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Дата публикации:2015-03-09 03:09:00
ПКОЯз. Англ. Профкурс (деловой) - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
"Promise" is:
"Qasi" contracts should be distinguished from true contracts, since they are not real contracts. "Since" here means:
"Unenforcable" means:
"Void" means:
A bilateral offer calls for a promise on the offeree' s part, since the offerer would wish to know whether the offeree intends to accept the offer. Here "since" means:
A contract that based on intentional perversion of the truth and prejudices the rights of another is...
a person who has promised to do something actually does it depends on... he is bound by a moral obligation.
A person who is employed to do anything in the place of another is...
A person who makes an offer is called....
A right is capable of being assigned... a contract.
A simple contract is often called....
According to the law of contracts... that an agreement is not binding if it is not in writing.
An agency of necessity can not come into existence unless there is some existing relationship of agency, out of which necessity to exceed the authority arises. Replace "unless there is some" without changing the meaning:
An agreement is not a contract... of being made certain.
An offer, so long as it is unrevoked, may be accepted within the time designated in the offer. Replace "unrevoked" by the right synonym:
An offerer can sometimes revoke an offer if he wishes to. Replace "revoke" by the right synonym:
As there was mutual mistake as to the existence of the subject matter, the defendent can rescind the contract. "Rescind" means:
Both parties should know how the contract is terminated. "How the contract is terminated" means:
Business consists essentially of making contracts and discharging them. Replace "making contracts" without changing the meaning:
Consideration is defined as the promise to waive a legal right. "To waive" means:
Ever since the rescission of the contract took place, I am no party to it. "Since" here means:
facts may be established by written evidence only.
If A makes a contract with B, the rights and liabilities of the parties should be by all means considered. "liability" here means:
If a person does something because of somebody' s actual violence or threat, he acts...
If in certain circumstances a person becomes the agent of another without any appointment, he is known as...
If the contract can be affirmed or repudiated by one or other of the parties according to his wishes, it is....
If the misrepresentation is fraudulent, the party making it will be held responsible. The antonym to "fraudulent" is
If the object of the contract is at once performed, the contract is....
If unfair advantage is taken of a person' s weakness, the influence is called...
In the expression "to avoid a contract" the corresponding expression with a noun is:
is a contract whereby one person agrees to represent another person in business dealings with third parties.
It is unimportant... the promise is made in writing or just orally.
It is... that a trick employed by one to keep another in error is not fraud.
It makes no difference,... a simple contract is in writing or only made orally.
of both parties... must be sought in determining of the contract.
One may revoke a simple offer at any time before it is....
Since the contract is rescinded, I am no party to it. "Since" here means:
Some contracts shall not be enforcable if they do not meet certain reguirements. Replace "if they do not" without changing the meaning:
Sometimes it is... the exact point at which the offer is made.
The part who assigns a right is called...
The promise can scarcely be construed as a mutual transaction. Here "be constructed" means:
The question... the beginning of a letter is formal or informal is primarily one of the degree of formality of the relationship between the addressee and the addresser.
The term "contract" is used by English lawyers to convey the idea of....
The term "covenant" is applied to denote....
Unless rescinded, a voidable contract is binding upon both parties. Replace "unless rescinded" without changing the meaning:
Unless the contract is under seal there must be consideration. Replace "unless the contract is" without changing the meaning;
various terms, all the terms should be brought to the notice of the other party.
what are the preliminaries the parties go through.
When a contract is made, one party becomes bound,... or impliedly, to do or omit to do a particular act.
When one person writes an offer to sell and another person writes an identical offer to buy at the same time,we have....
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