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ПКОЯз. Англ. Практика речи - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
5. Find the different word from the list below.
Choose the correct translation to “burglar”.
Choose the correct translation to “pit”.
Choose the different word.
Choose the right translation of the sentence: “How did it find its way into print?”
Choose the right translation of the sentence: “It’s an English talkie, isn’t it?”
Choose the right translation of the sentence: “The cast was simply wonderful.”
Choose the right translation of the sentence: “The film is worth seeing.”
Choose the right translation of the sentence: “The ‘Sun’ sells the largest number of copies.”
Choose the right translation of “cast”.
Choose the right translation of “modest”.
Choose the right translation to “a dress rehearsal”.
Choose the right translation to “to shoot a film”.
Choose the synonym to “assassinate”.
Choose the synonym to “contemporary”.
Choose the synonym to “daily”.
Choose the synonym to “gloomy”.
Choose the synonym to “horror”.
Choose the synonym to “outstanding”.
Choose the synonym to “television”.
Fill in the blank with the appropriate word: “The chief theaters, music halls and cinemas in London are situated in ... .”
Fill in the blank with the appropriate word: “The theatrical district of New York is ... .
Fill in the blank with the appropriate word: “Tickets prices vary according to ... .”
Find out the incorrect assertion.
Find the different word from the list below.
Find the different word from the list below.
Find the different word from the list below.
Find the different word from the list below.
Find the different word from the list below.
Find the different word.
Find the different word.
Find the different word.
Find the different word.
Find the different word.
Find the different word.
Find the opposite to the adjective “a sound film”.
Find the opposite to the adjective “stupid”.
Find the opposite to the adjective “ugly”.
Find the opposite to “tabloids”.
Give the opposite to “the play was a failure”.
In London you can hear opera in ... .
“Advertise” means:
“Benefit” means:
“Broadcast” means:
“Chat” means:
“Entertainment” means:
“Human interest” stories means:
“Media” means:
“Thriller” means:
”Reviewer” means:
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