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Дата публикации:2015-03-09 03:09:01
ПКОЯз. Англ. Практика речи - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
"A duty free shop" means
"a lobby'' means
"A single room" means:
"Check-in counter" means
"Pageboy" means
"To notify smb. about smth." means
"To tip" means
"То enquire about smth." means:
A "motel" means
A "porter" means
A difference between the time you are accoustomed to and a new time is
After having arrived at the airport you are supposed to begin with
After having landed at the airport you are supposed first of all to:
Bills are usually paid ....
Choose the different expression.
Choose the right translation of "a beauty parlour"
Choose the right translation of "a pile (of)"
Choose the right translation of "block letters".
Choose the right translation of "booking office".
Choose the right translation of "charge".
Choose the right translation of "local customs".
Choose the right translation of "to be a poor sailor".
Choose the right translation of "to check out".
Choose the right translation of "to develop a film"
Choose the right translation of "to land".
Choose the right translation of "to look forward to".
Choose the right translation of "to smuggle".
Choose the synonim to "scales".
Choose the synonim to "stewardess".
Choose the synonims to "duty free"
Complete the sentence: "If you want to have your suit pressed or drycleaned, your shirt ironed you should ... .
Complete the sentence: "The stewardess asked the passengers ... and the plane took off.
Fill in the blank with the appropriate words. "When all the passengers ... it took off.
Find the different word.
Find the different word.
Find the different word.
Find the different word.
Find the different word.
Find the different word.
Find the different word.
Find the opposite to "vacant".
Find the opposite to the adjective "permanent".
Find the opposite to the verb "to take off".
Give the synonim to "air-crash".
Give the synonim to "luggage".
I was booking accomodation by telephone. The desk-clerk was consulting the register and asked me...
If ... ask somebody else to fill in the form.
If you don't want to get dissapointed you should book accomodation
If you want to change your room you'd better address ... .
In the lobby one can see:
It's customary to tip the attendant
The clerk will...
The customs officer usually says:
The declaration form is to be filled in before you are going ...
The plane landed but before getting off the plane they...
The receptionist asks you ...
When the sea is rough and one feels sea-sick, the best thing to do is:
When you are ready to check out you tell ... to get your bill ready.
When your taxi stops at the entrance to the hotel ... helps you with your luggage.
Who is a waiter?
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