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ПКОЯз. Англ. Практика речи - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
A crazy person is referred to as:
All of the following mean to be angry except:
An inexperienced person is called wet behind the ______.
An old man is referred to as:
Another way of saying that I don’t understand something would be:
Another way of saying that I don’t understand something would be:
Ask Kostya to help you move the furniture. He’s as strong as:
Do you mind if I give you my decision tomorrow? I’d like to __________.
Ever since I’ve given up smoking I feel as fit as:
From the moment they first met they got along like:
Getting a problem off your ______ is the first stage to being able to solve it.
He is drunk almost every night. He drinks like a ___________.
He usually smokes one pack of cigarettes a day, but when he’s nervous he smokes like:
He wanted one more _________ before settling down and getting married.
I always get ______ in my stomach before visiting the dentist.
I caught the last bus to town by the skin of my _________.
I don’t understand mathematics. I haven’t the _________ idea about arithmetic.
I have been working every day for the last month and I am now _________.
I know times have been bad lately, but keep your _______ up; things will soon be better.
I think I’ll go stretch my _________. I’ve been sitting down all morning and feel a bit stiff.
I was _____ with envy when my neighbor drove up in a new Jaguar.
If I am «jumping down someone’s throat,» I am:
If I say something that I didn’t intend on saying, I put my foot in my _______.
If it is raining heavily, we say:
If I’ve bitten off more than I can chew, I have:
If someone can never make up his/her mind, we say that he/she is _________.
If someone is annoying, distracting or making you angry we might say:
If someone is very irritable, we say he/she ______________ .
If someone says that all of your dogs aren’t barking, what they meant was:
If someone thinks that your idea is ridiculous they might say that you «are off your _________.»
If something is boring it is considered:
If something is very easily done, we say ____________.
If something is very useful it is _____________.
If we are on the same wavelength, we:
If we don’t believe what someone is saying (or don’t understand), we say that it is _________.
If we receive information directly from its source and not hearsay, we say:
If we want to know the real reason or explanation in detail, we ask for the __________.
If you are extremely happy about something you may be considered:
If you are not able to do something, then we might say that you can’t cut the _______.
If you are scared enough, you might get the _________.
If you are the only one in the family who works, you bring home the _______.
If you are very clumsy you may be called:
If you are very short of money, you are ____________.
If you are young and inexperienced in something you may be considered:
If you severely beat someone, you have «cleaned his/her __________.»
If you talk shop with someone you are:
If you were told in a restaurant that the soup had been «86’d,» you would understand that:
If you work day and night and are extremely busy and don’t sleep you «are burning the _______ at both ends.»
If your friend is always exaggerating and not telling the truth, and tells you that he is going to become president in three years, you might respond using the following idiom:
I’m starting a new profession. I am _____________.
I’ve lived in Moscow my entire life and know the Metro like the back of my _____.
John and Mary will get married in March. He ___________ last week.
Many teachers are very angry with students who are noisy. How would you describe teachers who never lose their temper?
Martha: «I bought a new hat today for $25.» George: «That cost too much! You can forget about traveling around Europe this year; we can’t afford such purchases!» Which statement fits?
Mary accidentally told me about my «surprise» birthday party. She ______.
Masha asked me to find her passport. I looked all over the house, called her friends and even went to her work. I couldn’t find it anywhere. Masha had her passport all the time and said she had lost her passport as a joke. What did Masha do to me?
My friend told me that I couldn’t possibly get a «5» on my examination; however, I did. I’m going to make him _______________.
My grandfather has lost all of his hair. He’s as bald as _________.
My sister is a wet _________. She’s always spoiling everyone’s fun.
One quantity of lettuce is called a ______ of lettuce.
She had a sweet ______ and couldn’t resist buying chocolates all the time.
She is always buying presents for herself and all her friends. She spends money like ________.
She was so tired last night that she slept like _______ until 10:00 this morning.
Sometimes it is better to tell a _______ lie than to hurt someone’s feelings.
The cake was ________ when it first came out of the oven.
Vodka and orange juice served with ice is called a ___________.
We couldn’t watch last night’s movie because our television:
We have been working _________________ in order to finish the project on time.
What is a baby frog called?
What is a baby goose called?
What is a baby kangaroo called?
What is a baby swan called?
What is a group of crows called?
What is a group of fish called?
What is a group of geese called?
What is a group of lions called?
What is a group of whales called?
When a business loses money, it is in the ________.
When a business makes a profit, it is in the _________.
Which of the following does NOT mean to eat?
Which of the following means «to drink?»
You’re very popular, of course you’ll win the contest. It’s as plain as:
«A flash in the pan» means:
«Drunk as a skunk» means:
«George told my boss that I was ugly and useless» could be expressed:
«Happy as a clam» means:
«Hurry up, Yuri! We’re going to be late!» «All right, keep your ______ on! I’m coming!»
«I bumped into John yesterday at the store» would best be translated:
«I got cold feet before my performance on stage» means:
«I’m feeling a bit under the weather» would best be translated:
«Sergei isn’t pulling his weight today» means:
«Stop yelling at me! It’s not my fault! You _________ I didn’t do it!»
«To get away with murder» means:
«Tomorrow we’re going to have a night out of the town» means:
«When I walked into the room he was in his birthday suit» means:
«You haven’t got a leg to stand on» means:
«You should be careful and accurate before making this important decision» can be said as the following idiom:
«You should be honest and tell him that you don’t like his wife» can be said as the following idiom:
«Одним словом» is best translated as:
«Раз навсегда» is best translated as:
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