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Размер:102 Kb
Дата публикации:2015-03-09 03:09:01
ПКОЯз. Англ. Практика речи - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
... board a modern ocean liner you can have a wide choice of entertainment facilities.
... is a built-in bed in a train.
A little boy put his model boat into the water and it ... .
Can you identify the trade of the following shop from it’s name? ‘La Gondola’ it’s a ... .
Can you identify the trade of the following shop from it’s name? ‘Mothercare’ is a ... .
Can you tell me what time the doctor’s ... opens?
Could I have a ... of matches, please?
Could you please tell me the ... for York?
Do you have any toothpaste? I’d like a large ... .
Doctor ... me and gave me some pills.
Find the best answer to the question: "Come with me. I’m seeing ‘Mission Impossible’ tomorrow."
Find the best answer to the question: "Would you like to go to the cinema tomorrow?"
First, Mr. Bromley gave me a very interesting ... about this Hi-Fi system.
Fluoride toothpaste helps ... tooth decay.
How much is this ... of soap?
I ... this coat for £100.
I also want a ... of orange juice.
I hope everything is true and that the salesman isn’t trying to ... anyone.
I just want to collect a ... .
I took my shoe off because my ankle began to ... and feel painful.
I went to see the doctor because I had a ... temperature.
If you have any problem, the ... will help you.
If you want to cross the road, use the ... .
If your foot becomes white and ... , loosen the bandage once.
It’s very important ... tooth decay.
I’d like ... to 035-793171, please.
I’d like to book seats for the train ... , because in the summer a lot of people travel.
I’d like to buy a ... of cigarettes, too.
Many countries have also started ... fluoride to drinking water.
Oh dear, that’s expensive! My old watch was very ... .
Oh, and could I have a ... of bi.
Oh, dear, the phone is dead. I can’t hear Nick at all now. Why are we suddenly cut ...?
One of the new salesmen has ... me to buy a new car.
Read these rules about ... your teeth healthy.
Slow down and turn right at the ... .
Sorry, is it some ... for headache?
Take the first turning off the ... , there you’ll see the box office.
That’s a very useful ... of information.
The booking-... said that they were all booked up for Sunday in the first-class sleepers.
The car is ... for one year. The garage will pay for any repairs within this period.
The man said that he could let us have a separate ... in the second-class sleeper on Friday, if we wanted.
The New Oxford Garage is ... for more salesmen.
The phone’s ringing. Could you ... it?
The ship made a good ... at the port.
There were only 2 actors on the ... when the play started.
There were passengers above and below decks. Our third class ... was below deck.
There’s an information ... at every railroad station.
These drops should soon ... your running nose.
These mangoes are excellent. ... you like half and dozen or a dozen?
These pills are for a ... cough.
This leaflet contained a lot of ... about how little petrol the car used.
This shop is opened ... nine o’clock on Friday evenings.
Unfortunately you cannot stop tooth decay simply by .. your teeth.
What’s the ... of this alarm clock?
Would you like me to take a look at your old watch? I shan’t ... you for looking at it!
You can also improve your teeth if ... healthy food.
‘Has she got a phone?’ ‘I’m afraid I don’t know. Why don’t you find out from the phone ... ?’
‘Hello. Something’s wrong with my phone.’ ‘Call the ... .’
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