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Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
(on the phone)
A: My name is Paul Scott.
B: Right, Mr Scott. I'll put you _________.
(on the phone)
A: Oh good morning. Could I speak to Mrs Gordon, please?
B: Yes. Who's __________, please?
The _____ is a great help to his students: he decides what lectures they must attend, recommends them books for reading, discusses and criticizes their written works and knows all about their discipline inside and outside the college.
A degree course in Great Britain normally __________three or four years.
A football team plays either at home or away – and will ________ – bringing a happy or sad week-end to many English families.
A lot of business people use databases, programs which allow you to _____________ a large amount of information quickly and easily.
A lot of business people use ___________, a program used to enter and arrange numbers and financial information.
A person who works in a shop. It’s a shop _______________.
A person’s correspondence is usually private, meant only for a specific friend, relative, or colleague. But a letter or collection of letters becomes public if __________________.
A place with many shops, either outside or indoors. It’s a_______________.
A promenade concert in Britain has the following features:
A shop where you can buy fashionable clothes. It’s a_______________.
A supermarket makes more _______ from its own brand, microwave cooked-chill chicken Kiev than it does from the ingredients needed to make it at home.
A traditional English __________ is a very big meal – sausages, bacon, eggs, tomatoes, mushrooms.
A visitor if invited to an English home might well enjoy
A winter weather ____________: cloudy, with rainy periods in the South; showers of sleet, and snow in the Eastern part.
A year later Maureen got ___________and they had their first child, a boy.
A _________ processor is a computer used to prepare documents or letters.
A ____________ is a sudden violent storm of wind and rain.
About twenty _____________ of Great Britain have passed through Eton college.
Add another word, abbreviation, or part of a word, to complete common 'computer' words and phrases.
Add another word, abbreviation, or part of a word, to complete common 'computer' words and phrases.
Add another word, abbreviation, or part of a word, to complete common 'computer' words and phrases.
Admission to universities in Britain is carried out by examination or __________.
After graduating ____________secondary schools Americans spend some time pursuing further education in junior colleges or go on to higher education.
Alan’s got very muscular ______________.
Alice was in such a state when her son died that the doctor gave her _________________ to help calm her down.
All passengers should be at the station at least 30 minutes before ________ (if you need to buy a ticket, you should have at least an additional 30 minutes).
Although Bob ______________ fairly quickly from the accident, he had to have plastic surgery to remove facial scars.
American football is a very different game:
American jazz is a conglomeration of sounds borrowed from such varied sources as _____________.
Americans have the first class __________ who know exactly how to get the best out of the sportsmen.
Americans play tennis, hockey and most other international sports, but they do not play ____________ in the same way as the rest of the world.
Ann’s got blonde __________ .
Are they showing the game __________ or just recorded highlights?
As well as the hardware, you also need _____________, the programs needed to work the machines.
As well as the state schools, there are about 500 ___________schools in Britain.
At college football matches each team has an army of girls all dressed the same. The girl with the stick is the ____________.
At the end of this year we should get a good pay ____________.
At the moment there are five ‘terrestrial’ TV channels in Britain. If you pay extra, you can have a satellite dish and receive __________ TV.
At the post office you can send money by post. You should fill in a money-order form stating ________.
At the theatre you can see _________
At the university the students are called in the following way:
Avoid _______paper, which suggests you cannot write in a straight line without help, and tends to remind people of junior school handwriting classes.
Basketball is another popular game in America. Only ___________people play in each team.
Because of _________ the grass turned yellow and most of the crops died.
Because of _________ the walls began to move visibly, and large cracks opened up in the ground.
Because of _________ we could see the lava slowly advancing towards the town just ten miles away.
Bob is always making people angry or upset because he just doesn't consider their feelings. That’s why we can say he is a ___________person.
Bob really wants to get the supervisor's job and then become boss for the whole department. That’s why we can say he is a ___________person.
Both in British and the US media there is a freedom of ___________: journalists and pressmen can say what they like about anyone and anything: the army, the President, the Queen, private individuals, the police, provided they say nothing ‘libelous’ and ‘obscene’.
Both men are very good-___________.
By checking your plants often, you’ll _________ problems in the early stages when they are easier to deal with.
CD-ROM is abbreviation for _______________.
Chickenpox is a children’s infectious _________, but adults can catch it too.
Children under five in Great Britain attend _____________ schools.
Classes in the USA meet
Colleges offer courses _________ teacher training, courses in technology and some professions connected with medicine.
Complete the following phrases choosing the logical ending on the right.
Complete the following phrases choosing the logical ending on the right.
Complete the following phrases choosing the logical ending on the right.
Complete the following phrases choosing the logical ending on the right. What stage of life are these people at?
Complete the following phrases choosing the logical ending on the right. What stage of life are these people at?
Complete the following phrases choosing the logical ending on the right. What stage of life are these people at?
Complete the following sentences by choosing the correct verb from the column on the right.
Complete the following sentences by choosing the correct verb from the column on the right.
Complete the following sentences by choosing the correct verb from the column on the right.
Complete the following sentences by choosing the correct verb from the column on the right.
Complete the following sentences by choosing the correct word from the column on the right.
Complete the following sentences by choosing the correct word from the column on the right.
Complete the following sentences by choosing the correct word from the column on the right.
Complete the following sentences by choosing the logical ending on the right for each of the sentence beginnings on the left.
Complete the following sentences by choosing the logical ending on the right for each of the sentence beginnings on the left.
Contemporary changes in motion pictures in the United States include
Did you enjoy your week-end _______to the seaside?
Does Nick take one _______ of sugar in his coffee or two?
Don't eat your food so quickly! You'll get __________.
Don’t worry; I can assure you that this medicine produces no ___________ at all.
Each passenger is given a __________ to be shown at the departure gate and again to the stewardess when boarding the plane.
Elementary and secondary education together take __________ years to complete in the USA.
Every state school has its own governing body (a board of governors), consisting of ___________.
Exercise is in fashion. Everybody wants _______________.
Find a 'general' word on the left to describe each group of items.
Find a 'general' word on the left to describe each group of items.
Find the logical answer on the right for each of the questions on the left.
Find the logical answer on the right for each of the questions on the left.
Find the logical ending for each of the sentence beginnings on the left and construct Rebecca's life.
Find the logical ending for each of the sentence beginnings on the left and construct Rebecca's life.
Food shopping in the U.S. and Great Britain can be done in four main types of stores ____________.
Football, or ________, as it is sometimes called to distinguish it from rugby and football, is the most popular sport in Great Britain.
For boys, the period between 14-17 approximately (slightly younger for girls) is called ____________.
For most ball games you need ________ or training shoes.
For the first __________ we will have chicken soup and rissoles with mashed potatoes for the second.
From your country, what's the ____________ code for the United Kingdom?
Full courses of study offer the degree of _______________ of Arts or Science.
Half of all customers who experience problems but do not _________, do not intend to use this airline again.
Have you ever __________ a reverse charge call?
He could work in any of the departments, and it doesn't matter to him if he's on his own or part of a team. That’s why we can say he is a ___________person.
He never bought me a drink all the time we were together. He’s ___________.
Her brother has got very broad ___________.
How long do the ____________ last on British TV?
How much does it cost to make a _______ call?
How much does Jane _____________? – I don’t know and it may be rude to ask. Probably about 55 kilos.
How often do you have to pay your phone ____________?
How __________ is she? – About 1 meter 65.
I didn't know he was the new manager. When did he take_____________?
I don't think he's done any work since he's been here. That’s why we can say he is a ___________ person.
I don't want a full-time job. I'd prefer to work _____________.
I don’t feel well as I’m always _______, especially when the sea is a little bit rough.
I feel oppressed _______ the heat.
I have to tell her what to do every minute of the working day. She wouldn't even open a window without someone's permission. She has no ____________.
I only paid some pounds for this dress. it was a real ____________.
I see Clive has passed all his exams. It must be wonderful to be so ___________
I think I'll go and lie down for a while; I've got a (n) ____________ headache.
I usually switch off the television when the _______ come on.
I want to go to the _________ department to buy some envelopes.
I would say Jack was medium _____________.
If it is a popular restaurant, you may also need to book a table in _________.
If someone collapses in the street, it may be helpful to give them ____________ aid until the ambulance arrives.
If the students complete a course of study they get a Bachelor of Arts or __________degree.
If the traveller has nothing to declare he may just go through the _________ of the Customs.
If you don’t like that programme, you can always switch over to a different ___________.
If you have a lot of money, you might employ this person to drive you around.
If you have a problem with your speech, this person can help you overcome it.
If you have someone's name and address, you can call _________ Enquiries to get their phone number.
If you have steak you can eat it _____________
If you make a reverse charge call, you must go through the _____________.
If you phone another town or city, you need to know the ____________ of this place.
If you suffer from ____________, your doctor may recommend taking sleeping tablets.
If you want to send a telegram just ask for a telegram form at the post office counter or take one from the box in the small compartments provided for the writing of telegrams and fill it ______.
If your computer is slow it may need more ___________.
In 1990 some 79,000 passengers __________ on pleasure cruises from British ports.
In a series of ________ experiments, W.K. and J.H. Kellogg ran boiled wheat dough through rollers to produce thin sheets of wheat, which they toasted and ground into meal.
In addition to colleges and universities there is in the United States a large number of ___________ schools, separate from Universities.
In all correspondence, there is one golden rule: remember the ________.
In Britain for many people lunch is a quick ___________.
In Britain some people have coffee, often __________ coffee, which is made with just hot water.
In Britain the tabloids have excellent coverage of scandal and sport; the _________ papers deal with everything else.
In Britain you may also have _______ (a drink before the meal, e.g. gin and tonic), and coffee after the meal.
In Britain you often have three courses:
In Britain ____________ often serve good, cheap food, both hot and cold.
In cities there are a lot of sandwich bars, where office workers can choose the kind of bread they want ___________ .
In England, if you are ill you can send for the family doctor or else go and visit him at his ___________.
In Great Britain there are several _________ a day and your letter will soon reach the addressee.
In Great Britain together with the National Curriculum, a programme of Records of Achievements was introduced. This programme contains a system of new ____________ for pupils at the ages of 7, 11, 13 and 16.
In law you are an adult at the age of ________, but many people think of you as an adult when you leave school.
In most schools in the USA attendance is compulsory for all children ____________
In Russia, films in English are either ____________.
In Singapore, it is against the law to chew _________ in public.
In the hotel the staff were very friendly - we had a very nice ______________ - the woman who cleans the room - and the room was very comfortable.
In the hotel the ____________carried our suitcases up to our room.
In the supermarket the shelves at the _________ have long been a favourite for manufacturers of sweets, perhaps the most popular ‘impulse’ buy of all.
In the United States, a student who has finished high school, may want to continue in _______ education.
In winter football or rugby matches have postponed due to __________.
In your country, what is the ____________ number for the police, fire brigade or ambulance?
In _________ the referee has a whistle to control the game and two linesmen.
In ____________ there is a net across the middle of the court.
It must be ___________. Mrs Smith got a fever, and look at all those small red spots on her face and body.
It's a boring job and the pay is awful. Why did he _____________?
It’s a play or film in which part of the story is sung to music.
It’s raining cats and ____________.
I’m wet like a drowned ____________.
Jack bought a kilo of ________ coffee.
John is always telling people how well he plays the guitar. He's so ___________
Last time I saw Nick he had grown a ____________.
Last year we had a ____________. It was quite warm even in the middle of January.
Make sure you make a ___________ of your work, an extra copy on a floppy disk.
Manchester United ____________ Liverpool in the F. A. Cup Final.
Many bus companies offer fifteen-and thirty-day __________, especially during peak summer travel season. They entitle the holder to unlimited travel in the United States and Canada.
Many girls of 16 and 17 are far too ___________ to get married and have children.
Many great men studied at Cambridge, among them ______________.
Many people use their _________ for word processing, e.g. writing letters and reports.
Many people were standing at the entrance of the theatre asking if we had an extra ticket as a sign at the entrance of the theatre said “House ______”.
Many people ___________ about the bad behaviour of soccer fans in the town centre after the match.
Many Sunday newspapers these days are just full of ________________.
Mark’s got very pale ______________.
Mary doesn’t like men with hairy ____________.
Mass media are
Match sports and the places they are played.
Match the following ages with their stages.
Match the following ages with their stages.
Match the following ages with their stages.
Match the following questions with the answers.
Match the following shopping-related words with their definitions.
Match the following shopping-related words with their definitions.
Match the following words with their definitions.
Match the following words with their definitions.
Match the following words with their definitions.
Match the following words with their definitions.
Match the following words with their definitions.
Match the following words with their definitions.
Match the following words with their definitions.
Match the following words with their definitions.
Match the following words with their definitions.
Match the greetings and the situations they must be used.
Match the sentences with the correct adjective.
Match the sentences.
Match the words, connected with cinema, with the correct definitions.
Match the words, connected with cinema.
Match the words, connected with cinema.
Match the words, connected with different types of stores, with the correct definitions.
Match the words, connected with newspapers, with the correct definitions.
Match the words, connected with television, with the correct definitions.
Match the words, connected with television, with the correct definitions.
Match the words, describing plays and films.
Millions of Americans put on their new white “trainer” shoes and fashionable __________and ran through the parks or along the streets for half an hour a day.
More and more people are becoming __________, they have experience of working with computers and know how to use them.
Mr Brown is a ___________smoker. No sooner has he stubbed out one cigarette than he lights another.
Mrs Green's children are so ___________. They never say "Please" or "Thank you" and only last week I heard them swearing at the postman.
Mrs Thatcher has got more than a hundred workers under ______________.
My mother bought two tickets for a ____________ of the ballet “Sleeping Beauty” by Tchaikovsky beforehand.
My son's very ______________. He doesn't want to work in an office all his life. In fact he keeps telling me that one day he's going to be Prime Minister.
Nick’s neck and mouth are swollen. I think he's got _____________.
Nike works on a stall in the ____________ .
No tuition is __________ in elementary and secondary schools, though there are sometimes fees for textbooks and student activities.
Nowadays the public schools are less obsessed by team-spirit and character-building, they are more concerned ___________ examinations and universities, especially Oxford and Cambridge.
Nursery, infant and junior schools in Great Britain are known as ___________schools.
On our Southern-England ________ we visited Windsor, Cambridge, Stratford-on-Avon and then came back to London.
On __________ many families have a traditional lunch. They have roast meat, either beef, lamb, chicken, or pork, with potatoes, vegetables, and gravy.
One of the great things about her is that she is so aware of what other people think or feel. That’s why we can say he is a ___________ person.
One of the things I like about Pamela is that she's so _________. If you have a problem you know you can go to her and that she'll listen to you and try to help all she can.
Organize these words into pairs of opposites.
Organize these words into pairs of opposites.
Organize these words into pairs of opposites.
Organize these words into pairs of opposites.
Parking in London is very expensive. You must either use __________ where you can park for up to 2 or 4 hours.
Passengers are requested to arrive at the airport two hours before departure time on international flights as there must be enough time to complete the necessary airport ___________.
Passengers on British ________ must have a boarding pass to board.
People send each other ___________ messages using Internet.
People who have picnics should always remember to take their __________ home with them in order to protect environment.
Plays are performed on stage, films are shown on _________.
Put these sentences in a logical order.
Put these sentences in a logical order.
Put these sentences in a logical order.
Sam and Maureen fell _____ love and got married within six months.
Sam promises to do things but half the time he forgets. He’s _____________.
She finds it difficult to meet people and talk to strangers. That’s why we can say he is a ___________person.
She works for the BBC, which stands for British _________Corporation.
She'd like to go on another training _______________.
She's always here on time. That’s why we can say she is a _____________ person.
Students in the USA must complete a certain number of courses in order to receive ______________.
Supermarkets have several _________ who use both manual and electronic pricing scanning (they pass a coded tag in front of an electronic scanner and a price is automatically entered into the cash register).
Supermarkets usually have baskets and ________ for carrying items around the store.
Susan left Ann a message on her _________. Her message is: Ann, this is Susan. I'm just returning your call. I'll give you a ring tomorrow.
Taking exercise is only one part of keeping ____________.
The actors have been _____________ the play all this week.
The air was stingingly cold, but not _______ freezing point.
The audience _________ at the end of the performance.
The boys and girls who go to boarding schools learn to speak with upper-class _____________.
The British often get ____________ – you buy the food at the restaurant and then bring it home to eat.
The British people are great readers of
The Cornfords live in Rugby ____________28 Coronation Street.
The English are famous for their tea and their __________. And the English are always talking about it.
The English custom of ___________, goes back to the late 18th century when Anne, wife of the 7th Duke of Bedford, decided that she suffered from a “sinking feeling” around 5 p.m and needed tea and cakes to bring back her strength.
The English omnibuses are often called __________, because they are very high and have seats on the upper and lower decks.
The factors determining whether an institution is one of the best or one of the lower prestige are
The first day of the week is ___________.
The first stamp in the world was a (an) ______ one. It was made in 1840 to pay the postage on letters going to different parts of the country.
The first were held in ___________ more than two thousand years ago.
The five-hour _____________ which was performed on Mrs Brown’s hip was expensive but effective.
The fog gets thicker and dirtier, and yellow and full of black soot. In London this is called ________, a mixture between smoke and fog.
The inventors of cinema were __________________.
The last day of the week is ____________.
The local newspaper’s ___________ fell dramatically when the editor was sacked.
The most common type of higher education in the USA is the __________. It requires for admission graduation from a standard secondary school; its four-year curriculum leads to the bachelor’s degree in arts and sciences.
The most famous universities are Oxford and Cambridge, called “___________”.
The Olympic creed was first stated in 1896 by the founder of the modern Olympic Games _________.
The Open University students __________________.
The Open University ____________________.
The performance was a great _________ with the public.
The place where you can try on clothes in a shop. It’s a_______________.
The place where you pay for things in a shop. It’s a_______________ desk.
The playing area for___________ is called a course.
The playing area for___________ is called a court.
The playing area for___________ is called a pitch.
The price of the book is 10 pounds, including ___________ and packing.
The private schools in the USA _________________.
The pupils who violate various school regulations may be punished in the following ways:
The rain was so heavy, I haven’t a dry ____________ on.
The school year in Britain is divided into ________ terms of about 13 weeks each.
The school year in Britain normally begins in early __________ and continues into the following July.
The shop where you buy meat. It’s a_______________.
The shop where you buy medicines, baby products, shampoo, etc. It’s a_______________.
The sky was suddenly __________ with low, black clouds.
The sudden ____________ of the cashiers shortly after the bank robbery confirmed the police’s suspicions that it had been an inside job.
The system of higher education in the United States is complex. It comprises three categories of institutions:
The thick white __________ rolls in from the sea all over London and the cities, and then mixes with smoke from a million chimneys.
The traditional breakfast drink is ________, which people have with cold milk.
The trouble with Jane is that she's so ____________. One minute she's laughing, the next she's sulking. You just don't know where you are with her.
The usual phrase to use when you leave is “Good-bye,” but there are a number of other less formal ways of parting, such as:
The usual response to an introduction is “How do you do,” which is a sort of greeting and not a question (about your health) and the best answer to it is: ____________.
The Victorian Prime Minister, Gladstone remarked: “If you are cold, ___________will warm you, if you are heated it will cool you, if you are depressed it will cheer you, if you are excited it will calm you.”
The _________ was crowded and noisy, and smelt warm dough and the almonds that had gone into the morning’s cakes.
The __________ is the person who makes a film.
The ___________ are lucky, because their country is in the west and is warmer than most of England.
The ___________ who performed the operation visited the patient soon after she came round.
The ___________of this student magazine is a friend of ours.
The ____________- the people who watch a play at the theatre.
The ____________- the total number of actors in a play or film.
There are eleven players on each team, and they are dressed in padded uniforms and _________because American football is a rough game and injuries are likely to occur in.
There are security check points before the _________ in British airports.
There are _____________ and sixty-five days in a year.
There is a net around each goal in __________.
There is the international trend to _______ which sell pizza, hamburgers, Mexican foods, chicken, salads and sandwiches, sea-foods, and various ice creams.
There was a drawing pin stuck in the _________ of his shoe.
There was no _________ in the weather.
There’s a __________ in the air.
There’s been a ___________ in the temperature.
These are jobs where you work with your hands
These days there are very few _________broadcasts on TV. They usually record them and show them much later.
These people treat and look after others:
This game, ice _____________, the national sport of Canada, is very fast, and can be dangerous.
This person helps you when you play golf by carrying your clubs and giving you advice.
This person looks after a block of flats or an office.
This __________ in the Chronicle writes very well, doesn't she? I enjoy reading what she has to say every Saturday,
To purchase items such as jewelry, perfume, clothing, shoes, appliances, televisions, radios, bicycles, furniture, etc., you go to a __________
To sell goods to another country is to ___________ them.
To __________ is to reserve tickets before the performance.
Train arrivals may also be announced on a ___________.
Travelling by train you can__________
Universities accept students mainly on the basis of their ___________, although they may interview them as well.
University students in the USA get a(an) ___________ degree in the arts or sciences.
Use a first-class __________ if you want the letter to arrive by tomorrow.
Using the ___________, you can do a number of things by clicking on different icons.
We are in __________ a spell of good weather.
We bought a new sofa for the living-room in the January ____________.
We stayed in the Carlton Hotel for three nights in July, but I ____room three months in advance because it was the middle of the tourist season.
We stood at the side of the road, trying to ________ passing motorists. They didn’t stop.
Wednesday is the ____________ day of the week.
What can you buy in these shops? Match the shop and what it sells.
What can you buy in these shops? Match the shop and what it sells.
What continents do the five colours of the interlinked Olympic rings represent?
What do you call the bags you carry onto the plane with you?
What do you call the card they give you at the airport with the seat number on it?
What do you call the money you have to pay if your luggage is very heavy?
What do you call the part of the airport where the plane accelerates and takes off?
What do you call the part of the airport you walk through when you arrive or depart?
What do you call the people who look after you on the plane?
What do you call the place above your head where you can put your hand luggage?
What do you call the place where you collect your luggage after you land?
What do you call the place where you go when you arrive at the airport with your luggage?
What do you call the place where you sit and have a drink when you are waiting for your flight to be called?
What does she look __________? – She is quite tall, with short dark hair.
What makes American education at the secondary level so different from most other countries is that all such programmes, whether academic, technical, or practical, are generally taught under one ________.
What programmes are showing _______ TV tonight?
What should you do when you make a call from a coin-box telephone?
What should you do when you make a call from an extension phone?
What should you do when you make a call?
When Ann broke her leg, she had to go around on _________for several weeks afterwards.
When British people answer the phone at home they usually just say '__________' and sometimes they also give their number. They do not give their name.
When IBM advertised for a new Production Manager, they received over fifty ___________ for the job.
When the last curtain fell, the house burst out into ___________.
When we arrived in a hotel we checked in at ______________.
When you come to the harbour you can see ______________.
When you have a legal problem, you can always go to this person.
When you pay the bill, you sometimes also leave a _______ for the waiter if service is not included in the price.
When you register a letter the clerk gives you a receipt and you pay the registration _________.
While the yacht sailed on, I went to my ________ and changed my clothes.
Yesterday I had a drink in the hotel bar. Could you put it on my ___________, please?
You can now connect your computer to computers all over the world using the ________, a system that allows computers to connect using telephone lines.
You go to this person when you want to take out some money at a bank.
You may have broken one of your ribs. I think we'd better take an________, just to make sure.
You need a bat if you want to play _________.
You need a racket if you want to play ________ .
You need clubs if you want to play _________.
You try to phone your sister Susan but the line is ___________. In other words, someone is already on the phone.
You'd better put some _________on that cut, just to be safe.
Your computer may crash if there is not enough memory or if it has a ______.
You’ll need to take your ______________ to the chemist’s, Mrs Hall.
_________ in New York City relied heavily on revivals, long-running shows, and stage spectaculars in addition to new plays.
_________ was about two metres deep and we watched as most of our furniture just floated away.
_________, a familiar sight in London, were introduced in I960 to control parking. They wear navy-blue uniforms and a peaked cap with yellow bands.
__________ like to operate in crowds so keep your property safe by following some simple guides.
__________ was the first who found a way to send the human voice through an electric wire.
__________ year in Britain’s universities is divided into three terms.
___________ are the most important actors or actresses in a film.
___________ have a referee.
___________ is the name of the articles critics write.
___________ is the translation of the story of a film across the bottom of the screen.
___________ is travelling by getting free rides in passing automobiles and walking between rides.
___________ Mr Fry was nearly seventy-five, he could still beat me at tennis.
___________ the whole, the public school boys are sons of people who have a substantial social position, very good homes and the benefits of prosperity.
____________ are the journalists who write articles about films and plays.
____________ is a sauce made from the meat juices.
____________ lifted a car about ten feet off the ground, and then we saw it disappear down the street.
_____________ is made from oranges and jam is made from other fruit.
_____________ is played with an oval-shaped ball on a field like a football pitch, but the two goals have no nets and their posts are quite high – in the shape of the letter H.
_____________ is rather rare in Britain and the USA but it is the correct thing to do on the Continent.
______________ is the fifth day of the week.
______________ said the sportsmen who took part in the Olympic Games.
‘Slow down’, I said to the driver, ‘you’re exceeding the speed _________.
‘When do you have to hand in that report?’ – ‘The ___________ is 12th of May.’
Oxford and Cambridge _______________.
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