Thopas fell in love with … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Sir Thopas was born … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Sir Thopas was … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The action of The Franklin’s Tale takes place in … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The carpenter … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The clerk who lived in the carpenter’s house was called … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The Host interrupted the narrator because … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The magician which Aurelius and his brother brought from Orleans … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The merchant had a wife … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The merchant went to Bruges … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The merchant … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The merchant’s wife asked Daun John … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The merchant’s wife …. .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The Miller’s Tale is … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The monk was …
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The tale of Sir Thopas is… .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The young knight’s father was … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The young monk was … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. This rich lout was … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. What other work is The tale of Sir Thopas often compared with?
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. When Arveragus had left, Dorigen … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. When Aurelius asked Dorigen to become his lover she …
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. When Dorigen learnt that the rocks vanished from man’s sight she …
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. When Dorigen told her husband what promise she had once given to Aurelius, Arveragus … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. When Sir Thopas came to the country of Fairy he met there … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Wretch Aurelius laid more than …. in languor and in torment.
Choose the right answer. Afraid is ...
Choose the right answer. Alack! expresses
Choose the right answer. And ’t is means
Choose the right answer. Hark! is
Choose the right answer. How now! is an expression of
Choose the right answer. I would thou couldst! means
Choose the right answer. i ’ th’ is
Choose the right answer. In ’s sleep is
Choose the right answer. Is ’scap’d means
Choose the right answer. Methinks is
Choose the right answer. Of late is ...
Choose the right answer. Prithee is
Choose the right answer. the like is
Choose the right answer. Thou durst is
Choose the right answer. Upon ’t is
Choose the right answer. Wherefore is
Choose the right synonym. marketable
Choose the right synonym. Alas! expresses
Choose the right synonym. by my troth
Choose the right synonym. in good earnest
Choose the right synonym. of late
Choose the right synonym. peace!
Choose the right synonym. to be heir
Choose the right synonym. to be in exile
Choose the right synonym. to be weary of
Choose the right synonym. to bear a cross
Choose the right synonym. to break one’s oath
Choose the right synonym. to breed smb
Choose the right synonym. to disguise
Choose the right synonym. to lament
Choose the right synonym. to mock smb
Choose the right synonym. to pretend to be
Choose the right synonym. to seek smb
Choose the right synonym. you are aware of
Choose the right variant of translation. He’s here in double trust
Choose the right variant of translation. I am his kinsman and his subject
Choose the right variant of translation. I dare do all that may become a man
Choose the right variant of translation. Bring forth men-children only!
Choose the right variant of translation. By the pricking of my thumbs, Something wicked this way comes
Choose the right variant of translation. Come, sisters, cheer we up his sprites, And show the best of our delights.
Choose the right variant of translation. False face must hide what the false heart doth know
Choose the right variant of translation. Had he not resembled my father as he slept, I had done’t
Choose the right variant of translation. O! these flaws and starts ... would well become a woman's story at a winter's fire ...
Choose the right variant of translation. proper stuff! This is the very painting of your fear...
Choose the right variant of translation. These deeds must not be thought after these ways:so, it will make us mad
Choose the right variant of translation. To know my deed, ’t were best not know myself
Choose the right variant of translation. What hath quenched them hath given me fire
Choose the right variant of translation. ’tis the eye of childhood That fears a painted devil
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. I am glad of your ..., adieu, good Monsieur Melancholy.
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. I would cure you, if you would but call me ...
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. I would I were ..., to catch the strong fellow by the leg.
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. If you outstay the time, upon my honour, you ...
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. Love is merely a ..., and I tell you, deserves as well a dark house and a whip as a madmen do.
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. O, ominous! He comes to kill my ...
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. Still we went ... and inseparable
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. Shall we part, sweet girl? No, let my father seek another ...
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. The people ... her for her virtues.
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. The worst fault you have is ...
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. There lay he, stretched along, like a wounded ...
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. Unless you could teach me to forget a ... father.
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. What’s that to me? My father was no ...
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. Why, whither shall we go? To ... my uncle in the forest of Arden.
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. Will thou ... fathers? I will give thee mine.
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. Young man, have you ... Charles the wrestler?
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. Your accent is something ... than you could purchase in so removed a dwelling.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cuff smuggled wine in and ...
D.B. has the following type of car:
D.B. is:
Describing Mr. Thomas’ house, Trevor told the boys that the house was …
Destroying Mr. Thomas’ savings Trevor told Blackie there would have been no fun if he had … Mr. Thomas:
Doc made what seemed to be chicken stew. What was it really made of?
During the war Kathleen had been engaged to …
Elizabeth had … children:
Elizabeth lived in …
Elizabeth was a …
Elizabeth was …
Elizabeth’s house was …
Elizabeth’s letters were …
Ernie is:
Even Miss Pinkerton, that ... , ceased scolding Amelia after the first time.
Every scholar leaving Miss Pinkerton’s academy ...
Everyone kept telling Needle she was …
Federico and the others were side-tracked for a long time that side of Mestre and … came and peeked in.
Federico did not like Rome because …
Federico got a little boy to go for …, but he came back and said he could only get grappa.
Federico said that … are a wonderful little people, fond of dancing and light red wines.
Federico was put in the field hospital because … .
For how long had Doc told the waitress that he had been drinking beer milk-shakes?
For how long was Morrison electrocuted?
For how long was Morrison's wife electrocuted?
For what reason did Mack tell the Captain why he needed to catch frogs for Doc?
For whom does Morrison work?
For whom were Doc and Hazel collecting starfish?
George accused Needle of …
George and Matilda had … children:
George could not divorce Matilda, because …
George could see Needle in the Portobello Road on Saturdays, because Saturday was the day when he …
George explained to Needle that he had married Matilda, because …
George kept a … in Durban:
George killed Needle because …
George married Matilda in …
George Osborne promised to ...
George Osborne was ... and had been one of the family any time these three-and-twenty years.
George took charge of Amelia and she looked as happy as a ...
George treated Matilda as a …
George was always desperately afraid of …
George was taken to a nursing home, because he …
George went to Africa …
George went to the police and gave himself up after …
George’s old cousin was …
George’s uncle had a … farm in Africa:
Gino said where it really had been hell was at … and the attack beyond Lom that had gone bad.
Gladstones are:
Graham Greene called his books …
Graham Greene’s life was …
Graham Greenе ran away from school, because…
Graham Greenе was a son of a …
Hamp Worsham had blurred eyes and a fringe of white hair about the head and face of a … general
Henry Pierce and Oxford St. John came from …
Henry Pierce and Oxford St. John were taken on at the …
Henry was desirous of …
Henry was sent off to a sanatorium in Wales after he had taken …
Henry was … years old:
His hair was grey and he was short and fat. Whose description is it?
Holden and Phoebe see at the zoo:
Holden and Stradlater got into a fist fight because:
Holden asked each taxi driver:
Holden didn’t call his sister because:
Holden drank in the Lavender Room:
Holden is ___ years old.
Holden left the Lavender Room because:
Holden met at Ernie’s:
Holden met on the train:
Holden saw through his window at the hotel:
Holden thought the piano player in the Wicker Bar was:
Holden was the manager of (sport):
Holden’s last name is:
How did Doc find out that there was to be a birthday party for him?
How did Holden inform his sister that he wanted to meet her at lunch time?
How did Holden know where Ernie’s was located?
How did Holden meet Jane Gallagher?
How did Holden put his cigarette out in Phoebe’s room?
How did Joey’s father commit suicide?
How did Lee Chong acquire the Palace Flophouse?
How did Mack “accidentally” find out Doc’s birthday?
How did they called the wide hats?
How did William die?
How long does the treatment continue at Quitters, Inc.?
How many cigarettes a day did Minelli smoke?
How many miles away is La Jolla from Monterey?
How many miles did the boys carry the stove from Seaside to Cannery Row?
How many times a year does Mrs. Talbot usually celebrate her birthday?
How many times was Steinbeck in Russia (then the USSR)?
How much did the electricity cost for electrocuting Morrison's wife?
How much is a "score?"
How much money did Phoebe give Holden?
How much was the bet between Doc and Richard Frost?
How much was the rent per week on the Palace Flophouse to be paid to Chong?
How was Doc’s shirt torn at the party?
Hughie was the first person from the Palace Flophouse to bring in «furniture.» What was it?
I don’t know on what pretext Osborne left the room, or why, presently, Amelia went away, perhaps to ...
If a dear girl has no dear mamma to ... , she must do it for herself.
If a person is too poor to keep a ... he must sweep his own rooms.
In La Jolla, besides octopi and cradles, what else did Doc find?
In Mr. Thomas’ opinion, horoscopes spoke …
In Raymond’s opinion, Oxford was a …
In the dark the flood looked … The water swirled and it was wide.
In those days, in England, where Rebecca and Amelia lived, to say «Long live, Bonapart» was as much as to say «Long live ... !»
In what year was Cannery Row written?
In which city does Morrison live?
In which city is Quitters, Inc. located?
Insert the proper word. ... face must hide what the ... heart doth know.
Insert the proper word. ... I heard a voice cry, sleep no more.
Insert the proper word. ... knows what she has known
Insert the proper word. ... when in swinish sleep Their drenched natures lie as in ...
Insert the proper word. And Pity, like a ... babe
Insert the proper word. And wash this …witness ... from your hand.
Insert the proper word. At first and last, the ... welcome
Insert the proper word. but I shame ... a heart so white
Insert the proper word. for none of women ... shall harm Macbeth
Insert the proper word. Gentlemen rise, his ... is not well.
Insert the proper word. Had he not ... my father as he slept
Insert the proper word. having no witness to ... my speech
Insert the proper word. How is't with me, when every noise ... me?
Insert the proper word. I am ... to think what I have done.
Insert the proper word. I dare do all that may ... a man
Insert the proper word. Macbeth, Macbeth, Macbeth: ... Macduff
Insert the proper word. One cried God ... us
Insert the proper word. Ourselves will ... with society
Insert the proper word. Sit ... friends: my Lord is often thus
Insert the proper word. That which hath made them ..., hath made me ...
Insert the proper word. The table’s ...
Insert the proper word. This even-handed ...
Insert the proper word. Unnatural deeds do ... unnatural troubles
Insert the proper word. Yet my heart ... to know one thing
Instead of a cigarette in Morrison's mouth, which of the following does Morrison put in his mouth?
Instead of money, with what did Mack and the boys buy products from Lee Chong?
It is in … that we become Christian.
It was ... who made Rebecca a present of a doll a year she was admitted to Miss Pinkerton institution.
It was ... who used to say to ... , «Get me a situation - we hate each other, and I am ready to go».
It was ... who won the love of everybody in the Mall.
It was Rebecca’s... who wrote a letter to Miss Pinkerton recommending Rebecca to her protection.
It was strange for Federico to go up the slope where the … had been, beyond the place on the river where he had been wounded.
It was Trevor who suggested the gang should … Mr. Thomas’ house:
It was … when the priest came in.
It was … who had actually sent the boy (Samuel) to Jefferson in the first place: he had caught the boy breaking into his commissary store and ordered him off the place.
Joe Larrabee sold the water-color of the obelisk to
Joe Larrabee was pulsing with a genius for
Joe was in the East India Company’s Civil Service as .... of Boggley Wollah.
Jos almost drew away the audience who were gathered round the musicians and received from hearers a ...
Jos Sedley: «Amelia, my dear, I bought a ... at the same time, which I gave to Sambo»
Jos to Amelia: «Dear Amelia, as soon as I have recovered, for my health is very much shaken, I shall go to ... for some months.»
Joseph Sedley ...
Joseph Sedley ... by the fire when two girls entered the room
Joseph Sedley had a/an ...
Joseph Sedley was ... older than his sister Amelia.
Joseph was ... in man’s society.
Kathleen came to London …
Kathleen was …
Kathleen’s aunt had left many supplies and the only thing that Needle needed to buy was …
Kathleen’s aunt lived in …
Lillian was with at Ernie’s with:
Lou did not share her husband’s desire to invite the Ackleys to meet the Farrells because …
Lou did not want her future child’s first name to be “Mary”, because she thought that name was too …
Lou gathered from … that the Black Madonna helped three childless couples:
Lou liked when Henry read out lines from his favorite … which he had copied into an exercise book:
Lou Parker liked …
Lou Parker was a member of …
Lou Parker was … at the time that the miraculous powers of the Black Madonna came to be talked of:
Lou said her rosary … before the Black Madonna:
Lou suggested they should call their child … if it was a boy:
Lou told Raymond that she … their child:
Lou … Elizabeth’s monthly letters:
Lou, to Raymond’s … , decided that all their friends must meet Henry and Oxford:
Luce’s girlfriend is:
Manders Road was named after …
Many people had realized the war
Marsalla was:
Matilda was …
Matilda’s father was a …
Maurice hit Holden because:
Maurice is:
Maverick advised Mr. Ferraro …
McCann's wife's name is:
Mike was the only one who …
Miss Amelia Sedley could sing like ... .
Miss Jemima wanted to present a dictionary to Rebecca Sharp because she (Miss Jemima) ...
Miss Jemima was Miss Pinkerton’s ...
Miss Jemima: «I have put up two bottles of ... for Mrs. Sedley, and the receipt for making it»
Miss Pinkerton ..... French, .... .
Miss Pinkerton gave all teachers orders to treat Miss Sedley with utmost gentleness as hash treatment ...
Miss Pinkerton had to send for Dr. Floss and half tipsify Miss Swartz with ...
Miss Pinkerton recommended Rebecca for the situation of a governess to Sir Pitt Crawley’s family ...
Miss Pinkerton was known to write personally to the parents of her pupils only when her pupils ...
Miss Pinkerton wrote her own name in the fly-leaf of ..., the book, which she presented to her scholars on their departure.
Miss Pinkerton’s academy was for ...
Miss Rebecca said «Revenge may be wicked ...»
Miss Saunders had …
Miss Saunders qualifications were special:
Miss Saunders was described in the firm’s books as …
Miss Saunders was employed to look after …
Miss Saunders was …
Miss Sedley was glad to leave the Mall for home and ...
Miss Sedley’s papa was ... in London, a man of some wealth.
Miss Sharp ... Miss Pinkerton’s academy for young ladies on Chiswick Mall.
Miss Sharp’s eyes were so attractive that ... fell in love with her.
Miss Sharp’s father was ...
Miss Worsham lived alone in the … house her father had left her.
Mollie Beauchamp wanted Stevens to … .
Mollie Beauchamp was staying in town … .
Morrison's wife's maiden name was:
Morrison's wife's name is:
Most of the Parkers’s friends …
Mr. and Mrs. Guttingen’s son was studying to be … .
Mr. Ferraro discovered that Miss Saunders was at home with …
Mr. Ferraro engaged Miss Saunders …
Mr. Ferraro had the rare quality …
Mr. Ferraro had …
Mr. Ferraro insisted on Miss Saunders’ being in a state of … when she looked after his indulgences:
Mr. Ferraro regarded God as the …
Mr. Ferraro sat crouched in his Daimler waiting for …
Mr. Ferraro told Miss Saunders he could have attended to some of the indulgences if …
Mr. Ferraro was …
Mr. Ferraro … to combine business with pleasure:
Mr. Guttingen had been … .
Mr. Hopkinson was Mr. Fеrraro’s …
Mr. Sedley could not endure his son’s ...
Mr. Sedley [to his wife]: «Mark my words, dear, the first woman who fishes him ...»
Mr. Sedley: «Do you remember, Emmy, when you wrote to Osborne to come on Twelfth night and ... ?
Mr. Sedley: «He is out-Josephing Joseph, my dear, and all the while the boy is only thinking ...
Mr. Spencer was:
Mr. Thomas had mud on his shoes and he stopped to scrape them on the pavement’s edge because …
Mr. Thomas had once been a …
Mr. Thomas kept his savings in …
Mr. Thomas lived … in his crippled house:
Mr. Thomas spent in the loo …
Mr. Thomas was suffering from …
Mr. Thomas … plumbing:
Mr. Thomas’ horoscope warned him about …
Muriel Spark became a … in 1954:
Muriel Spark is celebrated as a …
Needle came to London …
Needle compared Kathleen with the poet Swinburne when Kathleen …
Needle got her nickname, because …
Needle got up speeches about … for industrial tycoons.
Needle happened to be alone in the empty house of Kathleen’s aunt, because ...
Needle met Kathleen and George in the Portobello Road … years later after her death:
Needle returned to England with …
Needle taught in … school in Kensington:
Needle thought of her type of luck after …
Needle thought that George needed …
Needle was told that George’s daughter was …
Needle went to the Portobello Road …
Needle’s Rhodesian friends referred to Matilda as …
Now and then Jos would make a desperate attempt to get rid of ... .
Of the following which has four legs?
Of the following which is a tree?
Of the following which is NOT a bird?
Of the following, which did Darling not chew up?
Old Sedley was a ...
On Allie’s baseball mitt was written:
On coming down from Ballion College, Oxford, Graham Greenе worked for four years as sub-editor on …
On Monday morning Summers was not eager to begin the destruction, because …
On the day of Miss Sedley’s departure from Miss Pinkerton’s academy, the girls ...
On the way back to the hotel as Lou called her husband “Ray”, he …
On their way from Miss Pinkerton’s institution to Miss Amelia Sedley’s home Rebecca and Amelia were talking about ...
On which floor did Holden stay in the hotel?
Once Doc asked Gay to collect turtles for him, however, Gay didn’t collect them. Why didn’t he?
Once in looking over some ..., Rebecca suddenly came upon one which caused her to burst into tears.
Once Needle found a … in the cinema for which she received a reward of fifty pounds:
Once, in looking over some drawings, which Amelia had sent from school, Rebecca suddenly came upon one which caused her to ...
One day Amelia ... and could not go upon some party of pleasure to which the two young people were invited.
Osborne: « I give Miss Sharp warning, that right or wrong , I consider Amelia is the ... in the world».
Ossenburger is:
Oxford St. John took up with a pretty …
Oxford was … than Henry:
Oxford’s love affair with his girlfriend came to …
Perhaps a dozen of times George Willard and the strange, shapeless man who lived in his father’s hotel … .
Poor Joe’s panic lasted for ... during which he didn’t visit the house.
Quitters, Inc. is located on:
Raymond advised Lou to be careful what she …
Raymond applied for promotion and …
Raymond considered Elizabeth …
Raymond discovered that there had been black blood in Lou’s family after he had …
Raymond fell out with his mother when …
Raymond had a feeling that when Lou went to the Black Our Lady and said her rosary praying for a baby she …
Raymond had been married for … years to Lou:
Raymond made a … for the baby when Lou was pregnant:
Raymond organized the … lottery in aid of the Church Decoration Fund:
Raymond Parker preferred …
Raymond Parker was a … at the motor works:
Raymond Parker was on the … committee.
Raymond told Lou if she didn’t want a child, he …
Raymond warned Lou not to tempt …
Raymond … being called Ray:
Rebecca asked Amelia questions about Mr. Joseph Sedley ...
Rebecca had a vivid imagination ; she had, besides, read ...
Rebecca interested Mrs. Blenkinshop, the housekeeper, be evincing the deepest sympathy in ..., which operation was then going in the kitchen.
Rebecca kissed Mr. Sedley’s hand when he ...
Rebecca kissed the ... as she put it on and woved she would never part with it.
Rebecca lived among young girls at the Mall for two years and ...
Rebecca sang .... her friend Amelia (though of course Osborne was free to keep his opinion)
Rebecca Sharp looked like ... at school for young ladies.
Rebecca Sharp was ...
Rebecca: «And your sister is the ... ; happy man who wins her».
Rebecca: «How could you be so cruel as to make me eat that ... at dinner ?!».
Rebecca: «I’ll do it, when I’m gone», and she dropped her voice and look so ..., that everybody felt how cruel her lot was, and how sorry they would be to part with her.
Rebecca’s duties in Miss Pinkerton’s academy were ...
Rebecca’s father thought to better his circumstances by ...
Rebecca’s father, after his third attack of .... , wrote a manly and pathetic letters to Miss Pinkerton.
Rebecca’s mother ...
Rebecca’s mother was of the ... origin.
Respectable parents set their houses topsy-turvy and spend a lot of money in ball suppers and iced champagne to ...
Richard Morrison is also called:
Salinger did last publish in:
Salinger was born in:
Salinger was born in:
Salinger’s first publication was in:
Salinger’s first publication was:
Sambo, who flung open the door and announced Mr. Joseph, followed grinning and bearing ..., which the monster had purchased in Covent Garden Market that morning.
Samuel Warsham was orphaned of his mother at death and deserted by his father, whom the … had taken and raised, or tried to
Samuel Worsham was executed for … .
Since the murder of Needle, Skinny had always been …
Skinny came to London …
Skinny persuaded George and Kathleen…
Snow did not come until … .
Speaking about her life in Miss Pinkerton’s academy Rebecca said that she
Stradlater asked Holden to do all of the following except:
Stradlater is:
Stradlater’s first name is:
Sunny is:
Sunny removed from Holden’s wallet:
Talking to Needle in Bulawayo? George described Matilda as a … woman.
The Black Madonna was carved out of …
The Black Madonna was installed in …
The Brigade had received orders that …. should be held no matter what happened.
The byrehand emigrated to Canada to start afresh …
The captain advised the narrator to go to … .
The customers at Bogle’s were Aileen’s … .
The fencing team didn’t win the competition because:
The gang met …
The gesture, when Mr. Ferraro knotted his fingers together in the shape some people use for prayer, meant that he …
The happiness, the superior advantage of the young women round about her gave Rebecca ...
The house of Kathleen’s aunt used to be a …
The initials «J.D.» in Salinger’s name mean:
The killing of … came suddenly and unreasonably .
The murder of Needle was known as …
The name of ... was always on the lips of Miss Pinkerton.
The narrator had expected the Bainsizza to be ….
The narrator lived …
The narrator shared the room with the … .
The needs of Bogle’s customers were supplied by … .
The next year there were many…
The old joker stopped his laughter and asked Sambo to give him and Joe ...
The only point in Amelia’s behaviour which was not satisfactory to her mistress was/were
The other carabinieri grabbed … from behind and pulled his arm up so that it twisted in the socket.
The Parker’s daughter was baptized and … became her godmother.
The plain was rich with … .
The priest and the narrator were talking while the others …
The priest’s father was a famous …
The superintendent had put Wash into the obscure office at Winesburg to avoid discharging him, and he meant … .
The task of husband-hunting is generally, and with becoming modesty entrusted by young persons to ...
The theme of the paper that Holden wrote for Stradlater was:
The three stupid women from whom Holden met in the Lavender Room were from:
The Voice at Bogle came from the kitchen and … .
The Voice contented itself with vain repetitions of exclamations emitted by … concerning food.
The … has wisdom, because he is defeated from the start.
The … were coming into the post, some were carried on stretchers, some walking and some were brought on the backs of men that came across the field.
Then, seizing Captain Dobbin’s hand and weeping in the most pitiful way, he ...
There was fighting in the mountains and at night they could see … .
There was much … among the steady customers at Bogle’s.
These fair young people passed such a/an ... evening together instead of having gone to Vauxhall.
They who had finished eating ate more that they might … .
They who sat at Tildy’s tables spoke to Tildy briefly, with quotations from … .
Tildy was a good waitress and the men … her.
Tildy was …, and too anxious to please.
Tina Farrell told the Parkers that if their child had been hers, she would …
Tina Farrell was …
Tina said that the Parkers’ daughter was …
To attract Joseph’s attention at table Rebecca ...
To Needle the main attraction of marrying Skinny was …
To prove that George had absolutly no motive in killing Needle, Kathleen told the police that …
Trevor did not believe in …
Trevor had been with the gang …
Trevor ordered Mike to smash … he would find in the kitchen:
Trevor said that the gang would need … to fulfil his plan:
Trevor said the gang would be in Mr. Thomas’ house like …
Trevor told the gang that a staircase in Mr. Thomas’ house looked like a …
Trevor was … years old:
Trevor’s father was a …
Trevor’s father …
Trevor’s mother considered herself …
Two days before Lou left the hospital … had visited her:
Up the river the … had no been taken; none of the … beyond the river had been taken.
Upon each table at Bogle’s stands the counterfeit of that benign sauce made … .
Wash Williams took care of his … .
Wash Williams was a man of … .
Wash Williams, the telegraph operator of Winesburg, was the … thing in town.
Wash’s girth was immense, his neck thin, his legs … .
What advice did the doctor give McCann?
What are galoshes?
What breed of dog did Jane Gallagher have?
What breed of dog did the watchman have at Tom Works’?
What color are Donatti's eyes?
What color of bow did Darling wear to the party?
What color of hair did the waitress have?
What color of hair does Dora have?
What color of hair does Phoebe have?
What did Allie die of on July 18, 1946?
What did Castle borrow from Holden?
What did Darling become sick with?
What did Doc find in his safe?
What did Doc have to do in La Jolla?
What did Donatti do to the rabbit?
What did Donatti do with Morrison's cigarettes on his second visit to Quitters, Inc.?
What did Dora’s girls use to fend off the uninvited guests at Doc’s party?
What did Eddie keep behind the bar at La Ida’s?
What did Frankie steal from the store?
What did Hazel gather with Doc in the tide pool?
What did Hazel hide in the bottom of his gunny sack while collecting starfish with Doc?
What did Henri give Doc for his birthday?
What did Holden and Phoebe do in Bloomingdale’s?
What did Holden buy for Phoebe?
What did Holden discuss with the two nuns?
What did Holden do each time he ordered a drink at the Wicker Bar?
What did Holden do in the bathroom at the Wicker Bar?
What did Holden do with Sunny’s dress?
What did Holden forget at the Antolini’s?
What did Holden give the two nuns?
What did Holden offer Mrs. Morrow?
What did Holden offer Sally?
What did Holden try to rub off on the stairs?
What did Holden want to do for Sally?
What did Holden want to give the coat-check girl at the Wicker Bar?
What did Holden yell before leaving the dormitory for the last time?
What did Holden’s mother have when she got home?
What did Holden’s parents say to him when they got home?
What did Joey and Willard find in the gutter?
What did Junk have in his hand when Morrison arrived at Quitters, Inc.?
What did Luce enjoy drinking?
What did Luce used to know a lot about?
What did Mack call the Captain’s dog?
What did Mr. Antolini offer Holden?
What did Mrs. Antolini offer Holden?
What did Mrs. Malloy give Doc for his birthday?
What did Mrs. Talbot say happened to her great-great-great-great-great grandmother?
What did Phoebe bring with her when she met Holden at the museum?
What did Phoebe do with the record Holden bought her?
What did Phoebe eat for dinner?
What did Phoebe put on her head when she became angry with Holden?
What did Phoebe’s mother accuse her of doing?
What did Sam Malloy give Doc on his birthday?
What did Stabile do to Castle?
What did the boys do with the gas in the Model-T after they returned it to Lee Chong?
What did the boys drink at the Captain’s?
What did the gopher lose after the fight with the bull gopher?
What did the nuns teach?
What did the two boys want to see at the museum?
What does swanky mean?
What does Donatti say that Morrison's maximum weight should be?
What does it mean to barge in?
What does it mean to cut classes?
What does it mean to get the ax?
What does it mean to give somebody a buzz?
What does it mean to kill time?
What does it mean to stick to one’s guns?
What does it mean to chuck?
What does it mean to drop a hint?
What does it mean to flunk?
What does it mean to get in a tiff with someone?
What does it mean to give someone a feel?
What does it mean to go to the can?
What does it mean to kid?
What does it mean to lose one’s marbles?
What does it mean to neck?
What does it mean to puke?
What does it mean to tee off?
What does it mean to horse around?
What does McCann give Morrison at the bar at the airport?
What does Morrison chew at Donatti's office?
What does Morrison do as a profession?
What does Morrison give to the old man at Dempsey's bar?
What does Morrison mean when he uses the statement "the rabbit trick?"
What does Morrison usually have for breakfast?
What does Mrs. Malloy want to buy for $1.98?
What does to chew the rag mean?
What does «posthumous» mean?
What else was in the room with the rabbit?
What had accidentally been eaten at Doc’s birthday party?
What happened to Federico ?
What happened to Holden while Phoebe was on the carrousel?
What happened to James Castle?
What happened to Phyllis Mae’s hand?
What happened to the cake that Eddie baked?
What happened to the police car?
What happened to the record?
What happens after the fifth offense of smoking a cigarette?
What happens after the first offense of smoking a cigarette?
What happens after the fourth offense of smoking a cigarette?
What happens after the second offense of smoking a cigarette?
What happens after the third offense of smoking a cigarette?
What happens if Morrison puts on weight?
What is a crew cut?
What is a highball?
What is a hinge?
What is a moron?
What is a novena?
What is a pervert?
What is a pimple?
What is a rattlesnake?
What is a skate key?
What is a virgin?
What is a Wop?
What is a “galley” on a boat or ship?
What is Alvin Morrison's middle name?
What is an I.O.U.?
What is an undertaker?
What is Canasta?
What is checkers?
What is Doc’s favorite beverage?
What is fencing?
What is Holden’s favorite cocktail?
What is Holden’s sister’s name?
What is Indian wrestling?
What is Luce’s first name?
What is Mort Minelli's nickname (кличка)?
What is one unit of lettuce called?
What is Oral Expression?
What is Phoebe’s real middle name?
What is the Great Gatsby?
What is the English equivalent to “медуза”?
What is the name of Doc’s laboratory?
What is the name of the record Holden bought for Phoebe?
What is the profession of Luce’s father?
What is wrong with Alvin?
What is wrong with the Caulfields’ maid?
What middle name does Phoebe use?
What movie did Holden, Ackley and Brossard see?
What movie scene was D.B. writing?
What position does McCann hold at Crager and Barton?
What reason did Holden give Mrs. Morrow why he couldn’t come for a visit?
What reason did Holden give Sunny why he didn’t want to have sex with her?
What relationship do Morrison and McCann have between them?
What ride did Phoebe take in the park?
What was between each room in the dormitory?
What was Doc afraid of?
What was Doc collecting in La Jolla?
What was Holden afraid of dying from?
What was Holden looking for in Central Park?
What was Holden’s favorite part of an orchestra?
What was Holden’s favorite part of the museum?
What was in the brown paper bag that the soldiers were carrying?
What was John Steinbeck’s given first name?
What was John Steinbeck’s wife’s name?
What was Kitty Randolph doing when Mrs. Talbot invited her over for tea?
What was Mrs. Antolini wearing when Holden arrived?
What was Mrs. Casini doing when Mrs. Talbot invited her over for tea?
What was Mrs. Lee Chong cutting on the butcher’s block when Mack came into Lee Chong’s store?
What was Phoebe studying in geography?
What was Phoebe wearing when Holden got home?
What was Phyllis Mae recovering from?
What was printed on Phoebe’s pajamas?
What was strange in how Jane Gallagher played checkers?
What was the favor that Stradlater asked Holden to do for him?
What was the name of Holden’s dog?
What was the name of the book D.B. wrote?
What was the name of the play in which Phoebe was to perform?
What was the old Chinaman’s name who walked to the ocean every evening and returned in the morning?
What was the previous record for skating on a flag pole?
What was the total cost of treatment at Quitters, Inc.?
What was the unusual drink that Doc ordered from the waitress?
What was the «100-year old man» looking for in the bathroom?
What was wrong with Mr. Spencer?
What was wrong with Mrs. Spencer?
What was wrong with the Captain’s dog?
What were the boys doing during the parade?
What would have Doc received if he had reported the dead body to the authorities?
What’s a half gainer?
What’s the only thing Holden likes?
What’s wrong with Ackley?
When after two years of married life Wash Williams found that his wife had managed to acquire three other lovers who came regularly to their house he … .
When Amelia and Rebecca entered the drawing-room where Mr. Joseph Sedley was he began to ...
When Amelia’s father entered the drawing-room and saw Miss Sharp and his daughter and son, he ...
When Blackie asked Trevor if he had found anything special, Trevor …
When did Mort Minelli die?
When Federico and Catherine went out of the coiffeur’s place it was … .
When George returned home from Africa, Kathleen thought he …
When George told Needle he was married to Matilda she said it was …
When George told Needle that he was going to marry Kathleen, she said it would have been …
When Henry mentioned the slum mentality, he thought of …
When Holden left his apartment he left by way of:
When in London Joseph Sedley lived ...
When is Doc’s actual birthday?
When is St. Patrick’s Day?
When Joseph Sedley worked in India he lived there ...
When Lou prayed to the Black Madonna, she wanted Oxford to …
When Lou was in hospital she gave instructions that no one except … should be let in to see her:
When Lou was pregnant she gave up most of her church work in order to …
When Minerva (Miss Pinkerton) intimated to Miss Sharp that she was to instruct the juniors in music, the young girl ...
When Miss Pinkerton gave Miss Sharp an opportunity of shaking one of her fingers at the moment of their parting, Miss Sharp ...
When Miss Pinkerton said that she had nourished a viper in her bosom she meant ...
When Miss Sharp’s father was drunk, he used to ...
When morning came, the good-natured Mrs. Sedley no longer thought of ...
When Morrison found cigarettes in the car, with whom was he angry?
When Mr. Ferraro found Miss Saunders’ house, he …
When Mr. Ferraro looked through the window at Miss Saunders, it became obvious to him that …
When Mr. Ferraro realized that Miss Saunders betrayed his trust, in her he thought that the next day he would …
When Mr. Ferraro saw Miss Saunders approach the upper window, she was …
When Mr. Ferraro telephoned his wife it was a …
When Mr. Ferraro visited Christie’s, he discovered that Maverick …
When Mr. Ferraro … it occured to him to check on Miss Saunders.
When Mr. Thomas gave the gang three packets of Smarties, Summers said that …
When Mr. Thomas offered the gang three packets of Smarties the boys were … by this action:
When Mr. Thomas saw the destruction of his house, he …
When Mr. Thomas was locked in the loo, he did not call out for help, because …
When Mr. Thomas was locked in the loo, one of the boys gave him a …
When Needle met George in a hotel in Bulawayo, they drank …
When Needle saw George in the Portobello Road for the first time, he …
When Needle saw Kathleen in the Portobello Road, Kathleen wanted to buy a …
When Needle saw Kathleen in the Portobello Road, Kathleen …
When one loves ones Art no service seems ….
When parting Rebecca Sharp addressed Miss Pinkerton in French and the latter ...
When Raymond came home from the hospital he … the cot in his first fury.
When Raymond saw his daughter for the first time she was …
When Rebecca called Joseph Sedley a very handsome man, she ...
When Rebecca saw the two magnificent Cashmere shawls which Joseph Sedley had brought to his sister she said that ....
When Rebecca was at the Mall she ...
When Rebecca was cheated into trying a chili she ...
When the Black Madonna was installed … himself came to consecrate it:
When the carriage was ready to leave Miss Pinkerton’s academy Miss Jemima ....
When the Matron told Raymond that his daughter would be black, he accused her of …
When the narrator came back to the front it was … .
When the new recruit said his name was “Trevor” it was a statement of …
When the new recruit said his name was “Trevor” …
When the Parkers got word about the adoption …
When the Parkers visited Elizabeth, she expressed admiration for …
When the Parkers visited Henry in the sanatorium, he was ...
When the sun was bright Federico and Catherine ate lunch … .
When the superintendent received the letter of complaint from the banker’s wife, he … and laughed unpleasantly.
When Trevor suggested the gang should meet at nine o’clock on Sunday morning, Mike said that he could not come because …
When Trevor’s position was in danger, it only needed a single use of his … and the gang would be at his heels:
When was John Steinbeck born and when did he die?
When was the Prohibition in the United States?
When Wash Williams was still a young man he married a woman at … .
Where did Allie die on July 18, 1946?
Where did Allie die?
Where did Henri meet his last girlfriend?
Where did Holden and Phoebe go after they met at the museum?
Where did Holden hide in Phoebe’s room?
Where did Holden keep his bags?
Where did Holden sleep at the Antolini’s?
Where did Holden want to work instead of going to another school?
Where did John Steinbeck die?
Where did Morrison find cigarettes in his car?
Where did Morrison find cigarettes in his study?
Where did Morrison smoke a cigarette after the beginning of treatment at Quitters, Inc.?
Where did Steinbeck study marine biology at?
Where did the Captain fall asleep after having drunk too much?
Where did the Malloys live?
Where does The Catcher in the Rye get its name?
Where does D.B. live?
Where does the "crony" work whom Morrison met at the bar?
Where was John Steinbeck born?
Where was Phoebe sleeping when Holden came home?
Where were Holden’s parents when he returned home?
Which letter can’t Lee Chong correctly pronounce in English?
Which of the following best describes Jane Gallagher’s father?
Which of the following did Doc not buy at the Thrift Market?
Which of the following does Holden dislike?
Which of the following doesn’t belong to the list?
Which of the following is an insect?
Which of the following is not considered a bad omen (supersticious) in America?
Which of the following movies is one of Mrs. Morrison's favorites?
Which performance did the Morrisons and McCanns see at the Helen Hayes Theater?
Which three things were absolutely necessary to take with you on an outing according to the boys?
While Mr. Thomas was locked in the loo, Summers was sent to watch the road for …
Whitney Clay was … town:
Who are the Caulfields’ neighbors?
Who are the Rockettes?
Who broke a leg as a result of a roller-coaster ride?
Who carried the student away that committed suicide?
Who did Frankie say his father was?
Who did Henri think he saw killed on his boat?
Who did Morrison meet at the bar at Kennedy International?
Who did not believe the war was over?
Who gave Doc a rowing machine for his birthday?
Who had lung cancer?
Who has an ulcer?
Who house-trained Darling?
Who is Faith Cavendish?
Who is Mrs. Casini?
Who is Red Williams?
Who or what was in the closet of Morrison's study?
Who played the piano at Ernie’s?
Who pushed the button to electrocute Morrison's wife?
Who spilled beer in the young woman’s lap?
Who was Josh Billings?
Who was Mr. Antolini?
Who was the regular elevator operator in Holden’s building?
Who were the French singers at the Wicker Bar?
Who won the fighting that summer
Who wrote If a Body Meet a Body Coming through the Rye?
Whom did Holden meet at the skating rink?
Whom did Holden meet while having breakfast?
Why did Doc hit Mack several times in the mouth?
Why did each taxi driver refuse to have a cocktail with Holden?
Why did Gay’s wife stop sending Gay to jail?
Why did Hazel’s mother give him a girl’s name?
Why did Holden become frightened of Mr. Antolini?
Why did Holden fall in the pond in Central Park?
Why did Holden feel sick in Central Park?
Why did it always take Doc a long time to travel anywhere?
Why did Jane not answer her father when he asked her if there were any cigarettes in the house?
Why did Phoebe give Holden money?
Why did Phoebe think that her father would kill Holden?
Why did Richard Frost leave the house in the middle of the night?
Why did the hitchhiker get out of Doc’s car on the way to La Jolla?
Why did the sheriff let Gay out of jail?
Why did women always leave Henri?
Why didn't Morrison open the closet door in his study?
Why didn’t Doc come to his first party?
Why didn’t Doc give the boys his car to collect frogs?
Why didn’t Faith Cavendish meet Holden?
Why didn’t Gay come back from town after he left to get a new carburetor?
Why doesn't McCann tell Morrison how the treatment at Quitters, Inc. works?
Why has Henry been working on building his boat for the last seven years and hasn’t finished it?
Why was Holden kicked out of school?
Why was McCann's wife's finger cut off?
Why was Steinbeck fired from a New York newspaper?
Why wouldn’t the motor work in Chong’s Model T Ford?
William Ferraro lived in …
William Ferraro’s business was called …
William Ferraro’s wife believed herself to be …
With whom did Gay arrive at the party?
With whom did Phoebe go to the movies?
Young people went off to the piano, which was situated, as pianos usually are in the ...
«Amelia had better ...», said her father, «and let G. Osborne see what a beautiful handwriting we have brought back from Miss Pinkerton.
«By Gad, Miss Rebecca, I wouldn’t hurt you again.» «No», she said, «I know you wouldn’t», and then she ....
«Do you remember, Sedley, what a fury you were in, when I cut ..., and how Amelia, rescued me from a beating by falling down on her knees?»
«Five dollars a throw» mean:
«Good Heavens! Dobbin, where have you been?», Osborne said, seizing the ... from his friend’s arm.
«He is very kind and good,» Amelia said to Rebecca about her brother Joseph, «but ... ».
«How are you, Sedley?» , that young wag began. «There‘s a ... downstairs with a black eye and tied-up head».
«How could you be so cruel as to make me ... the first day I ever saw you» - said Rebecca.
«I ... Hessian boots», said Rebecca, and Jos was extremely pleased at this remark.
«I can’t make you such handsome presents, Joseph», continued Amelia, «...but while I was at school, I have embroidered for you a very beautiful ... .»
«It was ... who prevented my marriage», Rebecca was thinking in her heart.
«It was ..., Jos», Mr. Sedley said, «to torment the poor boy so».
«I’m better now. How kind you all are to me! All,» said Rebecca with a laugh, «except you, ...».
«Let us ... , Miss Sedley, Amelia», said George Osborne.
«Miss Sharp», said George Osborne, «you, who are so clever an artist, you must make a picture of that scene. Sedley shall be represented in buckskins, and holding one of the injured ...»
«My dear, it’s a mercy he didn’t bring us over ...», said old Sedley to his wife.
«My dearest Amelia», said G. Osborne, «you don’t know the world. I do. And your little friend Miss Sharp must ...».
«My poor papa», Rebecca said to Amelia, «could give me nothing, and I had but ... in all the world».
«O heavenly, heavenly .... !» - exclaimed Miss Sharp and held them to her bosom and cast up her eyes to the ceiling, in an ecstasy of admiration.
«Oh, delightful», said Rebecca going to ... , but she recollected herself and paused, like a modest creature.
«Order Mr. Joe’s elephant, Sambo», cried the father , but seeing Joe really almost to ..., the old joker stopped his laughter .
«She shall ... tomorrow, the little artful creature», said Mrs. Sedley with great energy, when her husband told her that Emmy’s friend was fishing for their son.
«The children must ...», cried Mrs. Sedley talking about going to Vauxhall.
«The curry was capital, indeed it was», said Joe, quite gravely. «Perhaps, there was not enough ... in it; no there was not»
«Tomorrow, your papa and I ...», said Mrs. Sedley, discussing the idea of going to Vauxhall.
«Well, Jos , do you remember coming down in a gig to Dr. Swish tail’s to see me, before ...»
«What abominably cold weather Miss», and Joe fell to poking the fire with all his might, although it was in the middle of ... .
Вместо пропуска вставьте предлог He ran … matches and was afraid that his fire would go out
Вместо пропуска вставьте предлог Her eyes rested … an instant on the three francs I left for the waiter and I knew that she thought me mean
Вместо пропуска вставьте предлог I could not help thinking of this fable when the other day I saw George Ramsay lunching … himself in a restaurant
Вместо пропуска вставьте предлог I suppose every family has a black sheep Tom had been a sore trial … his for twenty years
Вместо пропуска, если необходимо, вставьте предлог He was not interested … the news we had to give him
Вставьте артикли, если необходимо He was glad that he was growing … old because Tom was growing … old too
Вставьте артикль, если необходимо He was nothing but … narrow, ignorant and cantankerous sea-faring man
Вставьте артикль, если необходимо I was in Thursday Island and I wanted very much to go to … New Guinea
Вставьте артикль, если необходимо It was twenty years ago and I was living in Paris, in … Latin Quarter
Вставьте артикль, если необходимо Maugham’s reputation as … novelist rests primarily on four books: Of Human Bondage (1915), The Moon and Sixpence (1919), Cakes and Ale (1930) and The Razor’s Edge (1944)
Вставьте артикль, если необходимо Poor George, only … year older than his scapegrace brother, looked sixty
Вставьте артикль, если необходимо W S Maugham was orphaned at … age of 10
Вставьте артикль, если необходимо When I was … very small boy I was made to learn by heart certain of the fables of La Fontaine
Вставьте предлог, если необходимо According the legend, Mr Poirot , Pekinese were lions once
Вставьте предлог, если необходимо He asked me whether … my way I would stop at the island of Trebuchet and leave a sack of flour, another of rice, and some magazines for the hermit who lived there
Вставьте предлог, если необходимо He seemed to be occupied … nothing but his dogs, his chickens and his food
Вставьте предлог, если необходимо I answered that I would meat my friend - … correspondence - at Foyot’s on Thursday at half-past twelve
Вставьте предлог, если необходимо It is a room … the first floor, looking on the street, and was meant for the drawing room
Вставьте предлог, если необходимо I’ve come to you because the man I’ve been engaged to for over a year has broken our engagement
Вставьте предлог, если необходимо Mrs Higgins was brought … on Moris and Burne Jones
Вставьте предлог, если необходимо Salvatore acted as nursemaid … his two younger brothers
Вставьте предлог, если необходимо Someone was fumbling the lock of the door
Вставьте предлог, если необходимо The flat of Hercule Poirot was furnished modern style
Вставьте предлог, если необходимо The shallow depression in the west of these islands is likely to move slowly … an easterly direction
Вставьте предлог, если необходимо The vicar had been but recently appointed, a red-faced energetic man … the early forties
Вставьте предлог, если необходимо You infamous creature, how dare you accuse me … such a thing?
Вставьте предлог, если необходимо You mean to say that in physical appearance I do not resemble a Hercules?
Выберите глагол со значением «красть»
Выберите глагол со значением «спускаться»
Выберите глагол со значением «щелкать»
Выберите правильную глагольную форму (меняя, в случае необходимости, порядок слов): For all he knew, a terrible epidemic … the entire human races
Выберите правильную глагольную форму (меняя, в случае необходимости, порядок слов): He announced that he … working
Выберите правильную глагольную форму (меняя, в случае необходимости, порядок слов): He wondered what I … in that part of the world
Выберите правильную глагольную форму (меняя, в случае необходимости, порядок слов): I'll be well off by the time I … fifty
Выберите правильную глагольную форму (меняя, в случае необходимости, порядок слов): It was long since I … her last
Выберите правильную глагольную форму (меняя, в случае необходимости, порядок слов): We're none of us … any younger
Выберите правильную глагольную форму (меняя, в случае необходимости, порядок слов): What did he care about when he … back home?
Выберите правильную глагольную форму (меняя, в случае необходимости, порядок слов): You can't read and write What would you be, if you … able to?
Выберите правильную глагольную форму (слегка меняя, в случае необходимости, порядок слов): I received a letter saying that she … through Paris
Выберите правильную грамматическую форму глагола He turned his head as they
Выберите правильную грамматическую форму глагола I have no right anything at all
Выберите правильную грамматическую форму глагола The flat of Hercule Poirot in a modern style
Выберите правильный вариант транскрипции слова «accident»
Выберите правильный вариант транскрипции слова «advantage»
Выберите правильный вариант транскрипции слова «communication»
Выберите правильный вариант транскрипции слова «consciousness»
Выберите правильный вариант транскрипции слова «determination»
Выберите правильный вариант транскрипции слова «insanity»
Выберите правильный вариант транскрипции слова «intelligent»
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Выберите правильный вариант транскрипции слова “ambassador”:
Выберите правильный вариант транскрипции слова “appearance”:
Выберите правильный вариант транскрипции слова “enthusiasm”:
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Выберите правильный вариант транскрипции слова “pronunciation”:
Выберите правильный вариант транскрипции слова “provocation”:
Выберите правильный вариант транскрипции слова “sociological”:
Выберите правильный вариант транскрипции слова “vehement”:
Выберите синоним глагола «to bother»
Выберите синоним глагола «to cry»
Выберите синоним глагола «to follow»
Выберите синоним глагола «to investigate»
Выберите синоним глагола «to murder»
Выберите синоним глагола «to realize»
Выберите синоним глагола «to shut»
Выберите синоним глагола «to suggest»
Выберите синоним глагола «to watch»
Выберите синоним глагола “to dare”
Выберите синоним глагола “to imagine”
Выберите синоним глагола “to pretend”
Выберите синоним глагола “to trudge”
Выберите синоним глагола “to utter”
Выберите синоним глагола “to whisper”
Выберите синоним глагола “to worry”
Выберите синоним слова “audible”
Выберите синоним слова “common”
Выберите синоним слова “compulsory”
Выберите синоним слова “creature”
Выберите синоним слова “dear”
Выберите синоним слова “dignity”
Выберите синоним слова “divine”
Выберите синоним слова “evident”
Выберите синоним слова “nonsense”
Выберите синоним слова “purpose”
Выберите синоним слова “remain”
Выберите синоним слова “tenancy”
Выберите синоним слова “wonder”
Выберите синоним слова «entirely»
Выберите синоним слова «reply»
Выберите слово со значением «алтарь»
Выберите слово со значением «бледность»
Выберите слово со значением «бормотать»
Выберите слово со значением «борода»
Выберите слово со значением «веер»
Выберите слово со значением «внешность»
Выберите слово со значением «внимание»
Выберите слово со значением «вырезанный»
Выберите слово со значением «гавань»
Выберите слово со значением «достоинство»
Выберите слово со значением «доступ»
Выберите слово со значением «жалоба» («жалобы»)
Выберите слово со значением «жемчуг»
Выберите слово со значением «жук»
Выберите слово со значением «кисть, ладонь»
Выберите слово со значением «морщина»
Выберите слово со значением «насекомое»
Выберите слово со значением «недоверчиво»
Выберите слово со значением «непредсказуемый»
Выберите слово со значением «обманывать»
Выберите слово со значением «ослаблять»
Выберите слово со значением «отдаленный»
Выберите слово со значением «отчаяние»
Выберите слово со значением «повторять»
Выберите слово со значением «подозрение»
Выберите слово со значением «преимущество»
Выберите слово со значением «признаться»
Выберите слово со значением «проповедь»
Выберите слово со значением «раздражение»
Выберите слово со значением «рассеянно»
Выберите слово со значением «расследовать»
Выберите слово со значением «смирение»
Выберите слово со значением «стая»
Выберите слово со значением «судно, корабль»
Выберите слово со значением «тонкий»
Выберите слово со значением «упрек»
Выберите слово со значением “мешок”
Выберите правильную грамматическую форму глагола I was wondering if a friend of mine here lately
Выберите правильную грамматическую форму глагола I congratulate you Your organization must indeed excellent
Выберите правильную грамматическую форму глагола But at that moment the dog turned its terrible head and
Выберите правильные грамматические формы глаголов I’ve come to you because the man I to for over a year our engagement
Выражение “to peer out” на русский язык переводится как
Вычеркните в каждом из набора вариантов продолжения предложений один, не соответствующий содержанию романа: Biddy grew up
Вычеркните в каждом из набора вариантов продолжения предложений один, не соответствующий содержанию романа: Estella was brought up
Вычеркните в каждом из набора вариантов продолжения предложений один, не соответствующий содержанию романа: Herbert is described as
Вычеркните в каждом из набора вариантов продолжения предложений один, не соответствующий содержанию романа: In the end
Вычеркните в каждом из набора вариантов продолжения предложений один, не соответствующий содержанию романа: Jaggers is
Вычеркните в каждом из набора вариантов продолжения предложений один, не соответствующий содержанию романа: Joe is shown in the novel as
Вычеркните в каждом из набора вариантов продолжения предложений один, не соответствующий содержанию романа: Magwitch is shown as
Вычеркните в каждом из набора вариантов продолжения предложений один, не соответствующий содержанию романа: Miss Havisham, as a child, was
Вычеркните в каждом из набора вариантов продолжения предложений один, не соответствующий содержанию романа: Pip, as he is growing up, is shown as
Вычеркните в каждом из набора вариантов продолжения предложений один, не соответствующий содержанию романа: Wemmick is shown as
Вычеркните неправильное словообразование (слово, которого нет в английском языке):
Вычеркните неправильное словообразование (слово, которого нет в английском языке):
Вычеркните неправильное словообразование (слово, которого нет в английском языке):
Вычеркните неправильное словообразование (слово, которого нет в английском языке):
Вычеркните неправильное словообразование (слово, которого нет в английском языке):
Вычеркните неправильное словообразование (слово, которого нет в английском языке):
Вычеркните неправильное словообразование (слово, которого нет в английском языке):
Вычеркните неправильное словообразование (слово, которого нет в английском языке):
Вычеркните неправильное словообразование (слово, которого нет в английском языке):
Вычеркните неправильное словообразование (слово, которого нет в английском языке):
Вычеркните слова, не подходящие по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слова, не подходящие по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слова, не подходящие по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слова, не подходящие по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слова, не подходящие по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слова, не подходящие по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слова, не подходящие по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слова, не подходящие по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слова, не подходящие по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слова, не подходящие по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слова, не подходящие по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слова, не подходящие по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слова, не подходящие по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слова, не подходящие по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слова, не подходящие по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слова, не подходящие по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слова, не подходящие по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слова, не подходящие по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слова, не подходящие по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слова, не подходящие по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слова, не подходящие по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слово или выражение, не подходящее по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слово или выражение, не подходящее по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слово или выражение, не подходящее по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слово или выражение, не подходящее по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слово или выражение, не подходящее по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слово или выражение, не подходящее по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слово или выражение, не подходящее по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слово или выражение, не подходящее по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слово, не объединяемое с указанным в словосочетание: a country may be
Вычеркните слово, не объединяемое с указанным в словосочетание: a topic can be
Вычеркните слово, не объединяемое с указанным в словосочетание: cogitation may be
Вычеркните слово, не объединяемое с указанным в словосочетание: cunning can be said about
Вычеркните слово, не объединяемое с указанным в словосочетание: dinner can be
Вычеркните слово, не объединяемое с указанным в словосочетание: distant can describe
Вычеркните слово, не объединяемое с указанным в словосочетание: flapping can be said about
Вычеркните слово, не объединяемое с указанным в словосочетание: fluttering can describe
Вычеркните слово, не объединяемое с указанным в словосочетание: furnished can be said of
Вычеркните слово, не объединяемое с указанным в словосочетание: genteel can describe
Вычеркните слово, не объединяемое с указанным в словосочетание: lively can be describe of
Вычеркните слово, не объединяемое с указанным в словосочетание: mist can be
Вычеркните слово, не объединяемое с указанным в словосочетание: one can stir
Вычеркните слово, не объединяемое с указанным в словосочетание: one can waste
Вычеркните слово, не объединяемое с указанным в словосочетание: promising can describe
Вычеркните слово, не объединяемое с указанным в словосочетание: restraint can be
Вычеркните слово, не объединяемое с указанным в словосочетание: smart can describe
Вычеркните слово, не объединяемое с указанным в словосочетание: the attention may be
Глагол “to repudiate” на русский язык переводится как
Глагол “to retort” на русский язык переводится как
Глагол “to insist” на русский язык переводится
Дополните предложение соответственно содержанию текста Admiral Chandler and his friend Colonel Frobisher
Дополните предложение соответственно содержанию текста Dr Andersen was
Дополните предложение соответственно содержанию текста Hugh broke off our engagement because
Дополните предложение соответственно содержанию текста Miss Carnaby had
Дополните предложение соответственно содержанию текста Miss Carnaby refused to help Hercule Poirot, because
Дополните предложение соответственно содержанию текста Miss Lemon was a woman without imagination,
Дополните предложение Current of air in a room, chimney or other enclosed place is called …
Дополните предложение If you knock a man down with your car, and then call him a fool, you are adding insult to …
Дополните предложение Person, walking in a street, is called …
Дополните предложение The way in which the language is spoken is called …
Дополните предложение When something makes or becomes greater in size, number, degree, etc, it means that it …
Дополните предложение When something or somebody causes trouble it or he/she is called …
Дополните предложение When you do something in a right, correct, suitable way you do it …
Дополните предложение When you look closely, as if unable to see well, you …
Дополните предложение When you say that you will have nothing more to do with something or somebody you … it/he/she
Дополните предложение When you take all your attention so that attention is not given to other matters, you are …
Задайте правильно разделительный вопрос The church clock strikes the first quarter,
Задайте правильно разделительный вопрос George Bernard Shaw was more than merely the best comic dramatist of his time,
Задайте правильно разделительный вопрос He said that he could pass the flower girl off as a duchess at an ambassador’s garden party in three months,
Задайте правильно разделительный вопрос Liza picks up the basket and trudges up the alley with it to her lodging,
Задайте правильно разделительный вопрос The note taker’s profession was also his hobby,
Задайте правильно разделительный вопрос The sarcastic bystander could easily tell a person where he or she came from,
Из предложенных слов выберите то, которое отличается от других
Из предложенных слов выберите то, которое отличается от других
Из предложенных слов выберите то, которое отличается от других
Из предложенных слов выберите то, которое отличается от других
Из предложенных слов выберите то, которое отличается от других
Какой частью речи является форма с -ing?: He knew without being told
Какой частью речи является форма с -ing?: It is a most amazing thing
Какой частью речи является форма с -ing?: I apologise for telling something …
Какой частью речи является форма с -ing?: I saw George lunching by himself
Какой частью речи является форма с -ing?: I don’t believe in overloading my stomach
Подберите антоним к глаголу «to meet»
Подберите антоним к глаголу «to worry»
Подберите антоним к слову «always»
Подберите антоним к слову «beautiful»
Подберите антоним к слову «danger»
Подберите антоним к слову «expensive»
Подберите антоним к слову «odd»
Подберите антоним к слову «outsider»
Подберите антоним к слову «resolutely»
Подберите антоним к слову «seldom»
Подберите антоним к слову «sentiment»
Подберите антоним к слову «upwards»
Продолжите предложение соответственно содержанию текста Eliza Doolittle was really in love with
Продолжите предложение соответственно содержанию текста George Bernard Show is
Продолжите предложение соответственно содержанию текста Henry Higgins was
Продолжите предложение соответственно содержанию текста The title of the play is
Продолжите предложение соответственно содержанию текста “Pygmalion” was claimed by Shaw to be
Продолжите предложение соответственно содержанию текста Henry Higgins wanted to teach Liza to speak standard English because
Продолжите предложение соответственно содержанию текста Mrs Pearce is not happy to hear that Professor undertakes to teach Liza proper accent because
Слово «envelope» на русский язык переводится как
Слово «harmless» на русский язык переводится как
Слово «to accept» на русский язык переводится как
Слово «to approach» на русский язык переводится как
Слово «to retire» на русский язык переводится как
Слово «to return» на русский язык переводится как
Слово «unexplained» на русский язык переводится как
Слово “ankle” на русский язык переводится как
Слово “brusquely” на русский язык переводится как
Слово “coyly” на русский язык переводится как
Слово “fit” на русский язык переводится как
Слово “frantically” на русский язык переводится как
Слово “gloomily” на русский язык переводится как
Слово “heartily” на русский язык переводится как
Слово “idle” на русский язык переводится как
Слово “molestation” на русский язык переводится как
Слово “presumptuous” на русский язык переводится как
Слово “queer” на русский язык переводится как
Слово “saucy” на русский язык переводится как
Слово “seldom” на русский язык переводится как
Слово “torrents”на русский язык переводится как
Слово “violently” на русский язык переводится как
Слово “vital” на русский язык переводится как
Укажите антоним каждого из следующих слов: communicative
Укажите антоним каждого из следующих слов: conscientious
Укажите антоним каждого из следующих слов: languor
Укажите антоним каждого из следующих слов: self-asserting
Укажите антоним каждого из следующих слов: ungainly
Укажите синоним каждого из следующих слов: a tramp
Укажите синоним каждого из следующих слов: gaze
Укажите синоним каждого из следующих слов: odd
Укажите синоним каждого из следующих слов: restraint
‘A janitor’ is
‘A queer girl’ is
‘Abominably’ means
‘Bleary eyes’ are
‘Clumsily’ means
‘Dumpy’ means
‘Fascinated’ means
‘Feeble’ means
‘Fee’ is
‘Flat dwellers’ are
‘Heathen’ means
‘Human coherence’ is
‘Obscure’ is
‘Overwhelmingly’ means
‘Perverted’ means
‘Plain-faced’ means
‘Sackcloth’ is
‘Shapely’ means
‘Soiled’ means
‘Spectacled’ means
‘The edge of town’ is
‘To afford’ means
‘To associate’ means
‘To be anxious to please’ means
‘To be bound to win’ means
‘To be content ’ means
‘To be entranced’ means
‘To blink’ means
‘To brake’ means
‘To chip in’ means
‘To clap’ means
‘To consume provisions’ means
‘To draw a conclusion’ means
‘To exchange repartee’ means
‘To fume’ means
‘To hasten’ means
‘To insult smb.’ means
‘To keep the chafing dish bubbling’ means
‘To linger’ means
‘To precede’ means
‘To pulse with a genius’ means
‘To snatch’ means
‘To stagger’ means
‘To vanish’ means
‘To wait upon’ means
‘Tremendous’ means
‘Vaguely’ means
“ filthy” means
“ rotten” means
“ scarce” means
“ sheaf” is
“ steadily” means
“ stove” is
“ to abandon” means
“ to bait” means
“ to bother” means
“ to climb”
“ to cuddle” means
“ to feel low” means
“ to grab” means
“ to invigorate” means
“ to pound” means
“ to put down” means
“ to roar” means
“ to run errands” means
“ to scrutinize” means
“ to shove down” means
“ to tiptoe” means
“ to trip” means
“ vile” means
“ wintry” means
“elaborate” means
“exhilaration” is
“gentle” means
“I’ll have nothing to do with them” said Wash Williams, looking with … eyes at the men who walked along the station platform past the telegraph office.
“pebble” is
“shriek” is
“steep” means
“stern” means
“stuffy” means
“swiftly” means
“to bellow” means
“to blaspheme” means
“to crackle” means
“to discourage” means
“to fall back”
“to fortify” means
“to lie flat” means
“to peek in” means
“to pick on” means
“to run smth.” means
“to smash” means
“to spark” means
“to splash” means
“to stir” means
“to stroke” means
“to undo” means
“wrecked” means
… , George used to tell his friends:
… was a sidesman:
… was going to Milan too .
… was still a great joke at the mess.
… was tall, beautiful, lively, gracious and learned in persiflage.
… was young and blushed easily and wore a uniform like the rest of them but with a cross in dark red velvet above the left breast pocket of his gray tunic.
But this arrangement left Mr. Joseph Sedley tête-à-tête with Rebecca, at the drawing-room, where she was occupied in ...

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Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
The Catcher in the Rye was published in:
... used to come for Cuff to ride home on Saturdays.
After his first talk with Lady Bracknell Jack says she is ...
Algenon came to Jack’s country house to …
Algernon ...
Algernon came to Jack’s country house under the name of …
Algernon claims that more than half of modern culture depends on ...
Algernon invented a certain Bunbury ...
Algernon says it is awfully hard work ...
Algernon says that the amount of women in London who flirt with their ... is perfectly scandalous.
Algernon: Indeed, when I am in really great trouble, as any one who knows me intimately will tell you, I refuse everything except....
Algernon’s visit to John Worthing’s house is a great success for him because he….
Apprised of her daughter's sudden flight by her (Gwendolen’s) trusty maid, Lady Bracknell followed Gwendolen at once....
At first, according to Cecily, Jack was going to send his (imaginary) brother to …
Captain Dobbin wanted to join the party at supper and he paraded twice before his friends and ...
Cecily keeps diary to enter …
Cecily tells Miss Prism that she wishes Uncle Jack would … his brother …
Cecily to Algernon: And this is the box in which I keep all your ...
Cecily …
Cecily: Miss Prism has just been complaining of ...
Cecily: The next day I bought this little ring in your name and this is the little.... I promised you always to wear.
Cecily: You must not laugh at me, but it had always been a girlish dream of mine to ...
Cuff could knock you off forty Latin verses an hour and could ...
Cuff’s fight with .... and the unexpected issue of that contest, will long be remembered by every man.
Dobbin ... . He was no willing to spoil sport.
Dobbin burst out laughing at himself, for the truth is, he could sing no better than ...
Dobbin had for once forgotten the world and was away with Sindbad the Sailor in the Valley of Diamonds, when ... woke up his pleasant reverie.
Dobbin’s parent was a ... in the City.
Every soul in the coach agreed, that on that night ...
Figs, alone in the schoolroom was ..., when Cuff, entering, bade him go upon some message which tarts were probably the subject.
Figs, being a ...., brought his arm into action and hit at Cuff’s left eye.
Garden at the Manor House, an old fashioned one full of ...
Gwendolen says that whenever people talk to her about the weather she always feels quite certain that they ...
Gwendolen: "Mr. Worthing, I think it only fair to tell you quite frankly beforehand that I am fully determined to ...
Gwendolen: I am glad to say that I have never seen a.... It is obvious that our social spheres have been widely different.
Gwendolen: It's a divine name. It has music of it's own. It produces....
Having arrived to Jack's house Lady Bracknell tells Jack that all.... between him and her daughter must cease immediately.
High and low, all ...
How Rebecca now felt the want of ... who would have managed the business in ten minutes.
In order to get up to town Jack pretended to have ...
Interviewed by Lady Bracknell as an eligible bachelor Jack says ...
Interviewing Jack as an eligible bachelor Lady Bracknell says ... that Jack knows nothing.
It was, of course, Mrs. Sedley’s opinion that ...
Jack (John Worthing ) is Cecily’s …
Jack (John Worthing) was found by Mr. Thomas Cardew ...
Jack came back to his country-house from London long before Monday afternoon in order to announce that his (imaginary) brother …
Jack decides to announce that his imaginary brother is carried off suddenly by ...
Jack liked to spend his Sundays …
Jack tells Algernon he is in love with ...
Jack tells Algernon that Cecily ...
Jack told Algernon that he had received the cigarette case as a present from ...
Jack was found in a ...
Jack's cigarette case had an inscription that read ...
Jack: But you don't really mean to say that you couldn't love me if my name wasn't...?
Jack: I say it's perfectly heartless your eating ... at all, under the circumstances.
Jack: Lady Bracknell, but it is only fair to tell you that according to the terms of her grandfather’s will Miss Cardew does not come legally of age till she is....
Jack: My dear fellow, I made arrangements this morning with Dr. Chasuble to ... at 5.30.
Jack: Well, the only small satisfaction I have in the whole of this wretched business is that your friend Bunbury is quite....
John Worthing was called ... in town and ... in the country.
Lady Bracknell (pencil and notebook in her hand): "I feel bound to tell you that you are not down on my list of... "
Lady Bracknell to Cecily: Dear child, of course you know that Algernon has nothing but his....
Lady Bracknell: A few weeks later, through the elaborate investigations of the Metropolitan police, the perambulator was discovered at midnight....
Lady Bracknell: I merely desire information. Until yesterday I had no idea that there were any families or persons whose origin was a ...
Lady Bracknell: “A man should always have an occupation of some kind. There are far too many ... in London as it is.”
Lady Bracknell: “Fortunately in England education ...”
Lane ...
Lane didn't think it was ... to listen to the music played by Algernon in the adjoining room.
Leaving for town Uncle Jack always lays particular stress on Cecily’s …
Let’s step into the ... with the Russell Square party and be off to the Gardens.
Miss Prism is …
Miss Prism says she …
Miss Rebecca Sharp and her stout companion lost themselves in a solitary walk, they both felt that situation was extremely tender and Jos Sedley ...
Mr. Sedley said that his son Jos was ...
Old Dobbin, his father, gave him ... , most of which he spent in a general tuck-out for the school.
On hearing from Jack that he has not got parents Lady Bracknell ...
Rebecca kissed old Mr. Sedley and her behaviour was so affecting that he was going ...
Talking to Jack about Gwendolen and her mother Lady Bracknell Algernon says ...
The boy had been instructed to get over the playground wall and to ...
The first question Lady Bracknell asked Jack her prospective son-in-law, was
The perambulator contained..., but the baby wasn't there.
To believe Miss Prism the Primitive Church has not lasted up to the present days because it….
Upset by the refusal of Jack and Algernon to be baptized Chasuble says he must go at once as he has just been informed by the pew-opener that for the last hour and a half … has been waiting for him in the vestry.
When Algernon learns from Jack about his intention to marry Gwendolen he says it is impossible because ...
When Algernon quite unexpectedly met Jack in his country-house he….
When Algernon was making a declaration of love to Gwendolen she said that her ideal had always been
When Gwendolen said she adored the name Ernest and did not like the name Jack, John Worthing (Jack) ...
When Jack missed (noticed the absence of) his cigarette case he ...
When Jack returned to his country-house and found Chasuble there he asked the priest …
When Jack who had just come home from London saw Algernon he…
When Lady Bracknell saw Jack standing on his knees before Gwendolen , she ...
When two unmarried people get together, and talk upon such ... subjects, a great deal of confidence and intimacy is presently established between them.
William Dobbin retreated to .... , where he passed a half holiday in the bitterest sadness and woe.
Wnen Jack was talking to Algernon at his place in Half-Moon Street the latter was all the time ...
'By pure chance' means
'Enduring' means
'Impenetrable' means
'Imperishable' means
'Impervious' means
'Merely' means
'Scrap' is
'To dangle' means
'To toil' means
'Vocation' is
... was the only drink with which unhappy gentlemen soothed the fever of their previous night’s potation.
A ... made the young people remain at home and not to go to Vauxhall.
A slight pain in Mr. Ferraro’s chest reminded him of his …
A woman with fair opportunities , and without an absolute hump, ...
According to Blackie, if Trevor … that would have been an exploit worthy of the gang:
According to Elizabeth, she did not work, because …
According to George he … a fortune in tobacco:
According to George, he would never have married Matilda if …
According to George, Matilda was …
According to George, Skinny and Needle had treated him … in Rhodesia:
According to Holden, how old does one have to be to get a cocktail at Ernie’s?
According to Holden, what is a catcher in the rye?
According to Kathleen, all the women in her family were beautiful as girls, but they …
According to Kathleen, George spent a long time in her shop, because…
According to Mr. Ferraro, we are taught to pay first attention to … souls:
According to Mr. Hopkinson, Miss Sounders lived …
According to Mr. Thomas’ horoscope, he should …
According to the priest, the Black Madonna looked …
According to the text, what couldn’t Frankie help Doc with?
According to Trevor, Mr. Thomas’ house had a staircase … years old
According to Trevor, the house, in which Mr. Thomas lived, was built by …
According to Trevor’s plan, Mr. Thomas must have been stuck in …
Ackley’s favorite pastime is:
Ackley’s first name is:
After beginning treatment at Quitters, Inc., between which months did Morrison "sneak" a cigarette?
After beginning treatment at Quitters, Inc., how many times did Morrison smoke?
After Holden left the Antolini’s where did he go?
After Holden left the skating rink, what did he eat?
After Holden left the skating rink, where did he go to eat?
After Jos’s letter, It became clear to every soul in the house, except poor Amelia, that Rebecca should ..., and high and low agreed that, that event should take place as speedily as possible.
After leaving the band of archaeologists, Needle was able to live on the fee she got for writing …
After Needle’s death Kathleen said that Needle was lucky because …
After Rinaldi and the major had gone, Federico found that he was …, but went to sleep.
After Skinny had fallen ill, he was sent to a …
After the boys knew that Gay wasn’t coming back with the needed part for the Model T, who drove the rest of the way to Carmel Valley?
After the Parkers had decided to send their child to the adoption society …
All schoolboys at Dr. Swishtail’s famous school considered that the selling of goods by retail is a ...
Allie is:
Almost for the first time in his life, Mr. Sedley found himself talking without the least timidity or hesitation, to a person ...
Alone Piani was much gentler. When he was with the others he was a very … talker.
Amelia determined in her heart to ask her mother’s permission to present ... to her friend Rebecca.
Amelia did not speak with Rebecca on the tender subject, she compensated herself with long and intimate conversations with the ...
Amelia insisted upon Rebecca accepting ...
Amelia received the reply through Jos’s man that his master was ...
Amelia reminded her brother about a promise made last Easter holidays to take her to ...
Amelia was ... old when her brother Joseph went away.
Amelia: «You know, mamma, Rebecca’s father was our ... at Chiswick».
Among the customers at Bogle’s was a young man named Seeders, who worked in …. .
And presently the voices of the two speakers , Mr. and Mrs. Sedley, were hushed and replaced by the ...
Apart from George, … was grilled by the police in connection with the murder:
As for the girls, Amelia and Rebecca, they ...
As Mr. Sedley talked on, he grew quite bold, and actually had the audacity to ask Rebecca for whom she was knitting the green silk purse. «...», replied Rebecca, looking at him.
As the boys locked Mr. Thomas in the loo, he felt …
As the coach drove off, Miss Sharp put her pale face out of the window and flung the ... into the garden.
As the Parkers were expecting their child, they hoped to save up money for a …
Asking Amelia questions about her brother Miss Sharp was interested in his ... first of all.
At nineteen Samuel had quit the country and come to town and spent a year in and out the city jail for … .
At six weeks old George Osborne had received from John Sedley a present of a ...
At the beginning of their marriage, being worried about not having children, the Parkers had submitted themselves to medical tests as a result of which …
At the cashier’s desk sits …, cold sordid, slow smouldering and takes your money.
At the far end of the bridge there were …. standing on both sides flashing lights.
At the start of the winter came the permanent rain and with the rain came the … .
At what time was Morrison's wife electrocuted?
Before beginning treatment at Quitters, Inc., Morrison quit smoking once before. For how long of a period of time?
Before her marriage Lou had been a …
Before his departure Oxford promised to write to the Parkers …
Before Lou left Elizabeth’s house, she had given Elizabeth …
Before the bottle of champagne was emptied, of which Jos took ..., he had agreed to take the young ladies to Vauxhall.
Before Trevor joined the gang, … had been their leader:
Being offended by his father’s jokes Joseph Sedley took a goblet of champagne and it ...
Blackie asked Trevor if he hated Mr. Thomas a lot, because …
Blackie did not leave the gang because …
Blackie said he had seen … at work:
Blackie said that nobody would pinch things from Mr. Thomas’ house, because …
Blackie was anxious …
Boggley Wallah was...
Bonello …
By saying «I wish it were in the bottom of the Thames, I do» miss Sharp meant ...
By the end of the destruction the question of … no longer concerned the gang:
By the time Trevor arrived at the meeting, the boys had voted for …
Captain Dobbin easily conveyed Mr. Jos Sedley into a hackney-coach which deposited him safely at ...
Catherine and Federico lived … .
Catherine and Federico … .
Catherine and Federico … .
Catherine did not want to get married right away because … .
Catherine wanted to see … when they would come to America.
Childs was:
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “ weary” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “ woeful” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “a lout” is
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “a plain man” is
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “an enterprise” is
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “bargain” is
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “chaste” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “conclusion” is
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “countenance” is
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “disport” is
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “distress” is
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “eke” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “inwardly” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “ire” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “languor” is
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “lusty” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “meek” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “mirth” is
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “nay” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “oath” is
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “peppy” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “reverence” is
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “seemly” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “skittish” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “sly” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “squeamish” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “stale” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “therein” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “thereto” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to array” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to chide” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to claim” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to deem” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to dwell” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to endure” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to forsake” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to knit “ means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to lend” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to obey” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to perish” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to plain” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to plight’ means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to prick” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to reckon” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to relate” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to repent” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to tarry” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to void” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to wail” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “tournament” is
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “woe” is
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. ”zealous” means
Choose the correct translation. Alas, what danger will it be to us, maids as we are, to travel forth so far!
Choose the correct translation. He was furnished like a hunter.
Choose the correct translation. Herein I see thou lovest me not with the full weight that I love thee.
Choose the correct translation. I am no villain, I am the youngest son of Sir Rowland de Bois.
Choose the correct translation. I shall desire more love and knowledge of you.
Choose the correct translation. I will not cast away my physic but on those that are sick.
Choose the correct translation. O, Corin, that thou knew'st how do I love her!
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. A young knight named Arveragus … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Alison and Nicholas decided to play … a trick.
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Alison, the young carpenter’s wife …. .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Among Dorigen’s friends was …
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Arveragus and Dorigen … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Arveragus came home … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Arveragus … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Aurelius’s brother remembered that one day he saw … at Orleans
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Curl was … hair, and as the gold it shone, and spread out as a fan large and broad.
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Daun John had permission to travel outside the boundaries of his abbey because … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Daun John … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Dorigen took Arveragus’s proposal providing that … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Dorigen … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Dorigen’s friends … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. In a year after their marriage Arveragus … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Once upon a time a merchant lived … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Once upon a time there lived a rich lout that …
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. One day this hende Nicholas decided to … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Sir Oliphaunt … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Sir Thopas drove back from the country of Fairy and … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Sir Thopas fell in love with … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Sir Thopas was born … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Sir Thopas was … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The action of The Franklin’s Tale takes place in … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The carpenter … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The clerk who lived in the carpenter’s house was called … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The Host interrupted the narrator because … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The magician which Aurelius and his brother brought from Orleans … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The merchant had a wife … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The merchant went to Bruges … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The merchant … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The merchant’s wife asked Daun John … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The merchant’s wife …. .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The Miller’s Tale is … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The monk was …
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The tale of Sir Thopas is… .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The young knight’s father was … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The young monk was … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. This rich lout was … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. What other work is The tale of Sir Thopas often compared with?
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. When Arveragus had left, Dorigen … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. When Aurelius asked Dorigen to become his lover she …
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. When Dorigen learnt that the rocks vanished from man’s sight she …
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. When Dorigen told her husband what promise she had once given to Aurelius, Arveragus … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. When Sir Thopas came to the country of Fairy he met there … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Wretch Aurelius laid more than …. in languor and in torment.
Choose the right answer. Afraid is ...
Choose the right answer. Alack! expresses
Choose the right answer. And ’t is means
Choose the right answer. Hark! is
Choose the right answer. How now! is an expression of
Choose the right answer. I would thou couldst! means
Choose the right answer. i ’ th’ is
Choose the right answer. In ’s sleep is
Choose the right answer. Is ’scap’d means
Choose the right answer. Methinks is
Choose the right answer. Of late is ...
Choose the right answer. Prithee is
Choose the right answer. the like is
Choose the right answer. Thou durst is
Choose the right answer. Upon ’t is
Choose the right answer. Wherefore is
Choose the right synonym. marketable
Choose the right synonym. Alas! expresses
Choose the right synonym. by my troth
Choose the right synonym. in good earnest
Choose the right synonym. of late
Choose the right synonym. peace!
Choose the right synonym. to be heir
Choose the right synonym. to be in exile
Choose the right synonym. to be weary of
Choose the right synonym. to bear a cross
Choose the right synonym. to break one’s oath
Choose the right synonym. to breed smb
Choose the right synonym. to disguise
Choose the right synonym. to lament
Choose the right synonym. to mock smb
Choose the right synonym. to pretend to be
Choose the right synonym. to seek smb
Choose the right synonym. you are aware of
Choose the right variant of translation. He’s here in double trust
Choose the right variant of translation. I am his kinsman and his subject
Choose the right variant of translation. I dare do all that may become a man
Choose the right variant of translation. Bring forth men-children only!
Choose the right variant of translation. By the pricking of my thumbs, Something wicked this way comes
Choose the right variant of translation. Come, sisters, cheer we up his sprites, And show the best of our delights.
Choose the right variant of translation. False face must hide what the false heart doth know
Choose the right variant of translation. Had he not resembled my father as he slept, I had done’t
Choose the right variant of translation. O! these flaws and starts ... would well become a woman's story at a winter's fire ...
Choose the right variant of translation. proper stuff! This is the very painting of your fear...
Choose the right variant of translation. These deeds must not be thought after these ways:so, it will make us mad
Choose the right variant of translation. To know my deed, ’t were best not know myself
Choose the right variant of translation. What hath quenched them hath given me fire
Choose the right variant of translation. ’tis the eye of childhood That fears a painted devil
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. I am glad of your ..., adieu, good Monsieur Melancholy.
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. I would cure you, if you would but call me ...
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. I would I were ..., to catch the strong fellow by the leg.
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. If you outstay the time, upon my honour, you ...
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. Love is merely a ..., and I tell you, deserves as well a dark house and a whip as a madmen do.
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. O, ominous! He comes to kill my ...
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. Still we went ... and inseparable
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. Shall we part, sweet girl? No, let my father seek another ...
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. The people ... her for her virtues.
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. The worst fault you have is ...
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. There lay he, stretched along, like a wounded ...
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. Unless you could teach me to forget a ... father.
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. What’s that to me? My father was no ...
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. Why, whither shall we go? To ... my uncle in the forest of Arden.
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. Will thou ... fathers? I will give thee mine.
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. Young man, have you ... Charles the wrestler?
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. Your accent is something ... than you could purchase in so removed a dwelling.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cuff smuggled wine in and ...
D.B. has the following type of car:
D.B. is:
Describing Mr. Thomas’ house, Trevor told the boys that the house was …
Destroying Mr. Thomas’ savings Trevor told Blackie there would have been no fun if he had … Mr. Thomas:
Doc made what seemed to be chicken stew. What was it really made of?
During the war Kathleen had been engaged to …
Elizabeth had … children:
Elizabeth lived in …
Elizabeth was a …
Elizabeth was …
Elizabeth’s house was …
Elizabeth’s letters were …
Ernie is:
Even Miss Pinkerton, that ... , ceased scolding Amelia after the first time.
Every scholar leaving Miss Pinkerton’s academy ...
Everyone kept telling Needle she was …
Federico and the others were side-tracked for a long time that side of Mestre and … came and peeked in.
Federico did not like Rome because …
Federico got a little boy to go for …, but he came back and said he could only get grappa.
Federico said that … are a wonderful little people, fond of dancing and light red wines.
Federico was put in the field hospital because … .
For how long had Doc told the waitress that he had been drinking beer milk-shakes?
For how long was Morrison electrocuted?
For how long was Morrison's wife electrocuted?
For what reason did Mack tell the Captain why he needed to catch frogs for Doc?
For whom does Morrison work?
For whom were Doc and Hazel collecting starfish?
George accused Needle of …
George and Matilda had … children:
George could not divorce Matilda, because …
George could see Needle in the Portobello Road on Saturdays, because Saturday was the day when he …
George explained to Needle that he had married Matilda, because …
George kept a … in Durban:
George killed Needle because …
George married Matilda in …
George Osborne promised to ...
George Osborne was ... and had been one of the family any time these three-and-twenty years.
George took charge of Amelia and she looked as happy as a ...
George treated Matilda as a …
George was always desperately afraid of …
George was taken to a nursing home, because he …
George went to Africa …
George went to the police and gave himself up after …
George’s old cousin was …
George’s uncle had a … farm in Africa:
Gino said where it really had been hell was at … and the attack beyond Lom that had gone bad.
Gladstones are:
Graham Greene called his books …
Graham Greene’s life was …
Graham Greenе ran away from school, because…
Graham Greenе was a son of a …
Hamp Worsham had blurred eyes and a fringe of white hair about the head and face of a … general
Henry Pierce and Oxford St. John came from …
Henry Pierce and Oxford St. John were taken on at the …
Henry was desirous of …
Henry was sent off to a sanatorium in Wales after he had taken …
Henry was … years old:
His hair was grey and he was short and fat. Whose description is it?
Holden and Phoebe see at the zoo:
Holden and Stradlater got into a fist fight because:
Holden asked each taxi driver:
Holden didn’t call his sister because:
Holden drank in the Lavender Room:
Holden is ___ years old.
Holden left the Lavender Room because:
Holden met at Ernie’s:
Holden met on the train:
Holden saw through his window at the hotel:
Holden thought the piano player in the Wicker Bar was:
Holden was the manager of (sport):
Holden’s last name is:
How did Doc find out that there was to be a birthday party for him?
How did Holden inform his sister that he wanted to meet her at lunch time?
How did Holden know where Ernie’s was located?
How did Holden meet Jane Gallagher?
How did Holden put his cigarette out in Phoebe’s room?
How did Joey’s father commit suicide?
How did Lee Chong acquire the Palace Flophouse?
How did Mack “accidentally” find out Doc’s birthday?
How did they called the wide hats?
How did William die?
How long does the treatment continue at Quitters, Inc.?
How many cigarettes a day did Minelli smoke?
How many miles away is La Jolla from Monterey?
How many miles did the boys carry the stove from Seaside to Cannery Row?
How many times a year does Mrs. Talbot usually celebrate her birthday?
How many times was Steinbeck in Russia (then the USSR)?
How much did the electricity cost for electrocuting Morrison's wife?
How much is a "score?"
How much money did Phoebe give Holden?
How much was the bet between Doc and Richard Frost?
How much was the rent per week on the Palace Flophouse to be paid to Chong?
How was Doc’s shirt torn at the party?
Hughie was the first person from the Palace Flophouse to bring in «furniture.» What was it?
I don’t know on what pretext Osborne left the room, or why, presently, Amelia went away, perhaps to ...
If a dear girl has no dear mamma to ... , she must do it for herself.
If a person is too poor to keep a ... he must sweep his own rooms.
In La Jolla, besides octopi and cradles, what else did Doc find?
In Mr. Thomas’ opinion, horoscopes spoke …
In Raymond’s opinion, Oxford was a …
In the dark the flood looked … The water swirled and it was wide.
In those days, in England, where Rebecca and Amelia lived, to say «Long live, Bonapart» was as much as to say «Long live ... !»
In what year was Cannery Row written?
In which city does Morrison live?
In which city is Quitters, Inc. located?
Insert the proper word. ... face must hide what the ... heart doth know.
Insert the proper word. ... I heard a voice cry, sleep no more.
Insert the proper word. ... knows what she has known
Insert the proper word. ... when in swinish sleep Their drenched natures lie as in ...
Insert the proper word. And Pity, like a ... babe
Insert the proper word. And wash this …witness ... from your hand.
Insert the proper word. At first and last, the ... welcome
Insert the proper word. but I shame ... a heart so white
Insert the proper word. for none of women ... shall harm Macbeth
Insert the proper word. Gentlemen rise, his ... is not well.
Insert the proper word. Had he not ... my father as he slept
Insert the proper word. having no witness to ... my speech
Insert the proper word. How is't with me, when every noise ... me?
Insert the proper word. I am ... to think what I have done.
Insert the proper word. I dare do all that may ... a man
Insert the proper word. Macbeth, Macbeth, Macbeth: ... Macduff
Insert the proper word. One cried God ... us
Insert the proper word. Ourselves will ... with society
Insert the proper word. Sit ... friends: my Lord is often thus
Insert the proper word. That which hath made them ..., hath made me ...
Insert the proper word. The table’s ...
Insert the proper word. This even-handed ...
Insert the proper word. Unnatural deeds do ... unnatural troubles
Insert the proper word. Yet my heart ... to know one thing
Instead of a cigarette in Morrison's mouth, which of the following does Morrison put in his mouth?
Instead of money, with what did Mack and the boys buy products from Lee Chong?
It is in … that we become Christian.
It was ... who made Rebecca a present of a doll a year she was admitted to Miss Pinkerton institution.
It was ... who used to say to ... , «Get me a situation - we hate each other, and I am ready to go».
It was ... who won the love of everybody in the Mall.
It was Rebecca’s... who wrote a letter to Miss Pinkerton recommending Rebecca to her protection.
It was strange for Federico to go up the slope where the … had been, beyond the place on the river where he had been wounded.
It was Trevor who suggested the gang should … Mr. Thomas’ house:
It was … when the priest came in.
It was … who had actually sent the boy (Samuel) to Jefferson in the first place: he had caught the boy breaking into his commissary store and ordered him off the place.
Joe Larrabee sold the water-color of the obelisk to
Joe Larrabee was pulsing with a genius for
Joe was in the East India Company’s Civil Service as .... of Boggley Wollah.
Jos almost drew away the audience who were gathered round the musicians and received from hearers a ...
Jos Sedley: «Amelia, my dear, I bought a ... at the same time, which I gave to Sambo»
Jos to Amelia: «Dear Amelia, as soon as I have recovered, for my health is very much shaken, I shall go to ... for some months.»
Joseph Sedley ...
Joseph Sedley ... by the fire when two girls entered the room
Joseph Sedley had a/an ...
Joseph Sedley was ... older than his sister Amelia.
Joseph was ... in man’s society.
Kathleen came to London …
Kathleen was …
Kathleen’s aunt had left many supplies and the only thing that Needle needed to buy was …
Kathleen’s aunt lived in …
Lillian was with at Ernie’s with:
Lou did not share her husband’s desire to invite the Ackleys to meet the Farrells because …
Lou did not want her future child’s first name to be “Mary”, because she thought that name was too …
Lou gathered from … that the Black Madonna helped three childless couples:
Lou liked when Henry read out lines from his favorite … which he had copied into an exercise book:
Lou Parker liked …
Lou Parker was a member of …
Lou Parker was … at the time that the miraculous powers of the Black Madonna came to be talked of:
Lou said her rosary … before the Black Madonna:
Lou suggested they should call their child … if it was a boy:
Lou told Raymond that she … their child:
Lou … Elizabeth’s monthly letters:
Lou, to Raymond’s … , decided that all their friends must meet Henry and Oxford:
Luce’s girlfriend is:
Manders Road was named after …
Many people had realized the war
Marsalla was:
Matilda was …
Matilda’s father was a …
Maurice hit Holden because:
Maurice is:
Maverick advised Mr. Ferraro …
McCann's wife's name is:
Mike was the only one who …
Miss Amelia Sedley could sing like ... .
Miss Jemima wanted to present a dictionary to Rebecca Sharp because she (Miss Jemima) ...
Miss Jemima was Miss Pinkerton’s ...
Miss Jemima: «I have put up two bottles of ... for Mrs. Sedley, and the receipt for making it»
Miss Pinkerton ..... French, .... .
Miss Pinkerton gave all teachers orders to treat Miss Sedley with utmost gentleness as hash treatment ...
Miss Pinkerton had to send for Dr. Floss and half tipsify Miss Swartz with ...
Miss Pinkerton recommended Rebecca for the situation of a governess to Sir Pitt Crawley’s family ...
Miss Pinkerton was known to write personally to the parents of her pupils only when her pupils ...
Miss Pinkerton wrote her own name in the fly-leaf of ..., the book, which she presented to her scholars on their departure.
Miss Pinkerton’s academy was for ...
Miss Rebecca said «Revenge may be wicked ...»
Miss Saunders had …
Miss Saunders qualifications were special:
Miss Saunders was described in the firm’s books as …
Miss Saunders was employed to look after …
Miss Saunders was …
Miss Sedley was glad to leave the Mall for home and ...
Miss Sedley’s papa was ... in London, a man of some wealth.
Miss Sharp ... Miss Pinkerton’s academy for young ladies on Chiswick Mall.
Miss Sharp’s eyes were so attractive that ... fell in love with her.
Miss Sharp’s father was ...
Miss Worsham lived alone in the … house her father had left her.
Mollie Beauchamp wanted Stevens to … .
Mollie Beauchamp was staying in town … .
Morrison's wife's maiden name was:
Morrison's wife's name is:
Most of the Parkers’s friends …
Mr. and Mrs. Guttingen’s son was studying to be … .
Mr. Ferraro discovered that Miss Saunders was at home with …
Mr. Ferraro engaged Miss Saunders …
Mr. Ferraro had the rare quality …
Mr. Ferraro had …
Mr. Ferraro insisted on Miss Saunders’ being in a state of … when she looked after his indulgences:
Mr. Ferraro regarded God as the …
Mr. Ferraro sat crouched in his Daimler waiting for …
Mr. Ferraro told Miss Saunders he could have attended to some of the indulgences if …
Mr. Ferraro was …
Mr. Ferraro … to combine business with pleasure:
Mr. Guttingen had been … .
Mr. Hopkinson was Mr. Fеrraro’s …
Mr. Sedley could not endure his son’s ...
Mr. Sedley [to his wife]: «Mark my words, dear, the first woman who fishes him ...»
Mr. Sedley: «Do you remember, Emmy, when you wrote to Osborne to come on Twelfth night and ... ?
Mr. Sedley: «He is out-Josephing Joseph, my dear, and all the while the boy is only thinking ...
Mr. Spencer was:
Mr. Thomas had mud on his shoes and he stopped to scrape them on the pavement’s edge because …
Mr. Thomas had once been a …
Mr. Thomas kept his savings in …
Mr. Thomas lived … in his crippled house:
Mr. Thomas spent in the loo …
Mr. Thomas was suffering from …
Mr. Thomas … plumbing:
Mr. Thomas’ horoscope warned him about …
Muriel Spark became a … in 1954:
Muriel Spark is celebrated as a …
Needle came to London …
Needle compared Kathleen with the poet Swinburne when Kathleen …
Needle got her nickname, because …
Needle got up speeches about … for industrial tycoons.
Needle happened to be alone in the empty house of Kathleen’s aunt, because ...
Needle met Kathleen and George in the Portobello Road … years later after her death:
Needle returned to England with …
Needle taught in … school in Kensington:
Needle thought of her type of luck after …
Needle thought that George needed …
Needle was told that George’s daughter was …
Needle went to the Portobello Road …
Needle’s Rhodesian friends referred to Matilda as …
Now and then Jos would make a desperate attempt to get rid of ... .
Of the following which has four legs?
Of the following which is a tree?
Of the following which is NOT a bird?
Of the following, which did Darling not chew up?
Old Sedley was a ...
On Allie’s baseball mitt was written:
On coming down from Ballion College, Oxford, Graham Greenе worked for four years as sub-editor on …
On Monday morning Summers was not eager to begin the destruction, because …
On the day of Miss Sedley’s departure from Miss Pinkerton’s academy, the girls ...
On the way back to the hotel as Lou called her husband “Ray”, he …
On their way from Miss Pinkerton’s institution to Miss Amelia Sedley’s home Rebecca and Amelia were talking about ...
On which floor did Holden stay in the hotel?
Once Doc asked Gay to collect turtles for him, however, Gay didn’t collect them. Why didn’t he?
Once in looking over some ..., Rebecca suddenly came upon one which caused her to burst into tears.
Once Needle found a … in the cinema for which she received a reward of fifty pounds:
Once, in looking over some drawings, which Amelia had sent from school, Rebecca suddenly came upon one which caused her to ...
One day Amelia ... and could not go upon some party of pleasure to which the two young people were invited.
Osborne: « I give Miss Sharp warning, that right or wrong , I consider Amelia is the ... in the world».
Ossenburger is:
Oxford St. John took up with a pretty …
Oxford was … than Henry:
Oxford’s love affair with his girlfriend came to …
Perhaps a dozen of times George Willard and the strange, shapeless man who lived in his father’s hotel … .
Poor Joe’s panic lasted for ... during which he didn’t visit the house.
Quitters, Inc. is located on:
Raymond advised Lou to be careful what she …
Raymond applied for promotion and …
Raymond considered Elizabeth …
Raymond discovered that there had been black blood in Lou’s family after he had …
Raymond fell out with his mother when …
Raymond had a feeling that when Lou went to the Black Our Lady and said her rosary praying for a baby she …
Raymond had been married for … years to Lou:
Raymond made a … for the baby when Lou was pregnant:
Raymond organized the … lottery in aid of the Church Decoration Fund:
Raymond Parker preferred …
Raymond Parker was a … at the motor works:
Raymond Parker was on the … committee.
Raymond told Lou if she didn’t want a child, he …
Raymond warned Lou not to tempt …
Raymond … being called Ray:
Rebecca asked Amelia questions about Mr. Joseph Sedley ...
Rebecca had a vivid imagination ; she had, besides, read ...
Rebecca interested Mrs. Blenkinshop, the housekeeper, be evincing the deepest sympathy in ..., which operation was then going in the kitchen.
Rebecca kissed Mr. Sedley’s hand when he ...
Rebecca kissed the ... as she put it on and woved she would never part with it.
Rebecca lived among young girls at the Mall for two years and ...
Rebecca sang .... her friend Amelia (though of course Osborne was free to keep his opinion)
Rebecca Sharp looked like ... at school for young ladies.
Rebecca Sharp was ...
Rebecca: «And your sister is the ... ; happy man who wins her».
Rebecca: «How could you be so cruel as to make me eat that ... at dinner ?!».
Rebecca: «I’ll do it, when I’m gone», and she dropped her voice and look so ..., that everybody felt how cruel her lot was, and how sorry they would be to part with her.
Rebecca’s duties in Miss Pinkerton’s academy were ...
Rebecca’s father thought to better his circumstances by ...
Rebecca’s father, after his third attack of .... , wrote a manly and pathetic letters to Miss Pinkerton.
Rebecca’s mother ...
Rebecca’s mother was of the ... origin.
Respectable parents set their houses topsy-turvy and spend a lot of money in ball suppers and iced champagne to ...
Richard Morrison is also called:
Salinger did last publish in:
Salinger was born in:
Salinger was born in:
Salinger’s first publication was in:
Salinger’s first publication was:
Sambo, who flung open the door and announced Mr. Joseph, followed grinning and bearing ..., which the monster had purchased in Covent Garden Market that morning.
Samuel Warsham was orphaned of his mother at death and deserted by his father, whom the … had taken and raised, or tried to
Samuel Worsham was executed for … .
Since the murder of Needle, Skinny had always been …
Skinny came to London …
Skinny persuaded George and Kathleen…
Snow did not come until … .
Speaking about her life in Miss Pinkerton’s academy Rebecca said that she
Stradlater asked Holden to do all of the following except:
Stradlater is:
Stradlater’s first name is:
Sunny is:
Sunny removed from Holden’s wallet:
Talking to Needle in Bulawayo? George described Matilda as a … woman.
The Black Madonna was carved out of …
The Black Madonna was installed in …
The Brigade had received orders that …. should be held no matter what happened.
The byrehand emigrated to Canada to start afresh …
The captain advised the narrator to go to … .
The customers at Bogle’s were Aileen’s … .
The fencing team didn’t win the competition because:
The gang met …
The gesture, when Mr. Ferraro knotted his fingers together in the shape some people use for prayer, meant that he …
The happiness, the superior advantage of the young women round about her gave Rebecca ...
The house of Kathleen’s aunt used to be a …
The initials «J.D.» in Salinger’s name mean:
The killing of … came suddenly and unreasonably .
The murder of Needle was known as …
The name of ... was always on the lips of Miss Pinkerton.
The narrator had expected the Bainsizza to be ….
The narrator lived …
The narrator shared the room with the … .
The needs of Bogle’s customers were supplied by … .
The next year there were many…
The old joker stopped his laughter and asked Sambo to give him and Joe ...
The only point in Amelia’s behaviour which was not satisfactory to her mistress was/were
The other carabinieri grabbed … from behind and pulled his arm up so that it twisted in the socket.
The Parker’s daughter was baptized and … became her godmother.
The plain was rich with … .
The priest and the narrator were talking while the others …
The priest’s father was a famous …
The superintendent had put Wash into the obscure office at Winesburg to avoid discharging him, and he meant … .
The task of husband-hunting is generally, and with becoming modesty entrusted by young persons to ...
The theme of the paper that Holden wrote for Stradlater was:
The three stupid women from whom Holden met in the Lavender Room were from:
The Voice at Bogle came from the kitchen and … .
The Voice contented itself with vain repetitions of exclamations emitted by … concerning food.
The … has wisdom, because he is defeated from the start.
The … were coming into the post, some were carried on stretchers, some walking and some were brought on the backs of men that came across the field.
Then, seizing Captain Dobbin’s hand and weeping in the most pitiful way, he ...
There was fighting in the mountains and at night they could see … .
There was much … among the steady customers at Bogle’s.
These fair young people passed such a/an ... evening together instead of having gone to Vauxhall.
They who had finished eating ate more that they might … .
They who sat at Tildy’s tables spoke to Tildy briefly, with quotations from … .
Tildy was a good waitress and the men … her.
Tildy was …, and too anxious to please.
Tina Farrell told the Parkers that if their child had been hers, she would …
Tina Farrell was …
Tina said that the Parkers’ daughter was …
To attract Joseph’s attention at table Rebecca ...
To Needle the main attraction of marrying Skinny was …
To prove that George had absolutly no motive in killing Needle, Kathleen told the police that …
Trevor did not believe in …
Trevor had been with the gang …
Trevor ordered Mike to smash … he would find in the kitchen:
Trevor said that the gang would need … to fulfil his plan:
Trevor said the gang would be in Mr. Thomas’ house like …
Trevor told the gang that a staircase in Mr. Thomas’ house looked like a …
Trevor was … years old:
Trevor’s father was a …
Trevor’s father …
Trevor’s mother considered herself …
Two days before Lou left the hospital … had visited her:
Up the river the … had no been taken; none of the … beyond the river had been taken.
Upon each table at Bogle’s stands the counterfeit of that benign sauce made … .
Wash Williams took care of his … .
Wash Williams was a man of … .
Wash Williams, the telegraph operator of Winesburg, was the … thing in town.
Wash’s girth was immense, his neck thin, his legs … .
What advice did the doctor give McCann?
What are galoshes?
What breed of dog did Jane Gallagher have?
What breed of dog did the watchman have at Tom Works’?
What color are Donatti's eyes?
What color of bow did Darling wear to the party?
What color of hair did the waitress have?
What color of hair does Dora have?
What color of hair does Phoebe have?
What did Allie die of on July 18, 1946?
What did Castle borrow from Holden?
What did Darling become sick with?
What did Doc find in his safe?
What did Doc have to do in La Jolla?
What did Donatti do to the rabbit?
What did Donatti do with Morrison's cigarettes on his second visit to Quitters, Inc.?
What did Dora’s girls use to fend off the uninvited guests at Doc’s party?
What did Eddie keep behind the bar at La Ida’s?
What did Frankie steal from the store?
What did Hazel gather with Doc in the tide pool?
What did Hazel hide in the bottom of his gunny sack while collecting starfish with Doc?
What did Henri give Doc for his birthday?
What did Holden and Phoebe do in Bloomingdale’s?
What did Holden buy for Phoebe?
What did Holden discuss with the two nuns?
What did Holden do each time he ordered a drink at the Wicker Bar?
What did Holden do in the bathroom at the Wicker Bar?
What did Holden do with Sunny’s dress?
What did Holden forget at the Antolini’s?
What did Holden give the two nuns?
What did Holden offer Mrs. Morrow?
What did Holden offer Sally?
What did Holden try to rub off on the stairs?
What did Holden want to do for Sally?
What did Holden want to give the coat-check girl at the Wicker Bar?
What did Holden yell before leaving the dormitory for the last time?
What did Holden’s mother have when she got home?
What did Holden’s parents say to him when they got home?
What did Joey and Willard find in the gutter?
What did Junk have in his hand when Morrison arrived at Quitters, Inc.?
What did Luce enjoy drinking?
What did Luce used to know a lot about?
What did Mack call the Captain’s dog?
What did Mr. Antolini offer Holden?
What did Mrs. Antolini offer Holden?
What did Mrs. Malloy give Doc for his birthday?
What did Mrs. Talbot say happened to her great-great-great-great-great grandmother?
What did Phoebe bring with her when she met Holden at the museum?
What did Phoebe do with the record Holden bought her?
What did Phoebe eat for dinner?
What did Phoebe put on her head when she became angry with Holden?
What did Phoebe’s mother accuse her of doing?
What did Sam Malloy give Doc on his birthday?
What did Stabile do to Castle?
What did the boys do with the gas in the Model-T after they returned it to Lee Chong?
What did the boys drink at the Captain’s?
What did the gopher lose after the fight with the bull gopher?
What did the nuns teach?
What did the two boys want to see at the museum?
What does swanky mean?
What does Donatti say that Morrison's maximum weight should be?
What does it mean to barge in?
What does it mean to cut classes?
What does it mean to get the ax?
What does it mean to give somebody a buzz?
What does it mean to kill time?
What does it mean to stick to one’s guns?
What does it mean to chuck?
What does it mean to drop a hint?
What does it mean to flunk?
What does it mean to get in a tiff with someone?
What does it mean to give someone a feel?
What does it mean to go to the can?
What does it mean to kid?
What does it mean to lose one’s marbles?
What does it mean to neck?
What does it mean to puke?
What does it mean to tee off?
What does it mean to horse around?
What does McCann give Morrison at the bar at the airport?
What does Morrison chew at Donatti's office?
What does Morrison do as a profession?
What does Morrison give to the old man at Dempsey's bar?
What does Morrison mean when he uses the statement "the rabbit trick?"
What does Morrison usually have for breakfast?
What does Mrs. Malloy want to buy for $1.98?
What does to chew the rag mean?
What does «posthumous» mean?
What else was in the room with the rabbit?
What had accidentally been eaten at Doc’s birthday party?
What happened to Federico ?
What happened to Holden while Phoebe was on the carrousel?
What happened to James Castle?
What happened to Phyllis Mae’s hand?
What happened to the cake that Eddie baked?
What happened to the police car?
What happened to the record?
What happens after the fifth offense of smoking a cigarette?
What happens after the first offense of smoking a cigarette?
What happens after the fourth offense of smoking a cigarette?
What happens after the second offense of smoking a cigarette?
What happens after the third offense of smoking a cigarette?
What happens if Morrison puts on weight?
What is a crew cut?
What is a highball?
What is a hinge?
What is a moron?
What is a novena?
What is a pervert?
What is a pimple?
What is a rattlesnake?
What is a skate key?
What is a virgin?
What is a Wop?
What is a “galley” on a boat or ship?
What is Alvin Morrison's middle name?
What is an I.O.U.?
What is an undertaker?
What is Canasta?
What is checkers?
What is Doc’s favorite beverage?
What is fencing?
What is Holden’s favorite cocktail?
What is Holden’s sister’s name?
What is Indian wrestling?
What is Luce’s first name?
What is Mort Minelli's nickname (кличка)?
What is one unit of lettuce called?
What is Oral Expression?
What is Phoebe’s real middle name?
What is the Great Gatsby?
What is the English equivalent to “медуза”?
What is the name of Doc’s laboratory?
What is the name of the record Holden bought for Phoebe?
What is the profession of Luce’s father?
What is wrong with Alvin?
What is wrong with the Caulfields’ maid?
What middle name does Phoebe use?
What movie did Holden, Ackley and Brossard see?
What movie scene was D.B. writing?
What position does McCann hold at Crager and Barton?
What reason did Holden give Mrs. Morrow why he couldn’t come for a visit?
What reason did Holden give Sunny why he didn’t want to have sex with her?
What relationship do Morrison and McCann have between them?
What ride did Phoebe take in the park?
What was between each room in the dormitory?
What was Doc afraid of?
What was Doc collecting in La Jolla?
What was Holden afraid of dying from?
What was Holden looking for in Central Park?
What was Holden’s favorite part of an orchestra?
What was Holden’s favorite part of the museum?
What was in the brown paper bag that the soldiers were carrying?
What was John Steinbeck’s given first name?
What was John Steinbeck’s wife’s name?
What was Kitty Randolph doing when Mrs. Talbot invited her over for tea?
What was Mrs. Antolini wearing when Holden arrived?
What was Mrs. Casini doing when Mrs. Talbot invited her over for tea?
What was Mrs. Lee Chong cutting on the butcher’s block when Mack came into Lee Chong’s store?
What was Phoebe studying in geography?
What was Phoebe wearing when Holden got home?
What was Phyllis Mae recovering from?
What was printed on Phoebe’s pajamas?
What was strange in how Jane Gallagher played checkers?
What was the favor that Stradlater asked Holden to do for him?
What was the name of Holden’s dog?
What was the name of the book D.B. wrote?
What was the name of the play in which Phoebe was to perform?
What was the old Chinaman’s name who walked to the ocean every evening and returned in the morning?
What was the previous record for skating on a flag pole?
What was the total cost of treatment at Quitters, Inc.?
What was the unusual drink that Doc ordered from the waitress?
What was the «100-year old man» looking for in the bathroom?
What was wrong with Mr. Spencer?
What was wrong with Mrs. Spencer?
What was wrong with the Captain’s dog?
What were the boys doing during the parade?
What would have Doc received if he had reported the dead body to the authorities?
What’s a half gainer?
What’s the only thing Holden likes?
What’s wrong with Ackley?
When after two years of married life Wash Williams found that his wife had managed to acquire three other lovers who came regularly to their house he … .
When Amelia and Rebecca entered the drawing-room where Mr. Joseph Sedley was he began to ...
When Amelia’s father entered the drawing-room and saw Miss Sharp and his daughter and son, he ...
When Blackie asked Trevor if he had found anything special, Trevor …
When did Mort Minelli die?
When Federico and Catherine went out of the coiffeur’s place it was … .
When George returned home from Africa, Kathleen thought he …
When George told Needle he was married to Matilda she said it was …
When George told Needle that he was going to marry Kathleen, she said it would have been …
When Henry mentioned the slum mentality, he thought of …
When Holden left his apartment he left by way of:
When in London Joseph Sedley lived ...
When is Doc’s actual birthday?
When is St. Patrick’s Day?
When Joseph Sedley worked in India he lived there ...
When Lou prayed to the Black Madonna, she wanted Oxford to …
When Lou was in hospital she gave instructions that no one except … should be let in to see her:
When Lou was pregnant she gave up most of her church work in order to …
When Minerva (Miss Pinkerton) intimated to Miss Sharp that she was to instruct the juniors in music, the young girl ...
When Miss Pinkerton gave Miss Sharp an opportunity of shaking one of her fingers at the moment of their parting, Miss Sharp ...
When Miss Pinkerton said that she had nourished a viper in her bosom she meant ...
When Miss Sharp’s father was drunk, he used to ...
When morning came, the good-natured Mrs. Sedley no longer thought of ...
When Morrison found cigarettes in the car, with whom was he angry?
When Mr. Ferraro found Miss Saunders’ house, he …
When Mr. Ferraro looked through the window at Miss Saunders, it became obvious to him that …
When Mr. Ferraro realized that Miss Saunders betrayed his trust, in her he thought that the next day he would …
When Mr. Ferraro saw Miss Saunders approach the upper window, she was …
When Mr. Ferraro telephoned his wife it was a …
When Mr. Ferraro visited Christie’s, he discovered that Maverick …
When Mr. Ferraro … it occured to him to check on Miss Saunders.
When Mr. Thomas gave the gang three packets of Smarties, Summers said that …
When Mr. Thomas offered the gang three packets of Smarties the boys were … by this action:
When Mr. Thomas saw the destruction of his house, he …
When Mr. Thomas was locked in the loo, he did not call out for help, because …
When Mr. Thomas was locked in the loo, one of the boys gave him a …
When Needle met George in a hotel in Bulawayo, they drank …
When Needle saw George in the Portobello Road for the first time, he …
When Needle saw Kathleen in the Portobello Road, Kathleen wanted to buy a …
When Needle saw Kathleen in the Portobello Road, Kathleen …
When one loves ones Art no service seems ….
When parting Rebecca Sharp addressed Miss Pinkerton in French and the latter ...
When Raymond came home from the hospital he … the cot in his first fury.
When Raymond saw his daughter for the first time she was …
When Rebecca called Joseph Sedley a very handsome man, she ...
When Rebecca saw the two magnificent Cashmere shawls which Joseph Sedley had brought to his sister she said that ....
When Rebecca was at the Mall she ...
When Rebecca was cheated into trying a chili she ...
When the Black Madonna was installed … himself came to consecrate it:
When the carriage was ready to leave Miss Pinkerton’s academy Miss Jemima ....
When the Matron told Raymond that his daughter would be black, he accused her of …
When the narrator came back to the front it was … .
When the new recruit said his name was “Trevor” it was a statement of …
When the new recruit said his name was “Trevor” …
When the Parkers got word about the adoption …
When the Parkers visited Elizabeth, she expressed admiration for …
When the Parkers visited Henry in the sanatorium, he was ...
When the sun was bright Federico and Catherine ate lunch … .
When the superintendent received the letter of complaint from the banker’s wife, he … and laughed unpleasantly.
When Trevor suggested the gang should meet at nine o’clock on Sunday morning, Mike said that he could not come because …
When Trevor’s position was in danger, it only needed a single use of his … and the gang would be at his heels:
When was John Steinbeck born and when did he die?
When was the Prohibition in the United States?
When Wash Williams was still a young man he married a woman at … .
Where did Allie die on July 18, 1946?
Where did Allie die?
Where did Henri meet his last girlfriend?
Where did Holden and Phoebe go after they met at the museum?
Where did Holden hide in Phoebe’s room?
Where did Holden keep his bags?
Where did Holden sleep at the Antolini’s?
Where did Holden want to work instead of going to another school?
Where did John Steinbeck die?
Where did Morrison find cigarettes in his car?
Where did Morrison find cigarettes in his study?
Where did Morrison smoke a cigarette after the beginning of treatment at Quitters, Inc.?
Where did Steinbeck study marine biology at?
Where did the Captain fall asleep after having drunk too much?
Where did the Malloys live?
Where does The Catcher in the Rye get its name?
Where does D.B. live?
Where does the "crony" work whom Morrison met at the bar?
Where was John Steinbeck born?
Where was Phoebe sleeping when Holden came home?
Where were Holden’s parents when he returned home?
Which letter can’t Lee Chong correctly pronounce in English?
Which of the following best describes Jane Gallagher’s father?
Which of the following did Doc not buy at the Thrift Market?
Which of the following does Holden dislike?
Which of the following doesn’t belong to the list?
Which of the following is an insect?
Which of the following is not considered a bad omen (supersticious) in America?
Which of the following movies is one of Mrs. Morrison's favorites?
Which performance did the Morrisons and McCanns see at the Helen Hayes Theater?
Which three things were absolutely necessary to take with you on an outing according to the boys?
While Mr. Thomas was locked in the loo, Summers was sent to watch the road for …
Whitney Clay was … town:
Who are the Caulfields’ neighbors?
Who are the Rockettes?
Who broke a leg as a result of a roller-coaster ride?
Who carried the student away that committed suicide?
Who did Frankie say his father was?
Who did Henri think he saw killed on his boat?
Who did Morrison meet at the bar at Kennedy International?
Who did not believe the war was over?
Who gave Doc a rowing machine for his birthday?
Who had lung cancer?
Who has an ulcer?
Who house-trained Darling?
Who is Faith Cavendish?
Who is Mrs. Casini?
Who is Red Williams?
Who or what was in the closet of Morrison's study?
Who played the piano at Ernie’s?
Who pushed the button to electrocute Morrison's wife?
Who spilled beer in the young woman’s lap?
Who was Josh Billings?
Who was Mr. Antolini?
Who was the regular elevator operator in Holden’s building?
Who were the French singers at the Wicker Bar?
Who won the fighting that summer
Who wrote If a Body Meet a Body Coming through the Rye?
Whom did Holden meet at the skating rink?
Whom did Holden meet while having breakfast?
Why did Doc hit Mack several times in the mouth?
Why did each taxi driver refuse to have a cocktail with Holden?
Why did Gay’s wife stop sending Gay to jail?
Why did Hazel’s mother give him a girl’s name?
Why did Holden become frightened of Mr. Antolini?
Why did Holden fall in the pond in Central Park?
Why did Holden feel sick in Central Park?
Why did it always take Doc a long time to travel anywhere?
Why did Jane not answer her father when he asked her if there were any cigarettes in the house?
Why did Phoebe give Holden money?
Why did Phoebe think that her father would kill Holden?
Why did Richard Frost leave the house in the middle of the night?
Why did the hitchhiker get out of Doc’s car on the way to La Jolla?
Why did the sheriff let Gay out of jail?
Why did women always leave Henri?
Why didn't Morrison open the closet door in his study?
Why didn’t Doc come to his first party?
Why didn’t Doc give the boys his car to collect frogs?
Why didn’t Faith Cavendish meet Holden?
Why didn’t Gay come back from town after he left to get a new carburetor?
Why doesn't McCann tell Morrison how the treatment at Quitters, Inc. works?
Why has Henry been working on building his boat for the last seven years and hasn’t finished it?
Why was Holden kicked out of school?
Why was McCann's wife's finger cut off?
Why was Steinbeck fired from a New York newspaper?
Why wouldn’t the motor work in Chong’s Model T Ford?
William Ferraro lived in …
William Ferraro’s business was called …
William Ferraro’s wife believed herself to be …
With whom did Gay arrive at the party?
With whom did Phoebe go to the movies?
Young people went off to the piano, which was situated, as pianos usually are in the ...
«Amelia had better ...», said her father, «and let G. Osborne see what a beautiful handwriting we have brought back from Miss Pinkerton.
«By Gad, Miss Rebecca, I wouldn’t hurt you again.» «No», she said, «I know you wouldn’t», and then she ....
«Do you remember, Sedley, what a fury you were in, when I cut ..., and how Amelia, rescued me from a beating by falling down on her knees?»
«Five dollars a throw» mean:
«Good Heavens! Dobbin, where have you been?», Osborne said, seizing the ... from his friend’s arm.
«He is very kind and good,» Amelia said to Rebecca about her brother Joseph, «but ... ».
«How are you, Sedley?» , that young wag began. «There‘s a ... downstairs with a black eye and tied-up head».
«How could you be so cruel as to make me ... the first day I ever saw you» - said Rebecca.
«I ... Hessian boots», said Rebecca, and Jos was extremely pleased at this remark.
«I can’t make you such handsome presents, Joseph», continued Amelia, «...but while I was at school, I have embroidered for you a very beautiful ... .»
«It was ... who prevented my marriage», Rebecca was thinking in her heart.
«It was ..., Jos», Mr. Sedley said, «to torment the poor boy so».
«I’m better now. How kind you all are to me! All,» said Rebecca with a laugh, «except you, ...».
«Let us ... , Miss Sedley, Amelia», said George Osborne.
«Miss Sharp», said George Osborne, «you, who are so clever an artist, you must make a picture of that scene. Sedley shall be represented in buckskins, and holding one of the injured ...»
«My dear, it’s a mercy he didn’t bring us over ...», said old Sedley to his wife.
«My dearest Amelia», said G. Osborne, «you don’t know the world. I do. And your little friend Miss Sharp must ...».
«My poor papa», Rebecca said to Amelia, «could give me nothing, and I had but ... in all the world».
«O heavenly, heavenly .... !» - exclaimed Miss Sharp and held them to her bosom and cast up her eyes to the ceiling, in an ecstasy of admiration.
«Oh, delightful», said Rebecca going to ... , but she recollected herself and paused, like a modest creature.
«Order Mr. Joe’s elephant, Sambo», cried the father , but seeing Joe really almost to ..., the old joker stopped his laughter .
«She shall ... tomorrow, the little artful creature», said Mrs. Sedley with great energy, when her husband told her that Emmy’s friend was fishing for their son.
«The children must ...», cried Mrs. Sedley talking about going to Vauxhall.
«The curry was capital, indeed it was», said Joe, quite gravely. «Perhaps, there was not enough ... in it; no there was not»
«Tomorrow, your papa and I ...», said Mrs. Sedley, discussing the idea of going to Vauxhall.
«Well, Jos , do you remember coming down in a gig to Dr. Swish tail’s to see me, before ...»
«What abominably cold weather Miss», and Joe fell to poking the fire with all his might, although it was in the middle of ... .
Вместо пропуска вставьте предлог He ran … matches and was afraid that his fire would go out
Вместо пропуска вставьте предлог Her eyes rested … an instant on the three francs I left for the waiter and I knew that she thought me mean
Вместо пропуска вставьте предлог I could not help thinking of this fable when the other day I saw George Ramsay lunching … himself in a restaurant
Вместо пропуска вставьте предлог I suppose every family has a black sheep Tom had been a sore trial … his for twenty years
Вместо пропуска, если необходимо, вставьте предлог He was not interested … the news we had to give him
Вставьте артикли, если необходимо He was glad that he was growing … old because Tom was growing … old too
Вставьте артикль, если необходимо He was nothing but … narrow, ignorant and cantankerous sea-faring man
Вставьте артикль, если необходимо I was in Thursday Island and I wanted very much to go to … New Guinea
Вставьте артикль, если необходимо It was twenty years ago and I was living in Paris, in … Latin Quarter
Вставьте артикль, если необходимо Maugham’s reputation as … novelist rests primarily on four books: Of Human Bondage (1915), The Moon and Sixpence (1919), Cakes and Ale (1930) and The Razor’s Edge (1944)
Вставьте артикль, если необходимо Poor George, only … year older than his scapegrace brother, looked sixty
Вставьте артикль, если необходимо W S Maugham was orphaned at … age of 10
Вставьте артикль, если необходимо When I was … very small boy I was made to learn by heart certain of the fables of La Fontaine
Вставьте предлог, если необходимо According the legend, Mr Poirot , Pekinese were lions once
Вставьте предлог, если необходимо He asked me whether … my way I would stop at the island of Trebuchet and leave a sack of flour, another of rice, and some magazines for the hermit who lived there
Вставьте предлог, если необходимо He seemed to be occupied … nothing but his dogs, his chickens and his food
Вставьте предлог, если необходимо I answered that I would meat my friend - … correspondence - at Foyot’s on Thursday at half-past twelve
Вставьте предлог, если необходимо It is a room … the first floor, looking on the street, and was meant for the drawing room
Вставьте предлог, если необходимо I’ve come to you because the man I’ve been engaged to for over a year has broken our engagement
Вставьте предлог, если необходимо Mrs Higgins was brought … on Moris and Burne Jones
Вставьте предлог, если необходимо Salvatore acted as nursemaid … his two younger brothers
Вставьте предлог, если необходимо Someone was fumbling the lock of the door
Вставьте предлог, если необходимо The flat of Hercule Poirot was furnished modern style
Вставьте предлог, если необходимо The shallow depression in the west of these islands is likely to move slowly … an easterly direction
Вставьте предлог, если необходимо The vicar had been but recently appointed, a red-faced energetic man … the early forties
Вставьте предлог, если необходимо You infamous creature, how dare you accuse me … such a thing?
Вставьте предлог, если необходимо You mean to say that in physical appearance I do not resemble a Hercules?
Выберите глагол со значением «красть»
Выберите глагол со значением «спускаться»
Выберите глагол со значением «щелкать»
Выберите правильную глагольную форму (меняя, в случае необходимости, порядок слов): For all he knew, a terrible epidemic … the entire human races
Выберите правильную глагольную форму (меняя, в случае необходимости, порядок слов): He announced that he … working
Выберите правильную глагольную форму (меняя, в случае необходимости, порядок слов): He wondered what I … in that part of the world
Выберите правильную глагольную форму (меняя, в случае необходимости, порядок слов): I'll be well off by the time I … fifty
Выберите правильную глагольную форму (меняя, в случае необходимости, порядок слов): It was long since I … her last
Выберите правильную глагольную форму (меняя, в случае необходимости, порядок слов): We're none of us … any younger
Выберите правильную глагольную форму (меняя, в случае необходимости, порядок слов): What did he care about when he … back home?
Выберите правильную глагольную форму (меняя, в случае необходимости, порядок слов): You can't read and write What would you be, if you … able to?
Выберите правильную глагольную форму (слегка меняя, в случае необходимости, порядок слов): I received a letter saying that she … through Paris
Выберите правильную грамматическую форму глагола He turned his head as they
Выберите правильную грамматическую форму глагола I have no right anything at all
Выберите правильную грамматическую форму глагола The flat of Hercule Poirot in a modern style
Выберите правильный вариант транскрипции слова «accident»
Выберите правильный вариант транскрипции слова «advantage»
Выберите правильный вариант транскрипции слова «communication»
Выберите правильный вариант транскрипции слова «consciousness»
Выберите правильный вариант транскрипции слова «determination»
Выберите правильный вариант транскрипции слова «insanity»
Выберите правильный вариант транскрипции слова «intelligent»
Выберите правильный вариант транскрипции слова «moustache»
Выберите правильный вариант транскрипции слова «orthodox»
Выберите правильный вариант транскрипции слова «surgeon»
Выберите правильный вариант транскрипции слова «suspicious»
Выберите правильный вариант транскрипции слова “ambassador”:
Выберите правильный вариант транскрипции слова “appearance”:
Выберите правильный вариант транскрипции слова “enthusiasm”:
Выберите правильный вариант транскрипции слова “extinguish”:
Выберите правильный вариант транскрипции слова “magnanimous”:
Выберите правильный вариант транскрипции слова “miscellaneous”:
Выберите правильный вариант транскрипции слова “phonetics”:
Выберите правильный вариант транскрипции слова “prodigious”:
Выберите правильный вариант транскрипции слова “pronunciation”:
Выберите правильный вариант транскрипции слова “provocation”:
Выберите правильный вариант транскрипции слова “sociological”:
Выберите правильный вариант транскрипции слова “vehement”:
Выберите синоним глагола «to bother»
Выберите синоним глагола «to cry»
Выберите синоним глагола «to follow»
Выберите синоним глагола «to investigate»
Выберите синоним глагола «to murder»
Выберите синоним глагола «to realize»
Выберите синоним глагола «to shut»
Выберите синоним глагола «to suggest»
Выберите синоним глагола «to watch»
Выберите синоним глагола “to dare”
Выберите синоним глагола “to imagine”
Выберите синоним глагола “to pretend”
Выберите синоним глагола “to trudge”
Выберите синоним глагола “to utter”
Выберите синоним глагола “to whisper”
Выберите синоним глагола “to worry”
Выберите синоним слова “audible”
Выберите синоним слова “common”
Выберите синоним слова “compulsory”
Выберите синоним слова “creature”
Выберите синоним слова “dear”
Выберите синоним слова “dignity”
Выберите синоним слова “divine”
Выберите синоним слова “evident”
Выберите синоним слова “nonsense”
Выберите синоним слова “purpose”
Выберите синоним слова “remain”
Выберите синоним слова “tenancy”
Выберите синоним слова “wonder”
Выберите синоним слова «entirely»
Выберите синоним слова «reply»
Выберите слово со значением «алтарь»
Выберите слово со значением «бледность»
Выберите слово со значением «бормотать»
Выберите слово со значением «борода»
Выберите слово со значением «веер»
Выберите слово со значением «внешность»
Выберите слово со значением «внимание»
Выберите слово со значением «вырезанный»
Выберите слово со значением «гавань»
Выберите слово со значением «достоинство»
Выберите слово со значением «доступ»
Выберите слово со значением «жалоба» («жалобы»)
Выберите слово со значением «жемчуг»
Выберите слово со значением «жук»
Выберите слово со значением «кисть, ладонь»
Выберите слово со значением «морщина»
Выберите слово со значением «насекомое»
Выберите слово со значением «недоверчиво»
Выберите слово со значением «непредсказуемый»
Выберите слово со значением «обманывать»
Выберите слово со значением «ослаблять»
Выберите слово со значением «отдаленный»
Выберите слово со значением «отчаяние»
Выберите слово со значением «повторять»
Выберите слово со значением «подозрение»
Выберите слово со значением «преимущество»
Выберите слово со значением «признаться»
Выберите слово со значением «проповедь»
Выберите слово со значением «раздражение»
Выберите слово со значением «рассеянно»
Выберите слово со значением «расследовать»
Выберите слово со значением «смирение»
Выберите слово со значением «стая»
Выберите слово со значением «судно, корабль»
Выберите слово со значением «тонкий»
Выберите слово со значением «упрек»
Выберите слово со значением “мешок”
Выберите правильную грамматическую форму глагола I was wondering if a friend of mine here lately
Выберите правильную грамматическую форму глагола I congratulate you Your organization must indeed excellent
Выберите правильную грамматическую форму глагола But at that moment the dog turned its terrible head and
Выберите правильные грамматические формы глаголов I’ve come to you because the man I to for over a year our engagement
Выражение “to peer out” на русский язык переводится как
Вычеркните в каждом из набора вариантов продолжения предложений один, не соответствующий содержанию романа: Biddy grew up
Вычеркните в каждом из набора вариантов продолжения предложений один, не соответствующий содержанию романа: Estella was brought up
Вычеркните в каждом из набора вариантов продолжения предложений один, не соответствующий содержанию романа: Herbert is described as
Вычеркните в каждом из набора вариантов продолжения предложений один, не соответствующий содержанию романа: In the end
Вычеркните в каждом из набора вариантов продолжения предложений один, не соответствующий содержанию романа: Jaggers is
Вычеркните в каждом из набора вариантов продолжения предложений один, не соответствующий содержанию романа: Joe is shown in the novel as
Вычеркните в каждом из набора вариантов продолжения предложений один, не соответствующий содержанию романа: Magwitch is shown as
Вычеркните в каждом из набора вариантов продолжения предложений один, не соответствующий содержанию романа: Miss Havisham, as a child, was
Вычеркните в каждом из набора вариантов продолжения предложений один, не соответствующий содержанию романа: Pip, as he is growing up, is shown as
Вычеркните в каждом из набора вариантов продолжения предложений один, не соответствующий содержанию романа: Wemmick is shown as
Вычеркните неправильное словообразование (слово, которого нет в английском языке):
Вычеркните неправильное словообразование (слово, которого нет в английском языке):
Вычеркните неправильное словообразование (слово, которого нет в английском языке):
Вычеркните неправильное словообразование (слово, которого нет в английском языке):
Вычеркните неправильное словообразование (слово, которого нет в английском языке):
Вычеркните неправильное словообразование (слово, которого нет в английском языке):
Вычеркните неправильное словообразование (слово, которого нет в английском языке):
Вычеркните неправильное словообразование (слово, которого нет в английском языке):
Вычеркните неправильное словообразование (слово, которого нет в английском языке):
Вычеркните неправильное словообразование (слово, которого нет в английском языке):
Вычеркните слова, не подходящие по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слова, не подходящие по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слова, не подходящие по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слова, не подходящие по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слова, не подходящие по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слова, не подходящие по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слова, не подходящие по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слова, не подходящие по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слова, не подходящие по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слова, не подходящие по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слова, не подходящие по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слова, не подходящие по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слова, не подходящие по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слова, не подходящие по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слова, не подходящие по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слова, не подходящие по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слова, не подходящие по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слова, не подходящие по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слова, не подходящие по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слова, не подходящие по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слова, не подходящие по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слово или выражение, не подходящее по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слово или выражение, не подходящее по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слово или выражение, не подходящее по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слово или выражение, не подходящее по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слово или выражение, не подходящее по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слово или выражение, не подходящее по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слово или выражение, не подходящее по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слово или выражение, не подходящее по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слово, не объединяемое с указанным в словосочетание: a country may be
Вычеркните слово, не объединяемое с указанным в словосочетание: a topic can be
Вычеркните слово, не объединяемое с указанным в словосочетание: cogitation may be
Вычеркните слово, не объединяемое с указанным в словосочетание: cunning can be said about
Вычеркните слово, не объединяемое с указанным в словосочетание: dinner can be
Вычеркните слово, не объединяемое с указанным в словосочетание: distant can describe
Вычеркните слово, не объединяемое с указанным в словосочетание: flapping can be said about
Вычеркните слово, не объединяемое с указанным в словосочетание: fluttering can describe
Вычеркните слово, не объединяемое с указанным в словосочетание: furnished can be said of
Вычеркните слово, не объединяемое с указанным в словосочетание: genteel can describe
Вычеркните слово, не объединяемое с указанным в словосочетание: lively can be describe of
Вычеркните слово, не объединяемое с указанным в словосочетание: mist can be
Вычеркните слово, не объединяемое с указанным в словосочетание: one can stir
Вычеркните слово, не объединяемое с указанным в словосочетание: one can waste
Вычеркните слово, не объединяемое с указанным в словосочетание: promising can describe
Вычеркните слово, не объединяемое с указанным в словосочетание: restraint can be
Вычеркните слово, не объединяемое с указанным в словосочетание: smart can describe
Вычеркните слово, не объединяемое с указанным в словосочетание: the attention may be
Глагол “to repudiate” на русский язык переводится как
Глагол “to retort” на русский язык переводится как
Глагол “to insist” на русский язык переводится
Дополните предложение соответственно содержанию текста Admiral Chandler and his friend Colonel Frobisher
Дополните предложение соответственно содержанию текста Dr Andersen was
Дополните предложение соответственно содержанию текста Hugh broke off our engagement because
Дополните предложение соответственно содержанию текста Miss Carnaby had
Дополните предложение соответственно содержанию текста Miss Carnaby refused to help Hercule Poirot, because
Дополните предложение соответственно содержанию текста Miss Lemon was a woman without imagination,
Дополните предложение Current of air in a room, chimney or other enclosed place is called …
Дополните предложение If you knock a man down with your car, and then call him a fool, you are adding insult to …
Дополните предложение Person, walking in a street, is called …
Дополните предложение The way in which the language is spoken is called …
Дополните предложение When something makes or becomes greater in size, number, degree, etc, it means that it …
Дополните предложение When something or somebody causes trouble it or he/she is called …
Дополните предложение When you do something in a right, correct, suitable way you do it …
Дополните предложение When you look closely, as if unable to see well, you …
Дополните предложение When you say that you will have nothing more to do with something or somebody you … it/he/she
Дополните предложение When you take all your attention so that attention is not given to other matters, you are …
Задайте правильно разделительный вопрос The church clock strikes the first quarter,
Задайте правильно разделительный вопрос George Bernard Shaw was more than merely the best comic dramatist of his time,
Задайте правильно разделительный вопрос He said that he could pass the flower girl off as a duchess at an ambassador’s garden party in three months,
Задайте правильно разделительный вопрос Liza picks up the basket and trudges up the alley with it to her lodging,
Задайте правильно разделительный вопрос The note taker’s profession was also his hobby,
Задайте правильно разделительный вопрос The sarcastic bystander could easily tell a person where he or she came from,
Из предложенных слов выберите то, которое отличается от других
Из предложенных слов выберите то, которое отличается от других
Из предложенных слов выберите то, которое отличается от других
Из предложенных слов выберите то, которое отличается от других
Из предложенных слов выберите то, которое отличается от других
Какой частью речи является форма с -ing?: He knew without being told
Какой частью речи является форма с -ing?: It is a most amazing thing
Какой частью речи является форма с -ing?: I apologise for telling something …
Какой частью речи является форма с -ing?: I saw George lunching by himself
Какой частью речи является форма с -ing?: I don’t believe in overloading my stomach
Подберите антоним к глаголу «to meet»
Подберите антоним к глаголу «to worry»
Подберите антоним к слову «always»
Подберите антоним к слову «beautiful»
Подберите антоним к слову «danger»
Подберите антоним к слову «expensive»
Подберите антоним к слову «odd»
Подберите антоним к слову «outsider»
Подберите антоним к слову «resolutely»
Подберите антоним к слову «seldom»
Подберите антоним к слову «sentiment»
Подберите антоним к слову «upwards»
Продолжите предложение соответственно содержанию текста Eliza Doolittle was really in love with
Продолжите предложение соответственно содержанию текста George Bernard Show is
Продолжите предложение соответственно содержанию текста Henry Higgins was
Продолжите предложение соответственно содержанию текста The title of the play is
Продолжите предложение соответственно содержанию текста “Pygmalion” was claimed by Shaw to be
Продолжите предложение соответственно содержанию текста Henry Higgins wanted to teach Liza to speak standard English because
Продолжите предложение соответственно содержанию текста Mrs Pearce is not happy to hear that Professor undertakes to teach Liza proper accent because
Слово «envelope» на русский язык переводится как
Слово «harmless» на русский язык переводится как
Слово «to accept» на русский язык переводится как
Слово «to approach» на русский язык переводится как
Слово «to retire» на русский язык переводится как
Слово «to return» на русский язык переводится как
Слово «unexplained» на русский язык переводится как
Слово “ankle” на русский язык переводится как
Слово “brusquely” на русский язык переводится как
Слово “coyly” на русский язык переводится как
Слово “fit” на русский язык переводится как
Слово “frantically” на русский язык переводится как
Слово “gloomily” на русский язык переводится как
Слово “heartily” на русский язык переводится как
Слово “idle” на русский язык переводится как
Слово “molestation” на русский язык переводится как
Слово “presumptuous” на русский язык переводится как
Слово “queer” на русский язык переводится как
Слово “saucy” на русский язык переводится как
Слово “seldom” на русский язык переводится как
Слово “torrents”на русский язык переводится как
Слово “violently” на русский язык переводится как
Слово “vital” на русский язык переводится как
Укажите антоним каждого из следующих слов: communicative
Укажите антоним каждого из следующих слов: conscientious
Укажите антоним каждого из следующих слов: languor
Укажите антоним каждого из следующих слов: self-asserting
Укажите антоним каждого из следующих слов: ungainly
Укажите синоним каждого из следующих слов: a tramp
Укажите синоним каждого из следующих слов: gaze
Укажите синоним каждого из следующих слов: odd
Укажите синоним каждого из следующих слов: restraint
‘A janitor’ is
‘A queer girl’ is
‘Abominably’ means
‘Bleary eyes’ are
‘Clumsily’ means
‘Dumpy’ means
‘Fascinated’ means
‘Feeble’ means
‘Fee’ is
‘Flat dwellers’ are
‘Heathen’ means
‘Human coherence’ is
‘Obscure’ is
‘Overwhelmingly’ means
‘Perverted’ means
‘Plain-faced’ means
‘Sackcloth’ is
‘Shapely’ means
‘Soiled’ means
‘Spectacled’ means
‘The edge of town’ is
‘To afford’ means
‘To associate’ means
‘To be anxious to please’ means
‘To be bound to win’ means
‘To be content ’ means
‘To be entranced’ means
‘To blink’ means
‘To brake’ means
‘To chip in’ means
‘To clap’ means
‘To consume provisions’ means
‘To draw a conclusion’ means
‘To exchange repartee’ means
‘To fume’ means
‘To hasten’ means
‘To insult smb.’ means
‘To keep the chafing dish bubbling’ means
‘To linger’ means
‘To precede’ means
‘To pulse with a genius’ means
‘To snatch’ means
‘To stagger’ means
‘To vanish’ means
‘To wait upon’ means
‘Tremendous’ means
‘Vaguely’ means
“ filthy” means
“ rotten” means
“ scarce” means
“ sheaf” is
“ steadily” means
“ stove” is
“ to abandon” means
“ to bait” means
“ to bother” means
“ to climb”
“ to cuddle” means
“ to feel low” means
“ to grab” means
“ to invigorate” means
“ to pound” means
“ to put down” means
“ to roar” means
“ to run errands” means
“ to scrutinize” means
“ to shove down” means
“ to tiptoe” means
“ to trip” means
“ vile” means
“ wintry” means
“elaborate” means
“exhilaration” is
“gentle” means
“I’ll have nothing to do with them” said Wash Williams, looking with … eyes at the men who walked along the station platform past the telegraph office.
“pebble” is
“shriek” is
“steep” means
“stern” means
“stuffy” means
“swiftly” means
“to bellow” means
“to blaspheme” means
“to crackle” means
“to discourage” means
“to fall back”
“to fortify” means
“to lie flat” means
“to peek in” means
“to pick on” means
“to run smth.” means
“to smash” means
“to spark” means
“to splash” means
“to stir” means
“to stroke” means
“to undo” means
“wrecked” means
… , George used to tell his friends:
… was a sidesman:
… was going to Milan too .
… was still a great joke at the mess.
… was tall, beautiful, lively, gracious and learned in persiflage.
… was young and blushed easily and wore a uniform like the rest of them but with a cross in dark red velvet above the left breast pocket of his gray tunic.
But this arrangement left Mr. Joseph Sedley tête-à-tête with Rebecca, at the drawing-room, where she was occupied in ...

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ПКОЯз. Английский язык. Домашнее чтение - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
According to Holden, what is a catcher in the rye?
After Holden left the Antolini’s where did he go?
After Holden left the skating rink, what did he eat?
After Holden left the skating rink, where did he go to eat?
Holden and Phoebe see at the zoo:
Holden thought the piano player in the Wicker Bar was:
How did Holden inform his sister that he wanted to meet her at lunch time?
How did Holden put his cigarette out in Phoebe’s room?
How much money did Phoebe give Holden?
Luce’s girlfriend is:
What did Castle borrow from Holden?
What did Holden and Phoebe do in Bloomingdale’s?
What did Holden buy for Phoebe?
What did Holden discuss with the two nuns?
What did Holden do each time he ordered a drink at the Wicker Bar?
What did Holden do in the bathroom at the Wicker Bar?
What did Holden forget at the Antolini’s?
What did Holden give the two nuns?
What did Holden offer Sally?
What did Holden try to rub off on the stairs?
What did Holden want to do for Sally?
What did Holden want to give the coat-check girl at the Wicker Bar?
What did Holden’s mother have when she got home?
What did Holden’s parents say to him when they got home?
What did Luce enjoy drinking?
What did Luce used to know a lot about?
What did Mr. Antolini offer Holden?
What did Mrs. Antolini offer Holden?
What did Phoebe bring with her when she met Holden at the museum?
What did Phoebe do with the record Holden bought her?
What did Phoebe eat for dinner?
What did Phoebe put on her head when she became angry with Holden?
What did Phoebe’s mother accuse her of doing?
What did Stabile do to Castle?
What did the nuns teach?
What did the two boys want to see at the museum?
What does swanky mean?
What does it mean to barge in?
What does it mean to cut classes?
What does it mean to get the ax?
What does it mean to give somebody a buzz?
What does it mean to kill time?
What does it mean to stick to one’s guns?
What does it mean to horse around?
What happened to Holden while Phoebe was on the carrousel?
What happened to James Castle?
What happened to the record?
What is a skate key?
What is Holden’s sister’s name?
What is Luce’s first name?
What is Oral Expression?
What is Phoebe’s real middle name?
What is the Great Gatsby?
What is the name of the record Holden bought for Phoebe?
What is the profession of Luce’s father?
What is wrong with the Caulfields’ maid?
What middle name does Phoebe use?
What movie scene was D.B. writing?
What ride did Phoebe take in the park?
What was Holden afraid of dying from?
What was Holden looking for in Central Park?
What was Holden’s favorite part of an orchestra?
What was Holden’s favorite part of the museum?
What was Mrs. Antolini wearing when Holden arrived?
What was Phoebe studying in geography?
What was Phoebe wearing when Holden got home?
What was printed on Phoebe’s pajamas?
What was the name of Holden’s dog?
What was the name of the play in which Phoebe was to perform?
What was the «100-year old man» looking for in the bathroom?
What’s a half gainer?
What’s the only thing Holden likes?
When Holden left his apartment he left by way of:
Where did Allie die?
Where did Holden and Phoebe go after they met at the museum?
Where did Holden hide in Phoebe’s room?
Where did Holden keep his bags?
Where did Holden sleep at the Antolini’s?
Where did Holden want to work instead of going to another school?
Where does The Catcher in the Rye get its name?
Where was Phoebe sleeping when Holden came home?
Where were Holden’s parents when he returned home?
Which of the following does Holden dislike?
Who are the Caulfields’ neighbors?
Who are the Rockettes?
Who carried the student away that committed suicide?
Who was Mr. Antolini?
Who was the regular elevator operator in Holden’s building?
Who were the French singers at the Wicker Bar?
Who wrote If a Body Meet a Body Coming through the Rye?
Whom did Holden meet at the skating rink?
Whom did Holden meet while having breakfast?
Why did Holden become frightened of Mr. Antolini?
Why did Holden fall in the pond in Central Park?
Why did Holden feel sick in Central Park?
Why did Phoebe give Holden money?
Why did Phoebe think that her father would kill Holden?
With whom did Phoebe go to the movies?

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ПКОЯз. Английский язык. Домашнее чтение - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
The Catcher in the Rye was published in:
According to Holden, how old does one have to be to get a cocktail at Ernie’s?
Ackley’s favorite pastime is:
Ackley’s first name is:
Allie is:
Childs was:
D.B. has the following type of car:
D.B. is:
Ernie is:
Gladstones are:
Holden and Stradlater got into a fist fight because:
Holden asked each taxi driver:
Holden didn’t call his sister because:
Holden drank in the Lavender Room:
Holden is ___ years old.
Holden left the Lavender Room because:
Holden met at Ernie’s:
Holden met on the train:
Holden saw through his window at the hotel:
Holden was the manager of (sport):
Holden’s last name is:
How did Holden know where Ernie’s was located?
How did Holden meet Jane Gallagher?
Lillian was with at Ernie’s with:
Marsalla was:
Maurice hit Holden because:
Maurice is:
Mr. Spencer was:
On Allie’s baseball mitt was written:
On which floor did Holden stay in the hotel?
Ossenburger is:
Salinger did last publish in:
Salinger was born in:
Salinger was born in:
Salinger’s first publication was in:
Salinger’s first publication was:
Stradlater asked Holden to do all of the following except:
Stradlater is:
Stradlater’s first name is:
Sunny is:
Sunny removed from Holden’s wallet:
The fencing team didn’t win the competition because:
The initials «J.D.» in Salinger’s name mean:
The theme of the paper that Holden wrote for Stradlater was:
The three stupid women from whom Holden met in the Lavender Room were from:
What are galoshes?
What breed of dog did Jane Gallagher have?
What color of hair does Phoebe have?
What did Allie die of on July 18, 1946?
What did Holden do with Sunny’s dress?
What did Holden offer Mrs. Morrow?
What did Holden yell before leaving the dormitory for the last time?
What does it mean to chuck?
What does it mean to drop a hint?
What does it mean to flunk?
What does it mean to get in a tiff with someone?
What does it mean to give someone a feel?
What does it mean to go to the can?
What does it mean to kid?
What does it mean to lose one’s marbles?
What does it mean to neck?
What does it mean to puke?
What does it mean to tee off?
What does to chew the rag mean?
What is a crew cut?
What is a highball?
What is a moron?
What is a pervert?
What is a pimple?
What is a virgin?
What is an undertaker?
What is Canasta?
What is checkers?
What is fencing?
What is Holden’s favorite cocktail?
What movie did Holden, Ackley and Brossard see?
What reason did Holden give Mrs. Morrow why he couldn’t come for a visit?
What reason did Holden give Sunny why he didn’t want to have sex with her?
What was between each room in the dormitory?
What was strange in how Jane Gallagher played checkers?
What was the favor that Stradlater asked Holden to do for him?
What was the name of the book D.B. wrote?
What was wrong with Mr. Spencer?
What was wrong with Mrs. Spencer?
What’s wrong with Ackley?
Where did Allie die on July 18, 1946?
Where does D.B. live?
Which of the following best describes Jane Gallagher’s father?
Who is Faith Cavendish?
Who played the piano at Ernie’s?
Why did each taxi driver refuse to have a cocktail with Holden?
Why did Jane not answer her father when he asked her if there were any cigarettes in the house?
Why didn’t Faith Cavendish meet Holden?
Why was Holden kicked out of school?
«Five dollars a throw» mean:

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ПКОЯз. Английский язык. Домашнее чтение - Слайдлекция по модулю

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
"An inferiority complex" переводится на русский язык как "комплекс неполноценности":
"West Point" переводится на русский язык как "военная академия":
Holden asked the nun if she was out collecting money for charity. She said yes:
Holden decided to say hello to his sister and parents:
Holden got to Phoebe's room, but she wasn't there:
Holden liked Tybalt the best in the play Romeo and Juliet:
Holden never thinks whoever he's necking is a pretty intelligent person:
Holden thinks Phoebe doesn't throw her stuff around, like some kids:
Holden wanted to make the date with Sally, but she refused:
Holden was smoking a cigarette, and when he stood up to say good-by to the nuns, he blew some smoke in their face:
Holden's a devoted Catholic:
Holden's roommate believed his suitcases to be too new and bourgeois:
Phoebe's middle name is Josephine, not Weatherfield:
The genre of "The Catcher in the Rye" is story:
The nuns said they were schoolteachers:
The reason Holden used to think Sally was quite intelligent was because she knew quite a lot about the theater and plays and literature:

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ПКОЯз АНГЛ Практикум по аналитическому чтению и письменной речи - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
Doc made what seemed to be chicken stew. What was it really made of?
For how long had Doc told the waitress that he had been drinking beer milk-shakes?
How did Doc find out that there was to be a birthday party for him?
How did Joey’s father commit suicide?
How did Mack “accidentally” find out Doc’s birthday?
How many miles away is La Jolla from Monterey?
How many times a year does Mrs. Talbot usually celebrate her birthday?
How much was the bet between Doc and Richard Frost?
How was Doc’s shirt torn at the party?
In La Jolla, besides octopi and cradles, what else did Doc find?
Instead of money, with what did Mack and the boys buy products from Lee Chong?
Of the following, which did Darling not chew up?
What color of bow did Darling wear to the party?
What color of hair did the waitress have?
What color of hair does Dora have?
What did Darling become sick with?
What did Dora’s girls use to fend off the uninvited guests at Doc’s party?
What did Frankie steal from the store?
What did Henri give Doc for his birthday?
What did Joey and Willard find in the gutter?
What did Mrs. Malloy give Doc for his birthday?
What did Mrs. Talbot say happened to her great-great-great-great-great grandmother?
What did Sam Malloy give Doc on his birthday?
What did the boys do with the gas in the Model-T after they returned it to Lee Chong?
What did the gopher lose after the fight with the bull gopher?
What had accidentally been eaten at Doc’s birthday party?
What happened to the cake that Eddie baked?
What happened to the police car?
What is a hinge?
What is a rattlesnake?
What is a “galley” on a boat or ship?
What is Indian wrestling?
What is one unit of lettuce called?
What is the English equivalent to “медуза”?
What was Doc collecting in La Jolla?
What was Kitty Randolph doing when Mrs. Talbot invited her over for tea?
What was Mrs. Casini doing when Mrs. Talbot invited her over for tea?
What was Phyllis Mae recovering from?
What was the previous record for skating on a flag pole?
What was the unusual drink that Doc ordered from the waitress?
What were the boys doing during the parade?
What would have Doc received if he had reported the dead body to the authorities?
When is Doc’s actual birthday?
When is St. Patrick’s Day?
Where did Henri meet his last girlfriend?
Which of the following did Doc not buy at the Thrift Market?
Which of the following doesn’t belong to the list?
Which of the following is not considered a bad omen (supersticious) in America?
Who did Henri think he saw killed on his boat?
Who gave Doc a rowing machine for his birthday?
Who house-trained Darling?
Who is Mrs. Casini?
Why did Doc hit Mack several times in the mouth?
Why did it always take Doc a long time to travel anywhere?
Why did Richard Frost leave the house in the middle of the night?
Why did the hitchhiker get out of Doc’s car on the way to La Jolla?
Why did the sheriff let Gay out of jail?
Why did women always leave Henri?
Why didn’t Doc come to his first party?
With whom did Gay arrive at the party?

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ПКОЯз. Английский язык. Домашнее чтение - Слайдлекция по модулю

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
Ackley is a very neat guy as Holden thinks:
Ackley liked Stradlater very much:
Holden decided to get out of Pencey right that same night and not wait till Wednesday:
Holden only wanted Stradlater to shut up:
Holden was the manager of the fencing team in Pencey:
Holden would never call any writer up:
Holden's favourite author is his brother D.B., and his next favourite is Ring Lardner:
If there's one thing Holden hates, it's the movies:
Mr. Spencer shared the room with Holden at Pencey:
Salinger like Holden Caulfield, the hero of The Catcher in the Rye, grew up in New York City:
Stradlater always walked around in his bare torso because he thought he had a damn good build. But Holden thought he didn't:
Stradlater was the first to hit Holden, but Holden didn't hit Stradlater back:
The book of short stories The Secret Goldfish was written by Salinger J.D.:
The humour and colourful language of The Catcher in the Rye place it in the tradition of Mark Twain's Adventures of Huckleberry Finn:
The reason Ackley is sore at Stradlater is because he said that stuff about brushing your teeth once in a while:
Тo give a buzz по-русски означает "позвонить":

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ПКОЯз. Английский язык. Домашнее чтение - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
According to the text, what couldn’t Frankie help Doc with?
After the boys knew that Gay wasn’t coming back with the needed part for the Model T, who drove the rest of the way to Carmel Valley?
For what reason did Mack tell the Captain why he needed to catch frogs for Doc?
For whom were Doc and Hazel collecting starfish?
How did Lee Chong acquire the Palace Flophouse?
How did William die?
How many miles did the boys carry the stove from Seaside to Cannery Row?
How many times was Steinbeck in Russia (then the USSR)?
How much was the rent per week on the Palace Flophouse to be paid to Chong?
Hughie was the first person from the Palace Flophouse to bring in «furniture.» What was it?
In what year was Cannery Row written?
Of the following which has four legs?
Of the following which is a tree?
Of the following which is NOT a bird?
Once Doc asked Gay to collect turtles for him, however, Gay didn’t collect them. Why didn’t he?
What breed of dog did the watchman have at Tom Works’?
What did Doc find in his safe?
What did Doc have to do in La Jolla?
What did Eddie keep behind the bar at La Ida’s?
What did Hazel gather with Doc in the tide pool?
What did Hazel hide in the bottom of his gunny sack while collecting starfish with Doc?
What did Mack call the Captain’s dog?
What did the boys drink at the Captain’s?
What does Mrs. Malloy want to buy for $1.98?
What does «posthumous» mean?
What happened to Phyllis Mae’s hand?
What is a novena?
What is a Wop?
What is an I.O.U.?
What is Doc’s favorite beverage?
What is the name of Doc’s laboratory?
What was Doc afraid of?
What was in the brown paper bag that the soldiers were carrying?
What was John Steinbeck’s given first name?
What was John Steinbeck’s wife’s name?
What was Mrs. Lee Chong cutting on the butcher’s block when Mack came into Lee Chong’s store?
What was the old Chinaman’s name who walked to the ocean every evening and returned in the morning?
What was wrong with the Captain’s dog?
When was John Steinbeck born and when did he die?
When was the Prohibition in the United States?
Where did John Steinbeck die?
Where did Steinbeck study marine biology at?
Where did the Captain fall asleep after having drunk too much?
Where did the Malloys live?
Where was John Steinbeck born?
Which letter can’t Lee Chong correctly pronounce in English?
Which of the following is an insect?
Which three things were absolutely necessary to take with you on an outing according to the boys?
Who broke a leg as a result of a roller-coaster ride?
Who did Frankie say his father was?
Who is Red Williams?
Who spilled beer in the young woman’s lap?
Who was Josh Billings?
Why did Gay’s wife stop sending Gay to jail?
Why did Hazel’s mother give him a girl’s name?
Why didn’t Doc give the boys his car to collect frogs?
Why didn’t Gay come back from town after he left to get a new carburetor?
Why has Henry been working on building his boat for the last seven years and hasn’t finished it?
Why was Steinbeck fired from a New York newspaper?
Why wouldn’t the motor work in Chong’s Model T Ford?

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ПКОЯз. Английский язык. Домашнее чтение - Слайдлекция по модулю

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
According to Doc, people didn't like him for telling the truth:
Baby octopi is a devilfish:
Doc decided to take a very long walk on a bet he stood to win a hundred dollars:
Doc had to go to the seaside to keep up his collecting:
Doc hit Mack and Mack hit Doc:
Doc picked his hitchhikers very carefully for he wanted somebody to speak to while travelling:
Doc went to the seaside with Mack and the boys and the three young women he knew and Henri the painter:
Henri the painter was French and his name was Henri:
In the group of five men there were five distinct theories of dog training, theories which dashed so that Darling never got any training at all:
Lee anticipated a brisk business with frogs:
Lee didn't think very much over Mack's proposition:
Mack wanted himself and the boys to clean up at Doc's, but Doc refused:
Mack was glad when Doc hit him:
Richard was mostly interested in how the skater warm himself at night:
To be a night crawler по-русски означает "быть "совой":
To kid about something, to kid someone по-русски означает "шутить, разыгрывать кого-либо":

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ПКОЯз АНГЛ Практикум по аналитическому чтению и письменной речи - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
After beginning treatment at Quitters, Inc., between which months did Morrison "sneak" a cigarette?
After beginning treatment at Quitters, Inc., how many times did Morrison smoke?
At what time was Morrison's wife electrocuted?
Before beginning treatment at Quitters, Inc., Morrison quit smoking once before. For how long of a period of time?
For how long was Morrison electrocuted?
For how long was Morrison's wife electrocuted?
For whom does Morrison work?
How long does the treatment continue at Quitters, Inc.?
How many cigarettes a day did Minelli smoke?
How much did the electricity cost for electrocuting Morrison's wife?
How much is a "score?"
In which city does Morrison live?
In which city is Quitters, Inc. located?
Instead of a cigarette in Morrison's mouth, which of the following does Morrison put in his mouth?
McCann's wife's name is:
Morrison's wife's maiden name was:
Morrison's wife's name is:
Quitters, Inc. is located on:
Richard Morrison is also called:
What advice did the doctor give McCann?
What color are Donatti's eyes?
What did Donatti do to the rabbit?
What did Donatti do with Morrison's cigarettes on his second visit to Quitters, Inc.?
What did Junk have in his hand when Morrison arrived at Quitters, Inc.?
What does Donatti say that Morrison's maximum weight should be?
What does McCann give Morrison at the bar at the airport?
What does Morrison chew at Donatti's office?
What does Morrison do as a profession?
What does Morrison give to the old man at Dempsey's bar?
What does Morrison mean when he uses the statement "the rabbit trick?"
What does Morrison usually have for breakfast?
What else was in the room with the rabbit?
What happens after the fifth offense of smoking a cigarette?
What happens after the first offense of smoking a cigarette?
What happens after the fourth offense of smoking a cigarette?
What happens after the second offense of smoking a cigarette?
What happens after the third offense of smoking a cigarette?
What happens if Morrison puts on weight?
What is Alvin Morrison's middle name?
What is Mort Minelli's nickname (кличка)?
What is wrong with Alvin?
What position does McCann hold at Crager and Barton?
What relationship do Morrison and McCann have between them?
What was the total cost of treatment at Quitters, Inc.?
When did Mort Minelli die?
When Morrison found cigarettes in the car, with whom was he angry?
Where did Morrison find cigarettes in his car?
Where did Morrison find cigarettes in his study?
Where did Morrison smoke a cigarette after the beginning of treatment at Quitters, Inc.?
Where does the "crony" work whom Morrison met at the bar?
Which of the following movies is one of Mrs. Morrison's favorites?
Which performance did the Morrisons and McCanns see at the Helen Hayes Theater?
Who did Morrison meet at the bar at Kennedy International?
Who had lung cancer?
Who has an ulcer?
Who or what was in the closet of Morrison's study?
Who pushed the button to electrocute Morrison's wife?
Why didn't Morrison open the closet door in his study?
Why doesn't McCann tell Morrison how the treatment at Quitters, Inc. works?
Why was McCann's wife's finger cut off?

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ПКОЯз АНГЛ Практикум по аналитическому чтению и письменной речи - Тест-тренинг

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: The song made him awfully sad. Dora was in the back parlor having a cup of tea when William came in. She said, "What's the matter, you sick?" "No," said William. "But what's the percentage? I feel _________. I think I'll bump myself off." Dora had handled plenty of neurotics in her time. Kid 'em out of it was her motto. "Well, do it on your own time and don't mess up the rugs," she said
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Lee _________. He knew it didn't matter what he charged. He wasn't going to get it anyway. He might just as well make it a really sturdy face-saving sum. "Fi' dolla' week," said Lee. Mack played it through to the end. "I'll have to talk to the boys about it," he said dubiously
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Lee's finger came to a gentle rest on the change mat. He was _________. He knew that. There was left to him only the possibility of saving face and Mack was likely to be very generous about that. Lee said, "You like pay lent my place? You like live there same hotel?" Mack smiled broadly and he was generous
Choose the right preposition: "Don't you know you can't lay around here? You got to get off. This is private property!" The soldiers did not even seem to hear him They smiled on and the girls were stroking their hair over the temples. At last ... slow motion one of the soldiers turned his head so that his cheek was cradled between the girl's legs
Choose the right preposition: "You look done in," Dora said. "I am," Doc admitted. "I haven't had any sleep for about a week." "I know," said Dora. "I hear it's bad. Comes ... a bad time too."
Choose the right preposition: He smiled benevolently at the caretaker. "Why don't you take a flying fuggut the moon?" he said kindly and he turned back to look _________ the girl. The sun lighted her blonde hair and she scratched him over one ear. They didn't even see the caretaker go back to his house
Choose the right preposition: Mack and the boys and the captain sat down _________ the ground to have one last short one and to map their campaign. And the plan was bold. During the millennia that frogs and men have lived in the same world, it is probable that men have hunted frogs.
Choose the right preposition: Mack said, "He give me that jug _________ whiskey, didn't he? You heard him?" "Sure he did," said Eddie. "I heard him." "And he give me a pup?" "Sure, pick of the litter. We all heard him
Choose the right preposition: The medical profession was very busy, and besides, Cannery Row was not considered a very good financial risk. Now Doc ... the Western Biological Laboratory had no right to practice medicine
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: "Good," said Mack. "I knew Doc could (to depend) on you. I'll get Gay right to work on that truck." He turned about to leave. "By the way," he said. "Doc's paying us five cents apiece for those frogs. We're going to get seven or eight hundred. How about taking a pint of Old Tennis Shoes just 'til we can get back with the frogs?" "No!" said Lee Chong.
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: "No," said Doc. "I (to tell) you. I have to drive to La Jolla tonight to make tomorrow's tide." "Oh," said Mack dispiritedly. "Oh. Well, don't you worry about it, Doc. Maybe we can get Lee Chong's old truck."
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Doc's got to go south and I and the boys said we'd (to help) him out. I think a guy's friends ought to help him out of a hole when they can, especially a nice guy like Doc. Why I bet he spends sixty seventy dollars a month with you." Lee Chong remained silent and watchful. His fat finger barely moved on the change mat but it flicked slightly like a tense cat's tail.
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Lee put back his head so that he could see Mack through his half-glasses. There didn't seem to be anything wrong with the proposition. The truck really wouldn't (to run). Gay really was a good mechanic and the order for gasoline was definite evidence of good faith. "How long you be gone?" Lee asked.
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Mack plunged into his thesis. "Will you let us (to take) your old truck to go up Carmel Valley for frogs for Doc – for good old Doc?" Lee Chong smiled in triumph. "Tluck no good," he said. "Bloke down."
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Mack said, "Doc, it's my own invention but I'll (to tell) you because you're a good friend. You make a big wire trap and then you don't use bait. You see – well – you use a lady cat. Catch every God damn tom cat in the country that way." From the laboratory Mack crossed the street and went through the swinging screen doors into Lee Chong's grocery.
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Mack was smiling broadly. "Doc," he (to say), "you can get to sleep tonight and not even give frogs a thought. We'll have piss pots full of them by the time you get back." Doc watched him go a little uneasily. Doc's dealings with Mack and the boys had always been interesting but rarely had they been profitable to Doc. He remembered ruefully the time Mack sold him fifteen tom cats and by night the owners came and got every one. "Mack," he had asked, "why all tom cats?"
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: The intestine was in the sand where the dog had (to abandon) it. Then the French doctor was made to collect the parts. He was forced to wash them reverently and pick out as much sand as possible.
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: They walked on together and Mr. Carriaga told about the little boy and the dog. At the Adobe Bar a number of citizens (to be) gathered for their morning conversation
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Without much discussion a committee formed made up of everyone there. The stern men walked quickly to the gulch and across the foot bridge and they hammered on the door of the doctor who (to have) studied in France. He had worked late.
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Steinbeck’s grandfather (from his father’s side) was russian B) Steinbeck with his wife were finally able to travel to Italy
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? А) Steinbeck’s father worked in California В) In California Steinbeck worked as a painter
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) After leaving New York, Steinbeck traveled back to California B) John Steinbeck studied and received his degree
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) After leaving New York, Steinbeck traveled back to Moscow B) Steinbeck’s first work was published in a university magazine
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) After many years of hard work Steinbeck with his wife were finally able to travel to Finland B) Cannery Row a tone
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) After many years of hard work Steinbeck with his wife were finally able to travel to Ireland B) John Steinbeck studied from 1919 to 1965
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) After many years of hard work Steinbeck with his wife were finally able to travel to such places as England B) John Steinbeck studied in MUH (SGA)
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) After many years of hard work Steinbeck with his wife were finally able to travel to such places as Haiti B) After many years of hard work Steinbeck with his wife were finally able to travel to Scotland
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) After many years of hard work Steinbeck with his wife were finally able to travel to Sweden B) Steinbeck never received the Pulitzer Prize
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) As a journalist for a New York newspaper John Steinbeck was fired B) John Steinbeck studied with long intervals in between classes
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) As a journalist for a New York newspaper John Steinbeck was imprisoned B) Steinbeck’s last work was published after his death
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Cannery Row a dogma B) Cannery Row is the gathered and lost
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Cannery Row a habit B) Cannery Row in Monterey in California is a song
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Cannery Row a nostalgia B) Cannery Row is tin, pin and bin
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Cannery Row a quality of fight B) Cannery Row a dream
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Cannery Row a quality of light B) Cannery Row a power
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Cannery Row a ringtone B) Cannery Row is weedy lots and junk heaps
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Cannery Row a tone B) Cannery Row a box of chocolate
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Cannery Row is and little crowded groceries B) Cannery Row a drink
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Cannery Row is and little crowded whore houses B) John Steinbeck was a marine
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Cannery Row is as the man once said, "theaters, museums, galleries, and sons of teachers" B) Cannery Row is tin and iron and rust and splintered wood
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Cannery Row is chipped pavement B) Cannery Row a vibrating noise
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Cannery Row is chipped wood B) Cannery Row is junky lots and weedy heaps
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Cannery Row is nuclear laboratories B) Cannery Row is restaurants and whore houses
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Cannery Row is tonky honks B) Cannery Row is and laboratories and flophouses
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Cannery Row is vobla and raki and basturma B) Cannery Row is restaurants and publishing houses
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Cannery Row isn’t what Its inhabitants are B) Cannery Row is honky tonks
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) In California Steinbeck worked B) John (Ernest) Steinbeck died in New England
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) In California Steinbeck worked as a caretaker B) Steinbeck’s studies were short, he was lazy
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) In California Steinbeck worked as a chemist B) John (Ernest) Steinbeck was born on Sahalin
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) In California Steinbeck worked as a drug-taker B) Cannery Row is as the man once said, "whores, pimps, gamblers, and sons of bitches,"
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) In California Steinbeck worked as a historian B) Cannery Row a quality of light
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) In California Steinbeck worked as a hod-carrier B) Steinbeck died for a short time and was reborn
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) In California Steinbeck worked as a sculpter B) Cannery Row in Monterey in California is a poem
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) In California Steinbeck worked as a strip-dancer B) Cannery Row a stink
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) In California Steinbeck worked for a Lake Tahoe (Nevada) estate B) John (Ernest) Steinbeck was born on February 27, 1920
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) In California Using fictional situations in California, Steinbeck began writing in a small lonely cottage B) Cannery Row is Its inhabitants are
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) John Steinbeck studied with long intervals in between because he had to work B) John (Ernest) Steinbeck died on December 32
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) John Steinbeck studied with long intervals in between because teachers had to eat B) Cannery Row a grating noise
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) John Steinbeck was fired because of writing his own opinions instead of facts B) Steinbeck died and his books died with him
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) John Steinbeck was fired because of writing vulgarities B) Steinbeck’s first work was published in 1924
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) John Steinbeck was writing his own opinions instead of facts B) John (Ernest) Steinbeck was born in Califanovo
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Steinbeck during World War II B) Steinbeck received the Nobel Prize for a horror story in 1962
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Steinbeck lived most of his life in Cannery Row B) John Steinbeck studied in MUH
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Steinbeck lived most of his life in Cannery Row B)Steinbeck with his wife traveled to North Africa
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Steinbeck received the Pulitzer Prize, but he thought it was a Nobel Prize B) Steinbeck’s last work was published by Eileen
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Steinbeck with his wife were finally able to travel to South Africa B) Cannery Row is and laboratories and flophouses
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Steinbeck with his wife weren’t able to travel to the Soviet Union B) Steinbeck’s first work was published in a university comics
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Steinbeck worked as an itinerant fruit picker B) Steinbeck is alive
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Steinbeck worked in Europe B) Steinbeck received the Nobel Prize for chemistry
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Steinbeck worked in the Information Bureau B) John Steinbeck studied with long intervals in between classes
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Steinbeck’s father worked in a county hospital B) Steinbeck with his wife were finally able to travel to and the Soviet Union
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Steinbeck’s first great piece of work was Tortilla Flats B) John Steinbeck was a marine
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Steinbeck’s first great piece of work was written in 1935 B) Steinbeck did a lot of boxinng
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Steinbeck’s first great piece of work was written in 1985 B) Steinbeck’s first great piece of work was Tortilla food
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Steinbeck’s grandfather (from his father’s side) was German B) Steinbeck studied marine biology
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Steinbeck’s grandfather and grandmother left him B) Steinbeck’s last work was published in 1975
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Steinbeck’s grandmother (from his father’s side) was from an old line of family B) Steinbeck studied, but did not receive his degree
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Steinbeck’s grandmother (from his father’s side) was from an old line of Indian family B) In all, Steinbeck visited the Soviet Union three times
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Steinbeck’s grandmother (from his father’s side) was from Honolulu B) Steinbeck visited the Soviet Union
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Steinbeck’s grandmother (from his father’s side) was from Massachusetts B) Steinbeck’s father worked for the county of Monterey
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Steinbeck’s had three grandfathers and a grandmother B) Steinbeck’s last work was published by his wife
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Steinbeck’s mother worked at Cannery Row B) Steinbeck with his wife were finally able to travel
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Using real life situations, Steinbeck began writing in a small lonely cottage in California B) John (Ernest) Steinbeck died in 1986
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Mack was the elder, leader, mentor, and to a small extent the exploiter of a little group of men who had in common no families, no money, and no ambitions beyond food, _________, and contentment
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: A broad golden wedding ring on the middle finger of his left hand was his only jewelry and with it he silently tapped on the rubber change mat from _________ the little rubber tits had long been worn
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: But to get back to the evening. Horace was on the trestles with the embalming needles in _________
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: But whereas most men in their search for contentment destroy themselves and fall wearily short of their _________
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Cousins, nephews, _________ and daughters-in-law waited on the rest of the store, but Lee never left the cigar counter
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Eddie who filled in as a bartender at La Ida, Hughie and Jones who occasionally collected frogs and _________ for Western Biological, were currently living in those large rusty pipes in the lot next to Lee Chong's
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Follow it past the cypress tree, across the railroad track, up a chicken walk with cleats, and you will come to a long low building which for a long time was used _________ a storage place for fish meal
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: He knew he could not have helped _________, but he wished he might have known and perhaps tried to help
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: He never pressed his clients, but when the bill became _________ large, Lee cut off credit
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: He trusted his clients until further trust became ridiculous. Sometimes he made business errors, but even these he turned to advantage in good will if in no other _________
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: He was tapping the rubber _________ with his gold ring and considering the problem when the door opened and Mack came in
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: He wasn't, but if one wanted to spend money, he _________available
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: He wore half-glasses and _________ he looked at everything through them, he had to tilt his head back to see in the distance
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: His fat delicate hands rested on the glass, the fingers moving like small restless _________
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Interest and discounts, addition, subtraction he worked out on the abacus with his little restless sausage fingers, and his brown friendly eyes roved over the grocery and his _________ flashed at the customers
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: It was deeply a part of Lee's kindness and understanding that man's right to _________ himself is inviolable, but sometimes a friend can make it unnecessary
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: It was just a great big roofed _________ and it belonged to a worried gentleman named Horace Abbeville
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: It was small and crowded but within its single room a man could find everything he needed or wanted to live and to be happy – clothes, food, both fresh and canned, _________, tobacco, fishing equipment, machinery, boats, cordage, caps, pork chops
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: It was that _________ with the Palace Flophouse and Grill. Anyone but Lee Chong would have considered the transaction a total loss
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: It was too far away and anyone can go in through a _________
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Lee Chong considered it as a storehouse for groceries, as a kind of warehouse, but he gave that up on second _________
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Lee Chong did not stand _________the whiskey and the customer without reason
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Lee Chong stiffened ever _________ slightly when Mack came in and his eyes glanced quickly about the store to make sure that Eddie or Hazel or Hughie or Jones had not come in too and drifted away among the groceries
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Lee Chong stood in back of the cigar counter and his nice brown _________ were turned inward on a calm eternal Chinese sorrow
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Lee was round-faced _________ courteous
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Lee _________ nodded and waited
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Lee's mouth was full and benevolent and the flash of gold when he smiled was _________ and warm
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Lee's position in the community surprised him as _________ as he could be surprised. Over the course of the years everyone in Cannery Row owed him money
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Mack and his friends approached contentment casually, quietly, and absorbed it _________
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Mack laid out his _________ with a winning honesty
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Now Lee Chong owned the Abbeville building – a good roof, a good floor, two windows and a _________
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: On an evening when he stood in his place on a pad of newspaper _________ keep his feet warm, he contemplated with humor and sadness a business deal that had been consummated that afternoon and reconsummated later that same afternoon
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Perhaps he didn't get it. Maybe his wealth was entirely in unpaid _________. But he lived well and he had the respect of all his neighbors
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Rather than walk into the town up the hill, the client usually paid or tried _________
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: That is, they lived in the pipes when it was damp but in fine weather they lived in the shadow of the black cypress tree at the top of the _________
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: The grocery opened at dawn and did not close until the last wandering vagrant dime had been spent or retired for the _________
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: The limbs folded down and made a canopy under which a man could lie and look at the flow and vitality of Cannery _________
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: The one commodity Lee Chong did not keep could be had across the lot at _________
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: The top of the glass was his _________
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Then he would go secretly to _________ Francisco and enter a hospital until the trouble blew over
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: True it was piled high with fish meal _________the smell of it was delicate and penetrating
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: What he did with his money, no _________ ever knew
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: When the tong wars were going on in California, it happened now and then that Lee found a price on his _________
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: When you leave the grocery, if you walk catty-cornered across the grass-grown lot, threading your way among the great rusty pipes thrown out of the canneries, you will see a path worn in the _________
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: You could buy at _________ Chong's a pair of slippers, a silk kimono, a quarter pint of whiskey and a cigar
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: You could work out combinations _________ fit almost any mood
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: _________ that Lee Chong was avaricious
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: _________ very practical minds had on occasion tried to divert his attention to another part of the store
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: _________. had already underwritten the funeral and sent a wash basket of groceries to the stricken families
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: A gray damp cloud folded over William's heart and he walked slowly out and down the hall and knocked on Eva Flanegan's door. She had red hair and went to confession every week. Eva was quite a _________girl with a big family of brothers and sisters but she was an unpredictable drunk
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: After a while William went back to the Bear Flag and he watched them through the window and he heard Mack raise his voice saying, "But God damn it, I hate a pimp!" Now this was obviously _________ although William didn't know that. Mack and the boys just didn't like William
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: And he stood in the pretty little cemetery where you can hear the waves drumming always. William thought dark and _________ thoughts. No one loved him. No one cared about him. They might call him a watchman but he was a pimp – a dirty pimp, the lowest thing in the world
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: And then he thought how he had a right to live and be happy just like _________ else, by God he had. He walked back angrily but his anger went away when he came to the Bear Flag and climbed the steps
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Before Alfy the present watchman took over, there was a tragedy in the Bear Flag Restaurant which saddened everyone. The previous watchman was named William and he was a dark and lonesome-looking man. In the daytime when his duties were few he would _________ tired of female company
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Eva _________ at him. "That's a dirty, lousy, stinking sin," she cried, and then, "Wouldn't it be like you to get the joint pinched just when I got almost enough kick to take a trip to East St. Louis
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: He walked out one day and sat on the pipe. Conversation _________and an uneasy and hostile silence fell on the group. After a while William went disconsolately back to the Bear Flag and through the window he saw the conversation spring up again and it saddened him. He had a dark and ugly face and a mouth twisted with brooding
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: His loose sole flap-flapped on the street. He went up the hill to the second street, went through a gate in a high board fence and was not seen again until evening. People, sleeping, heard his flapping shoe go by and they awakened for a _________
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: It was evening and the juke box was playing Harvest Moon and William remembered that the first _________ who ever gaffed for him used to like that song before she ran away and got married and disappeared
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Now and then as he watched them he saw them take out a pint of Old Tennis Shoes and wiping the neck of the bottle on a sleeve, raise the pint one after another. And William began to wish he could join that good _________
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Now William's heart broke. The bums would not receive him socially. They _________ that he was too far beneath them. William had always been introspective and self-accusing. He put on his hat and walked out along the sea, clear out to the Lighthouse
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: She was painting her nails and messing them pretty badly when William went in and he knew she was bagged and Dora wouldn't let a bagged girl work. Her fingers were nail polish to the first joint and she was _________. "What's eating you?" she said. William grew angry too. "I'm going to bump myself off," he said fiercely
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: The next _________ he went again and this time he took a pint of whiskey. Mack and the boys drank the whiskey, after all they weren't crazy, but all the talking they did was "Good luck," and "Lookin' at you."
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Through the windows he could see Mack and the boys sitting on the pipes in the vacant _________, dangling their feet in the mallow weeds and taking the sun while they discoursed slowly and philosophically of matters of interest but of no importance
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: You're a no-good bastard." She was still screaming at him when William _________ her door after him and went to the kitchen. He was very tired of women. The Greek would be restful after women
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: There are normally twelve _________ in the house, counting the old ones, a Greek cook, and a man who is known as a watchman but who undertakes all manner of delicate and dangerous tasks
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: ... And Lee carefully packed the bones, femurs, and tibias really straight, skull in the middle, with pelvis and clavicle surrounding it and ribs curving on either side. Then Lee Chong sent his boxed and brittle grandfather over the western sea to lie at last in ground made _________ by his ancestors
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: A hard man with a can of beans – a soft man with the bones of his grandfather. For Lee Chong dug into the grave on China Point and found the yellow bones, the skull with gray ropy hair still _________ to it
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Alfred has triumphed over his environment and has brought his environment up with him. He knows what men should be there and what men shouldn't be there. He knows more about the home life of Monterey citizens than _________ in town
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: And by the same token she is hated by the twisted and lascivious sisterhood of married spinsters whose husbands respect the home but don't _________ it very much
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: As for Dora – she leads a ticklish existence. Being against the law, at least against its letter, she must be twice as law abiding as anyone else. There must be no drunks, no fighting, no _________, or they close Dora up. Also being illegal Dora must be especially philanthropic. Everyone puts the bite on her
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Dora is a great woman, a great big woman with flaming orange hair and a taste for Nile green evening _________
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Dora saw the hungry children of Cannery Row and the jobless fathers and the worried women and Dora paid grocery bills right and left for two years and very nearly went _________ in the process
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Dora's girls are well _________ and pleasant. They never speak to a man on the street although he may have been in the night before
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: He saw himself _________ Mack's request and he saw the broken glass from the windows. Then Mack would offer a second time to watch over and preserve Lee's property – and at the second refusal, Lee could smell the smoke, could see the little flames creeping up the walls. Mack and his friends would try to help to put it out
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: If the police give a dance for their pension fund and everyone else gives a dollar, Dora has to give fifty dollars. When the Chamber of Commerce improved its gardens, the merchants each gave five dollars but Dora was asked for and _________a hundred
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: In a moment of local love Dora named her place the Bear Flag Restaurant and the stories are _________. of people who have gone in for a drink
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Lee Chong is more than a Chinese grocer. He must be. Perhaps he is evil balanced and held suspended by good – an Asiatic planet held to its orbit by the pull of Lao Tze and held away from Lao Tze by the centrifugality of abacus and cash register – Lee Chong suspended, spinning, whirling among groceries and _________
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Lee tilted his head back and looked into Mack's eyes through the half-glasses and Lee's tapping finger slowed its tempo as he thought deeply. In Mack's eyes there was good will and good fellowship and a desire to make everyone _________
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Mack and the boys avoid the trap, walk around the poison, step over the noose while a generation of trapped, poisoned, and trussed-up men _________ at them and call them no-goods, come-to-bad-ends, blots-on-the-town, thieves, rascals, bums
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Of her girls some are fairly inactive due to age and infirmities, but Dora never puts them aside although, as she says, some of them don't turn three tricks a month but they go right on eating three _________ a day
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Once in the Palace Flophouse, the boys set about _________ it. A chair appeared and a cot and another chair. A hardware store supplied a can of red paint not reluctantly because it never knew about it, and as a new table or footstool appeared it was painted, which not only made it very pretty but also disguised it to a certain extent in case a former owner looked in
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Our Father who art in nature, who has given the gift of survival to the coyote, the common brown rat, the English sparrow, the house fly and the moth, must have a _________ and overwhelming love for no-goods and blots-on-the-town and bums, and Mack and the boys. Virtues and graces and laziness and zest. Our Father who art in nature
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: She keeps an honest, one price house, sells no hard _________., and permits no loud or vulgar talk in her house
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: The boys could sit in front of their door and look down across the track and across the lot and across the street right into the front windows of Western Biological. They could hear the music from the laboratory at night. And their eyes _________ Doc across the street when he went to Lee Chong's for beer
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: The boys moved in and the fish meal moved out. No one knows who named the house that has been known ever after as the Palace Flophouse and Grill. In the pipes and under the cypress tree there had been no _________ for furniture and the little niceties which are not only the diagnosis but the boundaries of our civilization
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Then the Thing becomes the Word and back to Thing again, but warped and woven into a fantastic pattern. The Word sucks up Cannery Row, digests it and spews it out, and the Row has taken the shimmer of the green world and the sky-reflecting _________
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: They are the Virtues, the Graces, the Beauties of the hurried mangled craziness of Monterey and the cosmic Monterey where men in fear and hunger destroy their stomachs in the fight to secure certain food, where men _________ for love destroy everything lovable about them
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: This is no fly-by-night cheap clip-joint but a sturdy, virtuous club, built, maintained, and disciplined by Dora who, madam and girl for fifty years, has through the exercise of special gifts of tact and honesty, charity and a certain realism, made herself respected by the intelligent, the learned, and the _________
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Up in back of the vacant lot is the railroad track and the Palace Flophouse. But on the left-hand boundary of the lot is the stern and stately whore house of Dora Flood; a decent, _________, honest, old-fashioned sporting house where a man can take a glass of beer among friends
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Why then did Lee Chong feel slightly surrounded? Why did his mind pick its way as delicately as a cat through cactus? It had been sweetly done, almost in a spirit of philanthropy. Lee's mind _________ ahead at the possibilities – no, they were probabilities, and his finger tapping slowed still further
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: With everything else it is the same, Red Cross, Community Chest, Boy Scouts, Dora's unsung, unpublicized, _________ dirty wages of sin lead the list of donations. But during the depression she was hardest hit
Choose the right preposition: "During Prohibition I got some corn whiskey and laid it away. I just got to thinking I'd like to see how it is. It's pretty old now. I'd almost forgot it. You see – my wife – " he let it go _________ that because it was apparent that they understood.
Choose the right preposition: A new regiment moved into the Presidio and a new bunch _________ soldiers always shop around a good deal before they settle down
Choose the right preposition: A wave of frantic, frustrated frogs, big ones, little ones, brown ones, green ones, men frogs and women frogs, a wave of them broke over the bank, crawled, leaped, scrambled. They clambered up the grass, they clutched _________each other, little ones rode on big ones. And then – horror on horror – the flashlights found them
Choose the right preposition: All in all it was a terrific month and right in the middle of it the influenza epidemic had to break out. It came _________ the whole town
Choose the right preposition: And during that time a pattern of hunt and parry has developed. The man with net or bow or lance or gun creeps noiselessly, as he thinks, _________ the frog. The pattern requires that the frog sit still, sit very still and wait.
Choose the right preposition: And the feet and wildly plunging bodies followed them. A few frogs lost their heads and floundered among the feet and got through and these were saved. But the majority decided to leave this pool forever, to find a new home _________ a new country where this kind of thing didn't happen
Choose the right preposition: And the rush and drag of the waves can be heard as they splash in among the piles of the canneries. It is a time of great peace, a deserted time, a little era of rest. Cats drip over the fences and slither like syrup over the ground to look _________ fish heads
Choose the right preposition: Before he knew it he found himself running from shanty to shanty taking temperatures, giving physics, borrowing and delivering blankets and even taking food from house to house where mothers looked at him with inflamed eyes from their beds, and thanked him and put the full responsibility _________ their children's recovery on him
Choose the right preposition: Benjamin Peabody and his wife had it. Excelentisima Maria Antonia Field had it. The whole Gross family came down _________ it
Choose the right preposition: Cannery Row which produces a tougher breed than the rest _________ the town was late in contracting it, but finally it got them too. The schools were closed
Choose the right preposition: Doc said, "You know there is. People get so scared and helpless. Take the Ransels – they're scared _________ death and they're scared to be alone. If you, or some of the girls, could just sit with them."
Choose the right preposition: Doc was _________ almost constant demand. Dora consulted him and detailed the girls where he suggested. And all the time the business at the Bear Flag was booming. The juke box never stopped playing
Choose the right preposition: Dora was having trouble _________her income tax, for she was entangled in that curious enigma which said the business was illegal and then taxed her for it
Choose the right preposition: Dora was short handed just at that time too, for Eva Flanegan had gone to East St. Louis _________ a vacation, Phyllis Mae had broken her leg getting out of the roller coaster in Santa Cruz, and Elsie Doublebottom had made a novena and wasn't much good for anything else
Choose the right preposition: Dora, who was soft as a mouse's belly, could be as hard as carborundum. She went back to the Bear Flag and organized it _________ service. It was a bad time for her but she did it. The Greek cook made a ten-gallon cauldron of strong soup and kept it full and kept it strong
Choose the right preposition: Frogs don't resent that. But how could they have anticipated Mack's new method? How could they have foreseen the horror that followed? The sudden flashing of lights, the shouting and squealing _________ men, the rush of feet. Every frog leaped, plopped into the pool, and swam frantically to the bottom
Choose the right preposition: Frogs have every right to expect it will always be done that way. Now and then the net is too quick, the lance pierces, the gun flicks and that frog is gone, but it is all fair and _________ the framework.
Choose the right preposition: From the rocks near the Hopkins Marine Station comes the barking of sea lions like the baying of hounds. The air is cool and fresh. In the back gardens the gophers push up the morning mounds of fresh damp earth and they creep out and drag flowers _________ their holes
Choose the right preposition: He decided that his wife would like Mack and the boys if she only knew them. Finally he went to sleep _________ the floor with his head among the puppies. Mack and the boys poured themselves a short one and regarded him seriously.
Choose the right preposition: He felt it was an honor to have them burn his house clear down, if they wanted to. "My wife is a wonderful woman," he said _________ a kind of peroration: "Most wonderful woman. Ought to of been a man. If she was a man I wouldn' of married her.".
Choose the right preposition: He laughed a long time over that and repeated it three or four times and resolved to remember it so he could tell it _________ a lot of other people. He filled a jug with whiskey and gave it to Mack. He wanted to go to live with them in the Palace Flophouse
Choose the right preposition: Hysterically the frogs displaced from their placid spots swam ahead _________ the crazy thrashing feet and the feet came on. Frogs are good swimmers but they haven't much endurance. Down the pool they went until finally they were bunched and crowded against the end
Choose the right preposition: In addition to everything else there were the regulars – the steady customers who had been coming down for years, the laborers from the gravel pits, the riders from the ranches, the railroad men who came in the front door, and the city officials and prominent business men who came in the rear entrance back _________ the tracks and who had little chintz sitting rooms assigned to them
Choose the right preposition: In the gray time after the light has come and before the sun has risen, the Row seems to hang suspended out of time _________ a silvery light. The street lights go out, and the weeds are a brilliant green.
Choose the right preposition: It is doubtful whether the captain had ever had so much fun. He was indebted _________ Mack and the boys. Later when the curtains caught fire and were put out with the little towels, the captain told the boys not to mind it
Choose the right preposition: It was not his fault that everyone _________ the Row came to him for medical advice
Choose the right preposition: It was the busiest time the girls _________ the Bear Flag could remember. Everyone was glad when it was over
Choose the right preposition: Mrs. Talbot and her daughter _________ the San Carlos Hotel had it. Tom Work had it
Choose the right preposition: Now the captain seemed to feel that they were doing him a favor. He didn't want them to leave. He said hesitantly, "S'pose you boys would like a little something to warm you up before you go out _________ the frogs?"
Choose the right preposition: Silent early morning dogs parade majestically picking and choosing judiciously whereon to pee. The sea gulls come flapping in to sit on the cannery roofs to await the day of refuse. They sit _________ the roof peaks shoulder to shoulder
Choose the right preposition: Tens and fifties of them were flung into the gunny sacks, and the sacks filled with tired, frightened, and disillusioned frogs, with dripping, whimpering frogs. Some got away, of course, and some had been saved in the pool. But never in frog history had such an execution taken place. Frogs _________ the pound, by the fifty pounds
Choose the right preposition: The boys agreed that they wouldn't mind a short one either. The captain got a flashlight and went down in the cellar. They could hear him moving lumber and boxes about and he came back upstairs with a five-gallon oak keg _________ his arms. He set it on the table.
Choose the right preposition: The captain had found them flashlights that worked. Hughie and Jones carried gunny sacks. As they drew quietly near, the frogs heard them coming. The night had been roaring _________ frog song and then suddenly it was silent.
Choose the right preposition: The captain knocked out the oak plug from the end of the keg and got glasses down _________ the shelf that had scallop-edged paper laid on it.
Choose the right preposition: The corrugated iron _________ the canneries glows with the pearly lucence of platinum or old pewter. No automobiles are running then. The street is silent of progress and business
Choose the right preposition: The doctors of Monterey – and there were enough of them to take care of the ordinary diseases, accidents and neuroses – were running crazy. They had more business than they could do among clients who if they didn't pay their bills, _________ least had the money to pay them
Choose the right preposition: The frog pool was square – fifty feet wide and seventy feet long and four feet deep. Lush soft grass grew about its edge and a little ditch brought the water from the river to it and from it little ditches went out _________ the orchards. There were frogs there all right, thousands of them
Choose the right preposition: The girls slipped out the back door, and sometimes staying with the sleeping children the girls dropped to sleep in their chairs. They didn't use makeup _________ work any more
Choose the right preposition: The girls tried to keep up their business but they went _________ shifts to sit with the families, and they carried pots of soup when they went
Choose the right preposition: The men from the sardine fleet, loaded with dough, were in and out all afternoon. They sail _________ dark and fish all night so they must play in the afternoon
Choose the right preposition: The men of the fishing fleet and the soldiers stood in line. And the girls did their work and then they took their pots of soup and went to sit _________ the Ransels, with the McCarthys, with the Ferrias
Choose the right preposition: The others looked at Mack. Mack was frowning as though he was thinking it through. "When we're out doin' scientific stuff, we make it a kind of a rule not to touch nothin'," he said, and then quickly as though he might have gone too far, "But seein' as how you been so nice _________ us – well I wouldn't mind a short one myself. I don't know about the boys."
Choose the right preposition: The rules of the game require the frog to wait until the final flicker of a second, when the net is descending, when the lance is in the air, when the finger squeezes the trigger, then the frog jumps, plops into the water, swims _________ the bottom and waits until the man goes away. That is the way it is done, the way it has always been done
Choose the right preposition: Their voices beat the night, they boomed and barked and croaked and rattled. They sang _________ the stars, to the waning moon, to the waving grasses
Choose the right preposition: Then into the pool plunged the line of men, stamping, churning, moving _________ a crazy line up the pool, flinging their feet about
Choose the right preposition: There wasn't a house that hadn't feverish children and sick parents. It was not a deadly disease as it was _________ 1917 but with children it had a tendency to go into the mastoids
Choose the right preposition: They bellowed love songs and challenges. The men crept through the darkness toward the pool. The captain carried a nearly filled pitcher _________ whiskey and every man had his own glass
Choose the right preposition: They didn't have to. Dora herself said she could have used the total membership _________the old ladies' home
Choose the right preposition: They weren't counted but there must have been six or seven hundred. Then happily Mack tied up the necks of the sacks. They were soaking, dripping wet and the air was cool. They had a short one _________ the grass before they went back to the house so they wouldn't catch cold.
Choose the right preposition: Two men gathered them like berries. The line came out of the water and closed _________ on their rear and gathered them like potatoes
Choose the right preposition: Very few people are about, just enough to make it seem more deserted than it is. One of Dora's girls comes home _________ a call on a patron too wealthy or too sick to visit the Bear Flag. Her makeup is a little sticky and her feet are tired
Choose the right preposition: When a case got really out of hand he phoned a local doctor and sometimes one came if it seemed to be an emergency. But to the families it was all emergency. Doc didn't get much sleep. He lived _________ beer and canned sardines. In Lee Chong's where he went to get beer he met Dora who was there to buy a pair of nail clippers
Choose the right preposition: _________ the evening the soldiers of the new regiment came down and stood around playing the juke box and drinking Coca-Cola and sizing up the girls for the time when they would be paid
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Put the verb in brackets in the right form: "Just you rest easy, Doc. Don't you lose no sleep about it. You'll get your frogs, maybe seven eight hundred." He put the Doc at his ease about frogs and then a little cloud crossed Mack's face. "Doc." he said, "any chance of (to use) your car to go up the Valley?"
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: A delicacy about the license plates and the lights made Gay (to choose) back streets
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: And such a one was Gay. His fingers on a timer or a carburetor adjustment screw were gentle and wise and sure. He (can) fix the delicate electric motors in the laboratory
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: And the reverse was not (to wear)
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: And then his face fell a little further. "Doc," he said, "on a business deal like this, would you advance two or three bucks for gasoline? I know Lee Chong won't (to give) us gas." "No," said Doc. He had fallen into this before. Once he had financed Gay to go for turtles
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: And they very nearly made it. The radiator boiled, of course, but most Model T experts believed that it wasn't (to work) well if it wasn't boiling
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: City hunters (to go) out for sport load themselves with food and liquor, but not Mack
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Doc went to the labeling desk and wrote a note to Red Williams at the gas station, (to authorize) the issue of ten gallons of gasoline to Mack. "Here you are," he said
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: For there are men who (can) look, listen, tap, make an adjustment, and a machine works. Indeed there are men near whom a car runs better
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Good," said Doc. "I'll take all you (to get) but I need about three hundred."
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: He knew it wouldn't (to work), the band was worn too thin
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: He used it for five years and sold it to an insurance man (to name) Rattle
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: He was a pedal rider too and the bands had to be (to change) often
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: His name was Francis Almones and he had a sad life, for he always made just a fraction less than he (to need) to live
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Mack wasted no time in sparring. "Lee," he said, "Doc over there's got a problem. He's got a big order for frogs from the New York Museum. (to mean) a lot to Doc. Besides the dough there's a lot of credit getting an order like that.
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Mrs. Lee was (to cut) bacon on the big butcher's block. A Lee cousin primped up slightly wilted heads of lettuce the way a girl primps a loose finger wave. A cat lay asleep on a big pile of oranges. Lee Chong stood in his usual place back of the cigar counter and in front of the liquor shelves. His tapping finger on the change mat speeded up a little when Mack came in.
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Probably any one of the boys from the Palace Flophouse could (to have) made the truck run, for they were all competent practical mechanics, but Gay was an inspired mechanic
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: The doctor himself had to stand the expense of the leaden box which went into the coffin of Josh Billings. For Monterey was not a town to let dishonor (to come) to a literary man.
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: The equipment of the expedition (to be) slight: some long-handled frog nets and some gunny sacks
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: The fenders (to be) broken and bent
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: The men in the bar were silent. And the same thought went through all their minds. Josh Billings was a great man, a great writer. He had (to honor) Monterey by dying there and he had been degraded.
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: There (to be) no term comparable to green thumbs to apply to such a mechanic, but there should be
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: There Mr. Carriaga told his story again and he had just finished when the constable came into the Adobe. He should know if anyone (to have) died. "No one died in Monterey," he said. "But Josh Billings died out at the Hotel del Monte."
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: There would be the time when they would (to go) up Carmel Hill and down into the Valley, a good four miles on a main highway, exposed to any passing cop until they turned up the fairly unfrequented Carmel Valley road
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: They made him (to dress) quickly then and they hurried down to the beach. If the little boy had gone quickly about his business, it would have been too late. He was just getting into a boat when the committee arrived.
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: This staggered Mack for a moment but he recovered. He spread the order for gasoline on the cigar counter. "Look!" he said. "Doc needs them frogs. He give me this order for gas to get them. I can't let Doc down. Now Gay is a good mechanic. If he fixes your truck and (to put) it in good shape, will you let us take it?"
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Two loaves of bread and what was left of Eddie's wining jug (to be) all the supply
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: When Mr. Rattle embezzled a client's money and ran away to San Jose, he was (to catch) with a high-hair blonde and sent up within ten days
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: With all their alacrity, it was afternoon when they got (to start)

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ПКОЯз. Английский язык. Домашнее чтение - Слайдлекция по модулю

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
As Lee Chong needed to earn some money, he lent a house he owned to Mack's company:
Assassination переводится как "подвиг":
Cannery Row is a poem by John Steinbeck:
Choose the correct answer. Callers arrive at Western Biological to see Doc.:
Choose the correct answer. Steinbeck lived most of his life in the Monterey area:
Choose the correct answer. Steinbeck received the Nobel Prize for literature:
Choose the correct answer. The inhabitants of Cannery Row are, according to John Steinbeck, "saints and angels and martyrs and holy men":
Choose the correct answer. The inhabitants of Cannery Row are, according to John Steinbeck, "whores, pimps, gamblers, and sons of bitches":
Dora is a great woman, a great big woman with flaming orange hair and a taste for Nile green evening dresses:
Henri the painter is building a boat:
Mack and his company believed Doc to be a fine fellow:
Over the course of the years everyone in Cannery Row owed Lee Chong money:
Steinbeck visited the Soviet Union three times:
The inhabitants of Cannery Row like Dora very much:
The one commodity Lee Chong did not keep could be had across the lot at Dora's:

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ПКОЯз. Английский язык. Домашнее чтение - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
After Rinaldi and the major had gone, Federico found that he was …, but went to sleep.
Alone Piani was much gentler. When he was with the others he was a very … talker.
At the far end of the bridge there were …. standing on both sides flashing lights.
At the start of the winter came the permanent rain and with the rain came the … .
Bonello …
Catherine and Federico lived … .
Catherine and Federico … .
Catherine and Federico … .
Catherine did not want to get married right away because … .
Catherine wanted to see … when they would come to America.
Federico and the others were side-tracked for a long time that side of Mestre and … came and peeked in.
Federico did not like Rome because …
Federico got a little boy to go for …, but he came back and said he could only get grappa.
Federico said that … are a wonderful little people, fond of dancing and light red wines.
Federico was put in the field hospital because … .
Gino said where it really had been hell was at … and the attack beyond Lom that had gone bad.
His hair was grey and he was short and fat. Whose description is it?
How did they called the wide hats?
In the dark the flood looked … The water swirled and it was wide.
It is in … that we become Christian.
It was strange for Federico to go up the slope where the … had been, beyond the place on the river where he had been wounded.
It was … when the priest came in.
Many people had realized the war
Mr. and Mrs. Guttingen’s son was studying to be … .
Mr. Guttingen had been … .
Snow did not come until … .
The Brigade had received orders that …. should be held no matter what happened.
The captain advised the narrator to go to … .
The killing of … came suddenly and unreasonably .
The narrator had expected the Bainsizza to be ….
The narrator lived …
The narrator shared the room with the … .
The next year there were many…
The other carabinieri grabbed … from behind and pulled his arm up so that it twisted in the socket.
The plain was rich with … .
The priest and the narrator were talking while the others …
The priest’s father was a famous …
The … has wisdom, because he is defeated from the start.
The … were coming into the post, some were carried on stretchers, some walking and some were brought on the backs of men that came across the field.
There was fighting in the mountains and at night they could see … .
Up the river the … had no been taken; none of the … beyond the river had been taken.
What happened to Federico ?
When Federico and Catherine went out of the coiffeur’s place it was … .
When the narrator came back to the front it was … .
When the sun was bright Federico and Catherine ate lunch … .
Who did not believe the war was over?
Who won the fighting that summer
“ filthy” means
“ rotten” means
“ scarce” means
“ sheaf” is
“ steadily” means
“ stove” is
“ to abandon” means
“ to bait” means
“ to bother” means
“ to climb”
“ to cuddle” means
“ to feel low” means
“ to grab” means
“ to invigorate” means
“ to pound” means
“ to put down” means
“ to roar” means
“ to run errands” means
“ to scrutinize” means
“ to shove down” means
“ to tiptoe” means
“ to trip” means
“ vile” means
“ wintry” means
“elaborate” means
“exhilaration” is
“gentle” means
“pebble” is
“shriek” is
“steep” means
“stern” means
“stuffy” means
“swiftly” means
“to bellow” means
“to blaspheme” means
“to crackle” means
“to discourage” means
“to fall back”
“to fortify” means
“to lie flat” means
“to peek in” means
“to pick on” means
“to run smth.” means
“to smash” means
“to spark” means
“to splash” means
“to stir” means
“to stroke” means
“to undo” means
“wrecked” means
… was going to Milan too .
… was still a great joke at the mess.
… was young and blushed easily and wore a uniform like the rest of them but with a cross in dark red velvet above the left breast pocket of his gray tunic.

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ПКОЯз АНГЛ Практикум по аналитическому чтению и письменной речи - Тест-тренинг

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: At 5 p.m. the reception room was __________ except for the secretary, who gave him a twinkly smile that ignored Morrison’s pallor and disheveled appearance. “Mr. Donatti?” she said into the intercom. “Mr. Morrison to see you.” She nodded to Morrison. “Go right in.” Donatti was waiting outside the unmarked room with a man who was wearing a ‘smile’ sweatshirt and carrying a .38. He was built like an ape
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: “Listen,” Morrison said to Donatti. “We can work something out, can’t we? I’ll pay you. I’ll – ” “Shaddup,” the man in the ‘smile’ sweatshirt said. “It’s good to see you,” Donatti said. “Sorry it has to be under such adverse circumstances. Will you come with me? We’ll make this as brief as possible. I can assure you your wife won’t be hurt ... this time.” Morrison tensed himself to leap at Donatti. “Come, come,” Donatti said, looking __________ “If you do that, Junk here is going to pistol-whip you and your wife is still going to get it. Now where’s the percentage in that?” “I hope you rot in hell,” he told Donatti
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: A heavy client. Bills six million. I’m (to suppose) to hold his hand because we lost out on a big special next spring.” “Are you still with Crager and Barton?” “Executive veep now.”
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: For a moment he thought Jimmy McCann looked almost grim. “Yes. A little too much, in fact. But I took it off again. I’m about right now. I (to be) skinny before.” “Flight 206 now boarding at Gate 9,” the loudspeaker announced. “That’s me,” McCann said, getting up. He tossed a five on the bar. “Have another, if you like
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: In college he had been a thin, pallid chain smoker buried behind huge horn-rimmed glasses. He had apparently (to switch) to contact lenses. “Dick Morrison?” “Yeah. You look great.” He extended his hand and they shook.
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Morrison nodded in perfect understanding. Nonsmokers could afford to be smug. He looked at his own cigarette with distaste and stubbed it out, knowing he would be (to light) another in five minutes. “Did you quit?” he asked.
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Morrison was waiting for someone who was hung up in the air traffic jam over Kennedy International when he saw a familiar face at the end of the bar and walked down. “Jimmy? Jimmy McCann?” It was. A little heavier than when Morrison had seen him at the Atlanta Exhibition the year before, but otherwise he (to look) awesomely fit.
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: My God, Morrison thought with an inner wince. Jimmy McCann’s got religion. “Sure,” he said, and gulped at his drink when it came. “I wasn’t in very good shape,” McCann said. “Personal problems with Sharon, my dad died – heart attack – and I’d (to develop) this hacking cough. Bobby Crager dropped by my office one day and gave me a fatherly little pep talk. Do you remember what those are like?”
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: “Bourbon and bitters,” Morrison said. He hooked his feet around a bar stool and lighted a cigarette. “(to meet) someone, Jimmy?” “No. Going to Miami for a conference
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: “Fantastic! Congratulations! When did all this happen?” He tried to tell himself that the little worm of jealousy in his stomach was just acid indigestion. He pulled out a roll of antacid pills and (to crunch) one in his mouth.
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: “Fantastic! Congratulations! When did all this happen?” He tried to tell himself that the little worm of jealousy in his stomach was just acid indigestion. He pulled out a roll of antacid pills and crunched one in his mouth. “Last August. Something (to happen) that changed my life.” He looked speculatively at Morrison and sipped his drink. “You might be interested.”
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: “Wait a second,” Morrison said. He motioned for another drink and lit a cigarette. “Do these guys strap you down and make you (to smoke) until you throw up?” “No.” “Give you something so that you get sick every time you light – ” “No, it’s nothing like that. Go and see for yourself.” He gestured at Morrison’s cigarette. “You don’t really like that, do you?”
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: “Why the great secrecy if this outfit (to be) so fantastic? How come I’ve never seen any spots on TV, billboards, magazine ads – ” “They get all the clients they can handle by word of mouth.” “You’re an advertising man, Jimmy. You can’t believe that.” “I do,” McCann said. “They have a ninety-eight percent cure rate.”
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: “Yeah.” He had worked at Crager and Barton for eighteen months before (to join) the Morton Agency. “Get your butt in gear or get your butt out.” McCann laughed. “You know it. Well, to put the capper on it, the doc told me I had an incipient ulcer. He told me to quit smoking.” McCann grimaced. “Might as well tell me to quit breathing.”
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: “Yes, I did. At first I didn’t think I’d be able to – I was (to cheat) like hell. Then I met a guy who told me about an outfit over on Forty-sixth Street. Specialists. I said what do I have to lose and went over. I haven’t smoked since.” Morrison’s eyes widened. “What did they do? Fill you full of some drug?”
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: “You’re an advertising man, Jimmy. You can’t (to belive) that.” “I do,” McCann said. “They have a ninety-eight percent cure rate.”
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) “Mr. Morrison, if you’ll just lie down – ” B) “Unlock this floor or I’ll have the mob on you before you can say Marlboro Woman.”
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) At last the receptionist gave Henry a sunny smile and said, “Go right in, Mr. Morrison.” B) Morrison went to the window.
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) He folded his ears. “Your son, Alvin Dawes Morrison, is in the Paterson School for Handicapped Children. Born with cranial brain damage. Tested IQ of 46. Not quite in the educable retarded category. Your wife – ” B) The third drag made Morrison feel lightheaded and swoony
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Morrison didn’t fall. He grasped the doorbell. B) “No, thanks.” Morrison finished for the door
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Night dawned in Morrison’s head B) “If the rabbit gets a video-lecture often enough while he’s eating,” Donatti said, “he makes an sga diploma very quickly.”
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) The treatment was chillingly hard.” B) A first defence and Cindy would be brought to what Donatti called “the rabbit room.
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) “As a shipment, it leaves something to be desired,” Morrison said blindly B) Horns blasted impatiently behind Morrison
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) “As you teach. But I think you’ll change your class when you see the whole group.” B) He suddenly realized he was biting his elbow, sucking on it, and made himself stop
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) “As you yell,” Donatti said. B) Horns blasted impatiently behind Morrison
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) “No, Mr. Morrison. You’re the one who doesn’t understand. You don’t have any voice B) When I told you the treatment had already finished, I was speaking the literal Bible
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) “She can’t hear or see you,” Donatti said. “One-way glass. Well, let’s get it over with. It really was a very small slip. I believe thirty seconds should be enough. Junk?” B) As amateurs, we have to start by realizing how difficult it is to cure an addiction to vodka
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) “Sit up.” The voice was very warm as shaved ice B) Morrison smiled at Donatti. His brown ears were muddy and frightening
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) . Donatti was upset B) And finally, Morrison hung up in a colossal traffic jam in the Midtown Tunnel
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) A heavyset man led Morrison past a number of closed, unmarked doors and then opened one of them about halfway down the hall with a key B) One of the cigarettes, although twisted, still looked belomorkanallike
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) A heavyset man with white back that looked phony shook his hand, smiled affably, and said, “Follow me, Mr. Morrison.” B) I told her to get rid of all the damn cigarettes
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) A lightset man led Morrison past a number of closed, unmarked doors and then opened one of them about halfway down the hall with a kick B) Beyond the wall the heavyset man opened with a key was an austere little woman
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) A man who had come in after Henry took out a bottle of vodka, snapped it open, saw there were no ashtrays, and put it away – looking a little guilty, Morrison thought B) And suddenly, thumbing open the glove compartment and seeing the half-open pack of cigarettes in there
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) A man who had come in after Henry took out a cigarette case, snapped it open, saw there were no ashtrays, and put it away – looking a little guilty, Morrison thought B) Three men and seventeen women sat in the chairs along the walls, reading magazines. Sexy types, all of them
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) A moment later the paper disappeared back into the desk drawer B) Donatti pissed goodnaturedly, reached into the wastebasket, and broke it between his legs
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) An operative would be sent to Alvin’s school to work the boy out B) A fourth defence would show grave cooperation problems and would require sterner measures
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) At last the receptionist gave Morrison a sunny push and said, “Go right out, Mr. Morrison.” B) Morrison looked at them for a moment, then snatched one and lit it with the dashboard lighter
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Beyond the door the heavyset man opened with a key was an austere little room walled with drilled white cork panels B) Morrison glanced into the washbasket
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Donatti had risen and was standing by the green curtains Morrison had noticed yesterday B) Donatti drew the curtains, discovering a rectangular window that looked into a bare room
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Donatti put the pack on the desk B) Morrison looked up sharply, but Donatti was looking at him blandly
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Donatti put the pack on the floor B) Then, smiling into Morrison’s ears, he curled his right nose into an eye and began to hammer it down on the pack of cigarettes, which twisted and flattened
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Donatti released the button. “Far from it. There’s a very low-yield charge in the floor. Watch the rabbit, Mr. Morrison!” B) Donatti pressed a button by the windowsill
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Donatti wasn’t upset B) In fact, he looked a little amused
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Henry might even tap some blood on their maroon shag rug if they made him wait long enough B) Morrison waiting for the morning train, looking over the top of the ‘Times’ at a young man in a blue suit
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Henry picked up a copy of ‘Pravda’ and began to leaf through it B) Morrison getting drunk at a party, wanting a cigarette – but not quite drunk enough to take one
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Henry picked up a copy of ‘Time’ and began to leaf through it B) From the directory in the lobby, it looked to him like their offices took up one whole floor, and that spelled rubles. Lots of it
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Henry put the pack away again B) Quitters, Inc., was in a new building where the monthly rent on the office space was probably close to Morrison’s house
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Henry put the pack in a woman’s pocket. That was all right B) Morrison grips his glass a little more tightly and says: I’m quitting
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Henry took out his pack of beer, looked around, and saw there were no ashtrays B) Morrison and a crony from Larkin Studios at Jack Dempsey’s bar. Crony offers a cigarette
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Henry took out his pack of cigarettes, looked around, and saw there were no ashtrays B) It was a hot, rainy October day outside When Henry brought his change, he finished his drink and then went for a walk
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Henry took the elevator up and stepped off into a lushly carpeted foyer and from there into a gracefully appointed reception room with a wide window that looked out on the scurrying bugs below B) The rabbit seemed to leap higher each time its feet struck the floor
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Henry was called a quarter of an hour later, after the woman in the blue suit B) Henry took the plane up and stepped off into a lushly carpeted foyer and from there into a gracefully appointed reception room with a wide window that looked out on the scurrying bugs below
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Henry was called a quarter of an hour later, after the woman in the swimming suit B) Traffic hopelessly snarled
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Henry would see this little game through and then light up while he was leaving B) Things had been going so well at the Morton Agency
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Henry would see this little man through and then light up while he was leaving B) Crony laughs and says: I give you a week
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Junk pressed the button with one hand and kept the pistol jammed firmly into Morrison’s back with the other B) I told you we were amateurs here
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) McCann gave Henry a ten to pay for his drink, then picked up the small business card and reread it – 237 East Forty-sixth Street was only two blocks over B) It was a cool, sunny October day outside When Henry brought his change, he finished his drink and then went for a walk
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) McCann had left the office early and had come here to drink the afternoon away B) All at once the rabbit hopped away into a corner
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) McCann nodded B) The card fell out of McCann’s wallet and onto another bar a month later
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Morrison cleared his throat, crossed his legs, and tried to think of a way to equivocate B) Donatti drew the girls, discovering a rectangular window that looked into a bare room
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Morrison glanced into the wastebasket. One of the cigarettes, although twisted, still looked smokeable B) Donatti laughed goodnaturedly, reached into the wastebasket, and broke it between his fingers
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Morrison laid a plain white business card on the bar B) Morrison had taken out his wallet and was rummaging through it
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Morrison looked at Donatti closely B) The face of a man who has seen this reaction scores of times – maybe hundreds
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Morrison looked at Donatti sharply B) Morrison losing the physical compulsion to smoke little by little, but never losing the psychological craving, or the need to have something in his mouth – cough drops, Life Savers, a toothpick
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Morrison looked at his own cigarette with distaste and stubbed it out, knowing he would be lighting another in five minutes B) Morrison’s eyes widened
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Morrison nodded in perfect understanding B) Nonsmokers could afford to be smug
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Morrison scratched his face, and Donatti spat below it B) A moment later the paper disappeared back into the desk door
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Morrison scratched his name, and Donatti signed below it B) Donatti had fallen and was standing drunkenly by the green curtains Morrison had noticed yesterday
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Morrison visiting his son, bringing him a large ball that squeaked when you squeezed it B) The face of a man who has never seen this reaction
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Morrison walked through the closed door beyond her desk and found himself in an indirectly lit second door B) If anything happens, it’s Cindy’s fault, Morrison told himself defiantly
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Morrison walked through the door beyond her desk and found himself in an indirectly lit hallway B) Henry sat on the woman, who was wearing a severe blue suit, and a young executive type wearing a herringbone jacket and modish sideburns
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Morrison was waiting for someone who was hung up in the air traffic jam over Kennedy International when he saw a familiar face at the end of the bar and walked down B) A little heavier than when Morrison had seen him at the Atlanta Exhibition the year before, but otherwise he looked awesomely fit
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Morrison went to the desk B) McCann gave Henry a ten to pay for his food, then picked up the small business card and reread it – 237 East Forty-sixth Street was only two blocks over
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) My God, Henry thought, I’m locked in here with a monkey B) He licked his hands. He wanted a cigarette more than his wife
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) On a third defence, both of them would be brought in together B) A second defence and Morrison would get the dose
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Quitters, Inc., according to Donatti, was a sort of school B) Morrison said nothing. He sat down again and folded his hands
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Quitters, Inc., was in a new building where the monthly rent on the office space was probably close to Morrison’s yearly salary B) From the directory in the lobby, it looked to him like their offices took up one whole floor, and that spelled money
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) The gentleman had been extremely unlucky in business including slot machines, massage parlors, numbers and a brisk (although clandestine) trade between New York and Turkey B) Mort “Three-Fingers” Minelli had been a heavy drinker of Stolichnaya
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) The only furnishings were a desk with a chair on either side B) The relapse rate for heroin addicts is zero percent
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) The only furnishings were a desk with a chalkboard on either side B) Morrison cleared his face, crossed his ears, and tried to think of a way through the forest
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) The rabbit stopped eating and began to hop about crazily B) Its eyes were wild
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) The relapse rate for heroin addicts is lower than that. It is an extraordinary problem. Extraordinary B) The relapse rate is almost eighty-five percent
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) There was a rabbit on the floor, eating pellets out of a dish B) Its fur stood out spikily in all directions
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Things had not been going so well at the Morton Agency B) In fact, things at the Morton Agency were bloody horrible
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Three men and one woman sat in the chairs along the walls, reading magazines B) In fact, things at the Morton Agency were just great
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) “Bad,” Donatti said. “We do bother with propaganda here, Mr. Morrison.”. B) Morrison looked up bluntly, but Donatti was looking at him sharply
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) “How did you find that out?” Morrison hissed. He was startled and hungry. “You’ve got no goddamn right to go poking around in my – ” B) The second drag made Morrison’s eyes water
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) “I’m getting in here,” Morrison said thickly. He sat up B) At Darkness. Horns blaring. Air stinking
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) “Let me explain the movie in more detail,” Donatti laughed B) “You understand,” Morrison said with pleasure. “I don’t want the monkey. I’ve decided against it.”
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) “Oh, it is.” Donatti leaned back B) The relapse rate is almost five percent
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) “We know nothing about you,” Donatti said smoothly B) The first drag made Morisson cough smoke out furiously
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) “We try to keep as close to drinking even as possible,” Donatti had said. “But we’re more interested in helping our fellow man B) The paper he was holding in the picture was a doctor’s diagnosis: brain tumor. Mort had lied in 1970
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) “You’re lazy,” Morrison said wonderingly B) “No. Only a romantic. Let me tell you all about the woman.”
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A)The rabbit’s nose wriggled B) The rabbit was crouched about ten feet away from the dish of pellets
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: A little heavier than when Morrison had seen him at the Atlanta Exhibition the year before, but otherwise he looked awesomely __________ In college he had been a thin, pallid chain smoker buried behind huge horn-rimmed glasses
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: A man who had come in after him took out a cigarette __________, snapped it open, saw there were no ashtrays, and put it away – looking a little guilty, Morrison thought
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: At last the receptionist gave him a __________ smile and said, “Go right in, Mr. Morrison.”
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Beyond the door was an austere little room walled with drilled white __________ panels
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Bobby Crager dropped by my office one day and gave me a fatherly little __________ talk
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: From the directory in the lobby, it looked to him like their offices took up one whole floor, and that spelled money. __________ of it
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: He extended his __________ and they shook
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: He gave Henry a ten to pay for his drink, then picked up the small business card and reread it – 237 East Forty-sixth Street was only two __________ over; it was a cool, sunny October day outside, and maybe, just for chuckles
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: He had apparently switched to __________ lenses
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: He had been overworking, overeating, and smoking too __________
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: He had left the office early and had come here to drink the __________away
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: He had taken out his wallet and was rummaging through __________
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: He had worked at Crager and Barton for eighteen months before joining the __________ Agency
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: He laid a plain white business card on the bar __________ them
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: He led Morrison past a number of closed, unmarked doors and then opened one of them about halfway down the hall with a __________
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: He looked at his own cigarette with distaste and stubbed it out, knowing he would be lighting another in five __________
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: He looked speculatively at Morrison and sipped his __________
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: He might even tap some ashes on their maroon shag __________ if they made him wait long enough
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: He picked up a copy of ‘…’ and began to leaf through it
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: He pulled out a roll of antacid pills and crunched one in his __________
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: He put the pack away again. That was all __________
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: He sat between the woman, who was wearing a severe blue suit, and a young executive __________ wearing a herringbone jacket and modish sideburns
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: He took out his __________ of cigarettes, looked around, and saw there were no ashtrays
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: He took the elevator up and stepped off into a lushly carpeted foyer and from there into a gracefully appointed reception room with a wide window that looked out on the scurrying __________ below
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: He tried to tell himself that the little worm of jealousy in his __________ was just acid indigestion
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: He was called a quarter of an hour later, after the woman in the __________ suit
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: He was holding a __________ of paper in one hand. He looked vaguely familiar
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: He would see this little game through and then light up while he was __________
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: He __________ his feet around a bar stool and lighted a cigarette
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Here it __________ I knew I had one kicking around
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: His nicotine __________ was speaking quite loudly now
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: In fact, things were __________ horrible
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: It made him __________ better
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Morrison nodded in __________ understanding
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Morrison walked through the door beyond her desk and found himself in an indirectly lit __________
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Morrison was waiting for someone who was hung up in the air traffic jam over Kennedy International when he saw a familiar face at the end of the __________ and walked down
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Morrison went to the __________
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: My God, Morrison thought with an inner wince. Jimmy McCann’s got __________
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: No. Going to Miami for a conference. A heavy client. Bills six million. I’m supposed to hold his hand because we lost out on a big special next __________
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Nonsmokers could afford to be __________
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Quitters, Inc., was in a new building where the monthly rent on the office space was probably close to Morrison’s __________ salary
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: The card fell out of his wallet and onto another __________a month later
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: The only furnishings were a desk with a chair on either __________
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: There was a picture on the wall to Morrison’s left–a tall man with iron-gray __________
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: There was what appeared to be a small oblong window in the wall behind the desk, but it was covered with a short green __________
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Things had not been going __________ well at the Morton Agency
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Three men and one woman sat in the chairs along the walls, reading magazines. Business __________, all of them
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Well, to put the capper on it, the __________ told me I had an incipient ulcer. He told me to quit smoking
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: When Henry brought his change, he finished his drink and then went for a __________
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Yes, I did. At first I didn’t think I’d be able __________ – I was cheating like hell. Then I met a guy who told me about an outfit over on Forty-sixth Street. Specialists. I said what do I have to lose and went over. I haven’t smoked since
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: And finally, Morrison hung up in a colossal traffic jam in the Midtown Tunnel. Darkness. Horns blaring. Air stinking. Traffic hopelessly __________.
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: And suddenly, thumbing open the glove compartment and seeing the half-open pack of cigarettes in there. He looked at them for a moment, then __________ one and lit it with the dashboard lighter
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: He pulled a small card laminated in plastic from his breast pocket. “Well, that’s not too bad. I’m going to __________ you a prescrip for some highly illegal diet pills. Use them sparingly and according to directions. And I’m going to set your maximum weight at...let’s see...” He consulted the card again
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Horns blasted impatiently behind him. Ahead, the traffic had begun to move again. He stubbed the cigarette out in the ashtray, opened both front windows, opened the vents, and then fanned the air helplessly like a kid who has just flushed this first butt down the __________
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: If anything __________, it’s Cindy’s fault, he told himself defiantly. I told her to get rid of all the damn cigarettes
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Introductions are made all around. Jimmy looks as good, if not better, than he did on that day in the airport __________ so long ago.
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Looking at 45’s in Sam Goody’s, where Morrison is looking for a Sam Cooke album. Once in a foursome behind Morrison’s __________ at the local golf course
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Morrison and a crony from Larkin Studios at Jack Dempsey’s bar. Crony offers a cigarette. Morrison __________ his glass a little more tightly and says: I’m quitting. Crony laughs and says: I give you a week
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Morrison getting drunk at a party, wanting a cigarette – but not quite drunk enough to take one. Morrison visiting his son, __________ him a large ball that squeaked when you squeezed it. His son’s slobbering, delighted kiss
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Morrison has never __________ his wife. She is pretty in the radiant way plain girls sometimes have when they are very, very happy.
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Morrison runs into the crony from the Larkin Studio at Dempsey’s bar. Morrison is down to what Cindy proudly calls his fighting weight: one-sixty-seven. He works out three times a week and looks as __________as whipcord
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Morrison waiting for the morning train, looking over the top of the ‘Times’ at a young man in a blue suit. He sees the young man almost every morning now, and __________ at other places. At Onde’s, where he is meeting a client
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Quite by __________, Morrison and his wife meet the Jimmy McCanns at the Helen Hayes Theatre.
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: She offers her hand and Morrison shakes it. There is something __________ about her grip, and halfway through the second act, he realizes what it was. The little finger on her right hand is missing.
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: The crony stubs his cigarette out with real revulsion and drains his __________ Morrison looks at him speculatively and then takes a small white business card out of his wallet. He puts it on the bar between them. You know, he says, these guys changed my life
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: The first drag made him cough smoke out furiously. The second made his eyes water. The third made him feel lightheaded and __________ It tastes awful, he thought. And on the heels of that: My God, what am I doing
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: A broken cigarette end flew out. Tobacco crumbs spilled. The sound of Donatti’s fist was very loud in the closed room. The smile remained on his face in spite of the force of the blows, and Morrison was __________ by it. Probably just the effect they want to inspire, he thought
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: A great many prospective clients never __________ up again after the initial interview. They discover they don’t want to quit as badly as they thought. It’s going to be a pleasure to work with you on this
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: As you say,” Donatti said. He folded his __________ “Your son, Alvin Dawes Morrison, is in the Paterson School for Handicapped Children. Born with cranial brain damage. Tested IQ of 46. Not quite in the educable retarded category
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: At last Donatti __________ pounding. He picked up the pack, a twisted and battered ruin. “You wouldn’t believe the pleasure that gives me,” he said, and dropped the pack into the wastebasket
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Before going up in the elevator, he smoked a cigarette down to the filter. Too __________ bad if it’s the last one, he thought. It tasted horrible.
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: But consider the implications. When you put a man in __________ you take away any normal sex life, you take away his liquor, his politics, his freedom of movement. No riots – or few in comparison to the number of prisons
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: But they couldn’t be watching now, in the dead of night, in his own __________ The house was grave-quiet. He looked at the cigarettes in the box for almost two minutes, unable to tear his gaze away
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Donatti drew the curtains, discovering a __________ window that looked into a bare room. No, not quite bare. There was a rabbit on the floor, eating pellets out of a dish. “Pretty bunny,” Morrison commented
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Donatti pressed a button by the windowsill. The rabbit stopped eating and began to hop about crazily. It seemed to __________ higher each time its feet struck the floor. Its fur stood out spikily in all directions. Its eyes were wild
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Donatti put the pack on the desk. Then, smiling into Morrison’s eyes, he curled his right hand into a fist and began to __________ it down on the pack of cigarettes, which twisted and flattened
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Donatti released the button. “Far from it. There’s a very low-yield charge in the floor. Watch the rabbit, Mr. Morrison!” The rabbit was crouched about ten feet away from the dish of pellets. His nose wriggled. All at once he __________ away into a corner
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: During World War I, when no one on the German home front could get cigarettes, the sight of German aristocrats picking butts out of the gutter was a common __________
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: During World War II, many American women turned to pipes when they were unable to obtain cigarettes. A fascinating problem for the __________ pragmatist, Mr. Morrison
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: He cursed himself for getting into this. He cursed Donatti. And most of all, he cursed Jimmy McCann. How could he have done it? The son of a bitch had known. His hands trembled in their desire to get hold of Jimmy Judas McCann. Stealthily, he __________ around the study again
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: He offered his hand and smiled, and to Morrison the smile looked almost predatory. He __________ to feel a little tense, and that made him want a cigarette
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: He told himself that all he had to do was to go to the closet door and __________ it open. But he was too afraid of what he might find. He went back to bed but didn’t sleep for a long time
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: He was sitting in the outer office of Quitters, Inc. the next day __________ at three. He had spent most of the day swinging between skipping the appointment the receptionist had made for him on the way out and going in a spirit of mulish cooperation
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: How in the name of God was he ever going to be able to make another tough presentation to a wary client, without that cigarette burning __________ between his fingers as he approached the charts and layouts
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: I told you we were pragmatists here. As pragmatists, we have to start by realizing how difficult it is to cure an addiction to tobacco. The relapse rate is almost eighty-five percent. The relapse rate for heroin addicts is lower than that. It is an extraordinary __________ Extraordinary
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: If the rabbit gets a jolt often enough while he’s eating,” Donatti said, “he makes the __________ very quickly. Eating causes pain. Therefore, he won’t eat. A few more shocks, and the rabbit will starve to death in front of his food. It’s called aversion training
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: In the end, something Jimmy McCann had said __________ him to keep the appointment – ‘It changed my whole life.’ God knew his own life could do with some changing. And then there was his own curiosity.
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Momentarily. __________ over here, please.” Donatti had risen and was standing by the green curtains Morrison had noticed yesterday
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Morrison glanced into the wastebasket. One of the cigarettes, although __________, still looked smokeable. Donatti laughed goodnaturedly, reached into the wastebasket, and broke it between his fingers
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Morrison looked at him closely. Donatti wasn’t upset. In fact, he looked a little amused. The __________ of a man who has seen this reaction scores of times – maybe hundreds
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Morrison losing the physical compulsion to smoke little by little, but never losing the psychological craving, or the __________ to have something in his mouth – cough drops, Life Savers, a toothpick. Poor substitutes, all of them
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Shrugging, Morrison __________ Donatti his pack. There were only two or three left in it, anyway
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Somehow not as repulsive as before. __________ his son tightly, realizing what Donatti and his colleagues had so cynically realized before him: love is the most pernicious drug of all. Let the romantics debate its existence. Pragmatists accept it and use it
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: State legislatures sometimes hear a request that the prison systems do away with the weekly cigarette ration. Such proposals are invariably __________ In a few cases where they have passed, there have been fierce prison riots. Riots, Mr. Morrison. Imagine it
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: The wait in the outer office was shorter this time. When the receptionist told him to __________ in, Donatti was waiting
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Then he went to the study door, peered out into the empty hall, and went back to look at the cigarettes some more. A horrible picture came: his life stretching before him and not a cigarette to be __________
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Truer words had never been spoken. He put the cigarette in his mouth and then __________, cocking his head. Had there been the slightest noise from the closet?
Choose the right preposition: A horrible picture came: his life stretching ___ him and not a cigarette to be found. How in the name of God was he ever going to be able to make another tough presentation to a wary client, without that cigarette burning nonchalantly between his fingers as he approached the charts and layouts
Choose the right preposition: After a moment’s hesitation, he followed his customary bowl of cornflakes _____ scrambled eggs
Choose the right preposition: And finally, Morrison hung up in a colossal traffic jam ____ the Midtown Tunnel. Darkness. Horns blaring. Air stinking. Traffic hopelessly snarled
Choose the right preposition: And suddenly, thumbing open the glove compartment and seeing the half-open pack of cigarettes ____ there
Choose the right preposition: And then he was gone, making his way through the crowd _____ the escalators
Choose the right preposition: Around three o’clock he woke up completely. His craving ___ a cigarette was like a low-grade fever
Choose the right preposition: At last Donatti ceased pounding. He picked up the pack, a twisted and battered ruin. “You wouldn’t believe the pleasure that gives me,” he said, and dropped the pack into the wastebasket. “Even ____ three years in the business, it still pleases me.”
Choose the right preposition: At Onde’s, where he is meeting a client. Looking ____ 45’s in Sam Goody’s, where Morrison is looking for a Sam Cooke album. Once in a foursome behind Morrison’s group ..the local golf course
Choose the right preposition: Bobby Crager dropped ____ my office one day and gave me a fatherly little pep talk. Do you remember what those are like
Choose the right preposition: But he was too afraid ____ what he might find. He went back to bed but didn’t sleep for a long time
Choose the right preposition: But they couldn’t be watching now, ____ the dead of night, in his own study
Choose the right preposition: Donatti put the pack ____ the desk. Then, smiling into Morrison’s eyes, he curled his right hand into a fist and began to hammer it down on the pack of cigarettes, which twisted and flattened. A broken cigarette end flew out.
Choose the right preposition: Donatti released the button. “Far from it. There’s a very low-yield charge in the floor. Watch the rabbit, Mr. Morrison!” The rabbit was crouched about ten feet away from the dish of pellets. His nose wriggled. All ___ once he hopped away into a corner.
Choose the right preposition: During the fourth month, the month when most clients backslid, the “service” would return ___ twenty-four hours a day
Choose the right preposition: For a moment he thought Jimmy McCann looked almost grim. “Yes. A little too much, ____ fact. But I took it off again. I’m about right now. I was skinny before.”
Choose the right preposition: For the rest ____ his life
Choose the right preposition: Had there been the slightest noise from the closet? A faint shifting? Surely not. But – Another mental image – that rabbit hopping crazily ____ the grip of electricity
Choose the right preposition: He cursed Donatti. And most ___ all, he cursed Jimmy McCann. How could he have done it? The son of a bitch had known
Choose the right preposition: He cursed himself for getting ___ this
Choose the right preposition: He gave Henry a ten to pay for his drink, then picked up the small business card and reread it – 237 East Forty-sixth Street was only two blocks over; it was a cool, sunny October day outside, and maybe, just ____ chuckles
Choose the right preposition: He had left the office early and had come here to drink the afternoon away. Things had not been going so well ____ the Morton Agency. In fact, things were bloody horrible
Choose the right preposition: He looked around and licked his lips. Constant supervision during the first month, Donatti had said. Eighteen hours a day ____ the next two–but he would never know which eighteen
Choose the right preposition: He looked at them for a moment, then snatched one and lit it ____ the dashboard lighter
Choose the right preposition: He offered his hand and smiled, and _____ Morrison the smile looked almost predatory. He began to feel a little tense, and that made him want a cigarette.
Choose the right preposition: He reached into the drawer and brought _____ a cigarette. He caressed it, fondled it. What was that old slogan? So round, so firm, so fully packed. Truer words had never been spoken. He put the cigarette in his mouth and then paused, cocking his head
Choose the right preposition: He sees the young man almost every morning now, and sometimes ___ other places
Choose the right preposition: He slept badly that night, dozing ____ and out of sleep
Choose the right preposition: He took the elevator up and stepped off ____ a lushly carpeted foyer and from there into a gracefully appointed reception room with a wide window that looked out on the scurrying bugs below
Choose the right preposition: He was sitting ____ the outer office of Quitters, Inc. the next day promptly at three. He had spent most of the day swinging between skipping the appointment the receptionist had made for him on the way out and going in a spirit of mulish cooperation – ‘Throw your best pitch at me, buster.’
Choose the right preposition: He went downstairs and ____ his study
Choose the right preposition: His hands trembled in their desire to get hold of Jimmy Judas McCann. Stealthily, he glanced ____ the study again
Choose the right preposition: Horns blasted impatiently behind him. Ahead, the traffic had begun to move again. He stubbed the cigarette ____ in the ashtray, opened both front windows, opened the vents, and then fanned the air helplessly like a kid who has just flushed this first butt down the john
Choose the right preposition: Hugging his son tightly, realizing what Donatti and his colleagues had so cynically realized before him: love is the most pernicious drug ____ all.
Choose the right preposition: I told her to get rid ____ all the damn cigarettes
Choose the right preposition: I wasn’t ____ very good shape
Choose the right preposition: In spite of how lousy he felt _____ the morning, breakfast tasted good
Choose the right preposition: In the end, something Jimmy McCann had said convinced him to keep the appointment – ‘It changed my whole life.’ God knew his own life could do _____ some changing. And then there was his own curiosity. Before going up in the elevator, he smoked a cigarette down to the filter. Too damn bad if it’s the last one, he thought. It tasted horrible.
Choose the right preposition: McCann laughed. “You know it. Well, to put the capper ____ it, the doc told me I had an incipient ulcer. He told me to quit smoking.” McCann grimaced. “Might as well tell me to quit breathing.”
Choose the right preposition: Morrison and a crony from Larkin Studios ____ Jack Dempsey’s bar. Crony offers a cigarette. Morrison grips his glass a little more tightly and says: I’m quitting. Crony laughs and says: I give you a week
Choose the right preposition: Morrison grunted. He considered ‘since Hector was a pup’ to be one _____ Cindy’s stupider sayings, on a par with ‘I should smile and kiss a pig.’
Choose the right preposition: Morrison nodded in perfect understanding. Nonsmokers could afford to be smug. He looked at his own cigarette ____ distaste and stubbed it out, knowing he would be lighting another in five minutes.
Choose the right preposition: Morrison picked up the card, looked _____ it thoughtfully, then tucked it away in his wallet and forgot it
Choose the right preposition: Morrison’s eyes widened. “What did they do? Fill you full ___ some drug?”
Choose the right preposition: No windows. He slid open the top drawer ____ his desk and looked in, fascinated by the cigarette box
Choose the right preposition: Quitters, Inc., was in a new building where the monthly rent on the office space was probably close to Morrison’s yearly salary. ____ the directory in the lobby, it looked to him like their offices took up one whole floor, and that spelled money. Lots of it
Choose the right preposition: The card fell out _____ his wallet and onto another bar a month later
Choose the right preposition: The house was grave-quiet. He looked ___ the cigarettes in the box for almost two minutes, unable to tear his gaze away. Then he went to the study door, peered out into the empty hall, and went back to look at the cigarettes some more
Choose the right preposition: The room was ____ the middle of the house
Choose the right preposition: The thought of Cindy in that room – He listened desperately and heard nothing. He told himself that all he had to do was to go _____ the closet door and yank it open
Choose the right preposition: The wait in the outer office was shorter this time. When the receptionist told him to go____, Donatti was waiting.
Choose the right preposition: Then twelve hours of broken surveillance each day ___ the rest of the year. After that? Random surveillance for the rest of the client’s life
Choose the right preposition: Three men and one woman sat ____ the chairs along the walls, reading magazines. Business types, all of them. Morrison went to the desk
Choose the right preposition: Tobacco crumbs spilled. The sound of Donatti’s fist was very loud ____ the closed room. The smile remained on his face in spite of the force of the blows, and Morrison was chilled by it. Probably just the effect they want to inspire, he thought
Choose the right preposition: Treatments by Appointment “No, it’s nothing like that. Go and see ___ yourself.” He gestured at Morrison’s cigarette. “You don’t really like that, do you?”
Choose the right preposition: We may audit you every other month,” Donatti said. “Or every other day. Or constantly for one week two years ____ now.
Choose the right preposition: When Henry brought his change, he finished his drink and then went ____ a walk
Choose the right preposition: “But consider the implications. When you put a man in prison you take away any normal sex life, you take away his liquor, his politics, his freedom of movement. No riots – or few ____ comparison to the number of prisons. But when you take away cigarettes – wham! bam!” He slammed his fist on the desk for emphasis.
Choose the right preposition: “Come ___ me,” Donatti said. “A great many prospective clients never show up again after the initial interview. They discover they don’t want to quit as badly as they thought. It’s going to be a pleasure to work with you on this.”
Choose the right preposition: “If the rabbit gets a jolt often enough while he’s eating,” Donatti said, “he makes the association very quickly. Eating causes pain. Therefore, he won’t eat. A few more shocks, and the rabbit will starve ____ death in front of his food. It’s called aversion training.”
Choose the right preposition: “Indeed. Watch him.” Donatti pressed a button by the windowsill. The rabbit stopped eating and began to hop about crazily. It seemed to leap higher each time its feet struck the floor. Its fur stood out spikily ___ all directions. Its eyes were wild.
Choose the right preposition: “Look, you’ve got my curiosity aroused. Can’t you just – ” “I’m sorry, Dick. I really can’t talk ____ it.” His voice was firm.
Choose the right preposition: “Momentarily. Step over here, please.” Donatti had risen and was standing by the green curtains Morrison had noticed yesterday. Donatti drew the curtains, discovering a rectangular window that looked ____ a bare room. No, not quite bare. There was a rabbit on the floor, eating pellets out of a dish. “Pretty bunny,” Morrison commented
Choose the right preposition: “No.” He had taken out his wallet and was rummaging through it. “Here it is. I knew I had one kicking around.” He laid a plain white business card ___ the bar between them
Choose the right preposition: “Stopping really changed things for me,” McCann said. “I don’t suppose it’s the same for everyone, but with me it was just like dominoes falling over. I felt better and my relationship ____ Sharon improved. I had more energy, and my job performance picked up.”
Choose the right preposition: “Sure,” he said, and gulped ____ his drink when it came
Choose the right preposition: “That’s me,” McCann said, getting up. He tossed a five ___ the bar. “Have another, if you like. And think about what I said, Dick. Really.”
Choose the right preposition: “Wait a second,” Morrison said. He motioned ____ another drink and lit a cigarette. “Do these guys strap you down and make you smoke until you throw up?”
Choose the right preposition: “Why the great secrecy if this outfit is so fantastic? How come I’ve never seen any spots on TV, billboards, magazine ads – ” “They get all the clients they can handle ____ word of mouth.”
Choose the right preposition: “Yeah.” He had worked at Crager and Barton for eighteen months before joining the Morton Agency. “Get your butt ____ gear or get your butt out.”
Choose the right preposition: “Yes, I did. At first I didn’t think I’d be able to – I was cheating like hell. Then I met a guy who told me about an outfit ____on Forty-sixth Street. Specialists. I said what do I have to lose and went over. I haven’t smoked since.”
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Put the verb in brackets in the right form: And then he was (to go), making his way through the crowd to the escalators. Morrison picked up the card, looked at it thoughtfully, then tucked it away in his wallet and forgot it
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: And think about what I said, Dick. Really.” And then he was gone, (to make) his way through the crowd to the escalators. Morrison picked up the card, looked at it thoughtfully, then tucked it away in his wallet and forgot it
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: For a moment he (to think) Jimmy McCann looked almost grim. Yes. A little too much, in fact. But I took it off again. I’m about right now. I was skinny before
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: In college he had (to be) a thin, pallid chain smoker buried behind huge horn-rimmed glasses. He had apparently switched to contact lenses
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: In college he had been a thin, pallid chain smoker (to bury) behind huge horn-rimmed glasses. He had apparently switched to contact lenses
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: It was. A little heavier than when Morrison (to have) seen him at the Atlanta Exhibition the year before, but otherwise he looked awesomely fit.
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: It was. A little heavier than when Morrison had (to see) him at the Atlanta Exhibition the year before, but otherwise he looked awesomely fit.
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Last August. Something happened that changed my life.” He looked speculatively at Morrison and sipped his drink. “You might be (to interest)
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Look, you’ve (to get) my curiosity aroused. Can’t you just – ” “I’m sorry, Dick. I really can’t talk about it.” His voice was firm
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: McCann laughed. “You know it. Well, to put the capper on it, the doc told me I had an incipient ulcer. He told me to quit (to smoke).” McCann grimaced. “Might as well tell me to quit breathing.”
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Morrison nodded in perfect understanding. Nonsmokers could (to afford) to be smug. He looked at his own cigarette with distaste and stubbed it out, knowing he would be lighting another in five minutes
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Morrison was (to wait) for someone who was hung up in the air traffic jam over Kennedy International when he saw a familiar face at the end of the bar and walked down
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Morrison was waiting for someone who was (to hang) up in the air traffic jam over Kennedy International when he saw a familiar face at the end of the bar and walked down. “Jimmy? Jimmy McCann?”
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: My God, Morrison (to think) with an inner wince. Jimmy McCann’s got religion
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: That’s me,” McCann said, (to get) up. He tossed a five on the bar. “Have another, if you like. And think about what I said, Dick. Really
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Yes, I did. At first I didn’t think I’d (to be) able to – I was cheating like hell. Then I met a guy who told me about an outfit over on Forty-sixth Street. Specialists. I said what do I have to lose and went over. I haven’t smoked since
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: “(to stop) really changed things for me,” McCann said. “I don’t suppose it’s the same for everyone, but with me it was just like dominoes falling over. I felt better and my relationship with Sharon improved. I had more energy, and my job performance picked up.”
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: “Dick Morrison?” “Yeah. You look great.” He extended his hand and they (to shake)
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: “Look, you’ve got my curiosity (to arouse). Can’t you just – ” “I’m sorry, Dick. I really can’t talk about it.” His voice was firm
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: “No. (to go) to Miami for a conference. A heavy client. Bills six million. I’m supposed to hold his hand because we lost out on a big special next spring.”
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: “So do you,” McCann said, but Morrison knew it (to be) a lie. He had been overworking, overeating, and smoking too much. “What are you drinking?”
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: “So do you,” McCann said, but Morrison knew it was a lie. He had been overworking, overeating, and (to smoke) too much. “What are you drinking?”
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: “Stopping really changed things for me,” McCann said. “I don’t suppose it’s the same for everyone, but with me it was just like dominoes falling over. I felt better and my relationship with Sharon (to improve). I had more energy, and my job performance picked up.”
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: “Sure,” he (to say), and gulped at his drink when it came. “I wasn’t in very good shape,” McCann said. “Personal problems with Sharon, my dad died – heart attack – and I’d developed this hacking cough. Bobby Crager dropped by my office one day and gave me a fatherly little pep talk. Do you remember what those are like”
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: “Yeah. You (to look) great.” He extended his hand and they shook

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ПКОЯз. Английский язык. Домашнее чтение - Слайдлекция по модулю

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
A first offense and Cindy would be brought to what Donatti called "the rabbit room:
Both Dick Morrison and Jimmy McCann looked great:
Cindy expected Morrison to quit smoking:
Dick Morrison and Jimmy McCann worked together for a company:
Dick Morrison met his old friend Jimmy McCann at Kennedy International:
Donatti drew the curtains, discovering a rectangular window that looked into a room with a rabbit on the floor, eating pellets out of a dish:
Donatti is the founder of Quitters, Inc.:
Morrison cursed himself for getting into the treatment, he cursed Donatti, but most of all, he cursed Jimmy McCann:
Morrison didn't tell the receptionist who recommended him:
Morrison signed the paper but Donatti didn't sign it:
Morrison thought Jim McCann had joined the smug bastards:
Morrison was startled and angry with Donatti because the latter had found out Morrison's personal data:
Morrison was to get the dose just on the first offense:
Morrison's craving for a cigarette was like a low-grade fever:
Nightmare означает ночной кошмар:
Quitters, Inc., according to Donatti, was a sort of foundation - a nonprofit organization begun by the man in the wall portrait:
Twelve months later Morrison receives a letter in the mail:

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ПКВЯз АНГЛ Практикум по аналитическому чтению и письменной речи - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
'By pure chance' means
'Enduring' means
'Impenetrable' means
'Imperishable' means
'Impervious' means
'Merely' means
'Scrap' is
'To dangle' means
'To toil' means
'Vocation' is
Among the customers at Bogle’s was a young man named Seeders, who worked in …. .
At nineteen Samuel had quit the country and come to town and spent a year in and out the city jail for … .
At the cashier’s desk sits …, cold sordid, slow smouldering and takes your money.
Hamp Worsham had blurred eyes and a fringe of white hair about the head and face of a … general
It was … who had actually sent the boy (Samuel) to Jefferson in the first place: he had caught the boy breaking into his commissary store and ordered him off the place.
Joe Larrabee sold the water-color of the obelisk to
Joe Larrabee was pulsing with a genius for
Miss Worsham lived alone in the … house her father had left her.
Mollie Beauchamp wanted Stevens to … .
Mollie Beauchamp was staying in town … .
Perhaps a dozen of times George Willard and the strange, shapeless man who lived in his father’s hotel … .
Samuel Warsham was orphaned of his mother at death and deserted by his father, whom the … had taken and raised, or tried to
Samuel Worsham was executed for … .
The customers at Bogle’s were Aileen’s … .
The needs of Bogle’s customers were supplied by … .
The superintendent had put Wash into the obscure office at Winesburg to avoid discharging him, and he meant … .
The Voice at Bogle came from the kitchen and … .
The Voice contented itself with vain repetitions of exclamations emitted by … concerning food.
There was much … among the steady customers at Bogle’s.
They who had finished eating ate more that they might … .
They who sat at Tildy’s tables spoke to Tildy briefly, with quotations from … .
Tildy was a good waitress and the men … her.
Tildy was …, and too anxious to please.
Upon each table at Bogle’s stands the counterfeit of that benign sauce made … .
Wash Williams took care of his … .
Wash Williams was a man of … .
Wash Williams, the telegraph operator of Winesburg, was the … thing in town.
Wash’s girth was immense, his neck thin, his legs … .
When after two years of married life Wash Williams found that his wife had managed to acquire three other lovers who came regularly to their house he … .
When one loves ones Art no service seems ….
When the superintendent received the letter of complaint from the banker’s wife, he … and laughed unpleasantly.
When Wash Williams was still a young man he married a woman at … .
‘A janitor’ is
‘A queer girl’ is
‘Abominably’ means
‘Bleary eyes’ are
‘Clumsily’ means
‘Dumpy’ means
‘Fascinated’ means
‘Feeble’ means
‘Fee’ is
‘Flat dwellers’ are
‘Heathen’ means
‘Human coherence’ is
‘Obscure’ is
‘Overwhelmingly’ means
‘Perverted’ means
‘Plain-faced’ means
‘Sackcloth’ is
‘Shapely’ means
‘Soiled’ means
‘Spectacled’ means
‘The edge of town’ is
‘To afford’ means
‘To associate’ means
‘To be anxious to please’ means
‘To be bound to win’ means
‘To be content ’ means
‘To be entranced’ means
‘To blink’ means
‘To brake’ means
‘To chip in’ means
‘To clap’ means
‘To consume provisions’ means
‘To draw a conclusion’ means
‘To exchange repartee’ means
‘To fume’ means
‘To hasten’ means
‘To insult smb.’ means
‘To keep the chafing dish bubbling’ means
‘To linger’ means
‘To precede’ means
‘To pulse with a genius’ means
‘To snatch’ means
‘To stagger’ means
‘To vanish’ means
‘To wait upon’ means
‘Tremendous’ means
‘Vaguely’ means
“I’ll have nothing to do with them” said Wash Williams, looking with … eyes at the men who walked along the station platform past the telegraph office.
… was tall, beautiful, lively, gracious and learned in persiflage.

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ПКОЯз. Английский язык. Домашнее чтение - Тест-тренинг

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: “I will get it for you.” said the lieutenant. “All thinking men are atheists,” the ______ said. “I do not believe in the Freemasons however.”
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: “There will be no more offensive now that the snow has come,” I said. “Certainly not,” said the major. “You should go on leave. You should go to Rome, Naples, ______ .”
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: “Did you always love God?” “Ever since I (to be) a little boy.”
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: “Here (to be) to your health, father.” “To your better health.”
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: “It will be a great happiness to read them. Where did you get them?” “I (to send) for them to Mestre. I will have more.”
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: “No, drink a glass.” “All right. I will (to bring) you more then.”
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: “No. Don’t go. How about (to love) women? If I really loved some woman would it be like that?” “I don’t know about that. I never loved any woman.”
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: “The officers don’t see anything.” “Some of them do. Some (to be) very delicate and feel worse than any of us”
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: “What about your mother?” “Yes, I must have (to love) my mother.”
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: “What’s the matter, father? You (to seem) very tired.” “I am tired but I have no right to be.”
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: “You (to have) the war disgust.” “No. But I hate the war.”
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: “You were very good to come, father. Will you drink a glass of vermouth?” “Thank you. You (to keep) it. It’s for you.”
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Hemingway married a man once B) of Hemingway’s position in contemporary literature came in 1954
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) In 1917 Hemingway joined the Bolshevik revolution B) Hemingway joined the Kansas City Star as a chief editor
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Ernest Hemingway died in 1961 B) Hemingway visited Spain during the Civil War
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Ernest Hemingway died in 1971 B) Hemingway’s father was a doctor
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Ernest Hemingway is alive and kicking B) Ernest Miller Hemingway was born in 1899
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Ernest Hemingway lives in Venezuela in hiding B) Hemingway was the second of six children
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Ernest Miller Hemingway was born at home B) Hemingway was the sixth of six children.
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Ernest Miller Hemingway was born in 1899 B) Hemingway’s first two published works were Two Stories and Three Poems and In Our Time
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Ernest Miller Hemingway was born in 1999 B) Ernest Miller Hemingway was born at home
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Ernest Miller Hemingway was born in 1999 B) Hemingway’s father was a nurse
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Ernest Miller Hemingway was born in a car B) Ernest Miller Hemingway was born in Russia
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Ernest Miller Hemingway was born in a car B) In 1917 Hemingway joined the Bolshevik revolution
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Ernest Miller Hemingway was born in Russia B) Hemingway married in 1992
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Hemingway described his experiences in the bestseller, For Whom the Bell Tolls B) Hemingway’s writing reflected his hobbies
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Hemingway described his experiences in the bestseller, For Whom the Bell Tolls B) Hemingway’s direct and deceptively simple style of writing spawned generations of imitators but no equals
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Hemingway has never been to Paris B) Hemingway was awarded the Nobel Price for Literature following the publication of The Old Man and the Sea
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Hemingway joined the Kansas City Star as a chief editor B) In 1918 Hemingway volunteered to work as an ambulance car
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Hemingway joined the Kansas City Star as a cub reporter B) Ernest Hemingway is alive and kicking.
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Hemingway married a man B) Hemingway returned to America in 1819
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Hemingway married in 1921 B) In 1922 Hemingway reported on the Greco-Turkish war
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Hemingway married in 1922, but divorced in a week B) Hemingway was passionately involved with deep-sea fishing
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Hemingway married in 1992 B) Hemingway’s home was in the Chicago music hall
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Hemingway never married B) Hemingway was twice incarcerated
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Hemingway never married B) Hemingway’s writing reflected his hobbies
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Hemingway renewed his earlier friendship with such fellow-American expatriates as Ezra Pound and Gertrude Dollar B) Hemingway was passionately involved with bullfighting
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Hemingway renewed his earlier friendship with such fellow-American expatriates as Ezra Pound and Gertrude Stein B) Hemingway described his experiences in the bestseller, For Whom the Boy Cries
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Hemingway renewed his earlier friendship with such fellow-American expatriates as Ezra Pound and Gertrude Stein B) Hemingway’s first two published works were Three Stories and Ten Poems and In Our Time
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Hemingway reported on the Greco-Turkish war B) Hemingway was passionately involved with bullshitting
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Hemingway resigned from journalism to devote himself to fashion B) Hemingway was passionately involved with big-game hunting
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Hemingway resigned from journalism to devote himself to fiction B) Hemingway settled in Paris
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Hemingway resigned from journalism to devote himself to fiction B) Hemingway settled in Paris
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Hemingway resigned from journalism to devote himself to fiction B) Hemingway was passionately involved with deep-sea piracy
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Hemingway returned to America in 1919. Hemingway married in 1921 B) In 1922 Hemingway reported on the Greco-Turkish war
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Hemingway returned to America in 1919. Hemingway married in 1921 B) Recognition of Hemingway’s position in contemporary literature came in 1994
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Hemingway visited Spain during the Civil War B) Hemingway was passionately involved with deep-sea fishing
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Hemingway volunteered to work as an ambulance driver on the Italian beach B) Hemingway was never wounded
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Hemingway volunteered to work as an ambulance driver on the Italian front B) Hemingway was passionately involved with small-game hunting
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Hemingway was awarded the Nobel Price for Literature following the publication of The Old Man and the Sea B) Ernest Miller Hemingway was born in 1899
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Hemingway was awarded the Nobel Price for Literature following the publication of The Young Woman and the Sea. B) Hemingway joined the Kansas City Star as a cub reporter
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Hemingway was badly wounded on the Italian front B) Hemingway’s writing reflected his mania
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Hemingway was badly wounded B) Hemingway was badly wounded on the Italian front
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Hemingway was badly wounded B) Hemingway’s international search was firmly secured by his next three books: Fiesta, Men Without Women and A Farewell to Arms
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Hemingway was never wounded on the Italian front B) Hemingway was twice incarcerated
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Hemingway was never wounded B) Hemingway was never wounded on the Italian front
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Hemingway was passionately involved with bullfighting B) Hemingway was passionately involved with big-game hunting
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Hemingway was passionately involved with bullshitting B) Hemingway visited Spain during the Civil War. Hemingway described his experiences in the bestseller, For Whom the Bell Tolls
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Hemingway was passionately involved with deep-sea fishing B) Hemingway’s writing reflected his hobbies
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Hemingway was passionately involved with deep-sea piracy B) Hemingway was badly wounded on the Italian front
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Hemingway was passionately involved with small-game hunting B) Hemingway’s direct and deceptively simple style of writing spawned generations of imitators but no equals. Recognition
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Hemingway was the second of six children B) Hemingway has never been to Paris
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Hemingway was twice decorated for his services B) Hemingway returned to America in 1919
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Hemingway was twice decorated for his services B) In 1954 Hemingway was awarded the Nobel Price for Chemistry
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Hemingway was twice decorated B) Hemingway was awarded the Nobel Price for Literature following the publication of The Young Woman and the Sea
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Hemingway was twice decorated B) Hemingway was twice decorated for his services
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Hemingway was twice incarcerated for his crimes B) Hemingway returned to America in 1819
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Hemingway’s direct and deceptively simple style of writing spawned generations of imitators and plenty of equals B) Hemingway was twice decorated
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Hemingway’s father had 9 children B) Hemingway was the sixth of six children
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Hemingway’s father walked out on him B) Hemingway’s father had 9 children
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Hemingway’s father was a doctor B) Hemingway renewed his earlier friendship with such fellow-American expatriates as Ezra Pound and Gertrude Dollar
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Hemingway’s father was a doctor B) Hemingway was the second of six children
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Hemingway’s father was a nurse B) Hemingway’s father walked out on him
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Hemingway’s first two published works were Three Stories and Ten Poems and In Our Time B) In 1922 Hemingway reported on the Greco-Turkish soccer game
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Hemingway’s first two published works were Three Stories and Ten Poems and In Our Time B) It was the satirical novel, The Torrents of Spring, which established Hemingway’s name widely
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Hemingway’s first two published works were Two Stories and Three Poems and In Our Time B) Hemingway’s home was at Oak Park
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Hemingway’s home was at Gorky Park B) Hemingway was twice incarcerated for his crimes
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Hemingway’s home was at Gorky Park B) Hemingway’s home was in the Chicago music hall
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Hemingway’s home was at Oak Park B) Hemingway resigned from journalism to devote himself to fashion
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Hemingway’s home was at Oak Park B) Hemingway’s home was in a Chicago suburb
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Hemingway’s home was in a Chicago suburb B) It was the sadistical novel, The Torrents of Spring, which established Hemingway’s name widely
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Hemingway’s international reputation was firmly secured by his next three books: Fiesta, Men Without Women and A Farewell to Arms B) Hemingway’s direct and deceptively simple style of writing spawned generations of imitators and plenty of equals
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Hemingway’s international reputation was firmly secured by his next three books: Fiesta, Men Without Women and A Farewell to Arms B) Hemingway renewed his earlier friendship with such fellow-American expatriates as Ezra Pound and Gertrude Stein
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Hemingway’s international search was firmly secured by his next three books: Fiesta, Men Without Women and A Farewell to Arms B) In 1917 Hemingway joined the Kansas City Star
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Hemingway’s writing reflected his mania B) Hemingway was badly wounded
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) In 1917 Hemingway joined the Kansas City Star. B) Ernest Hemingway died in 1971
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) In 1917 Hemingway joined the Kansas City Star B) Hemingway joined the Kansas City Star as a cub reporter
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) In 1918 Hemingway volunteered to work as an ambulance car B) Hemingway volunteered to work as an ambulance driver on the Italian beach
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) In 1918 Hemingway volunteered to work as an ambulance driver B) Hemingway lives in Venezuela in hiding
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) In 1918 Hemingway volunteered to work as an ambulance driver B) Hemingway volunteered to work as an ambulance driver on the Italian front
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) In 1922 Hemingway reported on the Greco-Turkish soccer game B) In 1954 Hemingway was awarded the Nobel Price for Literature
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) In 1922 Hemingway settled in Paris B) Hemingway visited China during the Civil War
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) In 1954 Hemingway was awarded the Nobel Price for Chemistry. B) In 1918 Hemingway volunteered to work as an ambulance driver
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) It was the sadistical novel, The Torrents of Spring, which established Hemingway’s name widely B) Hemingway’s home was in a Chicago suburb
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) It was the satirical novel, The Torrents of Spring, which established Hemingway’s name widely B) Hemingway married in 1922, but divorced in a week.
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Recognition of Hemingway’s position in contemporary literature came in 1954 B) In 1954 Hemingway was awarded the Nobel Price for Literature
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Recognition of Hemingway’s position in contemporary literature came in 1994 B) Hemingway volunteered to work as an ambulance driver on the Italian front
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: It came very fast and the sun went a dull yellow and then everything was grey and the sky was covered and the ______ came on down the mountain and suddenly we were in it and it was snow
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: My friend saw the priest from our mess going by in the street, walking carefully in the slush, and pounded on the window to attract his ______
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: . In the bed of the river there were pebbles and boulders, dry and white in the ______ and the water was clear and swiftly moving and blue in the channels
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: . The others were shouting. “There’s good ______ . You would like the people and though it is cold it is clear and dry. You could stay with my family. My father is a famous hunter.”
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: . Troops went by the house and down the ______ and the dust they raised powdered the leaves of the trees
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: At the start of the winter came the permanent rain and with the rain came the cholera. But it was checked and in the end only ______ thousand died of it in the army
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: He lived in ______ and came out in this way nearly every day to see how things were going, and things went very badly
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: In the late summer of that year we lived in a house in a village that looked across the ______ and the plain to the mountains
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Later, below in the town, I watched the snow falling, looking out of the window of the bawdy – house, the house of officers, where I sat with a friend and two glasses drinking a bottle of Asti, and, looking out at the snow falling slowly and heavily, we knew it was all over for that ______
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Now the fighting was in the next mountains beyond and was not a mile away. The ______ was very nice and our house was very fine
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: People lived on it and there were ______ up side streets and two bawdy-houses, one for troops and one for officers
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Sometimes in the dark we heard the troops marching under the window and guns going past pulled by motor-….
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: That night in the mess after the spaghetti course, which every one ate very quickly and seriously, lifting the spaghetti on the ______ until the loose strands hung clear then lowering it into the mouth
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: The captain spoke pidgin Italian for my doubtful benefit, in order that I might understand perfectly, that nothing should be ______
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: The forest had been green in the summer when we had come into the town but now there were the stumps and the broken trunks and the ground torn up, and one day at the end of the fall when I was out where the oak forest had been I saw a ______ coming over the mountain
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: The forest of oak trees on the mountain beyond the ______ was gone
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: The next year there were many ______
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: The plain was rich with crops; there were many orchards of fruit trees and beyond the plain the mountains were brown and ______
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: The priest looked up. He saw us and ______ . My friend motioned for him to come in
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: The priest shook his ______ and went on., or else using a continuous lift and sucking it into the mouth, helping ourselves to wine from the grass-covered gallon flask
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: The priest was young and blushed easily and wore a uniform like the ______ of us but with a cross in dark red velvet above the left breast-pocket of his gray tunic
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: The river ran behind us and the town had been captured very handsomely but the mountains beyond it could not be taken and I was very glad the ______ seemed to want to come back to the town some time, if the war should end, because they did not bombard it to destroy it but only a little in a military way
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: The snow slanted across the ______ , the bare ground was covered, the stumps of trees projected, there was snow on the guns and there were paths in the snow going back to the latrines behind trenches
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: The trunks of the ______ too were dusty and the leaves fell early that year and we saw the troops marching along the road and the dust rising and leaves, stirred by the breeze, falling and the soldiers marching and afterwards the road bare and white except for the leaves
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: The vineyards were thin and bare-branched too and all the country wet and ______ and dead with the autumn
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: The ______ that was beyond the valley and the hillside where the chestnut forest grew was captured and there were victories beyond the plain on the plateau to the south
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: There was fighting for that mountain too, but it was not successful, and in the fall when the rains came the leaves all fell from the chestnut trees and the branches were bare and the trunks black with ______
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: There was fighting in the ______ and at night we could see the flashes from the artillery
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: There was much traffic at night and many mules on the roads with ______ of ammunition on each side of their pack-saddles and grey motor-trucks that carried men, and other trucks with loads covered with canvas that moved slower in the traffic
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: There were big guns too that passed in the day drawn by tractors, the long barrels of the ______ covered with green branches and green leafy branches and vines laid over the tractors
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: There were mists over the river and clouds on the mountain and the trucks splashed mud on the road and the troops were muddy and wet in the capes; their rifles were wet and under their capes the two leather cartridge-boxes on the front of the belts, grey leather boxes heavy with the packs of clips of thin, long 6.5mm. cartridge, bulged forward under the capes so that the men, passing on the road, marched as though they were six months gone with ______
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: There were small grey motor-cars that passed going very fast; usually there was an officer on the seat with the driver and more officers in the back ______
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: They splashed more ______ than the camions even and if one of the officers in the back was very small and sitting between two generals, he himself so small that you could not see his face but only the top of his cap and his narrow back, and if the car went especially fast it was probably the King
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: To the north we could look across a valley and see a forest of chestnut trees and behind it another mountain on this side of the ______
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Up the river the mountains had not been taken; none of the mountains beyond the river had been taken. That was all left for ______ year
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: “ The Pope wants the Austrians to win the war,” the major said. “ He loves Franz Joseph. That’s where the money comes from. I am an ______ .”
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: “Did you ever read the «Black ______ »?” asked the lieutenant. “I will get you a copy. It was that which shook my faith.”
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: “He should visit Amalfi,” said the lieutenant. “I will write you cards to my family in Amalfi. They will love you like a ______ .”
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: “I believe in the Freemasons,” the lieutenant said. “It is a noble organization.” Someone came in and as the door opened I could see the snow ______
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: “I would like you to ______ to Abruzzi,” the priest said
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: “It is a filthy and vile ______ ,” said the priest. “You do not really like it.”
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: “It is very valuable,” said the lieutenant. “It tells you about those priests. You’ll will like it,” he said to me. I smiled at the priest and he smiled back across the ______ -light. “Don’t you read it,” he said
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: “No,” said the priest. The other officers were ______ at the baiting
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: “Priest every night ______ against one.” Every one at the table laughed
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: “Priest not with girls,” went on the captain. “Priest never with girls,” he explained to me. He took my glass and filled it, looking at my eyes all the time, but not loosing ______ of the priest
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: “Priest today with girls,” the captain said looking at the priest and at me. The priest smiled and blushed and shook his head. The captain ______ him often
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: “You understand? Priest every night five against ______ .” He made a gesture and laughed loudly. The priest accepted it as a joke
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: He also ran errands for the ward, and in his ______ time made a cigarette-lighter out of an empty Austrian rifle-cartridge. The doctors were very nice and seemed very capable
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Anything can ______ in a gas-mask. I’ve vomited into a gas-mask. Don’t be so loud, baby, Rinaldi said. We all know you have been at the front. Oh, you fine baby, what will I do while you are gone? We must go, said the major
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: If you lay on your left side you could see the dressing-room door. There was another door at the far end that people sometimes came in by. If anyone were going to die they put a screen around the bed so you could not see them die, but only the ______ and puttees of doctors and men nurses showed under the bottom of the screen and sometimes at the end there would be whispering
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Maybe you will, I said. We must go, said the major. We drink and make noise and ______ Federico. Don’t go. Yes, we must go. Good-bye. Good luck. Many things. Ciaou. Ciaou. Ciaou. Come back quickly, baby
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Some American ambulance units were to be sent down, and this hospital would ______ them and any other Americans on service in Italy. There were many in the Red Cross. The states had declared war on Germany, but not on Austria
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: That morning the major in charge of the ward asked me if I felt that I could travel the next day. I said I could. He said that they would ship me out early in the morning. He said I would be better off making the ______ now before it got too hot
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: The Italians were sure America would declare war on Austria too, and they were very ______ about any Americans coming down, even the Red Cross
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: The next day in the morning we left for Milan and arrived forty-eight hours later. It was a bad trip. We were side-tracked for a long time this side of Mestre and children came and peeked in. I got a little boy to go for a bottle of cognac, but he came back and said he could only get grappa. I told him to get it, and when it came I gave him the ______ , and the man beside me and I got drunk and slept until past Vicenza, where I woke up and was very sick on the floor
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: The night before I left the field hospital Rinaldi came in to see me with the major from our mess. They said that I would go to the American hospital in Milan that had just been ______
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: The room was long with windows on the right-hand side and a door at the far ______ that went into the dressing-room. The row of beds that mine was in faced the windows and another row, under the windows, faced the wall
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: The tickets are very ______ . I will draw a sight draft on my grandfather, I said. A what? A sight draft. He has to pay or I go to jail. Mr. Cunningham at the bank does it. I live by sight drafts. Can a grandfather jail a patriotic grandson who is dying that Italy may live? Live the American Garibaldi, said Rinaldi. Evviva the sight drafts, I said
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Then the priest would come out from behind the screen and afterward the men nurses would go back behind the screen to come out again carrying the one who was dead with a ______ over him down the corridor between the beds and someone folded the screen and took it away
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: They asked me if I thought President Wilson would declare war on Austria, and I said it was only a ______ of days. I did not know what we had against Austria, but it seemed logical that they should declare war on her if they did on Germany
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: They asked me if we would declare war on Turkey. I said that was ______ . Turkey, I said, was our national bird, but the joke translated so badly and they were so puzzled and suspicious that I said yes, we would probably declare war on Turkey
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: They had not got nurses yet from America. I ______ today with the head of their riparto. They have too many women here at the front. They send some back. How do you like that, baby? All right
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: They were anxious to ship me to Milan, where there were better X-ray facilities and where, after the operation, I could take mechanico-therapy. I wanted to go to Milan too. They wanted to get us all out and back as far as possible because all the beds were needed for the ______ , when it should start
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: This becomes ______ . Listen, I have a surprise for you. Your English. You know? The English you go to see every night at their hospital? She is going to Milan too. She goes with another to be at the American hospital
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: We must be quiet, said the major. Already we have been asked many times to be quiet. Do you go tomorrow really, Federico? He goes to the American hospital, I tell you, Rinaldi said. To the beautiful nurses. Not the nurses with ______ of the field hospital
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: When they lifted you up out of bed to carry you into the dressing-room you could look out of the window and see the new graves in the garden. A soldier sat outside the door that opened on to the garden making crosses and painting on them the names, rank, and regiment of the men who were buried in the ______
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Yes, yes, said the major, I know he goes to the American hospital. I don’t mind their beards, I said. If any man wants to ______ a beard, let him. Why don’t you raise a beard, Signor Maggiore? It could not go in a gas-mask. Yes it could
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: I had gone to no such place but to the smoke nights when the room whirled and you needed to look at the wall to make it stop, nights in bed, drunk, when you knew that that was all there was, and the strange excitement of waking and not knowing who it was with you, and the world all unreal in the dark and so exciting that you must resume again ______ and not caring in the night, sure that this was all and all and all and not caring
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: I myself felt as badly as he did and could not understand why I had not gone. It was what I had wanted to do and I tried to explain how one thing had ______ another and finally he saw it and understood that I had really wanted to go and it was almost all righ
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: It was warm and like the spring and I walked down the alleyway of trees, warmed from the sun on the wall, and found we still lived in the same ______ and that it all looked the same as when I had left it
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: My Austrian sniper’s ______ with its blued octagon barrel and the lovely dark walnut, cheek-fitted, scutzen stock, hung over the two beds
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Sometimes still pleasant and ______ and warm and breakfast and lunch. Sometimes all niceness gone and glad to get out on the street but always another day starting and then another night.
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: The lights were only ______ on when someone was brought in at night or when something was being done. It made me feel very young to have the dark come after the dusk and then remain
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: At the foot of the bed was my flat trunk, and my winter ______ , the leather shiny with oil, were on the trunk
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: But if you have had it you know. He had not had it but he understood that I had really wanted to go to the Abruzzi but had not gone and we were still friends, with many ______ alike, but with the difference between us
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: He did not see me and I did not know ______ to go in and report or go upstairs first and clean up. I decided to go on upstairs
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: He had always known what I did not know and what, when I learned it, I was always able to forget. But I did not know that then, ______ I learned it later
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: He stood there small, brown-faced, and ______ . He was pleased and undid them. I held the mosquito netting in my hands
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: I could read the ______ by turning it so the half-light from the window was on it. It was The News of the World
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: I had drunk much wine and afterwards coffee and Strega and I ______ , winefully, how we did not do the things we wanted to do; we never did such things
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: I tried to tell about the night and the difference between the night and the day and how the night was better unless the day was very ______ and cold and I could not tell it; as I cannot tell it now
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: In the meantime we were all at the mess, the meal was ______ , and the argument went on. We two stopped talking and the captain shouted, “Priest not happy. Priest not happy without girls.”
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: In the town there were more ______ , there were some new hospitals, you met British men and sometimes women, on the street, and a few more houses had been hit by shell-fire
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: It was all as I had left it except that now it was spring. I looked in the door of the big room and saw the major sitting at his desk, the window open and the ______ coming into the room
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: It was dusk when the priest came. They had brought the soup and afterward taken away the bowls and I was lying looking at the rows of beds and out the window at the tree-top that moved a little in the evening
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: It was like being put to bed after early supper. The orderly came down between the beds and stopped. Someone was ______ him. It was the priest
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Suddenly to care very much and to sleep to wake with it sometimes morning and all that had been there gone and everything sharp and ______ and clear and sometimes a dispute about the cost
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: That night at the mess I sat ______ the priest and he was disappointed and suddenly hurt that I had not gone to the Abruzzi. He had written to his father that I was coming and they had made preparations
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: The breeze came in through the window and it was cooler with the evening. The ______ were on the ceiling now and on the electric light bulbs that hung on wires
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: The door was open, there was a soldier sitting on a bench outside in the sun, an ambulance was waiting ______ the side door and inside the door, as I went in, there was a smell of marble floors and hospitals
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: The room I ______ with the lieutenant Rinaldi looked out on the courtyard. The window was open, my bed was made up with blankets and my things hung on the wall, the gas-mask in an oblong tin can, the steel helmet on the same peg
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: The telescope that fitted it was, I remembered, locked in the trunk. The lieutenant, Rinaldi, lay asleep on the other bed. He woke when he ______ me in the room and sat up
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: The vermouth he held up for me to see and then put it on the floor beside the bed. I held up one of the ______ of English papers
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: We two were talking while the others argued. I had wanted to go to Abruzzi. I had gone to no place where the roads were frozen and hard as ______ , where it was clear cold and dry and the snow was dry and powdery and hare-tracks in the snow and the peasants took off their hats and called you Lord and there was good hunting
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: When I came back to the front we still lived in that town. There were many more guns in the country around and the spring had ______
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel:I saw the town with the hill and the old castle above it in a cup in the hills with the mountain beyond, brown mountains with a little green on their ______
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel The fields were green and there were small green ______ on the vines, the trees along the road had small leaves and a breeze came from the sea:
Choose the right preposition: .. He also ran errands ______ the ward, and in his spare time made a cigarette-lighter out of an empty Austrian rifle-cartridge
Choose the right preposition: ... I read the Corriere della Sera and the English and American papers from Paris. All the advertisements were blacked out, supposedly to prevent communication ______ that way with the enemy
Choose the right preposition: A soldier sat outside the door that opened on to the garden making crosses and painting on them the names, rank, and regiment of the men who were buried ______ the garden
Choose the right preposition: But I knew ______ the papers that they were still fighting in the mountains because the snow would not come
Choose the right preposition: But we did not stay up very late. We went to bed ______ the dark in the big bedroom
Choose the right preposition: He had been a head-waiter and she had worked as maid ______ the same hotel and they had saved their money to buy this place
Choose the right preposition: He was not allowed to make an explanation. He cried when they read the sentence ______ the pad of paper and cried while they led him off, and they were questioning another when they shot him
Choose the right preposition: I did not watch them shoot him but I heard the shots. They were questioning someone else. This officer too was separated ______ his troops
Choose the right preposition: I held on ______ the timber with both hands and let it take me along. The shore was out of sight now
Choose the right preposition: I sat in the corner with a heavy mug of dark beer and an opened glazed-paper package of pretzels and ate the pretzels ______ the salty flavour and the good way they made the beer taste and read about disaster
Choose the right preposition: I sat ______ the little booth and watched
Choose the right preposition: I thought Catherine would come but she did not come, so I hung the papers back on the rack, paid ______ my beer and went up the street to look for her
Choose the right preposition: I was obviously a German ______ Italian uniform. I saw how their minds worked; if they had minds and if they worked. They were all young men and they were saving their country. The second army was being re-formed beyond the Tagliamento
Choose the right preposition: If anyone were going to die they put a screen around the bed so you could not see them die, but only the shoes and puttees of doctors and men nurses showed under the bottom of the screen and sometimes ______ the end there would be whispering
Choose the right preposition: If you lay ______ your left side you could see the dressing-room door. There was another door at the far end that people sometimes came in by
Choose the right preposition: In front of the house where we lived the mountain went down steeply to the little plain along the lake and we sat on the porch of the house in the sun and saw the winding of the road down the mountain-side and the terraced vineyards ______ the side of the lower mountain, the vines all dead now for the winter and the fields divided by stone walls, and below the vineyards the houses of the town on the narrow plain along the lake shore
Choose the right preposition: In front of the house where we lived the mountain went down steeply to the little plain along the lake and we sat on the porch of the house ______ the sun and saw the winding of the road down the mountain-side and the terraced vineyards on the side of the lower mountain, the vines all dead now for the winter and the fields divided by stone walls, and below the vineyards the houses of the town on the narrow plain along the lake shore
Choose the right preposition: In the town we walked along the main street and looked in the windows ______ the shops
Choose the right preposition: It was exciting to watch and Catherine smiled and talked ______ me and my voice was a little thick from being excited
Choose the right preposition: Mr. and Mrs. Guttingen lived downstairs and we would hear them talking sometimes ______ the evening and they were very happy together too
Choose the right preposition: Mrs. Guttingen came into the room early ______ the morning to shut the windows and started a fire in the tall porcelain stove
Choose the right preposition: My leg ached and I was tired but we made good time. It seemed so silly ______ Bonello to have decided to be taken prisoner
Choose the right preposition: Out on the lake there were flocks of grebes, small and dark, and leaving trails ______ the water when they swam
Choose the right preposition: Outside, ______ front of the chalet a road went up the mountain
Choose the right preposition: Sometimes we walked down the mountains into Montreux. There was a path went down the mountain but it was steep and so usually we took the road and walked down on the wide hard road between fields and then below between the stone walls of the vineyards and on down ______ the houses of the villages along the way
Choose the right preposition: Sometimes we went off the road and ______ a path through the pine forest. The floor of the forest was soft to walk on; the frost did not harden it as it did the road
Choose the right preposition: That morning the major in charge ______ the ward asked me if I felt that I could travel the next day. I said I could. He said that they would ship me out early in the morning. He said I would be better off making the trip now before it got too hot
Choose the right preposition: That was a very strange night. I do not know what I had expected-death perhaps, and shooting ______ the dark, and running, but nothing happened
Choose the right preposition: The day was cold and dark and wintry and the stone ______ the houses looked cold. Catherine was still in the hairdresser’s shop
Choose the right preposition: The mountains were sharp and steep on the other side of the lake and down at the end of the lake was the plain of the Rhone Valley flat ______ the two ranges of mountains; and up the valley where the mountains cut it off was the Dent du Midi
Choose the right preposition: The pine wood crackled and sparkled and then the fire roared in the stove and the second time Mrs. Guttingen came into the room she brought big chunks ______ wood for the fire and a pitcher of hot water
Choose the right preposition: The road went down a long grade below the chвteau and then turned to the right and went down very steeply and paved ______ cobbles, into Montreux
Choose the right preposition: The room was long with windows on the right-hand side and a door at the far end that went ______ the dressing-room
Choose the right preposition: The row ______ beds that mine was in faced the windows and another row, under the windows, faced the wall
Choose the right preposition: The tongs made a pleasant clicking sound and I could see Catherine in three mirrors and it was pleasant and warm ______ the booth
Choose the right preposition: The valley was deep and there was a stream at the bottom that flowed down ______ the lake and when the wind blew across the valley you could hear the stream in the rocks
Choose the right preposition: The war seemed as far away as the football games ______ some one else’s college
Choose the right preposition: Then along the road we passed an old square-built stone chвteau on a ledge on the side of the mountain-side with the terraced fields of vines, each vine tied to a stick to hold it up, the vines dry and brown and the earth ready ______ the snow and the lake down below flat and grey as steel
Choose the right preposition: Then the priest would come out ______ behind the screen and afterward the men nurses would go back behind the screen to come out again carrying the one who was dead with a blanket over him down the corridor between the beds and someone folded the screen and took it away
Choose the right preposition: Then the woman put up Catherine’s hair, and Catherine looked ______ the mirror and changed it a little, taking out and putting in pins; then stood up. “I’m sorry to have taken such a long time.”
Choose the right preposition: There was a box of wood ______ the hall outside the living-room and I kept up the fire from it
Choose the right preposition: There was an island with two trees on the lake and the trees looked like the double sails ______ the fishing-boat
Choose the right preposition: There was much wood ______ the stream. The water was very cold. We passed the brush of an island above the water
Choose the right preposition: There was no danger. We had walked through two armies ______ incident
Choose the right preposition: There were many big hotels that were closed but most ______ the shops were open and the people were very glad to see us
Choose the right preposition: There were shots when I ran and shots when I came up the first time. I heard them when I was almost above water. There were no shots now. The piece of timber swung in the current and I held it with one hand. I looked ______ the bank. It seemed to be going by very fast.
Choose the right preposition: There were two comfortable chairs and a table for books and magazines and we played cards ______ the dining-table when it was cleared away
Choose the right preposition: They had a son who was studying to be a head-waiter. He was at the hotel in Zurich. Downstairs there was a parlour where they sold wine and beer, and sometimes in the evening we would hear carts stop outside ______ the road and men come up the steps to go in the parlour to drink wine
Choose the right preposition: They made a point of being intent ______ questioning the next man while the man who had been questioned before was being shot. In this way there was obviously nothing they could do about it. I did not know whether I should wait to be questioned or make a break now
Choose the right preposition: They wanted to get us all out and back as far as possible because all the beds were needed ______ the offensive, when it should start
Choose the right preposition: They were anxious to ship me ______ Milan, where there were better X-ray facilities and where, after the operation, I could take mechanico-therapy. I wanted to go to Milan too
Choose the right preposition: They were executing officers of the rank of major and above who were separated ______ their troops. They were also dealing summarily with German agitators in Italian uniform. They wore steel helmets. Only two of us had steel helmets
Choose the right preposition: Two carabinieri took the lieutenant-colonel to the river bank. He walked in the rain, an old man with his hat off, a carabinieri ______ either side
Choose the right preposition: We bought books and magazines in the town and a copy ______ “Hoyle” and learned many two-handed card games. The small room with the stove was our living-room
Choose the right preposition: We did not know anyone ______ Montreux
Choose the right preposition: We lived in a brown wooden house in the pine trees ______ the side of the mountain and at night there was frost so that there was thin ice over the water in the two pitchers on the dresser in the morning
Choose the right preposition: We slept well and if I woke ______ the night I knew it was from only one cause and I would shift the feather bed over, very softly so that Catherine would not be wakened, and then go back to sleep again, warm and with the new lightness of thin covers
Choose the right preposition: We waited, lying flat beyond the ditch along the main road while a German battalion passed, then when they were gone we crossed the road and went ______ to the north
Choose the right preposition: We walked along beside the lake and saw the swans and the many gulls and terns that flew up when you came close and screamed while they looked down ______ the water
Choose the right preposition: We were very close to Germans twice ______ the rain but they did not see us. We got past the town to the north without seeing any Italians, then after a while came on the main channels of the retreat and walked all night toward the Tagliamento
Choose the right preposition: When I was undressed I opened the window and saw the night and the cold stars and the pine-trees below the window and then got into bed as far as I could. It was lovely ______ bed with the air so cold and clear and the night outside the window
Choose the right preposition: When the sun was bright we ate lunch ______ the porch but the rest of the time we ate upstairs in a small room with plain wooden walls and a big stove in the corner
Choose the right preposition: When they lifted you up out of bed to carry you into the dressing-room you could look out of the window and see the new graves ______ the garden
Choose the right preposition: While Catherine was there I went up ______ a beer place and drank dark Munich beer and read the papers
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Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: “Not true?” asked the captain. “Today I ______ priest with girls.”
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: He (to look) out of the window again. I watched his face.
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: He sat down in the chair that had (to be) brought for Rinaldi and looked out of the window embarrassedly. I noticed his face looked very tired
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: He was (to please) and undid them. I held the mosquito netting in my hands. The vermouth he held up for me to see and then put it on the floor beside the bed
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: I held up one of the sheaf of English papers. I could (to read) the headlines by turning it so the half-light from the window was on it. It was The News of the World
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Still even (to wond) you do not see it. I can tell. I do not see it myself but I feel it a little.”
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: The orderly brought the glasses and opened the bottle. He broke off the cork and the end had to be (to shove) down into the bottle. I could see the priest was disappointed but he said, “That’s all right. It’s no matter.”
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: The priest put down the glass. He was (to think) about something else
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Well,” I said. I did not (to know) what to say. “You are a fine boy,” I said.
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: “Have they ever (to be) able to stop it?”
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: “How do you do?” he asked. He (to put) some packages down by the bed, on the floor
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: “I (to be) a boy,” he said. But you call me father.”
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: “I am happy. I’ve always (to be) happy.”
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: “I am not really. You are not even an Italian. You are a foreigner. But you are nearer the officers than you ______ to the men. “
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: “I am so glad you are all right,” he said. “I (to hope) you don’t suffer.” He seemed very tired and I was not used to seeing him tired
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: “I brought you a few little things,” he said. He picked up the packages. “This is mosquito netting. This is a bottle of vermouth. You (to like) vermouth? These are English papers.”
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: “I can only (to stay) a minute,” he said. “It is late.”
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: “I don’t enjoy it,” I said. (to shake) his head and looked out of the window
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: “I know them because I (to be) like they are,” he said
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: “I must go really,” he said. “You do not want me for anything?” he (to ask) hopefully
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: “I stay too long and talk too much.” He was worried that he really (to do)
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: “I wish I were there. I always enjoyed our (to talk).”
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: “It is not education or money. It is something else. Even if they had education or money, men like Passini would not (to wish) to be officers. I would not be an officer.”
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: “It’s another thing. You cannot (to know) about it unless you have it.”
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: “Please (to open) them.”
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: “They are not organized to stop things and when they get (to organize) their leaders sell them out.”
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: “Well,” I said. If I ever get it I will (to tell) you.”
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: “When I was (to wound) we were talking about it. Passini was talking.”
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: “You (to rank) as an officer. I am an officer..”
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: “You do not mind it. You do not see it. You must forgive me. I know you (to be) wounded.”
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: “You will. I (to know) you will. Then you will be happy.”

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ПКОЯз. Английский язык. Домашнее чтение - Слайдлекция по модулю

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
Ernest Miller Hemingway was born in the end of the 18th century:
Federico and Catherine were going to have a child:
Federico wished Catherine and he had gotten married:
Recognition of Hemingway's position in contemporary literature came in the end of his life only:
The lieutenant-colonel was ordered to be shoot for abandoning his troops:
The lieutenant-colonel's hair was grey, and he was short and fat:
The narrator considered that the Austrians had won the war that summe:
The priest didn't bring anything to Federico, he came just to see him and to talk to him:
The priest didn't want to return to the Abruzzi:
The priest felt that the war would be over soon:
The priest hated the war:
The priest looked very tired:
The priest never liked to talk to Federico:
The priest wanted the narrator to see Abruzzi and visit his family at Capracotta:
The priest was rather old and it was impossible to make him blush:
The questioners had all the efficiency, command and coldness of themselves of Italians who are firing and are not being fired on:
To fall back переводится как "отступать":

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ПКОЯз. Английский язык. Домашнее чтение - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “ weary” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “ woeful” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “a lout” is
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “a plain man” is
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “an enterprise” is
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “bargain” is
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “chaste” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “conclusion” is
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “countenance” is
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “disport” is
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “distress” is
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “eke” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “inwardly” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “ire” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “languor” is
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “lusty” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “meek” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “mirth” is
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “nay” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “oath” is
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “peppy” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “reverence” is
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “seemly” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “skittish” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “sly” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “squeamish” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “stale” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “therein” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “thereto” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to array” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to chide” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to claim” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to deem” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to dwell” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to endure” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to forsake” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to knit “ means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to lend” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to obey” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to perish” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to plain” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to plight’ means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to prick” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to reckon” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to relate” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to repent” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to tarry” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to void” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to wail” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “tournament” is
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “woe” is
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. ”zealous” means
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. A young knight named Arveragus … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Alison and Nicholas decided to play … a trick.
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Alison, the young carpenter’s wife …. .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Among Dorigen’s friends was …
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Arveragus and Dorigen … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Arveragus came home … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Arveragus … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Aurelius’s brother remembered that one day he saw … at Orleans
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Curl was … hair, and as the gold it shone, and spread out as a fan large and broad.
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Daun John had permission to travel outside the boundaries of his abbey because … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Daun John … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Dorigen took Arveragus’s proposal providing that … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Dorigen … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Dorigen’s friends … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. In a year after their marriage Arveragus … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Once upon a time a merchant lived … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Once upon a time there lived a rich lout that …
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. One day this hende Nicholas decided to … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Sir Oliphaunt … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Sir Thopas drove back from the country of Fairy and … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Sir Thopas fell in love with … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Sir Thopas was born … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Sir Thopas was … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The action of The Franklin’s Tale takes place in … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The carpenter … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The clerk who lived in the carpenter’s house was called … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The Host interrupted the narrator because … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The magician which Aurelius and his brother brought from Orleans … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The merchant had a wife … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The merchant went to Bruges … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The merchant … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The merchant’s wife asked Daun John … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The merchant’s wife …. .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The Miller’s Tale is … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The monk was …
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The tale of Sir Thopas is… .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The young knight’s father was … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The young monk was … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. This rich lout was … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. What other work is The tale of Sir Thopas often compared with?
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. When Arveragus had left, Dorigen … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. When Aurelius asked Dorigen to become his lover she …
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. When Dorigen learnt that the rocks vanished from man’s sight she …
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. When Dorigen told her husband what promise she had once given to Aurelius, Arveragus … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. When Sir Thopas came to the country of Fairy he met there … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Wretch Aurelius laid more than …. in languor and in torment.

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ПКОЯз. Английский язык. Домашнее чтение - Тест-тренинг

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: It will be the first time in my life I ever (to pay) money for copy I had already promised beforehand I won’t print
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: They are sent to prevent men making the world worth while. It is a trick in Nature. Ugh! They are creeping, crawling, squirming things, they with their soft hands and blue eyes. The sight of a woman sickens me. Why I don’t kill every woman I see I don’t know.” Wash Williams talked in low even tones that made his words seem the more _________
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: The editor turned his car clumsily, grinding the gears, sawing and filing until it was back in the road facing town again. Then he sat for a .., his foot on the clutch. ‘Do you know what she asked me this morning, back there at the station?’ he said
Choose the right preposition: . In his youth Wash Williams had been called the best telegraph operator in the state, and in spite of his degradement ___________ the obscure office at Winesburg, he was still proud of his ability. Wash Williams did not associate with the men of the town in which he lived. ‘I’ll have nothing to do with them,” he said, looking with bleary eyes at the men who walked along the station platform past the telegraph office
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: ‘Why, Til, you naughty girl! Ain’t you (to get) to be awful, Miss Slyboots! First thing I know you’ll be stealing some of my fellows. I must keep an eye on you, my lady.’ Another thing dawned upon Tildy’s recovering wits. In a moment she had advanced from a hopeless, lowly admirer to be an Eve-sister of the potent Aileen
Choose the right preposition: Wash Williams and George Willard arose from the pile of railroad ties and walked along the tracks towards town. The operator finished his tale quickly, breathlessly. “Her mother sent for me,” he said. “She wrote me a letter and asked me to come to their house ___________ Dayton. When I got there it was evening about this time
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: But deep below our freckles and hay-colored hair the unhandsomest of us dream of a prince or a princess, not vicarious, but coming to us alone. There was a morning when Aileen tripped in to work with a slightly bruised eye; and Tildy’s solicitude (to be) almost enough to heal any optic
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) After the war William Faulkner attended the university of Mississippi for a time B) William Faulkner for several years did odd jobs of many kinds
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) After the war William Faulkner attended the university of Mississippi for a time B) William Faulkner was in fact never born
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) After working in a pet store, O. Henry went to Vegas B) William Faulkner ‘s books include Requiem for a Nun (1951), published in Penguins
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Gans Christian Anderson encouraged William Faulkner. B) It was in 1999, the year of his marriage, that William Faulkner took a job as a coal-heaver on night-work at the local power station
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Henry was adopted from a French pharmacist mentioned in the US Dispensary B) Porter started to write short stories under the pseudonym of O. Henry
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Henry’s collections of stories don’t include Options (1909), Roads of Destiny (1909) and others B) William Faulkner ‘s books include Go Down, Moses (1942), Intruder in the Dust (1948) and so on
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) His schooling was advanced B) After working in a pet store, O. Henry went to Vegas
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) In 1196 O. Henry was indicted B) O. Henry fled to Honduras
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) It was in 1929, the year of his marriage, that William Faulkner took a job as a coal-heaver on night-work at the local power station B) O. Henry was a journalist
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) It was in 1929, the year of his marriage, that William Faulkner took a job as a coal-heaver on night-work at the local power station B) It was in 1999, the year of his marriage, that William Faulkner took a job as a coal-heaver on night-work at the local power station
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Not long before his death in July 1992 William Faulkner moved his home to Charlottesville, Abhazia B) O. Henry returned from Honduras three years after fleeing to be with his dying wife
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) O. Henry (1862–1910) was born William Melbourn Porter B) O. Henry was indicted for alleged embezzlement
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) O. Henry (1862–1910) was born William Melburn Porter B) O. Henry (1962–2010) was born in North Osetia
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) O. Henry (1862–1910) was born William Sydney Porter B) O. Henry (1862–1910) was born in North Carolina
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) O. Henry (1962–2010) was born in North Osetia B) In 1896 O. Henry was indicted
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) O. Henry became a doctor for a time B) William Faulkner intended Sanctuary to be sensational enough to attract sales, which had not been good on his earlier books
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) O. Henry fled to Honduras B) William Faulkner for several years did yoga
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) O. Henry founded a comic weekly show B) O. Henry founded a rock music magazine The Rolling Stone
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) O. Henry founded a comic weekly show B) William Faulkner had made little impression at school
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) O. Henry founded a rock music magazine The Rolling Stone B) William Faulkner’s great-grandfather was Colonel William Faulkner
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) O. Henry Memorial Awards were established to be given annually for the best magazine stories B) Some collections of stories by O. Henry were published after Porter’s death of a wasting disease in 1910
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) O. Henry Memorial Awards were established to be given annually for the best music videos B) O. Henry founded a weekly magazine The Rolling Stone
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) O. Henry Memorial Awards were established to be given annually for the best music videos B) Some collections of stories by O. Henry were published after Porter’s death in 2009
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) O. Henry returned from Honduras three years after fleing to be with his dying wife B) William Faulkner was born prematurely and died a once
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) O. Henry spent three years in the federal penitentiary in Columbus, Ohio B) Gans Christian Anderson encouraged William Faulkner
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) O. Henry was a bank talker B) William Faulkner’s great-grandfather had been one of the wild characters of the South
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) O. Henry was a terrorist B) William Faulkner ‘s books include Light in August (1932), The Wild Palms (1939) and so on
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) O. Henry was arrested B) William Faulkner ‘s books include Get Down Tonight, Moses (1942), Intruder in the Dust (1948) and so on
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) O. Henry was executed for alleged embezzlement B) O. Henry’s collections of stories don’t include The Four Million (1906), Heart of the West (1907) and so on
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) O. Henry was executed for alleged embezzlement B) O. Henry’s collections of stories include The Four Million (1906), Heart of the West (1907) and so on
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) O. Henry went to Russia in 1882 B) O. Henry became a doctor for a time
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) O. Henry went to Russia in 1882 B) William Faulkner was born in 1897
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) O. Henry went to Texas in 1882; O. Henry became a rancher for a time. B) O. Henry was a bank teller
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) O. Henry worked for Komsomolka B) O. Henry founded a comic weekly magazine
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) O. Henry worked for Komsomolka B) O. Henry was employed by Komsomolka to write a humorous daily column about Luzhkov
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) O. Henry wrote a horror column B) In 1196 O. Henry was indicted
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) O. Henry's schooling was advanced B) O. Henry wrote a humorous column
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) O. Henry’s collections of stories don’t include Options (1909), Roads of Destiny (1909) and others B)O. Henry was a terrorist
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) O. Henry’s collections of stories don’t include The Four Million (1906), Heart of the West (1907) and so on B) O. Henry worked for the Houston Post
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) O. Henry’s collections of stories don’t include The Gentle Grafter (1908), The Voice of the City (1908) and so on B) William Faulkner wrote his first novel, Soldier’s Play in 1926
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) O. Henry’s collections of stories don’t include The Gentle Grafter (1908), The Voice of the City (1908) and so on B) William Faulkner was born near Oxford, Mississippi
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) O. Henry’s collections of stories don’t include Whirligigs (1910) and Strictly Business (1910) and others B) O. Henry was a bank talker
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) O. Henry’s collections of stories include The Gentle Grafter (1908), The Voice of the City (1908) and so on B) US Dispensary was a reference book
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) O. Henry’s collections of stories include Whirligigs (1910) and Strictly Business (1910) and others B) O. Henry’s collections of stories include Options (1909), Roads of Destiny (1909) and others
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) O. Henry’s collections of stories were immediately popular B) Porter came across US Dispensary in his work in the prison pharmacy
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) O. Henry’s schooling was rudimentary B) After working in a drug store, O. Henry went to Texas
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Porter came across US Dispensary in his work in the prison pharmacy B) William Faulkner wrote As I lay sleeping between the hours of midnight and 4 a.m. during a space of six summer weeks
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Porter started to write short stories under the pseudonym of O. Henry B) William Faulkner ‘s books include Requiem for a Monk (1951), published in Penguins
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Sherwood Anderson encouraged William Faulkner B) William Faulkner never wrote Sanctuary
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Some collections of stories by O. Henry were published after Porter’s death in 2009 B) O. Henry was employed by the Houston Post to write a humorous daily column
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) The pseudonym of O. Henry was adopted from a French pharmacist mentioned in the US Dispensary B) After the war William Faulkner attended the university of Mississippi one time.
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) US Dispensary was a reference book B) William Faulkner’s great-grandfather had been one of the wild characters of Chelyabinsk
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) While working in New Orleans William Faulkner met Sherwood Anderson B) Sherwood Anderson encouraged William Faulkner
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) While working in New Orleans William Faulkner met Sherwood Anderson B) William Faulkner never intended Sanctuary to be sensational enough to attract sales, which had not been good on his earlier books
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) William Faulkner for several years did odd jobs of many kinds B) William Faulkner was rejected by the U.S. Navy when America entered into the First World War
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) William Faulkner for several years did yoga B) While working in New Orleans William Faulkner met Gans Christian Anderson
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) William Faulkner had made little impression at school, but a great one in prison B) William Faulkner was rejected by the U.S. Navy when America entered into the First World War
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) William Faulkner had made little impression at school B) William Faulkner was rejected by the U.S. Army when America entered into the First World War
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) William Faulkner never intended Sanctuary to be sensational enough to attract sales, which had not been good on his earlier books B) William Faulkner worked on scripts in Hollywood, simply for the girls
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) William Faulkner served in the Canadian Flying Corps B) O. Henry’s collections of stories don’t include Whirligigs (1910) and Strictly Business (1910) and others
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) William Faulkner served in the Russian OMON B) After the war William Faulkner attended the university of Mississippi one time
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) William Faulkner was a pilot B) O. Henry was employed by Komsomolka to write a humorous daily column about Luzhkov
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) William Faulkner was a pilot B) William Faulkner served in the Canadian Flying Corps
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) William Faulkner was a sailor B) William Faulkner ‘s books include Requiem for a Monk (1951), published in Penguins
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) William Faulkner was awarded the Nobel Price for Literature in 1949 B) William Faulkner was awarded the Nobel Price for Phisics in 1949
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) William Faulkner was awarded the Nobel Price for Phisics in 1949 B) O. Henry was arrested
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) William Faulkner was born near Oxford, Mississippi B) William Faulkner was born in 1897
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) William Faulkner was born, but died at once B) William Faulkner’s great-grandfather was a notorious serial killer
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) William Faulkner was in fact never born B) William Faulkner’s great-grandfather had been one of the wild characters of Chelyabinsk
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) William Faulkner worked on scripts in Hollywood, simply for the money B) William Faulkner intended Sanctuary to be sensational enough to attract sales, which had not been good on his earlier books
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) William Faulkner worked on scripts in Hollywood, simply for the money B) William Faulkner was a sailor
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) William Faulkner wrote As I lay dying between the hours of midnight and 4 a.m. during a space of six summer weeks B) William Faulkner’s great-grandfather was a notorious serial killer
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) William Faulkner wrote As I lay dying in1830 B) William Faulkner never wrote Sanctuary
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) William Faulkner wrote As I lay dying in1930 B) William Faulkner had made little impression at school, but a great one in prison
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) William Faulkner wrote As I lay dying in1930 B) William Faulkner wrote As I lay dying between the hours of midnight and 4 a.m. during a space of six summer weeks
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) William Faulkner wrote his first novel, Soldier’s Pay in 1926 B) William Faulkner wrote As I lay dying in1830
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) William Faulkner wrote his first novel B) Soldier’s Pay in 1926
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) William Faulkner wrote Sanctuary B) William Faulkner served in the Russian OMON
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) William Faulkner ‘s books include Get Down Tonight, Moses (1942), Intruder in the Dust (1948) and so on B) William Faulkner wrote As I lay sleeping between the hours of midnight and 4 a.m. during a space of six summer weeks
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) William Faulkner ‘s books include Go Down, Moses (1942), Intruder in the Dust (1948) and so on B) Not long before his death in July 1962 William Faulkner moved his home to Charlottesville, Virginia
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) William Faulkner ‘s books include Heavy in June (1932), The Wild Palms (1939) and so on B) Henry spent three years in the federal penitentiary in Columbus, Ohio
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) William Faulkner ‘s books include Heavy in June (1932), The Wild Palms (1939) and so on B) Not long before his death in July 1962 William Faulkner moved his home to Charlottesville, Virginia
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) William Faulkner ‘s books include Light in August (1932), The Wild Palms (1939) and so on B) William Faulkner wrote Sanctuary
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) William Faulkner’s great-grandfather had been one of the wild characters of the South B) William Faulkner’s great-grandfather was Colonel William Faulkner
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: This effort was framed and hung in the drug store ___________ by the side of the ear of corn with an uneven number of rows
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Not by the ___________ of Benvenuto Cellini! I guess I can sell papers or lay cobblestones, and bring in a dollar or two
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: All right,’ said Joe, reaching for the blue scalloped vegetable dish. ‘But I hate for you to be giving _________. It isn’t Art. But you’re a trump and a dear to do it
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: And how are the semiquavers and the demi-... progressing?” he always asks
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: And my advice to the rich young man would be – sell all thou hast, and give it to the poor – janitor for the privilege of living in a ___________ with your Art and your Delia
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: And then Joe, with the air of a Monte Cristo, drew forth a ten, a five, a two and a ___________ – all legal tender notes – and laid them beside Delia’s earnings
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: And then she always dresses entirely in _________, and that does get monotonous
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: And Tinkle gave me permission to hang two of them in his _________. I may sell one if the right kind of a moneyed idiot sees them
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: At six he drew a picture of the ___________ pump with a prominent citizen passing it hastily
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: At ___________ he left for New York with a flowing necktie and a capital tied up somewhat closer
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: But after awhile Art flagged. It sometimes does, even if some switchman doesn’t flag it. Everything going out and nothing coming in, as the _________. say
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: But General Pinkney is the ___________ old man! I wish you could know him, Joe
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: But the best, in my _________, was the home life in the little flat – the ardent, voluble chats after the day’s study; the cozy dinners and fresh, light breakfasts
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Delia came and hung about his _________
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Delia Caruthers did things in six octaves so promisingly in a pine-tree village in the South that her relatives chipped in enough in her chip hat for her to go ‘_______’ and ‘finish.’
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Delia was studying under Rosenstock – you know his repute as a disturber of the piano _________
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Delia was to become familiar and then contemptuous with Music, so that when she saw the orchestra seats and boxes unsold she could have sore throat and lobster in a private dining-room and refuse to go on the _________
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: During all of tie next week the Larrabees had an early _________
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Flat-dwellers shall endorse my dictum that theirs is the only true _________
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: For two or three days she went out canvassing for pupils. One ___________ she came home elated
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: He comes in sometimes when I am with Clementina at the piano – he is a _________, you know – and stands there pulling his white goatee
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: I wish you could see the wainscoting in that drawing-room, Joe! And those Astrakhan rug portieres. And Clementina has such a funny little _________.
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: If a home is happy it cannot fit too close – let the dresser collapse and become a billiard table; let the mantel turn to a rowing machine, the escritoire to a spare bedchamber, the wash-stand to an upright _________
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: It was most times seven ___________ when he returned in the evening
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: I’m sure you will,’ said Delia sweetly. ‘And now let’s be thankful for General Pinkney and this veal _________
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: I’m to give three lessons a week; and, just think, Joe! _________5, a lesson. I don’t mind it a bit
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Joe and Delia became enamoured one of the other or each of the other, as you please, and in a short time were married – for (see above), when one loves one’s Art no service seem too _________
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Joe and Delia met in an atelier where a number of art and ___________ students had gathered to discuss chiaroscuro, Wagner, music, Rembrandt’s works pictures, Waldteufel, wall-paper, Chopin, and Oolong
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Joe Larrabee came out of the post-oak flats of the Middle West pulsing with a genius for pictorial _________
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Joe was enthusiastic about some morning-effect sketches he was doing in Central _________, and Delia packed him off breakfasted, coddled, praised, and kissed at seven o’clock. Art is an engaging mistress
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Joe was painting in the class of the great Magister – you know his fame. His ___________ are high; his lessons are light – his high-lights have brought him renown
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Joe was to become capable very soon of turning out pictures that old ___________ with thin side-whiskers and thick pocket-books would sandbag one another in his studio for the privilege of buying
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Joe, dear, you are _________. You must keep on at your studies. It is not as if I had quit my music and gone to work at something else
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Magister praised the ___________ in that sketch I made in the park,’ said Joe
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: My pupil is his daughter Clementina. I ___________ love her already
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Now, smooth out that wrinkle between your _________, dear, and let’s have a nice supper
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Oh, I really am getting attached to her, she is so gentle and high bred. General Pinkney’s brother was ___________ Minister to Bolivia
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: She’s a delicate thing – dresses always in white; and the sweetest, simplest manners! Only eighteen ___________ old
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Sometimes,’ she said, a little wearily, ‘Clementina tries me. I’m afraid she doesn’t practice enough, and I have to tell her the same things so _________
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: That is our _________This story shall draw a conclusion from it, and show at the same time that the premise is incorrect
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: That will be a new thing in logic, and a feat in story-telling somewhat older than the Great Wall of _________
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: That’s all right for you, Dele,’ said Joe, attacking a can of peas with a carving knife and a _________
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: They could not see her, but that is our _________
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: They were mighty happy as long as their money lasted. So is every – but I will not be _________. Their aims were very clear and defined
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: When one loves one’s Art no service seems too _________. So, Delia said she must give music lessons to keep the chafing dish bubbling
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: When ___________ loves one’s Art no service seems too hard,’ said Delia
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: While I teach I learn. I am always with my _________. And we can live as happily as millionaires on $15 a week. You mustn’t think of leaving Mr. Magister
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: ___________ was lacking to pay Mr. Magister and Herr Rosenstock their prices
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel:I hope she is ___________ than she looks
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel:Mr. and Mrs. Larrabee began housekeeping in a flat. It was a lonesome flat – something like the A sharp way down at the left-hand end of the keyboard. And they were _________; for they had their Art and they had each other
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: George Willard and the telegraph operator came into the main street of Winesburg. The lights from the store windows lay bright and shining on the sidewalks. People moved about laughing and _________. The young reporter felt ill and weak. In imagination, he also became old and shapeless. “I didn’t get her mother killed,” said Wash Williams, staring up and down the street
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: George Willard went one evening to walk with Belle Carpenter, a trimmer of women’s hats who worked in a millinery shop kept by Mrs. Kate McHugh. The young man was not in love with the woman, who, in fact, had a suitor who worked as bartender in Ed Griffith’s saloon, but as they walked about under the trees they ___________ embraced
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Half frightened and yet fascinated by the light burning in the eyes of the ___________ old man, George Willard listened, afire with curiosity. Darkness came on and he leaned forward trying to see the face of the man who talked. When, in the gathering darkness, he could no longer see the purple, bloated face and the burning eyes, a curious fancy came to him
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: He had ___________ Wash into the obscure office at Winesburg to avoid discharging him, and he meant to keep him there. When he received the letter of complaint from the banker’s wife, he tore it up and laughed unpleasantly. For some reason he thought of his own wife as he tore up the letter
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: I tell you, all women are dead, my mother, your mother, that tall dark woman who works in the millinery store and with whom I saw you walking about yesterday – all of them, they are all dead. I tell you there is something rotten about them. I was married, _________
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: In all of Winesburg there was but one person who knew the story of the thing that had made ugly the person and the character of Wash Williams. He once told the story to George Willard and the telling of the tale came about in this _________
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: In the darkness the young reporter found himself imagining that he sat on the railroad ties beside a comely young man with black hair and black shining eyes. There was something ___________ beautiful in the voice of Wash Williams, the hideous, telling his story of hate
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: In Winesburg no attention was paid to Wash Williams and his hatred to his fellows. Once Mrs. White, the banker’s wife, complained to the telegraph company, saying that the office in Winesburg was ___________ and smelled abominably, but nothing came of her complaint. Here and there a man respected the operator
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Instinctively the man felt in him a glowing resentment of something he had not the courage to resent. When Wash walked through the streets such a one had an instinct to pay him _________, to raise his hat or to bow before him. The superintendent who had supervision over the telegraph operators on the railroad that went through Winesburg felt that way
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: My wife was dead before she married me, she was a foul thing come out of a woman more foul. She was a thing sent to make life ___________ to me. I was a fool, do you see, as you are now, and so I married this woman. I would like to see men a little begin to understand women
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: On the next evening the operator and George Willard walked out together. Down the railroad they went and sat on a pile of decaying railroad ties ___________ the tracks. It was then that the operator told the young reporter his story of hate
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Perhaps a dozen times George Willard and the strange, shapeless man who lived at his father’s hotel had been on the point of _________. The young man looked at the hideous, leering face staring about the hotel dining room and was consumed with curiosity
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Something he saw ___________ in the staring eyes told him that the man who had nothing to say to others had nevertheless something to say to him. On the pile of railroad ties on the summer evening, he waited expectantly
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: The night and their own thoughts had _________something in them. As they were returning to Main Street they passed the little lawn beside the railroad station and saw Wash Williams apparently asleep on the grass beneath a tree
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Wash Williams did not associate with the men of the town in which he lived. ‘I’ll have nothing to do with them,” he said, looking with bleary eyes at the men who walked along the station platform past the telegraph office. Up along Main Street he went in the evening to Ed Griffith’s saloon, and after drinking unbelievable quantities of beer staggered off to his ___________ in the New Willard House and to his bed for the night
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Wash Williams once had a wife. When he was still a young man he married a woman at Dayton, Ohio. The woman was tall and ___________ and had blue eyes and yellow hair. Wash was himself a comely youth. He loved the woman with a love as absorbing as the hatred he later felt for all women
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Wash Williams spat forth a succession of vile oaths. “Yes, she is dead,” he agreed. “She is dead as all women are dead. She is a living-dead thing, walking in the sight of men and making the earth foul by her presence.” Staring into the boy’s eyes, the man became purple with _________. “Don’t have fool notions in your head,” he commanded
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Wash Williams was a man of _________. A thing had happened to him that made him hate life, and he hated it whole-heartedly, with the abandon of a poet. First of all, he hated women. “Bitches,” he called them. His feeling toward men was somewhat different. He pitied them. “Does not every man let his life be managed for him by some bitch or another?” he asked
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: When the operator remained silent and seemed to have changed his mind about talking, he tried to make conversation. “Where you ever married, Mr Williams?” he _________
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: An old nigger woman named Mollie Beauchamp,’ Stevens said. ‘She and her husband live on the Edmond’s place. It’s her grandson. You remember him – Butch Beauchamp, about five or six years ago, who spent a year in town, mostly in _________, until they finally caught him breaking into Rouncewell’s store one night? Well, he’s in worth trouble than that now
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: And by Jupiter, if I had and if she had known what we know even, I ___________ she would have said yes. But I didn’t say it. I just said, “Why, you couldn’t read it, Aunty.” And she said, “Miss Belle will show me where to look and I can look at hit. You put hit in de paper. All of hit.”’
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: And on the next bright hot day but one of the hearse and the two cars were waiting when the southbound train _________. There were more than a dozen cars, but it was not until the train came in that Stevens and the editor began to notice the number of people, Negroes and whites both
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: And that’s who I am to find, save, Stevens thought. Because he did not for a moment doubt the old Negress’s _________. If she had also been able to divine where the boy was and what his trouble was, he would not have been surprised, and it was only later that he thought to be surprised at how quickly he did find where the boy was and what was wrong
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Because at nineteen he had quit the country and come to town and spent a year in and out of jail for gambling and fighting, to come at last under serious indictment for breaking and entering a _________
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Because he did not for a moment doubt the old Negress’s instinct And not the sheriff, the police, he thought. Something broader, quicker in scope… He rose and took his old fine worn panama and descended the outside stairs and crossed the empty square in the hot suspension of noon’s beginning, to the _________of the county newspaper
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Caught red-handed, whereupon he had struck with a piece of iron pipe at the officer who surprised him and then lay on the ground where the officer had felled him with a pistol-butt, ___________ through his broken mouth, his teeth fixed into something like furious laughter through the blood
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Children stopping before the cage are fascinated, men turn away with an air of disgust, and women ___________ for a moment, trying perhaps to remember which one of their male acquaintances the thing in some faint was resembles
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Five minutes later Stevens was crossing again the empty square in which noon’s hot suspension was that much nearer. He had thought that he was going home to his boarding-house for the noon meal, but he found that he was not. ‘Besides, I didn’t ___________ my office door,’ he thought
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Had you been in the earlier years of your life a citizen of the village of Winesburg, Ohio, there would have been for you no ___________ in regard to the beast in his cage
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: He sat in the hot motion which was not breeze and listened to her toiling slowly down the steep outside stairs, remembering the grandson. The papers of that business had passed across the desk before going to the District Attorney five or six years ago – Butch Beauchamp, as the youth had been known during the single year he had spent in and out of the city _________
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: He ___________ now that it was Edmonds who had actually sent the boy to Jefferson in the first place: he had caught the boy breaking into his commissary store and had ordered him off the place and had forbidden him ever to return. And that’s who I am to find, save, Stevens thought
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: His first thought was to telephone Carothers Edmonds, on whose farm the old Negress’s husband had been a ___________ for years. But then, according to her, Edmonds had already refused to have anything to do with it. Then he sat perfectly still while the hot wind blew in his wild white mane. Now he comprehended what the old Negress had meant
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: I go too fast. Not everything about Wash was unclean. He took care of his hands. His fingers were _________, but there was something sensitive and shapely in the hand that lay on the table by the instrument in the telegraph office
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: If you have lived in cities and have walked in the park on a summer afternoon, you have perhaps seen, blinking in a corner of his iron cage, a huge, grotesque kind of monkey, a creature with ugly, _________, hairless skin below his eyes and a bright purple underbody
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: In his youth Wash Williams had been called the best telegraph operator in the state, and in spite of his degradement to the obscure ___________ at Winesburg, he was still proud of his ability
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Only, how under the sun she could have got to town from those seventeen miles. She may even have walked. ‘So it seems I didn’t mean what I said I hoped,’ he said aloud, mounting the outside stairs again, out of the hazy and now windless sunglare, and entered his _________. He stopped
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: She wanted that casket and those flowers and the hearse and she wanted to ride through town behind it in a car. ‘Come on’ he said. ‘Let’s _________back to town. I haven’t seen my desk in two days.’
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Stevens reached over and cut the switch, so that the editor’s _________coasted, slowing as he began to brake it, the hearse and the other car drawing rapidly away now as though in flight, the light and unrained summer dust spurting from beneath the fleeing wheels; soon they were gone
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: The editor was in – an older man but with hair less white than Stevens’s, in a black string tie and an old-fashioned boiled shirt and tremendously _________
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Then two nights later he broke out of jail and was seen no more – a youth not yet twenty-one, with something in him from the father who begot and deserted him and who was now in the State ___________ for mans laughter – some seed not only violent but dangerous and bad
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Then, with Miss Worsham and the old Negress in Stevens’s car with the driver he had ___________ and himself and the editor in the editor’s, they followed the hearse as it swung into the long hill up from the station, going fast in a whining lower gear until it reached the crest, going pretty fast still but with an unctuous, an almost bishoplike purr until it slowed into the square
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Then, with the idle white men and youths and small boys and probably half a hundred Negroes, men and women too, watching quietly, the Negro undertaker’s men lifted the grey-and-silver casket from the train and ___________ it to the hearse and snatched the wreaths and floral symbols of man’s ultimate and inevitable end briskly out and slid the casket in and flung the flowers back and clapped-to the door
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: This monkey is a true monster. In the completeness of his ugliness he achieved a kind of ___________ beauty
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Wash Williams, the telegraph operator of Winesburg, was the ugliest thing in town. His girth was immense, his neck thin, his legs feeble. He was _________. Everything about him was unclean. Even the whites of his eyes looked soiled
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: When they reached the edge of town the hearse was going quite fast. Now they flashed past the metal sigh which said Jefferson. Corporate limit, and the pavement vanished, slanting away into another long _________, becoming gravel
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: ‘Oh,’ Stevens said. Yes, he thought. It doesn’t matter to her now. Since it had to be and she couldn’t ___________ it, and now that it’s all over and done and finished, she doesn’t care how he died. She just wanted him home, but she wanted him to come home right
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: ‘That’s what I said,’ the editor said. ‘ And she said it again: “Is you gonter put hit in de paper? I wants hit all in de paper. All of hit.” And I wanted to say, “If I should happen to know how he really died, do you want that in _________”
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: “It is like Wash Williams,” you would have said. “As he sits in the corner there, the beast is exactly like the old Wash sitting on the ___________ in the station yard on a summer evening after he has closed his office for the night.”
Choose the right preposition: . I hated the men I thought had wronged her. I was sick of being alone and wanted her back. The longer I waited the more raw and tender I became. I thought that if she came in and just touched me ___________ her hand I would perhaps faint away. I ached to forgive and forget
Choose the right preposition: . Up along Main Street he went in the evening to Ed Griffith’s saloon, and after drinking unbelievable quantities of beer staggered off to his room in the New Willard House and ___________ his bed for the night
Choose the right preposition: And if you belong ___________ the half to whom waiters’ checks are things of moment, you should know Bogle’s, for there you get your money’s worth – in quantity, at least
Choose the right preposition: Another one known as ‘Freshy’, who rode ___________ the Traction Company’s repair wagon, was going to give her a poodle as soon as his brother got the hauling contract in the Ninth. And the man who always ate spareribs and spinach and said he was a stockbroker asked her to go to ‘Parsifal’ with him
Choose the right preposition: At least twice a week someone took her ___________ a theatre or to a dance. One stout gentleman whom she and Tildy had privately christened ‘The Hog’ presented her with a turquoise ring
Choose the right preposition: At the cashier’s desk sits Bogle, cold, sordid, slow, smouldering, and takes your money. Behind a mountain of toothpicks he makes your change, files your check, and ejects ___________ you, like a toad, a word about the weather. Beyond a corroboration of his meteorological statement you would better not venture
Choose the right preposition: Bogle’s is situated ___________ that highway of bourgeoisie, that boulevard of Brown- Jones-and-Robinson, Eighth Avenue. There are two rows of tables in the room, six in each row. On each table is a castor-stand, containing cruets of condiments and seasons
Choose the right preposition: For a moment there was a catch in the voice of the man talking in the darkness. “I loved her,” he said. “I don’t claim not to be a fool. I love her yet . There ___________ the dusk in the spring evening I crawled along the black ground to her feet and groveled before her. I kissed her shoes and the ankles above her shoes
Choose the right preposition: From the pepper cruet you may shake a cloud of something tasteless and melancholy, like volcanic dust. From the salt cruet you may expect nothing. Though a man should extract a sanguinary stream from the pallid turnip, yet will his prowess be balked when he comes to wrest salt ___________ Bogle’s cruets
Choose the right preposition: George Willard went one evening to walk with Belle Carpenter, a trimmer of women’s hats who worked in a millinery shop kept ___________ Mrs. Kate McHugh. The young man was not in love with the woman, who, in fact, had a suitor who worked as bartender in Ed Griffith’s saloon, but as they walked about under the trees they occasionally embraced
Choose the right preposition: Had you been in the earlier years of your life a citizen of the village of Winesburg, Ohio, there would have been for you no mystery in regard to the beast in his cage. “It is like Wash Williams,” you would have said. “As he sits _________the corner there, the beast is exactly like the old Wash sitting on the grass in the station yard on a summer evening after he has closed his office for the night.”
Choose the right preposition: He had put Wash into the obscure office ___________ Winesburg to avoid discharging him, and he meant to keep him there. When he received the letter of complaint from the banker’s wife, he tore it up and laughed unpleasantly. For some reason he thought of his own wife as he tore up the letter
Choose the right preposition: I go too fast. Not everything about Wash was unclean. He took care ___________ his hands. His fingers were fat, but there was something sensitive and shapely in the hand that lay on the table by the instrument in the telegraph office
Choose the right preposition: I was married, sure. My wife was dead before she married me, she was a foul thing come out ___________ a woman more foul. She was a thing sent to make life unbearable to me. I was a fool, do you see, as you are now, and so I married this woman
Choose the right preposition: I would like to see men a little begin to understand women. They are sent to prevent men making the world worth while. It is a trick in Nature. Ugh! They are creeping, crawling, squirming things, they ___________ their soft hands and blue
Choose the right preposition: If the transients were entranced by the fascinating Aileen, the regulars were her adorers. There was much rivalry ___________ many of the steady customers. Aileen could have had an engagement every evening
Choose the right preposition: If you do not know Bogle’s Chop house and Family Restaurant it is your loss. For if you are one _________the fortunate ones who dine expensively you should be interested to know how the other half consumes provisions
Choose the right preposition: If you have lived in cities and have walked in the park on a summer afternoon, you have perhaps seen, blinking in a corner _________ his iron cage, a huge, grotesque kind of monkey, a creature with ugly, sagging, hairless skin below his eyes and a bright purple underbody
Choose the right preposition: In all of Winesburg there was but one person who knew the story of the thing that had made ugly the person and the character of Wash Williams. He once told the story ___________ George Willard and the telling of the tale came about in this way
Choose the right preposition: In Winesburg no attention was paid to Wash Williams and his hatred to his fellows. Once Mrs. White, the banker’s wife, complained ___________ the telegraph company, saying that the office in Winesburg was dirty and smelled abominably, but nothing came of her complaint. Here and there a man respected the operator
Choose the right preposition: Instinctively the man felt ___________ him a glowing resentment of something he had not the courage to resent. When Wash walked through the streets such a one had an instinct to pay him homage, to raise his hat or to bow before him. The superintendent who had supervision over the telegraph operators on the railroad that went through Winesburg felt that way
Choose the right preposition: On the next evening the operator and George Willard walked out together. Down the railroad they went and sat ___________ a pile of decaying railroad ties beside the tracks. It was then that the operator told the young reporter his story of hate
Choose the right preposition: On the pile of railroad ties ___________ the summer evening, he waited expectantly. When the operator remained silent and seemed to have changed his mind about talking, he tried to make conversation
Choose the right preposition: Perhaps a dozen times George Willard and the strange, shapeless man who lived _________his father’s hotel had been on the point of talking. The young man looked at the hideous, leering face staring about the hotel dining room and was consumed with curiosity
Choose the right preposition: Something he saw lurking in the staring eyes told him that the man who had nothing to say to others had nevertheless something to say ___________ him.. “Where you ever married, Mr Williams?” he began
Choose the right preposition: Stevens reached over and cut the switch, so that the editor’s car coasted, slowing as he began to brake it, the hearse and the other car drawing rapidly away now as though in flight, the light and unrained summer dust spurting ___________ beneath the fleeing wheels; soon they were gone
Choose the right preposition: The customers at Bogle’s were her slaves. Six tables full she could wait upon at once. They who were in a hurry restrained their impatience ___________ the joy of merely gazing upon her swiftly moving, graceful figure
Choose the right preposition: The editor turned his car clumsily, grinding the gears, sawing and filing until it was back in the road facing town again. Then he sat ___________ a moment, his foot on the clutch
Choose the right preposition: The girl was ashamed and stood perfectly still staring ___________ the floor. The mother didn’t come into the room. When she had pushed the girl in through the door she stood in the hallway waiting, hoping we would – well, you see – waiting
Choose the right preposition: The name ___________ the other waitress was Tildy. Why do you suggest Matilda? Please listen this name – Tildy – Tildy. Tildy was dumpy, plain-faced, and too anxious to please to please. Repeat the last clause to yourself once or twice, and make the acquaintance of the duplicate infinite
Choose the right preposition: The needs of Bogle’s customers were supplied by two waitresses and a Voice. One of the waitresses was named Aileen. She was tall, beautiful, lively, gracious and learned in persiflage. Her other name? There was no more necessity for the other name at Bogle’s than there was ___________ finger-bowls
Choose the right preposition: The night and their own thoughts had aroused something ___________ them. As they were returning to Main Street they passed the little lawn beside the railroad station and saw Wash Williams apparently asleep on the grass beneath a tree
Choose the right preposition: The Voice at Bogle’s was invisible. It came from the kitchen, and did not shine in the way of originality. It was a heathen Voice, and contented itself ___________ vain repetitions of exclamations emitted by the waitresses concerning food
Choose the right preposition: Then, with Miss Worsham and the old Negress in Stevens’s car with the driver he had hired and himself and the editor _________the editor’s, they followed the hearse as it swung into the long hill up from the station, going fast in a whining lower gear until it reached the crest
Choose the right preposition: Then, with the idle white men and youths and small boys and probably half a hundred Negroes, men and women too, watching quietly, the Negro undertaker’s men lifted the grey-and-silver casket from the train and carried it ___________ the hearse and snatched the wreaths and floral symbols of man’s ultimate and inevitable end briskly out and slid the casket in and flung the flowers back and clapped-to the door
Choose the right preposition: There was nothing to say. I had four hundred dollars in the bank and I gave her that. I didn’t ask her reasons. I didn’t say anything. When she had gone I cried like a silly boy. Pretty soon I had a chance to sell the house and I sent that money ___________ her
Choose the right preposition: They who had finished eating ate more that they might continue ___________ the light of her smiles. Every man there – and they were mostly men – tried to make his impression upon her
Choose the right preposition: This monkey is a true monster. In the completeness of his ugliness he achieved a kind of perverted beauty. Children stopping before the cage are fascinated, men turn away with an air of disgust, and women linger ___________ a moment, trying perhaps to remember which one of their male acquaintances the thing in some faint was resembles
Choose the right preposition: Wash Williams once had a wife. When he was still a young man he married a woman at Dayton, Ohio. The woman was tall and slender and had blue eyes and yellow hair. Wash was himself a comely youth. He loved the woman with a love as absorbing as the hatred he later felt ___________ all women
Choose the right preposition: Wash Williams spat forth a succession of vile oaths. “Yes, she is dead,” he agreed. “She is dead as all women are dead. She is a living-dead thing, walking in the sight of men and making the earth foul ___________ her presence.” Staring into the boy’s eyes, the man became purple with rage
Choose the right preposition: Wash Williams stopped and stood staring at George Willard. The boy’s body shook as ___________ a chill. Again the man’s voice became soft and low. “She came into the room naked,” he went on. “Her mother did that.
Choose the right preposition: Wash Williams was a man of courage. A thing had happened to him that made him hate life, and he hated it whole-heartedly, with the abandon of a poet. First of all, he hated women. “Bitches,” he called them. His feeling toward men was somewhat different. He pitied them. “Does not every man let his life be managed ___________ him by some bitch or another?” he asked
Choose the right preposition: Wash Williams, the telegraph operator of Winesburg, was the ugliest thing in town. His girth was immense, his neck thin, his legs feeble. He was dirty. Everything ___________ him was unclean. Even the whites of his eyes looked soiled
Choose the right preposition: Wash Williams’ voice rose to half scream. “I sat in the parlor of that house two hours. Her mother took me in there and left me. Their house was stylish. They were what is called respectable people. There were plush chairs and a couch ___________ the room. I was trembling all over
Choose the right preposition: When the hem of her garment touched my face I trembled. When after two years of that life I found she had managed to acquire three other lovers who came regularly to our house when I was away at work, I didn’t want to touch them or her. I just sent her home ___________ her mother and said nothing
Choose the right preposition: When they reached the edge of town the hearse was going quite fast. Now they flashed past the metal sigh which said Jefferson. Corporate limit, and the pavement vanished, slanting away ___________ another long hill, becoming gravel
Choose the right preposition: While I sat there she was taking the girl’s clothes off, perhaps coaxing her to do it. First I heard voices ___________ the door that led into a little hallway and then it opened softly
Choose the right preposition: Will it tire you to be told again that Aileen was beautiful? Had she donned a few hundred dollars’ worth ___________ clothes and joined the Easter parade, and had you seen her, you would have hastened to say so yourself
Choose the right preposition: You are not Bogle’s friend; you are a fed, transient customer, and you and he may not meet again until the blowing of Gabriel’s dinner horn. So take your change and go – ___________ the devil if you like. There you have Bogle’s sentiments
Choose the right preposition: “Don’t have fool notions in your head,” he commanded. “My wife, she is dead; yes, surely. I tell you, all women are dead, my mother, your mother, that tall dark woman who works in the millinery store and with whom I saw you walking about yesterday – all of them, they are all dead. I tell you there is something rotten ___________ them
Choose the right preposition: Aileen could successfully exchange repartee against a dozen... once. And every smile that she sent forth lodged, like pellets from a scatter-gun, in as many hearts
Choose the right preposition: And all this while she would be performing astounding feats with orders of pork and beans, pot roasts, ham-and, sausage-and-the-wheats, and any quantity of things ___________ the iron and in the pan and straight up and on the side
Choose the right preposition: With all this feasting and flirting and merry exchange of wit Bogle’s came mighty being a salon, with Aileen ___________ its Madame Recamier
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Put the verb in brackets in the right form: . If she had also been able to divine where the boy was and what his trouble was, he would not (to have) been surprised, and it was only later that he thought to be surprised at how quickly he did find where the boy was and what was wrong
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: And during the remainder of that hot and now windless afternoon, while officials from the city hall, and justices of the peace and bailiffs (to come) fifteen and twenty miles from the ends of the country
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: And he (will) come in on Number Four the day after tomorrow and we will meet it, Miss Worsham and his grandmother, the old nigger, in my car and you and me in yours
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: And maybe fifty around the square. But the rest of it is you and me, because she insisted on (to leave) twenty-five with me, which is just twice what I tried to persuade her it would cost and just exactly four times what she can afford to pay
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: And that night after supper he walked through the breathless and star-(to fill) darkness to Miss Worsham’s house on the edge of town and knocked on the paintless front door
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: And that’s who I am to find, save, Stevens thought. Because he did not for a moment (to doubt) the old Negress’s instinct
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: And Tildy was content to be the unwooed drudge if Aileen could receive the flattery and the hommage. The blunt nose was loyal to the short Grecian. She was Aileen’s friend; and she was glad to see her rule hearts and (to wean) the attention of men from smoking pot-pie and lemon meringue
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Because he did not for a moment doubt the old Negress’s instinct And not the sheriff, the police, he (to think). Something broader, quicker in scope
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: But it don’t look like I can (to help) myself. By Jupiter,’ he said ‘even if I could help myself, the novelty will be almost worth it
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Caught red-handed, whereupon he had (to strike) with a piece of iron pipe at the officer who surprised him and then lay on the ground where the officer had felled him with a pistol-butt, cursing through his broken mouth, his teeth fixed into something like furious laughter through the blood
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: For a few moments Tildy stood petrified. Then she was aware of Aileen (to shake) at her an arch fore finger, and saying
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Hamp Worsham admitted him – an old man, belly-bloated from the vegetables on which he and his wife and Miss Worsham all three mostly (to live), with blurred old eyes and a fridge of white hair about the head and face of a Roman general
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: He had caught the boy (to break) into his commissary store and had ordered him off the place and had forbidden him ever to return. And that’s who I am to find, save, Stevens thought
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: He rose and took his old fine worn panama and descended the outside stairs and (to cross) the empty square in the hot suspension of noon’s beginning, to the office of the county newspaper
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: His first thought was to telephone Carothers Edmonds, on whose farm the old Negress’s husband had (to be) a tenant for years. But then, according to her, Edmonds had already refused to have anything to do with it
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: I don’t know yet. It will cost about two hundred. I’m not (to count) the telephones; I’ll take care of them myself
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: In steaming, (to chatter), cabbage-scented Bogle’s there was almost a heart tragedy. Tildy with the blunt nose, the hay-coloured hair, the freckled skin, the bag-o’-meal figure had never had an admirer
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: I’ll get something out of Carothers Edmonds the first time I (to catch) him; I don’t know how much, but something
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Miss Worsham and the old woman will take him back home, back where he (to be) born. Or where the old woman raised him
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: None of them loudly ‘jollied’ her of mornings as they did Aileen, (to accuse) her, when the eggs were slow in coming, of late hours in the company of envied swains. No one had ever given her a turquoise ring or invited her upon a voyage to mysterious distant ‘Parsifal’
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Not a man followed her with his eyes when she went to and fro in the restaurant save now and then when they glared with the beast-hunger for food. None of them (to banter) her gaily to coquettish interchanges of wit
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: One day when Mr. Seeders came in to dinner he had (to be) drinking beer. There were only two or three customers in the restaurant
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: She herself was now a man-charmer, a mark for Cupid, a Sabine who must (to be) coy when the Romans were at their banquet boards. Man had found her waist achievable and her lips desirable
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: The editor (to be) in – an older man but with hair less white than Stevens’s, in a black string tie and an old-fashioned boiled shirt and tremendously fat
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: The freckles on Tildy’s cheeks merged into a rosy flush. Now both Circe and Psyche peeped from her brightened eyes. Not even Aileen herself had been publicly (to kiss) in the restaurant
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: The sudden and amatory Seeders had, as it were, (to perform) for her a miraculous piece of one-day laundry work. He had taken the sackcloth of her uncomeliness, had washed, dried starched and ironed it, and returned it to her sheer embroidered lawn – the robe of Venus herself
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Then he sat perfectly still while the hot wind blew in his wild white mane. Now he comprehended what the old Negress (to have) meant. He remembered now that it was Edmonds who had actually sent the boy to Jefferson in the first place
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Then two nights later he broke out of jail and was seen no more – a youth not yet twenty-one, with something in him from the father who begot and (to desert) him and who was now in the State Penitentiary for mans laughter – some seed not only violent but dangerous and bad
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: They (to writhe) in their chairs to gaze around and over the impending form of Tildy, that Aileen’s pulchritude might season and make ambrosia of their bacon and eggs
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Tildy could not keep the delightful secret. When trade was slack she went and stood at Bogle’s desk. Her eyes were (to shine); she tried not to let her words sound proud and boastful
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Tildy listened to the adventure with breathless admiration. No man had ever tried to follow her. She was safe abroad at any hour of the twenty-four. What bliss it must have been to have (to have) a man follow one and black one’s eye for love
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Tildy was a good waitress, and the men (to tolerate) her. They who sat at her tables spoke to her briefly with quotations from the bill of fare; and then raised their voices in honeyed and otherwise-flavoured accents, eloquently addressed to the fair Aileen
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: When Mr. Seeders had finished his weakfish he (to get) up, put his arm around Tildy’s waist, kissed her loudly and impudently, walked out upon the street, snapped his fingers in the direction of the laundry, and hied himself to play pennies in the slot machines at the Amusement Arcade
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: ‘Fresh guy,’ explained Aileen, ‘last night as I (to be) going home at Twenty-third and Sixth. Sashayed up, so he did, and made a break. I turned him down, cold, and he made a sneak, but followed me down to Eighteenth, and tried his hot air again. Gee! but I slapped him a good one, side of the face. Than he give me that eye
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: ‘Have already (to promise) beforehand you will not print,’ Stevens said
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: ‘We’re bringing him home,’ he (to say). ‘Miss Worsham and you and me and some others
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Never (to mind) about a paper to sign: just give me a dollar. Or half a dollar then. Or a quarter then

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ПКОЯз. Английский язык. Домашнее чтение - Слайдлекция по модулю

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
Aileen was tall, beautiful, liyely, gracious and learned in persiflage:
Choose the correct answer. Bogle likes to chat with his customers about anything:
Choose the correct answer. Delia was very talented in music:
Choose the correct answer. Joe was painting in the class of the great Magister:
Choose the correct answer. Seeders loved Tildy desperately:
Choose the correct answer. The census-taker was much older than Samuel:
Delia said she must give music lessons to keep the chafing dish bubbling:
Delia was working in the big Twenty-Fourth Street Laundry:
Joe and Delia met in an atelier where a number of art and music students had gathered:
Joe liked the idea of Delia giving music lessons:
Mr. Seeders was thin and had light hair, and he usually sat at one of Tildy's tables:
O. Henry - современный американский писатель:
Samuel's face was black, smooth, impenetrable; the eyes had seen too much:
Tildy was dumpy, plain-faced, and too anxious to please to please:
To make one*s living означает "давать средства к жизни":
When Mr. Seeders had finished his weakfish he got up, put his arm around Aileen's waist, and kissed her loudly and impudently:
William Faulkner was born near Oxford, England, in 1897:

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ПКОЯз. Английский язык. Домашнее чтение - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
Choose the correct translation. Alas, what danger will it be to us, maids as we are, to travel forth so far!
Choose the correct translation. He was furnished like a hunter.
Choose the correct translation. Herein I see thou lovest me not with the full weight that I love thee.
Choose the correct translation. I am no villain, I am the youngest son of Sir Rowland de Bois.
Choose the correct translation. I shall desire more love and knowledge of you.
Choose the correct translation. I will not cast away my physic but on those that are sick.
Choose the correct translation. O, Corin, that thou knew'st how do I love her!
Choose the right synonym. marketable
Choose the right synonym. Alas! expresses
Choose the right synonym. by my troth
Choose the right synonym. in good earnest
Choose the right synonym. of late
Choose the right synonym. peace!
Choose the right synonym. to be heir
Choose the right synonym. to be in exile
Choose the right synonym. to be weary of
Choose the right synonym. to bear a cross
Choose the right synonym. to break one’s oath
Choose the right synonym. to breed smb
Choose the right synonym. to disguise
Choose the right synonym. to lament
Choose the right synonym. to mock smb
Choose the right synonym. to pretend to be
Choose the right synonym. to seek smb
Choose the right synonym. you are aware of
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. I am glad of your ..., adieu, good Monsieur Melancholy.
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. I would cure you, if you would but call me ...
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. I would I were ..., to catch the strong fellow by the leg.
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. If you outstay the time, upon my honour, you ...
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. Love is merely a ..., and I tell you, deserves as well a dark house and a whip as a madmen do.
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. O, ominous! He comes to kill my ...
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. Still we went ... and inseparable
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. Shall we part, sweet girl? No, let my father seek another ...
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. The people ... her for her virtues.
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. The worst fault you have is ...
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. There lay he, stretched along, like a wounded ...
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. Unless you could teach me to forget a ... father.
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. What’s that to me? My father was no ...
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. Why, whither shall we go? To ... my uncle in the forest of Arden.
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. Will thou ... fathers? I will give thee mine.
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. Young man, have you ... Charles the wrestler?
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. Your accent is something ... than you could purchase in so removed a dwelling.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.

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ПКОЯз. Английский язык. Домашнее чтение - Тест-тренинг

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
Choose the right preposition: A maide child came … hir compaignye, Which as hir list she may goven and gie
Choose the right preposition: And all that night in mirthe they bisette For he was rich and cleerly out ... dette
Choose the right preposition: And ech of hem gan other … t’assure Of bretherhede while that hir life may dure
Choose the right preposition: And eek an officer, out … to ride To seen hir granges and hir bernes wide
Choose the right preposition: And home he goth, murry as a papinjay. For well he knew he stood ... swich array
Choose the right preposition: And if that I were rich, as have I blisse, ...twenty thousand sheeld shold ye not mise
Choose the right preposition: And said, “Alas, my nece, God forbede That ye ... any sorrwe or any drede
Choose the right preposition: And up he goth and maketh it full tough. “Namore,” quod she, “... God, ye have enough!”
Choose the right preposition: And up into his countour-house goth he To recken ... himself, as well may be
Choose the right preposition: And wantounly again … him she playede Till at the laste thus this marchant saide
Choose the right preposition: As been thise wedded men that lie and dare As ...a fourme sit a wery hare
Choose the right preposition: As fowl is fain whan that the sun up riseth. Namore of this as now, ... it suffiseth
Choose the right preposition: But natheless, By God our hevene king, I thought not to ask … him no thing
Choose the right preposition: But so bifell, this marchant … a day Shop him to make redy his array
Choose the right preposition: Daun John answerde, “Certes, I am fain That ye ... hele are comen home again
Choose the right preposition: Daun John was risen in the morrwe also And in the garden walketh ... and fro
Choose the right preposition: Ere he to Bruges went, … alle wise. This noble monk of which I you devise
Choose the right preposition: For that I to him spak of chevissaunce– Me seemed so as ... his countenaunce
Choose the right preposition: Free was Daun John – and namely of dispence, As ... that house, and full of diligence
Choose the right preposition: Hath of his abbot as him list licence, Because he was a man ... high prudence
Choose the right preposition: He laith beforn him … his counting-boord: Full riche was his tresor and his hoord
Choose the right preposition: His wife full redy met him … the gate, As she was wont of old usage algate
Choose the right preposition: I thank you, … God and by Saint Jame! But natheless, I took unto our dame
Choose the right preposition: Of his accountes … the mene time. And thus he sit till it was passed prime
Choose the right preposition: Of thilke yeer how that it … him stood, And how that he dispended had his good
Choose the right preposition: Our abbot wol out of this town anon, And ... his compaignye mot I gon
Choose the right preposition: Our dere cosin, full of curteisye? ... him brought he a jubbe of malvesye
Choose the right preposition: That he shold come … Saint Denis and playe With him and with his wife a day or twaye
Choose the right preposition: That he you had an hundred frankes paid redy token. And held him yvel apaid
Choose the right preposition: That needes most he win … that viage A thousand franks aboven his costage
Choose the right preposition: The thridde day this marchant up ariseth, And ... his needes sadly him aviseth
Choose the right preposition: This marchant which that was full ware and wis Creanced hath and paid eek ...Paris
Choose the right preposition: To certain Lumbards, redy … hir hond, The sum of gold, and gat of hem his bond
Choose the right preposition: To doon plesance and also greet costage. He not forgat to yive the leeste page ...all that house; but after hir degree He yaf the lord and sithen all his meinee
Choose the right preposition: Toward the town of Bruges for to fare To byen there a portion ... ware
Choose the right preposition: Whan it was day this marchant gan embrace His wife all knew, and kist hir ... hir face
Choose the right preposition: Whan that he came, some manner honest thing. For which they were as glad ... his coming
Choose the right preposition: Your wife …home – the same gold again Upon your bench. She wot it well, certain
Choose the right preposition: “By God,” quod he, “I am a litel wroth ..you, my wife, although it be me loth
Choose the right preposition: “What aileth you so rathe … to rise?” “Nece,” quod he, “it ought enough suffise
Choose the right preposition: … certain tokens that I can you telle Now by your leve, I may no lenger dwelle
Choose the right preposition: … which he hath to Paris sent anon A messager, and prayed hath Daun John
Choose the right preposition: … ye so kindely this other day Lente me gold. And as I can and may
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: (to aquaint) was so with the goode man Sith that hir firste knowliche began
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: A marchant whilom (to dwell) at Saint Denis That riche was, for which men held him wis
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: And for as muchel as this goode man, And eek this monk of which that I (to begin)
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: And I shall pay as soon as ever I (may); For by my truth I have on mine array
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: But boldely she (to say), and that anon, “Marie! I defy the false monk Daun John
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: But sith I see I stand in this disjoint I wol (to answer) you shortly to the point
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: For to his hert it was a greet plesaunce. Thus (to be) they knit with eterne alliaunce
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: For your honour, for Goddes sake, i saye As be not wroth, but let us (to laugh) and playe
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Fro day to day, and if so be I faile, I am your wife – (to score) it upon my taile
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: I (to keep) not of his ‘tokens’ neverable! He took me certain gold, this wot I well
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: I might him (to ask) a thing that he hath paid” This wife was not afered no afraid
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: If any dettour hath in mine absence Y-(to pay) thee, lest thurgh thy necligence
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: That ever in one was (to draw) to that place. This yonge monk, that was so fair of face
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: That he (to have) yive it me because of you To doon therewith mine honour and my prow
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: That in his house as familier (to be) he As it is possible any freend to be
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: That wonder (to be). But herkneth to my tale: Amonges all his guests greet and smalle
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: There was a monk, a fair man and a bold– I trowe a thirty winter he (to be) old
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Ye han mo slacker dettours than am I For I wol (to pay) you well and redily
Choose the right preposition: That … thise hundred franks he (shold) all night Have hire in his armes bolt upright
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: And home he goth, murry as a papinjay. For well he knew he (to stand) in swich array
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: And this accord parfourned was in deede: In mirth all night a bisy life they (to lede)
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: By certain tokens that I can you telle Now by your leve, I may no lenger (to dwelle)
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: That for thise hundred franks he (shold) all night Have hire in his armes bolt upright
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: That needes most he (to win) in that viage A thousand franks aboven his costage
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Till he (come) into Bruges murrily. Now goth this marchant fast and bisily
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Till it was day, that Daun John (to go) his way, And bade the meinee “Farewell, have good day”
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) By the fourteen century, however, the form and subject of romance had become sadly debased B) The best way to see the humour of Sir Thopas is to read one of its prototypes – Gey of Warwick
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) By the sixteen century, however, the form and subject of romance had become sadly debased B) The best way to see the humour of Sir Thopas is to read one of its prototypes – Guy of Warwick
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Cervantes’ work comments profoundly upon the nature of human organism B) In writers like Sercamby, Boccaccio, and Chaucer they gain literary status
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Chaucer became a knight of the shire of Kent in 1386 B) ) In 1357 Geoffrey Chaucer served with Lionel, son of the reigning king, Edward III
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Chaucer combines them in such a way that the climax of both occurs at once – with the cry of “Water!” B) Chaucer is best remembered for his comic shows The Canterbury tales and Troilus and Criseyde
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Chaucer enjoyed Gaunt’s patronage throughout his life and even after his death B) Geoffrey Chaucer may have met Boccaccio and Petrachio
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Chaucer is best remembered for his great works The Canterbury tales and Troilus and Criseyde B) Possibly around 1666, Geoffrey Chaucer married Fhilippa, the sister of John of Gaunt’s third wife
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Chaucer is content to have his fun briefly at the expense of middle-class romances and be done-hence the Host’s interruption B) Chaucer’s art in the Miller’s tale lies in his combining two tales, that of the “second flood” and that (as it is politely called) of the “misdirected kiss”
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Chaucer is content to have his fun briefly at the expense of middle-class romances and be done-hence the Host’s interruption B) The Knight’s tale is a low-minded romance
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Chaucer tells the whole in a deadly singsong filled with cliches B) The Miller’s tale is a “fabliau” – a comic show, reflecting the life of common people
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Chaucer’s art in the Miller’s tale lies in his combining two tales, that of the “second flood” and that (as it is politely called) of the “misdirected kiss” B) Poet, translator, courtier, diplomat and civil servant, Chaucer radically transformed the art of narrative poetry
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Chaucer’s burlesque attributes to him decidedly middle-class characteristics B) Chaucer is never content to have his fun briefly at the expense of middle-class romances and be done-hence the Host’s interruption
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Chaucer’s burlesque attributes to him decidedly middle-man characteristics B) Cervantes’ work comments profoundly upon the nature of human life itself
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Chaucer’s burlesque sets him off looking for an elf-king (it was supposed to be the other way around, the elf-queen finding him) B) The tale of Sir Papas is a burlesque of the metrical romances
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Chaucer’s burlesque sets him off looking for an elf-queen (it was supposed to be the other way around, the elf-queen finding him) B) Chaucer is content to have his fun briefly at the expense of middle-class romances and be done-hence the Host’s interruption
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Chaucer’s burlesque takes an effiminate and cowardly hero B) Sir Thopas is often compared with Don Quixote.t Cervantes’ work comments profoundly upon the nature of human life itself
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Chaucer’s burlesque takes an effiminate and cowardly man B) Sir Cadmus is often compared with Don Quixote
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Chaucer’s choice of story ranges from those he had heard – such as tales of low life in oral circulation – to what he read in Boccaccio, or other classic masters, or in the lives of saints B) In writing romances Chaucer was well scooled. The Knight’s tale is a high-minded romance
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Geoffrey Chaucer (1443–1400) B) Geoffrey Chaucer was born in London, the son of vintner, sometime between 1339 and 1346
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Geoffrey Chaucer adds to the thrill by making the whole a parody of the knight’s tale B) Geoffrey Chaucer was born in Suzdal, the son of vintner, sometime between 1339 and 1346
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Geoffrey Chaucer held a number of positions at court and in the king’s service B) Chaucer became a knight of the shire of Kent in 1386
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Geoffrey Chaucer may have met Boccaccio and Mona Lisa B) Geoffrey Chaucer was buried in Poet’s corner at Westminster Abbey
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Geoffrey Chaucer probably lived in Kent for much of the rest of his life B) Geoffrey Chaucer held a number of positions at court and in the king’s palace
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Geoffrey Chaucer travelled abroad on numerous occasions on diplomatic missions, often to France and Italy B) Geoffrey Chaucer probably smoked Kent for much of his life
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Geoffrey Chaucer visited Genoa and Chelsea during 1372–1373 B) Geoffrey Chaucer’s last official position was cleaner
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Geoffrey Chaucer was born in Chicago B) Chaucer enjoyed Gaunt’s patronage throughout his life
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Geoffrey Chaucer was born in London, the son of vintner, sometime between 1339 and 1340 B) Philippa died in 1387
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Geoffrey Chaucer was buried in Speaker’s corner at Hyde Park B) Philippa died in 1387. Chaucer enjoyed Gaunt’s patronage throughout his life
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Geoffrey Chaucer’s last official position was deputy forester in the King’s Forest at Petherton in Somerse B) Geoffrey Chaucer was born in London, the son of vintner, sometime between 1839 and 1946
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) In 1357 Geoffrey Chaucer served with Lionel, son of the reigning king, Edward III. Chaucer’s high favour with the Crown was shown when the king paid part of his ransom in 1360 after his capture while fighting in France B) Geoffrey Chaucer held a number of positions at court and in the king’s service
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) In writers like Sercamby, Boccaccio, and Chaucer they gain literary money B) Geoffrey Chaucer (1343–1400)
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) In writing romances Chaucer was well scooled. The Knight’s tale is a high-minded romance B) The idealism of romance came to be tailored for a middle-class mentality
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) In writing romances Chaucer was well scooled B) Stories of heroic knights, set in a sing-song rhyme scheme, were recited by minstrels for audiences of middle-class burghers
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) It should be understood that there were good metrical lengths B) Chaucer’s burlesque sets him off looking for an elf-prince (it was supposed to be the other way around, the elf-queen finding him)
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) It should be understood that there were good metrical romances B) Chaucer’s burlesque sets him off looking for an elf-queen (it was supposed to be the other way around, the elf-queen finding him)
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Philippa never died. She lives in Bosnia B) Geoffrey Chaucer visited Genoa and Vladivostok during 1372–1373
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Poet, translator, courtier, diplomat and civil servant, Chaucer radically transformed the art of narrative poetry B) In 1357 Geoffrey Chaucer served with Lionel, son of the reigning king, Edward III. Chaucer’s high favour with the Crown was shown when the king paid part of his ransom in 1360 after his capture while fighting in France
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Possibly around 1366, Geoffrey Chaucer married Fhilippa, the sister of John of Gaunt’s third wife B) Geoffrey Chaucer travelled abroad on numerous occasions on diplomatic missions, often to Russia and Belorussia
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Romance had an technocratic heritage B) By the fourteen century, however, the form and subject of romance had become sadly debased
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Sir Gawain and the Green Knight were the greatest metrical romances B) Chaucer tells the whole in a deadly singsong filled with niches
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Sir Gawain and the Green Knight were the worst metrical romances B) Chaucer tells the whole in a deadly singsong filled with cliches
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Sir Thopas is often compared with Anna Karenina B) Such jokes were told orally and passed by word of mouth, but some – a good many all told – were written down
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Sir Thopas is often compared with Don Quixote.t Cervantes’ work comments profoundly upon the nature of human life itself B) In writing romances Chaucer was well scooled
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Stories of heroic knights, set in a sing-song rhyme scheme, were recited by ministers and presidents B) It should be understood that there were good mechanical romances
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Stories of heroic knights, set in a sing-song rhyme scheme, were recited by minstrels for audiences of middle-class burghers B) It should be understood that there were good metrical romances
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Such tales were told on the radio and passed by word of mouth, but some – a good many all told – were written down B) Geoffrey Chaucer adds to the fun by making the whole a parody of the knight’s tale
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) The best way to see the humour of Sir Thopas is to read one of its prototypes – Guy of Warwick B) Chaucer’s burlesque attributes to him deadly middle-class characteristics
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) The best way to see the tragedy of Sir Thopas is to read one of its prototypes – Guy of Warwick B) Chaucer’s burlesque attributes to him decidedly middle-class characteristics
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) The form of romance became tedious and cliche B) Chaucer’s burlesque takes an effiminate and cowardly hero
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) The idealism of romance came to be tailored for a middle-class mentality B) Sir Gawain and the Green Knight were the greatest metrical numbers
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) The Knight’s tale is a high-minded romance B) The socialism of romance came to be tailored for a middle-class mentality
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) The Miller’s tale is a “fabliau” – a comic tale, reflecting the life of common people B) Geoffrey Chaucer adds to the sadness by making the whole a parody of the knight’s tale
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) The realism of romance came to be tailored for a middle-class mentality B) Sir Gawain and the Green Knight were the greatest metrical romances
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) The style of romance became tedious and cliche B) Chaucer’s burlesque takes an effiminate and cowardly woman
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) The tale of Sir Thopas is a burlesque of the metrical system B) Troilus and Criseyde is often called the stupidest of romances
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) The tale of Sir Thopas is a grotesque of the metrical romances B) By the nineteen century, however, the form and subject of romance had become sadly debased
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) To quote the poet John Dryden, ‘Tis sufficient to say, according to the proverb, that here is God’s plenty.’ B) Troilus and Criseyde is often called the greatest of pieces
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Troilus and Criseyde is often called the greatest of poems B) The form of poetry became tedious and cliche
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Troilus and Criseyde is often called the greatest of romances B) The form of romance became tedious and cliche
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A)Romance had an democratic heritage B) Stories of heroic knights, set in a sing-song rhyme scheme, were recited by minstrels for audiences of middle-class burghers
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: He may ... met Boccaccio and Petrachio
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Sir Thopas is often ...with Don Quixote, but Cervantes’ work comments profoundly upon the nature of human life itself
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: The house of Fame, an unfinished dream-poem, was composed some time between 13... and 1385 and is thought to be his last poem in the French form
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: The Miller’s tale is a “fabliau” – a comic tale, reflecting the life of ... people
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Troilus and Criseyde, his first masterpiece, was completed between 1380 and 13...
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: A meditation on the nature of love and of human ... in particular, it is based on Boccaccio’s Il Filostrato and is Chaucer’s longest complete poem
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Although Philippa died in 13... Chaucer enjoyed Gaunt’s patronage throughout his life
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: And he adds to the fun by making the whole a ... of the knight’s tale
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: And he tells the whole in a deadly (ужасный) ... filled with cliches
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Begun sometime around 1386–..., The Canterbury Tales is one of the great literary achievements of the Middle Ages, although Chaucer never completed this immense project
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: But it should be understood that there were good metrical romances ... well – Sir Gawain and the Green Knight being the greatest
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: By the ... century, however, the form and subject of romance had become sadly debased
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Chaucer became a knight of the ... of Kent in 1386
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Chaucer became a knight of the shire of Kent in 1386 and probably lived in Kent for much of the ... of his life
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Chaucer is content to have his fun briefly at the expense of middle-... romances and be done-hence the Host’s interruption
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Chaucer wrote The book of the Duchess, a dream-poem, about 1...70
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Chaucer’s art in the Miller’s tale lies in his combining two tales, that of the “second flood” and that (as it is politely called) of the “misdirected ...”
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Chaucer’s burlesque takes an effiminate and cowardly hero, attributes to him decidedly middle-class characteristics, sets him off ... for an elf-queen
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Chaucer’s high favour with the Crown was ...
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Chaucer’s high favour with the Crown was shown when the king ... part of his ransom in 1360 after his capture while fighting in France
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Geoffrey Chaucer (1343–14...)
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Geoffrey Chaucer (1343–1400). Poet, translator, courtier, diplomat and civil servant, Chaucer radically transformed the ... of narrative poetry and is best remembered for his great works The Canterbury tales and Troilus and Criseyde
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Geoffrey Chaucer was ... in London, the son of vintner, sometime between 1339 and 1346. In 1357 he served with Lionel, son of the reigning king, Edward III
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Geoffrey Chaucer was born in London, the son of ..., sometime between 1339 and 1346
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: He also wrote 55 ... lyrics and his prose works include a translation of Boethius and A Treatise on the Astrolabe
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: He combines them in such a way that the climax of both occurs at once – with the ... of “Water!”
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: He held a number of positions at ... and in the king’s service
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: He held a number of positions at court and in the king’s service, and travelled abroad on numerous occasions on diplomatic missions, often to France and ...
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: He travelled abroad on numerous occasions on diplomatic missions, often to ... and Italy
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: He visited Genoa and ... during 1372–1373
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: He visited Genoa and Florence during 1372–13... and may have met Boccaccio and Petrachio
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: He was buried in Poet’s corner at Westminster Abbey where a monument was erected to him in 15...
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Hence the idealism of romance came to be tailored (приспособлен) for a middle-class mentality, and the form ... became tedious and cliche
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: His choice of story ranges from those he had heard – such as tales of low life in oral circulation – to what he read in Boccaccio, or other classic masters, or in the lives of ...
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: His last official position was deputy forester in the King’s Forest at Petherton in ...
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: In 1357 he served with Lionel, son of the ... king, Edward III
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: In writers like Sercamby, Boccaccio, and Chaucer they gain literary ...
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: It was supposed to be the other way around, the elf-... finding him
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: It’s basis was the French tradition of the dream as a vehicle for love poetry and it is believed to be an allegorical lament on the death of Blanche of Lancaster, the first wife of John of Gaunt, who had died the previous ...
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: One of the Chaucer’s many innovations was to suit the stile of the story to the individual ..., greatly adding to the psychological variety and dramatic vigour of the tales
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Poet, translator, courtier, diplomat and civil servant, Chaucer radically transformed the art of narrative ... and is best remembered for his great works The Canterbury tales and Troilus and Criseyde
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Possibly around 1366, he ... Fhilippa
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Possibly around 1366, he married Fhilippa, the sister of John of Gaunt’s ... wife
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Romance ... had an aristocratic heritage, and in this Chaucer was well scooled
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Stories of heroic knights, set in a sing-song rhyme scheme, were ...
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Such tales were told ... and passed by word of mouth, but some – a good many all told – were written down
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: The best ... to see the humour of Sir Thopas is to read one of its prototypes – Guy of Warwick, for example
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: the Knight’s tale is a high-minded romance, and Troilus and Criseyde is often called the greatest of ...
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: The tale of Sir Thopas is a ... of the metrical romances
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: To quote the poet John Dryden, ‘Tis sufficient to say, according to the proverb, that here is ...’s plenty.’
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: The house of Fame, an unfinished dream-poem, was composed some time between 1374 and 1385 and is thought to be his last poem in the French form. Troilus and Criseyde, his first masterpiece, was ... between 1380 and 1385
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: A meditation on the nature of love and of human love in particular, it is based on Boccaccio’s Il Filostrato and is Chaucer’s longest complete poem. He also ... short lyrics and his prose works include a translation of Boethius and A Treatise on the Astrolabe
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Although Philippa died in 1387 Chaucer ... Gaunt’s patronage throughout his life.
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Begun sometime around 1386–1387, The Canterbury Tales is one of the great literary achievements of the Middle Ages, although Chaucer never completed this ... project. One of the Chaucer’s many innovations was to suit the stile of the story to the individual teller, greatly adding to the psychological variety and dramatic vigour of the tales
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: By the fourteen century, however, the form and subject of romance had become sadly .... Stories of heroic knights, set in a sing-song rhyme scheme, were recited by minstrels for audiences of middle-class burghers
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Chaucer wrote The book of the Duchess, a dream-poem, about 1370. It’s basis was the French tradition of the dream as a ... for love poetry and it is believed to be an allegorical lament on the death of Blanche of Lancaster, the first wife of John of Gaunt, who had died the previous year
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Chaucer’s high favor with the Crown was ... when the king paid part of his ransom in 1360 after his capture while fighting in France.
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Geoffrey Chaucer (1343–1400). Poet, translator, courtier, diplomat and civil servant, Chaucer ... transformed the art of narrative poetry
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Geoffrey Chaucer was born in London, the son of vintner, ... between 1339 and 1346.
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: He visited Genoa and Florence during 1372–1373 and may have ... Boccaccio and Petrachio.
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Hence the idealism of romance came to be ... for a middle-class mentality, and the form itself became tedious and cliche
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: His choice of story ranges from those he had heard – such as tales of low life in oral circulation – to what he read in Boccaccio, or other classic ..., or in the lives of saints. To quote the poet John Dryden, ‘Tis sufficient to say, according to the proverb, that here is God’s plenty.’
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: His last official ... was deputy forester in the King’s Forest at Petherton in Somerset
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: The best way to see the humour of Sir Thopas is to read one of its prototypes – Guy of Warwick, for example. But it should be understood that there were good metrical romances ... – Sir Gawain and the Green Knight being the greatest
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: The tale of Sir Thopas is a ... of the metrical romances. Romance itself had an aristocratic heritage, and in this Chaucer was well scooled: the Knight’s tale is a high-minded romance, and Troilus and Criseyde is often called the greatest of romances
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: To ... the poet John Dryden, ‘Tis sufficient to say, according to the proverb, that here is God’s plenty.’
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel:Chaucer became a knight of the shire of Kent in 1386 and probably ... in Kent for much of the rest of his life
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel:He held a number of positions at court and in the king’s service, and ... abroad on numerous occasions on diplomatic missions, often to France and Italy
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel:In 1357 he served with Lionel, son of the ... king, Edward III
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel:Possibly around 1366, he ... Fhilippa, the sister of John of Gaunt’s third wife
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Sir Thopas is ... compared with Don Quixote, but Cervantes’ work comments profoundly upon the nature of human life itself
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: The house of Fame, an unfinished dream-poem, was ...some time between 1374 and 1385 and is thought to be his last poem in the French form
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: The Miller’s tale is a “fabliau” – a comic ..., reflecting the life of common people
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Troilus and Criseyde, his first masterpiece, was ... between 1380 and 1385
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: ... the idealism of romance came to be tailored (приспособлен) for a middle-class mentality, and the form itself became tedious (скучный, утомительный) and cliche
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: A meditation on the nature of love and of human love in particular, it is ... on Boccaccio’s Il Filostrato and is Chaucer’s longest complete poem
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: a monument was ... to him in 1555
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: And he tells the whole in a ... singsong filled with cliches
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Begun sometime around 1386–1387, The Canterbury Tales is one of the great literary achievements of the Middle Ages, although Chaucer never completed this ... project
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: By the fourteen century, however, the form and subject of romance had become sadly ...
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Chaucer is content to have his fun briefly at the expense of middle-class ...
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Chaucer wrote The book of the Duchess, a dream-poem, ... 1370
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Chaucer’s art in the Miller’s tale ... in his combining two tales
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Chaucer’s burlesque attributes to him decidedly middle-class ..., sets him off looking for an elf-queen (it was supposed to be the other way around, the elf-queen finding him)
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Chaucer’s burlesque takes an effiminate and cowardly ...
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: he adds to the fun by making the whole a parody of the knight’s ...
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: He also ... short lyrics and his prose works include a translation of Boethius and A Treatise on the Astrolabe
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: He combines them in such a way that the ... of both occurs at once
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: He was ... in Poet’s corner at Westminster Abbey
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: His choice of story ranges from those he had heard – such as tales of low life in oral circulation – to what he read in Boccaccio, or other classic ..., or in the lives of saints
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: In writers like Sercamby, Boccaccio, and Chaucer they gain literary ...
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: it should be understood that there were good metrical romances ... – Sir Gawain and the Green Knight being the greatest
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: It’s basis was the French tradition of the dream as a ... for love poetry and it is believed to be an allegorical lament on the death of Blanche of Lancaster
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: One of the Chaucer’s many innovations was to suit the stile of the story to the individual teller, greatly adding to the psychological ... and dramatic vigour of the tales
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Romance itself had an aristocratic ..., and in this Chaucer was well scooled
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Stories of heroic knights, set in a sing-song rhyme scheme, were ... by minstrels for audiences of middle-class burghers
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Such tales were told ... and passed by word of mouth
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: The best ... to see the humour of Sir Thopas is to read one of its prototypes – Guy of Warwick, for example
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: the Knight’s tale is a high-minded romance, and Troilus and Criseyde is ... called the greatest of romances
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: The tale of Sir Thopas is a ... of the metrical romances
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Put the verb in brackets in the right form: A wife he (to have) of excellent beautee, and compaignable and revelous was she
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: And if that he not may, paraventure, or elles list no swich dispence endure, But thinketh it is (to waiste) and y-lost,than mot another payen for our cost
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: For which he had alday so greet repair. For his largesse, and for his wife (to be) fair
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Or lene us gold – and that is perilous!” This noble marchant (to hold) a worthy hours
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: That men hem doon at feestes and daunces. (to switch) salutacions and countenances Passen as doth a shadwe upon the wall. But woe is him that payen mot for all
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Which is a thing that causeth more dispence. Than worth (to be) all the cheer and reverence

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