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ПКОЯз. Англ. Профкурс (деловой) - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. A contract by which the seller transfers or agrees to transfer the property in goods to the buyer for a money consideration called the price, is called
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. A limited partnership is:
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. A partner by estoppel is:
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. A partner can be excluded from future business operations for breach of the partnership agreement. In other words:
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. A partner who has the right to take part in the management unless mere is an agreement between himself and the other partner(s) that he should not, is called:
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. A private company is a company which...
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. An agreement for the hire of goods at the end of which the hirer may exercise an option to purchase them from the owner is called...
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. An informal partnership is defined as:
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. It is generally unwise to have a very large number of prohibitions because this is likely to restrict the activities of the firm and its individual partners. In other words:
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. Joint owners of property:
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. Overdraft is:
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. Partners must act in common, and the most important result of this is that unless the agreement says something different, every general partner must be allowed to have a say in the management. In other words:
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. The Hire Purchase Act 1964 equated conditional sale with Hire Purchase for most purposes. In other words:
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. The person who is entrusted with the possession of some goods by the owner of the goods is called:
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. When a general partner becomes a limited partner, the fact must be advertised in "The London Gazette" if the transaction is to be effective in law. On other words:
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. A cheque should bear the signature of the... (трассант)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. A contract for the sale of goods whereby ownership and possession of the goods passes immediately to the buyer, but he is given time to pay is called... (продажа в кредит).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. A credit card allows the... to pay for goods by producing a plastic personalized card. (держателю)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. A deal in which no money changes hands is called... (бартерный обмен).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. A standing order to a bank should bear the signature of the... (плательщика).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. A sum of money paid at intervals during the lifetime of the person who is due to receive it by a share of profit to the widow or child of a deceased partner is called... (пожизненная рента).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. All... are to be paid by the seller and at his expense. (сборы)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. Any amendments to the agreement shall be... only if they are made in writing. (действительный)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. He will not permit the said... to be destroyed. (движимое имущество)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. Hire is sometimes referred to as... (аренда, сдача внаем)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. I promise to pay you the whole balance whether or not there has been any... of any previous installment. (освобождение)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. Mr. Smith was employed as an independent... (подрядчик).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. Penalty is... by the Buyer from the 3 per cent sum. (удерживается)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. Please... my account with you. (дебетовать)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The act... all contracts for the sale of goods. (распространяется на)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The agent has a right to... (комиссионное вознаграждение)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The agent should submit to the company all... from customers. (запросы)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The agreement can be... in case neither party wants to terminate it. (продлено)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The agreement was made in the form of... (проект).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The awards of the commission are... both parties. (обязательные для).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The company can carry on any business that can render more profitable for the company' s... (активы).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The company can sell its undertaking for any... (встречное удовлетворение).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The company carries on business by 2... companies. (дочерние)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The Company is entitled to give securities or all the assets of the Company including... (неоплаченная часть акционерного капитала).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The Company shall have power to carry on its business with... (физические и юридические лица).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The date of... is considered June, 17, 1996. (поставка)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The equipment is part of a... (компенсационной сделки).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The equipment is supplied to organizations situated on the... (договорная территория).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The finance company is equally responsible with... for any breach of contract. (поставщик)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The Financial Services Act prohibits the issue by private companies of advertisements offering their... (залоги).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The memorandum of on unlimited company states... (неограниченная ответственность).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The partners agree that... shall be divided equally. (капитал и прибавочный капитал)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The people who want the company to be formed must send... to the Registrar. (договор об учреждении компании)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The person giving the credit is called... (кредитор).
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The principle has the right... the agreement before the expiration of the period of its duration. (расторгнуть)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The quality of the goods should conform to the... agreed by the parties. (образец - эталон)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The sum should be paid... up to the date of payment. (с процентами)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. The... was accepted 3 weeks ago. (вексель)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. Under certain conditions neither party has the right for... of possible damages by the other party. (возмещение)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. Within 24 hours after... of the goods the Seller is to inform the Buyer by cable. (отгрузка)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets.... has to deal with customers a great deal. (коммерческий директор)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets.... of the company is 10 thousand pounds. (акционерный капитал)
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets.... should be made in writing. (долговое обязательство)
Replace the underlined word by a synonym or a synonymous expression: Failure to comply with the rule results in liability to a fine. ------------------
Replace the underlined word by a synonym or a synonymous expression: Some organizations are prepared to put up with the fact that -------------the liability of their members is unlimited.
Replace the underlined word by a synonym or a synonymous expression: The distinction between a contract of sale and a contract of work and materials is often a fine one. ----
Replace the underlined word by a synonym or a synonymous expression: The hirer obtains possession of goods but ownership doesn't pass to him. -----
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