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Имя файла:0097.18.06;МТ.01;1
Размер:104 Kb
Дата публикации:2015-03-09 03:08:59
ПКОЯз. Английский язык. Домашнее чтение - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
According to Holden, what is a catcher in the rye?
After Holden left the Antolini’s where did he go?
After Holden left the skating rink, what did he eat?
After Holden left the skating rink, where did he go to eat?
Holden and Phoebe see at the zoo:
Holden thought the piano player in the Wicker Bar was:
How did Holden inform his sister that he wanted to meet her at lunch time?
How did Holden put his cigarette out in Phoebe’s room?
How much money did Phoebe give Holden?
Luce’s girlfriend is:
What did Castle borrow from Holden?
What did Holden and Phoebe do in Bloomingdale’s?
What did Holden buy for Phoebe?
What did Holden discuss with the two nuns?
What did Holden do each time he ordered a drink at the Wicker Bar?
What did Holden do in the bathroom at the Wicker Bar?
What did Holden forget at the Antolini’s?
What did Holden give the two nuns?
What did Holden offer Sally?
What did Holden try to rub off on the stairs?
What did Holden want to do for Sally?
What did Holden want to give the coat-check girl at the Wicker Bar?
What did Holden’s mother have when she got home?
What did Holden’s parents say to him when they got home?
What did Luce enjoy drinking?
What did Luce used to know a lot about?
What did Mr. Antolini offer Holden?
What did Mrs. Antolini offer Holden?
What did Phoebe bring with her when she met Holden at the museum?
What did Phoebe do with the record Holden bought her?
What did Phoebe eat for dinner?
What did Phoebe put on her head when she became angry with Holden?
What did Phoebe’s mother accuse her of doing?
What did Stabile do to Castle?
What did the nuns teach?
What did the two boys want to see at the museum?
What does swanky mean?
What does it mean to barge in?
What does it mean to cut classes?
What does it mean to get the ax?
What does it mean to give somebody a buzz?
What does it mean to kill time?
What does it mean to stick to one’s guns?
What does it mean to horse around?
What happened to Holden while Phoebe was on the carrousel?
What happened to James Castle?
What happened to the record?
What is a skate key?
What is Holden’s sister’s name?
What is Luce’s first name?
What is Oral Expression?
What is Phoebe’s real middle name?
What is the Great Gatsby?
What is the name of the record Holden bought for Phoebe?
What is the profession of Luce’s father?
What is wrong with the Caulfields’ maid?
What middle name does Phoebe use?
What movie scene was D.B. writing?
What ride did Phoebe take in the park?
What was Holden afraid of dying from?
What was Holden looking for in Central Park?
What was Holden’s favorite part of an orchestra?
What was Holden’s favorite part of the museum?
What was Mrs. Antolini wearing when Holden arrived?
What was Phoebe studying in geography?
What was Phoebe wearing when Holden got home?
What was printed on Phoebe’s pajamas?
What was the name of Holden’s dog?
What was the name of the play in which Phoebe was to perform?
What was the «100-year old man» looking for in the bathroom?
What’s a half gainer?
What’s the only thing Holden likes?
When Holden left his apartment he left by way of:
Where did Allie die?
Where did Holden and Phoebe go after they met at the museum?
Where did Holden hide in Phoebe’s room?
Where did Holden keep his bags?
Where did Holden sleep at the Antolini’s?
Where did Holden want to work instead of going to another school?
Where does The Catcher in the Rye get its name?
Where was Phoebe sleeping when Holden came home?
Where were Holden’s parents when he returned home?
Which of the following does Holden dislike?
Who are the Caulfields’ neighbors?
Who are the Rockettes?
Who carried the student away that committed suicide?
Who was Mr. Antolini?
Who was the regular elevator operator in Holden’s building?
Who were the French singers at the Wicker Bar?
Who wrote If a Body Meet a Body Coming through the Rye?
Whom did Holden meet at the skating rink?
Whom did Holden meet while having breakfast?
Why did Holden become frightened of Mr. Antolini?
Why did Holden fall in the pond in Central Park?
Why did Holden feel sick in Central Park?
Why did Phoebe give Holden money?
Why did Phoebe think that her father would kill Holden?
With whom did Phoebe go to the movies?
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