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Дата публикации:2015-03-09 03:08:59
ПКОЯз. Английский язык. Домашнее чтение - Тестовая база по дисциплине

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
The Catcher in the Rye was published in:
... used to come for Cuff to ride home on Saturdays.
After his first talk with Lady Bracknell Jack says she is ...
Algenon came to Jack’s country house to …
Algernon ...
Algernon came to Jack’s country house under the name of …
Algernon claims that more than half of modern culture depends on ...
Algernon invented a certain Bunbury ...
Algernon says it is awfully hard work ...
Algernon says that the amount of women in London who flirt with their ... is perfectly scandalous.
Algernon: Indeed, when I am in really great trouble, as any one who knows me intimately will tell you, I refuse everything except....
Algernon’s visit to John Worthing’s house is a great success for him because he….
Apprised of her daughter's sudden flight by her (Gwendolen’s) trusty maid, Lady Bracknell followed Gwendolen at once....
At first, according to Cecily, Jack was going to send his (imaginary) brother to …
Captain Dobbin wanted to join the party at supper and he paraded twice before his friends and ...
Cecily keeps diary to enter …
Cecily tells Miss Prism that she wishes Uncle Jack would … his brother …
Cecily to Algernon: And this is the box in which I keep all your ...
Cecily …
Cecily: Miss Prism has just been complaining of ...
Cecily: The next day I bought this little ring in your name and this is the little.... I promised you always to wear.
Cecily: You must not laugh at me, but it had always been a girlish dream of mine to ...
Cuff could knock you off forty Latin verses an hour and could ...
Cuff’s fight with .... and the unexpected issue of that contest, will long be remembered by every man.
Dobbin ... . He was no willing to spoil sport.
Dobbin burst out laughing at himself, for the truth is, he could sing no better than ...
Dobbin had for once forgotten the world and was away with Sindbad the Sailor in the Valley of Diamonds, when ... woke up his pleasant reverie.
Dobbin’s parent was a ... in the City.
Every soul in the coach agreed, that on that night ...
Figs, alone in the schoolroom was ..., when Cuff, entering, bade him go upon some message which tarts were probably the subject.
Figs, being a ...., brought his arm into action and hit at Cuff’s left eye.
Garden at the Manor House, an old fashioned one full of ...
Gwendolen says that whenever people talk to her about the weather she always feels quite certain that they ...
Gwendolen: "Mr. Worthing, I think it only fair to tell you quite frankly beforehand that I am fully determined to ...
Gwendolen: I am glad to say that I have never seen a.... It is obvious that our social spheres have been widely different.
Gwendolen: It's a divine name. It has music of it's own. It produces....
Having arrived to Jack's house Lady Bracknell tells Jack that all.... between him and her daughter must cease immediately.
High and low, all ...
How Rebecca now felt the want of ... who would have managed the business in ten minutes.
In order to get up to town Jack pretended to have ...
Interviewed by Lady Bracknell as an eligible bachelor Jack says ...
Interviewing Jack as an eligible bachelor Lady Bracknell says ... that Jack knows nothing.
It was, of course, Mrs. Sedley’s opinion that ...
Jack (John Worthing ) is Cecily’s …
Jack (John Worthing) was found by Mr. Thomas Cardew ...
Jack came back to his country-house from London long before Monday afternoon in order to announce that his (imaginary) brother …
Jack decides to announce that his imaginary brother is carried off suddenly by ...
Jack liked to spend his Sundays …
Jack tells Algernon he is in love with ...
Jack tells Algernon that Cecily ...
Jack told Algernon that he had received the cigarette case as a present from ...
Jack was found in a ...
Jack's cigarette case had an inscription that read ...
Jack: But you don't really mean to say that you couldn't love me if my name wasn't...?
Jack: I say it's perfectly heartless your eating ... at all, under the circumstances.
Jack: Lady Bracknell, but it is only fair to tell you that according to the terms of her grandfather’s will Miss Cardew does not come legally of age till she is....
Jack: My dear fellow, I made arrangements this morning with Dr. Chasuble to ... at 5.30.
Jack: Well, the only small satisfaction I have in the whole of this wretched business is that your friend Bunbury is quite....
John Worthing was called ... in town and ... in the country.
Lady Bracknell (pencil and notebook in her hand): "I feel bound to tell you that you are not down on my list of... "
Lady Bracknell to Cecily: Dear child, of course you know that Algernon has nothing but his....
Lady Bracknell: A few weeks later, through the elaborate investigations of the Metropolitan police, the perambulator was discovered at midnight....
Lady Bracknell: I merely desire information. Until yesterday I had no idea that there were any families or persons whose origin was a ...
Lady Bracknell: “A man should always have an occupation of some kind. There are far too many ... in London as it is.”
Lady Bracknell: “Fortunately in England education ...”
Lane ...
Lane didn't think it was ... to listen to the music played by Algernon in the adjoining room.
Leaving for town Uncle Jack always lays particular stress on Cecily’s …
Let’s step into the ... with the Russell Square party and be off to the Gardens.
Miss Prism is …
Miss Prism says she …
Miss Rebecca Sharp and her stout companion lost themselves in a solitary walk, they both felt that situation was extremely tender and Jos Sedley ...
Mr. Sedley said that his son Jos was ...
Old Dobbin, his father, gave him ... , most of which he spent in a general tuck-out for the school.
On hearing from Jack that he has not got parents Lady Bracknell ...
Rebecca kissed old Mr. Sedley and her behaviour was so affecting that he was going ...
Talking to Jack about Gwendolen and her mother Lady Bracknell Algernon says ...
The boy had been instructed to get over the playground wall and to ...
The first question Lady Bracknell asked Jack her prospective son-in-law, was
The perambulator contained..., but the baby wasn't there.
To believe Miss Prism the Primitive Church has not lasted up to the present days because it….
Upset by the refusal of Jack and Algernon to be baptized Chasuble says he must go at once as he has just been informed by the pew-opener that for the last hour and a half … has been waiting for him in the vestry.
When Algernon learns from Jack about his intention to marry Gwendolen he says it is impossible because ...
When Algernon quite unexpectedly met Jack in his country-house he….
When Algernon was making a declaration of love to Gwendolen she said that her ideal had always been
When Gwendolen said she adored the name Ernest and did not like the name Jack, John Worthing (Jack) ...
When Jack missed (noticed the absence of) his cigarette case he ...
When Jack returned to his country-house and found Chasuble there he asked the priest …
When Jack who had just come home from London saw Algernon he…
When Lady Bracknell saw Jack standing on his knees before Gwendolen , she ...
When two unmarried people get together, and talk upon such ... subjects, a great deal of confidence and intimacy is presently established between them.
William Dobbin retreated to .... , where he passed a half holiday in the bitterest sadness and woe.
Wnen Jack was talking to Algernon at his place in Half-Moon Street the latter was all the time ...
'By pure chance' means
'Enduring' means
'Impenetrable' means
'Imperishable' means
'Impervious' means
'Merely' means
'Scrap' is
'To dangle' means
'To toil' means
'Vocation' is
... was the only drink with which unhappy gentlemen soothed the fever of their previous night’s potation.
A ... made the young people remain at home and not to go to Vauxhall.
A slight pain in Mr. Ferraro’s chest reminded him of his …
A woman with fair opportunities , and without an absolute hump, ...
According to Blackie, if Trevor … that would have been an exploit worthy of the gang:
According to Elizabeth, she did not work, because …
According to George he … a fortune in tobacco:
According to George, he would never have married Matilda if …
According to George, Matilda was …
According to George, Skinny and Needle had treated him … in Rhodesia:
According to Holden, how old does one have to be to get a cocktail at Ernie’s?
According to Holden, what is a catcher in the rye?
According to Kathleen, all the women in her family were beautiful as girls, but they …
According to Kathleen, George spent a long time in her shop, because…
According to Mr. Ferraro, we are taught to pay first attention to … souls:
According to Mr. Hopkinson, Miss Sounders lived …
According to Mr. Thomas’ horoscope, he should …
According to the priest, the Black Madonna looked …
According to the text, what couldn’t Frankie help Doc with?
According to Trevor, Mr. Thomas’ house had a staircase … years old
According to Trevor, the house, in which Mr. Thomas lived, was built by …
According to Trevor’s plan, Mr. Thomas must have been stuck in …
Ackley’s favorite pastime is:
Ackley’s first name is:
After beginning treatment at Quitters, Inc., between which months did Morrison "sneak" a cigarette?
After beginning treatment at Quitters, Inc., how many times did Morrison smoke?
After Holden left the Antolini’s where did he go?
After Holden left the skating rink, what did he eat?
After Holden left the skating rink, where did he go to eat?
After Jos’s letter, It became clear to every soul in the house, except poor Amelia, that Rebecca should ..., and high and low agreed that, that event should take place as speedily as possible.
After leaving the band of archaeologists, Needle was able to live on the fee she got for writing …
After Needle’s death Kathleen said that Needle was lucky because …
After Rinaldi and the major had gone, Federico found that he was …, but went to sleep.
After Skinny had fallen ill, he was sent to a …
After the boys knew that Gay wasn’t coming back with the needed part for the Model T, who drove the rest of the way to Carmel Valley?
After the Parkers had decided to send their child to the adoption society …
All schoolboys at Dr. Swishtail’s famous school considered that the selling of goods by retail is a ...
Allie is:
Almost for the first time in his life, Mr. Sedley found himself talking without the least timidity or hesitation, to a person ...
Alone Piani was much gentler. When he was with the others he was a very … talker.
Amelia determined in her heart to ask her mother’s permission to present ... to her friend Rebecca.
Amelia did not speak with Rebecca on the tender subject, she compensated herself with long and intimate conversations with the ...
Amelia insisted upon Rebecca accepting ...
Amelia received the reply through Jos’s man that his master was ...
Amelia reminded her brother about a promise made last Easter holidays to take her to ...
Amelia was ... old when her brother Joseph went away.
Amelia: «You know, mamma, Rebecca’s father was our ... at Chiswick».
Among the customers at Bogle’s was a young man named Seeders, who worked in …. .
And presently the voices of the two speakers , Mr. and Mrs. Sedley, were hushed and replaced by the ...
Apart from George, … was grilled by the police in connection with the murder:
As for the girls, Amelia and Rebecca, they ...
As Mr. Sedley talked on, he grew quite bold, and actually had the audacity to ask Rebecca for whom she was knitting the green silk purse. «...», replied Rebecca, looking at him.
As the boys locked Mr. Thomas in the loo, he felt …
As the coach drove off, Miss Sharp put her pale face out of the window and flung the ... into the garden.
As the Parkers were expecting their child, they hoped to save up money for a …
Asking Amelia questions about her brother Miss Sharp was interested in his ... first of all.
At nineteen Samuel had quit the country and come to town and spent a year in and out the city jail for … .
At six weeks old George Osborne had received from John Sedley a present of a ...
At the beginning of their marriage, being worried about not having children, the Parkers had submitted themselves to medical tests as a result of which …
At the cashier’s desk sits …, cold sordid, slow smouldering and takes your money.
At the far end of the bridge there were …. standing on both sides flashing lights.
At the start of the winter came the permanent rain and with the rain came the … .
At what time was Morrison's wife electrocuted?
Before beginning treatment at Quitters, Inc., Morrison quit smoking once before. For how long of a period of time?
Before her marriage Lou had been a …
Before his departure Oxford promised to write to the Parkers …
Before Lou left Elizabeth’s house, she had given Elizabeth …
Before the bottle of champagne was emptied, of which Jos took ..., he had agreed to take the young ladies to Vauxhall.
Before Trevor joined the gang, … had been their leader:
Being offended by his father’s jokes Joseph Sedley took a goblet of champagne and it ...
Blackie asked Trevor if he hated Mr. Thomas a lot, because …
Blackie did not leave the gang because …
Blackie said he had seen … at work:
Blackie said that nobody would pinch things from Mr. Thomas’ house, because …
Blackie was anxious …
Boggley Wallah was...
Bonello …
By saying «I wish it were in the bottom of the Thames, I do» miss Sharp meant ...
By the end of the destruction the question of … no longer concerned the gang:
By the time Trevor arrived at the meeting, the boys had voted for …
Captain Dobbin easily conveyed Mr. Jos Sedley into a hackney-coach which deposited him safely at ...
Catherine and Federico lived … .
Catherine and Federico … .
Catherine and Federico … .
Catherine did not want to get married right away because … .
Catherine wanted to see … when they would come to America.
Childs was:
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “ weary” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “ woeful” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “a lout” is
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “a plain man” is
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “an enterprise” is
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “bargain” is
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “chaste” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “conclusion” is
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “countenance” is
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “disport” is
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “distress” is
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “eke” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “inwardly” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “ire” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “languor” is
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “lusty” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “meek” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “mirth” is
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “nay” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “oath” is
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “peppy” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “reverence” is
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “seemly” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “skittish” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “sly” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “squeamish” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “stale” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “therein” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “thereto” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to array” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to chide” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to claim” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to deem” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to dwell” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to endure” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to forsake” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to knit “ means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to lend” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to obey” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to perish” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to plain” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to plight’ means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to prick” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to reckon” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to relate” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to repent” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to tarry” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to void” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to wail” means
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “tournament” is
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “woe” is
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. ”zealous” means
Choose the correct translation. Alas, what danger will it be to us, maids as we are, to travel forth so far!
Choose the correct translation. He was furnished like a hunter.
Choose the correct translation. Herein I see thou lovest me not with the full weight that I love thee.
Choose the correct translation. I am no villain, I am the youngest son of Sir Rowland de Bois.
Choose the correct translation. I shall desire more love and knowledge of you.
Choose the correct translation. I will not cast away my physic but on those that are sick.
Choose the correct translation. O, Corin, that thou knew'st how do I love her!
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. A young knight named Arveragus … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Alison and Nicholas decided to play … a trick.
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Alison, the young carpenter’s wife …. .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Among Dorigen’s friends was …
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Arveragus and Dorigen … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Arveragus came home … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Arveragus … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Aurelius’s brother remembered that one day he saw … at Orleans
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Curl was … hair, and as the gold it shone, and spread out as a fan large and broad.
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Daun John had permission to travel outside the boundaries of his abbey because … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Daun John … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Dorigen took Arveragus’s proposal providing that … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Dorigen … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Dorigen’s friends … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. In a year after their marriage Arveragus … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Once upon a time a merchant lived … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Once upon a time there lived a rich lout that …
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. One day this hende Nicholas decided to … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Sir Oliphaunt … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Sir Thopas drove back from the country of Fairy and … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Sir Thopas fell in love with … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Sir Thopas was born … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Sir Thopas was … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The action of The Franklin’s Tale takes place in … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The carpenter … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The clerk who lived in the carpenter’s house was called … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The Host interrupted the narrator because … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The magician which Aurelius and his brother brought from Orleans … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The merchant had a wife … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The merchant went to Bruges … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The merchant … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The merchant’s wife asked Daun John … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The merchant’s wife …. .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The Miller’s Tale is … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The monk was …
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The tale of Sir Thopas is… .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The young knight’s father was … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The young monk was … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. This rich lout was … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. What other work is The tale of Sir Thopas often compared with?
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. When Arveragus had left, Dorigen … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. When Aurelius asked Dorigen to become his lover she …
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. When Dorigen learnt that the rocks vanished from man’s sight she …
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. When Dorigen told her husband what promise she had once given to Aurelius, Arveragus … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. When Sir Thopas came to the country of Fairy he met there … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Wretch Aurelius laid more than …. in languor and in torment.
Choose the right answer. Afraid is ...
Choose the right answer. Alack! expresses
Choose the right answer. And ’t is means
Choose the right answer. Hark! is
Choose the right answer. How now! is an expression of
Choose the right answer. I would thou couldst! means
Choose the right answer. i ’ th’ is
Choose the right answer. In ’s sleep is
Choose the right answer. Is ’scap’d means
Choose the right answer. Methinks is
Choose the right answer. Of late is ...
Choose the right answer. Prithee is
Choose the right answer. the like is
Choose the right answer. Thou durst is
Choose the right answer. Upon ’t is
Choose the right answer. Wherefore is
Choose the right synonym. marketable
Choose the right synonym. Alas! expresses
Choose the right synonym. by my troth
Choose the right synonym. in good earnest
Choose the right synonym. of late
Choose the right synonym. peace!
Choose the right synonym. to be heir
Choose the right synonym. to be in exile
Choose the right synonym. to be weary of
Choose the right synonym. to bear a cross
Choose the right synonym. to break one’s oath
Choose the right synonym. to breed smb
Choose the right synonym. to disguise
Choose the right synonym. to lament
Choose the right synonym. to mock smb
Choose the right synonym. to pretend to be
Choose the right synonym. to seek smb
Choose the right synonym. you are aware of
Choose the right variant of translation. He’s here in double trust
Choose the right variant of translation. I am his kinsman and his subject
Choose the right variant of translation. I dare do all that may become a man
Choose the right variant of translation. Bring forth men-children only!
Choose the right variant of translation. By the pricking of my thumbs, Something wicked this way comes
Choose the right variant of translation. Come, sisters, cheer we up his sprites, And show the best of our delights.
Choose the right variant of translation. False face must hide what the false heart doth know
Choose the right variant of translation. Had he not resembled my father as he slept, I had done’t
Choose the right variant of translation. O! these flaws and starts ... would well become a woman's story at a winter's fire ...
Choose the right variant of translation. proper stuff! This is the very painting of your fear...
Choose the right variant of translation. These deeds must not be thought after these ways:so, it will make us mad
Choose the right variant of translation. To know my deed, ’t were best not know myself
Choose the right variant of translation. What hath quenched them hath given me fire
Choose the right variant of translation. ’tis the eye of childhood That fears a painted devil
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. I am glad of your ..., adieu, good Monsieur Melancholy.
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. I would cure you, if you would but call me ...
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. I would I were ..., to catch the strong fellow by the leg.
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. If you outstay the time, upon my honour, you ...
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. Love is merely a ..., and I tell you, deserves as well a dark house and a whip as a madmen do.
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. O, ominous! He comes to kill my ...
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. Still we went ... and inseparable
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. Shall we part, sweet girl? No, let my father seek another ...
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. The people ... her for her virtues.
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. The worst fault you have is ...
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. There lay he, stretched along, like a wounded ...
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. Unless you could teach me to forget a ... father.
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. What’s that to me? My father was no ...
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. Why, whither shall we go? To ... my uncle in the forest of Arden.
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. Will thou ... fathers? I will give thee mine.
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. Young man, have you ... Charles the wrestler?
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. Your accent is something ... than you could purchase in so removed a dwelling.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
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Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cuff smuggled wine in and ...
D.B. has the following type of car:
D.B. is:
Describing Mr. Thomas’ house, Trevor told the boys that the house was …
Destroying Mr. Thomas’ savings Trevor told Blackie there would have been no fun if he had … Mr. Thomas:
Doc made what seemed to be chicken stew. What was it really made of?
During the war Kathleen had been engaged to …
Elizabeth had … children:
Elizabeth lived in …
Elizabeth was a …
Elizabeth was …
Elizabeth’s house was …
Elizabeth’s letters were …
Ernie is:
Even Miss Pinkerton, that ... , ceased scolding Amelia after the first time.
Every scholar leaving Miss Pinkerton’s academy ...
Everyone kept telling Needle she was …
Federico and the others were side-tracked for a long time that side of Mestre and … came and peeked in.
Federico did not like Rome because …
Federico got a little boy to go for …, but he came back and said he could only get grappa.
Federico said that … are a wonderful little people, fond of dancing and light red wines.
Federico was put in the field hospital because … .
For how long had Doc told the waitress that he had been drinking beer milk-shakes?
For how long was Morrison electrocuted?
For how long was Morrison's wife electrocuted?
For what reason did Mack tell the Captain why he needed to catch frogs for Doc?
For whom does Morrison work?
For whom were Doc and Hazel collecting starfish?
George accused Needle of …
George and Matilda had … children:
George could not divorce Matilda, because …
George could see Needle in the Portobello Road on Saturdays, because Saturday was the day when he …
George explained to Needle that he had married Matilda, because …
George kept a … in Durban:
George killed Needle because …
George married Matilda in …
George Osborne promised to ...
George Osborne was ... and had been one of the family any time these three-and-twenty years.
George took charge of Amelia and she looked as happy as a ...
George treated Matilda as a …
George was always desperately afraid of …
George was taken to a nursing home, because he …
George went to Africa …
George went to the police and gave himself up after …
George’s old cousin was …
George’s uncle had a … farm in Africa:
Gino said where it really had been hell was at … and the attack beyond Lom that had gone bad.
Gladstones are:
Graham Greene called his books …
Graham Greene’s life was …
Graham Greenе ran away from school, because…
Graham Greenе was a son of a …
Hamp Worsham had blurred eyes and a fringe of white hair about the head and face of a … general
Henry Pierce and Oxford St. John came from …
Henry Pierce and Oxford St. John were taken on at the …
Henry was desirous of …
Henry was sent off to a sanatorium in Wales after he had taken …
Henry was … years old:
His hair was grey and he was short and fat. Whose description is it?
Holden and Phoebe see at the zoo:
Holden and Stradlater got into a fist fight because:
Holden asked each taxi driver:
Holden didn’t call his sister because:
Holden drank in the Lavender Room:
Holden is ___ years old.
Holden left the Lavender Room because:
Holden met at Ernie’s:
Holden met on the train:
Holden saw through his window at the hotel:
Holden thought the piano player in the Wicker Bar was:
Holden was the manager of (sport):
Holden’s last name is:
How did Doc find out that there was to be a birthday party for him?
How did Holden inform his sister that he wanted to meet her at lunch time?
How did Holden know where Ernie’s was located?
How did Holden meet Jane Gallagher?
How did Holden put his cigarette out in Phoebe’s room?
How did Joey’s father commit suicide?
How did Lee Chong acquire the Palace Flophouse?
How did Mack “accidentally” find out Doc’s birthday?
How did they called the wide hats?
How did William die?
How long does the treatment continue at Quitters, Inc.?
How many cigarettes a day did Minelli smoke?
How many miles away is La Jolla from Monterey?
How many miles did the boys carry the stove from Seaside to Cannery Row?
How many times a year does Mrs. Talbot usually celebrate her birthday?
How many times was Steinbeck in Russia (then the USSR)?
How much did the electricity cost for electrocuting Morrison's wife?
How much is a "score?"
How much money did Phoebe give Holden?
How much was the bet between Doc and Richard Frost?
How much was the rent per week on the Palace Flophouse to be paid to Chong?
How was Doc’s shirt torn at the party?
Hughie was the first person from the Palace Flophouse to bring in «furniture.» What was it?
I don’t know on what pretext Osborne left the room, or why, presently, Amelia went away, perhaps to ...
If a dear girl has no dear mamma to ... , she must do it for herself.
If a person is too poor to keep a ... he must sweep his own rooms.
In La Jolla, besides octopi and cradles, what else did Doc find?
In Mr. Thomas’ opinion, horoscopes spoke …
In Raymond’s opinion, Oxford was a …
In the dark the flood looked … The water swirled and it was wide.
In those days, in England, where Rebecca and Amelia lived, to say «Long live, Bonapart» was as much as to say «Long live ... !»
In what year was Cannery Row written?
In which city does Morrison live?
In which city is Quitters, Inc. located?
Insert the proper word. ... face must hide what the ... heart doth know.
Insert the proper word. ... I heard a voice cry, sleep no more.
Insert the proper word. ... knows what she has known
Insert the proper word. ... when in swinish sleep Their drenched natures lie as in ...
Insert the proper word. And Pity, like a ... babe
Insert the proper word. And wash this …witness ... from your hand.
Insert the proper word. At first and last, the ... welcome
Insert the proper word. but I shame ... a heart so white
Insert the proper word. for none of women ... shall harm Macbeth
Insert the proper word. Gentlemen rise, his ... is not well.
Insert the proper word. Had he not ... my father as he slept
Insert the proper word. having no witness to ... my speech
Insert the proper word. How is't with me, when every noise ... me?
Insert the proper word. I am ... to think what I have done.
Insert the proper word. I dare do all that may ... a man
Insert the proper word. Macbeth, Macbeth, Macbeth: ... Macduff
Insert the proper word. One cried God ... us
Insert the proper word. Ourselves will ... with society
Insert the proper word. Sit ... friends: my Lord is often thus
Insert the proper word. That which hath made them ..., hath made me ...
Insert the proper word. The table’s ...
Insert the proper word. This even-handed ...
Insert the proper word. Unnatural deeds do ... unnatural troubles
Insert the proper word. Yet my heart ... to know one thing
Instead of a cigarette in Morrison's mouth, which of the following does Morrison put in his mouth?
Instead of money, with what did Mack and the boys buy products from Lee Chong?
It is in … that we become Christian.
It was ... who made Rebecca a present of a doll a year she was admitted to Miss Pinkerton institution.
It was ... who used to say to ... , «Get me a situation - we hate each other, and I am ready to go».
It was ... who won the love of everybody in the Mall.
It was Rebecca’s... who wrote a letter to Miss Pinkerton recommending Rebecca to her protection.
It was strange for Federico to go up the slope where the … had been, beyond the place on the river where he had been wounded.
It was Trevor who suggested the gang should … Mr. Thomas’ house:
It was … when the priest came in.
It was … who had actually sent the boy (Samuel) to Jefferson in the first place: he had caught the boy breaking into his commissary store and ordered him off the place.
Joe Larrabee sold the water-color of the obelisk to
Joe Larrabee was pulsing with a genius for
Joe was in the East India Company’s Civil Service as .... of Boggley Wollah.
Jos almost drew away the audience who were gathered round the musicians and received from hearers a ...
Jos Sedley: «Amelia, my dear, I bought a ... at the same time, which I gave to Sambo»
Jos to Amelia: «Dear Amelia, as soon as I have recovered, for my health is very much shaken, I shall go to ... for some months.»
Joseph Sedley ...
Joseph Sedley ... by the fire when two girls entered the room
Joseph Sedley had a/an ...
Joseph Sedley was ... older than his sister Amelia.
Joseph was ... in man’s society.
Kathleen came to London …
Kathleen was …
Kathleen’s aunt had left many supplies and the only thing that Needle needed to buy was …
Kathleen’s aunt lived in …
Lillian was with at Ernie’s with:
Lou did not share her husband’s desire to invite the Ackleys to meet the Farrells because …
Lou did not want her future child’s first name to be “Mary”, because she thought that name was too …
Lou gathered from … that the Black Madonna helped three childless couples:
Lou liked when Henry read out lines from his favorite … which he had copied into an exercise book:
Lou Parker liked …
Lou Parker was a member of …
Lou Parker was … at the time that the miraculous powers of the Black Madonna came to be talked of:
Lou said her rosary … before the Black Madonna:
Lou suggested they should call their child … if it was a boy:
Lou told Raymond that she … their child:
Lou … Elizabeth’s monthly letters:
Lou, to Raymond’s … , decided that all their friends must meet Henry and Oxford:
Luce’s girlfriend is:
Manders Road was named after …
Many people had realized the war
Marsalla was:
Matilda was …
Matilda’s father was a …
Maurice hit Holden because:
Maurice is:
Maverick advised Mr. Ferraro …
McCann's wife's name is:
Mike was the only one who …
Miss Amelia Sedley could sing like ... .
Miss Jemima wanted to present a dictionary to Rebecca Sharp because she (Miss Jemima) ...
Miss Jemima was Miss Pinkerton’s ...
Miss Jemima: «I have put up two bottles of ... for Mrs. Sedley, and the receipt for making it»
Miss Pinkerton ..... French, .... .
Miss Pinkerton gave all teachers orders to treat Miss Sedley with utmost gentleness as hash treatment ...
Miss Pinkerton had to send for Dr. Floss and half tipsify Miss Swartz with ...
Miss Pinkerton recommended Rebecca for the situation of a governess to Sir Pitt Crawley’s family ...
Miss Pinkerton was known to write personally to the parents of her pupils only when her pupils ...
Miss Pinkerton wrote her own name in the fly-leaf of ..., the book, which she presented to her scholars on their departure.
Miss Pinkerton’s academy was for ...
Miss Rebecca said «Revenge may be wicked ...»
Miss Saunders had …
Miss Saunders qualifications were special:
Miss Saunders was described in the firm’s books as …
Miss Saunders was employed to look after …
Miss Saunders was …
Miss Sedley was glad to leave the Mall for home and ...
Miss Sedley’s papa was ... in London, a man of some wealth.
Miss Sharp ... Miss Pinkerton’s academy for young ladies on Chiswick Mall.
Miss Sharp’s eyes were so attractive that ... fell in love with her.
Miss Sharp’s father was ...
Miss Worsham lived alone in the … house her father had left her.
Mollie Beauchamp wanted Stevens to … .
Mollie Beauchamp was staying in town … .
Morrison's wife's maiden name was:
Morrison's wife's name is:
Most of the Parkers’s friends …
Mr. and Mrs. Guttingen’s son was studying to be … .
Mr. Ferraro discovered that Miss Saunders was at home with …
Mr. Ferraro engaged Miss Saunders …
Mr. Ferraro had the rare quality …
Mr. Ferraro had …
Mr. Ferraro insisted on Miss Saunders’ being in a state of … when she looked after his indulgences:
Mr. Ferraro regarded God as the …
Mr. Ferraro sat crouched in his Daimler waiting for …
Mr. Ferraro told Miss Saunders he could have attended to some of the indulgences if …
Mr. Ferraro was …
Mr. Ferraro … to combine business with pleasure:
Mr. Guttingen had been … .
Mr. Hopkinson was Mr. Fеrraro’s …
Mr. Sedley could not endure his son’s ...
Mr. Sedley [to his wife]: «Mark my words, dear, the first woman who fishes him ...»
Mr. Sedley: «Do you remember, Emmy, when you wrote to Osborne to come on Twelfth night and ... ?
Mr. Sedley: «He is out-Josephing Joseph, my dear, and all the while the boy is only thinking ...
Mr. Spencer was:
Mr. Thomas had mud on his shoes and he stopped to scrape them on the pavement’s edge because …
Mr. Thomas had once been a …
Mr. Thomas kept his savings in …
Mr. Thomas lived … in his crippled house:
Mr. Thomas spent in the loo …
Mr. Thomas was suffering from …
Mr. Thomas … plumbing:
Mr. Thomas’ horoscope warned him about …
Muriel Spark became a … in 1954:
Muriel Spark is celebrated as a …
Needle came to London …
Needle compared Kathleen with the poet Swinburne when Kathleen …
Needle got her nickname, because …
Needle got up speeches about … for industrial tycoons.
Needle happened to be alone in the empty house of Kathleen’s aunt, because ...
Needle met Kathleen and George in the Portobello Road … years later after her death:
Needle returned to England with …
Needle taught in … school in Kensington:
Needle thought of her type of luck after …
Needle thought that George needed …
Needle was told that George’s daughter was …
Needle went to the Portobello Road …
Needle’s Rhodesian friends referred to Matilda as …
Now and then Jos would make a desperate attempt to get rid of ... .
Of the following which has four legs?
Of the following which is a tree?
Of the following which is NOT a bird?
Of the following, which did Darling not chew up?
Old Sedley was a ...
On Allie’s baseball mitt was written:
On coming down from Ballion College, Oxford, Graham Greenе worked for four years as sub-editor on …
On Monday morning Summers was not eager to begin the destruction, because …
On the day of Miss Sedley’s departure from Miss Pinkerton’s academy, the girls ...
On the way back to the hotel as Lou called her husband “Ray”, he …
On their way from Miss Pinkerton’s institution to Miss Amelia Sedley’s home Rebecca and Amelia were talking about ...
On which floor did Holden stay in the hotel?
Once Doc asked Gay to collect turtles for him, however, Gay didn’t collect them. Why didn’t he?
Once in looking over some ..., Rebecca suddenly came upon one which caused her to burst into tears.
Once Needle found a … in the cinema for which she received a reward of fifty pounds:
Once, in looking over some drawings, which Amelia had sent from school, Rebecca suddenly came upon one which caused her to ...
One day Amelia ... and could not go upon some party of pleasure to which the two young people were invited.
Osborne: « I give Miss Sharp warning, that right or wrong , I consider Amelia is the ... in the world».
Ossenburger is:
Oxford St. John took up with a pretty …
Oxford was … than Henry:
Oxford’s love affair with his girlfriend came to …
Perhaps a dozen of times George Willard and the strange, shapeless man who lived in his father’s hotel … .
Poor Joe’s panic lasted for ... during which he didn’t visit the house.
Quitters, Inc. is located on:
Raymond advised Lou to be careful what she …
Raymond applied for promotion and …
Raymond considered Elizabeth …
Raymond discovered that there had been black blood in Lou’s family after he had …
Raymond fell out with his mother when …
Raymond had a feeling that when Lou went to the Black Our Lady and said her rosary praying for a baby she …
Raymond had been married for … years to Lou:
Raymond made a … for the baby when Lou was pregnant:
Raymond organized the … lottery in aid of the Church Decoration Fund:
Raymond Parker preferred …
Raymond Parker was a … at the motor works:
Raymond Parker was on the … committee.
Raymond told Lou if she didn’t want a child, he …
Raymond warned Lou not to tempt …
Raymond … being called Ray:
Rebecca asked Amelia questions about Mr. Joseph Sedley ...
Rebecca had a vivid imagination ; she had, besides, read ...
Rebecca interested Mrs. Blenkinshop, the housekeeper, be evincing the deepest sympathy in ..., which operation was then going in the kitchen.
Rebecca kissed Mr. Sedley’s hand when he ...
Rebecca kissed the ... as she put it on and woved she would never part with it.
Rebecca lived among young girls at the Mall for two years and ...
Rebecca sang .... her friend Amelia (though of course Osborne was free to keep his opinion)
Rebecca Sharp looked like ... at school for young ladies.
Rebecca Sharp was ...
Rebecca: «And your sister is the ... ; happy man who wins her».
Rebecca: «How could you be so cruel as to make me eat that ... at dinner ?!».
Rebecca: «I’ll do it, when I’m gone», and she dropped her voice and look so ..., that everybody felt how cruel her lot was, and how sorry they would be to part with her.
Rebecca’s duties in Miss Pinkerton’s academy were ...
Rebecca’s father thought to better his circumstances by ...
Rebecca’s father, after his third attack of .... , wrote a manly and pathetic letters to Miss Pinkerton.
Rebecca’s mother ...
Rebecca’s mother was of the ... origin.
Respectable parents set their houses topsy-turvy and spend a lot of money in ball suppers and iced champagne to ...
Richard Morrison is also called:
Salinger did last publish in:
Salinger was born in:
Salinger was born in:
Salinger’s first publication was in:
Salinger’s first publication was:
Sambo, who flung open the door and announced Mr. Joseph, followed grinning and bearing ..., which the monster had purchased in Covent Garden Market that morning.
Samuel Warsham was orphaned of his mother at death and deserted by his father, whom the … had taken and raised, or tried to
Samuel Worsham was executed for … .
Since the murder of Needle, Skinny had always been …
Skinny came to London …
Skinny persuaded George and Kathleen…
Snow did not come until … .
Speaking about her life in Miss Pinkerton’s academy Rebecca said that she
Stradlater asked Holden to do all of the following except:
Stradlater is:
Stradlater’s first name is:
Sunny is:
Sunny removed from Holden’s wallet:
Talking to Needle in Bulawayo? George described Matilda as a … woman.
The Black Madonna was carved out of …
The Black Madonna was installed in …
The Brigade had received orders that …. should be held no matter what happened.
The byrehand emigrated to Canada to start afresh …
The captain advised the narrator to go to … .
The customers at Bogle’s were Aileen’s … .
The fencing team didn’t win the competition because:
The gang met …
The gesture, when Mr. Ferraro knotted his fingers together in the shape some people use for prayer, meant that he …
The happiness, the superior advantage of the young women round about her gave Rebecca ...
The house of Kathleen’s aunt used to be a …
The initials «J.D.» in Salinger’s name mean:
The killing of … came suddenly and unreasonably .
The murder of Needle was known as …
The name of ... was always on the lips of Miss Pinkerton.
The narrator had expected the Bainsizza to be ….
The narrator lived …
The narrator shared the room with the … .
The needs of Bogle’s customers were supplied by … .
The next year there were many…
The old joker stopped his laughter and asked Sambo to give him and Joe ...
The only point in Amelia’s behaviour which was not satisfactory to her mistress was/were
The other carabinieri grabbed … from behind and pulled his arm up so that it twisted in the socket.
The Parker’s daughter was baptized and … became her godmother.
The plain was rich with … .
The priest and the narrator were talking while the others …
The priest’s father was a famous …
The superintendent had put Wash into the obscure office at Winesburg to avoid discharging him, and he meant … .
The task of husband-hunting is generally, and with becoming modesty entrusted by young persons to ...
The theme of the paper that Holden wrote for Stradlater was:
The three stupid women from whom Holden met in the Lavender Room were from:
The Voice at Bogle came from the kitchen and … .
The Voice contented itself with vain repetitions of exclamations emitted by … concerning food.
The … has wisdom, because he is defeated from the start.
The … were coming into the post, some were carried on stretchers, some walking and some were brought on the backs of men that came across the field.
Then, seizing Captain Dobbin’s hand and weeping in the most pitiful way, he ...
There was fighting in the mountains and at night they could see … .
There was much … among the steady customers at Bogle’s.
These fair young people passed such a/an ... evening together instead of having gone to Vauxhall.
They who had finished eating ate more that they might … .
They who sat at Tildy’s tables spoke to Tildy briefly, with quotations from … .
Tildy was a good waitress and the men … her.
Tildy was …, and too anxious to please.
Tina Farrell told the Parkers that if their child had been hers, she would …
Tina Farrell was …
Tina said that the Parkers’ daughter was …
To attract Joseph’s attention at table Rebecca ...
To Needle the main attraction of marrying Skinny was …
To prove that George had absolutly no motive in killing Needle, Kathleen told the police that …
Trevor did not believe in …
Trevor had been with the gang …
Trevor ordered Mike to smash … he would find in the kitchen:
Trevor said that the gang would need … to fulfil his plan:
Trevor said the gang would be in Mr. Thomas’ house like …
Trevor told the gang that a staircase in Mr. Thomas’ house looked like a …
Trevor was … years old:
Trevor’s father was a …
Trevor’s father …
Trevor’s mother considered herself …
Two days before Lou left the hospital … had visited her:
Up the river the … had no been taken; none of the … beyond the river had been taken.
Upon each table at Bogle’s stands the counterfeit of that benign sauce made … .
Wash Williams took care of his … .
Wash Williams was a man of … .
Wash Williams, the telegraph operator of Winesburg, was the … thing in town.
Wash’s girth was immense, his neck thin, his legs … .
What advice did the doctor give McCann?
What are galoshes?
What breed of dog did Jane Gallagher have?
What breed of dog did the watchman have at Tom Works’?
What color are Donatti's eyes?
What color of bow did Darling wear to the party?
What color of hair did the waitress have?
What color of hair does Dora have?
What color of hair does Phoebe have?
What did Allie die of on July 18, 1946?
What did Castle borrow from Holden?
What did Darling become sick with?
What did Doc find in his safe?
What did Doc have to do in La Jolla?
What did Donatti do to the rabbit?
What did Donatti do with Morrison's cigarettes on his second visit to Quitters, Inc.?
What did Dora’s girls use to fend off the uninvited guests at Doc’s party?
What did Eddie keep behind the bar at La Ida’s?
What did Frankie steal from the store?
What did Hazel gather with Doc in the tide pool?
What did Hazel hide in the bottom of his gunny sack while collecting starfish with Doc?
What did Henri give Doc for his birthday?
What did Holden and Phoebe do in Bloomingdale’s?
What did Holden buy for Phoebe?
What did Holden discuss with the two nuns?
What did Holden do each time he ordered a drink at the Wicker Bar?
What did Holden do in the bathroom at the Wicker Bar?
What did Holden do with Sunny’s dress?
What did Holden forget at the Antolini’s?
What did Holden give the two nuns?
What did Holden offer Mrs. Morrow?
What did Holden offer Sally?
What did Holden try to rub off on the stairs?
What did Holden want to do for Sally?
What did Holden want to give the coat-check girl at the Wicker Bar?
What did Holden yell before leaving the dormitory for the last time?
What did Holden’s mother have when she got home?
What did Holden’s parents say to him when they got home?
What did Joey and Willard find in the gutter?
What did Junk have in his hand when Morrison arrived at Quitters, Inc.?
What did Luce enjoy drinking?
What did Luce used to know a lot about?
What did Mack call the Captain’s dog?
What did Mr. Antolini offer Holden?
What did Mrs. Antolini offer Holden?
What did Mrs. Malloy give Doc for his birthday?
What did Mrs. Talbot say happened to her great-great-great-great-great grandmother?
What did Phoebe bring with her when she met Holden at the museum?
What did Phoebe do with the record Holden bought her?
What did Phoebe eat for dinner?
What did Phoebe put on her head when she became angry with Holden?
What did Phoebe’s mother accuse her of doing?
What did Sam Malloy give Doc on his birthday?
What did Stabile do to Castle?
What did the boys do with the gas in the Model-T after they returned it to Lee Chong?
What did the boys drink at the Captain’s?
What did the gopher lose after the fight with the bull gopher?
What did the nuns teach?
What did the two boys want to see at the museum?
What does swanky mean?
What does Donatti say that Morrison's maximum weight should be?
What does it mean to barge in?
What does it mean to cut classes?
What does it mean to get the ax?
What does it mean to give somebody a buzz?
What does it mean to kill time?
What does it mean to stick to one’s guns?
What does it mean to chuck?
What does it mean to drop a hint?
What does it mean to flunk?
What does it mean to get in a tiff with someone?
What does it mean to give someone a feel?
What does it mean to go to the can?
What does it mean to kid?
What does it mean to lose one’s marbles?
What does it mean to neck?
What does it mean to puke?
What does it mean to tee off?
What does it mean to horse around?
What does McCann give Morrison at the bar at the airport?
What does Morrison chew at Donatti's office?
What does Morrison do as a profession?
What does Morrison give to the old man at Dempsey's bar?
What does Morrison mean when he uses the statement "the rabbit trick?"
What does Morrison usually have for breakfast?
What does Mrs. Malloy want to buy for $1.98?
What does to chew the rag mean?
What does «posthumous» mean?
What else was in the room with the rabbit?
What had accidentally been eaten at Doc’s birthday party?
What happened to Federico ?
What happened to Holden while Phoebe was on the carrousel?
What happened to James Castle?
What happened to Phyllis Mae’s hand?
What happened to the cake that Eddie baked?
What happened to the police car?
What happened to the record?
What happens after the fifth offense of smoking a cigarette?
What happens after the first offense of smoking a cigarette?
What happens after the fourth offense of smoking a cigarette?
What happens after the second offense of smoking a cigarette?
What happens after the third offense of smoking a cigarette?
What happens if Morrison puts on weight?
What is a crew cut?
What is a highball?
What is a hinge?
What is a moron?
What is a novena?
What is a pervert?
What is a pimple?
What is a rattlesnake?
What is a skate key?
What is a virgin?
What is a Wop?
What is a “galley” on a boat or ship?
What is Alvin Morrison's middle name?
What is an I.O.U.?
What is an undertaker?
What is Canasta?
What is checkers?
What is Doc’s favorite beverage?
What is fencing?
What is Holden’s favorite cocktail?
What is Holden’s sister’s name?
What is Indian wrestling?
What is Luce’s first name?
What is Mort Minelli's nickname (кличка)?
What is one unit of lettuce called?
What is Oral Expression?
What is Phoebe’s real middle name?
What is the Great Gatsby?
What is the English equivalent to “медуза”?
What is the name of Doc’s laboratory?
What is the name of the record Holden bought for Phoebe?
What is the profession of Luce’s father?
What is wrong with Alvin?
What is wrong with the Caulfields’ maid?
What middle name does Phoebe use?
What movie did Holden, Ackley and Brossard see?
What movie scene was D.B. writing?
What position does McCann hold at Crager and Barton?
What reason did Holden give Mrs. Morrow why he couldn’t come for a visit?
What reason did Holden give Sunny why he didn’t want to have sex with her?
What relationship do Morrison and McCann have between them?
What ride did Phoebe take in the park?
What was between each room in the dormitory?
What was Doc afraid of?
What was Doc collecting in La Jolla?
What was Holden afraid of dying from?
What was Holden looking for in Central Park?
What was Holden’s favorite part of an orchestra?
What was Holden’s favorite part of the museum?
What was in the brown paper bag that the soldiers were carrying?
What was John Steinbeck’s given first name?
What was John Steinbeck’s wife’s name?
What was Kitty Randolph doing when Mrs. Talbot invited her over for tea?
What was Mrs. Antolini wearing when Holden arrived?
What was Mrs. Casini doing when Mrs. Talbot invited her over for tea?
What was Mrs. Lee Chong cutting on the butcher’s block when Mack came into Lee Chong’s store?
What was Phoebe studying in geography?
What was Phoebe wearing when Holden got home?
What was Phyllis Mae recovering from?
What was printed on Phoebe’s pajamas?
What was strange in how Jane Gallagher played checkers?
What was the favor that Stradlater asked Holden to do for him?
What was the name of Holden’s dog?
What was the name of the book D.B. wrote?
What was the name of the play in which Phoebe was to perform?
What was the old Chinaman’s name who walked to the ocean every evening and returned in the morning?
What was the previous record for skating on a flag pole?
What was the total cost of treatment at Quitters, Inc.?
What was the unusual drink that Doc ordered from the waitress?
What was the «100-year old man» looking for in the bathroom?
What was wrong with Mr. Spencer?
What was wrong with Mrs. Spencer?
What was wrong with the Captain’s dog?
What were the boys doing during the parade?
What would have Doc received if he had reported the dead body to the authorities?
What’s a half gainer?
What’s the only thing Holden likes?
What’s wrong with Ackley?
When after two years of married life Wash Williams found that his wife had managed to acquire three other lovers who came regularly to their house he … .
When Amelia and Rebecca entered the drawing-room where Mr. Joseph Sedley was he began to ...
When Amelia’s father entered the drawing-room and saw Miss Sharp and his daughter and son, he ...
When Blackie asked Trevor if he had found anything special, Trevor …
When did Mort Minelli die?
When Federico and Catherine went out of the coiffeur’s place it was … .
When George returned home from Africa, Kathleen thought he …
When George told Needle he was married to Matilda she said it was …
When George told Needle that he was going to marry Kathleen, she said it would have been …
When Henry mentioned the slum mentality, he thought of …
When Holden left his apartment he left by way of:
When in London Joseph Sedley lived ...
When is Doc’s actual birthday?
When is St. Patrick’s Day?
When Joseph Sedley worked in India he lived there ...
When Lou prayed to the Black Madonna, she wanted Oxford to …
When Lou was in hospital she gave instructions that no one except … should be let in to see her:
When Lou was pregnant she gave up most of her church work in order to …
When Minerva (Miss Pinkerton) intimated to Miss Sharp that she was to instruct the juniors in music, the young girl ...
When Miss Pinkerton gave Miss Sharp an opportunity of shaking one of her fingers at the moment of their parting, Miss Sharp ...
When Miss Pinkerton said that she had nourished a viper in her bosom she meant ...
When Miss Sharp’s father was drunk, he used to ...
When morning came, the good-natured Mrs. Sedley no longer thought of ...
When Morrison found cigarettes in the car, with whom was he angry?
When Mr. Ferraro found Miss Saunders’ house, he …
When Mr. Ferraro looked through the window at Miss Saunders, it became obvious to him that …
When Mr. Ferraro realized that Miss Saunders betrayed his trust, in her he thought that the next day he would …
When Mr. Ferraro saw Miss Saunders approach the upper window, she was …
When Mr. Ferraro telephoned his wife it was a …
When Mr. Ferraro visited Christie’s, he discovered that Maverick …
When Mr. Ferraro … it occured to him to check on Miss Saunders.
When Mr. Thomas gave the gang three packets of Smarties, Summers said that …
When Mr. Thomas offered the gang three packets of Smarties the boys were … by this action:
When Mr. Thomas saw the destruction of his house, he …
When Mr. Thomas was locked in the loo, he did not call out for help, because …
When Mr. Thomas was locked in the loo, one of the boys gave him a …
When Needle met George in a hotel in Bulawayo, they drank …
When Needle saw George in the Portobello Road for the first time, he …
When Needle saw Kathleen in the Portobello Road, Kathleen wanted to buy a …
When Needle saw Kathleen in the Portobello Road, Kathleen …
When one loves ones Art no service seems ….
When parting Rebecca Sharp addressed Miss Pinkerton in French and the latter ...
When Raymond came home from the hospital he … the cot in his first fury.
When Raymond saw his daughter for the first time she was …
When Rebecca called Joseph Sedley a very handsome man, she ...
When Rebecca saw the two magnificent Cashmere shawls which Joseph Sedley had brought to his sister she said that ....
When Rebecca was at the Mall she ...
When Rebecca was cheated into trying a chili she ...
When the Black Madonna was installed … himself came to consecrate it:
When the carriage was ready to leave Miss Pinkerton’s academy Miss Jemima ....
When the Matron told Raymond that his daughter would be black, he accused her of …
When the narrator came back to the front it was … .
When the new recruit said his name was “Trevor” it was a statement of …
When the new recruit said his name was “Trevor” …
When the Parkers got word about the adoption …
When the Parkers visited Elizabeth, she expressed admiration for …
When the Parkers visited Henry in the sanatorium, he was ...
When the sun was bright Federico and Catherine ate lunch … .
When the superintendent received the letter of complaint from the banker’s wife, he … and laughed unpleasantly.
When Trevor suggested the gang should meet at nine o’clock on Sunday morning, Mike said that he could not come because …
When Trevor’s position was in danger, it only needed a single use of his … and the gang would be at his heels:
When was John Steinbeck born and when did he die?
When was the Prohibition in the United States?
When Wash Williams was still a young man he married a woman at … .
Where did Allie die on July 18, 1946?
Where did Allie die?
Where did Henri meet his last girlfriend?
Where did Holden and Phoebe go after they met at the museum?
Where did Holden hide in Phoebe’s room?
Where did Holden keep his bags?
Where did Holden sleep at the Antolini’s?
Where did Holden want to work instead of going to another school?
Where did John Steinbeck die?
Where did Morrison find cigarettes in his car?
Where did Morrison find cigarettes in his study?
Where did Morrison smoke a cigarette after the beginning of treatment at Quitters, Inc.?
Where did Steinbeck study marine biology at?
Where did the Captain fall asleep after having drunk too much?
Where did the Malloys live?
Where does The Catcher in the Rye get its name?
Where does D.B. live?
Where does the "crony" work whom Morrison met at the bar?
Where was John Steinbeck born?
Where was Phoebe sleeping when Holden came home?
Where were Holden’s parents when he returned home?
Which letter can’t Lee Chong correctly pronounce in English?
Which of the following best describes Jane Gallagher’s father?
Which of the following did Doc not buy at the Thrift Market?
Which of the following does Holden dislike?
Which of the following doesn’t belong to the list?
Which of the following is an insect?
Which of the following is not considered a bad omen (supersticious) in America?
Which of the following movies is one of Mrs. Morrison's favorites?
Which performance did the Morrisons and McCanns see at the Helen Hayes Theater?
Which three things were absolutely necessary to take with you on an outing according to the boys?
While Mr. Thomas was locked in the loo, Summers was sent to watch the road for …
Whitney Clay was … town:
Who are the Caulfields’ neighbors?
Who are the Rockettes?
Who broke a leg as a result of a roller-coaster ride?
Who carried the student away that committed suicide?
Who did Frankie say his father was?
Who did Henri think he saw killed on his boat?
Who did Morrison meet at the bar at Kennedy International?
Who did not believe the war was over?
Who gave Doc a rowing machine for his birthday?
Who had lung cancer?
Who has an ulcer?
Who house-trained Darling?
Who is Faith Cavendish?
Who is Mrs. Casini?
Who is Red Williams?
Who or what was in the closet of Morrison's study?
Who played the piano at Ernie’s?
Who pushed the button to electrocute Morrison's wife?
Who spilled beer in the young woman’s lap?
Who was Josh Billings?
Who was Mr. Antolini?
Who was the regular elevator operator in Holden’s building?
Who were the French singers at the Wicker Bar?
Who won the fighting that summer
Who wrote If a Body Meet a Body Coming through the Rye?
Whom did Holden meet at the skating rink?
Whom did Holden meet while having breakfast?
Why did Doc hit Mack several times in the mouth?
Why did each taxi driver refuse to have a cocktail with Holden?
Why did Gay’s wife stop sending Gay to jail?
Why did Hazel’s mother give him a girl’s name?
Why did Holden become frightened of Mr. Antolini?
Why did Holden fall in the pond in Central Park?
Why did Holden feel sick in Central Park?
Why did it always take Doc a long time to travel anywhere?
Why did Jane not answer her father when he asked her if there were any cigarettes in the house?
Why did Phoebe give Holden money?
Why did Phoebe think that her father would kill Holden?
Why did Richard Frost leave the house in the middle of the night?
Why did the hitchhiker get out of Doc’s car on the way to La Jolla?
Why did the sheriff let Gay out of jail?
Why did women always leave Henri?
Why didn't Morrison open the closet door in his study?
Why didn’t Doc come to his first party?
Why didn’t Doc give the boys his car to collect frogs?
Why didn’t Faith Cavendish meet Holden?
Why didn’t Gay come back from town after he left to get a new carburetor?
Why doesn't McCann tell Morrison how the treatment at Quitters, Inc. works?
Why has Henry been working on building his boat for the last seven years and hasn’t finished it?
Why was Holden kicked out of school?
Why was McCann's wife's finger cut off?
Why was Steinbeck fired from a New York newspaper?
Why wouldn’t the motor work in Chong’s Model T Ford?
William Ferraro lived in …
William Ferraro’s business was called …
William Ferraro’s wife believed herself to be …
With whom did Gay arrive at the party?
With whom did Phoebe go to the movies?
Young people went off to the piano, which was situated, as pianos usually are in the ...
«Amelia had better ...», said her father, «and let G. Osborne see what a beautiful handwriting we have brought back from Miss Pinkerton.
«By Gad, Miss Rebecca, I wouldn’t hurt you again.» «No», she said, «I know you wouldn’t», and then she ....
«Do you remember, Sedley, what a fury you were in, when I cut ..., and how Amelia, rescued me from a beating by falling down on her knees?»
«Five dollars a throw» mean:
«Good Heavens! Dobbin, where have you been?», Osborne said, seizing the ... from his friend’s arm.
«He is very kind and good,» Amelia said to Rebecca about her brother Joseph, «but ... ».
«How are you, Sedley?» , that young wag began. «There‘s a ... downstairs with a black eye and tied-up head».
«How could you be so cruel as to make me ... the first day I ever saw you» - said Rebecca.
«I ... Hessian boots», said Rebecca, and Jos was extremely pleased at this remark.
«I can’t make you such handsome presents, Joseph», continued Amelia, «...but while I was at school, I have embroidered for you a very beautiful ... .»
«It was ... who prevented my marriage», Rebecca was thinking in her heart.
«It was ..., Jos», Mr. Sedley said, «to torment the poor boy so».
«I’m better now. How kind you all are to me! All,» said Rebecca with a laugh, «except you, ...».
«Let us ... , Miss Sedley, Amelia», said George Osborne.
«Miss Sharp», said George Osborne, «you, who are so clever an artist, you must make a picture of that scene. Sedley shall be represented in buckskins, and holding one of the injured ...»
«My dear, it’s a mercy he didn’t bring us over ...», said old Sedley to his wife.
«My dearest Amelia», said G. Osborne, «you don’t know the world. I do. And your little friend Miss Sharp must ...».
«My poor papa», Rebecca said to Amelia, «could give me nothing, and I had but ... in all the world».
«O heavenly, heavenly .... !» - exclaimed Miss Sharp and held them to her bosom and cast up her eyes to the ceiling, in an ecstasy of admiration.
«Oh, delightful», said Rebecca going to ... , but she recollected herself and paused, like a modest creature.
«Order Mr. Joe’s elephant, Sambo», cried the father , but seeing Joe really almost to ..., the old joker stopped his laughter .
«She shall ... tomorrow, the little artful creature», said Mrs. Sedley with great energy, when her husband told her that Emmy’s friend was fishing for their son.
«The children must ...», cried Mrs. Sedley talking about going to Vauxhall.
«The curry was capital, indeed it was», said Joe, quite gravely. «Perhaps, there was not enough ... in it; no there was not»
«Tomorrow, your papa and I ...», said Mrs. Sedley, discussing the idea of going to Vauxhall.
«Well, Jos , do you remember coming down in a gig to Dr. Swish tail’s to see me, before ...»
«What abominably cold weather Miss», and Joe fell to poking the fire with all his might, although it was in the middle of ... .
Вместо пропуска вставьте предлог He ran … matches and was afraid that his fire would go out
Вместо пропуска вставьте предлог Her eyes rested … an instant on the three francs I left for the waiter and I knew that she thought me mean
Вместо пропуска вставьте предлог I could not help thinking of this fable when the other day I saw George Ramsay lunching … himself in a restaurant
Вместо пропуска вставьте предлог I suppose every family has a black sheep Tom had been a sore trial … his for twenty years
Вместо пропуска, если необходимо, вставьте предлог He was not interested … the news we had to give him
Вставьте артикли, если необходимо He was glad that he was growing … old because Tom was growing … old too
Вставьте артикль, если необходимо He was nothing but … narrow, ignorant and cantankerous sea-faring man
Вставьте артикль, если необходимо I was in Thursday Island and I wanted very much to go to … New Guinea
Вставьте артикль, если необходимо It was twenty years ago and I was living in Paris, in … Latin Quarter
Вставьте артикль, если необходимо Maugham’s reputation as … novelist rests primarily on four books: Of Human Bondage (1915), The Moon and Sixpence (1919), Cakes and Ale (1930) and The Razor’s Edge (1944)
Вставьте артикль, если необходимо Poor George, only … year older than his scapegrace brother, looked sixty
Вставьте артикль, если необходимо W S Maugham was orphaned at … age of 10
Вставьте артикль, если необходимо When I was … very small boy I was made to learn by heart certain of the fables of La Fontaine
Вставьте предлог, если необходимо According the legend, Mr Poirot , Pekinese were lions once
Вставьте предлог, если необходимо He asked me whether … my way I would stop at the island of Trebuchet and leave a sack of flour, another of rice, and some magazines for the hermit who lived there
Вставьте предлог, если необходимо He seemed to be occupied … nothing but his dogs, his chickens and his food
Вставьте предлог, если необходимо I answered that I would meat my friend - … correspondence - at Foyot’s on Thursday at half-past twelve
Вставьте предлог, если необходимо It is a room … the first floor, looking on the street, and was meant for the drawing room
Вставьте предлог, если необходимо I’ve come to you because the man I’ve been engaged to for over a year has broken our engagement
Вставьте предлог, если необходимо Mrs Higgins was brought … on Moris and Burne Jones
Вставьте предлог, если необходимо Salvatore acted as nursemaid … his two younger brothers
Вставьте предлог, если необходимо Someone was fumbling the lock of the door
Вставьте предлог, если необходимо The flat of Hercule Poirot was furnished modern style
Вставьте предлог, если необходимо The shallow depression in the west of these islands is likely to move slowly … an easterly direction
Вставьте предлог, если необходимо The vicar had been but recently appointed, a red-faced energetic man … the early forties
Вставьте предлог, если необходимо You infamous creature, how dare you accuse me … such a thing?
Вставьте предлог, если необходимо You mean to say that in physical appearance I do not resemble a Hercules?
Выберите глагол со значением «красть»
Выберите глагол со значением «спускаться»
Выберите глагол со значением «щелкать»
Выберите правильную глагольную форму (меняя, в случае необходимости, порядок слов): For all he knew, a terrible epidemic … the entire human races
Выберите правильную глагольную форму (меняя, в случае необходимости, порядок слов): He announced that he … working
Выберите правильную глагольную форму (меняя, в случае необходимости, порядок слов): He wondered what I … in that part of the world
Выберите правильную глагольную форму (меняя, в случае необходимости, порядок слов): I'll be well off by the time I … fifty
Выберите правильную глагольную форму (меняя, в случае необходимости, порядок слов): It was long since I … her last
Выберите правильную глагольную форму (меняя, в случае необходимости, порядок слов): We're none of us … any younger
Выберите правильную глагольную форму (меняя, в случае необходимости, порядок слов): What did he care about when he … back home?
Выберите правильную глагольную форму (меняя, в случае необходимости, порядок слов): You can't read and write What would you be, if you … able to?
Выберите правильную глагольную форму (слегка меняя, в случае необходимости, порядок слов): I received a letter saying that she … through Paris
Выберите правильную грамматическую форму глагола He turned his head as they
Выберите правильную грамматическую форму глагола I have no right anything at all
Выберите правильную грамматическую форму глагола The flat of Hercule Poirot in a modern style
Выберите правильный вариант транскрипции слова «accident»
Выберите правильный вариант транскрипции слова «advantage»
Выберите правильный вариант транскрипции слова «communication»
Выберите правильный вариант транскрипции слова «consciousness»
Выберите правильный вариант транскрипции слова «determination»
Выберите правильный вариант транскрипции слова «insanity»
Выберите правильный вариант транскрипции слова «intelligent»
Выберите правильный вариант транскрипции слова «moustache»
Выберите правильный вариант транскрипции слова «orthodox»
Выберите правильный вариант транскрипции слова «surgeon»
Выберите правильный вариант транскрипции слова «suspicious»
Выберите правильный вариант транскрипции слова “ambassador”:
Выберите правильный вариант транскрипции слова “appearance”:
Выберите правильный вариант транскрипции слова “enthusiasm”:
Выберите правильный вариант транскрипции слова “extinguish”:
Выберите правильный вариант транскрипции слова “magnanimous”:
Выберите правильный вариант транскрипции слова “miscellaneous”:
Выберите правильный вариант транскрипции слова “phonetics”:
Выберите правильный вариант транскрипции слова “prodigious”:
Выберите правильный вариант транскрипции слова “pronunciation”:
Выберите правильный вариант транскрипции слова “provocation”:
Выберите правильный вариант транскрипции слова “sociological”:
Выберите правильный вариант транскрипции слова “vehement”:
Выберите синоним глагола «to bother»
Выберите синоним глагола «to cry»
Выберите синоним глагола «to follow»
Выберите синоним глагола «to investigate»
Выберите синоним глагола «to murder»
Выберите синоним глагола «to realize»
Выберите синоним глагола «to shut»
Выберите синоним глагола «to suggest»
Выберите синоним глагола «to watch»
Выберите синоним глагола “to dare”
Выберите синоним глагола “to imagine”
Выберите синоним глагола “to pretend”
Выберите синоним глагола “to trudge”
Выберите синоним глагола “to utter”
Выберите синоним глагола “to whisper”
Выберите синоним глагола “to worry”
Выберите синоним слова “audible”
Выберите синоним слова “common”
Выберите синоним слова “compulsory”
Выберите синоним слова “creature”
Выберите синоним слова “dear”
Выберите синоним слова “dignity”
Выберите синоним слова “divine”
Выберите синоним слова “evident”
Выберите синоним слова “nonsense”
Выберите синоним слова “purpose”
Выберите синоним слова “remain”
Выберите синоним слова “tenancy”
Выберите синоним слова “wonder”
Выберите синоним слова «entirely»
Выберите синоним слова «reply»
Выберите слово со значением «алтарь»
Выберите слово со значением «бледность»
Выберите слово со значением «бормотать»
Выберите слово со значением «борода»
Выберите слово со значением «веер»
Выберите слово со значением «внешность»
Выберите слово со значением «внимание»
Выберите слово со значением «вырезанный»
Выберите слово со значением «гавань»
Выберите слово со значением «достоинство»
Выберите слово со значением «доступ»
Выберите слово со значением «жалоба» («жалобы»)
Выберите слово со значением «жемчуг»
Выберите слово со значением «жук»
Выберите слово со значением «кисть, ладонь»
Выберите слово со значением «морщина»
Выберите слово со значением «насекомое»
Выберите слово со значением «недоверчиво»
Выберите слово со значением «непредсказуемый»
Выберите слово со значением «обманывать»
Выберите слово со значением «ослаблять»
Выберите слово со значением «отдаленный»
Выберите слово со значением «отчаяние»
Выберите слово со значением «повторять»
Выберите слово со значением «подозрение»
Выберите слово со значением «преимущество»
Выберите слово со значением «признаться»
Выберите слово со значением «проповедь»
Выберите слово со значением «раздражение»
Выберите слово со значением «рассеянно»
Выберите слово со значением «расследовать»
Выберите слово со значением «смирение»
Выберите слово со значением «стая»
Выберите слово со значением «судно, корабль»
Выберите слово со значением «тонкий»
Выберите слово со значением «упрек»
Выберите слово со значением “мешок”
Выберите правильную грамматическую форму глагола I was wondering if a friend of mine here lately
Выберите правильную грамматическую форму глагола I congratulate you Your organization must indeed excellent
Выберите правильную грамматическую форму глагола But at that moment the dog turned its terrible head and
Выберите правильные грамматические формы глаголов I’ve come to you because the man I to for over a year our engagement
Выражение “to peer out” на русский язык переводится как
Вычеркните в каждом из набора вариантов продолжения предложений один, не соответствующий содержанию романа: Biddy grew up
Вычеркните в каждом из набора вариантов продолжения предложений один, не соответствующий содержанию романа: Estella was brought up
Вычеркните в каждом из набора вариантов продолжения предложений один, не соответствующий содержанию романа: Herbert is described as
Вычеркните в каждом из набора вариантов продолжения предложений один, не соответствующий содержанию романа: In the end
Вычеркните в каждом из набора вариантов продолжения предложений один, не соответствующий содержанию романа: Jaggers is
Вычеркните в каждом из набора вариантов продолжения предложений один, не соответствующий содержанию романа: Joe is shown in the novel as
Вычеркните в каждом из набора вариантов продолжения предложений один, не соответствующий содержанию романа: Magwitch is shown as
Вычеркните в каждом из набора вариантов продолжения предложений один, не соответствующий содержанию романа: Miss Havisham, as a child, was
Вычеркните в каждом из набора вариантов продолжения предложений один, не соответствующий содержанию романа: Pip, as he is growing up, is shown as
Вычеркните в каждом из набора вариантов продолжения предложений один, не соответствующий содержанию романа: Wemmick is shown as
Вычеркните неправильное словообразование (слово, которого нет в английском языке):
Вычеркните неправильное словообразование (слово, которого нет в английском языке):
Вычеркните неправильное словообразование (слово, которого нет в английском языке):
Вычеркните неправильное словообразование (слово, которого нет в английском языке):
Вычеркните неправильное словообразование (слово, которого нет в английском языке):
Вычеркните неправильное словообразование (слово, которого нет в английском языке):
Вычеркните неправильное словообразование (слово, которого нет в английском языке):
Вычеркните неправильное словообразование (слово, которого нет в английском языке):
Вычеркните неправильное словообразование (слово, которого нет в английском языке):
Вычеркните неправильное словообразование (слово, которого нет в английском языке):
Вычеркните слова, не подходящие по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слова, не подходящие по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слова, не подходящие по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слова, не подходящие по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слова, не подходящие по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слова, не подходящие по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слова, не подходящие по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слова, не подходящие по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слова, не подходящие по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слова, не подходящие по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слова, не подходящие по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слова, не подходящие по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слова, не подходящие по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слова, не подходящие по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слова, не подходящие по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слова, не подходящие по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слова, не подходящие по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слова, не подходящие по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слова, не подходящие по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слова, не подходящие по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слова, не подходящие по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слово или выражение, не подходящее по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слово или выражение, не подходящее по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слово или выражение, не подходящее по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слово или выражение, не подходящее по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слово или выражение, не подходящее по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слово или выражение, не подходящее по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слово или выражение, не подходящее по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слово или выражение, не подходящее по смыслу к остальным:
Вычеркните слово, не объединяемое с указанным в словосочетание: a country may be
Вычеркните слово, не объединяемое с указанным в словосочетание: a topic can be
Вычеркните слово, не объединяемое с указанным в словосочетание: cogitation may be
Вычеркните слово, не объединяемое с указанным в словосочетание: cunning can be said about
Вычеркните слово, не объединяемое с указанным в словосочетание: dinner can be
Вычеркните слово, не объединяемое с указанным в словосочетание: distant can describe
Вычеркните слово, не объединяемое с указанным в словосочетание: flapping can be said about
Вычеркните слово, не объединяемое с указанным в словосочетание: fluttering can describe
Вычеркните слово, не объединяемое с указанным в словосочетание: furnished can be said of
Вычеркните слово, не объединяемое с указанным в словосочетание: genteel can describe
Вычеркните слово, не объединяемое с указанным в словосочетание: lively can be describe of
Вычеркните слово, не объединяемое с указанным в словосочетание: mist can be
Вычеркните слово, не объединяемое с указанным в словосочетание: one can stir
Вычеркните слово, не объединяемое с указанным в словосочетание: one can waste
Вычеркните слово, не объединяемое с указанным в словосочетание: promising can describe
Вычеркните слово, не объединяемое с указанным в словосочетание: restraint can be
Вычеркните слово, не объединяемое с указанным в словосочетание: smart can describe
Вычеркните слово, не объединяемое с указанным в словосочетание: the attention may be
Глагол “to repudiate” на русский язык переводится как
Глагол “to retort” на русский язык переводится как
Глагол “to insist” на русский язык переводится
Дополните предложение соответственно содержанию текста Admiral Chandler and his friend Colonel Frobisher
Дополните предложение соответственно содержанию текста Dr Andersen was
Дополните предложение соответственно содержанию текста Hugh broke off our engagement because
Дополните предложение соответственно содержанию текста Miss Carnaby had
Дополните предложение соответственно содержанию текста Miss Carnaby refused to help Hercule Poirot, because
Дополните предложение соответственно содержанию текста Miss Lemon was a woman without imagination,
Дополните предложение Current of air in a room, chimney or other enclosed place is called …
Дополните предложение If you knock a man down with your car, and then call him a fool, you are adding insult to …
Дополните предложение Person, walking in a street, is called …
Дополните предложение The way in which the language is spoken is called …
Дополните предложение When something makes or becomes greater in size, number, degree, etc, it means that it …
Дополните предложение When something or somebody causes trouble it or he/she is called …
Дополните предложение When you do something in a right, correct, suitable way you do it …
Дополните предложение When you look closely, as if unable to see well, you …
Дополните предложение When you say that you will have nothing more to do with something or somebody you … it/he/she
Дополните предложение When you take all your attention so that attention is not given to other matters, you are …
Задайте правильно разделительный вопрос The church clock strikes the first quarter,
Задайте правильно разделительный вопрос George Bernard Shaw was more than merely the best comic dramatist of his time,
Задайте правильно разделительный вопрос He said that he could pass the flower girl off as a duchess at an ambassador’s garden party in three months,
Задайте правильно разделительный вопрос Liza picks up the basket and trudges up the alley with it to her lodging,
Задайте правильно разделительный вопрос The note taker’s profession was also his hobby,
Задайте правильно разделительный вопрос The sarcastic bystander could easily tell a person where he or she came from,
Из предложенных слов выберите то, которое отличается от других
Из предложенных слов выберите то, которое отличается от других
Из предложенных слов выберите то, которое отличается от других
Из предложенных слов выберите то, которое отличается от других
Из предложенных слов выберите то, которое отличается от других
Какой частью речи является форма с -ing?: He knew without being told
Какой частью речи является форма с -ing?: It is a most amazing thing
Какой частью речи является форма с -ing?: I apologise for telling something …
Какой частью речи является форма с -ing?: I saw George lunching by himself
Какой частью речи является форма с -ing?: I don’t believe in overloading my stomach
Подберите антоним к глаголу «to meet»
Подберите антоним к глаголу «to worry»
Подберите антоним к слову «always»
Подберите антоним к слову «beautiful»
Подберите антоним к слову «danger»
Подберите антоним к слову «expensive»
Подберите антоним к слову «odd»
Подберите антоним к слову «outsider»
Подберите антоним к слову «resolutely»
Подберите антоним к слову «seldom»
Подберите антоним к слову «sentiment»
Подберите антоним к слову «upwards»
Продолжите предложение соответственно содержанию текста Eliza Doolittle was really in love with
Продолжите предложение соответственно содержанию текста George Bernard Show is
Продолжите предложение соответственно содержанию текста Henry Higgins was
Продолжите предложение соответственно содержанию текста The title of the play is
Продолжите предложение соответственно содержанию текста “Pygmalion” was claimed by Shaw to be
Продолжите предложение соответственно содержанию текста Henry Higgins wanted to teach Liza to speak standard English because
Продолжите предложение соответственно содержанию текста Mrs Pearce is not happy to hear that Professor undertakes to teach Liza proper accent because
Слово «envelope» на русский язык переводится как
Слово «harmless» на русский язык переводится как
Слово «to accept» на русский язык переводится как
Слово «to approach» на русский язык переводится как
Слово «to retire» на русский язык переводится как
Слово «to return» на русский язык переводится как
Слово «unexplained» на русский язык переводится как
Слово “ankle” на русский язык переводится как
Слово “brusquely” на русский язык переводится как
Слово “coyly” на русский язык переводится как
Слово “fit” на русский язык переводится как
Слово “frantically” на русский язык переводится как
Слово “gloomily” на русский язык переводится как
Слово “heartily” на русский язык переводится как
Слово “idle” на русский язык переводится как
Слово “molestation” на русский язык переводится как
Слово “presumptuous” на русский язык переводится как
Слово “queer” на русский язык переводится как
Слово “saucy” на русский язык переводится как
Слово “seldom” на русский язык переводится как
Слово “torrents”на русский язык переводится как
Слово “violently” на русский язык переводится как
Слово “vital” на русский язык переводится как
Укажите антоним каждого из следующих слов: communicative
Укажите антоним каждого из следующих слов: conscientious
Укажите антоним каждого из следующих слов: languor
Укажите антоним каждого из следующих слов: self-asserting
Укажите антоним каждого из следующих слов: ungainly
Укажите синоним каждого из следующих слов: a tramp
Укажите синоним каждого из следующих слов: gaze
Укажите синоним каждого из следующих слов: odd
Укажите синоним каждого из следующих слов: restraint
‘A janitor’ is
‘A queer girl’ is
‘Abominably’ means
‘Bleary eyes’ are
‘Clumsily’ means
‘Dumpy’ means
‘Fascinated’ means
‘Feeble’ means
‘Fee’ is
‘Flat dwellers’ are
‘Heathen’ means
‘Human coherence’ is
‘Obscure’ is
‘Overwhelmingly’ means
‘Perverted’ means
‘Plain-faced’ means
‘Sackcloth’ is
‘Shapely’ means
‘Soiled’ means
‘Spectacled’ means
‘The edge of town’ is
‘To afford’ means
‘To associate’ means
‘To be anxious to please’ means
‘To be bound to win’ means
‘To be content ’ means
‘To be entranced’ means
‘To blink’ means
‘To brake’ means
‘To chip in’ means
‘To clap’ means
‘To consume provisions’ means
‘To draw a conclusion’ means
‘To exchange repartee’ means
‘To fume’ means
‘To hasten’ means
‘To insult smb.’ means
‘To keep the chafing dish bubbling’ means
‘To linger’ means
‘To precede’ means
‘To pulse with a genius’ means
‘To snatch’ means
‘To stagger’ means
‘To vanish’ means
‘To wait upon’ means
‘Tremendous’ means
‘Vaguely’ means
“ filthy” means
“ rotten” means
“ scarce” means
“ sheaf” is
“ steadily” means
“ stove” is
“ to abandon” means
“ to bait” means
“ to bother” means
“ to climb”
“ to cuddle” means
“ to feel low” means
“ to grab” means
“ to invigorate” means
“ to pound” means
“ to put down” means
“ to roar” means
“ to run errands” means
“ to scrutinize” means
“ to shove down” means
“ to tiptoe” means
“ to trip” means
“ vile” means
“ wintry” means
“elaborate” means
“exhilaration” is
“gentle” means
“I’ll have nothing to do with them” said Wash Williams, looking with … eyes at the men who walked along the station platform past the telegraph office.
“pebble” is
“shriek” is
“steep” means
“stern” means
“stuffy” means
“swiftly” means
“to bellow” means
“to blaspheme” means
“to crackle” means
“to discourage” means
“to fall back”
“to fortify” means
“to lie flat” means
“to peek in” means
“to pick on” means
“to run smth.” means
“to smash” means
“to spark” means
“to splash” means
“to stir” means
“to stroke” means
“to undo” means
“wrecked” means
… , George used to tell his friends:
… was a sidesman:
… was going to Milan too .
… was still a great joke at the mess.
… was tall, beautiful, lively, gracious and learned in persiflage.
… was young and blushed easily and wore a uniform like the rest of them but with a cross in dark red velvet above the left breast pocket of his gray tunic.
But this arrangement left Mr. Joseph Sedley tête-à-tête with Rebecca, at the drawing-room, where she was occupied in ...
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