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Дата публикации:2015-03-09 03:09:01
ПКОЯз. Англ. Практика речи - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
'What's your ...?', Nick asked his friend.
... trains only stop at the largest stations while slow trains stop at all stations.
A ... to Lake District is an unforgettable experience.
After spending two weeks together the tourists ... at the train station.
All the ocean ... combine passengers' comfort with speed.
An increasing number of people are now going on ... to France.
Ann looked angrily at her ... and began to shout at the ...
Are there any good ... on TV tonight?
Are we going to have any ...?
As for me I liked ... foreign coins when I was a small girl.
As for me, I prefer television ...
Do you watch a lot of ... films?
Each country observes its own special ... and ...
Helen White has just get her first hockey ...
I like swimming a lot. There's a good swimming ... near my University.
I like table tennis. I've just got a new table tennis ...
I like to see 'Football Review' on Friday. That's my ...
I prefer travelling by plane as it's the most ...., comfortable and the quickest means of travelling.
I'm watching 'Science Review'. My friend asked me to write a ... of the programme for the Centre City Daily News.
If you're a good player, you can ... Hussain Sharief.
In Britain it's not usual ... for shops to stay open after 6 o'clock, as in many other countries.
Is Vladimir Pozner still the ... of this programme?
Is your hobby taking ...?
It's going to be ... all day with only one or two sunny ...
It's going to be ... over most of the country but there may be a few ... in the morning.
It's going to be quite cool with ... as low as 15°C.
It's good to do smth in your ... time.
It's part of a ... on living in strange places.
Last Sunday we went for a picnic to the country, we played badminton, went fishing ..., we had a lot of fun.
Many people find it difficult to learn the ... of another country when they go abroad.
Most people just sit and ... TV all evening.
My elder brother told me he had liked ... games.
Paul's hobby is collecting ... from other countries, but he does not save any papers ...
Put all the ... into the back of the car.
That's a ..., isn't it? I think I saw this film a fortnight ago.
The ... began to whistle and shout when the player left.
The ... for tomorrow isn't too good.
The ball hit the ... and dropped to the ground.
The guests usually discuss the problems of every day life in the ...
The individuals have their own ... and daily ...
The mountain climbers were about to reach the top when the weather changed. Their ... became slower, they were ... for breath. They had to stop for a rest.
The other people say they are ... and have no time for a hobby.
The player threw down his tennis ... because he disagreed on the result of the game and left a court.
The programme ... Radio 1 at twenty-five past two is for people who ... sailing.
The rain's going to ... across the country overnight.
The tennis players have their competitions in the ...
There are frequent ... to Luxor from Cairo.
There's a programme about birds ... the Natural World series on Saturday.
There's a programme at three o'clock for people who are ... on growing plants and flowers.
There's a very interesting ... about life in the Arctic tonight on TV.
They say it's also going to rain ... there in the evening.
We just play tennis for fun. Why ... you try playing?
We only have one room empty in the hotel. Do you mind ... it?
What about ... programmes?
What is the title of this book: 'Keeping ...'
What's the ... going to be like tomorrow?
What's your ... game?
Which game fits this description: "The most popular English swimmer game, played on a green field, very slow and long by two teams of 11 players each"?
Which of these places associated with horse-racing: Wembley, Wimbledon, Derby or Dudley?
You cannot listen ... David Anderson's and Sue Townsend's programmes because they both .../...
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