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Имя файла:0097.13.06;МТ.01;1
Размер:106 Kb
Дата публикации:2015-03-09 03:08:58
ПКОЯз. Английский язык. Домашнее чтение - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
After Rinaldi and the major had gone, Federico found that he was …, but went to sleep.
Alone Piani was much gentler. When he was with the others he was a very … talker.
At the far end of the bridge there were …. standing on both sides flashing lights.
At the start of the winter came the permanent rain and with the rain came the … .
Bonello …
Catherine and Federico lived … .
Catherine and Federico … .
Catherine and Federico … .
Catherine did not want to get married right away because … .
Catherine wanted to see … when they would come to America.
Federico and the others were side-tracked for a long time that side of Mestre and … came and peeked in.
Federico did not like Rome because …
Federico got a little boy to go for …, but he came back and said he could only get grappa.
Federico said that … are a wonderful little people, fond of dancing and light red wines.
Federico was put in the field hospital because … .
Gino said where it really had been hell was at … and the attack beyond Lom that had gone bad.
His hair was grey and he was short and fat. Whose description is it?
How did they called the wide hats?
In the dark the flood looked … The water swirled and it was wide.
It is in … that we become Christian.
It was strange for Federico to go up the slope where the … had been, beyond the place on the river where he had been wounded.
It was … when the priest came in.
Many people had realized the war
Mr. and Mrs. Guttingen’s son was studying to be … .
Mr. Guttingen had been … .
Snow did not come until … .
The Brigade had received orders that …. should be held no matter what happened.
The captain advised the narrator to go to … .
The killing of … came suddenly and unreasonably .
The narrator had expected the Bainsizza to be ….
The narrator lived …
The narrator shared the room with the … .
The next year there were many…
The other carabinieri grabbed … from behind and pulled his arm up so that it twisted in the socket.
The plain was rich with … .
The priest and the narrator were talking while the others …
The priest’s father was a famous …
The … has wisdom, because he is defeated from the start.
The … were coming into the post, some were carried on stretchers, some walking and some were brought on the backs of men that came across the field.
There was fighting in the mountains and at night they could see … .
Up the river the … had no been taken; none of the … beyond the river had been taken.
What happened to Federico ?
When Federico and Catherine went out of the coiffeur’s place it was … .
When the narrator came back to the front it was … .
When the sun was bright Federico and Catherine ate lunch … .
Who did not believe the war was over?
Who won the fighting that summer
“ filthy” means
“ rotten” means
“ scarce” means
“ sheaf” is
“ steadily” means
“ stove” is
“ to abandon” means
“ to bait” means
“ to bother” means
“ to climb”
“ to cuddle” means
“ to feel low” means
“ to grab” means
“ to invigorate” means
“ to pound” means
“ to put down” means
“ to roar” means
“ to run errands” means
“ to scrutinize” means
“ to shove down” means
“ to tiptoe” means
“ to trip” means
“ vile” means
“ wintry” means
“elaborate” means
“exhilaration” is
“gentle” means
“pebble” is
“shriek” is
“steep” means
“stern” means
“stuffy” means
“swiftly” means
“to bellow” means
“to blaspheme” means
“to crackle” means
“to discourage” means
“to fall back”
“to fortify” means
“to lie flat” means
“to peek in” means
“to pick on” means
“to run smth.” means
“to smash” means
“to spark” means
“to splash” means
“to stir” means
“to stroke” means
“to undo” means
“wrecked” means
… was going to Milan too .
… was still a great joke at the mess.
… was young and blushed easily and wore a uniform like the rest of them but with a cross in dark red velvet above the left breast pocket of his gray tunic.
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