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Имя файла:0097.14.06;МТ.01;1
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Дата публикации:2015-03-09 03:08:59
ПКОЯз АНГЛ Практикум по аналитическому чтению и письменной речи - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
After beginning treatment at Quitters, Inc., between which months did Morrison "sneak" a cigarette?
After beginning treatment at Quitters, Inc., how many times did Morrison smoke?
At what time was Morrison's wife electrocuted?
Before beginning treatment at Quitters, Inc., Morrison quit smoking once before. For how long of a period of time?
For how long was Morrison electrocuted?
For how long was Morrison's wife electrocuted?
For whom does Morrison work?
How long does the treatment continue at Quitters, Inc.?
How many cigarettes a day did Minelli smoke?
How much did the electricity cost for electrocuting Morrison's wife?
How much is a "score?"
In which city does Morrison live?
In which city is Quitters, Inc. located?
Instead of a cigarette in Morrison's mouth, which of the following does Morrison put in his mouth?
McCann's wife's name is:
Morrison's wife's maiden name was:
Morrison's wife's name is:
Quitters, Inc. is located on:
Richard Morrison is also called:
What advice did the doctor give McCann?
What color are Donatti's eyes?
What did Donatti do to the rabbit?
What did Donatti do with Morrison's cigarettes on his second visit to Quitters, Inc.?
What did Junk have in his hand when Morrison arrived at Quitters, Inc.?
What does Donatti say that Morrison's maximum weight should be?
What does McCann give Morrison at the bar at the airport?
What does Morrison chew at Donatti's office?
What does Morrison do as a profession?
What does Morrison give to the old man at Dempsey's bar?
What does Morrison mean when he uses the statement "the rabbit trick?"
What does Morrison usually have for breakfast?
What else was in the room with the rabbit?
What happens after the fifth offense of smoking a cigarette?
What happens after the first offense of smoking a cigarette?
What happens after the fourth offense of smoking a cigarette?
What happens after the second offense of smoking a cigarette?
What happens after the third offense of smoking a cigarette?
What happens if Morrison puts on weight?
What is Alvin Morrison's middle name?
What is Mort Minelli's nickname (кличка)?
What is wrong with Alvin?
What position does McCann hold at Crager and Barton?
What relationship do Morrison and McCann have between them?
What was the total cost of treatment at Quitters, Inc.?
When did Mort Minelli die?
When Morrison found cigarettes in the car, with whom was he angry?
Where did Morrison find cigarettes in his car?
Where did Morrison find cigarettes in his study?
Where did Morrison smoke a cigarette after the beginning of treatment at Quitters, Inc.?
Where does the "crony" work whom Morrison met at the bar?
Which of the following movies is one of Mrs. Morrison's favorites?
Which performance did the Morrisons and McCanns see at the Helen Hayes Theater?
Who did Morrison meet at the bar at Kennedy International?
Who had lung cancer?
Who has an ulcer?
Who or what was in the closet of Morrison's study?
Who pushed the button to electrocute Morrison's wife?
Why didn't Morrison open the closet door in his study?
Why doesn't McCann tell Morrison how the treatment at Quitters, Inc. works?
Why was McCann's wife's finger cut off?
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