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ПКОЯз. Англ. Профкурс (деловой) - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
"Capacity" in the contractual sense means:
"Property" means:
... are a class of agents who buy and sell goods for other people receiving for their labour and trouble a certain payment.
... are arrangements by which it is agreed that goods are to be transferred in consideration of a certain number of periodical payments.
... are existing goods referred to by description
... Belongs to the seller who is unpaid, and can be excercised by him either by retaking possession of goods or by preventing the transmission of goods to the buyer.
... is a member of London Stock Exchange who buys and sells on behalf of a principal.
... is a member of the London Stock Exchange who buys and sells on his own behalf.
... is a person who is employed to buy, sell, or deal with goods or merchandise. He has authority to sell goods in his own name, to give warranties, to receive payments and give receipts, to give credit, to insure goods, and to pledge them.
... is a right to receive or recover a debt or damages for breach of contract, or for a wrong connected with a contract which cannot be enforced without suit.
... is one whereby the seller transfers or agrees to transter the property in goods to the buyer for a money consideration called the price.
... mean goods identified and agreed upon at the time a contract of sale is made.
... nothing in this section shall affect the law relating to corporations.
... the lamps and desks, we will deliver the goods as agreed.
A broker is an agent employed to buy or to sell goods for... for brokerage.
A contract is a valid one provided it possesses certain requirements, for example, legality and capacity. Replace "provided" without changing the meaning:
A contract of sale is sometimes entered into... certain conditions.
A factor is...
A member of the London Stock Exchange who buys and sells on his own begalf is known as...
A paid agent is responsible for what is called ordinary negligence. "Negligence" here means:
A party may not assign his duties under a contract, nor may a person assign rights involving relationships of personal confidence. Replace the part "nor may. cofidence" without changing the meaning:
A person is said to have the custody of goods when he is in such a position that the goods
A person is said to... when he is in such a position that the goods may be retaken from him at pleasure.
A right to receive or recover a debt or damages for breach of contract, or a wrong connected with a contract which cannot be enforced without suit is known as...
A voidable contract may opeuate in every respect as a valid contract unless one of the parties takes steps to avoidit. Replace "unless" by the right synonym:
A... is an agent, generally located in a seaport town, who is appointed by shipowners to carry out and perform all the necessary transactions connected with the business of their vessels whilst they are in harbour.
According to the law the lien on the goods exists provided the buyer has become insolvent. Replace "according to the law" without changing the meaning:
An agent appointed by the seller to sell goods, either privately or by public auction, for a reward, generally in the form of a commission is called...
An agent who is employed to sell property cannot sell to himself,... can one appointed to buy property or sell that belongs to himself.
An agent who is employed to sell property cannot sell to himself,... can one appointed to buy property sell that which belongs to himself.
An agent who is personally liable upon the contracts into which he enters is called...
An arrangement for sale is transformed into a sale when the conditions are fulfilled... which the property in the goods is to be transferred.
Another phrase for " yours faithfully" is...
Another word for' the lien on the goods' is.
At common law there was no implied warranty or... the subject matter of a contract of sale was fit for any particular purpose.
Auctioneers are agents appointed by the seller to sell goods, either privately or by..., for a reward, generally in the form of commission.
Before selling goods...
But for the convenience and expansion of commerce the law was compelled to imply the existence of warranties and conditions in certain cases. Replace "but for" without changing the meaning:
By... is meant the complete ownnership in the goods, the subject of the contract.
Choose the correct statement.
Contracts of guarantee are unenforcable unless they are evidenced in writing. Replace "unless they are evidenced in writing" without changing the meaning:
Contracts which are not deeds are known as...
Each lot is... a separate contract of sale.
Every affirmation which is made at the time of the sale of a personal chattel is...
Hire - purchase agreements are arrangements by which..
I am writing... the latest sale.
I am... to inform you that we lost the copy.
I have just received a letter...
I owe appretiative thanks to Mr. B, a well - known specialist upon... pollution control.
If A invites B to his house, it is not an offer in the contractual sense, because it does not amount to the entering into the contractual relation. Replace "because" by the right synonym:
If a person promises to do certain work he must carry it out...
If the buyer did not make himself acquianted with me defects, if any, he had no remedy against the seller, except in the cases of misrepresentation and fraud. Replace "except in" without changing the meaning.
If the consideration for the transfer of goods is other goods, the contract is not one of sale, but of....
If the contract of sale is subject to any condition to be fulfilled by the vendor, the purchaser may treat the breach of the condition as a breach of warranty. Replace "subject to" without changing the meaning:
If the goods are not specifically identified, but referred to by description the goods are called...
If the goods were identified and agreed upon the time the contract of sale is made, the goods are called...
If the seller reserves... until certain conditions are fulfilled, the property in the goods will not pass until conditions have been fulfilled.
If there is an offence on the part of the agent, he may be dismissed, for the offence justifies his dismissal. "For" here means:
In a contract of sale there is an implied warranty that the goods shall be free from any charge and incumbrance in favour of any third party,... the circumstances of the contract are such as to show a different intention.
It the consideration for the transfer of goods is other goods, the contract is one of.
It was our fault. Please... once again.
Now we are able to reduce the price of our computers by 10% due to the recent fall of the Us dollar. Replace "due to" without changing the meaning:
On a contract of sale there is an implied warranty that the buyer shall enjoy quiet possession of the goods. "Enjoy quiet possession" here means:
Stoppage in transitu belongs to the...
The breach of... will entitlle the injured party to repudiate the contract.
The buyer and the seller of goods have a personal remedy if the contract of sale is broken by the... of one of the parties.
The consideration of a contract of sale must be....
The definition a contract of sale of goods which includes... as well as... is one "whereby the seller transfers or agrees to transfer the property in goods to the buyer for a money consideration called... ".
The formalities now are that the signature of the person making the speciality contract must be witnessed and attested. Replace "speciality contract" by the right synonym:
The law... certain conditional sale and creditsale agreements are unenforcable unless they are in writing.
The lien will be lost if the right is waived by the seller. The synonym to "lien" is:
The property passes, provided everything has been done by the seller to put the goods into a deliverable state. Replace "provided" by the right synonym:
The rule... the property in the goods passes at once to the buyer... the goods are unconditionally appropriated to the contract by either party with the express or implied assent of the other.
The seller also warrants that the goods are free from...
The seller has a right to re - sale the goods when
The seller warrants to the buyer...
The term "goods" includes all... other than... and money.
The term "goods" includes:
The term "void contract" is a contradiction in terms since the whole transaction is regarded as nullity. Replace "since" without changing the meaning:
The third section provides that capacity to buy and sell is regulated by the general law concerning cappacity to contract and to transfer and acquire property. Here "provides that" means:
The vendor may praise his goods, provided that the buyer shall have a full and fair opportunity of inspection. Replace "provided" by the right synonym:
There was... in sales.
This section... certain conditional sale and credit - sale agreements are unenforceable unless they are in writing.
To create a warranty we need.
Unfortunately, they are... the prices.
We apologise...... the copy of the contract.
We are extremely sorry... the contract.
We look forward... receiving the drills.
We were pleased to receive your letter... it helped us a lot.
We' ll try to correct our mistake...
When a deed is delivered subject to a condition, it is called an "escrow". Replace "subject to a condition" without changing the meaning:
When goods are... there is an implied comdition that the goods shall correspond with the description.
When no principal is disclosed, the auctioneer may sue in his own name. "Disclosed" means:
When the contract is for the supply of manufactured goods, they must be of...
When the sale is... the bulk shall correspond with It in quality; the buyer shall have reasonable opportunities for comparing the bulk with it.
When there is an agreement for sale only the seller' s remedy is an action for...
Which of the statements are correct.
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