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ПКОЯз. Англ. Профкурс (юридический) - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
A self-employed person can be engaged under a contract. What type of contract is it?
Choose the right prepositions. ... addition ... this his accounts are subject ... a yearly audit ... a professional accountant.
Choose the right prepositions. ... receiving the goods ... his carriage the carrier shall send ... demand ... shipper issue to the shipper and bill of lading.
Choose the right prepositions. ... spite ... the defected fixtures, the price ... the machine remains unchanged.
Choose the right prepositions. A contract for sale of goods is an agreement ... which the Seller transfers or agrees to transfer the property ... goods ... the buyer ... a money consideration.
Choose the right prepositions. An agent is someone who is employed ... a principal to make contracts ... his behalf ... third parties.
Choose the right prepositions. Banks provide a wide range ... financial services ... the commercial customer ... current accounts.
Choose the right prepositions. Consumer hire agreements are covered ... the provisions ... the Consumer Credit Act 1974.
Choose the right prepositions. Consumers usually find himself ... a weak bargaining position victims ... every one- sided contract.
Choose the right prepositions. Contracts ... work and materials are now subject ... the supply ... goods and services Act 1982.
Choose the right prepositions. If you agree with this price we shall be prepared to place the order ... your company.
Choose the right prepositions. It is usual to prepare bills of loading ... two or more parts and to send them ... the consignee ... separate mails.
Choose the right prepositions. Our engineers were favourably impressed ... the performance ... the Milling Machine.
Choose the right prepositions. Payment will be made ... effective pounds sterling’s ... London ... the Moscow Narodny Bank Ltd.
Choose the right prepositions. Sellers shall arrange ... a first class British bank to guarantee the refund ... this initial payment.
Choose the right prepositions. The balance ... 90% respect ... each consignment shall be paid.
Choose the right prepositions. The bill of loading is a receipt ... the goods and is also evidence ... the contract ... carriage.
Choose the right prepositions. The Buyers shall pay ... advance 10% ... the total contract value.
Choose the right prepositions. The contract ... the sale ... Wheat will be drawn ... ... our Brokers.
Choose the right prepositions. The contract was signed ... Mr A. D. Brown ... Messrs Brown and Co, Ltd.
Choose the right prepositions. The cost ... transporting the equipment ... Birmingham amounts ... $150.
Choose the right prepositions. The delay ... the vessel occured ... no fault ... the Sellers.
Choose the right prepositions. The financial services industry is subject ... a system ... regulation established ... the Financial Services Act 1986.
Choose the right prepositions. The goods will be shipped immediately ... receipt ... the latter ... guarantee.
Choose the right prepositions. The hirer obtains possession ... the goods but ownership never passes ... him and ... the end of the agreement, the goods must be returned ... the owner.
Choose the right prepositions. The late arrival ... the steamer was due ... a bad storm.
Choose the right prepositions. The most common form ... transaction ... the business world is a contract ... sale ... goods.
Choose the right prepositions. The object ... this practice is to guard ... loss ... transit.
Choose the right prepositions. The order ... the Buyer was accompanied ... a photocopy ... licence.
Choose the right prepositions. The person responsible ... the carriage can arrange ... carriage in one ... two days.
Choose the right prepositions. The samples are submitted ... the Buyer ... their Brokers.
Choose the right prepositions. The total price ... the order is to be paid ... 4 equal instalment.
Choose the right prepositions. Transactions relating ... land are governed primarily ... the Law ... Property Act 1925.
Choose the right prepositions. Under a hire agreement, the owner of goods allows someone else to make use ... them, ... return ... regular rental payment.
Choose the right prepositions. We enclose a bill ... Exchange drawn ... Messrs Smith and Co ... $500 ... 60 days.
Choose the right prepositions. We request you to keep us informed ... the trend ... price.
Choose the right prepositions. We will carefully examine the draft ... the contract worked ... ... you.
Choose the right prepositions. Whatever the nature of a contract, the law is based ... the assumption that the terms ... an individual contract are the result ... bargaining ... equals.
Choose the right prepositions. Whenever you buy goods, whether ... a supermarket, market stall or ... mail, you have entered ... a contract ... sale of goods.
Choose the right prepositions. You must use the goods ... a careful and proper manner and keep them ... good working condition and replace batteries ... remote control units, ... your own expense.
Choose the right prepositions. Your manufactures can be shown ... advantage ... our show- room.
Identify the kind of contract described. Bill Archer orders 10 cwt of fertilizer for use on his farm from Greener Fields Ltd. Payment is to be made within month of delivery.
Identify the kind of contract described. Jack and Jill, up and coming young fashion designers, buy shop premises in Bath, with the aid of loan secured on the property from their bank, West County Bank.
Identify the kind of contract described. James buys a new Ford Sierra from Smiths Motors by trading in Lia A-reg Capri, topped up by $5000 in cash.
Identify the kind of contract described. Johnson buys a new car in return for the payment of regular instalments of $500 a month. Payment is to be made within 3 years and then the ownership is transferred to Johnson.
Identify the kind of contract described. Kate buys a bottle of lemonade from her corner shop for 6p, plus 5p on the bottle.
Identify the kind of contract described. Kelly, Murphy & Co, Solicitors, enter into two year agreement with Copytech Ltd for the use of a photocopier. Copytech Ltd agree to keep the equipment “in good repair”.
Identify the kind of contract described. New Town Industrials Ltd employ Lorna Doone as a Sale Representative for the South Western region.
Identify the kind of contract described. Smith agreed to bring you 10 eggs and as an exchange you give him some flour.
Identify the kind of contract described. You place important documents in safe custody at a bank.
In this type of contract, goods can be acquired and then paid for over a period of time. What type of contract is it?
In this type of contract, someone is employed by another one to make contracts on his behalf with third parties. What type of contract is it?
It is a method of borrowing money on the severity of some property. What type of contract is it?
It is an agreement whereby a special company undertakes to compensate a person if the risk insured against does in fact accur. What type of contract is it?
No money changes hands in this type of contract. What type of contract is it?
The customer obtains immediate possession of the goods in return for the payment of regular instalments, the transfer of ownership is delayed until some specified condition is fulfilled. What form of consumer credit is it?
Under this agreement the owner of goods allows someone else to make use of them in return for regular rental payment. What type of contract is it?
What form of consumer credit is a way of buying goods and paying for them later ownership of the goods passes to the buyer at the start of the agreement?
What form of consumer credit is an agreement for the hire of goods, at the end of which the hirer may exercise an option to purchase them from the owner?
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