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Дата публикации:2015-03-09 03:09:01
ПКОЯз. Англ. Практика речи - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
... is not allowed on double yellow lines.
... your change before leaving the shop.
A reduction made in the cost of smth. you’re buying.
A sum of money which is returned to you, because you have returned goods to a shop.
A tax paid to the government on things which are imported to the country.
After lunch ... going for a swim?
All cigarette packets carry ... about the effects of smoking on health.
Although Lucy was slimming, she found cream cakes quite ....
Ann said, “I don’t mind ... these foods if they give me a good figure but why ... to taste so awful”?
Be careful, because that knife is very ....
Frozen food should always be ... before it is cooked.
Hot meals available here. Drop in for a ... to eat.
How do you like your eggs ... for your breakfast?
I don’t understand why people put ... with the bad service in this restaurant.
I hate ... oranges. I usually get my wife to do it for me since she has long nails.
If you are rude to customers they are ... to come back.
If you show your student card, you may qualify for a ... .
I’m sorry I can’t pay for you as well, but I haven’t got ... money on me.
I’m sorry I really couldn’t eat anymore. I’m ...
Jane’s blue dress ... the colour of her eyes.
Many people who go to see their bank manage have a ... problem.
Mary asked the shopkeeper to put the vegetables in a ....
Meat may be:
Mrs. Read has some ... Picasso sketches in her private collection. The ... premiums she has to pay are astronomical.
Mrs. Taylor decided to buy a new coat by ... order, as she didn’t have time to look round the shops.
Our grandparents’ tastes were different ... ours but nowadays ... seems to enjoy ... fat girls.
Pass me the salad ..., please.
Please make sure you have the correct change for the ... before ... the bus.
Remember to keep your ... in case you need to ask for a refund or replacement.
Royalties is ...
Something bought cheaply or for less than usual price.
That supermarket carries a wide ... of goods.
The accommodation was cheap, but the food was very ....
The cost of moving goods from one place to another.
The dish had a very interesting taste as it was ... with lemon.
The money you pay to travel by plane, train etc.
The most delicious dishes in the UK are:
The police accused the bank employee of ... after financial irregularities were uncovered in his department’s accounts.
The price quoted ... room with bath and breakfast.
The Robinsons are having difficulty in meeting the ... repayments on their house.
These days most people, especially young girls, like ... slim.
They serve ... refreshments on the train.
Those prawns we had for supper have given me ....
Try our delicious three-course meal, offering you superb ... for money.
Until I can repay my bank loan, I’ll have to ... my living expenses.
We don’t ... credit cards. Please pay in cash.
What ... shoes do you take?
When Mr. Cragon died he left ...amounting to £ 50, 000.
When the customer’s cheque ... , the store manager refused to deliver the goods.
Which is correct translation of the phrase: «Дайте, пожалуйста, квитанцию об обмене валюты»?
Which is correct translation of the phrase: “Разменяйте мне, пожалуйста, один фунт»?
Which is correct translation of the phrase: “Я хочу обменять 100 долларов на фунты»?
Which would you ... have, the red scarf or a blue one?
Who do I make the cheque ... to?
You can be made to pay a ... for smoking on the Underground.
You very rarely find peas in ... nowadays, they are usually sold in pockets or tins.
If I had another £10,000 a year, I would consider myself ....
They made ... of £1,000 on the sale of their house.
You’d better take an extra £10 ... you need to it for taxis.
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