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ПКОЯз. Англ. Практика речи - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
Choose the correct preposition. You can use your text-book ______ the exam.
Choose the correct preposition. A tutorial usually runs ______ about two hours.
Choose the correct preposition. According ______ my research shopping is the most popular pastime in our class.
Choose the correct preposition. Donald is ______ his second year at Oxford.
Choose the correct preposition. Fiona has just graduated ______ college.
Choose the correct preposition. I’m doing a course ______ hairdressing.
Choose the correct preposition. Mary has a degree ______ Chemistry.
Choose the correct preposition. My brother is interested ______ arts.
Choose the correct preposition. The Dean is strict ______ attendance.
Choose the correct preposition. You should complete an essay ______ a topic.
Choose the false statement.
Choose the false statement:
Choose the false statement:
Choose the false statement:
Choose the false statement:
Choose the right word to complete the sentence. If you want to progress more quickly, you need an ______ program.
Choose the right word to complete the sentence. We normally ______ exams at the end of each term.
Choose the right word to complete the sentence. Are you still at school or do you have a ______?
Choose the right word to complete the sentence. History, geography, art and music are not ______ after the age of 14.
Choose the right word to complete the sentence. I would like ______ to one or two universities: probably Oxford and Edinburgh.
Choose the right word to complete the sentence. If you have a university degree, you are ______.
Choose the right word to complete the sentence. I’m studying ______ for my English examination.
Choose the right word to complete the sentence. Oxford and Cambridge are often called collectively ______ .
Choose the right word to complete the sentence. The basic mode of instruction Oxford and Cambridge universities is called ______ .
Choose the right word to complete the sentence. Voluntary schools are often known as ______.
Choose the word that matches the definition. A school where only boys or only girls study
Choose the word that matches the definition. Money paid to a student by his or her local educational authority.
Choose the word that matches the definition. The grounds of a college or university.
Choose the word that matches the definition. A person who doesn’t eat meat.
Choose the word that matches the definition. A person who has reading problems.
Choose the word that matches the definition. A special building where students live.
Choose the word that matches the definition. A student’s personal consultant teacher at Oxford and Cambridge.
Choose the word that matches the definition. Education that must be obtained by all British children aged 5-16.
Choose the word that matches the definition. Not to pass an examination.
Choose the word that matches the definition. To live in the same room as someone else.
Find the synonym: bright
Find the synonym: co-educational school
Find the synonym: famous
Find the synonym: grades
Find the synonym: honours degree
Find the synonym: personnel
Find the synonym: primary school
Find the synonym: to do a course
Find the synonym: to enter university
Find the synonym: to live by oneself
Find the word which doesn’t go with the following topic: preschool education.
Find the word which doesn’t go with the following topic: accommodation.
Find the word which doesn’t go with the following topic: career.
Find the word which doesn’t go with the following topic: Colleges of Cambridge.
Find the word which doesn’t go with the following topic: foundation subjects.
Find the word which doesn’t go with the following topic: Language -Learning.
Find the word which doesn’t go with the following topic: sports.
Find the word which doesn’t go with the following topic: the National Curriculum.
Find the word which doesn’t go with the following topic: types of schools.
Find the word which doesn’t go with the following topic: university.
Read the sentence and choose the correct answer. He watched us closely so that we didn’t cheat in the exam.
Read the sentence and choose the correct answer. I have to revise for tomorrow’s test.
Read the sentence and choose the correct answer. I went on a four-week course to brush up my English.
Read the sentence and choose the correct answer. I went to the local college to enrol for a course in economics.
Read the sentence and choose the correct answer. In my country school uniform is only work at private schools.
Read the sentence and choose the correct answer. In my last years at school we had to specialise in 3 subjects and I chose physics, chemistry and mathematics.
Read the sentence and choose the correct answer. I’m studying for my secretarial diploma.
Read the sentence and choose the correct answer. Some parents who can afford the fees send their children to private schools.
Read the sentence and choose the correct answer. The change from primary to secondary school was quite traumatic for him.
Read the sentence and choose the correct answer.The first year I worked at the factory I attended a sandwich course at the local college.
What is this person studying? Expressionism was really a reaction to the work of the impressionists.
What is this person studying? I’m concentrating on the modernist style - the high buildings of glass and concrete.
What is this person studying? I’ve been reading some books on time management.
What is this person studying? The way we use fertilizers is much more precise now than twenty years ago.
What is this person studying? We have analysed «Hamlet» as compared to other Shakespearen tragedies.
What is this person studying? We have to know every bone in a person’s body.
What is this person studying? We went to the language laboratory yesterday to work at our pronunciation.
What is this person studying? We’re going to concentrate on Freud and Jung this term.
What is this person studying? We’ve spent a lot of time on American foreign policy and how it has been affected by various domestic problems.
What is this person studying? You must know this case - it’s one of the most famous in legal history.
Which part of the sentence has a mistake in it? I attended a (A) voluntary school (B) so we have to go (C) to church quite a lot (D).
Which part of the sentence has a mistake in it? Maths are (A) a (B) very difficult subject, and I have never been (C) good at (D) it.
Which part of the sentence has a mistake in it? My brother James is studying (A) to (B) a degree (C) in (D) history.
Which part of the sentence has a mistake in it? Students at (A) university are called (B) undergraduates during (C) they are studying for their (D) first degree.
Which part of the sentence has a mistake in it? When she was (A) a child she went (B) to the school (C) with only fifty other (D) pupils.
Give the English equivalent: бакалавр
Give the English equivalent: Британский Совет (организация)
Give the English equivalent: общеобразовательный
Give the English equivalent: платная школа
Give the English equivalent: посещать лекции
Give the English equivalent: произношение
Give the English equivalent: расписание
Give the English equivalent: семестр
Give the English equivalent: старший преподаватель
Give the English equivalent: стипендия
Give the Russian equivalent: academic year
Give the Russian equivalent: accommodation
Give the Russian equivalent: free of charge
Give the Russian equivalent: freshman
Give the Russian equivalent: grades
Give the Russian equivalent: hostel
Give the Russian equivalent: primary school
Give the Russian equivalent: student identity card
Give the Russian equivalent: to pass an exam
Give the Russian equivalent: waste of time
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