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Дата публикации:2015-03-09 03:08:58
ПКВЯз АНГЛ Практикум по аналитическому чтению и письменной речи - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
'By pure chance' means
'Enduring' means
'Impenetrable' means
'Imperishable' means
'Impervious' means
'Merely' means
'Scrap' is
'To dangle' means
'To toil' means
'Vocation' is
Among the customers at Bogle’s was a young man named Seeders, who worked in …. .
At nineteen Samuel had quit the country and come to town and spent a year in and out the city jail for … .
At the cashier’s desk sits …, cold sordid, slow smouldering and takes your money.
Hamp Worsham had blurred eyes and a fringe of white hair about the head and face of a … general
It was … who had actually sent the boy (Samuel) to Jefferson in the first place: he had caught the boy breaking into his commissary store and ordered him off the place.
Joe Larrabee sold the water-color of the obelisk to
Joe Larrabee was pulsing with a genius for
Miss Worsham lived alone in the … house her father had left her.
Mollie Beauchamp wanted Stevens to … .
Mollie Beauchamp was staying in town … .
Perhaps a dozen of times George Willard and the strange, shapeless man who lived in his father’s hotel … .
Samuel Warsham was orphaned of his mother at death and deserted by his father, whom the … had taken and raised, or tried to
Samuel Worsham was executed for … .
The customers at Bogle’s were Aileen’s … .
The needs of Bogle’s customers were supplied by … .
The superintendent had put Wash into the obscure office at Winesburg to avoid discharging him, and he meant … .
The Voice at Bogle came from the kitchen and … .
The Voice contented itself with vain repetitions of exclamations emitted by … concerning food.
There was much … among the steady customers at Bogle’s.
They who had finished eating ate more that they might … .
They who sat at Tildy’s tables spoke to Tildy briefly, with quotations from … .
Tildy was a good waitress and the men … her.
Tildy was …, and too anxious to please.
Upon each table at Bogle’s stands the counterfeit of that benign sauce made … .
Wash Williams took care of his … .
Wash Williams was a man of … .
Wash Williams, the telegraph operator of Winesburg, was the … thing in town.
Wash’s girth was immense, his neck thin, his legs … .
When after two years of married life Wash Williams found that his wife had managed to acquire three other lovers who came regularly to their house he … .
When one loves ones Art no service seems ….
When the superintendent received the letter of complaint from the banker’s wife, he … and laughed unpleasantly.
When Wash Williams was still a young man he married a woman at … .
‘A janitor’ is
‘A queer girl’ is
‘Abominably’ means
‘Bleary eyes’ are
‘Clumsily’ means
‘Dumpy’ means
‘Fascinated’ means
‘Feeble’ means
‘Fee’ is
‘Flat dwellers’ are
‘Heathen’ means
‘Human coherence’ is
‘Obscure’ is
‘Overwhelmingly’ means
‘Perverted’ means
‘Plain-faced’ means
‘Sackcloth’ is
‘Shapely’ means
‘Soiled’ means
‘Spectacled’ means
‘The edge of town’ is
‘To afford’ means
‘To associate’ means
‘To be anxious to please’ means
‘To be bound to win’ means
‘To be content ’ means
‘To be entranced’ means
‘To blink’ means
‘To brake’ means
‘To chip in’ means
‘To clap’ means
‘To consume provisions’ means
‘To draw a conclusion’ means
‘To exchange repartee’ means
‘To fume’ means
‘To hasten’ means
‘To insult smb.’ means
‘To keep the chafing dish bubbling’ means
‘To linger’ means
‘To precede’ means
‘To pulse with a genius’ means
‘To snatch’ means
‘To stagger’ means
‘To vanish’ means
‘To wait upon’ means
‘Tremendous’ means
‘Vaguely’ means
“I’ll have nothing to do with them” said Wash Williams, looking with … eyes at the men who walked along the station platform past the telegraph office.
… was tall, beautiful, lively, gracious and learned in persiflage.
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