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ПКОЯз АНГЛ Базовый курс для лингвистов (курс 1) - Электронный экзамен

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
16 Scottish representative peers also __________ the House of Lords.
A course may last 10 to 16 weeks - the length of a “_____________”.
A degree course in Great Britain normally __________three or four years.
A football team plays either at home or away – and will ________ – bringing a happy or sad week-end to many English families.
A Parliament has a maximum duration of __________ years, but it is not fixed, and the government of the day may dissolve it and call for a general election at any time during the term.
A promenade concert in Britain has the following features:
A publicly funded university gets some money from the ___________.
A senior high school in the USA may be
A supermarket makes more _______ from its own brand, microwave cooked-chill chicken Kiev than it does from the ingredients needed to make it at home.
A very British reality is the fish and chip shop, also known as the __________.
A visitor if invited to an American home might well enjoy
A visitor if invited to an English home might well enjoy
A winter weather ____________: cloudy, with rainy periods in the South; showers of sleet, and snow in the Eastern part.
A ___________ of wind is a sudden violent rush of wind.
A ____________ is a sudden violent storm of wind and rain.
A _____________ in biology could involve two hours of lectures plus one hour in a science lab every week.
About twenty _____________ of Great Britain have passed through Eton college.
Admission to universities in Britain is carried out by examination or __________.
After graduating ____________secondary schools Americans spend some time pursuing further education in junior colleges or go on to higher education.
Alice was in such a state when her son died that the doctor gave her _________________ to help calm her down.
All passengers should be at the station at least 30 minutes before ________ (if you need to buy a ticket, you should have at least an additional 30 minutes).
Although Bob ______________ fairly quickly from the accident, he had to have plastic surgery to remove facial scars.
America has two strong advantages comparing with other countries when it comes to food
American football is a very different game:
American jazz is a conglomeration of sounds borrowed from such varied sources as
Americans have the first class __________ who know exactly how to get the best out of the sportsmen.
Americans play tennis, hockey and most other international sports, but they do not play ____________ in the same way as the rest of the world.
An undergraduate student in the USA has to earn a certain number of “____________” (about 120) in order to receive a degree at the end of four years of college.
An ____________ is a degree-granting institution that specializes in science and technology, some of them have graduate study.
April, 1 is known in Britain as __________ - the day when practical jokes are played.
As well as the state schools, there are about 500 ___________schools in Britain.
At college football matches each team has an army of girls all dressed the same. The girl with the stick is the ____________.
At midnight the wireless is turned on, so that everyone can hear the ___________ of Big Ben, and on the hour a toast is drunk to the New Year, and Auld Lang Syne is sung.
At the moment he is travelling ___________ business in America because he’s opening an office over there next year.
At the undergraduate level, there may be some courses that every student has to take (for example, classes __________ world history, maths, writing or research).
At the university the students are called in the following way:
At __________, pupils can take A levels, usually in two or three subjects, or AS exams (which involve half the content of A levels) in more subjects.
Basketball is another popular game in America. Only ___________people play in each team.
Besides public holidays in Great Britain, there are other holidays such as
Besides standard literary English there are many regional and social ____________. A well-known example is the cockney of East Londoners.
Both in British and the US media there is a freedom of ___________: journalists and pressmen can say what they like about anyone and anything: the army, the President, the Queen, private individuals, the police, provided they say nothing ‘libelous’ and ‘obscene’.
Britain has a ____________ parliament.
Britain is actually governed by __________________.
British ____________ is a free association of sovereign states comprising Great Britain and a number of its former dependencies who have chosen to maintain ties of friendship and practical cooperation and who acknowledge the British monarch as symbolic head of their association.
By checking your plants often, you’ll _________ problems in the early stages when they are easier to deal with.
Ceremonial activities have always been associated __________British kings and queens and, in spite of changing attitudes, many traditional ceremonies still take place.
Chickenpox is a children’s infectious _________, but adults can catch it too.
Children are permitted in the museum on the ___________that they do not disturb the other tourists.
Children under five in Great Britain attend _____________ schools.
Children ___________16 are not allowed to come into a pub, although they may sit outside together with their parents in the garden.
Christmas is a religious holiday which symbolizes the birth of _________.
Classes in the USA meet
Colleges offer courses _________ teacher training, courses in technology and some professions connected with medicine.
Competition to get into Harvard University prompts a million secondary school students to take first PSAT and then __________ up to three times to get better scores.
Complete the following sentences by choosing the correct verb from the column on the right.
Complete the following sentences by choosing the correct verb from the column on the right.
Complete the following sentences by choosing the correct verb from the column on the right.
Complete the following sentences by choosing the correct verb from the column on the right.
Complete the following sentences by choosing the correct verb from the column on the right.
Contemporary changes in motion pictures in the United States include
Credits are earned by
Did you enjoy your week-end _______to the seaside?
Do you hear how the wind ____________?
Don't eat your food so quickly! You'll get __________.
Don’t worry; I can assure you that this medicine produces no ___________ at all.
Each of the 50 states establishes its own ___________ holidays.
Each passenger is given a __________ to be shown at the departure gate and again to the stewardess when boarding the plane.
Each _____________ may have no more than 3500 registered patients under the plan, for each of whom he or she receives a fee.
Edinburgh is associated with the names of
Elegant, exclusive and expensive, ______________ epitomizes the English public school system.
Elementary and secondary education together take __________ years to complete in the USA.
England is famous for the hard ___________the names of which derive from the rich dairy farming areas, such as Cheddar, Cheshire, Leicester, Derby, etc.
English universities greatly differ from each other in
Established in 1948, the _____________ provides full, and in most cases, free medical care to all residents in Great Britain.
Every day I __________ my room and my bed, wash up dishes, dust the furniture and take out the rubbish.
Every state school has its own governing body (a board of governors), consisting of ___________.
Exercise is in fashion. Everybody wants
Families who have children often organize ___________, at which games are organized for quite a lot of children after the tea, which is called by that name although there is usually no tea to drink, only fruit drinks, sandwiches, ice-cream and lots of cakes and fruit.
Food shopping in the U.S. and Great Britain can be done in four main types of stores
Football, or ________, as it is sometimes called to distinguish it from rugby and football, is the most popular sport in Great Britain.
For the first __________ we will have chicken soup and rissoles with mashed potatoes for the second.
Full courses of study offer the degree of _______________ of Arts or Science.
George Washington led the American Army to victory in the War _______ Independence.
Good ___________ in at least two subjects are necessary to get a place at one of the universities in Britain.
He is interested _________ collecting pictures of horses.
He lives in easy ___________. He doesn’t have to work every day.
High school students who wish to attend a college or university go through one of the two standard tests –
I am chilled to the ____________.
I don’t feel well as I’m always _______, especially when the sea is a little bit rough.
I feel oppressed _______ the heat.
I only paid some pounds for this dress. it was a real _____________
I think I'll go and lie down for a while; I've got a (n) ____________ headache.
I usually switch off the television when the _______ come on.
If one asks an Irishman away from home what he misses most about Ireland, he will probably tell you ‘the greenness’. Irish poets put it in a different way when they call Ireland ‘the________’.
If someone collapses in the street, it may be helpful to give them ____________ aid until the ambulance arrives.
If the students complete a course of study they get a Bachelor of Arts or __________degree.
If the traveller has nothing to declare he may just go through the _________ of the Customs.
If you become separated from the tour, please ________your way to the coach pick-up point.
If you don’t like that programme, you can always switch over to a different ___________.
If you have completed the _________form, I give you the membership card.
If you suffer from ____________, your doctor may recommend taking sleeping tablets.
If you want to enter the university in Britain in the application you can list up to five universities or colleges in order of ___________.
If you work for someone, then you are an
If you ___________ your house or flat, you pay the money to a landlord or landlady.
Immigrants who have arrived in Britain from all parts of the _____________ since 1945 have not only created a mixture of nations, but have also brought their cultures and habits with them.
In 1990 some 79,000 passengers __________ on pleasure cruises from British ports.
In a series of ________ experiments, W.K. and J.H. Kellogg ran boiled wheat dough through rollers to produce thin sheets of wheat, which they toasted and ground into meal.
In addition to colleges and universities there is in the United States a large number of ___________, separate from Universities.
In Britain the Department of _____________ is concerned with the formation of national policies for education.
In Britain the tabloids have excellent coverage of scandal and sport; the _________ papers deal with everything else.
In December, as Christmas gets closer, ___________ (usually, but not always, with a religious theme) are sung in churches and schools, often at special concerts, and also by groups of people who go from house to house collecting money for charitable causes.
In England Easter is a time for the giving and receiving of presents such as
In England, if you are ill you can send for the family doctor or else go and visit him at his ___________.
In England, Wales and Northern Ireland, pupils take GCSEs at the age of _________.
In Great Britain patients, who may opt for a particular physician, pay minimal charges for
In honour of this great man, ___________, a beautiful memorial has been built in Washington.
In Ireland the national musical instrument is the __________.
In its long history the ______________ has been a fortress, a royal residence, a state prison and the Royal Mint. Visitors today can view the instruments of execution and torture, an arsenal of weapons, and the nation’s treasure, the Crown Jewels, dating mostly from the Restoration (1660).
In most schools in the USA attendance is compulsory for all children
In Scotland, where oats grow better than wheat, local dishes use __________rather than wheat flour.
In the fish and chip shop it is possible to buy a piece of fried fish and chipped potatoes known in many restaurants as ____________.
In the nineteenth and the early part of the twentieth centuries the so-called _________ universities were founded.
In the past bank holidays were days on which banks were to be _________.
In the UK a by-election is called if
In the UK people live in three types of houses, all depending on your income.
In the United States, a student who has finished high school, may want to continue in _______ education.
In the USA the national flag ______ and the flags of the states are found in many places and displayed on many occasions.
In the very heart of London __________ offers wealth of variety to Londoners and visitors alike.
In winter football or rugby matches have postponed due to __________.
It is a long-standing tradition that the Monarch never enters the.___________
It is absolutely vital that all tour guides have __________the local history course.
It is _________ skyline in the USA that is for many people the symbol the modern big city.
It must be ___________. Mrs Clark got a fever, and look at all those small red spots on her face and body.
It was proclaimed that Queen Victoria’s descendants in the male line would adopt the name _____________.
Italian and Chinese restaurants where they _________________ Italian pizzas and Chinese food are becoming more widespread even in small places.
It’s raining cats and ____________.
I’m wet like a drowned ____________.
I’m ________ vacation now.
January 1st, New Year’s Day is the traditional time for making “New Year ___________”, for example, to give up smoking, or to get up earlier.
Last year we had a ____________.
Manchester United ____________ Liverpool in the F. A. Cup Final.
Many Americans do not care much _______ public displays of patriotism: flag-waving and parades leave them cold.
Many bus companies offer fifteen-and thirty-day __________, especially during peak summer travel season. They entitle the holder to unlimited travel in the United States and Canada.
Many children lay out a Christmas __________ at the foot of their beds, which they expect to see filled when they wake up on Christmas morning.
Many English surnames were originally connected with a person’s _________ — Charles Baker, Margaret Thatcher.
Many great men studied at Cambridge, among them
Many liberal arts colleges also offer a __________ (B.S.) degree in physics, chemistry or other scientific subjects.
Many of public school teachers, who are mostly male and called “__________”, stay at the same school all through their working lives, and do not count their hours of work.
Many people ___________ about the bad behaviour of soccer fans in the town centre after the match.
Many Sunday newspapers these days are just full of ________________.
Mary likes to ___________ the table and clear away the dishes.
Mass media are
Match the following holidays and the dates they are observed
Match the following holidays and the dates they are observed
Match the following holidays and the dates they are observed
Match the following holidays and the ways they are celebrated
Match the following museums and the their exhibits.
Match the following museums and their exhibits.
Match the following questions with the answers.
Match the following shopping-related words with their definitions.
Match the following shopping-related words with their definitions.
Match the following types of buses and their descriptions.
Match the following words with their definitions.
Match the following words with their definitions.
Match the following words with their definitions.
Match the greetings and the situations they must be used.
Match the words to make common expressions connected with traveling.
Match the words, connected with cinema, with the correct definitions.
Match the words, connected with different types of stores, with the correct definitions.
Match the words, connected with newspapers, with the correct definitions.
Millions of Americans put on their new white “trainer” shoes and fashionable __________and ran through the parks or along the streets for half an hour a day.
Most Americans look forward to ________ together with the family at Thanksgiving, or even remember Halloween as children and the excitement of “trick or treating.”
Most households with children tell them that Father Christmas comes down the ___________ on the night of Christmas Eve.
Most people in Britain think that the Royal Family is _________ for tourism.
Most secondary schools are ____________ schools, which offer a general education to children of all abilities.
Most shows _____________between 90 minutes and slightly under three hours.
Mr Brown is a ___________smoker. No sooner has he stubbed out one cigarette than he lights another.
My brother helps to fix and repair some things. For example, he repairs electrical ________when they are out of order. He has already repaired our mother’s electric iron and my desk lamp.
My hands are _________ with the cold.
Nick’s neck and mouth are swollen. I think he's got _____________.
No tuition is __________ in elementary and secondary schools, though there are sometimes fees for textbooks and student activities.
Northern Ireland contains six of the nine counties of the historic province of Ulster. That is why the name ‘Ulster’ is sometimes used as equivalent to _______________.
Nowadays the public schools are less obsessed by team-spirit and character-building, they are more concerned ___________ examinations and universities, especially Oxford and Cambridge.
Nursery, infant and junior schools in Great Britain are known as ___________schools.
On Guy Fawkes’ Day children may be seen going about the streets and having a little cart or an old pram, and they ask the passers-by to spare ___________.
On our Southern-England ________ we visited Windsor, Oxford, Cambridge, Stratford-on-Avon and then came back to London.
On the north-west side of the Pennine system lies the __________, containing the beautiful lakes which give it its name.
One credit usually equals __________ of class per week in a single course.
One must be very careful using the word “subway” in London. It does not mean “the underground”. It means ___________.
One of the biggest British news agencies is _________, which was founded in 1851.
One of the most popular contemporary musicians and composers is Andrew Lloyd _________. His musicals and rock operas such as Cats, Phantom of the Opera and others have been a great success both in Britain and overseas.
One of the most popular hobbies of the British is ___________, and the people take pride in their gardens.
Other public duties of the Queen include the ____________ at the Cenotaph in Whitehall. This special ceremony remembers the soldiers who died in World War I and World War II and all of the Royal Family and Britain’s political leaders attend it.
Over the last twenty-five years the British have changed from full fat to __________ milk.
Parking in London is very expensive. You must either use __________ where you can park for up to 2 or 4 hours.
Parliament is also known as ‘____________’, since it is housed in the Palace of Westminster, once a home of the monarchy.
Passengers are requested to arrive at the airport two hours before departure time on international flights as there must be enough time to complete the necessary airport ___________.
Passengers on British ________ must have a boarding pass to board.
People usually borrow money from the building society in order to pay for their house — this money is called a ____________.
Prince Consort fills an important role in the life of the nation, as does __________, Queen Elizabeth II’s husband.
Professional degrees such as a Bachelor of Law (L.L.B.) or a ____________ (B.D.) are usually of three years duration, and require first a B.A. or B.S. to be earned by a candidate.
Public schools in the USA are ____________, it means that boys and girls study together.
Scotland is divided into three regions:
Several important movements spread from ____________ into international art, are Abstract Expressionism and Action Painting, Pop-art, Minimal art, and Photorealism.
She works for the BBC, which stands for British _________Corporation.
Ships and helicopters travel from Aberdeen to the North Sea oil _____. Work on it is difficult and dangerous.
Since July 1991 seat belts must be worn by adults in ______ – this applies to taxis as well as cars.
Since the mid-19th century the Prime Minister has normally been the leader of the party with a majority in the House of____________.
Some people tried to ward off witches by painting magic signs or nailing a ____________.
Speaking about British cooking we should note that
Students are allowed into the museum at reduced rates provided that they have a ________ students’ card.
Students in the USA must complete a certain number of courses in order to receive
Students select their “major” (the field in which they want their degree) plus a number of “_________” courses they do not have to take, but may choose.
Students select their “____________” (the field in which they want their degree) plus a number of “electives” courses they do not have to take, but may choose.
Successful applicants at colleges at a leading university are usually chosen on the basis of
Taking exercise is only one part of keeping ____________.
Thе pupils who violate various school regulations may be punished in the following ways:
The aims of the Opposition are:
The air was stingingly cold, but not _______ freezing point.
The American college is known by various titles such as
The assassination attempt wasn't in the press until two days later.
The best-known buildings designed by Ch. Wren are ___________ in London and the Sheldonion Theatre in Oxford.
The books are kept on open shelves, and the __________ are very helpful to get books from other libraries through the exchange system.
The boys and girls who go to boarding schools learn to speak with upper-class _____________.
The British are concerned about damage to the environment. That’s why _________ petrol is cheaper than leaded petrol, to encourage drivers to use it.
The British are the world’s greatest _______drinkers.
The British constitution, unlike that of most other countries, is _______________.
The British people are great readers of
The Chelsea _____________ is the most important flower show in Britain; it is held in May every year in the grounds of Chelsea Hospital (London) and is attended by the Queen.
The chief elements of the National Curriculum ___________.
The chief examinations at the age of 18 are leading to the General Certificate of Education _______________ level.
The chief officer of the House of Commons is the ___________.
The chief rivers of Great Britain are
The clan had its own territory and was ruled by a ____________.
The commonest trees in England are ____________
The Conservative Party has always been the party of the___________, identified with the idea of economic freedom and the existing social order.
The content and method of teaching is decided by the ____________.
The Cornfords live in Rugby ____________28 Coronation Street.
The coronation service is traditionally conducted by the Archbishop of Canterbury at ___________ in the presence of representatives of the Houses of Parliament.
The courses for most graduate degrees can be completed ____________in the USA.
The earliest known people of Britain were of ____________ origin.
The English are famous for their tea and their __________. And the English are always talking about it.
The English custom of ___________, goes back to the late 18th century when Anne, wife of the 7th Duke of Bedford, decided that she suffered from a “sinking feeling” around 5 p.m and needed tea and cakes to bring back her strength.
The English omnibuses are often called __________, because they are very high and have seats on the upper and lower decks.
The executive in the UK consists of __________________.
The factors determining whether an institution is one of the best or one of the lower prestige are
The first day of the week is ___________.
The first were held in ___________ more than two thousand years ago.
The five-hour _____________ which was performed on Mrs Brown’s hip was expensive but effective.
The flag of the United Kingdom is made up of three crosses. What are they?
The flag of the United Kingdom, known as the ___________, is made up of three crosses.
The fog gets thicker and dirtier, and yellow and full of black soot. In London this is called ________, a mixture between smoke and fog.
The Fourth of July is the day of signing the ______________.
The front benches in the House of Commons on either side are reserved for members of the Cabinet and other ministers, and Opposition spokesmen, known as the ‘________’, respectively.
The function of the Federal Department of Education is
The government may dissolve the Parliament and call for a general election at any time during the term. This is done by the _________ on the advice of the Prime Minister.
The last day of the week is ____________.
The leaders of the government and the opposition parties sit on facing ‘front benches’, with their supporting MPs, or ‘_________’ behind them.
The legislature in the UK consists of _____________.
The life of British Parliament is divided into periods, called __________.
The local newspaper’s ___________ fell dramatically when the editor was sacked.
The Lord Chancellor sits on the __________ as Chairman of the House and controls the procedure and meetings of the House.
The main functions of British Parliament today are
The more prestigious institutions in the USA are the _________ institutions, including Brown University, Columbia College, Cornell University, Dartmouth College, Harvard University, Princeton University, University of Pennsylvania, Yale University.
The most common type of higher education in the USA is the __________. It requires for admission graduation from a standard secondary school; its four-year curriculum leads to the bachelor’s degree in arts and sciences.
The most famous celebration is in _____________round the statue of Eros in Piccadilly Circus where crowds gather and sing and welcome the New Year.
The most famous universities are Oxford and Cambridge, called “___________”.
The most popular drink is beer or __________, which is stronger than beer. That is why most pubs are owned by a brewery where beer is made.
The most popular sports at Oxbridge are
The national curriculum is the group of subjects that must be taught in schools in __________.
The Olympic creed was first stated in 1896 by the founder of the modern Olympic Games
The Open University students
The Open University
The peculiar feature of American education is
The present monarch, Queen _________, is directly descended from Saxon king Egbert, who united England under his rule in 829.
The present royal family belonged to ____________ until 1917 when, in the light of the First World War, it was considered more appropriate for the King to have an English rather than a German name.
The pride of Wales in scenery is _____________, a region of high mountains.
The private schools in the USA
The purpose in creating life peerages was not merely to honour but also to enhance the quality of business done in the _________.
The Queen personifies the State. She is
The Queen today is only a formal ruler and does not actually govern: nowadays monarchs reign but do not___________.
The Queen’s Christmas Speech to the Commonwealth is made on _______ and lasts ten minutes. In it the Queen usually talks about the past twelve months and her hopes for the year ahead.
the rain was so heavy, I haven’t a dry ____________ on.
The school year in Britain is divided into ________ terms of about 13 weeks each.
The school year in Britain normally begins in early __________ and continues into the following July.
The sky was suddenly __________ with low, black clouds.
The sons of the Sovereign and their ___________ have precedence over daughters in succeeding to the throne.
The sovereign succeeds to the throne as soon as his of her predecessor dies. The automatic succession is summed up in the famous phrase ‘the King is dead; long _________ the King!’
The Speaker
The system of higher education in the United States is complex. It comprises three categories of institutions:
The term ___________ is not used much today, but it is a useful way of describing this group of universities, many of which were built in the favourite buildings material of the time – red brick.
The thick white __________rolls in from the sea all over London and the cities, and then mixes with smoke from a million chimneys.
The three holidays which were first observed in the U.S. but have now spread elsewhere are
The trade union movement, which founded the ____________, remains influential in the evolution of the party policy.
The two main islands are Great Britain (in which are England, Wales and Scotland) to the east and ___________ (in which are Northern Ireland and the independent Irish Republic) to the
The U.K. is inhabited by
The UK consists of ___________ main parts.
The UK is an __________ state: it is composed of some 5.500 islands, large and small.
The UK is situated off the west coast of Europe between the Atlantic Ocean on the north-west and the _________ on the east.
The United Kingdom is a __________, which means that the powers of the monarch are limited by the country’s constitution.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the UK) occupies most of the territory of the ____________.
The usual phrase to use when you leave is “Good-bye,” but there are a number of other less formal ways of parting, such as:
The usual response to an introduction is “How do you do,” which is a sort of greeting and not a question (about your health) and the best answer to it is: ____________.
The Victorian Prime Minister, Gladstone remarked: “If you are cold, ___________will warm you, if you are heated it will cool you, if you are depressed it will cheer you, if you are excited it will calm you.”
The woolsack is
The word “____________” expresses the idea that the schools in question take all the children in a given area, without selection.
The _____ is a great help to his students: he decides what lectures they must attend, recommends them books for reading, discusses and criticizes their written works and knows all about their discipline inside and outside the college.
The _______ that we know today came into being during the eighteenth century when the expensive gifts of earlier years had gone out of fashion.
The _________ is another British institution, where alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks and, usually, snacks or meals are sold.
The _________ promotes knowledge of British culture and literature overseas. It organizes British participation in international exhibitions and encourages professional interchange in all cultural fields between Britain and other countries.
The _________ was crowded and noisy, and smelt warm dough and the almonds that had gone into the morning’s cakes.
The ___________ is a relic of the time when the clan system existed in the Highlands.
The ___________ is responsible for putting laws into effect and directing national policy and acts formally in the name of the monarch in the UK.
The ___________ who performed the operation visited the patient soon after she came round.
The ___________, which was brought to England in 1585 by Sir Walter Raleigh, is so popular today that it is eaten, in a variety of ways, at almost every meal.
The ___________, with their style of singing new and exciting, their wonderful sense of humour became the most successful pop group the world has ever known. Many of the famous songs written by John Lennon and Paul McCartney are still popular.
The ___________are lucky, because their country is in the west and is warmer than most of England.
The ___________of this student magazine is a friend of ours.
There are about 90 universities in Britain. They are divided into
There are eight _____ holidays a year in Great Britain, they are the days on which people need not go in to work. They are: Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year’s Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Spring Bank Holiday and Late Summer Bank Holiday.
There are eleven players on each team, and they are dressed in padded uniforms and _________because American football is a rough game and injuries are likely to occur in.
There are many threats to wildlife and ecological balance around the coast in the UK. The biggest threat to the coastline is ____________.
There are security check points before the _________ in British airports.
There are thousands of Americans who prefer the music and ________ of musicals.
There are ___________ years of elementary education in the USA, not including the kindergarten, which is a part of the public school system of nursery education.
There are _____________ and sixty-five days in a year.
There is quite a lot of_________ of the media in some countries, especially during times of conflict.
There is the international trend to _______ which sell pizza, hamburgers, Mexican foods, chicken, salads and sandwiches, sea-foods, and various ice creams.
There was no _________ in the weather.
There’s a __________ in the air.
There’s been a ___________ in the temperature.
These days there are very few _________broadcasts on TV. They usually record them and show them much later.
This game, ice _____________, the national sport of Canada, is very fast, and can be dangerous.
This ten-minute television broadcast on _____________is normally the only time in the year when the monarch speaks directly to ‘her’ people on television.
This __________ in the Chronicle writes very well, doesn't she? I enjoy reading what she has to say every Saturday,
To get a Master’s degree a ____________ is required for all students.
To purchase items such as jewelry, perfume, clothing, shoes, appliances, televisions, radios, bicycles, furniture, etc., you go to a __________
Today I’m _________ a busy day.
Together with the National Curriculum, a programme of Records of Achievements was introduced. This programme contains a system of new ____________ for pupils at the ages of 7, 11, 13 and 16.
Traditionally the British like to live independently in their own houses. No wonder their favourite saying is “My home is my __________”.
Train arrivals may also be announced on a ___________.
Travelling by train you can__________
Under the government’s wartime _____________ rules, al newspapers articles had to be checked by officials before being printed.
Universities accept students mainly on the basis of their ___________, although they may interview them as well.
University students in the USA get a(an) ___________ degree in the arts or sciences.
Wales has its own flag called the ____________.
We are in __________ a spell of good weather.
We beat the ____________ out of the carpets, vacuum the floors and polish them.
We stood at the side of the road, trying to ________ passing motorists. They didn’t stop.
Wednesday is the ____________ day of the week.
Welshmen living in England are often called by the nickname ‘_________’. This may come from the River Taff, which runs through the capital Cardiff, or may come from Dafydd, the Welsh form of David.
What continents do the five colours of the interlinked Olympic rings represent?
What makes American education at the secondary level so different from most other countries is that all such programmes, whether academic, technical, or practical, are generally taught under one ________.
When a musician improvises, he
When Jane broke her leg, she had to go around on _________for several weeks afterwards.
When you come to the harbour you can see
Whenever you strike up a conversation in England you inevitably get around to two subjects – the _______ and _________, which are as much part on English life as roast beef and the Houses of Parliament.
While the yacht sailed on, I went to my ________ and changed my clothes.
You can purchase tickets to Broadway shows ________ the Internet.
You may have broken one of your ribs. I think we'd better take an____________, just to make sure.
You may think that there are crocodiles in the British Isles if you read that ‘... a traditional jazz band led the three-mile crocodile in a musical protest to 10 Downing Street’. But it is not a real crocodile. It is what the English usually say about schoolchildren ___________
You'd better put some _________on that cut, just to be safe.
You’ll need to take your ______________ to the chemist’s, Mrs Hall.
________ from time to time demonstrate majority support for the institution of monarchy as against a republican alternative.
________ is the most famous and distinctive bridge in London with two Gothic towers that rise from the riverbed.
_________ in New York City relied heavily on revivals, long-running shows, and stage spectaculars in addition to new plays.
_________ refers to the plays, musicals, and special attractions presented in any of 39 designated playhouses in Manhattan's Theatre District.
_________, a familiar sight in London, were introduced in I960 to control parking. They wear navy-blue uniforms and a peaked cap with yellow bands.
__________ Britain’s monarchy is the oldest, dating back to the 9th century.
__________ is a game in which feathered arrows are thrown at a board divided into sections with numbers on them. The aim is to score a particular number of points, usually 301 or 501.
__________ like to operate in crowds so keep your property safe by following some simple guides.
__________ to the Throne in the United Kingdom is still hereditary.
__________ was the first man to bring the Italian Renaissance style to Great Britain.
__________ year in Britain’s universities is divided into three terms.
___________ is travelling by getting free rides in passing automobiles and walking between rides.
___________ Mr Fry was nearly seventy-five, he could still beat me at tennis.
___________ of Waxworks in Marylebone Road is one of London’s great attractions. There you will see kings and queens, statesmen and writers, actors and musicians, artists and sportsmen, scientists, astronauts, world leaders and so on and so forth.
___________ the whole, the public school boys are sons of people who have a substantial social position, very good homes and the benefits of prosperity.
___________of the new Sovereign follows the accession after a convenient interval.
____________ are the most prominent produce of Britain’s kitchen. Some of them have beef fat as a base and are boiled or steamed others use pastry.
____________ courses lead in most cases to Bachelor’s degree in Arts or Science.
____________ do not pass their title when they die.
_____________ in America award master’s and doctor’s degrees in both the arts and sciences.
_____________ in the form of a gathering of bards had occasionally been held in the 15th, 16th and 17th centuries. Now it is a festival of Welsh culture. It includes competitions in prose, poetry and singing.
_____________ is played with an oval-shaped ball on a field like a football pitch, but the two goals have no nets and their posts are quite high – in the shape of the letter H.
_____________ is rather rare in Britain and the USA but it is the correct thing to do on the Continent.
_____________ is the national bird of the UK.
_____________ is the smallest component of the United Kingdom.
______________ invented new ways of using traditional English building materials, brick and ordinary roofing tiles, to keep within the limits of classical design.
______________ is the fifth day of the week.
______________ said the sportsmen who took part in the Olympic Games.
‘Slow down’, I said to the driver, ‘you’re exceeding the speed _________.
‘When do you have to hand in that report?’ – ‘The ___________ is 12th of May.’
Oxford and Cambridge
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