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ПКОЯз. Англ. Профкурс (деловой) - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
Fill the words in the blanks: Apparently advertisement... (окупается).
Fill the words in the blanks: Certain measures were taken to... restrictions on offshore banking operations (облегчить, ослабить).
Fill the words in the blanks: Customers' wishes should be... (предусмотрены и удовлетворены).
Fill the words in the blanks: Directly addressed ad takes into consideration the...of this particular group of people (ценности).
Fill the words in the blanks: During... unemployment tends to increase (спад рынка).
Fill the words in the blanks: Health insurance carries the promise to periodic payments to an individual who meets the policy' s definition of... (инвалидности).
Fill the words in the blanks: If you want to..., you have to write a resume describing your employment experience (if any) and employment goals (подать заявление о приеме на работу).
Fill the words in the blanks: In a resume one should write why s/he feels... the position (пригодный для, соответствующий для).
Fill the words in the blanks: In terms of facilities the hotels in Taiwan are very... (конкурентоспособные).
Fill the words in the blanks: In the USA some insurance companies hold... valued at 800 billion (активы).
Fill the words in the blanks: It began in 1989 with the... of Time Inc. and Warner Communications Inc. (объединение, слияние).
Fill the words in the blanks: It you want to find a ready market for your product, you should know the market situation... (в деталях).
Fill the words in the blanks: Levin will be able to... the corporation (навязывать свою волю).
Fill the words in the blanks: Life insurance normally includes... (ежегодные ренты).
Fill the words in the blanks: Malone had to relinguish his vote to... ownership rules (подчиняться).
Fill the words in the blanks: Market research cannot... competition (оставить без внимания).
Fill the words in the blanks: More and more money is spent on... every day (реклама).
Fill the words in the blanks: New subways are being built in Taipei to... traffic congestion (облегчить).
Fill the words in the blanks: One of the oldest means of advertisement is...(ярмарка).
Fill the words in the blanks: Pure risk involves... (неопределенность).
Fill the words in the blanks: Some 40 laws and 110 regulations will be...(поправлены, исправлены).
Fill the words in the blanks: Sometimes the manufacturer either has to... the quality or offer lower prices (улучшить).
Fill the words in the blanks: Sometimes the surety incurs expenses... the obligee (от имени).
Fill the words in the blanks: Sometimes the... of a product can become lower. (себестоимость).
Fill the words in the blanks: Statistitians... the number of insured losses for a given period (предсказывают).
Fill the words in the blanks: Such areas as... and... of petroleum are open to foreign investment (недвижимость, розничная продажа).
Fill the words in the blanks: Taiwan has been taking steps to... foreign trade and investment (способствовать, содействовать).
Fill the words in the blanks: Taiwan has made remarkable progress... its trade imbalance with the USA (в уменьшении).
Fill the words in the blanks: Taiwan is now the world' s Number One... of advanced computers (поставщик).
Fill the words in the blanks: The concept of... is central to insurance (гарантия возмещения убытков).
Fill the words in the blanks: The insurer has to know when and where an... loss occurred (застрахованный).
Fill the words in the blanks: The parties involved in... are the surety, the obligee and the principal (поручительство).
Fill the words in the blanks: The risk must be free from any potential catastrophe that could produce loss... the ability of the insurer to respond (свыше).
Fill the words in the blanks: The surety agrees... the obligee for loss from the defaults of the principal (возместить).
Fill the words in the blanks: This person is a strong leader, but he hasn' t the power to... the leadership (осуществлять).
Fill the words in the blanks: This transaction is a... of achieving a greater good (побочный продукт).
Fill the words in the blanks: To sell a product in the market a manufacturer should...whether the demand is sufficient (убедиться).
Fill the words in the blanks: When there is a business boom people have generally more money on... (предметы роскоши).
Fill the words in the blanks: While aerobics is in fashion, the... on "body wear" is sufficient (спрос).
Fill the words in the blanks:... in Taiwan have gone up recently (цены на землю и рабочую силу).
Fill the words in the blanks:... is a mechanism for reducing financial risk and spreading financial loss (страховка).
Fill the words in the blanks:... like the direction Gerald Levin is moving (держатели акций).
Fill the words in the blanks:... of Taiwan' s citizens has risen to approximately 12, 000 dollars. (средний годовой доход).
What do the underlined words mean? (only one answer out of the four is correct). Ad: ---
What do the underlined words mean? (only one answer out of the four is correct). It was living each day with the survival of my company at stake.--------
What do the underlined words mean? (only one answer out of the four is correct). Market research promptly finds out changes in consumers' tastes and needs. -------
What do the underlined words mean? (only one answer out of the four is correct). Property-liability insurance:-----------------------------
What do the underlined words mean? (only one answer out of the four is correct). This has helped him to stick with his controversial cable strategy. -------------
What do the underlined words mean? (only one answer out of the four is correct). This problem is very crucial at present -------
What do the underlined words mean? (only one answer out of the four is correct).AIDA:-----
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