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Имя файла:0097.10.06;МТ.01;1
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Дата публикации:2015-03-09 03:08:57
ПКОЯз. Английский язык. Домашнее чтение - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
Choose the correct translation. Alas, what danger will it be to us, maids as we are, to travel forth so far!
Choose the correct translation. He was furnished like a hunter.
Choose the correct translation. Herein I see thou lovest me not with the full weight that I love thee.
Choose the correct translation. I am no villain, I am the youngest son of Sir Rowland de Bois.
Choose the correct translation. I shall desire more love and knowledge of you.
Choose the correct translation. I will not cast away my physic but on those that are sick.
Choose the correct translation. O, Corin, that thou knew'st how do I love her!
Choose the right synonym. marketable
Choose the right synonym. Alas! expresses
Choose the right synonym. by my troth
Choose the right synonym. in good earnest
Choose the right synonym. of late
Choose the right synonym. peace!
Choose the right synonym. to be heir
Choose the right synonym. to be in exile
Choose the right synonym. to be weary of
Choose the right synonym. to bear a cross
Choose the right synonym. to break one’s oath
Choose the right synonym. to breed smb
Choose the right synonym. to disguise
Choose the right synonym. to lament
Choose the right synonym. to mock smb
Choose the right synonym. to pretend to be
Choose the right synonym. to seek smb
Choose the right synonym. you are aware of
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. I am glad of your ..., adieu, good Monsieur Melancholy.
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. I would cure you, if you would but call me ...
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. I would I were ..., to catch the strong fellow by the leg.
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. If you outstay the time, upon my honour, you ...
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. Love is merely a ..., and I tell you, deserves as well a dark house and a whip as a madmen do.
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. O, ominous! He comes to kill my ...
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. Still we went ... and inseparable
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. Shall we part, sweet girl? No, let my father seek another ...
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. The people ... her for her virtues.
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. The worst fault you have is ...
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. There lay he, stretched along, like a wounded ...
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. Unless you could teach me to forget a ... father.
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. What’s that to me? My father was no ...
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. Why, whither shall we go? To ... my uncle in the forest of Arden.
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. Will thou ... fathers? I will give thee mine.
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. Young man, have you ... Charles the wrestler?
Complete the sentence according to the content of the comedy. Your accent is something ... than you could purchase in so removed a dwelling.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
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