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Дата публикации:2015-03-09 03:09:01
ПКОЯз. Англ. Практика речи - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
Avoid speeding to prevent ...
Choose the different expression.
Choose the right translation of «a fare box».
Choose the right translation of «booking office».
Choose the right translation of «complain».
Choose the right translation of «enormous».
Choose the right translation of «freeway».
Choose the right translation of «hospitable».
Choose the right translation of «overtake».
Choose the right translation of «resident».
Choose the right translation of «route».
Choose the right translation of «to have a bite».
Choose the right translation of «to look at the battery».
Choose the right translation to «reckless driver».
Choose the synonym to «departure».
Choose the synonym to «traveller».
Choose the synonym «to damage».
Find the different word.
Find the different word.
Find the different word.
Find the different word.
Find the different word.
Find the different word.
Find the opposite to «expensive».
Find the word which is different from others in the list below.
Find the word which is different from the others in the list given below.
Find the word which is different from the others in the list given below.
Give the synonym to «lorry».
He took a ... and went to the seaside.
He was fined for…
If you are in London be sure to visit Westminster Abbey which is…
If you are in London, be sure to visit Buckingham Palace, which is…
If you don’t know how much to pay for the ride, you ask the conductor
Mrs. Howard went to Washington… She hasn’t seen him for ages.
Several boats ... in the strong wind.
The car ... a tree and turned over.
They say that their departure will be ... for another few days.
When I come to a strange city, I ask a resident of the city:
When you are in New York, don’t fail to visit Greenwich Village.
When you are in New York, don’t fail to visit Wall Street, which is…
Who is a waiter? Find the answer to the question.
You should keep the ticket because it’s checked…
You’ll soon ... your illness.
«Сarry on» means
«Refuge» means
«The proprietor» means
«To enquire about smth» means
«To tip» means
«Еxpensive» means
Сhoose the synonym to «route».
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