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Детали файла
Имя файла:0259.04.01;СЛ.05;1
Размер:100 Kb
Дата публикации:2015-03-09 03:12:42
Английский язык (10 кл. БП) - Слайдлекция по модулю

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
A "healthy" individual may have developed an allergy, perhaps during early childhood, to a single specific substance:
A major difficulty in the interpretation of test results is that of biological variability:
Active immunization stimulates the imune system to produce antibodies against a particular infectious agent:
Health can be defined as the presence of disease:
Health in human beings is usually understood as the extent of an individual's continuing physical, emotional, mental and social ability to cope with his environment:
Immunisation can be only active:
Immunization provides resistance, or immunity, to a particular pathogen:
Some say that a person is mentally healthy if he is able to function reasonably well:
When an individual is given a health examination, the examination is likely to include a series of tests:
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