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ПКОЯз. Англ. Профкурс (юридический) - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
Are these statement true or false: A contract will be valid even if the parties don’t enter into it freely and voluntarily.
Are these statement true or false: All contracts must be in writing.
Are these statement true or false: Consideration must be sufficient but need not be adequate.
Are these statement true or false: Conveyances of land must be in the form of a speciality contract.
Are these statement true or false: If the offeror dies after having made an offer and the offeree is notified of the death, his acceptance will be valid.
Are these statement true or false: Most of the law contract can be found in Acts of Parliament.
Are these statement true or false: Social arrangements usually amount to contracts if they have some commercial flavour.
Are these statement true or false: The absence of an essential element will always render a contract either void, voidable or unenforceable.
Are these statement true or false: The display of goods with a price ticket in a shop window is an offer.
Are these statement true or false: The general rule of common law is that a mistake does not affect the validity of a contract.
Choose the right preposition: ... the course of making a contract one person delivers ... another a document which is a form ... acknowledgement or receipt but which ... fact contains the terms of the contract and limits the liability ... the party who delivers it.
Choose the right preposition: A contract ... sale ... goods is a contract whereby the seller transfers or agrees to transfer the property ... goods to the buyer ... the money consideration, called the price.
Choose the right preposition: A contract is an agreement ... two or more persons, which may be enforced if the law is properly invoked.
Choose the right preposition: A contract may be discharged ... payment, where the liability ... one party ... the other consists ... the payment of a sum of money.
Choose the right preposition: A promise to keep an offer open ... specific time is ... the nature ... and sub subsidiary promise.
Choose the right preposition: A true and real property while it is attached ... sail.
Choose the right preposition: All contracts, whether ... writing or made ... word ... mouth, require consideration to support them.
Choose the right preposition: An offer may be revoked .... any time ... acceptance.
Choose the right preposition: An offer must also be distinguished ... a declaration ... intention, as where an auctionee advertises his intention to sell ... auction specific goods ... a certain day.
Choose the right preposition: Breach ... contract may take place ... three ways.
Choose the right preposition: If a person receives a written offer which he accepts and acts ... he is bound ... the contents of the written, ... the absence of fraud or misrepresentation, whether he has read it or not.
Choose the right preposition: It is always important matter to determine ... which party the offer emanates.
Choose the right preposition: It must be also distinguished ... as invitation to make an offer; for instance, a trader who exhibits goods ... sale does not thereby make an offer even through he employes a “self service” system ... his shop.
Choose the right preposition: Real property must be transferred ... a deed.
Choose the right preposition: Revocation ... an offer, ... order to be operative, must be communicated and brought ... the knowledge ... the office.
Choose the right preposition: The consideration ... one’s person’s promise may be a promise made ... him, ... the other and the consideration is then said to be executory.
Choose the right preposition: The consideration must be ... some value ... the sight ... the law.
Choose the right preposition: The position is different if a party ... a contract make a promise ... a third party to carry ... his obligations ... the contract.
Choose the right preposition: The price is the consideration given ... the buyer ... the property ... goods.
Choose the right preposition: The same principle without doubt applies ... a normal advertisement ... goods ... sale
Choose the right prepositions: ... ... paragraph 5 ... the contract the Seller has the right to increase the quantity ... 5%.
Choose the right prepositions: ... reply ... your letter we request you to quote us your lowest price.
Choose the right prepositions: ... the contrary it has increased lately.
Choose the right prepositions: All the goods sold ... this contract will be shipped ... the end ... May.
Choose the right prepositions: As a matter ... fact, our sales ... these goods have greatly increased.
Choose the right prepositions: I wish to thank you .... your hospitality.
Choose the right prepositions: Our prices are based ... the quotations ... Paraffin Wax published ... this magazine.
Choose the right prepositions: The amount ... freight will be paid ... advance ... the port ... London.
Choose the right prepositions: The arbitration award is binding ... both the Seller and the Buyer.
Choose the right prepositions: The cost ... freight is estimated ... our agents.
Choose the right prepositions: The demand ... these goods has not declined.
Choose the right prepositions: The goods were sold ... c.i.f. terms.
Choose the right prepositions: The vessel was late owing ... a severe storm.
Choose the right prepositions: The vessel will call ... Hamburg ... the way ... London.
Choose the right prepositions: There is a good demand ... these goods ... Sweden.
Choose the right prepositions: We are contracting ... the manufacturing plant ... order to find ... when the machine will be ready ... shipment.
Choose the right prepositions: We are sending you, ... separate cover, our latest catalogue ... Compressors.
Choose the right prepositions: We have received your cheque ... $2000 enclosed ... your letter.
Choose the right prepositions: We regret to state that our clients are not satisfied ... the quality ... the samples sent ... you.
Choose the right prepositions: We trust that the catalogue will prove useful ... you.
Fill the words in the blanks: ... is the value or benefit that a party provides to the offers with whom the contract is made (встречное удовлетворение).
Fill the words in the blanks: A contract which possesses these requirements is said to be ... (законно имеющий силу).
Fill the words in the blanks: An ... is a proposal made a certain terms by the offeror with a promise to be bound by that proposal if the offeree accepts the stated terms (оферта).
Fill the words in the blanks: An ... may take any form (акцепт).
Fill the words in the blanks: For the purpose of establishing the ... of the parties agreements are devided into 2 categories (намерение).
Fill the words in the blanks: He must ... the contract before reaching the age of 18 (аннулировать).
Fill the words in the blanks: The ... can nonetheless sue on these contracts (несовершеннолетний).
Fill the words in the blanks: The agreement may be invalidated by a number of factors - for instance ... (заблуждение).
Fill the words in the blanks: The first requisite of any contract is ... (соглашение).
Fill the words in the blanks: There is only one type of contract which must be ... in writing: a contract of garantee (засвидетельствован).
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