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Дата публикации:2015-03-09 03:08:59
ПКОЯз АНГЛ Практикум по аналитическому чтению и письменной речи - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
Doc made what seemed to be chicken stew. What was it really made of?
For how long had Doc told the waitress that he had been drinking beer milk-shakes?
How did Doc find out that there was to be a birthday party for him?
How did Joey’s father commit suicide?
How did Mack “accidentally” find out Doc’s birthday?
How many miles away is La Jolla from Monterey?
How many times a year does Mrs. Talbot usually celebrate her birthday?
How much was the bet between Doc and Richard Frost?
How was Doc’s shirt torn at the party?
In La Jolla, besides octopi and cradles, what else did Doc find?
Instead of money, with what did Mack and the boys buy products from Lee Chong?
Of the following, which did Darling not chew up?
What color of bow did Darling wear to the party?
What color of hair did the waitress have?
What color of hair does Dora have?
What did Darling become sick with?
What did Dora’s girls use to fend off the uninvited guests at Doc’s party?
What did Frankie steal from the store?
What did Henri give Doc for his birthday?
What did Joey and Willard find in the gutter?
What did Mrs. Malloy give Doc for his birthday?
What did Mrs. Talbot say happened to her great-great-great-great-great grandmother?
What did Sam Malloy give Doc on his birthday?
What did the boys do with the gas in the Model-T after they returned it to Lee Chong?
What did the gopher lose after the fight with the bull gopher?
What had accidentally been eaten at Doc’s birthday party?
What happened to the cake that Eddie baked?
What happened to the police car?
What is a hinge?
What is a rattlesnake?
What is a “galley” on a boat or ship?
What is Indian wrestling?
What is one unit of lettuce called?
What is the English equivalent to “медуза”?
What was Doc collecting in La Jolla?
What was Kitty Randolph doing when Mrs. Talbot invited her over for tea?
What was Mrs. Casini doing when Mrs. Talbot invited her over for tea?
What was Phyllis Mae recovering from?
What was the previous record for skating on a flag pole?
What was the unusual drink that Doc ordered from the waitress?
What were the boys doing during the parade?
What would have Doc received if he had reported the dead body to the authorities?
When is Doc’s actual birthday?
When is St. Patrick’s Day?
Where did Henri meet his last girlfriend?
Which of the following did Doc not buy at the Thrift Market?
Which of the following doesn’t belong to the list?
Which of the following is not considered a bad omen (supersticious) in America?
Who did Henri think he saw killed on his boat?
Who gave Doc a rowing machine for his birthday?
Who house-trained Darling?
Who is Mrs. Casini?
Why did Doc hit Mack several times in the mouth?
Why did it always take Doc a long time to travel anywhere?
Why did Richard Frost leave the house in the middle of the night?
Why did the hitchhiker get out of Doc’s car on the way to La Jolla?
Why did the sheriff let Gay out of jail?
Why did women always leave Henri?
Why didn’t Doc come to his first party?
With whom did Gay arrive at the party?
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