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Дата публикации:2015-03-09 03:08:59
ПКОЯз. Английский язык. Домашнее чтение - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
According to the text, what couldn’t Frankie help Doc with?
After the boys knew that Gay wasn’t coming back with the needed part for the Model T, who drove the rest of the way to Carmel Valley?
For what reason did Mack tell the Captain why he needed to catch frogs for Doc?
For whom were Doc and Hazel collecting starfish?
How did Lee Chong acquire the Palace Flophouse?
How did William die?
How many miles did the boys carry the stove from Seaside to Cannery Row?
How many times was Steinbeck in Russia (then the USSR)?
How much was the rent per week on the Palace Flophouse to be paid to Chong?
Hughie was the first person from the Palace Flophouse to bring in «furniture.» What was it?
In what year was Cannery Row written?
Of the following which has four legs?
Of the following which is a tree?
Of the following which is NOT a bird?
Once Doc asked Gay to collect turtles for him, however, Gay didn’t collect them. Why didn’t he?
What breed of dog did the watchman have at Tom Works’?
What did Doc find in his safe?
What did Doc have to do in La Jolla?
What did Eddie keep behind the bar at La Ida’s?
What did Hazel gather with Doc in the tide pool?
What did Hazel hide in the bottom of his gunny sack while collecting starfish with Doc?
What did Mack call the Captain’s dog?
What did the boys drink at the Captain’s?
What does Mrs. Malloy want to buy for $1.98?
What does «posthumous» mean?
What happened to Phyllis Mae’s hand?
What is a novena?
What is a Wop?
What is an I.O.U.?
What is Doc’s favorite beverage?
What is the name of Doc’s laboratory?
What was Doc afraid of?
What was in the brown paper bag that the soldiers were carrying?
What was John Steinbeck’s given first name?
What was John Steinbeck’s wife’s name?
What was Mrs. Lee Chong cutting on the butcher’s block when Mack came into Lee Chong’s store?
What was the old Chinaman’s name who walked to the ocean every evening and returned in the morning?
What was wrong with the Captain’s dog?
When was John Steinbeck born and when did he die?
When was the Prohibition in the United States?
Where did John Steinbeck die?
Where did Steinbeck study marine biology at?
Where did the Captain fall asleep after having drunk too much?
Where did the Malloys live?
Where was John Steinbeck born?
Which letter can’t Lee Chong correctly pronounce in English?
Which of the following is an insect?
Which three things were absolutely necessary to take with you on an outing according to the boys?
Who broke a leg as a result of a roller-coaster ride?
Who did Frankie say his father was?
Who is Red Williams?
Who spilled beer in the young woman’s lap?
Who was Josh Billings?
Why did Gay’s wife stop sending Gay to jail?
Why did Hazel’s mother give him a girl’s name?
Why didn’t Doc give the boys his car to collect frogs?
Why didn’t Gay come back from town after he left to get a new carburetor?
Why has Henry been working on building his boat for the last seven years and hasn’t finished it?
Why was Steinbeck fired from a New York newspaper?
Why wouldn’t the motor work in Chong’s Model T Ford?
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