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Дата публикации:2015-03-09 03:09:00
ПКОЯз АНГЛ Практикум по аналитическому чтению и письменной речи - Электронный экзамен

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
Point out correct statements:
Herbert is described as
Point out correct statements:
Biddy grew up
Point out correct statements:
Estella was brought up
Point out correct statements:
In the end
Point out correct statements:
Jaggers is
Point out correct statements:
Joe is shown in the novel as
Point out correct statements:
Magwitch is shown as
Point out correct statements:
Miss Havisham, as a child, was
Point out correct statements:
Pip, as he is growing up, is shown as
Point out correct statements:
Wemmick is shown as
Point out correct statements:
What is a Wop(Canary Row)?
Point out correct statements:
Who was Josh Billings (The Catcher in the Rye)?
Point out correct statements:
Why has Henry (Canary Row) been working on building his boat for the last seven years and hasn’t finished it?
While reading The Catcher in the Rye where we could meet Holden and Phoebe talking…
at the museum
Eliza is unhappy (after the party at an Embassy)
Higgins and Pickering are happy (after the party at an Embassy)
... was the only drink with which unhappy gentlemen soothed the fever of their previous night's potation.
According to Holden, what is a catcher in the rye?
According to the firm’s book Miss Saunders from Special duties was __________(print the position)
After Needle’s death Kathleen said that Needle was lucky because …
After Rinaldi and the major had gone, Federico found that he was _______, but went to sleep.
After Skinny had fallen ill, he was sent to a ________
Algernon came to Jack's country house under the name of...
Algernon's visit to John Worthing's house is a great success for him because he....
Algernon: Indeed, when 1 am in really great trouble, as any one who knows me intimately will tell you, 1 refuse everything except....
Amelia did not speak with Rebecca on the tender subject, she compensated herself with long and intimate conversations with the ...
Among the customers at Bogle’s was a young man named Seeders, who worked in …. .
Angel did not dance with Tess in the May-Day dance because ...
Apprised of her daughter's sudden flight by her (Gwendolen's) trusty maid, Lady Bracknell followed Gwendolen at once....
Asking Amelia questions about her brother Miss Sharp was interested in his ... first of all.
At first, according to Cecily, Jack was going to send his (imaginary) brother to ...
At nineteen Samuel had quit the country and come to town and spent a year in and out the city jail for … .
At the cashier’s desk sits …, cold sordid, slow smouldering and takes your money.
Captain Dobbin easily conveyed Mr. Jos Sedley into a hackney-coach which deposited him safely at ...
Cecily keeps diary to enter ...
Cecily: Miss Prism has just been complaining of ...
Cecily: The next day I bought this little ring in your name and this is the little.... I promised you always to wear.
Cecily: You must not laugh at me, but it had always been a girlish dream of mine to ...
Choose the article for each sentence
Choose the article for each sentence
Choose the article for each situation
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Alison and Nicholas decided to play … a trick.
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Alison, the young carpenter’s wife …. .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Curl was … hair, and as the gold it shone, and spread out as a fan large and broad.
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Daun John had permission to travel outside the boundaries of his abbey because … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Daun John … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Once upon a time a merchant lived … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Once upon a time there lived a rich lout that …
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. One day this hende Nicholas decided to … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Sir Thopas fell in love with … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Sir Thopas was born … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Sir Thopas was … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The carpenter … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The clerk who lived in the carpenter’s house was called … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The merchant had a wife … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The merchant went to Bruges … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The merchant … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The merchant’s wife asked Daun John ____
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The merchant’s wife …. .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The Miller’s Tale is … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The monk was …
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The young knight’s father was … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. The young monk was … .
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. This rich lout was … .
Choose the preposition for each sentence if necessary
Choose the preposition for each sentence
Choose the preposition for each sentence
Choose the preposition for each sentence
Choose the right synonym. in good earnest
Colonel Pickering came back to England
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete each of the sentences according to the text
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. I am glad of your ..., adieu, good Monsieur Melancholy.
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. I would cure you, if you would but call me ...
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. I would I were ..., to catch the strong fellow by the leg.
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. If you outstay the time, upon my honour, you ...
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. Love is merely a ..., and I tell you, deserves as well a dark house and a whip as a madmen do.
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. O, ominous! He comes to kill my ...
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. Shall we part, sweet girl? No, let my father seek another ...
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. Still we went ... and inseparable
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. The people ... her for her virtues.
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. The worst fault you have is ...
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. There lay he, stretched along, like a wounded ...
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. Unless you could teach me to forget a ... father.
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. What’s that to me? My father was no ...
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. Why, whither shall we go? To ... my uncle in the forest of Arden.
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. Will thou ... fathers? I will give thee mine.
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. Young man, have you ... Charles the wrestler?
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. Your accent is something ... than you could purchase in so removed a dwelling.
Complete the sentence according to the text: Admiral Chandler and his friend Colonel Frobisher
Complete the sentence according to the text: Dr Andersen was
Complete the sentence according to the text: Eliza Doolittle was really in love with
Complete the sentence according to the text: Hugh broke off our engagement because
Complete the sentence according to the text: Miss Carnaby had
Complete the sentence according to the text: Miss Carnaby refused to help Herculc Poirot, because
Complete the sentence according to the text: Miss Lemon was a woman without imagination,
Complete the sentence according to the text: Mrs. Pearce is not happy to hear that Professor undertakes to teach Liza proper accent because
Complete the sentence according to the text: The title of the play is ironic
Crick, the master-dairyman, was ...
Cross out the odd word:
Cross out the odd word:
Cross out the odd word:
Cross out the odd word:
Cross out the odd word:
Cross out the odd word:
Cross out the odd word:
Cross out the odd word:
Cross out the odd word:
Cross out the odd word:
Cross out the odd word:
Cross out the odd word:
During the war Kathleen had been engaged to ______
Everyone kept telling Needle she was ______
Federico and the others were side-tracked for a long time that side of Mestre and ______ came and peeked in.
Federico got a little boy to go for _____, but he came back and said he could only get grappa.
Federico said that _______ are a wonderful little people, fond of dancing and light red wines.
Federico was put in the field hospital because ____ .
Garden at the Manor House, an old fashioned one full of...
George could not divorce Matilda, because …
George kept a … in Durban:
George killed Needle because …
George took charge of Amelia and she looked as happy as a ...
George was taken to a nursing home, because he …
George went to the police and gave himself up after …
Gino said where it really had been hell was at … and the attack beyond Lom that had gone bad.
Having arrived to Jack's house Lady Bracknell tells Jack that all _____ between him and her daughter must cease immediately.
Henry Higgins was ________ (position)
Henry Higgins met Eliza in the portico of ______
Holden never hid in Phoebe's room …
How did Doc find out that there was to be a birthday party for him?
How did Joey’s father commit suicide?
How did Mack “accidentally” find out Doc’s birthday?
How long does the treatment continue at Quitters, Inc.?
In 1862 Hardy went to London to work as ...
In The Importance of Being Earnest Algernon loved __________(print the first name)
In The Importance of Being Earnest Cecily loved __________(print the first name)
In The Importance of Being Earnest Jack loved __________(print the first name and the surname)
In The Importance of Being Earnest Gwendolen loved __________(print the first name and the surname)
Increasingly harsh attacks by critics on his "pessimism" and "immorality" in the later novels led Hardy...
Instead of money, with what did Mack and the boys buy products from Lee Chong?
It is in … that we become Christian.
It was strange for Federico to go up the slope where the … had been, beyond the place on the river where he had been wounded.
It was … when the priest came in. (A Farewell to Arms )
It was … who had actually sent the boy (Samuel) to Jefferson in the first place: he had caught the boy breaking into his commissary store and ordered him off the place.
Jack came back to his country-house from London long before Monday afternoon in order to announce that his (imaginary) brother ...
Jack liked to spend his Sundays ...
Jack: But you don't really mean to say that you couldn't love me if my name wasn't...?
Jack: Well, the only small satisfaction 1 have in the whole of this wretched business is that your friend Bunbury is quite....
Joe Larrabee sold the water-color of the obelisk to
Joe Larrabee was pulsing with a genius for
John Durbeyfield was a ________ (profession)
John Durbeyfield was prepared to sell his title for ... pound
John Durbeyfield was what was locally called a ________
Jos almost drew away the audience who were gathered round the musicians and received from hearers a ...
Kathleen’s aunt lived in ____
Lady Bracknell to Cecily: Dear child, of course you know that Algernon has nothing but his....
Lady Bracknell: "Fortunately in England education ..."
Lady Bracknell: I merely desire information. Until yesterday I had no idea that there were any families or persons whose origin was a ...
Leave out the odd word, list the others
Leave out the odd word, list the others
Leave out the odd word, list the others
Leave out the odd word, list the others
Leave out the odd word, list the others
Leave out the odd word, list the others
Leave out the odd word, list the others
Leave out the odd word, list the others
Leave out the odd word, list the others
Leave out the odd word, list the others
Leave out the odd word, list the others
Leave out the odd word, list the others
Leave out the odd word, list the others
Leave out the odd word, list the others
Leave out the odd word, list the others
Leave out the odd word, list the others
Leave out the odd word, list the others
Leave out the odd word, list the others
Leave out the odd word, list the others
Leave out the odd word, list the others
Leave out the odd word, list the others
Leave out the odd word, list the others
Leave out the odd word, list the others
Leave out the odd word, list the others
Leave out the odd word
Leave out the odd word
Leave out the odd word
Leave out the odd word
Leave out the odd word
Leave out the odd word
Leave out the odd word
Leave out the odd word
Leave out the odd word
Leave out the odd word
Leave out the odd word
Leave out the odd word
Leave out the odd word
Leave out the odd word
Leave out the odd word
Leave out the odd word
Leave out the odd word
Leave out the odd word
Leave out the odd word
Leave out the odd word
Leave out the odd word
Lisa would like to get rid of her Cockney
Match each word with its translation
Match each word with its translation
Match each word with its translation
Match each word with its translation
Match each word with its translation
Match each word with its translation
Match each word with its translation
Match the words with their meanings
Match the words with their translation
Match the words with their translation
Match the words with their translation
Match the words with their translation
Match the words with their translation
Match the words with their translation
McCann's wife's name is:
Miss Prism says she ...
Miss Worsham lived alone in the … house her father had left her.
Mollie Beauchamp was staying in town … .
Morrison's wife's name is:
Mr. Crick called Angel Clare ...
Mrs. d'Urberville's handwriting: seemed rather ...
Needle got her nickname, because …
Needle happened to be alone in the empty house of Kathleen’s aunt, because ____
Needle thought of her type of luck after _____
Needle thought that George needed _____
Needle went to the Portobello Road …
Needle’s Rhodesian friends referred to Matilda as …
Noble people in Pigmalion are:
On the whole Tess spent at Trantridge poultry-farm about...
On their way from Miss Pinkerton's institution to Miss Amelia Sedley's home Rebecca and Amelia were talking about...
Point out correct statements (3):
Point out correct statements (3):
Point out correct statements (A Farewell to Arms):
Point out correct statements(A Farewell to Arms):
Point out correct statements:
Point out correct statements:
Point out correct statements:
Point out correct statements:
Point out correct statements:
Point out correct statements:
Point out correct statements:
Point out correct statements:
Point out correct statements:
Point out correct statements:
Point out correct statements:
Point out correct statements:
Point out correct statements:
Point out correct statements:
Point out correct statements:
Point out correct statements:
Point out correct statements:
Point out correct statements:
Point out correct statements:
Point out correct statements:
Point out correct statements:
Point out correct statements:
Point out correct statements:
Point out correct statements:
Point out correct statements:
Point out correct statements:
Point out correct statements:
Point out the word not going with dinner
Point out the word not going with distant
Point out the word not going with fluttering
Point out the word not going with furnished
Point out the word not going with genteel
Point out the word not going with lively
Point out the word not going with mist
Point out the word not going with promising
Point out the word not going with restraint
Point out the word not going with smart
Point out the word not going with topic
Professor Higgins undertakes to teach Liza proper accent
Quitters, Inc. is located on:
Rebecca: «And your sister is the ... ; happy man who wins her».
T Hardy was born in ...
Tess had to take the beehives to market because ...
Tess told her mother that Alec d'Urberville called her __________
Tess's full name was __________(print the first name and the surname)
The accident happened to Prince and the mail-cart because ...
The action of shipman’s tale in The Canterbury Tales takes place in
The action of Go down, Moses takes place in _______(month)
The author of A Service of Love is __________(print the first name and the surname)
The author of Destructors is _____________ (print the first name and the surname)
The author of German Harry is __________________ (print the first name and the surname).
The author of Macbeth is __________(print the first name and the surname)
The author of The Ant and the Grasshopper is _________________ (print the first name and the surname)
The author of Special duties is ________ (print the first name and the surname)
The author of Тhе Labours of Hercules is __________(print the first name and the surname)
The author of Тhе Nemean Lion is ________________ (print the first name and the surname).
The author of A brief Debut of Tildy is __________(print the first name and the surname)
The author of A Farewell to Arms is __________(print the first name and the surname)
The author of A Farewell to Arms is __________(print the first name and the surname)
The author of As You Like It is __________(print the first name and the surname)
The author of Go down, Moses is __________(print the first name and the surname)
The author of Great Expectations is __________(print the first name and the surname)
The author of Pygmalion is ___________ (print the first name and the surname)
The author of Quitters, Inc. is __________(print the first name and the surname)
The author of Quitters, Inc. is __________(print the first name and the surname)
The author of Respectability is __________(print the first name and the surname)
The author of Special duties is ____________ (print the first name and the surname)
The author of The Black Madonna is __________ (print the first name and the surname)
The author of The Canterbury Tales is __________(print the first name and the surname)
The author of The Canterbury Tales is __________(print the first name and the surname)
The author of The Catcher in the Rye is __________(print the first name and the surname)
The author of The Creatan Bull is ______________ (print the first name and the surname)
The author of The Importance of Being Earnest is _________ (print the first name and the surname)
The author of The Portobello Road is ___________ (print the first name and the surname)
The author of Vanity Fair is __________(print the first name and the surname)
The author of The Catcher in the Rye is __________(print the first name and the surname)
The author of The Flock of Gerion is __________ (print the first name and the surname)
The Brigade had received orders that …. should be held no matter what happened. (A Farewell to Arms)
The character of The Portobello Road George was married to __________(print the first name)
The characters of the play are gathered together because
The characters of The Black Madonna Henry and Oxford were from ________
The customers at Bogle’s were Aileen’s … .
The Flower girl (Eliza) is introduced as
The ganre of As You Like It is _________
The ganre of Macbeth is a _________
The ganre of Pygmalion is a _________
The hero of A Service of Love is __________(print the first name)
The hero of German Harry had been an able _______ on a sailing vessel in his youth (profession).
The hero of German Harry is a __________ (position in social life).
The hero of Тhе Labours of Hercules is __________(print the first name and the surname)
The hero of Тhе Nemean Lion is a dog called __________(print the first name and the surname)
The hero of Great Expectations is __________(print the first name)
The hero of Pygmalion is __________(print the first name and the surname)
The hero of Special duties is __________(print the first name and the surname)
The hero of The Black Madonna is __________(print the first name and the surname)
The hero of The Creatan Bull is a young man __________(print the first name and the surname)
The hero of Respectability is __________(print the first name and the surname)
The heroine of A Service of Love is __________(print the first name)
The heroine of Тhе Nemean Lion is __________(print the first name and the surname)
The heroine of A brief Debut of Tildy is a _______ (profession)
The heroine of Pygmalion is __________(print the first name and the surname)
The heroine of The Black Madonna is __________(print the first name and the surname)
The heroine of The Creatan Bull is __________(print the first name and the surname)
The heroine of Vanity Fair is __________(print the first name and the surname)
The Miller’s tale is a fabliau, that means a
The murder of Needle was known as …
The narrator (A Farewell to Arms) had expected the Bainsizza to be ….
The narrator (A Farewell to Arms) lived ________
The needs of Bogle’s customers were supplied by … .
The new leader of the gang in Destructors is __________(print the first name)
The Note taker proves to be
The perambulator contained..., but the baby wasn't there.
The real leader of the gang in Destructors has been __________(print the first name)
The superintendent had put Wash into the obscure office at Winesburg to avoid discharging him, and he meant … .
The tale of Sir Thopas is a ________ of the metrical romances
The villain in Destructors is __________(print the first name)
The villain in The Flock of Gerion is __________ (print the abbreviation of the title and the surname)
The villain of The Creatan Bull is ___________ (print the title and the surname)
The Voice at Bogle came from the kitchen and … .
The Voice contented itself with vain repetitions of exclamations emitted by … concerning food.
The words can be formed from the word heart.
The words __________ can be formed from the word good
The words ___________ can be formed from the word ill
The words ___________ can be formed from the word rest
The words ___________ can be formed with the suffix -ly.
The words ____________ are formed correctly.
The words _____________ can be formed from the word child.
The words ______________ can be formed from the word
The words _______________ are formed correctly.
The ‘ant’ in The Ant and the Grasshopper is __________(print the first name and the surname)
The ‘grasshopper’ in The Ant and the Grasshopper is __________(print the first name and the surname)
The … has wisdom, because he is defeated from the start.
There was much … among the steady customers at Bogle’s.
They who had finished eating ate more that they might … .
Tildy was a good waitress and the men … her.
To Needle the main attraction of marrying Skinny was …
To prove that George had absolutly no motive in killing Needle, Kathleen told the police that _______
To- believe Miss Prism the Primitive Church has not lasted up to the present days because it....
Upon each table at Bogle’s stands the counterfeit of that benign sauce made … .
Upset by the refusal of Jack and Algernon to be baptized Chasuble says he must go at once as he has just been informed by the pew-opener that for the last hour and a half ... has been waiting for him in the vestry.
What color of hair does Dora have?
What did Darling become sick with?
What did Donatti do to the rabbit?
What did Donatti do with Morrison's cigarettes on his second visit to Quitters, Inc.?
What did Dora’s girls use to fend off the uninvited guests at Doc’s party?
What did Frankie steal from the store?
What did Henri give Doc for his birthday?
What did Holden offer Sally?
What did Mrs. Malloy give Doc for his birthday?
What did Sam Malloy give Doc on his birthday?
What didn’t Holden discuss with the two nuns?
What does McCann give Morrison at the bar at the airport?
What does Morrison give to the old man at Dempsey's bar?
What happened to James Castle?
What happens if Morrison puts on weight?
What is a hinge?
What is a “galley” on a boat or ship?
What is Holden's sister's name?
What is Mort Minelli's nickname?
What is Phoebe's real middle name?
What is the English equivalent to “медуза”?
What is the name of the record Holden bought for Phoebe?
What middle name does Phoebe use?
What relationship do Morrison and McCann have between them?
What was Doc collecting in La Jolla?
What was Holden looking for in Central Park?
What was Mrs. Antolini wearing when Holden arrived?
What wasn’t Holden looking for in Central Park?
What were the boys doing during the parade?
When Angel met Joan Durbeyfield for the first time he observed she was ...
When George returned home from Africa, Kathleen thought he _____
When George told Needle that he was going to marry Kathleen, she said it would have been …
When is St. Patrick’s Day?
When Liza comes to see Professor Higgins
When Needle saw George in the Portobello Road for the first time, he …
When one loves ones Art no service seems ….
When Rebecca saw the two magnificent Cashmere shawls which Joseph Sedley had brought to his sister she said that....
Where did Holden want to work instead of going to another school?
Which of the following does Holden dislike?
Whilom means ___________
Who did Morrison meet at the bar at Kennedy International?
Who gave Doc a rowing machine for his birthday?
Who had an ulcer?
Who had lung cancer?
Who is Mrs. Casini?
Who or what did Holden like?
Whose words are these: If a Body Meet a Body Coming through the Rye!
Why did Doc hit Mack several times in the mouth?
Why did Phoebe think that her father would kill Holden?
Why did Richard Frost leave the house in the middle of the night?
Why did the hitchhiker get out of Doc’s car on the way to La Jolla?
Why did women always leave Henri?
Why didn’t Doc come to his first party?
Why doesn't McCann tell Morrison how the treatment at Quitters, Inc. works?
Why was McCann's wife's finger cut off?
_____ was still a great joke at the mess. (A Farewell to Arms )
_______ was going to Milan too. (A Farewell to Arms)
________ won the fighting that summer
«He is very kind and good,» Amelia said to Rebecca about her brother Joseph, but... ».
«How are you, Sedley?» , that young wag began. «There's a ... downstairs with a black eye and tied-up head».
«My poor papa», Rebecca said to Amelia, «could give me nothing, and I had but... in all the world».
“ sheaf” is
“ to feel low” means
“ to shove down” means
“I’ll have nothing to do with them” said Wash Williams, looking with … eyes at the men who walked along the station platform past the telegraph office.
“to undo” means
Match antonyms
Match synonyms
Match the synonyms
Match the synonyms
Match the synonyms
Match the synonyms
Match the synonyms
Match the synonyms
Match the synonyms
Point out correct statements:
Sandbourne was ...
«Good Heavens! Dobbin, where have you been?», Osborne said, seizing the ... from his friend's arm.
Мг. Sedley could not endure his son's ...
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