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Отправка файла на e-mail

Имя файла:0098.09.03;МТ.01;3
Размер:104 Kb
Дата публикации:2015-03-09 03:09:00
ПКОЯз. Англ. Профкурс (юридический) - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
Choose the right translation: заключение
Choose the right translation: заключение
Choose the right translation: bill of lading
Choose the right translation: bill of lading
Choose the right translation: byproduct
Choose the right translation: byproduct
Choose the right translation: delay
Choose the right translation: delay
Choose the right translation: insurance policy
Choose the right translation: insurance policy
Choose the right translation: integral
Choose the right translation: integral
Choose the right translation: invoice
Choose the right translation: invoice
Choose the right translation: marking
Choose the right translation: marking
Choose the right translation: payment
Choose the right translation: payment
Choose the right translation: penalty
Choose the right translation: penalty
Choose the right translation: shipment
Choose the right translation: shipment
Choose the right translation: specification
Choose the right translation: specification
Choose the right translation: supplement
Choose the right translation: supplement
Choose the right translation: total amount
Choose the right translation: total amount
Choose the right translation: transfer
Choose the right translation: transfer
Choose the right translation: value
Choose the right translation: value
Choose the right translation: ассортимент
Choose the right translation: ассортимент
Choose the right translation: банковские расходы (сборы)
Choose the right translation: банковские расходы (сборы)
Choose the right translation: в дальнейшем
Choose the right translation: в дальнейшем
Choose the right translation: готовность
Choose the right translation: готовность
Choose the right translation: грузополучатель
Choose the right translation: грузополучатель
Choose the right translation: дружественно
Choose the right translation: дружественно
Choose the right translation: качество
Choose the right translation: качество
Choose the right translation: конкурент
Choose the right translation: конкурент
Choose the right translation: коносамент
Choose the right translation: коносамент
Choose the right translation: монопольное право
Choose the right translation: монопольное право
Choose the right translation: недопоставка
Choose the right translation: недопоставка
Choose the right translation: общая стоимость
Choose the right translation: общая стоимость
Choose the right translation: пени
Choose the right translation: пени
Choose the right translation: подтверждать
Choose the right translation: подтверждать
Choose the right translation: порт назначения
Choose the right translation: порт назначения
Choose the right translation: поставка
Choose the right translation: поставка
Choose the right translation: претензии
Choose the right translation: претензии
Choose the right translation: расходы
Choose the right translation: расходы
Choose the right translation: свободно вдоль борта
Choose the right translation: свободно вдоль борта
Choose the right translation: склад
Choose the right translation: склад
Choose the right translation: ссылаться
Choose the right translation: ссылаться
Choose the right translation: страхование
Choose the right translation: страхование
Choose the right translation: счет-фактура
Choose the right translation: счет-фактура
Choose the right translation: убытки
Choose the right translation: убытки
Fill in prepositions. According … the contract, payment is to be made … cash
Fill in prepositions. According … the contract, payment is to be made … cash
Fill in prepositions. After signing the present contract all previous negotiations and correspondence between the parties … connection … it shall be considered null and void
Fill in prepositions. After signing the present contract all previous negotiations and correspondence between the parties … connection … it shall be considered null and void
Fill in prepositions. All aditions … the Contract are to be made … writing
Fill in prepositions. All aditions … the Contract are to be made … writing
Fill in prepositions. All disputes arising … the contract or … connection with it are to be settled by arbitration
Fill in prepositions. All disputes arising … the contract or … connection with it are to be settled by arbitration
Fill in prepositions. All expenses connected … the opening of the L/C are to be borne … the Buyer
Fill in prepositions. All expenses connected … the opening of the L/C are to be borne … the Buyer
Fill in prepositions. Discharge … the goods shall be … the Buyers’ expense
Fill in prepositions. Discharge … the goods shall be … the Buyers’ expense
Fill in prepositions. Discharging operations could not be carried out owing … circumstances which did not depend … the tanker
Fill in prepositions. Discharging operations could not be carried out owing … circumstances which did not depend … the tanker
Fill in prepositions. Each package will be provided … marking
Fill in prepositions. Each package will be provided … marking
Fill in prepositions. For the rest we leave this matter … your hands
Fill in prepositions. For the rest we leave this matter … your hands
Fill in prepositions. If the L/C is not opened … time, the Buyers are to pay the Sellers a fine … each day of delay.
Fill in prepositions. If the L/C is not opened … time, the Buyers are to pay the Sellers a fine … each day of delay.
Fill in prepositions. Payment is to be made … an irrevocable Z/C to be opened … favour of the Selbrs
Fill in prepositions. Payment is to be made … an irrevocable Z/C to be opened … favour of the Selbrs
Fill in prepositions. The awards … this Arbitration shall be final and binding … both parties concerned
Fill in prepositions. The awards … this Arbitration shall be final and binding … both parties concerned
Fill in prepositions. The Buyers are not entitled to resell the goods sold … them under the Contract to a third party … Sellers’ previous consent
Fill in prepositions. The Buyers are not entitled to resell the goods sold … them under the Contract to a third party … Sellers’ previous consent
Fill in prepositions. The Buyers represented a claim … the Sellers … non-conformity with the goods … the present Contract
Fill in prepositions. The Buyers represented a claim … the Sellers … non-conformity with the goods … the present Contract
Fill in prepositions. The Captain gave the Seller’s representative a written notice … readiness of the tanker … loading
Fill in prepositions. The Captain gave the Seller’s representative a written notice … readiness of the tanker … loading
Fill in prepositions. The cargo is to be accepted … the Buyers … respect … quantity.
Fill in prepositions. The cargo is to be accepted … the Buyers … respect … quantity.
Fill in prepositions. The contract was concluded between V/O “Rossexport” … the one part and Messrs A.B. Smith and Co. … the other part
Fill in prepositions. The contract was concluded between V/O “Rossexport” … the one part and Messrs A.B. Smith and Co. … the other part
Fill in prepositions. The damages were calculated … the rate … 0,5%.
Fill in prepositions. The damages were calculated … the rate … 0,5%.
Fill in prepositions. The goods are bought … f.o.b. terms
Fill in prepositions. The goods are bought … f.o.b. terms
Fill in prepositions. The goods are ordered … export from the UK … Russia
Fill in prepositions. The goods are ordered … export from the UK … Russia
Fill in prepositions. The goods must be passed … the Buyers’ Inspector … shipment
Fill in prepositions. The goods must be passed … the Buyers’ Inspector … shipment
Fill in prepositions. The guarantee doesn’t apply … rapidly wearing parts
Fill in prepositions. The guarantee doesn’t apply … rapidly wearing parts
Fill in prepositions. The L/C is to be established … the full value … each lot to be shipped under the contract
Fill in prepositions. The L/C is to be established … the full value … each lot to be shipped under the contract
Fill in prepositions. The L/C is to be opened … 15 days before the agreed time … shipment of the goods
Fill in prepositions. The L/C is to be opened … 15 days before the agreed time … shipment of the goods
Fill in prepositions. The oil was insured … usual marine risks
Fill in prepositions. The oil was insured … usual marine risks
Fill in prepositions. The Sellers have the right to refuse to consider any claim represented by the Buyers … the expiration of two months of the date of the B/L
Fill in prepositions. The Sellers have the right to refuse to consider any claim represented by the Buyers … the expiration of two months of the date of the B/L
Fill in prepositions. The Sellers substituted the tanker “Baku” … the tanker “Ashkabad”
Fill in prepositions. The Sellers substituted the tanker “Baku” … the tanker “Ashkabad”
Fill in prepositions. The tests shall not free the Suppliers … their liabilities
Fill in prepositions. The tests shall not free the Suppliers … their liabilities
Fill in prepositions. The weight shown … the Bill of Lading is binding … both parties
Fill in prepositions. The weight shown … the Bill of Lading is binding … both parties
Fill in prepositions. This offer is subject … immediate acceptance
Fill in prepositions. This offer is subject … immediate acceptance
Fill in prepositions. This will balance our account … you … the whole contract
Fill in prepositions. This will balance our account … you … the whole contract
Fill in prepositions. We agree … the quantities stated
Fill in prepositions. We agree … the quantities stated
Fill in prepositions. We are also … negotiation … the tonnage for late November loading
Fill in prepositions. We are also … negotiation … the tonnage for late November loading
Fill in prepositions. We are … urgent need … the goods
Fill in prepositions. We are … urgent need … the goods
Fill in prepositions. We hope that you will be able to supply us … two barrels more of caviar
Fill in prepositions. We hope that you will be able to supply us … two barrels more of caviar
Fill in prepositions. We must insist … your nominating a steamer … October
Fill in prepositions. We must insist … your nominating a steamer … October
Fill in prepositions. We regret that no mention is made … your letter … loadings during October
Fill in prepositions. We regret that no mention is made … your letter … loadings during October
Fill in prepositions. We will cable you the name and the capacity of the tanker … 5 days before her arrival … Batumi
Fill in prepositions. We will cable you the name and the capacity of the tanker … 5 days before her arrival … Batumi
Fill in prepositions. Will you kindly send us a cheque … this amount
Fill in prepositions. Will you kindly send us a cheque … this amount
Fill in prepositions. … accordance … the terms of the contract the goods were delivered in time
Fill in prepositions. … accordance … the terms of the contract the goods were delivered in time
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: gross weight
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: gross weight
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: January
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: January
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: letter of credit
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: letter of credit
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: limited
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: limited
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: marine insurance policy
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: marine insurance policy
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: Messieurs
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: Messieurs
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: Mister
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: Mister
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: nota bene
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: nota bene
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: November
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: November
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: ocean bill of lading
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: ocean bill of lading
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: October
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: October
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: pay on delivery
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: pay on delivery
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: port of call
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: port of call
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: quality
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: quality
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: quantity
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: quantity
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: Telegraphic transfer
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: Telegraphic transfer
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: that is
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: that is
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: trust receipt
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: trust receipt
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: vice-president
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases: vice-president
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases:versus
Give the right abbreviation to the following words and phrases:versus
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