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Имя файла:1725.06.01;МТ.01;1
Размер:102 Kb
Дата публикации:2015-03-09 03:48:51
Английский язык (СП) - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
A typist is someone who __________ letters and reports.
Do you think one should be __________ to be able to survive in modern life?
Does your new assistant ___________ the new machine?
Don't go out! It __________ hard.
Don't __________ me when I'm talking.
Ellen is a bad typist. She types ___________ .
He always drives ____________ the speed of 100 miles an hour.
He is French, he comes __________ the South of France.
How can we ___________ our projects more attractive?
How __________ does it cost to fly to New York by Concorde?
I am ___________ I must ask you to leave.
I don't take __________ with my coffee, I prefer it black.
I have __________ mother.
I look forward __________ from you soon.
I wonder what I'll get __________ my birthday.
I would like some grapes for dessert. Will you buy __________ ?
I would like you to let me __________ the project myself.
I would like you _________ me when you are coming tomorrow.
I __________ this wonderful film when I was 16.
I __________ to visit this beautiful country.
I'd like to know what ___________
I'd like to __________ the question of your future education.
I'm interested ___________ studying economics.
I've got two TV-sets. One is in the living-room, and ___________ is in the kitchen.
If anyone __________ you this news, don't believe it.
If I haven't got enough money I'll __________ some from the bank.
It __________ to rain soon.
Last year inflation was tremendous, and the prices __________
Let's buy a bar of chocolate and a carton of yogurt, __________ ?
Let's finish the translation today, __________ ?
Luckily the advertisements were ready ___________ time for the exhibition.
My boss wanted __________ late because there was so much work to do.
My child eats well. So _________ Mary's.
Of the two irons I have one is burnt, and ___________ is out of order too.
Our manager left _________ a new job.
Our __________ will rise next year.
Over 100 working days were __________ last year because of the earthquake.
She failed the exam. What a __________ !
She is __________ woman in the world.
Thank you! It's such __________ good advice.
The businessmen arrived _________ the airport at 8.30.
The child made the dog __________ high.
The conference will finish __________ four o'clock.
The cost of living has ___________ again.
The journey took a long time but we arrived __________
The manager expected about 40 students but there were __________ people in the hall.
The meeting is going to __________ next Tuesday.
The meeting is ___________ held on the first Monday of the month. It never changes.
The neighbours __________ each other since 1992.
The passengers expected the plane ___________ in time.
The pupil _________ his work carelessly.
The tablet made me __________ sleepy.
The tourists had to pay some extra money, _________ they?
There are a lot of alligators in _________ Nile.
There are four lakes in this locality, ___________ ?
They __________ start selling the product in Hungary next year.
They ___________ us an interesting story.
This boy isn't a fool, _________ he?
This dictionary is __________ , I can't afford it.
This way is __________ than the other.
Tom lost his ___________ when he was travelling in Scotland.
Turn over ___________ page 20, please.
We expect you to pass the exam ___________
What is _________ smallest room in this hotel?
What __________ he do for a living?
What __________ wonderful weather it is today!
When Richard arrived at the boutique his wife __________ home.
Where __________ before you moved to Mexico?
Who __________ after your elderly parents?
Why did you ___________ with them?
Would you let me have a copy of your report as soon as you __________ it, please?
Would you please __________ be late for your next class?
Would you __________ closing the window, please?
You are not angry with us, _________ you?
You can help me _________ telling the truth.
You make mistakes as you don't work ___________
__________ not a single light in the house.
__________ women over there all speak Chinese.
__________Great Britain is the name of the largest island of the British Isles.
___________snow on the top of the mountain peak.
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