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ПКОЯз. Английский язык. Домашнее чтение - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
The Catcher in the Rye was published in:
According to Holden, how old does one have to be to get a cocktail at Ernie’s?
Ackley’s favorite pastime is:
Ackley’s first name is:
Allie is:
Childs was:
D.B. has the following type of car:
D.B. is:
Ernie is:
Gladstones are:
Holden and Stradlater got into a fist fight because:
Holden asked each taxi driver:
Holden didn’t call his sister because:
Holden drank in the Lavender Room:
Holden is ___ years old.
Holden left the Lavender Room because:
Holden met at Ernie’s:
Holden met on the train:
Holden saw through his window at the hotel:
Holden was the manager of (sport):
Holden’s last name is:
How did Holden know where Ernie’s was located?
How did Holden meet Jane Gallagher?
Lillian was with at Ernie’s with:
Marsalla was:
Maurice hit Holden because:
Maurice is:
Mr. Spencer was:
On Allie’s baseball mitt was written:
On which floor did Holden stay in the hotel?
Ossenburger is:
Salinger did last publish in:
Salinger was born in:
Salinger was born in:
Salinger’s first publication was in:
Salinger’s first publication was:
Stradlater asked Holden to do all of the following except:
Stradlater is:
Stradlater’s first name is:
Sunny is:
Sunny removed from Holden’s wallet:
The fencing team didn’t win the competition because:
The initials «J.D.» in Salinger’s name mean:
The theme of the paper that Holden wrote for Stradlater was:
The three stupid women from whom Holden met in the Lavender Room were from:
What are galoshes?
What breed of dog did Jane Gallagher have?
What color of hair does Phoebe have?
What did Allie die of on July 18, 1946?
What did Holden do with Sunny’s dress?
What did Holden offer Mrs. Morrow?
What did Holden yell before leaving the dormitory for the last time?
What does it mean to chuck?
What does it mean to drop a hint?
What does it mean to flunk?
What does it mean to get in a tiff with someone?
What does it mean to give someone a feel?
What does it mean to go to the can?
What does it mean to kid?
What does it mean to lose one’s marbles?
What does it mean to neck?
What does it mean to puke?
What does it mean to tee off?
What does to chew the rag mean?
What is a crew cut?
What is a highball?
What is a moron?
What is a pervert?
What is a pimple?
What is a virgin?
What is an undertaker?
What is Canasta?
What is checkers?
What is fencing?
What is Holden’s favorite cocktail?
What movie did Holden, Ackley and Brossard see?
What reason did Holden give Mrs. Morrow why he couldn’t come for a visit?
What reason did Holden give Sunny why he didn’t want to have sex with her?
What was between each room in the dormitory?
What was strange in how Jane Gallagher played checkers?
What was the favor that Stradlater asked Holden to do for him?
What was the name of the book D.B. wrote?
What was wrong with Mr. Spencer?
What was wrong with Mrs. Spencer?
What’s wrong with Ackley?
Where did Allie die on July 18, 1946?
Where does D.B. live?
Which of the following best describes Jane Gallagher’s father?
Who is Faith Cavendish?
Who played the piano at Ernie’s?
Why did each taxi driver refuse to have a cocktail with Holden?
Why did Jane not answer her father when he asked her if there were any cigarettes in the house?
Why didn’t Faith Cavendish meet Holden?
Why was Holden kicked out of school?
«Five dollars a throw» mean:
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