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Нем. яз. Теоретическая фонетика - Слайдлекция по модулю

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
В немецком языке не существует диалектного членения:
В немецком языке существуют три сложные фонемы и 15 простых фонем:
В отечественной лингвистике в XX веке существовала только одна фонологическая школа:
В результате работы речевого аппарата возникают звуки речи:
Выделяют речевое и неречевое дыхание:
Голос - материальная основа гласных звуков:
Голосовые связки - самый главный орган речи:
Задняя стенка зева - активный орган речи:
Закрытость и открытость гласных - характеристика по качеству:
Звук характеризуется более точными признаками в ударной позиции:
К активным органам речи относится:
Каждый звук - особое и неизменное качество:
Минимальная единица фонетического строя языка:
Немецкое ударение может быть количественным:
Нижняя челюсть - пассивный орган речи:
Одно звукосочетание превращается в другое при изменении фонемы:
Описание сочетаемости фонем не играет роли при их характеристике:
Органы речи бывают только активные:
От амплитуды колебания голосовых связок зависит сила звука:
От вида слога и ударения зависит длительность гласного звука:
По длительности звучания бывают краткие, средние и долгие гласные:
По участию голоса выделяют глухие, звонкие и сонорные согласные:
Самое главное в овладении иностранным языком - овладеть:
Система немецкого литературного языка была разработана:
Строгую систему фонем можно установить только в некоторых языках:
Фонетика - раздел лингвистики:
Фонетические слоги бывают открытые и закрытые:
Фонетические явления вплотную стали изучать в:
Частная фонетика изучает и исследует закономерности конкретного языка:
Язык - активный орган речи:

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Англ.яз. Теоретическая фонетика (курс 1) - Слайдлекция (авторский курс) по модулю

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
Акцентами выражаются наиболее важные функции интонации:
Акценты отличаются величиной тонального изменения:
В выражении коммуникативных целей интонация роли не играет:
В рамках дескриптивной фонологии начались исследования фразовой просодии:
В формальной речи интегральные характеристики обычно имеют:
Восходящее движение тона в русском языке часто служит показателем:
Всегда совпадают области действия интегральных характеристик:
Для живой диалогической и художественной речи характерны маркированные интегральные огласовки:
Интегральные и акцентные компоненты интонации содержит любое предложение:
Интегральные характеристики являются типом интонационных средств:
Интонация не играет роли в оформлении синтаксической структуры предложения:
Исследования фразовой просодии не оказали влияние на развитие общей теории интонации:
Как синоним термина "фазовая просодь" используется интонация:
Короткое одноакцентное предложение реализуется как одна интонационная группа:
Лексический смысл не оформляется с помощью звуковых сегментов:
Нисходящее движение тона служит показателем:
Отличительные черты исследований фразовой просодии - детализированность и системность, описание и моделирование:
Перелом тона - главный признак акцента:
Подъем тона не может предшествовать его падению:
Разными звуковыми средствами выражаются разные виды смыслов:
С оформлением коммуникативной структуры высказывания не связано размещение акцента:
Синтаксическая функция интонации тесно взаимодействует с:
Слово "интонация" произошло из:
Совокупность просодических характеристик предложения - интонация:
Совокупностью значений признаков нельзя описать акцент:
Средством выражения цели высказывания служит направление тонального движения:
Тон - важнейшее из средств:
Тональная характеристика фразы - ее интонация:
Фонация - одно из основных интонационных средств:
Фразовые акценты - тип интонационных средств:

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Нем.яз. Теоретическая фонетика (курс 1) - Слайдлекция (авторский курс) по модулю

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
Аблаут в немецком языке может быть двух видов:
Ассимилятивные чередования гласных в немецком языке привели к возникновению позиционных вариантов фонем:
В случае градуальной оппозиции одна из фонем характеризуется наличием, а другая отсутствием какого-то конкретного качества:
В случае градуальных оппозиций имеют место тернарные противопоставления:
В случае эквиполентных оппозиций всегда рассматриваются бинарные признаки:
Возникновение новой фонемы может быть обусловлено иноязычным влиянием:
Две фонемы, являющиеся членами логически привативной, пропорциональной оппозиции, называются коррелятивной парой:
Дифтонг - двойной гласный звук:
Исчезновение фонем из языка называют дефонологизацией:
Классическим признаком эквиполентного типа оппозиций являются:
Монофтонг - простая согласная фонема:
Морфологическое явление umlaut имеет:
Н. С. Трубецкой выделял три типа отношений между противопоставленными парами фонем:
Н. С. Трубецкой различает четыре типа позиций нейтрализации:
Немецкий язык трактует как фонемы одного ряда:
По признаку горизонтального движения языка гласные различаются по трем рядам:
Раздел описания законов позиционного распределения фонем называют парадигматической фонологией:
Регулярное чередование согласных при словоизменении или формоизменении слова называется аблаутом:
Система гласных в немецком языке охватывает:
Система согласных в немецком языке охватывает:
Совокупность коррелятивных пар, обладающих общим коррелятивным признаком, называется корреляцией:
Старые долгие гласные в истории немецкого языка постепенно превращались в монофтонги:
Структурная нейтрализация может быть центробежной и редуктивной:
Фонологизация - возникновение новой фонемы в языке:
Фонотактика задает сегментную структуру слога и слова и линейные закономерности сочетаемости фонем:
Фрикативные звуки с нестабильной артикуляцией всегда глухие:
Фрикативные звуки со стабильной артикуляцией всегда звонкие:
Чередование звонких и глухих согласных в современном немецком языке опознается в серии рядов аблаута:
Эквиполентными считаются оппозиции, оба члена которых логически равнозначны:
Явление лабиализации зависит от артикуляции губ:

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ПКОЯз. Англ. Практика речи - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
A crazy person is referred to as:
All of the following mean to be angry except:
An inexperienced person is called wet behind the ______.
An old man is referred to as:
Another way of saying that I don’t understand something would be:
Another way of saying that I don’t understand something would be:
Ask Kostya to help you move the furniture. He’s as strong as:
Do you mind if I give you my decision tomorrow? I’d like to __________.
Ever since I’ve given up smoking I feel as fit as:
From the moment they first met they got along like:
Getting a problem off your ______ is the first stage to being able to solve it.
He is drunk almost every night. He drinks like a ___________.
He usually smokes one pack of cigarettes a day, but when he’s nervous he smokes like:
He wanted one more _________ before settling down and getting married.
I always get ______ in my stomach before visiting the dentist.
I caught the last bus to town by the skin of my _________.
I don’t understand mathematics. I haven’t the _________ idea about arithmetic.
I have been working every day for the last month and I am now _________.
I know times have been bad lately, but keep your _______ up; things will soon be better.
I think I’ll go stretch my _________. I’ve been sitting down all morning and feel a bit stiff.
I was _____ with envy when my neighbor drove up in a new Jaguar.
If I am «jumping down someone’s throat,» I am:
If I say something that I didn’t intend on saying, I put my foot in my _______.
If it is raining heavily, we say:
If I’ve bitten off more than I can chew, I have:
If someone can never make up his/her mind, we say that he/she is _________.
If someone is annoying, distracting or making you angry we might say:
If someone is very irritable, we say he/she ______________ .
If someone says that all of your dogs aren’t barking, what they meant was:
If someone thinks that your idea is ridiculous they might say that you «are off your _________.»
If something is boring it is considered:
If something is very easily done, we say ____________.
If something is very useful it is _____________.
If we are on the same wavelength, we:
If we don’t believe what someone is saying (or don’t understand), we say that it is _________.
If we receive information directly from its source and not hearsay, we say:
If we want to know the real reason or explanation in detail, we ask for the __________.
If you are extremely happy about something you may be considered:
If you are not able to do something, then we might say that you can’t cut the _______.
If you are scared enough, you might get the _________.
If you are the only one in the family who works, you bring home the _______.
If you are very clumsy you may be called:
If you are very short of money, you are ____________.
If you are young and inexperienced in something you may be considered:
If you severely beat someone, you have «cleaned his/her __________.»
If you talk shop with someone you are:
If you were told in a restaurant that the soup had been «86’d,» you would understand that:
If you work day and night and are extremely busy and don’t sleep you «are burning the _______ at both ends.»
If your friend is always exaggerating and not telling the truth, and tells you that he is going to become president in three years, you might respond using the following idiom:
I’m starting a new profession. I am _____________.
I’ve lived in Moscow my entire life and know the Metro like the back of my _____.
John and Mary will get married in March. He ___________ last week.
Many teachers are very angry with students who are noisy. How would you describe teachers who never lose their temper?
Martha: «I bought a new hat today for $25.» George: «That cost too much! You can forget about traveling around Europe this year; we can’t afford such purchases!» Which statement fits?
Mary accidentally told me about my «surprise» birthday party. She ______.
Masha asked me to find her passport. I looked all over the house, called her friends and even went to her work. I couldn’t find it anywhere. Masha had her passport all the time and said she had lost her passport as a joke. What did Masha do to me?
My friend told me that I couldn’t possibly get a «5» on my examination; however, I did. I’m going to make him _______________.
My grandfather has lost all of his hair. He’s as bald as _________.
My sister is a wet _________. She’s always spoiling everyone’s fun.
One quantity of lettuce is called a ______ of lettuce.
She had a sweet ______ and couldn’t resist buying chocolates all the time.
She is always buying presents for herself and all her friends. She spends money like ________.
She was so tired last night that she slept like _______ until 10:00 this morning.
Sometimes it is better to tell a _______ lie than to hurt someone’s feelings.
The cake was ________ when it first came out of the oven.
Vodka and orange juice served with ice is called a ___________.
We couldn’t watch last night’s movie because our television:
We have been working _________________ in order to finish the project on time.
What is a baby frog called?
What is a baby goose called?
What is a baby kangaroo called?
What is a baby swan called?
What is a group of crows called?
What is a group of fish called?
What is a group of geese called?
What is a group of lions called?
What is a group of whales called?
When a business loses money, it is in the ________.
When a business makes a profit, it is in the _________.
Which of the following does NOT mean to eat?
Which of the following means «to drink?»
You’re very popular, of course you’ll win the contest. It’s as plain as:
«A flash in the pan» means:
«Drunk as a skunk» means:
«George told my boss that I was ugly and useless» could be expressed:
«Happy as a clam» means:
«Hurry up, Yuri! We’re going to be late!» «All right, keep your ______ on! I’m coming!»
«I bumped into John yesterday at the store» would best be translated:
«I got cold feet before my performance on stage» means:
«I’m feeling a bit under the weather» would best be translated:
«Sergei isn’t pulling his weight today» means:
«Stop yelling at me! It’s not my fault! You _________ I didn’t do it!»
«To get away with murder» means:
«Tomorrow we’re going to have a night out of the town» means:
«When I walked into the room he was in his birthday suit» means:
«You haven’t got a leg to stand on» means:
«You should be careful and accurate before making this important decision» can be said as the following idiom:
«You should be honest and tell him that you don’t like his wife» can be said as the following idiom:
«Одним словом» is best translated as:
«Раз навсегда» is best translated as:

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ПКОЯз. Англ. Практика речи - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
5. Find the different word from the list below.
Choose the correct translation to “burglar”.
Choose the correct translation to “pit”.
Choose the different word.
Choose the right translation of the sentence: “How did it find its way into print?”
Choose the right translation of the sentence: “It’s an English talkie, isn’t it?”
Choose the right translation of the sentence: “The cast was simply wonderful.”
Choose the right translation of the sentence: “The film is worth seeing.”
Choose the right translation of the sentence: “The ‘Sun’ sells the largest number of copies.”
Choose the right translation of “cast”.
Choose the right translation of “modest”.
Choose the right translation to “a dress rehearsal”.
Choose the right translation to “to shoot a film”.
Choose the synonym to “assassinate”.
Choose the synonym to “contemporary”.
Choose the synonym to “daily”.
Choose the synonym to “gloomy”.
Choose the synonym to “horror”.
Choose the synonym to “outstanding”.
Choose the synonym to “television”.
Fill in the blank with the appropriate word: “The chief theaters, music halls and cinemas in London are situated in ... .”
Fill in the blank with the appropriate word: “The theatrical district of New York is ... .
Fill in the blank with the appropriate word: “Tickets prices vary according to ... .”
Find out the incorrect assertion.
Find the different word from the list below.
Find the different word from the list below.
Find the different word from the list below.
Find the different word from the list below.
Find the different word from the list below.
Find the different word.
Find the different word.
Find the different word.
Find the different word.
Find the different word.
Find the different word.
Find the opposite to the adjective “a sound film”.
Find the opposite to the adjective “stupid”.
Find the opposite to the adjective “ugly”.
Find the opposite to “tabloids”.
Give the opposite to “the play was a failure”.
In London you can hear opera in ... .
“Advertise” means:
“Benefit” means:
“Broadcast” means:
“Chat” means:
“Entertainment” means:
“Human interest” stories means:
“Media” means:
“Thriller” means:
”Reviewer” means:

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ПКОЯз. Англ. Практика речи - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
Choose the correct preposition. You can use your text-book ______ the exam.
Choose the correct preposition. A tutorial usually runs ______ about two hours.
Choose the correct preposition. According ______ my research shopping is the most popular pastime in our class.
Choose the correct preposition. Donald is ______ his second year at Oxford.
Choose the correct preposition. Fiona has just graduated ______ college.
Choose the correct preposition. I’m doing a course ______ hairdressing.
Choose the correct preposition. Mary has a degree ______ Chemistry.
Choose the correct preposition. My brother is interested ______ arts.
Choose the correct preposition. The Dean is strict ______ attendance.
Choose the correct preposition. You should complete an essay ______ a topic.
Choose the false statement.
Choose the false statement:
Choose the false statement:
Choose the false statement:
Choose the false statement:
Choose the right word to complete the sentence. If you want to progress more quickly, you need an ______ program.
Choose the right word to complete the sentence. We normally ______ exams at the end of each term.
Choose the right word to complete the sentence. Are you still at school or do you have a ______?
Choose the right word to complete the sentence. History, geography, art and music are not ______ after the age of 14.
Choose the right word to complete the sentence. I would like ______ to one or two universities: probably Oxford and Edinburgh.
Choose the right word to complete the sentence. If you have a university degree, you are ______.
Choose the right word to complete the sentence. I’m studying ______ for my English examination.
Choose the right word to complete the sentence. Oxford and Cambridge are often called collectively ______ .
Choose the right word to complete the sentence. The basic mode of instruction Oxford and Cambridge universities is called ______ .
Choose the right word to complete the sentence. Voluntary schools are often known as ______.
Choose the word that matches the definition. A school where only boys or only girls study
Choose the word that matches the definition. Money paid to a student by his or her local educational authority.
Choose the word that matches the definition. The grounds of a college or university.
Choose the word that matches the definition. A person who doesn’t eat meat.
Choose the word that matches the definition. A person who has reading problems.
Choose the word that matches the definition. A special building where students live.
Choose the word that matches the definition. A student’s personal consultant teacher at Oxford and Cambridge.
Choose the word that matches the definition. Education that must be obtained by all British children aged 5-16.
Choose the word that matches the definition. Not to pass an examination.
Choose the word that matches the definition. To live in the same room as someone else.
Find the synonym: bright
Find the synonym: co-educational school
Find the synonym: famous
Find the synonym: grades
Find the synonym: honours degree
Find the synonym: personnel
Find the synonym: primary school
Find the synonym: to do a course
Find the synonym: to enter university
Find the synonym: to live by oneself
Find the word which doesn’t go with the following topic: preschool education.
Find the word which doesn’t go with the following topic: accommodation.
Find the word which doesn’t go with the following topic: career.
Find the word which doesn’t go with the following topic: Colleges of Cambridge.
Find the word which doesn’t go with the following topic: foundation subjects.
Find the word which doesn’t go with the following topic: Language -Learning.
Find the word which doesn’t go with the following topic: sports.
Find the word which doesn’t go with the following topic: the National Curriculum.
Find the word which doesn’t go with the following topic: types of schools.
Find the word which doesn’t go with the following topic: university.
Read the sentence and choose the correct answer. He watched us closely so that we didn’t cheat in the exam.
Read the sentence and choose the correct answer. I have to revise for tomorrow’s test.
Read the sentence and choose the correct answer. I went on a four-week course to brush up my English.
Read the sentence and choose the correct answer. I went to the local college to enrol for a course in economics.
Read the sentence and choose the correct answer. In my country school uniform is only work at private schools.
Read the sentence and choose the correct answer. In my last years at school we had to specialise in 3 subjects and I chose physics, chemistry and mathematics.
Read the sentence and choose the correct answer. I’m studying for my secretarial diploma.
Read the sentence and choose the correct answer. Some parents who can afford the fees send their children to private schools.
Read the sentence and choose the correct answer. The change from primary to secondary school was quite traumatic for him.
Read the sentence and choose the correct answer.The first year I worked at the factory I attended a sandwich course at the local college.
What is this person studying? Expressionism was really a reaction to the work of the impressionists.
What is this person studying? I’m concentrating on the modernist style - the high buildings of glass and concrete.
What is this person studying? I’ve been reading some books on time management.
What is this person studying? The way we use fertilizers is much more precise now than twenty years ago.
What is this person studying? We have analysed «Hamlet» as compared to other Shakespearen tragedies.
What is this person studying? We have to know every bone in a person’s body.
What is this person studying? We went to the language laboratory yesterday to work at our pronunciation.
What is this person studying? We’re going to concentrate on Freud and Jung this term.
What is this person studying? We’ve spent a lot of time on American foreign policy and how it has been affected by various domestic problems.
What is this person studying? You must know this case - it’s one of the most famous in legal history.
Which part of the sentence has a mistake in it? I attended a (A) voluntary school (B) so we have to go (C) to church quite a lot (D).
Which part of the sentence has a mistake in it? Maths are (A) a (B) very difficult subject, and I have never been (C) good at (D) it.
Which part of the sentence has a mistake in it? My brother James is studying (A) to (B) a degree (C) in (D) history.
Which part of the sentence has a mistake in it? Students at (A) university are called (B) undergraduates during (C) they are studying for their (D) first degree.
Which part of the sentence has a mistake in it? When she was (A) a child she went (B) to the school (C) with only fifty other (D) pupils.
Give the English equivalent: бакалавр
Give the English equivalent: Британский Совет (организация)
Give the English equivalent: общеобразовательный
Give the English equivalent: платная школа
Give the English equivalent: посещать лекции
Give the English equivalent: произношение
Give the English equivalent: расписание
Give the English equivalent: семестр
Give the English equivalent: старший преподаватель
Give the English equivalent: стипендия
Give the Russian equivalent: academic year
Give the Russian equivalent: accommodation
Give the Russian equivalent: free of charge
Give the Russian equivalent: freshman
Give the Russian equivalent: grades
Give the Russian equivalent: hostel
Give the Russian equivalent: primary school
Give the Russian equivalent: student identity card
Give the Russian equivalent: to pass an exam
Give the Russian equivalent: waste of time

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ПКОЯз. Англ. Практика речи - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
... is not allowed on double yellow lines.
... your change before leaving the shop.
A reduction made in the cost of smth. you’re buying.
A sum of money which is returned to you, because you have returned goods to a shop.
A tax paid to the government on things which are imported to the country.
After lunch ... going for a swim?
All cigarette packets carry ... about the effects of smoking on health.
Although Lucy was slimming, she found cream cakes quite ....
Ann said, “I don’t mind ... these foods if they give me a good figure but why ... to taste so awful”?
Be careful, because that knife is very ....
Frozen food should always be ... before it is cooked.
Hot meals available here. Drop in for a ... to eat.
How do you like your eggs ... for your breakfast?
I don’t understand why people put ... with the bad service in this restaurant.
I hate ... oranges. I usually get my wife to do it for me since she has long nails.
If you are rude to customers they are ... to come back.
If you show your student card, you may qualify for a ... .
I’m sorry I can’t pay for you as well, but I haven’t got ... money on me.
I’m sorry I really couldn’t eat anymore. I’m ...
Jane’s blue dress ... the colour of her eyes.
Many people who go to see their bank manage have a ... problem.
Mary asked the shopkeeper to put the vegetables in a ....
Meat may be:
Mrs. Read has some ... Picasso sketches in her private collection. The ... premiums she has to pay are astronomical.
Mrs. Taylor decided to buy a new coat by ... order, as she didn’t have time to look round the shops.
Our grandparents’ tastes were different ... ours but nowadays ... seems to enjoy ... fat girls.
Pass me the salad ..., please.
Please make sure you have the correct change for the ... before ... the bus.
Remember to keep your ... in case you need to ask for a refund or replacement.
Royalties is ...
Something bought cheaply or for less than usual price.
That supermarket carries a wide ... of goods.
The accommodation was cheap, but the food was very ....
The cost of moving goods from one place to another.
The dish had a very interesting taste as it was ... with lemon.
The money you pay to travel by plane, train etc.
The most delicious dishes in the UK are:
The police accused the bank employee of ... after financial irregularities were uncovered in his department’s accounts.
The price quoted ... room with bath and breakfast.
The Robinsons are having difficulty in meeting the ... repayments on their house.
These days most people, especially young girls, like ... slim.
They serve ... refreshments on the train.
Those prawns we had for supper have given me ....
Try our delicious three-course meal, offering you superb ... for money.
Until I can repay my bank loan, I’ll have to ... my living expenses.
We don’t ... credit cards. Please pay in cash.
When Mr. Cragon died he left ...amounting to £ 50, 000.
What ... shoes do you take?
When the customer’s cheque ... , the store manager refused to deliver the goods.
Which is correct translation of the phrase: «Дайте, пожалуйста, квитанцию об обмене валюты»?
Which is correct translation of the phrase: “Разменяйте мне, пожалуйста, один фунт»?
Which is correct translation of the phrase: “Я хочу обменять 100 долларов на фунты»?
Which would you ... have, the red scarf or a blue one?
Who do I make the cheque ... to?
You can be made to pay a ... for smoking on the Underground.
You very rarely find peas in ... nowadays, they are usually sold in pockets or tins.
If I had another £10,000 a year, I would consider myself ....
They made ... of £1,000 on the sale of their house.
You’d better take an extra £10 ... you need to it for taxis.

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ПКОЯз. Англ. Практика речи - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
... is not allowed on double yellow lines.
... your change before leaving the shop.
A reduction made in the cost of smth. you’re buying.
A sum of money which is returned to you, because you have returned goods to a shop.
A tax paid to the government on things which are imported to the country.
After lunch ... going for a swim?
All cigarette packets carry ... about the effects of smoking on health.
Although Lucy was slimming, she found cream cakes quite ....
Ann said, “I don’t mind ... these foods if they give me a good figure but why ... to taste so awful”?
Be careful, because that knife is very ....
Frozen food should always be ... before it is cooked.
Hot meals available here. Drop in for a ... to eat.
How do you like your eggs ... for your breakfast?
I don’t understand why people put ... with the bad service in this restaurant.
I hate ... oranges. I usually get my wife to do it for me since she has long nails.
If you are rude to customers they are ... to come back.
If you show your student card, you may qualify for a ... .
I’m sorry I can’t pay for you as well, but I haven’t got ... money on me.
I’m sorry I really couldn’t eat anymore. I’m ...
Jane’s blue dress ... the colour of her eyes.
Many people who go to see their bank manage have a ... problem.
Mary asked the shopkeeper to put the vegetables in a ....
Meat may be:
Mrs. Read has some ... Picasso sketches in her private collection. The ... premiums she has to pay are astronomical.
Mrs. Taylor decided to buy a new coat by ... order, as she didn’t have time to look round the shops.
Our grandparents’ tastes were different ... ours but nowadays ... seems to enjoy ... fat girls.
Pass me the salad ..., please.
Please make sure you have the correct change for the ... before ... the bus.
Remember to keep your ... in case you need to ask for a refund or replacement.
Royalties is ...
Something bought cheaply or for less than usual price.
That supermarket carries a wide ... of goods.
The accommodation was cheap, but the food was very ....
The cost of moving goods from one place to another.
The dish had a very interesting taste as it was ... with lemon.
The money you pay to travel by plane, train etc.
The most delicious dishes in the UK are:
The police accused the bank employee of ... after financial irregularities were uncovered in his department’s accounts.
The price quoted ... room with bath and breakfast.
The Robinsons are having difficulty in meeting the ... repayments on their house.
These days most people, especially young girls, like ... slim.
They serve ... refreshments on the train.
Those prawns we had for supper have given me ....
Try our delicious three-course meal, offering you superb ... for money.
Until I can repay my bank loan, I’ll have to ... my living expenses.
We don’t ... credit cards. Please pay in cash.
What ... shoes do you take?
When Mr. Cragon died he left ...amounting to £ 50, 000.
When the customer’s cheque ... , the store manager refused to deliver the goods.
Which is correct translation of the phrase: «Дайте, пожалуйста, квитанцию об обмене валюты»?
Which is correct translation of the phrase: “Разменяйте мне, пожалуйста, один фунт»?
Which is correct translation of the phrase: “Я хочу обменять 100 долларов на фунты»?
Which would you ... have, the red scarf or a blue one?
Who do I make the cheque ... to?
You can be made to pay a ... for smoking on the Underground.
You very rarely find peas in ... nowadays, they are usually sold in pockets or tins.
If I had another £10,000 a year, I would consider myself ....
They made ... of £1,000 on the sale of their house.
You’d better take an extra £10 ... you need to it for taxis.

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ПКОЯз. Англ. Практика речи - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
Avoid speeding to prevent ...
Choose the different expression.
Choose the right translation of «a fare box».
Choose the right translation of «booking office».
Choose the right translation of «complain».
Choose the right translation of «enormous».
Choose the right translation of «freeway».
Choose the right translation of «hospitable».
Choose the right translation of «overtake».
Choose the right translation of «resident».
Choose the right translation of «route».
Choose the right translation of «to have a bite».
Choose the right translation of «to look at the battery».
Choose the right translation to «reckless driver».
Choose the synonym to «departure».
Choose the synonym to «traveller».
Choose the synonym «to damage».
Find the different word.
Find the different word.
Find the different word.
Find the different word.
Find the different word.
Find the different word.
Find the opposite to «expensive».
Find the word which is different from others in the list below.
Find the word which is different from the others in the list given below.
Find the word which is different from the others in the list given below.
Give the synonym to «lorry».
He took a ... and went to the seaside.
He was fined for…
If you are in London be sure to visit Westminster Abbey which is…
If you are in London, be sure to visit Buckingham Palace, which is…
If you don’t know how much to pay for the ride, you ask the conductor
Mrs. Howard went to Washington… She hasn’t seen him for ages.
Several boats ... in the strong wind.
The car ... a tree and turned over.
They say that their departure will be ... for another few days.
When I come to a strange city, I ask a resident of the city:
When you are in New York, don’t fail to visit Greenwich Village.
When you are in New York, don’t fail to visit Wall Street, which is…
Who is a waiter? Find the answer to the question.
You should keep the ticket because it’s checked…
You’ll soon ... your illness.
«Сarry on» means
«Refuge» means
«The proprietor» means
«To enquire about smth» means
«To tip» means
«Еxpensive» means
Сhoose the synonym to «route».

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ПКОЯз. Англ. Практика речи - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
'What's your ...?', Nick asked his friend.
... trains only stop at the largest stations while slow trains stop at all stations.
A ... to Lake District is an unforgettable experience.
After spending two weeks together the tourists ... at the train station.
All the ocean ... combine passengers' comfort with speed.
An increasing number of people are now going on ... to France.
Ann looked angrily at her ... and began to shout at the ...
Are there any good ... on TV tonight?
Are we going to have any ...?
As for me I liked ... foreign coins when I was a small girl.
As for me, I prefer television ...
Do you watch a lot of ... films?
Each country observes its own special ... and ...
Helen White has just get her first hockey ...
I like swimming a lot. There's a good swimming ... near my University.
I like table tennis. I've just got a new table tennis ...
I like to see 'Football Review' on Friday. That's my ...
I prefer travelling by plane as it's the most ...., comfortable and the quickest means of travelling.
I'm watching 'Science Review'. My friend asked me to write a ... of the programme for the Centre City Daily News.
If you're a good player, you can ... Hussain Sharief.
In Britain it's not usual ... for shops to stay open after 6 o'clock, as in many other countries.
Is Vladimir Pozner still the ... of this programme?
Is your hobby taking ...?
It's going to be ... all day with only one or two sunny ...
It's going to be ... over most of the country but there may be a few ... in the morning.
It's going to be quite cool with ... as low as 15°C.
It's good to do smth in your ... time.
It's part of a ... on living in strange places.
Last Sunday we went for a picnic to the country, we played badminton, went fishing ..., we had a lot of fun.
Many people find it difficult to learn the ... of another country when they go abroad.
Most people just sit and ... TV all evening.
My elder brother told me he had liked ... games.
Paul's hobby is collecting ... from other countries, but he does not save any papers ...
Put all the ... into the back of the car.
That's a ..., isn't it? I think I saw this film a fortnight ago.
The ... began to whistle and shout when the player left.
The ... for tomorrow isn't too good.
The ball hit the ... and dropped to the ground.
The guests usually discuss the problems of every day life in the ...
The individuals have their own ... and daily ...
The mountain climbers were about to reach the top when the weather changed. Their ... became slower, they were ... for breath. They had to stop for a rest.
The other people say they are ... and have no time for a hobby.
The player threw down his tennis ... because he disagreed on the result of the game and left a court.
The programme ... Radio 1 at twenty-five past two is for people who ... sailing.
The rain's going to ... across the country overnight.
The tennis players have their competitions in the ...
There are frequent ... to Luxor from Cairo.
There's a programme about birds ... the Natural World series on Saturday.
There's a programme at three o'clock for people who are ... on growing plants and flowers.
There's a very interesting ... about life in the Arctic tonight on TV.
They say it's also going to rain ... there in the evening.
We just play tennis for fun. Why ... you try playing?
We only have one room empty in the hotel. Do you mind ... it?
What about ... programmes?
What is the title of this book: 'Keeping ...'
What's the ... going to be like tomorrow?
What's your ... game?
Which game fits this description: "The most popular English swimmer game, played on a green field, very slow and long by two teams of 11 players each"?
Which of these places associated with horse-racing: Wembley, Wimbledon, Derby or Dudley?
You cannot listen ... David Anderson's and Sue Townsend's programmes because they both .../...

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ПКОЯз. Англ. Практика речи - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
... board a modern ocean liner you can have a wide choice of entertainment facilities.
... is a built-in bed in a train.
A little boy put his model boat into the water and it ... .
Can you identify the trade of the following shop from it’s name? ‘La Gondola’ it’s a ... .
Can you identify the trade of the following shop from it’s name? ‘Mothercare’ is a ... .
Can you tell me what time the doctor’s ... opens?
Could I have a ... of matches, please?
Could you please tell me the ... for York?
Do you have any toothpaste? I’d like a large ... .
Doctor ... me and gave me some pills.
Find the best answer to the question: "Come with me. I’m seeing ‘Mission Impossible’ tomorrow."
Find the best answer to the question: "Would you like to go to the cinema tomorrow?"
First, Mr. Bromley gave me a very interesting ... about this Hi-Fi system.
Fluoride toothpaste helps ... tooth decay.
How much is this ... of soap?
I ... this coat for £100.
I also want a ... of orange juice.
I hope everything is true and that the salesman isn’t trying to ... anyone.
I just want to collect a ... .
I took my shoe off because my ankle began to ... and feel painful.
I went to see the doctor because I had a ... temperature.
If you have any problem, the ... will help you.
If you want to cross the road, use the ... .
If your foot becomes white and ... , loosen the bandage once.
It’s very important ... tooth decay.
I’d like ... to 035-793171, please.
I’d like to book seats for the train ... , because in the summer a lot of people travel.
I’d like to buy a ... of cigarettes, too.
Many countries have also started ... fluoride to drinking water.
Oh dear, that’s expensive! My old watch was very ... .
Oh, and could I have a ... of bi.
Oh, dear, the phone is dead. I can’t hear Nick at all now. Why are we suddenly cut ...?
One of the new salesmen has ... me to buy a new car.
Read these rules about ... your teeth healthy.
Slow down and turn right at the ... .
Sorry, is it some ... for headache?
Take the first turning off the ... , there you’ll see the box office.
That’s a very useful ... of information.
The booking-... said that they were all booked up for Sunday in the first-class sleepers.
The car is ... for one year. The garage will pay for any repairs within this period.
The man said that he could let us have a separate ... in the second-class sleeper on Friday, if we wanted.
The New Oxford Garage is ... for more salesmen.
The phone’s ringing. Could you ... it?
The ship made a good ... at the port.
There were only 2 actors on the ... when the play started.
There were passengers above and below decks. Our third class ... was below deck.
There’s an information ... at every railroad station.
These drops should soon ... your running nose.
These mangoes are excellent. ... you like half and dozen or a dozen?
These pills are for a ... cough.
This leaflet contained a lot of ... about how little petrol the car used.
This shop is opened ... nine o’clock on Friday evenings.
Unfortunately you cannot stop tooth decay simply by .. your teeth.
What’s the ... of this alarm clock?
Would you like me to take a look at your old watch? I shan’t ... you for looking at it!
You can also improve your teeth if ... healthy food.
‘Has she got a phone?’ ‘I’m afraid I don’t know. Why don’t you find out from the phone ... ?’
‘Hello. Something’s wrong with my phone.’ ‘Call the ... .’

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ПКОЯз. Англ. Практика речи - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
"A duty free shop" means
"a lobby'' means
"A single room" means:
"Check-in counter" means
"Pageboy" means
"To notify smb. about smth." means
"To tip" means
"То enquire about smth." means:
A "motel" means
A "porter" means
A difference between the time you are accoustomed to and a new time is
After having arrived at the airport you are supposed to begin with
After having landed at the airport you are supposed first of all to:
Bills are usually paid ....
Choose the different expression.
Choose the right translation of "a beauty parlour"
Choose the right translation of "a pile (of)"
Choose the right translation of "block letters".
Choose the right translation of "booking office".
Choose the right translation of "charge".
Choose the right translation of "local customs".
Choose the right translation of "to be a poor sailor".
Choose the right translation of "to check out".
Choose the right translation of "to develop a film"
Choose the right translation of "to land".
Choose the right translation of "to look forward to".
Choose the right translation of "to smuggle".
Choose the synonim to "scales".
Choose the synonim to "stewardess".
Choose the synonims to "duty free"
Complete the sentence: "If you want to have your suit pressed or drycleaned, your shirt ironed you should ... .
Complete the sentence: "The stewardess asked the passengers ... and the plane took off.
Fill in the blank with the appropriate words. "When all the passengers ... it took off.
Find the different word.
Find the different word.
Find the different word.
Find the different word.
Find the different word.
Find the different word.
Find the different word.
Find the opposite to "vacant".
Find the opposite to the adjective "permanent".
Find the opposite to the verb "to take off".
Give the synonim to "air-crash".
Give the synonim to "luggage".
I was booking accomodation by telephone. The desk-clerk was consulting the register and asked me...
If ... ask somebody else to fill in the form.
If you don't want to get dissapointed you should book accomodation
If you want to change your room you'd better address ... .
In the lobby one can see:
It's customary to tip the attendant
The clerk will...
The customs officer usually says:
The declaration form is to be filled in before you are going ...
The plane landed but before getting off the plane they...
The receptionist asks you ...
When the sea is rough and one feels sea-sick, the best thing to do is:
When you are ready to check out you tell ... to get your bill ready.
When your taxi stops at the entrance to the hotel ... helps you with your luggage.
Who is a waiter?

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Англ. яз. История литературы страны изучаемого языка - Слайдлекция по модулю

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
50-60-е годы XIX века - II этап развития английской литературы:
Большинство английских писателей в своих произведениях показали все слои буржуазии:
В 30-е годы XIX века в истории развития английской литературы возникли новые жанры романа:
В роман были внесены элементы публицистичности, плакатности, философские концепции:
В романе "Домби и сын" Ч. Диккенс показал возможность нравственного перерождения человека:
В романе XIX века отражаются духовные потребности общества, политическая и социальная жизнь страны:
В труде Т. Р. Мальтуса "Опыт о законе народонаселения" был выражен протест против революционных и радикальных идей XIX века:
Викторианский век не был подготовлен предшествующим поворотом исторических событий:
Время правления королевы Виктории:
Г. Спенсер полагал, что между органами живого организма существует разделение функций, которое должно быть сохранено в социальной сфере:
Для каждого героя в произведениях Ч. Диккенса свой стиль авторского повествования и речевая характеристика:
Идеолог буржуазного либерализма, положивший начало теории утилитаризма:
Идеолог позитивизма - Г. Спенсер:
Изменение характера романа характеризовалось требованием времени, условиями социального и духовного развития Англии:
Красноречивая портретная характеристика подтверждается поступками персонажей:
Личные качества человека Ч. Диккенс связывал с социальными условиями:
Один из наиболее известных романистов XIX века, родившийся в 1812 году:
Период чартистского движения в Англии:
Писатели и философы выдвигали на первый план сильную, энергичную личность, поэтизируя ее и рассматривая в необщественных связях:
Позитивизм не оказал никакого воздействия на роман:
Расширились функциональность художественного образа и значимость самостоятельности персонажа:
Рождественская сказка должна утверждать существование несбыточного:
Роман "Джен Эйр" написан:
Существуют три основных периода в историко-литературном процессе Англии XIX века:
Требования свободы торговли, благополучия и процветания для всех слоев населения - актуальные проблемы и для науки, литературы и искусства:
Ч. Диккенс был властителем умов своего времени:
Ч. Диккенс и У. М. Теккерей внесли в реалистическую структуру повествования символику и метафору, элементы театра, пародии, сатиры и др.:
Ч. Диккенс не выступал против преступления и против тех, кто их совершает:
Ч. Кингсли в своих романах нарисовал ужасающие своей правдивостью сцены жизни сельскохозяйственных и промышленных рабочих:
Чем меньше общество влияет на человека, тем человечнее и чище он становится:

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Англ.Яз. История литературы страны изучаемого языка (курс 1) - Слайдлекция по модулю

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
"Пора надежд" - роман Ч. П. Сноу, построенный на основании "непосредственного" опыта его героя Льюиса Элиота:
Автором пьесы "Однобокий маятник" является Н. Симпсон:
Автором романа "Безоговорочная капитуляция" является И. Во:
Автором романа "Коллекционер" является:
Автором романа "Речные пороги" является Норман Льюис:
Автором романа "Тихий американец" является:
В литературе Великобритании во второй половине XX века наблюдается богатство тематики:
В своих романах Дж. Олдридж критикует британский империализм и колониализм:
Все творчество И. Во пронизано сатирической тенденцией:
Господствующим направлением в английской литературе второй половины XX века является символизм:
Действие романа Г. Грина "Комедианты" происходит на Таити:
Джеймс Олдридж написал роман "Дипломат":
Драматургия "новой волны" была единым течением:
Драматургия "новой волны" стала называться драматургией "кухонной лохани" после постановки пьесы А. Уэскера "Куриный суп с перловкой":
К писателям "рассерженной молодежи" не относится:
Книга А. Силлитоу "Субботний вечер и воскресное утро" - "рабочий" роман:
Комедийная интонация является ведущей в первых романах Ч. П. Сноу:
На творчество Ш. О`Кейси оказала сильное влияние ирландская литературная традиция:
Общим для "рабочих" романистов является детализация местного быта индустриальных районов Англии:
Основные персонажи романа Ч. П. Сноу "Новые люди" - ученые-атомщики и чиновники, ведающие их работой:
Особенность творческой манеры Г. Грина - лаконизм в сочетании с глубоким и выразительным подтекстом:
Поэзия Д. Томаса проникнута романтической тенденцией:
Проблемы морали были важнейшими для Г. Грина:
Пьеса "Лютер" была написана Дж. Осборном в 1966 году:
Пьесы Г. Пинтера говорят об обособленности и одиночестве людей, об отсутствии у них общего языка:
Роман Дж. Фаулза "Дэниел Мартин" изображает судьбы интеллигенции в наше время:
Роман Дж. Фаулза "Женщина французского лейтенанта" воскрешает прозу XIX века:
Сборник стихов "Новые строки" включает произведения поэтов, входивших в группу "Движение":
Трилогия Д. Стюарта "смена ролей" написана в форме семейной хроники:
Цикл романов Ч. П. Сноу о жизни английского общества называется:

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Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
В английской литературе наблюдается близость романтизма и реализма:
В классицизме идеал конкретен и доступен для воплощения:
В романтизме существует глубокий разрыв между идеалом и действительностью:
В России "северным Байроном" был объявлен:
Введение исторического романа как новой формы литературы принадлежит:
Во всей романтической английской прозе ощущается присутствие готического романа:
Д. Н. Г. Байрон привил поэзии богатство разговорной речи:
Джейн Остин считала просветительскую разумность и сентиментальную чувствительность ложными добродетелями:
К стилю романтизм принадлежат психологические романы Джейн Остин:
Классическим не считается романтизм:
Культ природы, чувства и воображения содержится в предромантизме:
Миф, созданный о Д. Н. Г. Байроне, не совпадал с истинной сущностью его творчества:
На втором этапе романтизма в Англии формируется самостоятельная романтическая традиция:
Непосредственным предшественником стиля романтизм был:
Первое издание "Лирических баллад" У. Вордсворта и С. Т. Колриджа положило начало романтизму в Англии:
Первый этап развития романтизма в Англии - 90-е годы XVIII века:
Послевоенный английский романтизм является завершающим этапом становления романтизма:
Предромантизм стал особым направлением в художественной культуре Европы и Америки:
Противопоставление идеала действительности является основным законом романтического мышления:
Репутация Д. Н. Г. Байрона как поэта до сих пор не очень высока в Англии:
Романтизм - одно из крупнейших направлений литературы XVIII-XIX веков:
Романтизм - стиль, отличающийся высокой эмоциональностью, культом экзотического и фантастического:
Романтизм абсолютизирует идеал:
Романтизм имеет наиболее устойчивое выражение в:
Романтизм как направление возникает в конце XVIII века сразу в нескольких странах: Германии, Франции, Англии:
Согласно принципу исторического романтизма действительность имеет преходящий характер:
Согласно современным представлениям о романтизме его истоком явилась реакция на Французскую революцию:
Среди английских романтиков самым пылким и убежденным бунтарем считается П. Б. Шелли:
У. Блейк признавал созидающую способность свободного человека, его творческий гений:
У. Блейк считал рационалистические тенденции в науке поверхностыми:

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Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
"Красота есть истина, истина есть красота" - слова Дж. Китса:
"Повелитель мух" - роман У. Голдинга:
"Сага о Форсайтах" - трилогия Дж. Голсуорси:
Б. Шоу в пьесе "Дом, где разбиваются сердца" анализирует причины кризиса буржуазной цивилизации в Англии:
Б. Шоу выступал как сторонник гитлеризма:
В поэме "Бесплодная земля" Т. С. Элиота звучит пессимизм и неверие в человека:
В произведениях 20-х годов ХХ века Т. С. Элиот выступает как крайний консерватор:
Г. Грин выступал как писатель только детективных романов:
Г. Уэллс в своих произведениях пытался предупредить человечество об опасности фашизма:
Г. Уэллс интересовался культом несоциального, проблемами пола:
Д. Гей писал антицерковные, сатирические и политические стихи:
Д. Джойс получил Нобелевскую премию за роман "Записки по Финнегану":
Д. Лоуренс противопоставляет мир частный, духовный миру общественному:
Дж. Госуорси выступает в поддержку модернистской литературы:
Задача искусства (по У. Голдингу) - предостеречь людей от окружающего их мрака:
К писателям второй половины ХХ века относится:
К писателям периода декаданса относится:
К писателям-модернистам относятся:
Как художественное воплощение эдипова комплекса был воспринят роман "Сыновья и любовники" Д. Лоуренса:
Мир мрачной и нездоровой сказки показан в романе А. Мердок "Единорог":
Основателем "озерной школы" является:
Период, когда творил Ч. Диккенс, называется"Англией Диккенса":
Поведение и мышление персонажей Д. Джойс рассматривает, опираясь на исследования З. Фрейда:
Поэмы "Эндимион" и "Гиперион" написаны Т. Муром:
Представительница женского романа, написавшая "Разум и чувства" - Д. Остин:
Программа "озерной школы" - это:
Роман "Векфильдский священик" принадлежит перу О. Голдсимта:
Т. Кемпбелл стал известен благодаря поэме "Радости надежды":
У. Вордсворт прославился как мастер английского сонета:
Философия социального пессимизма нашла отражение в произведениях Д. Джойса:

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Англ. яз. История литературы страны изучаемого языка - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
«Энциклопедией модернизма» называли книгу Дж. Джойса
Бекки Шарп и Эмилия Сэдли - персонажи романа
В 1948 г. Нобелевская премия была присуждена
В романах Г. Грина присутствует религиозная тема, связанная с
Во второй книге Л. Кэрролла об Алисе Алиса путешествует по
Вставьте недостающее слово в название литературного произведения. C. Dickens’s “Great __________”
Вставьте недостающее слово в название литературного произведения. C. Dickens’s “__________ Dorrit”
Вставьте недостающее слово в название литературного произведения. E. Bronte’s “Wuthering __________”
Вставьте недостающее слово в название литературного произведения. G. G. Byron’s “The __________ of Chillon”
Вставьте недостающее слово в название литературного произведения. G. Greene’s “The Power and the __________”
Вставьте недостающее слово в название литературного произведения. J. Osborne’s “Look __________ in Anger”
Вставьте недостающее слово в название литературного произведения. Jane Austen’s “__________ and Prejudice”
Вставьте недостающее слово в название литературного произведения. O. Wilde’s “The __________ of being Earnest”
Вставьте недостающее слово в название литературного произведения. S. T. Coleridge’s “The Rime of the __________ Mariner”
Вставьте недостающее слово в название литературного произведения. T.S. Eliot’s “Waste __________”
Главой эстетизма как литературного течения был
Дж. Барнз представляет литературное направление
Дж. Китс был мастером
Для манеры письма О. Уайльда характерны
К циклу «Восточных поэм» принадлежит поэма Дж. Г. Байрона
Леопольд Блум - персонаж романа
Любовной теме в творчестве У. Вордсворта
Манифестом романтиков «озерной школы» явилось
Название романа «Ярмарка тщеславия» У.М. Теккерей заимствовал из произведения
Назовите автобиографический роман Д.Г. Лоуренса.
Назовите автора поэмы «Бесплодная земля»
Назовите автора поэмы «Мод».
Назовите автора поэмы «Пиппа проходит».
Назовите автора пьес «Как важно быть серьезным», «Идеальный муж», «Веер леди Уиндермир».
Назовите автора романа «Завещание Оскара Уайльда».
Назовите автора романа «Тэсс из рода д’Эрбервиллей».
Назовите автора романов «Женщина французского лейтенанта», «Волхв», «Башня из черного дерева».
Назовите автора романов «Жизнь и приключения Николаса Никльби», «Крошка Доррит», «Холодный дом».
Назовите автора романов «Любовник леди Чаттерлей», «Влюбленные женщины», «Радуга».
Назовите автора романов «Мельница на Флоссе» и «Мидлмарч»
Назовите автора романов «Нортенгерское аббатство», «Эмма», «Гордость и предубеждение»
Назовите автора романов «Повелитель мух», «Шпиль», «Пирамида».
Назовите автора романов «Похищенный», «Черная стрела», «Владелец Баллантрэ».
Назовите автора романов «Сдается в наем», «Белая обезьяна», «Девушка ждет».
Назовите автора романов «Смерть героя», «Все люди - враги», «Дочь полковника».
Назовите автора романов «Тихий американец», «Сила и слава», «Суть дела».
Назовите главное действующее лицо цикла романов Ч.П. Сноу «Чужие и братья».
Назовите годы жизни Ч. Диккенса.
Назовите имя героини знаменитых книг Л. Кэрролла.
Назовите имя героя «Книги джунглей» Р. Киплинга
Назовите имя главного героя романа Ч. Диккенса «Большие надежды» («Большие ожидания»)
Назовите ключевой роман «английского цикла» В. Скотта.
Назовите ключевой роман «шотландского цикла» В. Скотта.
Назовите литературное направление, к которому принадлежали Т.С. Элиот, Дж. Джойс, В. Вулф.
Назовите литературное направление, которое представлял Р. Киплинг.
Назовите основные течения английского романтизма.
Назовите основоположника английского исторического романа.
Назовите писателя - лауреата Нобелевской премии по литературе.
Назовите писателя ХIХ века.
Назовите писателя ХIХ века.
Назовите писателя ХХ века.
Назовите писателя ХХ века.
Назовите писателя, представляющего литературу «рассерженной молодежи».
Назовите поэта, принадлежавшего к «озерной школе».
Назовите поэта, принадлежавшего к «озерной школе».
Назовите поэта, принадлежавшего к группе лондонских романтиков.
Назовите поэта, принадлежавшего к группе романтиков младшего поколения.
Назовите псевдоним писательницы М.Э. Эванс.
Назовите псевдоним Ч.Л. Доджсона.
Назовите роман Айрис Мердок.
Назовите роман В. Скотта, действие которого происходит во Франции.
Назовите роман Дж. Барнза.
Назовите роман О.Уайльда
Назовите роман Томаса Гарди.
Назовите роман Ш. Бронте, принесший ей наибольшую известность.
Назовите роман, считающийся лучшим произведением Джордж Элиот.
Назовите фамилию персонажей знаменитой эпопеи Дж. Голсуорси.
Назовите центральное произведение в творчестве Мэри Шелли.
Назовите центральный роман Эмилии Бронте.
Наиболее характерным произведением С.Т. Колриджа является
Наибольшую автобиографичность имеет роман Ч. Диккенса
О «потерянном поколении» рассказывается в романе
Об одичании детей на необитаемом острове рассказывается в романе У. Голдинга.
Образом Давида Балфура объединены романы Р.Л. Стивенсона
П.Б. Шелли называл «основным содержанием эпохи, в которую мы живем»
П.Б. Шелли наиболее полно выразил свои эстетические взгляды
Первый поэтический сборник Дж. Г. Байрона, изданный под его именем, назывался
Поль и Флоренс Домби - персонажи романа
Попытку передать поток сознания предпринимали представители
Поэзия С.Т. Колриджа характеризуется
Поэма Дж. Г. Байрона «Паломничество Чайльд Гарольда» написана в форме
Представители эстетизма
Пьесы Дж. Б. Шоу «Дома вдовца», «Волокита», «Профессия миссис Уоррен» объединены названием
Р. Браунинг выделял два типа поэзии:
Р.Л. Стивенсон является представителем
Роман «Собственник» входит в
Роман А. Мердок «Черный принц» связан с философским учением
Роман Дж. Фаулза «Коллекционер» представляет собой парафраз на сюжет пьесы У. Шекспира
Романтизм как литературное направление возник
Романтики считали высшей формой познания
Романы Дж. Джойса «Портрет художника в юности» и «Улисс» объединены образом
Сестры Бронте впервые выступили в литературе под псевдонимом
Судьбе интеллигенции в начале ХХ века посвящена пьеса Дж. Б. Шоу
Традицию приключенческой литературы с характерной для неё поэзией странствий, мужественными романтическими героями возродили на рубеже ХIХ - ХХ вв. представители
Эстетика романтизма связана с философскими идеями

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Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
Автором комедии "Иголка кумушки Гертон" является:
Автором пьесы "Фаусто" является:
Автором трагедии "Ромео и Джульетта" является:
Аллегоризм является основным свойством моралите:
Благодаря К. Марло "белый" стих утвердился в английской драме:
В XVI в. в Лондоне не существовали частные театры:
В XVI в. в Лондоне существовали публичные театры:
В первой половине XVI в. в Англии популярностью не пользовались интерлюдии:
В первой половине XVI в. интерес к школьной драме упал:
В первой половине XVI в. особой популярностью в Англии пользовались моралите:
В произведениях К. Марло раскрывается материалистическое и гуманистическое мировоззрение:
В публичных театрах играли исключительно профессиональные, взрослые актерские труппы:
В публичных театрах крыша над партером отсутствовала:
Важнейшей особенностью публичных театров являлось сложное устройство сцены:
Грань между моралите и интерлюдией часто стиралась:
Интерлюдии являются пьесами комического содержания:
Комедия "Иголка кумушки Гертон" появилась в 1556 г.:
Кристофер Марло является предшественником У. Шекспира:
Моралите - нравственное действие, представляющее собой особую форму пропаганды новых гуманистических идей:
Мятеж заключает союз с лицемерием, властью и узурпацией:
Назидательность не является основным свойством моралите:
Необычайный подъем драматургической деятельности приходится на вторую половину XVI - начало XVII вв.:
Обобщенные образы моралите пользовались популярностью в течение всего XVI в.:
Первая английская комедия была поставлена в:
Публичные театры аристократия не посещала:
Публичные театры находились в центральной части города:
Пьесы Р. Грина отличаются от пьес современных ему драматургов ярким демократизмом и народностью:
Расцвет английской драмы приходится на период царствования королевы Елизаветы (1558-1603 гг.):
Студенческие спектакли на латинском языке в английских университетах устраивались:
Театр играл большую общественно-политическую роль:

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Англ. яз. История литературы страны изучаемого языка - Слайдлекция по модулю

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
"Кентерберийские рассказы" - самое известное произведение Д. Чосера:
Автором "Божественной комедии" является:
Английский гуманизм отличает резко сатирический тон и пессимизм:
В XV веке сформировалась английская нация и новая национальная культура:
В Италии в XVI веке зародился художественный стиль классицизма:
В Италии гуманизм сложился раньше, чем во всех других странах:
В литературе Возрождения основным предметом изображения становится человек:
В произведениях А. Данте появились отдельные черты ренессанса:
В середине XV века в Италии созрела основная идея ренессансного гуманизма:
В эпоху Возрождения активно изучались античная литература и искусство:
В эпоху Возрождения античность использовалась в качестве опоры для утверждения новых идей и новых культурных тенденций:
Возрождение в Англии произошло позднее, чем в Италии:
Гуманизм способствовал перестройке средневековой школы и педагогики:
Гуманистам принадлежит создание идеала универсального человека:
Гуманисты признавали светский характер культуры:
Гуманисты, увлекающиеся античной древностью до возведения ее в абсолютную норму, назывались гуманистами:
Знакомство с греческой поэзией обогатило творчество итальянских поэтов XV века:
Крупнейшим английским художником слова XIV века считался:
Литература Возрождения сочетала в себе античность и народное творчество:
Литература Ренессанса отмечена появлением новых средств поэтической выразительности, связанных с реализмом:
Наибольший расцвет Возрождения в Англии приходится на период правления королевы Елизаветы (XVI век):
Особенностью ренессансного искусства является его огромный положительный пафос:
Первые высшие школы средневековой Европы возникли в итальянских городах:
Первый этап Возрождения в Англии носит название Реформации:
Причиной бедствия Англии, согласно Томасу Мору, являлась частная собственность:
Раннее Возрождение имело народно-демократический характер:
Родиной всего европейского Возрождения явилась:
Существо культуры Возрождения состоит в борьбе с феодализмом и всеми его проявлениями:
Творчество У. Шекспира можно разделить на три периода: оптимистический, трагический и трагикомический:
Эпоха Возрождения закончилась:

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Англ. яз. История литературы страны изучаемого языка - Слайдлекция по модулю

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
"Беовульф" разделен на три части:
"Дневник путешествия в Лиссабон" - произведение Г. Филдинга:
"Потерянный рай" - поэма Д. Мильтона:
"Путевые письма" принадлежат перу М. В. Монтеню:
"Сентиментальное путешествие по Франции и Италии" - произведение Г. Филдинга:
Беовульф - молодой король ютов:
Беовульф сражается за счастье своих соплеменников:
В "Кентерберийских рассказах" все потроено на контрасте:
В "Кентерберийских рассказах" изображены люди только благородного происхождения:
В Гамлете есть черты, сближающие его с:
В книге о путешествии по Великобритании Д. Дефо стремится показать социально-историческое многообразие страны:
Д. Чосер предвосхитил реализм английского Возрождения:
Д. Чосер участвовал в походах во Францию и стал известным французским поэтом:
Классическую форму жанру путешествия придал Д. Свифт:
Место действия поэмы "Потерянный рай" - рай:
Мировоззрение У. Шекспира - трагический гуманизм:
Мотив созидания - ведущий в "Гамлете":
Натуру Гамлета погубил:
Общественное мнение одобряет действия Гамлета:
Основная тема "Сентиментального путешествия по Франции и Италии" - тема национального характера:
Рассказы Д. Чосера можно рассортировать по группам:
Родина жанра путешествия:
Саксонская поэма эпохи Средневековья:
Смех - основная сила "Кентерберийских рассказов":
Средневековые мыслители считали основным в человеке способность к действию:
У истоков литературного путешествия в Англии стоит Д. Мильтон:
У У. Шекспира и человек, и государство заражены одной болезнью:
У. Шекспир не написал:
Цель Д. Чосера - показать создание человека своего времени:
Эстетическая установка Л. Стерна - "Да здравствует пустяк!":

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Англ. яз. История литературы изучаемого языка - Слайдлекция по модулю

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
Большинство памятников поэтического творчества на латинском языке возникает в Средние века в Италии и Франции:
В V в. произошло завоевание Британии англосаксами:
В V-VI вв. устанавливается состав дисциплин, которые считались необходимыми для церковных нужд:
В драме до сих пор живет синкретизм:
В конце VI в. англосаксы не имели еще письменной литературы:
В настоящее время сохранились кельтские языки на территории современной Германии:
В середине Х в. англосаксонами был занят весь юг, центр и северо-восток нынешней Англии:
В состав квадривия входит:
В Х в. в Бордо и Лионе еще существовали школы риторов, где изучался латинский язык:
Все древнейшие памятники поэзии германских племен написаны аллитерационным стихом:
Главный герой уладского цикла - Кухулин:
Джеймс Макферсон издал сборник имитаций народной поэзии "Песни Оссиана" в:
Древнейшей формой поэзии являются трудовые песни:
Древнейшей частью ирландского эпоса является фенианский цикл:
Древнейшим образцом древнегерманского эпоса большого масштаба является англосаксонская поэма "Беовульф":
Зарождение и развитие литературы Средневековья определяется взаимодействием двух основных факторов:
Из позднейших писателей V в. известностью пользовался Седулий Скотт:
Историки культуры различают в средневековой литературе два больших периода:
К моменту распада Римской империи население Галлии, Испании, Италии было романизировано:
Кровная месть существовала в Ирландии до III в.:
На пртяжении всего раннего Средневековья церковь выдвигает идею о:
Начало западноевропейской культуры относится к VI-VII вв. н. э.:
Начиная с V в. н. э. среди германцев было распространено руническое письмо:
Новые общественные отношения эпохи феодализма в романских и германских странах Западной Европы развиваются в период:
Остготское царство было разрушено гуннами в 347 г.:
Первые записи ирландских саг были сделаны в VII-VIIIвв. монахами:
Попытку возродить латинскую поэзию предпринял в конце Х в. Карл Великий:
Поэма "Беовульф" содержит около 300 стихов:
С германскими племенами Римское государство впервые столкнулось в:
Сочинителей и исполнителей германских эпических песен называли скальдами:

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Англ. яз. История литературы изучаемого языка - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
«Кентерберийские рассказы» Дж. Чосера рассказываются от лица
«Сентиментализм» как название литературного направления укрепилось
«Смуглая леди сонетов» является адресатом произведений
«Утопия» Томаса Мора была изначально написана
Автор комедии «Варфоломеевская ярмарка»
Автор поэмы «Потерянный рай» -
Автор трагедий «Тамерлан Великий», «Трагическая история доктора Фауста», «Мальтийский еврей» -
Английские и шотландские баллады
Английский язык стал основным литературным языком
Белый стих в драму впервые ввел
Бен Джонсон выдвинул
Бен Джонсон является создателем
Большая часть новелл, входящих в состав «Кентерберийских рассказов Дж.Чосера, написана:
Большинство англоязычных рыцарских романов объединены образом
Бродячие поэты - ваганты создавали, в основном
В комедии «Вольпоне» Бена Джонсона применен сатирический прием
В поэме «Беовульф» рассказывается
В произведениях, написанных в жанре видения, действительность предстает в форме:
В числе прочих литературных источников в основе «Гамлета» У. Шекспира лежит
Ведущее место в литературе английского Просвещения занимает
Временные рамки древнейшего периода английской литературы:
Вставьте пропущенное слово в название литературного произведения. D. Defoe’s “_________ Flanders”.
Вставьте пропущенное слово в название литературного произведения. E. Spenser’s “_________ Queene”.
Вставьте пропущенное слово в название литературного произведения. J. Chaucer’s “The _________ Tales”.
Вставьте пропущенное слово в название литературного произведения. J. Milton’s “_________ Lost”.
Вставьте пропущенное слово в название литературного произведения. J. Swift’s “Gulliver’s _________”.
Вставьте пропущенное слово в название литературного произведения. O. Goldsmith’s “ The _________ of Wakefield”.
Вставьте пропущенное слово в название литературного произведения. R.B. Sheridan’s “The _________ for Scandal”.
Вставьте пропущенное слово в название литературного произведения. Thomas More’s “_________”.
Вставьте пропущенное слово в название литературного произведения. W. Langland’s “Vision of Piers _________.”
Вставьте пропущенное слово в название литературного произведения. W. Shakespeare’s “Merry _________ of Windsor”.
Вставьте пропущенное слово в название литературного произведения. W. Shakespeare’s “_________ Night’s Dream”.
Вставьте пропущенное слово в название литературного произведения. W. Shakespeare’s “_________ of the Shrew”.
Вставьте пропущенное слово в название литературного произведения. W. Shakespeare’s “_________ Tale”.
Вставьте пропущенное слово в название литературного произведения. “Sir Gawain and the _________ Knight”.
Г. Филдинг сравнивал мир с
Главным средством преобразования общества просветители считали
Две основные сюжетные группы народных баллад
Действие «Кентерберийских рассказов» происходит
Действие комедии У. Шекспира «Укрощение строптивой» происходит в
Действие трагедии «Гамлет» У. Шекспира происходит
Для разоблачения Клавдия Гамлет прибегает к услугам
Единственная комедия У. Шекспира, действие которой происходит в Англии:
Жанр романа ужасов известен также как
Жанровая природа «Путешествий Гулливера» Дж. Свифта сочетает в себе черты
Запись древнеанглийских поэтических произведений впервые стала осуществляться
Знаменитая поэма Уильяма Ленгленда написана в жанре
Идеологическое движение Просвещения получило развитие в
Из перечисленных писателей сентименталистом является
Из перечисленных писателей современником Шекспира был
Ко времени вторжения на Британские острова у англосаксов
Литературный кружок, созданный Филипом Сидни назывался
Назовите автора романа «История Тома Джонса, найденыша».
Назовите автора романа «Радости и горести знаменитой Молль Флендерс».
Назовите автора фразы: «Никогда не посылай узнать, по ком звонит колокол: он звонит по тебе».
Назовите героя Шекспира, который был противопоставлен Клавдию.
Назовите главную героиню комедии У. Шекспира «Укрощение строптивой».
Назовите года жизни Дж. Чосера.
Назовите годы жизни Джона Мильтона.
Назовите годы жизни У. Шекспира.
Назовите жанр произведения Дж. Чосера «Троил и Хризеида».
Назовите персонаж, противопоставленный Отелло в одноименной трагедии У. Шекспира.
Назовите пьесу Шекспира, которая является по жанру трагикомедией.
Назовите пьесу, написанную К. Марло.
Назовите пьесу, написанную У. Шекспиром.
Наиболее популярным жанром литературы XI - XIII века на французском языке был(а)
Наиболее распространенные жанры английской и шотландской народной поэзии -
Начало жанру утопии положил
О пребывании на необитаемом острове рассказывается в романе
Образ сэра Джона Фальстафа и его окружения составляет
Один из излюбленных жанров Дж. Свифта является
Основное произведение Джеффри Чосера -
Основной принцип искусства эпохи Возрождения -
Основной эпизод «Видения о Петре Пахаре»
Основоположником европейского реалистического романа считается
Особенности английской литературы XVII века определяются
Первый перевод глав из Библии на англосаксонский язык принадлежит
Первым теоретиком романа в английской литературе был
После нормандского завоевания в Британии
Последним поэтическим произведением Джона Мильтона является
Поэма «Беовульф» написана
Пьесы У. Шекспира «Буря», «Зимняя сказка», «Цимбелин» являются по жанру
Роман Г. Филдинга «История приключений Джозефа Эндрюса» и «История Тома Джонса, найденыша» написаны в жанре
Романы артуровского цикла были объединены Томасом Мэлори
Рыцарская поэзия возникла
Самое значительное из сохранившихся произведений англосаксонской поэзии -
Слово «лилипут» впервые появилось в романе
Слово «утопия» переводится с греческого языка как:
Создание формы английского сонета со схемой рифмовки abab cdcd efef gg принадлежит
Сонет как форма стиха заимствован английскими поэтами из
Сонеты Шекспира были созданы, в основном,
Списки «Беовульфа», дошедшие до нашего времени датируются
Средневековая тема, атмосфера ужасов и тайн, фантастические мотивы характерны для
Третий период творчества Шекспира ознаменован интересом к
Характерные явления в литературе позднего Просвещения
Характеры персонажей у Бена Джонсона
Хоровой припев баллад иначе называется
Центральное произведение Джонатана Свифта -
Элегия была излюбленным жанром
Эпоха Возрождения иначе называется

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ПКОЯз. Англ. Профкурс (деловой) - Тестовая база по дисциплине

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
"Capacity" in the contractual sense means:
"Property" means:
... are a class of agents who buy and sell goods for other people receiving for their labour and trouble a certain payment.
... are arrangements by which it is agreed that goods are to be transferred in consideration of a certain number of periodical payments.
... are existing goods referred to by description
... Belongs to the seller who is unpaid, and can be excercised by him either by retaking possession of goods or by preventing the transmission of goods to the buyer.
... is a member of London Stock Exchange who buys and sells on behalf of a principal.
... is a member of the London Stock Exchange who buys and sells on his own behalf.
... is a person who is employed to buy, sell, or deal with goods or merchandise. He has authority to sell goods in his own name, to give warranties, to receive payments and give receipts, to give credit, to insure goods, and to pledge them.
... is a right to receive or recover a debt or damages for breach of contract, or for a wrong connected with a contract which cannot be enforced without suit.
... is one whereby the seller transfers or agrees to transter the property in goods to the buyer for a money consideration called the price.
... mean goods identified and agreed upon at the time a contract of sale is made.
... nothing in this section shall affect the law relating to corporations.
... the lamps and desks, we will deliver the goods as agreed.
A broker is an agent employed to buy or to sell goods for... for brokerage.
A contract is a valid one provided it possesses certain requirements, for example, legality and capacity. Replace "provided" without changing the meaning:
A contract of sale is sometimes entered into... certain conditions.
A factor is...
A member of the London Stock Exchange who buys and sells on his own begalf is known as...
A paid agent is responsible for what is called ordinary negligence. "Negligence" here means:
A party may not assign his duties under a contract, nor may a person assign rights involving relationships of personal confidence. Replace the part "nor may. cofidence" without changing the meaning:
A person is said to have the custody of goods when he is in such a position that the goods
A person is said to... when he is in such a position that the goods may be retaken from him at pleasure.
A right to receive or recover a debt or damages for breach of contract, or a wrong connected with a contract which cannot be enforced without suit is known as...
A voidable contract may opeuate in every respect as a valid contract unless one of the parties takes steps to avoidit. Replace "unless" by the right synonym:
A... is an agent, generally located in a seaport town, who is appointed by shipowners to carry out and perform all the necessary transactions connected with the business of their vessels whilst they are in harbour.
According to the law the lien on the goods exists provided the buyer has become insolvent. Replace "according to the law" without changing the meaning:
An agent appointed by the seller to sell goods, either privately or by public auction, for a reward, generally in the form of a commission is called...
An agent who is employed to sell property cannot sell to himself,... can one appointed to buy property or sell that belongs to himself.
An agent who is employed to sell property cannot sell to himself,... can one appointed to buy property sell that which belongs to himself.
An agent who is personally liable upon the contracts into which he enters is called...
An arrangement for sale is transformed into a sale when the conditions are fulfilled... which the property in the goods is to be transferred.
Another phrase for " yours faithfully" is...
Another word for' the lien on the goods' is.
At common law there was no implied warranty or... the subject matter of a contract of sale was fit for any particular purpose.
Auctioneers are agents appointed by the seller to sell goods, either privately or by..., for a reward, generally in the form of commission.
Before selling goods...
But for the convenience and expansion of commerce the law was compelled to imply the existence of warranties and conditions in certain cases. Replace "but for" without changing the meaning:
By... is meant the complete ownnership in the goods, the subject of the contract.
Choose the correct statement.
Contracts of guarantee are unenforcable unless they are evidenced in writing. Replace "unless they are evidenced in writing" without changing the meaning:
Contracts which are not deeds are known as...
Each lot is... a separate contract of sale.
Every affirmation which is made at the time of the sale of a personal chattel is...
Hire - purchase agreements are arrangements by which..
I am writing... the latest sale.
I am... to inform you that we lost the copy.
I have just received a letter...
I owe appretiative thanks to Mr. B, a well - known specialist upon... pollution control.
If A invites B to his house, it is not an offer in the contractual sense, because it does not amount to the entering into the contractual relation. Replace "because" by the right synonym:
If a person promises to do certain work he must carry it out...
If the buyer did not make himself acquianted with me defects, if any, he had no remedy against the seller, except in the cases of misrepresentation and fraud. Replace "except in" without changing the meaning.
If the consideration for the transfer of goods is other goods, the contract is not one of sale, but of....
If the contract of sale is subject to any condition to be fulfilled by the vendor, the purchaser may treat the breach of the condition as a breach of warranty. Replace "subject to" without changing the meaning:
If the goods are not specifically identified, but referred to by description the goods are called...
If the goods were identified and agreed upon the time the contract of sale is made, the goods are called...
If the seller reserves... until certain conditions are fulfilled, the property in the goods will not pass until conditions have been fulfilled.
If there is an offence on the part of the agent, he may be dismissed, for the offence justifies his dismissal. "For" here means:
In a contract of sale there is an implied warranty that the goods shall be free from any charge and incumbrance in favour of any third party,... the circumstances of the contract are such as to show a different intention.
It the consideration for the transfer of goods is other goods, the contract is one of.
It was our fault. Please... once again.
Now we are able to reduce the price of our computers by 10% due to the recent fall of the Us dollar. Replace "due to" without changing the meaning:
On a contract of sale there is an implied warranty that the buyer shall enjoy quiet possession of the goods. "Enjoy quiet possession" here means:
Retail stores constitute
Retail stores constitute
Stoppage in transitu belongs to the...
The breach of... will entitlle the injured party to repudiate the contract.
The buyer and the seller of goods have a personal remedy if the contract of sale is broken by the... of one of the parties.
The consideration of a contract of sale must be....
The definition a contract of sale of goods which includes... as well as... is one "whereby the seller transfers or agrees to transfer the property in goods to the buyer for a money consideration called... ".
The formalities now are that the signature of the person making the speciality contract must be witnessed and attested. Replace "speciality contract" by the right synonym:
The law... certain conditional sale and creditsale agreements are unenforcable unless they are in writing.
The lien will be lost if the right is waived by the seller. The synonym to "lien" is:
The property passes, provided everything has been done by the seller to put the goods into a deliverable state. Replace "provided" by the right synonym:
The rule... the property in the goods passes at once to the buyer... the goods are unconditionally appropriated to the contract by either party with the express or implied assent of the other.
The seller also warrants that the goods are free from...
The seller has a right to re - sale the goods when
The seller warrants to the buyer...
The term "goods" includes all... other than... and money.
The term "goods" includes:
The term "void contract" is a contradiction in terms since the whole transaction is regarded as nullity. Replace "since" without changing the meaning:
The third section provides that capacity to buy and sell is regulated by the general law concerning cappacity to contract and to transfer and acquire property. Here "provides that" means:
The vendor may praise his goods, provided that the buyer shall have a full and fair opportunity of inspection. Replace "provided" by the right synonym:
There was... in sales.
This section... certain conditional sale and credit - sale agreements are unenforceable unless they are in writing.
To create a warranty we need.
Unfortunately, they are... the prices.
We apologise...... the copy of the contract.
We are extremely sorry... the contract.
We look forward... receiving the drills.
We were pleased to receive your letter... it helped us a lot.
We' ll try to correct our mistake...
When a deed is delivered subject to a condition, it is called an "escrow". Replace "subject to a condition" without changing the meaning:
When goods are... there is an implied comdition that the goods shall correspond with the description.
When no principal is disclosed, the auctioneer may sue in his own name. "Disclosed" means:
When the contract is for the supply of manufactured goods, they must be of...
When the sale is... the bulk shall correspond with It in quality; the buyer shall have reasonable opportunities for comparing the bulk with it.
When there is an agreement for sale only the seller' s remedy is an action for...
Which of the statements are correct.
Выберите верный вариант перевода: aim
Выберите верный вариант перевода: aim
Выберите верный вариант перевода: authority
Выберите верный вариант перевода: authority
Выберите верный вариант перевода: customer
Выберите верный вариант перевода: customer
Выберите верный вариант перевода: income
Выберите верный вариант перевода: income
Выберите верный вариант перевода: item
Выберите верный вариант перевода: item
Выберите верный вариант перевода: personnel
Выберите верный вариант перевода: personnel
Выберите верный вариант перевода: shipping
Выберите верный вариант перевода: shipping
Выберите верный вариант перевода: traits
Выберите верный вариант перевода: traits
Выберите верный вариант перевода: transaction
Выберите верный вариант перевода: transaction
Выберите верный вариант перевода: warehouse
Выберите верный вариант перевода: warehouse
Выберите верный вариант перевода: потребитель
Выберите верный вариант перевода: потребитель
Выберите подходящий ответ: After the war, Pepsi' s sales
Выберите подходящий ответ: After the war, Pepsi' s sales
Выберите подходящий ответ: Any organization can do retailing exept:
Выберите подходящий ответ: Any organization can do retailing exept:
Выберите подходящий ответ: Pricing strategy is concerned with:
Выберите подходящий ответ: Pricing strategy is concerned with:
Выберите подходящий ответ: The best indicator of the company' s future is:
Выберите подходящий ответ: The best indicator of the company' s future is:
Выберите подходящий ответ: The company must respond... to the complaints
Выберите подходящий ответ: The company must respond... to the complaints
Выберите подходящий ответ: Within one decade, Pepsi' s sales had grown
Выберите подходящий ответ: Within one decade, Pepsi' s sales had grown
Выберите подходящий ответ: Yamacha used an enthusiastic sales force.
Выберите подходящий ответ: Yamacha used an enthusiastic sales force.
Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами: Customer oriented thinking requires... carefully define customer needs.
Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами: Customer oriented thinking requires... carefully define customer needs.
Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами: Customers must demonstrate justified need ….product.
Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами: Customers must demonstrate justified need ….product.
Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами: The computer company claims... that innovation come... listening... customer complaints.
Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами: The computer company claims... that innovation come... listening... customer complaints.
Найдите соответствующий американский эквивалент: anywhere
Найдите соответствующий американский эквивалент: anywhere
Найдите соответствующий американский эквивалент: autumn
Найдите соответствующий американский эквивалент: autumn
Найдите соответствующий американский эквивалент: corn
Найдите соответствующий американский эквивалент: corn
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. A contract by which the seller transfers or agrees to transfer the property in goods to the buyer for a money consideration called the price, is called
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. A limited partnership is:
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. A partner by estoppel is:
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. A partner can be excluded from future business operations for breach of the partnership agreement. In other words:
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. A partner who has the right to take part in the management unless mere is an agreement between himself and the other partner(s) that he should not, is called:
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. A private company is a company which...
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. An agreement for the hire of goods at the end of which the hirer may exercise an option to purchase them from the owner is called...
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. An informal partnership is defined as:
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. It is generally unwise to have a very large number of prohibitions because this is likely to restrict the activities of the firm and its individual partners. In other words:
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. Joint owners of property:
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. Overdraft is:
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. Partners must act in common, and the most important result of this is that unless the agreement says something different, every general partner must be allowed to have a say in the management. In other words:
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. The Hire Purchase Act 1964 equated conditional sale with Hire Purchase for most purposes. In other words:
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. The person who is entrusted with the possession of some goods by the owner of the goods is called:
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. When a general partner becomes a limited partner, the fact must be advertised in "The London Gazette" if the transaction is to be effective in law. On other words:
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. A cheque should bear the signature of the... (трассант)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. A contract for the sale of goods whereby ownership and possession of the goods passes immediately to the buyer, but he is given time to pay is called... (продажа в кредит).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. A credit card allows the... to pay for goods by producing a plastic personalized card. (держателю)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. A deal in which no money changes hands is called... (бартерный обмен).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. A standing order to a bank should bear the signature of the... (плательщика).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. A sum of money paid at intervals during the lifetime of the person who is due to receive it by a share of profit to the widow or child of a deceased partner is called... (пожизненная рента).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. All... are to be paid by the seller and at his expense. (сборы)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. Any amendments to the agreement shall be... only if they are made in writing. (действительный)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. He will not permit the said... to be destroyed. (движимое имущество)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. Hire is sometimes referred to as... (аренда, сдача внаем)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. I promise to pay you the whole balance whether or not there has been any... of any previous installment. (освобождение)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. Mr. Smith was employed as an independent... (подрядчик).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. Penalty is... by the Buyer from the 3 per cent sum. (удерживается)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. Please... my account with you. (дебетовать)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The act... all contracts for the sale of goods. (распространяется на)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The agent has a right to... (комиссионное вознаграждение)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The agent should submit to the company all... from customers. (запросы)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The agreement can be... in case neither party wants to terminate it. (продлено)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The agreement was made in the form of... (проект).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The awards of the commission are... both parties. (обязательные для).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The company can carry on any business that can render more profitable for the company' s... (активы).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The company can sell its undertaking for any... (встречное удовлетворение).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The company carries on business by 2... companies. (дочерние)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The Company is entitled to give securities or all the assets of the Company including... (неоплаченная часть акционерного капитала).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The Company shall have power to carry on its business with... (физические и юридические лица).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The date of... is considered June, 17, 1996. (поставка)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The equipment is part of a... (компенсационной сделки).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The equipment is supplied to organizations situated on the... (договорная территория).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The finance company is equally responsible with... for any breach of contract. (поставщик)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The Financial Services Act prohibits the issue by private companies of advertisements offering their... (залоги).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The memorandum of on unlimited company states... (неограниченная ответственность).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The partners agree that... shall be divided equally. (капитал и прибавочный капитал)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The people who want the company to be formed must send... to the Registrar. (договор об учреждении компании)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The person giving the credit is called... (кредитор).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The principle has the right... the agreement before the expiration of the period of its duration. (расторгнуть)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The quality of the goods should conform to the... agreed by the parties. (образец - эталон)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The sum should be paid... up to the date of payment. (с процентами)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The... was accepted 3 weeks ago. (вексель)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. Under certain conditions neither party has the right for... of possible damages by the other party. (возмещение)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. Within 24 hours after... of the goods the Seller is to inform the Buyer by cable. (отгрузка)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets.... has to deal with customers a great deal. (коммерческий директор)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets.... of the company is 10 thousand pounds. (акционерный капитал)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets.... should be made in writing. (долговое обязательство)
Fill the words in the blanks: Apparently advertisement... (окупается).
Fill the words in the blanks: Certain measures were taken to... restrictions on offshore banking operations (облегчить, ослабить).
Fill the words in the blanks: Customers' wishes should be... (предусмотрены и удовлетворены).
Fill the words in the blanks: Directly addressed ad takes into consideration the...of this particular group of people (ценности).
Fill the words in the blanks: During... unemployment tends to increase (спад рынка).
Fill the words in the blanks: Health insurance carries the promise to periodic payments to an individual who meets the policy' s definition of... (инвалидности).
Fill the words in the blanks: If you want to..., you have to write a resume describing your employment experience (if any) and employment goals (подать заявление о приеме на работу).
Fill the words in the blanks: In a resume one should write why s/he feels... the position (пригодный для, соответствующий для).
Fill the words in the blanks: In terms of facilities the hotels in Taiwan are very... (конкурентоспособные).
Fill the words in the blanks: In the USA some insurance companies hold... valued at 800 billion (активы).
Fill the words in the blanks: It began in 1989 with the... of Time Inc. and Warner Communications Inc. (объединение, слияние).
Fill the words in the blanks: It you want to find a ready market for your product, you should know the market situation... (в деталях).
Fill the words in the blanks: Levin will be able to... the corporation (навязывать свою волю).
Fill the words in the blanks: Life insurance normally includes... (ежегодные ренты).
Fill the words in the blanks: Malone had to relinguish his vote to... ownership rules (подчиняться).
Fill the words in the blanks: Market research cannot... competition (оставить без внимания).
Fill the words in the blanks: More and more money is spent on... every day (реклама).
Fill the words in the blanks: New subways are being built in Taipei to... traffic congestion (облегчить).
Fill the words in the blanks: One of the oldest means of advertisement is...(ярмарка).
Fill the words in the blanks: Pure risk involves... (неопределенность).
Fill the words in the blanks: Some 40 laws and 110 regulations will be...(поправлены, исправлены).
Fill the words in the blanks: Sometimes the manufacturer either has to... the quality or offer lower prices (улучшить).
Fill the words in the blanks: Sometimes the surety incurs expenses... the obligee (от имени).
Fill the words in the blanks: Sometimes the... of a product can become lower. (себестоимость).
Fill the words in the blanks: Statistitians... the number of insured losses for a given period (предсказывают).
Fill the words in the blanks: Such areas as... and... of petroleum are open to foreign investment (недвижимость, розничная продажа).
Fill the words in the blanks: Taiwan has been taking steps to... foreign trade and investment (способствовать, содействовать).
Fill the words in the blanks: Taiwan has made remarkable progress... its trade imbalance with the USA (в уменьшении).
Fill the words in the blanks: Taiwan is now the world' s Number One... of advanced computers (поставщик).
Fill the words in the blanks: The concept of... is central to insurance (гарантия возмещения убытков).
Fill the words in the blanks: The insurer has to know when and where an... loss occurred (застрахованный).
Fill the words in the blanks: The parties involved in... are the surety, the obligee and the principal (поручительство).
Fill the words in the blanks: The risk must be free from any potential catastrophe that could produce loss... the ability of the insurer to respond (свыше).
Fill the words in the blanks: The surety agrees... the obligee for loss from the defaults of the principal (возместить).
Fill the words in the blanks: This person is a strong leader, but he hasn' t the power to... the leadership (осуществлять).
Fill the words in the blanks: This transaction is a... of achieving a greater good (побочный продукт).
Fill the words in the blanks: To sell a product in the market a manufacturer should...whether the demand is sufficient (убедиться).
Fill the words in the blanks: When there is a business boom people have generally more money on... (предметы роскоши).
Fill the words in the blanks: While aerobics is in fashion, the... on "body wear" is sufficient (спрос).
Fill the words in the blanks:... in Taiwan have gone up recently (цены на землю и рабочую силу).
Fill the words in the blanks:... is a mechanism for reducing financial risk and spreading financial loss (страховка).
Fill the words in the blanks:... like the direction Gerald Levin is moving (держатели акций).
Fill the words in the blanks:... of Taiwan' s citizens has risen to approximately 12, 000 dollars. (средний годовой доход).
He was supposed ____ (make) a report about local businesses.
I haven’t got enough money _____ on holiday.
I like Tom and Ann. They are _____ nice people.
I wish I (to be rich).
I wish it _____ warmer.
If I had seen the document, ___ (tell) you about it last week:
It they _____ offer us a unit price we see them tomorrow
I’m sorry I’m late I got here __ fast __ I could.
Jeremy prefers English Hi Fi systems ______ Japanese ones.
John would rather _______ (go) to Federal Commission yesterday ___ today.
My brother is ______ than me.
My _____ brother is a pilot.
Replace the underlined word by a synonym or a synonymous expression: Failure to comply with the rule results in liability to a fine. ------------------
Replace the underlined word by a synonym or a synonymous expression: Some organizations are prepared to put up with the fact that -------------the liability of their members is unlimited.
Replace the underlined word by a synonym or a synonymous expression: The distinction between a contract of sale and a contract of work and materials is often a fine one. ----
Replace the underlined word by a synonym or a synonymous expression: The hirer obtains possession of goods but ownership doesn't pass to him. -----
Supply the correct form:
The examination was than we expected.
The sooner the ______.
What do the underlined words mean? (only one answer out of the four is correct). Ad: ---
What do the underlined words mean? (only one answer out of the four is correct). It was living each day with the survival of my company at stake.--------
What do the underlined words mean? (only one answer out of the four is correct). Market research promptly finds out changes in consumers' tastes and needs. -------
What do the underlined words mean? (only one answer out of the four is correct). Property-liability insurance:-----------------------------
What do the underlined words mean? (only one answer out of the four is correct). This has helped him to stick with his controversial cable strategy. -------------
What do the underlined words mean? (only one answer out of the four is correct). This problem is very crucial at present -------
What do the underlined words mean? (only one answer out of the four is correct).AIDA:-----
When she was young, she _____ swim once a day.
You had better _____ tonight.
You received a warning for speeding. You ____ so fast.
Your English is improving. It’ getting ______.
Вставьте подходящее слово в пропуски: All of the money... in bank.
Вставьте подходящее слово в пропуски: Have you got... work to do?
Вставьте подходящее слово в пропуски: Susan Black is... engineer.
Вставьте подходящее слово в пропуски: The idea was...
Вставьте подходящее слово в пропуски: The news... very good.
Вставьте подходящее слово в пропуски: The number of female doctors... growing.
Вставьте подходящее слово в пропуски: The scissors... in the bottom drawer.
Вставьте подходящее слово в пропуски:... EEC (European Community) is made up of 12 members
Вставьте подходящее слово в пропуски:... banks provide... firms with... finance.
Вставьте подходящее слово в пропуски:... time is... money.
Вставьте подходящее слово в пропуски: Either his children or his wife... arriving today.
Вставьте подходящее слово в пропуски: A number of doctors... employed by the hospital.
Вставьте подходящее слово в пропуски: Everyone... required to write a composition.
Вставьте подходящее слово в пропуски: Every man, woman, and child... given a free ticket.
Вставьте подходящее слово в пропуски: A number of students... missing from class.
Вставьте подходящее слово в пропуски: A number of students... expressed interest in the new course.
Вставьте подходящее слово в пропуски: Venture capitalists have to take... financial risks.
Вставьте подходящее слово в пропуски: Sole traders may find it difficult to raise... capital.
Вставьте подходящее слово в пропуски: I need... time to think about your offer but I' ll phone first thing tomorrow morning.
Вставьте подходящее слово в пропуски: In... year' s time we' ll be market leader.
Вставьте подходящее слово в пропуски:... decisions are made after... prior consideration.
Вставьте подходящий предлог: Businesses come... all shapes and sizes.
Вставьте подходящий предлог: Do you have a meeting room... the hotel?
Вставьте подходящий предлог: Entrepreneurs who start a new firm... buying a functioning business are expected to contribute approximately half of required funds.
Вставьте подходящий предлог: I' ve got a reservation... three nights.
Вставьте подходящий предлог: If so, you are... the right track.
Вставьте подходящий предлог: Profit is the difference... a business' s total revenues and the total of its costs.
Вставьте подходящий предлог: The person who takes the chance in starting business by investing is guaranteed the right.. all profits.
Вставьте подходящий предлог: This freedom of choice applies... the individuals right to decide what type of work to do and where to work.
Вставьте подходящий предлог: When the bakery sells the bread... the supermarket, it charges more than the cost of making the bread.
Вставьте подходящий предлог:... addition, commercial banks give qualified small businesses a line of credit.
Выберите верный вариант перевода: life - style
Выберите верный вариант перевода: life - style
Выберите верный вариант перевода: to amount
Выберите верный вариант перевода: to amount
Выберите верный вариант перевода: to emerge
Выберите верный вариант перевода: to emerge
Выберите верный вариант перевода: to purchase
Выберите верный вариант перевода: to purchase
Выберите верный вариант перевода: освободить от ответственности:
Выберите верный вариант перевода: подделать подпись:
Выберите верный вариант перевода: покупательная способность
Выберите верный вариант перевода: покупательная способность
Выберите верный вариант перевода: права на товар:
Выберите верный вариант перевода: соглашение между двумя сторонами:
Выберите верный вариант перевода: точное выполнение условий договора:
Выберите нужный предлог: A banker is responsible to his customer if he pays____ a forged indorsement.
Выберите нужный предлог: A bill of exchange requires the person to whom A is addressed to pay... demand a sum certain in money to the specified person.
Выберите нужный предлог: A common carrier must be a person who___ profession carries for hire.
Выберите нужный предлог: A neglect on the part of the consignor to declare the value and the nature of the goods will exempt the carrier___ all liability for loss or damage.
Выберите нужный предлог: Affreightment is the special name given to the contract of carriage of goods___ sea, for a price which is called the freight.
Выберите нужный предлог: No allotment can be made of any share capital of a company offered to the public... subscription unless several requirements are fulfilled.
Выберите нужный предлог: The holder___ due course is not in any way affected by any defect of title on the part of the transferor.
Выберите нужный предлог: The object of damages is to place the injured party in as good a position as he would have been had the contract been carried...
Выберите нужный предлог: Three months... date pay to Mr. James Lagan the sum of three hundred and twenty pounds, for value received.
Выберите нужный предлог: When the capital of a company has been fully paid up, its shares are frequently converted... stock.
Выберите подходящее слово (определение). A supplier can concede a long - term credit to his customer. In the other words:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): A wholesale dealer acquires the merchandise directly from the industry or from buying - up trade, which purchases agricultural products from the manufacturer and stores them. Replace "stores" by the right synonym or synonimic expression:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): A wholesale dealer should save a lot of money since he has to pay his suppliers in advance. "In advance" means:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): A wholesale dealer' s customers are allowed a 2 or 3 months credit limit. "are allowed" most nearly means:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): Acoording to Stalin' s system everyone else has an incentive not to protect that property, but to steal it back. "has an incentive" means:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): Allen still must trim 480 million in costs to reach his 2. 1 billion goal. "to trim" here means:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): Bratton is managing to cut crime on the streets of New York to a stunning degree. "stunning" means:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): Captain Bill Brown vowed to reject any contract not offering "value for value". In other words:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): Critics and competitors scoffed when Allen announced an effort to cut costs so deeply. "to cut costs" here most nearly means:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): Delta says it won' t accept the combination of high pay and low productivity. In other words:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): Federal Supervision Board sees to it that the citizen' s savings are safe. Replace "savings" by a synonym:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): He is contractually unable to award good performers pay rises. "contractually unable" means:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): If a retail dealer has little storage space at his disposal, he can purchase merchandise directly from a certain wholesale dealer. In other words:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): Individual street cops had been empowered to set their own scedules. "had been empowered" means:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): Low - breaking, the thinking went, was caused by societal factors beyond law enforcement' s control. In other words:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): New York will show the largest decrease in all major crimes categories. "decrease" is opposite in meaning to:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): Now crime data are computerized daily so that Braton can spot devepoping trends and deeper problems. "to spot" here means:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): On november the central bank closed down more than 50 banks for violating lending regulations. "violating" means:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): Originally EMS curriencies were only allowed to fluctuate by about 2 percentage points on either side of a central value. "to fluctuate" here most nearly means:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): Process towards a single currency was hindered by a disparity between the "strong" German mark and the weaker currencies of some of Germany' s EU partners. "was hindered" here most nearly means:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): Recent studies suggest that no nation can expect to become an advanced, high - income economy without attacking its corruption problem. In other words:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): Thanks in part to the industry' s upswing, Delta earned 206 million in the fiscal year ended June 30. In other words:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): That would let Delta go beyond code sharing to co - operate on pricing and marketing in a way that is currently prohibited. "currently prohibited" means:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): The deals with carriers in Europe and Asia have enabled Delta to cut unprofitable routes. "deals" here means:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): The prices in the shop are reasonable.
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): The stock markets keep in touch with one another via telex or telephone. "via" here stands for:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): The target date for formal membership for the four countries was January 1, 1995, but each was subject to approval by national referendums. In other words:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): Translated to operation, those numbers are making for some controversial changes. "controversial" means:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): We want to make every effort to shut off the temptation of illegal payments. "illegal payments" means:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): With domestic cost - cutting ahead of scedule, Allen has more time to focus on the problem of European operations. "to focus" means:
Выберите подходящий ответ: A market is
Выберите подходящий ответ: A market is
Выберите подходящий ответ: Market segmentation is
Выберите подходящий ответ: Market segmentation is
Выберите подходящий ответ:' Sales potential' means
Выберите подходящий ответ:' Sales potential' means
Выберите правильный вариант ответов: A bill of exchange is sometimes called a...
Выберите правильный вариант ответов: A common carrier is...
Выберите правильный вариант ответов: A joint stock company is... an association of many person who contribute money to a common stock and employ it in some business.
Выберите правильный вариант ответов: A notary public is...
Выберите правильный вариант ответов: A wrongful act wilfully committed by the master and the crew to the prejudice of the charterer or the owner of the ship is called...
Выберите правильный вариант ответов: Bills that are drawn, accepted and put into circulation without any consideration passing, the signatories lending their names to oblige their friends, are called...
Выберите правильный вариант ответов: It the space on the back of a bell of exchange is insufficient to contain all the names of the intended indorsers a ship of paper called... is atached to it.
Выберите правильный вариант ответов: Lay days are...
Выберите правильный вариант ответов: Shares to which a priority of enjoyment of profits is given are called:
Выберите правильный вариант ответов: The "Act of God" is...
Выберите правильный вариант ответов: The most common way in which a company borrows money is by the issue of...
Выберите правильный вариант ответов: The person who draws the bill is termed the...
Выберите правильный вариант ответов: The person who indorses a bill to another person is termed the...
Выберите правильный вариант ответов: To minimue the risks run through or forgery it has become the common practice when paying account for the drawer of the cheque to... it.
Выберите правильный вариант ответов: When a drawee refuses to accept a bill, this bill is said to be...
Дополните реплики: Mr. Robinson, may I introduce you to Mr. Watson? -...
Дополните реплики: What... (to happen) at the meeting (past simple)?
Дополните реплики: Which... (to cost) more (simple present)?
Замените фразы, уместные в переписке, их более официальными эквивалентами: Here are some brochures.
Замените фразы, уместные в переписке, их более официальными эквивалентами: I am sorry to tell you that the delivery will be delayed.
Замените фразы, уместные в переписке, их более официальными эквивалентами: If you want any more information, please contact me.
Замените фразы, уместные в переписке, их более официальными эквивалентами: Please can you tell me your prices?
Замените фразы, уместные в переписке, их более официальными эквивалентами: Thanks for your letter of 7th April.
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова). A supplier can draw... on the credit. (вексель):
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова). Banks run a great business in.... (фондовые биржи, биржи ценных бумаг):
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова). Besides the Bundesbank there are both commercial and cooperative banking institutions and those.... (общественные, государственные):
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова). If the client has the necessary... he can receive a long - term credit from the bank. (обеспечение):
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова). In a mortgage bank one can... to cover some building expenses. (получить деньги под закладную):
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова). Sometimes it happens, that.... (кредит превышен):
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова). The bank' s main... is the money it obtains and can lend as a loan. (источник доходов):
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова). This check can... at the bank. (быть обналичен):
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова).... are run by the districts. (сберегательные банки):
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): A wholesale dealer usually has a department store with plenty of storage space and an office with employees... the purchase of goods. (производить)
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): Avoid... jobs (тупиковый).
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): Commercial bank may make a... loan (временный, срочный).
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): Companies... by developing better product and unique advertising programms (конкурировать).
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): Entrepreneurs must also present financial... (показатели).
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): EURATOM enabled greater co operation in the field of... (ядерные исследования).
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): For this purpose German Bundesbank sells or buys... and raises or lowers... (ценные бумаги, дисконтная ставка).
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): German Bundesbank is the only institution... release new banknotes. (имеющий право)
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): Germany was the last of the 12 component countries... the Treaty on European Union. (ратифицировать)
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): Government officials will... a company' s building (проверять, проинспектировать).
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): It is essential to start with... capital (достаточный).
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): Many observers advice small business owner to avoid... borrowing (чрезмерный).
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): One can commission the bank.... (перевести деньги на счет поставщика):
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): People who visit clientele of retail dealers are called.... (коммивояжер)
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): Profit is the... goal of business (главная).
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): Sometimes certain expenses... because many customers send back the ordered merchandise. (возникают)
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): The aim of the organization was to create social... among the European peoples. (оплоченность)
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): The contribution of each member state is based on its annual... (валовый национальный продукт).
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): The danes... after winning concessions that exempted them from some of the treaty' s provisions. (круто изменили свою позицию):
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): The ECSC was managed by a... institution known as the High Authority (наднациональный, надгосударственный).
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): The EU has its own budget and sources of... (доход).
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): The European monetary system was established to maintain stable... among the member states. (курс обмена)
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): The European Union is an intergovernmental organization with its own decision - making... (структура).
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): The IRS means...
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): The SBA means
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): The services of intermediaries cost a lot, so there are certain attempts to... (обойтись без них).
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): The Treaty on European Union formally... on November 1, 1993. (вступил в силу)
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): Wholesale dealers take care of timely... of goods. (доставка)
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова):... is collected by the member countries of the EU. (доход на добавочную стоимость).
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова):... needs an attractive store where his merchandise is exhibited. (розничный дилер)
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова):... should be fast and friendly, so that the customers may not be disappointed. (обслуживание)
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова):...... is one of the basic forms of business ownership (индивидуальная компания / предприятие).
Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами либо артиклями, где это необходимо: Did he obtain information ___ the sales manager?
Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами либо артиклями, где это необходимо: I was responsible ___ cost control and accounting.
Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами либо артиклями, где это необходимо: Managers are the people who oversee ___ the activities of others.
Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами либо артиклями, где это необходимо: Managers can't succeed ___ their technical skills alone.
Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами либо артиклями, где это необходимо: Managers get things done ___ other people.
Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами либо артиклями, где это необходимо: She went ___ to earn her Ph. D. at Norfolk.
Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами либо артиклями, где это необходимо: They perform ___ five management functions.
Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами либо артиклями, где это необходимо: This performance must be compared ___ the set of goals.
Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами либо артиклями, где это необходимо: Work group is a primary source ___ social interaction.
Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами либо артиклями, где это необходимо: You have to take corrective action in response ___ this unforeseen problem.
Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами либо артиклями, где это необходимо: ___ average, we receive five letters a day.
Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами: Products are sold... response... needs.
Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами: Products are sold... response... needs.
Заполните прочерки подходящими выражениями, уместными в переписке: I look forward to_________.
Заполните прочерки подходящими выражениями, уместными в переписке: _________ if you could help me.
Заполните прочерки подходящими выражениями, уместными в переписке: _________ to hear that you are enjoing your new job.
Заполните прочерки подходящими выражениями, уместными в переписке: _________ to hear that you' ve had some health problems.
Заполните прочерки подходящими выражениями, уместными в переписке:._________ if you could tell me your prices.
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): In the private enterprise system individuals have the right to buy,..., use and sell property (владеть).
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): Business in America is more than the large corporations with which we are all... (знакомы).
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова):... banks are often reluctant to lend money to companies that have only been operating for a few years (к сожалению).
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): Prepare a personal financial statement listing the owner' s... (обязательства)
Найдите антоним к следующему слову: awareness
Найдите антоним к следующему слову: awareness
Найдите антоним к следующему слову: commonly
Найдите антоним к следующему слову: commonly
Найдите антоним к следующему слову: different
Найдите антоним к следующему слову: different
Найдите антоним к следующему слову: failure
Найдите антоним к следующему слову: failure
Найдите антоним к следующему слову: final
Найдите антоним к следующему слову: final
Найдите антоним к следующему слову: great
Найдите антоним к следующему слову: great
Найдите антоним к следующему слову: satisfaction
Найдите антоним к следующему слову: satisfaction
Найдите антоним к следующему слову: to ignore
Найдите антоним к следующему слову: to ignore
Найдите антоним к следующему слову: to include
Найдите антоним к следующему слову: to include
Найдите антоним к следующему слову: to lose
Найдите антоним к следующему слову: to lose
Найдите антоним к следующему слову: to realise
Найдите антоним к следующему слову: to realise
Найдите антоним: continuous
Найдите антоним: effective
Найдите антоним: responsible
Найдите антоним: to attain
Найдите антоним: to encompass
Найдите антоним: to establish
Найдите подходящий английский эквивалент: включать в себя
Найдите подходящий английский эквивалент: нанимать
Найдите подходящий английский эквивалент: подчиненный
Найдите подходящий английский эквивалент: распределять
Найдите подходящий английский эквивалент: управлять
Найдите подходящий английский эквивалент: участвовать
Найдите подходящий русский эквивалент: accountant
Найдите подходящий русский эквивалент: intangible property
Найдите подходящий русский эквивалент: lease
Найдите подходящий русский эквивалент: private enterprise system
Найдите подходящий русский эквивалент: profit
Найдите подходящий русский эквивалент: retailer
Найдите подходящий русский эквивалент: take a chance
Найдите синоним: ability
Найдите синоним: common
Найдите синоним: deficiency
Найдите синоним: diversity
Найдите синоним: permanent
Найдите синоним: scarce
Найдите синоним: successful
Найдите синоним: to hire
Найдите синоним: valuable
Найдите синоним: weakness
Найдите слова, написанные согласно стилю американского английского:
Найдите слова, написанные согласно стилю американского английского:
Найдите слова, написанные согласно стилю американского английского:
Найдите слова, написанные согласно стилю американского английского:
Найдите слова, написанные согласно стилю американского английского:
Найдите слова, написанные согласно стилю американского английского:
Найдите слова, написанные согласно стилю американского английского:
Найдите слова, написанные согласно стилю американского английского:
Найдите слова, написанные согласно стилю американского английского:
Найдите слова, написанные согласно стилю американского английского:
Подберите антонимы к следующим словам: bilateral
Подберите антонимы к следующим словам: consignee
Подберите антонимы к следующим словам: divisible
Подберите антонимы к следующим словам: indorser
Подберите антонимы к следующим словам: informal
Подберите антонимы к следующим словам: legal
Подберите антонимы к следующим словам: loading
Подберите антонимы к следующим словам: purchase
Подберите антонимы к следующим словам: to sell
Подберите антонимы к следующим словам: valid

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ПКОЯз. Англ. Профкурс (деловой) - Тестовая база по дисциплине

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
"Capacity" in the contractual sense means:
"Property" means:
... are a class of agents who buy and sell goods for other people receiving for their labour and trouble a certain payment.
... are arrangements by which it is agreed that goods are to be transferred in consideration of a certain number of periodical payments.
... are existing goods referred to by description
... Belongs to the seller who is unpaid, and can be excercised by him either by retaking possession of goods or by preventing the transmission of goods to the buyer.
... is a member of London Stock Exchange who buys and sells on behalf of a principal.
... is a member of the London Stock Exchange who buys and sells on his own behalf.
... is a person who is employed to buy, sell, or deal with goods or merchandise. He has authority to sell goods in his own name, to give warranties, to receive payments and give receipts, to give credit, to insure goods, and to pledge them.
... is a right to receive or recover a debt or damages for breach of contract, or for a wrong connected with a contract which cannot be enforced without suit.
... is one whereby the seller transfers or agrees to transter the property in goods to the buyer for a money consideration called the price.
... mean goods identified and agreed upon at the time a contract of sale is made.
... nothing in this section shall affect the law relating to corporations.
... the lamps and desks, we will deliver the goods as agreed.
A broker is an agent employed to buy or to sell goods for... for brokerage.
A contract is a valid one provided it possesses certain requirements, for example, legality and capacity. Replace "provided" without changing the meaning:
A contract of sale is sometimes entered into... certain conditions.
A factor is...
A member of the London Stock Exchange who buys and sells on his own begalf is known as...
A paid agent is responsible for what is called ordinary negligence. "Negligence" here means:
A party may not assign his duties under a contract, nor may a person assign rights involving relationships of personal confidence. Replace the part "nor may. cofidence" without changing the meaning:
A person is said to have the custody of goods when he is in such a position that the goods
A person is said to... when he is in such a position that the goods may be retaken from him at pleasure.
A right to receive or recover a debt or damages for breach of contract, or a wrong connected with a contract which cannot be enforced without suit is known as...
A voidable contract may opeuate in every respect as a valid contract unless one of the parties takes steps to avoidit. Replace "unless" by the right synonym:
A... is an agent, generally located in a seaport town, who is appointed by shipowners to carry out and perform all the necessary transactions connected with the business of their vessels whilst they are in harbour.
According to the law the lien on the goods exists provided the buyer has become insolvent. Replace "according to the law" without changing the meaning:
An agent appointed by the seller to sell goods, either privately or by public auction, for a reward, generally in the form of a commission is called...
An agent who is employed to sell property cannot sell to himself,... can one appointed to buy property or sell that belongs to himself.
An agent who is employed to sell property cannot sell to himself,... can one appointed to buy property sell that which belongs to himself.
An agent who is personally liable upon the contracts into which he enters is called...
An arrangement for sale is transformed into a sale when the conditions are fulfilled... which the property in the goods is to be transferred.
Another phrase for " yours faithfully" is...
Another word for' the lien on the goods' is.
At common law there was no implied warranty or... the subject matter of a contract of sale was fit for any particular purpose.
Auctioneers are agents appointed by the seller to sell goods, either privately or by..., for a reward, generally in the form of commission.
Before selling goods...
But for the convenience and expansion of commerce the law was compelled to imply the existence of warranties and conditions in certain cases. Replace "but for" without changing the meaning:
By... is meant the complete ownnership in the goods, the subject of the contract.
Choose the correct statement.
Contracts of guarantee are unenforcable unless they are evidenced in writing. Replace "unless they are evidenced in writing" without changing the meaning:
Contracts which are not deeds are known as...
Each lot is... a separate contract of sale.
Every affirmation which is made at the time of the sale of a personal chattel is...
Hire - purchase agreements are arrangements by which..
I am writing... the latest sale.
I am... to inform you that we lost the copy.
I have just received a letter...
I owe appretiative thanks to Mr. B, a well - known specialist upon... pollution control.
If A invites B to his house, it is not an offer in the contractual sense, because it does not amount to the entering into the contractual relation. Replace "because" by the right synonym:
If a person promises to do certain work he must carry it out...
If the buyer did not make himself acquianted with me defects, if any, he had no remedy against the seller, except in the cases of misrepresentation and fraud. Replace "except in" without changing the meaning.
If the consideration for the transfer of goods is other goods, the contract is not one of sale, but of....
If the contract of sale is subject to any condition to be fulfilled by the vendor, the purchaser may treat the breach of the condition as a breach of warranty. Replace "subject to" without changing the meaning:
If the goods are not specifically identified, but referred to by description the goods are called...
If the goods were identified and agreed upon the time the contract of sale is made, the goods are called...
If the seller reserves... until certain conditions are fulfilled, the property in the goods will not pass until conditions have been fulfilled.
If there is an offence on the part of the agent, he may be dismissed, for the offence justifies his dismissal. "For" here means:
In a contract of sale there is an implied warranty that the goods shall be free from any charge and incumbrance in favour of any third party,... the circumstances of the contract are such as to show a different intention.
It the consideration for the transfer of goods is other goods, the contract is one of.
It was our fault. Please... once again.
Now we are able to reduce the price of our computers by 10% due to the recent fall of the Us dollar. Replace "due to" without changing the meaning:
On a contract of sale there is an implied warranty that the buyer shall enjoy quiet possession of the goods. "Enjoy quiet possession" here means:
Retail stores constitute
Retail stores constitute
Stoppage in transitu belongs to the...
The breach of... will entitlle the injured party to repudiate the contract.
The buyer and the seller of goods have a personal remedy if the contract of sale is broken by the... of one of the parties.
The consideration of a contract of sale must be....
The definition a contract of sale of goods which includes... as well as... is one "whereby the seller transfers or agrees to transfer the property in goods to the buyer for a money consideration called... ".
The formalities now are that the signature of the person making the speciality contract must be witnessed and attested. Replace "speciality contract" by the right synonym:
The law... certain conditional sale and creditsale agreements are unenforcable unless they are in writing.
The lien will be lost if the right is waived by the seller. The synonym to "lien" is:
The property passes, provided everything has been done by the seller to put the goods into a deliverable state. Replace "provided" by the right synonym:
The rule... the property in the goods passes at once to the buyer... the goods are unconditionally appropriated to the contract by either party with the express or implied assent of the other.
The seller also warrants that the goods are free from...
The seller has a right to re - sale the goods when
The seller warrants to the buyer...
The term "goods" includes all... other than... and money.
The term "goods" includes:
The term "void contract" is a contradiction in terms since the whole transaction is regarded as nullity. Replace "since" without changing the meaning:
The third section provides that capacity to buy and sell is regulated by the general law concerning cappacity to contract and to transfer and acquire property. Here "provides that" means:
The vendor may praise his goods, provided that the buyer shall have a full and fair opportunity of inspection. Replace "provided" by the right synonym:
There was... in sales.
This section... certain conditional sale and credit - sale agreements are unenforceable unless they are in writing.
To create a warranty we need.
Unfortunately, they are... the prices.
We apologise...... the copy of the contract.
We are extremely sorry... the contract.
We look forward... receiving the drills.
We were pleased to receive your letter... it helped us a lot.
We' ll try to correct our mistake...
When a deed is delivered subject to a condition, it is called an "escrow". Replace "subject to a condition" without changing the meaning:
When goods are... there is an implied comdition that the goods shall correspond with the description.
When no principal is disclosed, the auctioneer may sue in his own name. "Disclosed" means:
When the contract is for the supply of manufactured goods, they must be of...
When the sale is... the bulk shall correspond with It in quality; the buyer shall have reasonable opportunities for comparing the bulk with it.
When there is an agreement for sale only the seller' s remedy is an action for...
Which of the statements are correct.
Выберите верный вариант перевода: aim
Выберите верный вариант перевода: aim
Выберите верный вариант перевода: authority
Выберите верный вариант перевода: authority
Выберите верный вариант перевода: customer
Выберите верный вариант перевода: customer
Выберите верный вариант перевода: income
Выберите верный вариант перевода: income
Выберите верный вариант перевода: item
Выберите верный вариант перевода: item
Выберите верный вариант перевода: personnel
Выберите верный вариант перевода: personnel
Выберите верный вариант перевода: shipping
Выберите верный вариант перевода: shipping
Выберите верный вариант перевода: traits
Выберите верный вариант перевода: traits
Выберите верный вариант перевода: transaction
Выберите верный вариант перевода: transaction
Выберите верный вариант перевода: warehouse
Выберите верный вариант перевода: warehouse
Выберите верный вариант перевода: потребитель
Выберите верный вариант перевода: потребитель
Выберите подходящий ответ: After the war, Pepsi' s sales
Выберите подходящий ответ: After the war, Pepsi' s sales
Выберите подходящий ответ: Any organization can do retailing exept:
Выберите подходящий ответ: Any organization can do retailing exept:
Выберите подходящий ответ: Pricing strategy is concerned with:
Выберите подходящий ответ: Pricing strategy is concerned with:
Выберите подходящий ответ: The best indicator of the company' s future is:
Выберите подходящий ответ: The best indicator of the company' s future is:
Выберите подходящий ответ: The company must respond... to the complaints
Выберите подходящий ответ: The company must respond... to the complaints
Выберите подходящий ответ: Within one decade, Pepsi' s sales had grown
Выберите подходящий ответ: Within one decade, Pepsi' s sales had grown
Выберите подходящий ответ: Yamacha used an enthusiastic sales force.
Выберите подходящий ответ: Yamacha used an enthusiastic sales force.
Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами: Customer oriented thinking requires... carefully define customer needs.
Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами: Customer oriented thinking requires... carefully define customer needs.
Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами: Customers must demonstrate justified need ….product.
Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами: Customers must demonstrate justified need ….product.
Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами: The computer company claims... that innovation come... listening... customer complaints.
Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами: The computer company claims... that innovation come... listening... customer complaints.
Найдите соответствующий американский эквивалент: anywhere
Найдите соответствующий американский эквивалент: anywhere
Найдите соответствующий американский эквивалент: autumn
Найдите соответствующий американский эквивалент: autumn
Найдите соответствующий американский эквивалент: corn
Найдите соответствующий американский эквивалент: corn
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. A contract by which the seller transfers or agrees to transfer the property in goods to the buyer for a money consideration called the price, is called
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. A limited partnership is:
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. A partner by estoppel is:
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. A partner can be excluded from future business operations for breach of the partnership agreement. In other words:
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. A partner who has the right to take part in the management unless mere is an agreement between himself and the other partner(s) that he should not, is called:
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. A private company is a company which...
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. An agreement for the hire of goods at the end of which the hirer may exercise an option to purchase them from the owner is called...
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. An informal partnership is defined as:
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. It is generally unwise to have a very large number of prohibitions because this is likely to restrict the activities of the firm and its individual partners. In other words:
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. Joint owners of property:
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. Overdraft is:
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. Partners must act in common, and the most important result of this is that unless the agreement says something different, every general partner must be allowed to have a say in the management. In other words:
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. The Hire Purchase Act 1964 equated conditional sale with Hire Purchase for most purposes. In other words:
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. The person who is entrusted with the possession of some goods by the owner of the goods is called:
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. When a general partner becomes a limited partner, the fact must be advertised in "The London Gazette" if the transaction is to be effective in law. On other words:
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. A cheque should bear the signature of the... (трассант)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. A contract for the sale of goods whereby ownership and possession of the goods passes immediately to the buyer, but he is given time to pay is called... (продажа в кредит).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. A credit card allows the... to pay for goods by producing a plastic personalized card. (держателю)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. A deal in which no money changes hands is called... (бартерный обмен).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. A standing order to a bank should bear the signature of the... (плательщика).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. A sum of money paid at intervals during the lifetime of the person who is due to receive it by a share of profit to the widow or child of a deceased partner is called... (пожизненная рента).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. All... are to be paid by the seller and at his expense. (сборы)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. Any amendments to the agreement shall be... only if they are made in writing. (действительный)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. He will not permit the said... to be destroyed. (движимое имущество)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. Hire is sometimes referred to as... (аренда, сдача внаем)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. I promise to pay you the whole balance whether or not there has been any... of any previous installment. (освобождение)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. Mr. Smith was employed as an independent... (подрядчик).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. Penalty is... by the Buyer from the 3 per cent sum. (удерживается)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. Please... my account with you. (дебетовать)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The act... all contracts for the sale of goods. (распространяется на)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The agent has a right to... (комиссионное вознаграждение)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The agent should submit to the company all... from customers. (запросы)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The agreement can be... in case neither party wants to terminate it. (продлено)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The agreement was made in the form of... (проект).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The awards of the commission are... both parties. (обязательные для).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The company can carry on any business that can render more profitable for the company' s... (активы).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The company can sell its undertaking for any... (встречное удовлетворение).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The company carries on business by 2... companies. (дочерние)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The Company is entitled to give securities or all the assets of the Company including... (неоплаченная часть акционерного капитала).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The Company shall have power to carry on its business with... (физические и юридические лица).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The date of... is considered June, 17, 1996. (поставка)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The equipment is part of a... (компенсационной сделки).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The equipment is supplied to organizations situated on the... (договорная территория).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The finance company is equally responsible with... for any breach of contract. (поставщик)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The Financial Services Act prohibits the issue by private companies of advertisements offering their... (залоги).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The memorandum of on unlimited company states... (неограниченная ответственность).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The partners agree that... shall be divided equally. (капитал и прибавочный капитал)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The people who want the company to be formed must send... to the Registrar. (договор об учреждении компании)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The person giving the credit is called... (кредитор).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The principle has the right... the agreement before the expiration of the period of its duration. (расторгнуть)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The quality of the goods should conform to the... agreed by the parties. (образец - эталон)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The sum should be paid... up to the date of payment. (с процентами)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The... was accepted 3 weeks ago. (вексель)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. Under certain conditions neither party has the right for... of possible damages by the other party. (возмещение)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. Within 24 hours after... of the goods the Seller is to inform the Buyer by cable. (отгрузка)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets.... has to deal with customers a great deal. (коммерческий директор)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets.... of the company is 10 thousand pounds. (акционерный капитал)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets.... should be made in writing. (долговое обязательство)
Fill the words in the blanks: Apparently advertisement... (окупается).
Fill the words in the blanks: Certain measures were taken to... restrictions on offshore banking operations (облегчить, ослабить).
Fill the words in the blanks: Customers' wishes should be... (предусмотрены и удовлетворены).
Fill the words in the blanks: Directly addressed ad takes into consideration the...of this particular group of people (ценности).
Fill the words in the blanks: During... unemployment tends to increase (спад рынка).
Fill the words in the blanks: Health insurance carries the promise to periodic payments to an individual who meets the policy' s definition of... (инвалидности).
Fill the words in the blanks: If you want to..., you have to write a resume describing your employment experience (if any) and employment goals (подать заявление о приеме на работу).
Fill the words in the blanks: In a resume one should write why s/he feels... the position (пригодный для, соответствующий для).
Fill the words in the blanks: In terms of facilities the hotels in Taiwan are very... (конкурентоспособные).
Fill the words in the blanks: In the USA some insurance companies hold... valued at 800 billion (активы).
Fill the words in the blanks: It began in 1989 with the... of Time Inc. and Warner Communications Inc. (объединение, слияние).
Fill the words in the blanks: It you want to find a ready market for your product, you should know the market situation... (в деталях).
Fill the words in the blanks: Levin will be able to... the corporation (навязывать свою волю).
Fill the words in the blanks: Life insurance normally includes... (ежегодные ренты).
Fill the words in the blanks: Malone had to relinguish his vote to... ownership rules (подчиняться).
Fill the words in the blanks: Market research cannot... competition (оставить без внимания).
Fill the words in the blanks: More and more money is spent on... every day (реклама).
Fill the words in the blanks: New subways are being built in Taipei to... traffic congestion (облегчить).
Fill the words in the blanks: One of the oldest means of advertisement is...(ярмарка).
Fill the words in the blanks: Pure risk involves... (неопределенность).
Fill the words in the blanks: Some 40 laws and 110 regulations will be...(поправлены, исправлены).
Fill the words in the blanks: Sometimes the manufacturer either has to... the quality or offer lower prices (улучшить).
Fill the words in the blanks: Sometimes the surety incurs expenses... the obligee (от имени).
Fill the words in the blanks: Sometimes the... of a product can become lower. (себестоимость).
Fill the words in the blanks: Statistitians... the number of insured losses for a given period (предсказывают).
Fill the words in the blanks: Such areas as... and... of petroleum are open to foreign investment (недвижимость, розничная продажа).
Fill the words in the blanks: Taiwan has been taking steps to... foreign trade and investment (способствовать, содействовать).
Fill the words in the blanks: Taiwan has made remarkable progress... its trade imbalance with the USA (в уменьшении).
Fill the words in the blanks: Taiwan is now the world' s Number One... of advanced computers (поставщик).
Fill the words in the blanks: The concept of... is central to insurance (гарантия возмещения убытков).
Fill the words in the blanks: The insurer has to know when and where an... loss occurred (застрахованный).
Fill the words in the blanks: The parties involved in... are the surety, the obligee and the principal (поручительство).
Fill the words in the blanks: The risk must be free from any potential catastrophe that could produce loss... the ability of the insurer to respond (свыше).
Fill the words in the blanks: The surety agrees... the obligee for loss from the defaults of the principal (возместить).
Fill the words in the blanks: This person is a strong leader, but he hasn' t the power to... the leadership (осуществлять).
Fill the words in the blanks: This transaction is a... of achieving a greater good (побочный продукт).
Fill the words in the blanks: To sell a product in the market a manufacturer should...whether the demand is sufficient (убедиться).
Fill the words in the blanks: When there is a business boom people have generally more money on... (предметы роскоши).
Fill the words in the blanks: While aerobics is in fashion, the... on "body wear" is sufficient (спрос).
Fill the words in the blanks:... in Taiwan have gone up recently (цены на землю и рабочую силу).
Fill the words in the blanks:... is a mechanism for reducing financial risk and spreading financial loss (страховка).
Fill the words in the blanks:... like the direction Gerald Levin is moving (держатели акций).
Fill the words in the blanks:... of Taiwan' s citizens has risen to approximately 12, 000 dollars. (средний годовой доход).
He was supposed ____ (make) a report about local businesses.
I haven’t got enough money _____ on holiday.
I like Tom and Ann. They are _____ nice people.
I wish I (to be rich).
I wish it _____ warmer.
If I had seen the document, ___ (tell) you about it last week:
It they _____ offer us a unit price we see them tomorrow
I’m sorry I’m late I got here __ fast __ I could.
Jeremy prefers English Hi Fi systems ______ Japanese ones.
John would rather _______ (go) to Federal Commission yesterday ___ today.
My brother is ______ than me.
My _____ brother is a pilot.
Replace the underlined word by a synonym or a synonymous expression: Failure to comply with the rule results in liability to a fine. ------------------
Replace the underlined word by a synonym or a synonymous expression: Some organizations are prepared to put up with the fact that -------------the liability of their members is unlimited.
Replace the underlined word by a synonym or a synonymous expression: The distinction between a contract of sale and a contract of work and materials is often a fine one. ----
Replace the underlined word by a synonym or a synonymous expression: The hirer obtains possession of goods but ownership doesn't pass to him. -----
Supply the correct form:
The examination was than we expected.
The sooner the ______.
What do the underlined words mean? (only one answer out of the four is correct). Ad: ---
What do the underlined words mean? (only one answer out of the four is correct). It was living each day with the survival of my company at stake.--------
What do the underlined words mean? (only one answer out of the four is correct). Market research promptly finds out changes in consumers' tastes and needs. -------
What do the underlined words mean? (only one answer out of the four is correct). Property-liability insurance:-----------------------------
What do the underlined words mean? (only one answer out of the four is correct). This has helped him to stick with his controversial cable strategy. -------------
What do the underlined words mean? (only one answer out of the four is correct). This problem is very crucial at present -------
What do the underlined words mean? (only one answer out of the four is correct).AIDA:-----
When she was young, she _____ swim once a day.
You had better _____ tonight.
You received a warning for speeding. You ____ so fast.
Your English is improving. It’ getting ______.
Вставьте подходящее слово в пропуски: All of the money... in bank.
Вставьте подходящее слово в пропуски: Have you got... work to do?
Вставьте подходящее слово в пропуски: Susan Black is... engineer.
Вставьте подходящее слово в пропуски: The idea was...
Вставьте подходящее слово в пропуски: The news... very good.
Вставьте подходящее слово в пропуски: The number of female doctors... growing.
Вставьте подходящее слово в пропуски: The scissors... in the bottom drawer.
Вставьте подходящее слово в пропуски:... EEC (European Community) is made up of 12 members
Вставьте подходящее слово в пропуски:... banks provide... firms with... finance.
Вставьте подходящее слово в пропуски:... time is... money.
Вставьте подходящее слово в пропуски: Either his children or his wife... arriving today.
Вставьте подходящее слово в пропуски: A number of doctors... employed by the hospital.
Вставьте подходящее слово в пропуски: Everyone... required to write a composition.
Вставьте подходящее слово в пропуски: Every man, woman, and child... given a free ticket.
Вставьте подходящее слово в пропуски: A number of students... missing from class.
Вставьте подходящее слово в пропуски: A number of students... expressed interest in the new course.
Вставьте подходящее слово в пропуски: Venture capitalists have to take... financial risks.
Вставьте подходящее слово в пропуски: Sole traders may find it difficult to raise... capital.
Вставьте подходящее слово в пропуски: I need... time to think about your offer but I' ll phone first thing tomorrow morning.
Вставьте подходящее слово в пропуски: In... year' s time we' ll be market leader.
Вставьте подходящее слово в пропуски:... decisions are made after... prior consideration.
Вставьте подходящий предлог: Businesses come... all shapes and sizes.
Вставьте подходящий предлог: Do you have a meeting room... the hotel?
Вставьте подходящий предлог: Entrepreneurs who start a new firm... buying a functioning business are expected to contribute approximately half of required funds.
Вставьте подходящий предлог: I' ve got a reservation... three nights.
Вставьте подходящий предлог: If so, you are... the right track.
Вставьте подходящий предлог: Profit is the difference... a business' s total revenues and the total of its costs.
Вставьте подходящий предлог: The person who takes the chance in starting business by investing is guaranteed the right.. all profits.
Вставьте подходящий предлог: This freedom of choice applies... the individuals right to decide what type of work to do and where to work.
Вставьте подходящий предлог: When the bakery sells the bread... the supermarket, it charges more than the cost of making the bread.
Вставьте подходящий предлог:... addition, commercial banks give qualified small businesses a line of credit.
Выберите верный вариант перевода: life - style
Выберите верный вариант перевода: life - style
Выберите верный вариант перевода: to amount
Выберите верный вариант перевода: to amount
Выберите верный вариант перевода: to emerge
Выберите верный вариант перевода: to emerge
Выберите верный вариант перевода: to purchase
Выберите верный вариант перевода: to purchase
Выберите верный вариант перевода: освободить от ответственности:
Выберите верный вариант перевода: подделать подпись:
Выберите верный вариант перевода: покупательная способность
Выберите верный вариант перевода: покупательная способность
Выберите верный вариант перевода: права на товар:
Выберите верный вариант перевода: соглашение между двумя сторонами:
Выберите верный вариант перевода: точное выполнение условий договора:
Выберите нужный предлог: A banker is responsible to his customer if he pays____ a forged indorsement.
Выберите нужный предлог: A bill of exchange requires the person to whom A is addressed to pay... demand a sum certain in money to the specified person.
Выберите нужный предлог: A common carrier must be a person who___ profession carries for hire.
Выберите нужный предлог: A neglect on the part of the consignor to declare the value and the nature of the goods will exempt the carrier___ all liability for loss or damage.
Выберите нужный предлог: Affreightment is the special name given to the contract of carriage of goods___ sea, for a price which is called the freight.
Выберите нужный предлог: No allotment can be made of any share capital of a company offered to the public... subscription unless several requirements are fulfilled.
Выберите нужный предлог: The holder___ due course is not in any way affected by any defect of title on the part of the transferor.
Выберите нужный предлог: The object of damages is to place the injured party in as good a position as he would have been had the contract been carried...
Выберите нужный предлог: Three months... date pay to Mr. James Lagan the sum of three hundred and twenty pounds, for value received.
Выберите нужный предлог: When the capital of a company has been fully paid up, its shares are frequently converted... stock.
Выберите подходящее слово (определение). A supplier can concede a long - term credit to his customer. In the other words:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): A wholesale dealer acquires the merchandise directly from the industry or from buying - up trade, which purchases agricultural products from the manufacturer and stores them. Replace "stores" by the right synonym or synonimic expression:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): A wholesale dealer should save a lot of money since he has to pay his suppliers in advance. "In advance" means:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): A wholesale dealer' s customers are allowed a 2 or 3 months credit limit. "are allowed" most nearly means:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): Acoording to Stalin' s system everyone else has an incentive not to protect that property, but to steal it back. "has an incentive" means:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): Allen still must trim 480 million in costs to reach his 2. 1 billion goal. "to trim" here means:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): Bratton is managing to cut crime on the streets of New York to a stunning degree. "stunning" means:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): Captain Bill Brown vowed to reject any contract not offering "value for value". In other words:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): Critics and competitors scoffed when Allen announced an effort to cut costs so deeply. "to cut costs" here most nearly means:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): Delta says it won' t accept the combination of high pay and low productivity. In other words:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): Federal Supervision Board sees to it that the citizen' s savings are safe. Replace "savings" by a synonym:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): He is contractually unable to award good performers pay rises. "contractually unable" means:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): If a retail dealer has little storage space at his disposal, he can purchase merchandise directly from a certain wholesale dealer. In other words:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): Individual street cops had been empowered to set their own scedules. "had been empowered" means:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): Low - breaking, the thinking went, was caused by societal factors beyond law enforcement' s control. In other words:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): New York will show the largest decrease in all major crimes categories. "decrease" is opposite in meaning to:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): Now crime data are computerized daily so that Braton can spot devepoping trends and deeper problems. "to spot" here means:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): On november the central bank closed down more than 50 banks for violating lending regulations. "violating" means:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): Originally EMS curriencies were only allowed to fluctuate by about 2 percentage points on either side of a central value. "to fluctuate" here most nearly means:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): Process towards a single currency was hindered by a disparity between the "strong" German mark and the weaker currencies of some of Germany' s EU partners. "was hindered" here most nearly means:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): Recent studies suggest that no nation can expect to become an advanced, high - income economy without attacking its corruption problem. In other words:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): Thanks in part to the industry' s upswing, Delta earned 206 million in the fiscal year ended June 30. In other words:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): That would let Delta go beyond code sharing to co - operate on pricing and marketing in a way that is currently prohibited. "currently prohibited" means:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): The deals with carriers in Europe and Asia have enabled Delta to cut unprofitable routes. "deals" here means:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): The prices in the shop are reasonable.
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): The stock markets keep in touch with one another via telex or telephone. "via" here stands for:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): The target date for formal membership for the four countries was January 1, 1995, but each was subject to approval by national referendums. In other words:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): Translated to operation, those numbers are making for some controversial changes. "controversial" means:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): We want to make every effort to shut off the temptation of illegal payments. "illegal payments" means:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): With domestic cost - cutting ahead of scedule, Allen has more time to focus on the problem of European operations. "to focus" means:
Выберите подходящий ответ: A market is
Выберите подходящий ответ: A market is
Выберите подходящий ответ: Market segmentation is
Выберите подходящий ответ: Market segmentation is
Выберите подходящий ответ:' Sales potential' means
Выберите подходящий ответ:' Sales potential' means
Выберите правильный вариант ответов: A bill of exchange is sometimes called a...
Выберите правильный вариант ответов: A common carrier is...
Выберите правильный вариант ответов: A joint stock company is... an association of many person who contribute money to a common stock and employ it in some business.
Выберите правильный вариант ответов: A notary public is...
Выберите правильный вариант ответов: A wrongful act wilfully committed by the master and the crew to the prejudice of the charterer or the owner of the ship is called...
Выберите правильный вариант ответов: Bills that are drawn, accepted and put into circulation without any consideration passing, the signatories lending their names to oblige their friends, are called...
Выберите правильный вариант ответов: It the space on the back of a bell of exchange is insufficient to contain all the names of the intended indorsers a ship of paper called... is atached to it.
Выберите правильный вариант ответов: Lay days are...
Выберите правильный вариант ответов: Shares to which a priority of enjoyment of profits is given are called:
Выберите правильный вариант ответов: The "Act of God" is...
Выберите правильный вариант ответов: The most common way in which a company borrows money is by the issue of...
Выберите правильный вариант ответов: The person who draws the bill is termed the...
Выберите правильный вариант ответов: The person who indorses a bill to another person is termed the...
Выберите правильный вариант ответов: To minimue the risks run through or forgery it has become the common practice when paying account for the drawer of the cheque to... it.
Выберите правильный вариант ответов: When a drawee refuses to accept a bill, this bill is said to be...
Дополните реплики: Mr. Robinson, may I introduce you to Mr. Watson? -...
Дополните реплики: What... (to happen) at the meeting (past simple)?
Дополните реплики: Which... (to cost) more (simple present)?
Замените фразы, уместные в переписке, их более официальными эквивалентами: Here are some brochures.
Замените фразы, уместные в переписке, их более официальными эквивалентами: I am sorry to tell you that the delivery will be delayed.
Замените фразы, уместные в переписке, их более официальными эквивалентами: If you want any more information, please contact me.
Замените фразы, уместные в переписке, их более официальными эквивалентами: Please can you tell me your prices?
Замените фразы, уместные в переписке, их более официальными эквивалентами: Thanks for your letter of 7th April.
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова). A supplier can draw... on the credit. (вексель):
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова). Banks run a great business in.... (фондовые биржи, биржи ценных бумаг):
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова). Besides the Bundesbank there are both commercial and cooperative banking institutions and those.... (общественные, государственные):
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова). If the client has the necessary... he can receive a long - term credit from the bank. (обеспечение):
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова). In a mortgage bank one can... to cover some building expenses. (получить деньги под закладную):
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова). Sometimes it happens, that.... (кредит превышен):
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова). The bank' s main... is the money it obtains and can lend as a loan. (источник доходов):
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова). This check can... at the bank. (быть обналичен):
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова).... are run by the districts. (сберегательные банки):
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): A wholesale dealer usually has a department store with plenty of storage space and an office with employees... the purchase of goods. (производить)
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): Avoid... jobs (тупиковый).
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): Commercial bank may make a... loan (временный, срочный).
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): Companies... by developing better product and unique advertising programms (конкурировать).
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): Entrepreneurs must also present financial... (показатели).
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): EURATOM enabled greater co operation in the field of... (ядерные исследования).
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): For this purpose German Bundesbank sells or buys... and raises or lowers... (ценные бумаги, дисконтная ставка).
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): German Bundesbank is the only institution... release new banknotes. (имеющий право)
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): Germany was the last of the 12 component countries... the Treaty on European Union. (ратифицировать)
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): Government officials will... a company' s building (проверять, проинспектировать).
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): It is essential to start with... capital (достаточный).
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): Many observers advice small business owner to avoid... borrowing (чрезмерный).
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): One can commission the bank.... (перевести деньги на счет поставщика):
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): People who visit clientele of retail dealers are called.... (коммивояжер)
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): Profit is the... goal of business (главная).
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): Sometimes certain expenses... because many customers send back the ordered merchandise. (возникают)
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): The aim of the organization was to create social... among the European peoples. (оплоченность)
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): The contribution of each member state is based on its annual... (валовый национальный продукт).
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): The danes... after winning concessions that exempted them from some of the treaty' s provisions. (круто изменили свою позицию):
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): The ECSC was managed by a... institution known as the High Authority (наднациональный, надгосударственный).
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): The EU has its own budget and sources of... (доход).
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): The European monetary system was established to maintain stable... among the member states. (курс обмена)
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): The European Union is an intergovernmental organization with its own decision - making... (структура).
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): The IRS means...
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): The SBA means
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): The services of intermediaries cost a lot, so there are certain attempts to... (обойтись без них).
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): The Treaty on European Union formally... on November 1, 1993. (вступил в силу)
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): Wholesale dealers take care of timely... of goods. (доставка)
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова):... is collected by the member countries of the EU. (доход на добавочную стоимость).
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова):... needs an attractive store where his merchandise is exhibited. (розничный дилер)
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова):... should be fast and friendly, so that the customers may not be disappointed. (обслуживание)
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова):...... is one of the basic forms of business ownership (индивидуальная компания / предприятие).
Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами либо артиклями, где это необходимо: Did he obtain information ___ the sales manager?
Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами либо артиклями, где это необходимо: I was responsible ___ cost control and accounting.
Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами либо артиклями, где это необходимо: Managers are the people who oversee ___ the activities of others.
Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами либо артиклями, где это необходимо: Managers can't succeed ___ their technical skills alone.
Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами либо артиклями, где это необходимо: Managers get things done ___ other people.
Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами либо артиклями, где это необходимо: She went ___ to earn her Ph. D. at Norfolk.
Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами либо артиклями, где это необходимо: They perform ___ five management functions.
Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами либо артиклями, где это необходимо: This performance must be compared ___ the set of goals.
Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами либо артиклями, где это необходимо: Work group is a primary source ___ social interaction.
Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами либо артиклями, где это необходимо: You have to take corrective action in response ___ this unforeseen problem.
Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами либо артиклями, где это необходимо: ___ average, we receive five letters a day.
Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами: Products are sold... response... needs.
Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами: Products are sold... response... needs.
Заполните прочерки подходящими выражениями, уместными в переписке: I look forward to_________.
Заполните прочерки подходящими выражениями, уместными в переписке: _________ if you could help me.
Заполните прочерки подходящими выражениями, уместными в переписке: _________ to hear that you are enjoing your new job.
Заполните прочерки подходящими выражениями, уместными в переписке: _________ to hear that you' ve had some health problems.
Заполните прочерки подходящими выражениями, уместными в переписке:._________ if you could tell me your prices.
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): In the private enterprise system individuals have the right to buy,..., use and sell property (владеть).
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): Business in America is more than the large corporations with which we are all... (знакомы).
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова):... banks are often reluctant to lend money to companies that have only been operating for a few years (к сожалению).
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): Prepare a personal financial statement listing the owner' s... (обязательства)
Найдите антоним к следующему слову: awareness
Найдите антоним к следующему слову: awareness
Найдите антоним к следующему слову: commonly
Найдите антоним к следующему слову: commonly
Найдите антоним к следующему слову: different
Найдите антоним к следующему слову: different
Найдите антоним к следующему слову: failure
Найдите антоним к следующему слову: failure
Найдите антоним к следующему слову: final
Найдите антоним к следующему слову: final
Найдите антоним к следующему слову: great
Найдите антоним к следующему слову: great
Найдите антоним к следующему слову: satisfaction
Найдите антоним к следующему слову: satisfaction
Найдите антоним к следующему слову: to ignore
Найдите антоним к следующему слову: to ignore
Найдите антоним к следующему слову: to include
Найдите антоним к следующему слову: to include
Найдите антоним к следующему слову: to lose
Найдите антоним к следующему слову: to lose
Найдите антоним к следующему слову: to realise
Найдите антоним к следующему слову: to realise
Найдите антоним: continuous
Найдите антоним: effective
Найдите антоним: responsible
Найдите антоним: to attain
Найдите антоним: to encompass
Найдите антоним: to establish
Найдите подходящий английский эквивалент: включать в себя
Найдите подходящий английский эквивалент: нанимать
Найдите подходящий английский эквивалент: подчиненный
Найдите подходящий английский эквивалент: распределять
Найдите подходящий английский эквивалент: управлять
Найдите подходящий английский эквивалент: участвовать
Найдите подходящий русский эквивалент: accountant
Найдите подходящий русский эквивалент: intangible property
Найдите подходящий русский эквивалент: lease
Найдите подходящий русский эквивалент: private enterprise system
Найдите подходящий русский эквивалент: profit
Найдите подходящий русский эквивалент: retailer
Найдите подходящий русский эквивалент: take a chance
Найдите синоним: ability
Найдите синоним: common
Найдите синоним: deficiency
Найдите синоним: diversity
Найдите синоним: permanent
Найдите синоним: scarce
Найдите синоним: successful
Найдите синоним: to hire
Найдите синоним: valuable
Найдите синоним: weakness
Найдите слова, написанные согласно стилю американского английского:
Найдите слова, написанные согласно стилю американского английского:
Найдите слова, написанные согласно стилю американского английского:
Найдите слова, написанные согласно стилю американского английского:
Найдите слова, написанные согласно стилю американского английского:
Найдите слова, написанные согласно стилю американского английского:
Найдите слова, написанные согласно стилю американского английского:
Найдите слова, написанные согласно стилю американского английского:
Найдите слова, написанные согласно стилю американского английского:
Найдите слова, написанные согласно стилю американского английского:
Подберите антонимы к следующим словам: bilateral
Подберите антонимы к следующим словам: consignee
Подберите антонимы к следующим словам: divisible
Подберите антонимы к следующим словам: indorser
Подберите антонимы к следующим словам: informal
Подберите антонимы к следующим словам: legal
Подберите антонимы к следующим словам: loading
Подберите антонимы к следующим словам: purchase
Подберите антонимы к следующим словам: to sell
Подберите антонимы к следующим словам: valid

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ПКОЯз. Англ. Профкурс (деловой) - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. A contract by which the seller transfers or agrees to transfer the property in goods to the buyer for a money consideration called the price, is called
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. A limited partnership is:
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. A partner by estoppel is:
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. A partner can be excluded from future business operations for breach of the partnership agreement. In other words:
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. A partner who has the right to take part in the management unless mere is an agreement between himself and the other partner(s) that he should not, is called:
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. A private company is a company which...
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. An agreement for the hire of goods at the end of which the hirer may exercise an option to purchase them from the owner is called...
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. An informal partnership is defined as:
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. It is generally unwise to have a very large number of prohibitions because this is likely to restrict the activities of the firm and its individual partners. In other words:
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. Joint owners of property:
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. Overdraft is:
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. Partners must act in common, and the most important result of this is that unless the agreement says something different, every general partner must be allowed to have a say in the management. In other words:
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. The Hire Purchase Act 1964 equated conditional sale with Hire Purchase for most purposes. In other words:
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. The person who is entrusted with the possession of some goods by the owner of the goods is called:
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. When a general partner becomes a limited partner, the fact must be advertised in "The London Gazette" if the transaction is to be effective in law. On other words:
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. A cheque should bear the signature of the... (трассант)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. A contract for the sale of goods whereby ownership and possession of the goods passes immediately to the buyer, but he is given time to pay is called... (продажа в кредит).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. A credit card allows the... to pay for goods by producing a plastic personalized card. (держателю)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. A deal in which no money changes hands is called... (бартерный обмен).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. A standing order to a bank should bear the signature of the... (плательщика).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. A sum of money paid at intervals during the lifetime of the person who is due to receive it by a share of profit to the widow or child of a deceased partner is called... (пожизненная рента).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. All... are to be paid by the seller and at his expense. (сборы)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. Any amendments to the agreement shall be... only if they are made in writing. (действительный)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. He will not permit the said... to be destroyed. (движимое имущество)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. Hire is sometimes referred to as... (аренда, сдача внаем)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. I promise to pay you the whole balance whether or not there has been any... of any previous installment. (освобождение)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. Mr. Smith was employed as an independent... (подрядчик).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. Penalty is... by the Buyer from the 3 per cent sum. (удерживается)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. Please... my account with you. (дебетовать)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The act... all contracts for the sale of goods. (распространяется на)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The agent has a right to... (комиссионное вознаграждение)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The agent should submit to the company all... from customers. (запросы)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The agreement can be... in case neither party wants to terminate it. (продлено)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The agreement was made in the form of... (проект).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The awards of the commission are... both parties. (обязательные для).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The company can carry on any business that can render more profitable for the company' s... (активы).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The company can sell its undertaking for any... (встречное удовлетворение).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The company carries on business by 2... companies. (дочерние)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The Company is entitled to give securities or all the assets of the Company including... (неоплаченная часть акционерного капитала).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The Company shall have power to carry on its business with... (физические и юридические лица).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The date of... is considered June, 17, 1996. (поставка)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The equipment is part of a... (компенсационной сделки).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The equipment is supplied to organizations situated on the... (договорная территория).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The finance company is equally responsible with... for any breach of contract. (поставщик)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The Financial Services Act prohibits the issue by private companies of advertisements offering their... (залоги).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The memorandum of on unlimited company states... (неограниченная ответственность).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The partners agree that... shall be divided equally. (капитал и прибавочный капитал)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The people who want the company to be formed must send... to the Registrar. (договор об учреждении компании)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The person giving the credit is called... (кредитор).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The principle has the right... the agreement before the expiration of the period of its duration. (расторгнуть)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The quality of the goods should conform to the... agreed by the parties. (образец - эталон)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The sum should be paid... up to the date of payment. (с процентами)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The... was accepted 3 weeks ago. (вексель)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. Under certain conditions neither party has the right for... of possible damages by the other party. (возмещение)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. Within 24 hours after... of the goods the Seller is to inform the Buyer by cable. (отгрузка)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets.... has to deal with customers a great deal. (коммерческий директор)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets.... of the company is 10 thousand pounds. (акционерный капитал)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets.... should be made in writing. (долговое обязательство)
Replace the underlined word by a synonym or a synonymous expression: Failure to comply with the rule results in liability to a fine. ------------------
Replace the underlined word by a synonym or a synonymous expression: Some organizations are prepared to put up with the fact that -------------the liability of their members is unlimited.
Replace the underlined word by a synonym or a synonymous expression: The distinction between a contract of sale and a contract of work and materials is often a fine one. ----
Replace the underlined word by a synonym or a synonymous expression: The hirer obtains possession of goods but ownership doesn't pass to him. -----

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ПКОЯз. Англ. Профкурс (деловой) - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
Fill the words in the blanks: Apparently advertisement... (окупается).
Fill the words in the blanks: Certain measures were taken to... restrictions on offshore banking operations (облегчить, ослабить).
Fill the words in the blanks: Customers' wishes should be... (предусмотрены и удовлетворены).
Fill the words in the blanks: Directly addressed ad takes into consideration the...of this particular group of people (ценности).
Fill the words in the blanks: During... unemployment tends to increase (спад рынка).
Fill the words in the blanks: Health insurance carries the promise to periodic payments to an individual who meets the policy' s definition of... (инвалидности).
Fill the words in the blanks: If you want to..., you have to write a resume describing your employment experience (if any) and employment goals (подать заявление о приеме на работу).
Fill the words in the blanks: In a resume one should write why s/he feels... the position (пригодный для, соответствующий для).
Fill the words in the blanks: In terms of facilities the hotels in Taiwan are very... (конкурентоспособные).
Fill the words in the blanks: In the USA some insurance companies hold... valued at 800 billion (активы).
Fill the words in the blanks: It began in 1989 with the... of Time Inc. and Warner Communications Inc. (объединение, слияние).
Fill the words in the blanks: It you want to find a ready market for your product, you should know the market situation... (в деталях).
Fill the words in the blanks: Levin will be able to... the corporation (навязывать свою волю).
Fill the words in the blanks: Life insurance normally includes... (ежегодные ренты).
Fill the words in the blanks: Malone had to relinguish his vote to... ownership rules (подчиняться).
Fill the words in the blanks: Market research cannot... competition (оставить без внимания).
Fill the words in the blanks: More and more money is spent on... every day (реклама).
Fill the words in the blanks: New subways are being built in Taipei to... traffic congestion (облегчить).
Fill the words in the blanks: One of the oldest means of advertisement is...(ярмарка).
Fill the words in the blanks: Pure risk involves... (неопределенность).
Fill the words in the blanks: Some 40 laws and 110 regulations will be...(поправлены, исправлены).
Fill the words in the blanks: Sometimes the manufacturer either has to... the quality or offer lower prices (улучшить).
Fill the words in the blanks: Sometimes the surety incurs expenses... the obligee (от имени).
Fill the words in the blanks: Sometimes the... of a product can become lower. (себестоимость).
Fill the words in the blanks: Statistitians... the number of insured losses for a given period (предсказывают).
Fill the words in the blanks: Such areas as... and... of petroleum are open to foreign investment (недвижимость, розничная продажа).
Fill the words in the blanks: Taiwan has been taking steps to... foreign trade and investment (способствовать, содействовать).
Fill the words in the blanks: Taiwan has made remarkable progress... its trade imbalance with the USA (в уменьшении).
Fill the words in the blanks: Taiwan is now the world' s Number One... of advanced computers (поставщик).
Fill the words in the blanks: The concept of... is central to insurance (гарантия возмещения убытков).
Fill the words in the blanks: The insurer has to know when and where an... loss occurred (застрахованный).
Fill the words in the blanks: The parties involved in... are the surety, the obligee and the principal (поручительство).
Fill the words in the blanks: The risk must be free from any potential catastrophe that could produce loss... the ability of the insurer to respond (свыше).
Fill the words in the blanks: The surety agrees... the obligee for loss from the defaults of the principal (возместить).
Fill the words in the blanks: This person is a strong leader, but he hasn' t the power to... the leadership (осуществлять).
Fill the words in the blanks: This transaction is a... of achieving a greater good (побочный продукт).
Fill the words in the blanks: To sell a product in the market a manufacturer should...whether the demand is sufficient (убедиться).
Fill the words in the blanks: When there is a business boom people have generally more money on... (предметы роскоши).
Fill the words in the blanks: While aerobics is in fashion, the... on "body wear" is sufficient (спрос).
Fill the words in the blanks:... in Taiwan have gone up recently (цены на землю и рабочую силу).
Fill the words in the blanks:... is a mechanism for reducing financial risk and spreading financial loss (страховка).
Fill the words in the blanks:... like the direction Gerald Levin is moving (держатели акций).
Fill the words in the blanks:... of Taiwan' s citizens has risen to approximately 12, 000 dollars. (средний годовой доход).
What do the underlined words mean? (only one answer out of the four is correct). Ad: ---
What do the underlined words mean? (only one answer out of the four is correct). It was living each day with the survival of my company at stake.--------
What do the underlined words mean? (only one answer out of the four is correct). Market research promptly finds out changes in consumers' tastes and needs. -------
What do the underlined words mean? (only one answer out of the four is correct). Property-liability insurance:-----------------------------
What do the underlined words mean? (only one answer out of the four is correct). This has helped him to stick with his controversial cable strategy. -------------
What do the underlined words mean? (only one answer out of the four is correct). This problem is very crucial at present -------
What do the underlined words mean? (only one answer out of the four is correct).AIDA:-----

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ПКОЯз. Англ. Профкурс (деловой) - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
Выберите подходящее слово (определение). A supplier can concede a long - term credit to his customer. In the other words:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): A wholesale dealer acquires the merchandise directly from the industry or from buying - up trade, which purchases agricultural products from the manufacturer and stores them. Replace "stores" by the right synonym or synonimic expression:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): A wholesale dealer should save a lot of money since he has to pay his suppliers in advance. "In advance" means:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): A wholesale dealer' s customers are allowed a 2 or 3 months credit limit. "are allowed" most nearly means:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): Acoording to Stalin' s system everyone else has an incentive not to protect that property, but to steal it back. "has an incentive" means:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): Allen still must trim 480 million in costs to reach his 2. 1 billion goal. "to trim" here means:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): Bratton is managing to cut crime on the streets of New York to a stunning degree. "stunning" means:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): Captain Bill Brown vowed to reject any contract not offering "value for value". In other words:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): Critics and competitors scoffed when Allen announced an effort to cut costs so deeply. "to cut costs" here most nearly means:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): Delta says it won' t accept the combination of high pay and low productivity. In other words:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): Federal Supervision Board sees to it that the citizen' s savings are safe. Replace "savings" by a synonym:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): He is contractually unable to award good performers pay rises. "contractually unable" means:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): If a retail dealer has little storage space at his disposal, he can purchase merchandise directly from a certain wholesale dealer. In other words:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): Individual street cops had been empowered to set their own scedules. "had been empowered" means:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): Low - breaking, the thinking went, was caused by societal factors beyond law enforcement' s control. In other words:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): New York will show the largest decrease in all major crimes categories. "decrease" is opposite in meaning to:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): Now crime data are computerized daily so that Braton can spot devepoping trends and deeper problems. "to spot" here means:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): On november the central bank closed down more than 50 banks for violating lending regulations. "violating" means:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): Originally EMS curriencies were only allowed to fluctuate by about 2 percentage points on either side of a central value. "to fluctuate" here most nearly means:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): Process towards a single currency was hindered by a disparity between the "strong" German mark and the weaker currencies of some of Germany' s EU partners. "was hindered" here most nearly means:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): Recent studies suggest that no nation can expect to become an advanced, high - income economy without attacking its corruption problem. In other words:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): Thanks in part to the industry' s upswing, Delta earned 206 million in the fiscal year ended June 30. In other words:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): That would let Delta go beyond code sharing to co - operate on pricing and marketing in a way that is currently prohibited. "currently prohibited" means:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): The deals with carriers in Europe and Asia have enabled Delta to cut unprofitable routes. "deals" here means:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): The prices in the shop are reasonable.
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): The stock markets keep in touch with one another via telex or telephone. "via" here stands for:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): The target date for formal membership for the four countries was January 1, 1995, but each was subject to approval by national referendums. In other words:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): Translated to operation, those numbers are making for some controversial changes. "controversial" means:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): We want to make every effort to shut off the temptation of illegal payments. "illegal payments" means:
Выберите подходящее слово (определение): With domestic cost - cutting ahead of scedule, Allen has more time to focus on the problem of European operations. "to focus" means:
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова). A supplier can draw... on the credit. (вексель):
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова). Banks run a great business in.... (фондовые биржи, биржи ценных бумаг):
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова). Besides the Bundesbank there are both commercial and cooperative banking institutions and those.... (общественные, государственные):
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова). If the client has the necessary... he can receive a long - term credit from the bank. (обеспечение):
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова). In a mortgage bank one can... to cover some building expenses. (получить деньги под закладную):
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова). Sometimes it happens, that.... (кредит превышен):
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова). The bank' s main... is the money it obtains and can lend as a loan. (источник доходов):
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова). This check can... at the bank. (быть обналичен):
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова).... are run by the districts. (сберегательные банки):
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): A wholesale dealer usually has a department store with plenty of storage space and an office with employees... the purchase of goods. (производить)
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): EURATOM enabled greater co operation in the field of... (ядерные исследования).
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): For this purpose German Bundesbank sells or buys... and raises or lowers... (ценные бумаги, дисконтная ставка).
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): German Bundesbank is the only institution... release new banknotes. (имеющий право)
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): Germany was the last of the 12 component countries... the Treaty on European Union. (ратифицировать)
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): One can commission the bank.... (перевести деньги на счет поставщика):
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): People who visit clientele of retail dealers are called.... (коммивояжер)
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): Sometimes certain expenses... because many customers send back the ordered merchandise. (возникают)
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): The aim of the organization was to create social... among the European peoples. (оплоченность)
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): The contribution of each member state is based on its annual... (валовый национальный продукт).
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): The danes... after winning concessions that exempted them from some of the treaty' s provisions. (круто изменили свою позицию):
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): The ECSC was managed by a... institution known as the High Authority (наднациональный, надгосударственный).
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): The EU has its own budget and sources of... (доход).
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): The European monetary system was established to maintain stable... among the member states. (курс обмена)
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): The European Union is an intergovernmental organization with its own decision - making... (структура).
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): The services of intermediaries cost a lot, so there are certain attempts to... (обойтись без них).
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): The Treaty on European Union formally... on November 1, 1993. (вступил в силу)
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова): Wholesale dealers take care of timely... of goods. (доставка)
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова):... is collected by the member countries of the EU. (доход на добавочную стоимость).
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова):... needs an attractive store where his merchandise is exhibited. (розничный дилер)
Заполните пропуски (вставьте подходящие слова):... should be fast and friendly, so that the customers may not be disappointed. (обслуживание)

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ПКОЯз. Англ. Профкурс (деловой) - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
Выберите верный вариант перевода: освободить от ответственности:
Выберите верный вариант перевода: подделать подпись:
Выберите верный вариант перевода: права на товар:
Выберите верный вариант перевода: соглашение между двумя сторонами:
Выберите верный вариант перевода: точное выполнение условий договора:
Выберите нужный предлог: A banker is responsible to his customer if he pays____ a forged indorsement.
Выберите нужный предлог: A bill of exchange requires the person to whom A is addressed to pay... demand a sum certain in money to the specified person.
Выберите нужный предлог: A common carrier must be a person who___ profession carries for hire.
Выберите нужный предлог: A neglect on the part of the consignor to declare the value and the nature of the goods will exempt the carrier___ all liability for loss or damage.
Выберите нужный предлог: Affreightment is the special name given to the contract of carriage of goods___ sea, for a price which is called the freight.
Выберите нужный предлог: No allotment can be made of any share capital of a company offered to the public... subscription unless several requirements are fulfilled.
Выберите нужный предлог: The holder___ due course is not in any way affected by any defect of title on the part of the transferor.
Выберите нужный предлог: The object of damages is to place the injured party in as good a position as he would have been had the contract been carried...
Выберите нужный предлог: Three months... date pay to Mr. James Lagan the sum of three hundred and twenty pounds, for value received.
Выберите нужный предлог: When the capital of a company has been fully paid up, its shares are frequently converted... stock.
Выберите правильный вариант ответов: A bill of exchange is sometimes called a...
Выберите правильный вариант ответов: A common carrier is...
Выберите правильный вариант ответов: A joint stock company is... an association of many person who contribute money to a common stock and employ it in some business.
Выберите правильный вариант ответов: A notary public is...
Выберите правильный вариант ответов: A wrongful act wilfully committed by the master and the crew to the prejudice of the charterer or the owner of the ship is called...
Выберите правильный вариант ответов: Bills that are drawn, accepted and put into circulation without any consideration passing, the signatories lending their names to oblige their friends, are called...
Выберите правильный вариант ответов: It the space on the back of a bell of exchange is insufficient to contain all the names of the intended indorsers a ship of paper called... is atached to it.
Выберите правильный вариант ответов: Lay days are...
Выберите правильный вариант ответов: Shares to which a priority of enjoyment of profits is given are called:
Выберите правильный вариант ответов: The "Act of God" is...
Выберите правильный вариант ответов: The most common way in which a company borrows money is by the issue of...
Выберите правильный вариант ответов: The person who draws the bill is termed the...
Выберите правильный вариант ответов: The person who indorses a bill to another person is termed the...
Выберите правильный вариант ответов: To minimue the risks run through or forgery it has become the common practice when paying account for the drawer of the cheque to... it.
Выберите правильный вариант ответов: When a drawee refuses to accept a bill, this bill is said to be...
Замените фразы, уместные в переписке, их более официальными эквивалентами: Here are some brochures.
Замените фразы, уместные в переписке, их более официальными эквивалентами: I am sorry to tell you that the delivery will be delayed.
Замените фразы, уместные в переписке, их более официальными эквивалентами: If you want any more information, please contact me.
Замените фразы, уместные в переписке, их более официальными эквивалентами: Please can you tell me your prices?
Замените фразы, уместные в переписке, их более официальными эквивалентами: Thanks for your letter of 7th April.
Заполните прочерки подходящими выражениями, уместными в переписке: I look forward to_________.
Заполните прочерки подходящими выражениями, уместными в переписке: _________ if you could help me.
Заполните прочерки подходящими выражениями, уместными в переписке: _________ to hear that you are enjoing your new job.
Заполните прочерки подходящими выражениями, уместными в переписке: _________ to hear that you' ve had some health problems.
Заполните прочерки подходящими выражениями, уместными в переписке:._________ if you could tell me your prices.
Подберите антонимы к следующим словам: bilateral
Подберите антонимы к следующим словам: consignee
Подберите антонимы к следующим словам: divisible
Подберите антонимы к следующим словам: indorser
Подберите антонимы к следующим словам: informal
Подберите антонимы к следующим словам: legal
Подберите антонимы к следующим словам: loading
Подберите антонимы к следующим словам: purchase
Подберите антонимы к следующим словам: to sell
Подберите антонимы к следующим словам: valid

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ПКОЯз. Англ. Профкурс (деловой) - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
"Capacity" in the contractual sense means:
"Property" means:
... are a class of agents who buy and sell goods for other people receiving for their labour and trouble a certain payment.
... are arrangements by which it is agreed that goods are to be transferred in consideration of a certain number of periodical payments.
... are existing goods referred to by description
... Belongs to the seller who is unpaid, and can be excercised by him either by retaking possession of goods or by preventing the transmission of goods to the buyer.
... is a member of London Stock Exchange who buys and sells on behalf of a principal.
... is a member of the London Stock Exchange who buys and sells on his own behalf.
... is a person who is employed to buy, sell, or deal with goods or merchandise. He has authority to sell goods in his own name, to give warranties, to receive payments and give receipts, to give credit, to insure goods, and to pledge them.
... is a right to receive or recover a debt or damages for breach of contract, or for a wrong connected with a contract which cannot be enforced without suit.
... is one whereby the seller transfers or agrees to transter the property in goods to the buyer for a money consideration called the price.
... mean goods identified and agreed upon at the time a contract of sale is made.
... nothing in this section shall affect the law relating to corporations.
... the lamps and desks, we will deliver the goods as agreed.
A broker is an agent employed to buy or to sell goods for... for brokerage.
A contract is a valid one provided it possesses certain requirements, for example, legality and capacity. Replace "provided" without changing the meaning:
A contract of sale is sometimes entered into... certain conditions.
A factor is...
A member of the London Stock Exchange who buys and sells on his own begalf is known as...
A paid agent is responsible for what is called ordinary negligence. "Negligence" here means:
A party may not assign his duties under a contract, nor may a person assign rights involving relationships of personal confidence. Replace the part "nor may. cofidence" without changing the meaning:
A person is said to have the custody of goods when he is in such a position that the goods
A person is said to... when he is in such a position that the goods may be retaken from him at pleasure.
A right to receive or recover a debt or damages for breach of contract, or a wrong connected with a contract which cannot be enforced without suit is known as...
A voidable contract may opeuate in every respect as a valid contract unless one of the parties takes steps to avoidit. Replace "unless" by the right synonym:
A... is an agent, generally located in a seaport town, who is appointed by shipowners to carry out and perform all the necessary transactions connected with the business of their vessels whilst they are in harbour.
According to the law the lien on the goods exists provided the buyer has become insolvent. Replace "according to the law" without changing the meaning:
An agent appointed by the seller to sell goods, either privately or by public auction, for a reward, generally in the form of a commission is called...
An agent who is employed to sell property cannot sell to himself,... can one appointed to buy property or sell that belongs to himself.
An agent who is employed to sell property cannot sell to himself,... can one appointed to buy property sell that which belongs to himself.
An agent who is personally liable upon the contracts into which he enters is called...
An arrangement for sale is transformed into a sale when the conditions are fulfilled... which the property in the goods is to be transferred.
Another phrase for " yours faithfully" is...
Another word for' the lien on the goods' is.
At common law there was no implied warranty or... the subject matter of a contract of sale was fit for any particular purpose.
Auctioneers are agents appointed by the seller to sell goods, either privately or by..., for a reward, generally in the form of commission.
Before selling goods...
But for the convenience and expansion of commerce the law was compelled to imply the existence of warranties and conditions in certain cases. Replace "but for" without changing the meaning:
By... is meant the complete ownnership in the goods, the subject of the contract.
Choose the correct statement.
Contracts of guarantee are unenforcable unless they are evidenced in writing. Replace "unless they are evidenced in writing" without changing the meaning:
Contracts which are not deeds are known as...
Each lot is... a separate contract of sale.
Every affirmation which is made at the time of the sale of a personal chattel is...
Hire - purchase agreements are arrangements by which..
I am writing... the latest sale.
I am... to inform you that we lost the copy.
I have just received a letter...
I owe appretiative thanks to Mr. B, a well - known specialist upon... pollution control.
If A invites B to his house, it is not an offer in the contractual sense, because it does not amount to the entering into the contractual relation. Replace "because" by the right synonym:
If a person promises to do certain work he must carry it out...
If the buyer did not make himself acquianted with me defects, if any, he had no remedy against the seller, except in the cases of misrepresentation and fraud. Replace "except in" without changing the meaning.
If the consideration for the transfer of goods is other goods, the contract is not one of sale, but of....
If the contract of sale is subject to any condition to be fulfilled by the vendor, the purchaser may treat the breach of the condition as a breach of warranty. Replace "subject to" without changing the meaning:
If the goods are not specifically identified, but referred to by description the goods are called...
If the goods were identified and agreed upon the time the contract of sale is made, the goods are called...
If the seller reserves... until certain conditions are fulfilled, the property in the goods will not pass until conditions have been fulfilled.
If there is an offence on the part of the agent, he may be dismissed, for the offence justifies his dismissal. "For" here means:
In a contract of sale there is an implied warranty that the goods shall be free from any charge and incumbrance in favour of any third party,... the circumstances of the contract are such as to show a different intention.
It the consideration for the transfer of goods is other goods, the contract is one of.
It was our fault. Please... once again.
Now we are able to reduce the price of our computers by 10% due to the recent fall of the Us dollar. Replace "due to" without changing the meaning:
On a contract of sale there is an implied warranty that the buyer shall enjoy quiet possession of the goods. "Enjoy quiet possession" here means:
Stoppage in transitu belongs to the...
The breach of... will entitlle the injured party to repudiate the contract.
The buyer and the seller of goods have a personal remedy if the contract of sale is broken by the... of one of the parties.
The consideration of a contract of sale must be....
The definition a contract of sale of goods which includes... as well as... is one "whereby the seller transfers or agrees to transfer the property in goods to the buyer for a money consideration called... ".
The formalities now are that the signature of the person making the speciality contract must be witnessed and attested. Replace "speciality contract" by the right synonym:
The law... certain conditional sale and creditsale agreements are unenforcable unless they are in writing.
The lien will be lost if the right is waived by the seller. The synonym to "lien" is:
The property passes, provided everything has been done by the seller to put the goods into a deliverable state. Replace "provided" by the right synonym:
The rule... the property in the goods passes at once to the buyer... the goods are unconditionally appropriated to the contract by either party with the express or implied assent of the other.
The seller also warrants that the goods are free from...
The seller has a right to re - sale the goods when
The seller warrants to the buyer...
The term "goods" includes all... other than... and money.
The term "goods" includes:
The term "void contract" is a contradiction in terms since the whole transaction is regarded as nullity. Replace "since" without changing the meaning:
The third section provides that capacity to buy and sell is regulated by the general law concerning cappacity to contract and to transfer and acquire property. Here "provides that" means:
The vendor may praise his goods, provided that the buyer shall have a full and fair opportunity of inspection. Replace "provided" by the right synonym:
There was... in sales.
This section... certain conditional sale and credit - sale agreements are unenforceable unless they are in writing.
To create a warranty we need.
Unfortunately, they are... the prices.
We apologise...... the copy of the contract.
We are extremely sorry... the contract.
We look forward... receiving the drills.
We were pleased to receive your letter... it helped us a lot.
We' ll try to correct our mistake...
When a deed is delivered subject to a condition, it is called an "escrow". Replace "subject to a condition" without changing the meaning:
When goods are... there is an implied comdition that the goods shall correspond with the description.
When no principal is disclosed, the auctioneer may sue in his own name. "Disclosed" means:
When the contract is for the supply of manufactured goods, they must be of...
When the sale is... the bulk shall correspond with It in quality; the buyer shall have reasonable opportunities for comparing the bulk with it.
When there is an agreement for sale only the seller' s remedy is an action for...
Which of the statements are correct.

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ПКОЯз. Англ. Профкурс (деловой) - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
"Promise" is:
"Qasi" contracts should be distinguished from true contracts, since they are not real contracts. "Since" here means:
"Unenforcable" means:
"Void" means:
A bilateral offer calls for a promise on the offeree' s part, since the offerer would wish to know whether the offeree intends to accept the offer. Here "since" means:
A contract that based on intentional perversion of the truth and prejudices the rights of another is...
a person who has promised to do something actually does it depends on... he is bound by a moral obligation.
A person who is employed to do anything in the place of another is...
A person who makes an offer is called....
A right is capable of being assigned... a contract.
A simple contract is often called....
According to the law of contracts... that an agreement is not binding if it is not in writing.
An agency of necessity can not come into existence unless there is some existing relationship of agency, out of which necessity to exceed the authority arises. Replace "unless there is some" without changing the meaning:
An agreement is not a contract... of being made certain.
An offer, so long as it is unrevoked, may be accepted within the time designated in the offer. Replace "unrevoked" by the right synonym:
An offerer can sometimes revoke an offer if he wishes to. Replace "revoke" by the right synonym:
As there was mutual mistake as to the existence of the subject matter, the defendent can rescind the contract. "Rescind" means:
Both parties should know how the contract is terminated. "How the contract is terminated" means:
Business consists essentially of making contracts and discharging them. Replace "making contracts" without changing the meaning:
Consideration is defined as the promise to waive a legal right. "To waive" means:
Ever since the rescission of the contract took place, I am no party to it. "Since" here means:
facts may be established by written evidence only.
If A makes a contract with B, the rights and liabilities of the parties should be by all means considered. "liability" here means:
If a person does something because of somebody' s actual violence or threat, he acts...
If in certain circumstances a person becomes the agent of another without any appointment, he is known as...
If the contract can be affirmed or repudiated by one or other of the parties according to his wishes, it is....
If the misrepresentation is fraudulent, the party making it will be held responsible. The antonym to "fraudulent" is
If the object of the contract is at once performed, the contract is....
If unfair advantage is taken of a person' s weakness, the influence is called...
In the expression "to avoid a contract" the corresponding expression with a noun is:
is a contract whereby one person agrees to represent another person in business dealings with third parties.
It is unimportant... the promise is made in writing or just orally.
It is... that a trick employed by one to keep another in error is not fraud.
It makes no difference,... a simple contract is in writing or only made orally.
of both parties... must be sought in determining of the contract.
One may revoke a simple offer at any time before it is....
Since the contract is rescinded, I am no party to it. "Since" here means:
Some contracts shall not be enforcable if they do not meet certain reguirements. Replace "if they do not" without changing the meaning:
Sometimes it is... the exact point at which the offer is made.
The part who assigns a right is called...
The promise can scarcely be construed as a mutual transaction. Here "be constructed" means:
The question... the beginning of a letter is formal or informal is primarily one of the degree of formality of the relationship between the addressee and the addresser.
The term "contract" is used by English lawyers to convey the idea of....
The term "covenant" is applied to denote....
Unless rescinded, a voidable contract is binding upon both parties. Replace "unless rescinded" without changing the meaning:
Unless the contract is under seal there must be consideration. Replace "unless the contract is" without changing the meaning;
various terms, all the terms should be brought to the notice of the other party.
what are the preliminaries the parties go through.
When a contract is made, one party becomes bound,... or impliedly, to do or omit to do a particular act.
When one person writes an offer to sell and another person writes an identical offer to buy at the same time,we have....

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