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ПКОЯз АНГЛ Базовый курс для лингвистов (курс 1) - Тестовая база по дисциплине

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
Exclude the word that doesn’t belong to the group:
Find the correct translaton of „the manager is out“.
Find the correct variant
Find the right translation of „После обеда он зашел к нам и предложил прогуляться“.
Find the synonym to “foggy”
Find the word that doesn’t belong to the group.
Find the wrong assertion:
Find the wrong variant in „The man…you want to see hasn’t come yet“.
Find the wrong variant to the sentence: “You have everything… you want“.
Find the wrong variant.
The doorbell rang just as they… the house.
The English for „oживленная улица” is
Will you try to find out what time… the train…at the station?
„A gale“ means
„Look after yourself!“ means
„Take your time!“ means
„To stay up“ means
„Он ведет себя как ребенок“ should be translated as
A lane is a
Choose the correct translation of the following sentence: “Майкла собираются послать в Америку.”
Choose the correct translation of “Я только что видел его. Он стоял в коридоре.”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: " After landing at the airport you ... go through ... first.”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “A taxi rank is ...”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “Aeroplanes... designed to fly ... the sky.”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “Have you ever been to England? Yes, I ... there last year.”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “Haven’t you finished the book ... ?”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “How much money ... by you ... food each month?”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “I ... to New York several times.”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “I saw an accident last night. Somebody ... an ambulance but nobody ... so the ambulance ... ”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “If I want to buy a jacket I always ...”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “If we ... the old methods, a lot of time ... wasted.”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “If your luggage weighs more than 20 kgs., you ... pay extra.”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “In the London underground the ticket-collector takes the tickets from you ...”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “In the perfumery they sell ...”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “It is not a ... shop, the ... helps the ... in finding what he wants.”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “Jane burned her breakfast, so she ... eat it. Then she got coffee on her blouse and she ... to change it.”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “My shirt ... made in Thailand.”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “Piccadilly is a ... in London.”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “Please, remember, you ... to be in before 11 p.m.”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “Since 1147 the name of Moscow ... on the pages of history.”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “Some of the formalities are repeated when you arrive ... your destination.”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “Something important ... so I sat down to listen.”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “The programme for students studying English ... every day.”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “The boat ... quickly but fortunately everybody ...”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “The flight was put off and we ... wait for three hours.”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “The form ... be filled ... ... block letters.”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “The letter ... a week ago and it … yesterday.”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “The London Underground is called ...”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “The teacher ... our papers so we ... learn the results.”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “The windows of our room ... the garden.”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “This present ... given to my son on his birthday last year.”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “You ... drive alone at night. It’s dangerous.”
Choose the right translation of “Концерт снимают для телевидения”.
Choose the right translation of “Не переходи улицу на красный свет!”
Choose the right translation of “Нам надо показывать билеты стюардессе? - Нет, не надо”.
Find the correct translation of “When you travel by car you can stop wherever you want.”
Find the correct sentence:
Find the corresponding English word for ‘не должен’ in the sentence: “Он настолько богат, что не должен работать”.
Find the different word
Find the inexact translation of the modal verb in the following sentence: “He needn’t come tomorrow”
Find the synonym to “a taxi”
Find the synonymous pair
The Russian for “Check-in desk (counter)” is
“A transfer” is a
“Flight attendant” means
“Hijack” means
“Runway” means
“To flag a taxi” means
“To give a tip” means
“To puncture a licence” means
After the age of 11 most children in England go to ....
Almost everybody in Britain dreams ___ living in ___ .
Ann ___ that she lived at number 10.
At dinner , as much food as possible was put on the table at once, to show the master’s __ .
Basically people in England live in 3 types of houses, all depending on their ___ .
Buckingham Palace is
Choose the adequate translation of: Вам предстоит операция аппендицита.
Choose the adequate translation: Я поправлюсь?
Choose the adequate word in: She likes ... classical music but not all.
Choose the appropriate variant: ... gold is ... precious metal.
Choose the appropriate variant: Is there ... more important than ... health ?
Choose the correct ending of The institutions commonly known in England as public schools...
Choose the correct ending of They call special schools in England the schools that...
Choose the correct ending of: Such large and well-known American universities as Harvard, Princeton and Yale are ...
Choose the correct ending of: The institutions commonly known in England as public schools
Choose the correct ending: Comprehensive schools ........
Choose the correct ending: Most secondary schools in Britain are ... schools.
Choose the correct ending: The Gymnasium is ....
Choose the correct translation of the emphasised words in “Jane might come on the 3 o’clock train”
Choose the correct translation of “ к тому времени, когда мы вернулись, дом был куплен каким-то американцем”.
Choose the correct translation of: наследовать
Choose the correct translation of: a hall of residence
Choose the correct translation of: a welfare tutor
Choose the correct translation of: detentions
Choose the correct translation of: income
Choose the correct translation of: self-confidence
Choose the correct translation of: to get a degree
Choose the correct translation of: to give a mark
Choose the correct translation of: tutorial
Choose the correct translation to: scope
Choose the correct variant in: I’ve just made some coffee. Would you like ...?
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “Excuse me, you ... the phone.”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “In a food supermarket you can’t buy …”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “Ron’s parents ... when he was very young. He and his sister ... up by their grandparents.”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “The famous … is situated in the middle of Trafalgar Square”.
Choose the correct variant: ... British are ... sports-loving nation.
Choose the correct verb: Can I borrow your scissors? Mine ... not sharp enough.
Choose the correct word in . “How often do you go skiing ?” - “ ... year. Usually in March.”
Choose the correct word The British are really …, they love familiar things in familiar places.
Choose the correct words: Talk quietly. I don’t want ... us.
Choose the right form: You would have been able to pass the exam if
Choose the right translation for: headmaster
Choose the right translation of Nursery Education:
Choose the right translation of “landlord”.
Choose the right translation of “social deprivation”.
Choose the right translation of: Многие женщины боятся мышей.
Choose the right translation of: студент-заочник
Choose the right translation of: a hall of residence
Choose the right translation of: cтудент-заочник
Choose the right translation of: form period
Choose the right translation of: incredible
Choose the right translation of: pay for accomodation
Choose the right translation: The pupils have set periods of arithmetic.
Choose the right translation: to make merry
Choose the right variant.: Tom’s hands are very dirty. He ... his car.
Choose the right variant: John is ... engineer. He works at ... plant. He is ... clever man and ... good man.
Choose the right verbal forms: What ... he ... here? - He ... for a friend.
Choose the right verbs: This is a secret. You ... anybody.
Choose the right word in: He said ... but I didn’t understand it.
Choose the right word in: “Do you work or are you a student?” - “ ... . I’ve got a job but I study too.”
Choose the right word in: “Is your friend English or Canadian ?” - “... . He’s American.”
Choose the right word: Many Scotch people … use some Scotch words when they speak English.
Choose the right words: His words made her ... ill at ease.
Choose the synonym of the word: train
Choose the synonym to “contemporary”
Choose the synonym to: chapel
Choose the the appropriate variant. Will you stop … and listen to me, please.
Choose the word that does not match the other ones in meaning
Choose the word that does not match the other ones in meaning
Choose the adequate translation of: Его положат в больницу и сделают операцию.
Choose the adequate translation of: Полицейский спросил лежащего на земле человека, что случилось, и тот ответил, что потерял сознание.
Choose the correct translation of: Вы смотрели эти новости по телевизору?
Choose the right translation: Он сказал, что не знает, когда вернется.
Complete the sentence with the right word(s): Do you go to the cinema ... ?
Complete the sentence: British University courses are rather short, generally lasting for ... years.
Complete the sentence: In Britain at 7 children go on from infants school to the ...
Complete the sentences: We have lots of time. We ... hurry.
Cricket and soccer were invented in
Darts is a game played
Fill in the blank in Comprehensive ___ admit children of all abilities.
Fill in the blank in the sentence In the USA schools for the academically, musically, artistically gifted are called .... schools.
Fill in the blank in the sentence. It usually takes .......... years to get a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science.
Fill in the blank in the sentence. It usually takes .......... years to get a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science.
Fill in the blank in: It’s against the law for children in Britain to work more than __ on a schoolday.
Fill in the blank: Forget ... if you want to recover.
Fill in the blank: How much money ... by your family ... food each week?
Fill in the blank: I wish she ...with me now.
Fill in the blank: If I ... French I would go to France.
Fill in the blank: In winter ... much snow in England.
Fill in the blank: Native Americans … to be called “Red Indians.”
Fill in the blank: Public schools in England educate ... people.
Fill in the blank: The teacher said that water ... at 100 degrees .
Fill in the blank: There ... hair in her cup.
Fill in the blanks in: There are ____ constitution provisions for education in Britain.
Fill in the blanks with the right articles: ... door opened and ... man entered ... room. It was ... man of forty years.
Fill in the blanks. - I can’t come to dinner tonight. - Well, I wish you’d ... me earlier.
Fill in the blanks. ..... is the group of subjects that must be taught in schools in England and Wales.
Fill in the blanks. ...... is intended for people who study in their own free time and who “attend” lectures by watching television.
Fill in the blanks. Colleges of Education provide two-year courses in ... education.
Fill in the blanks. Compulsory education begins at the age of ... in England.
Fill in the blanks. He would have been able to pass the exam if ...... .
Fill in the blanks. Hurry up! We ... good seats if we ... late!
Fill in the blanks. I wish he ...with us now.
Fill in the blanks. I wish, we ... it before.
Fill in the blanks. If he were in Moscow he .. us.
Fill in the blanks. If I ... Chinese I should go to China.
Fill in the blanks. If the water .... to 100 C0 , it .... .
Fill in the blanks. In England, Wales and Northern Ireland, pupils take GSCE (the General Certificate of Secondary Education) at the age of .... .
Fill in the blanks. In recent years, however many schools ... the idea of making children wear uniform.
Fill in the blanks. It is essential that every child ... the same educational opportunities.
Fill in the blanks. Oh, how I wish it ... vacation!
Fill in the blanks. When I was a boy, children always objected to .... uniform, but teachers were keen on it because they said all of us looked alike.
Fill in the blanks: - Did anyone see you? - No, but I ... if it hadn’t been so dark.
Fill in the blanks: - Why didn’t you tell me? - You ... angry if I had!
Fill in the blanks: I wish I ... smoking.
Fill in the blanks: I would have bought that dress if I ... enough money.
Fill in the blanks: If I .... early tomorrow morning, I .... jogging.
Fill in the blanks: If I .... her address, I would write to her.
Fill in the blanks: If I had one million dollars, I .... a yacht.
Fill in the blanks: It … still … I wish it would stop. It … all day long.
Fill in the blanks: I’m sure he will give me some money. I ... surprised if he refused.
Fill in the blanks: The commander ordered ... soldiers ... attack the enemy.
Fill in: A pessimist is a person who always expects bad things ___ .
Fill in: A vegetarian is ___ doesn’t eat ___ .
Fill in: At that moment Jack’s wife came in and said that she ___ the police.
Fill in: At the station a smiling policemen ___ that his bicycle ___
Fill in: Bill said he ___ Mary the following morning.
Fill in: Edinburgh ___ the capital since the 15th century, when its fortified castle was the centre of Scotland’s resistance to its enemies.
Fill in: Every Englishman is a ___ at heart.
Fill in: Greg has just taken an exam ___ history.
Fill in: He applied for a week’s ___ to look after the children while his wife was in hospital.
Fill in: He is very experienced because he has been working here ___ six years.
Fill in: I think by the year 2000 a cure for AIDS ___ .
Fill in: I ___ my friend ___ a very long time.
Fill in: It ___ still ___ I wish it would stop. It ___ all day long.
Fill in: It’s a long time since I ___ him.
Fill in: I___ video games for two years.
Fill in: James made everybody believe that he ___ all over the world.
Fill in: John told me that I ___ pay anything.
Fill in: Many Scotch people ___ use some Scotch words when they speak English.
Fill in: Mary was supposed to write an essay yesterday but she hasn’t done it ____.
Fill in: Mrs White ___ Mary that she was going away.
Fill in: My brother said that he ___ the car the following day.
Fill in: Native Americans ___ to be called “Red Indians”
Fill in: One evening I ___ home ___ a quite dark street in suburb of London.
Fill in: Since World War II there ___ intensive development in the metal industries especially in the South and southeast.
Fill in: Some articles in British Newspapers seriously deal ___ the problem of environmental protection.
Fill in: Steve is late , the car ___ have broken down again.
Fill in: The British are known ___ a people self-assured, absolutely confident in their national sense of ___ .
Fill in: The British Parliament ___ the House of Commons and the House of Lords and the Queen as its head.
Fill in: The British ruling class tried not to lose influence ___ the former colonies of the British Empire.
Fill in: The earliest known people of Britain were of ___ origin.
Fill in: The House of Commons ___ in law-making.
Fill in: The house was very quiet when I got home. Everybody ___ to bed.
Fill in: The number of publications dealing ___ the protection of animals has grown considerably.
Fill in: The world-famous Edinburgh Festival is devoted to
Fill in: There are a lot of legends about the English king William 1, who is known ___ William the Conqueror.
Fill in: Wales is ___ the rest of the UK.
Fill in: We hadn’t heard from him for a long time. He ___ wrote nor telephoned.
Fill in: We ___ abroad every year. We can’t afford ___.
Fill in: What time did he arrive ___ London ?
Fill in: When Europeans first arrived in America they thought that they ___ in the West Indies.
Fill in: When I arrived at work I realised that I ___ my watch at home.
Fill in: Winston Churchill was famous ___ his wonderful public speeches.
Fill in:John Major ___ Prime Minister in November, 1990.
Filll in the blank: There ... computers in the world today.
Find out the adequate translation of: Если я долго не курю, я зверею.
Find out the adequate traslation: Что это ? - Это снимки Нью-Йорка.
Find out the correct variant: He thinks ... very important news.
Find out the expression which does not match the others in meaning:
Find the adequate translation of: У Олимпийских Игр очень большая история.
Find the adequate translation of: to get a degree
Find the antonyms
Find the appropriate variants: It’s ... building in ... town.
Find the beginning of the sentence, which ends as follows ... consist of twelve grades.
Find the correct form: If I had five thousand dollars, I .... a car.
Find the correct translation of: inferior
Find the correct translation of: monitor
Find the correct translation of: to be run by
Find the correct translation of: to teach basic computer skills
Find the correct variant of the reported speech: The teacher said to the pupil: “Why did you miss the lesson?”
Find the correct word in: We like reading. We’ve got ... books.
Find the correct words in: Could you stay with him until the ambulance ... ?
Find the different word
Find the different word.
Find the English for принимать за:
Find the English for: остаться на второй год
Find the English for: плата за обучение
Find the line where all the words are adverbs.
Find the noun which does not match the others in meaning:
Find the right ending of In the USA all educational matters are ..........
Find the right ending of There are two major types of school in the USA: .....
Find the right translation for: sick-room
Find the right translation of: Врачи лечат пациентов.
Find the right translation of: нечестный
Find the right translation of: a Junior college
Find the right translation of: a senior high school
Find the right translation of: recruitment of the staff
Find the right translation of: suppress
Find the right Verb: What do you advise me ... ?
Find the Russian for: elective subjects
Find the synonym of: grade
Find the synonym of: period
Find the synonym to: compulsory
Find the synonyms.
Find the verb which does not match the others in meaning:
Find the word (s) which fit(s) here: They speak English ... .
Find the word that does not match the other ones in meaning
Find the word that doesn’t match the other in meaning.
Find the word that doesn’t match the others in meaning
Find the word that doesn’t match the others in meaning.
Find the word that doesn’t match the others in meaning.
Find the word that doesn’t match the others in meaning.
Find the word that doesn’t match the others in meaning.
Find the word that doesn’t match the others.
Find the word that doesn’t match the others.
Find the word that doesn’t match the others.
Find the word which does not match the others in meaning.
Find the words that fit here: Everybody likes Tom. He ... friends.
Find the words which fit here: If you ... the doctor’s directions a slight ailment can develop ... incurable malady.
Find the world which does not match the others in meaning:
Find out the correct translation: Джек сказал, что сделает это, если у него будет время.
Find the English for: зал для собраний, актовый зал
Give the correct translation of “быть ответственным перед”
Give the correct translation of “to be deprived of actual power”
Give the opposite to “innocent”.
Give the opposite to “reverence”
Give the opposite to “saint”
Glasgow a ___ city because or the greyness of the houses many of which were not suitable for living and needed repairs.
Grant: means
I feel awful. I wish I .... so much cake.
I ___ ten minutes before the police ___ .
If you are in London be sure to visit Westminster Abby which is
In London you can hear opera in
In USA all children .... go to school.
Jane wrote them a letter a week after she ___ from a business trip from South America.
Lucy ___ her room four times a week
Maintain: means
My brother ___ Ann since childhood.
My room is… in our flat.
New Zealand is
Nursery schools in Britain are .... with teachers and students in training.
Obedience : means
On a national scale their conservatism may be illustrated by the attitude to the ___ which is held in affection and reverence by all English people.
On the whole, the public school boys in Britain are sons of people who have a substantial social position, very good homes and benefits of ...
One of the most popular hobbies of the British is
Originally the public schools in Britain depended mainly on grants by...
Parishoner переводится как
Period means:
Poin out the right form: She ... to have left for France.
Point out the adequate translation: He wants me to come to his place.
Point out the adjective which does not form an noun with the suffix -ness
Point out the appropriate word: Modern aeropolanes fly ... old fashioned ones .
Point out the correct beginning: ... any furniture on sale in this shop?
Point out the correct date in Planning and organization of education in Britain was not controlled by central government until ...
Point out the correct definition: Special schools in England are the schools that
Point out the correct translation of: monitor
Point out the correct variant: I ... cut my arm when I fell down.
Point out the correct variant: If you want ... you ... give up smoking.
Point out the English for: учительская
Point out the noun that does not have plural.
Point out the right form: I believe him … the fastest runner in our town.
Point out the right variant: Are there ... illustrations in that text-book? Yes there are ... .
Prosperity: means
Public schools in England educate ... people.
Put in the appropriate verb: I must hurry. I ... be late.
Put in the correct variant: If you are ill you can’t be good ... work ... studies.
Put in the right form of the verb: I can’t open the door. I ... my key.
Put in the right preposition: Goodbye ! See you ... Friday.
Put in the right preposition: John is interested ... sport.
Put in the right word in: I’m lonely. I’ve got ... to talk to.
Put in the right word in: They didn’t make ... mistakes.
So parents who wish to send their children to a public school often send them first to...
Some of the British national traits are resulting from the British ___ .
The ............ are usually small.
The academic year in Britain’s Universities, Colleges of Education, Polytechnics is divided into ... terms.
The British are really ___ , they love familiar things in familiar places.
The British display a very wide ___ of individual differences among themselves and even among others.
The British parliamentary system depends ___ ___ .
The British rulling classes tried not to lose ___ over the former colonies .
The Capital of Nothern Irland is
The chief theatres, music halls and cinemas in London are situated in
The correct translation of “tenant” is
The correct translation of “toleration” is
The creator of Sherlock Holmes is
The English are famous ___ their tea and their weather.
The English for прямая передача по радио is:
The phrase well-to-do people means:
The primary school in Britain usually takes children ....... .
The public school system is valued because it produces leaders, it is a separate system of education for ... .
The Russian for a participant sport is:
The Russian for elective subjects is:
The Russian for It’s time for a break is:
The Russian for sportsmanship is:
The staff of the school means
The Union Jack is made up of
The ___ with its church, pub, fishing, animals - all this is an ideal image of Britain.
Traditionally the British like to live independently in ___ .
Translate into English: преодолеть
Use the appropriate form to end the sentence with: It sounds ... .
Use the right form to complete the sentence with: “You look ... .”
viewer переводится как
Wind-surfing and skate-boarding were invented in
___ is another British institution where alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks are sold.
«She is an expectant mother»
«Крестник» - это:
Вставьте, где нужно, правильные формы глаголов в предложении: He ___ always ___ my scissors because his ___ not sharp enough
Вставьте нужную глагольную форму. The children ____ doing their homework by 3 o’clock, so they had free time in the afternoon.
Вставьте нужную форму глагола. He was considered ___ a good painter.
Вставьте нужную форму глагола. The proposal is reported ___ by the committee.
Вставьте нужные глагольные формы. It was announced in the papers that the man - and that policemen - for him.
Вставьте нужные глагольные формы. When Ann entered the room she saw that the man ___ and that he ___ about something.
Вставьте нужный артикль: Mr Blane is ___ president of ___ Acme Insurance Company
Вставьте нужный предлог. Some people are very fond ___ music
Вставьте нужный предлог: Charlie is ___ hospital He’s going to have an operation tomorrow
Вставьте нужный предлог: John lives ___ a small village ____ the South-West of England
Вставьте нужный предлог: The price of electricity is going up ___ October
Вставьте нужный предлог: What time do you expect to arrive ____ London
Вставьте подходящее по смыслу слово: Don’t forget to ___ the alarm clock for six o’clock tomorrow morning
Вставьте подходящий предлог. Many articles deal ... the private lives of people.
Вставьте подходящую форму глагола. I believe him ___ the most honest person
Вставьте подходящую форму глагола: Ron is in London at the moment He (stay) at the Hilton Hotel He usually (stay) at the Hilton Hotel when he’s in London
Вставьте правильный вариант. The British ___ as great art collectors.
Вставьте предлог. Ann is never late … work.
Вставьте предлог. Anna got a room with a view…the river Thames.
Вставьте предлог. John is never … hurry.
Вставьте предлог. The two girls do not get… well together.
Вставьте предлоги. She arrived… the offices of The Echo…twenty past nine and went up to the advertising department…the second floor.
Вставьте пропущенное местоимение. Margaret wants to know if you’re seen a pair of gloves of ___
Вставьте требуемый артикль. He is ___ honest man.
Выберите верную форму степеней сравнения прилагательных: Britain isn’t very big France is ___
Выберите верную форму степеней сравнения прилагательных: These flowers aren’t very nice The blue ones are ___
Выберите верный перевод. Он спросил у меня, где работает мой брат.
Выберите неподходящее по смыслу слово:
Выберите неподходящее по смыслу слово:
Выберите нужную форму вспомогательного глагола. He asked me if they ___ come there the next day.
Выберите правильный вариант перевода. Family reunion day
Выберите правильный вариант. Boxing day is on the
Выберите правильный вариант. Diego Velazquez
Выберите правильный вариант. I am afraid I don’t know what -
Выберите правильный конец предложения. I like to watch the planes ___
Выберите правильный перевод предложения: Она читает по-французски медленнее, чем по-английски
Выберите правильный перевод. Shrove Tuesday.
Выберите правильный перевод. Она сказала, что придет, если у нее будет время.
Выберите правильный перевод. Скажите им, чтобы они пришли пораньше.
Выберите соответствующие залог и время глагола. I __ for something I had not done.
Выберите нужную форму глагола: She always ____ from me and she never ___ to pay me back
Выберите подходящую форму глагола. He said that he ___ for me since two o’clock
Выберите подходящую форму глагола. The artist said that he ___ the portrait by that evening.
Выберите правильную форму инфинитива. Two people are reported ___ in the fire.
Выберите правильный вариант. They didn’t want ___ a professional pianist.
Выберите правильный перевод. I want you to come to my place.
Дайте правильный перевод: He is a bachelor
Дайте правильный перевод: Her sister is a spinster
Дополните: A pretty, dark-haired girl was…
Дополните: At 12 o’clock it became very hot and we began to wonder when those heavy rains…
Дополните: I heard a knock on the door but when I opened it there was….
Дополните: She asked the manager for the morning…
Дополните: We want to let a room, and the rent is five pounds…
Житель Голландии это:
Закончите предложение. I hate him __
Закончите предложение. Madame Tussaud’s museum exhibits -
Закончите предложение. She is going to be late if the bus…
Закончите предложение. I saw you bought a bunch of flowers this morning. Who…
Закончите предложение. Stay with me, please. I don’t want ___
Заполните пропуск артиклям, если это необходимо: What time is it? I don’t know I don’t have ____ watch
Заполните пропуски подходящей глагольной формой: Can you hear those people? What ___ they ___ about?
Заполните пропуски подходящей глагольной формой: The police ____ for the stolen car
Заполните пропуски правильными формами глагола в предложении: I____ any foreign language, but I ____ English now
Заполните пропуски предлогами: Where’re the tickets? I can’t find ____
Заполните пропуски. I am thirsty. I would like…cup of tea.
Заполните пропуски. If it … I’ll watсh TV.
Заполните пропуски. Our friends … (живут сейчас в трехкомнатной квартире) but last year they … (жили в маленьком доме) in the country.
Заполните пропуски. What… she do? She’s a dentist.
Заполните пропуски. Could I … the visa …
Заполните пропуски. I hate him …
Заполните пробел. Can I borrow your scissors? Mine ___ not sharp enough.
Заполните пробел. Here is a picture of ___ town where I was born.
Заполните пробел. Teddy’s words made me ___ uncomfortable.
Заполните пропуск. Folk music is ___ very much alive
Заполните пропуск. There are about ___ museums and galleries in Britain.
Заполните пропуск. There ___ composers in England today
Заполните пропуск. There ___ hair in my soup.
Заполните пропуск. Will you stop ___ and listen to me, please.
Заполните пропуски артиклями: ____ people who live in ____ Holland speak ___ Dutch
Заполните пропуски артиклями: ____ silver is not so heavy as ___ gold
Заполните пропуски подходящей глагольной формой: It always ___ when I want to go for a walk
Заполните пропуски подходящей глагольной формой: I ___ my sunglasses today because the sun is strong
Заполните пропуски подходящей глагольной формой: He ___ the computer now because the computer programmer is on vacation
Заполните пропуски подходящей глагольной формой: It’s 9 o’clock Mr Sawger usually ___ this newspaper at night, but at that moment he ___ TV
Заполните пропуски предлогами: A lot of people are afraid ___ spiders
Заполните пропуски предлогами: He’s very good ___ languages He speaks English, French, Italian and Arabic
Заполните пропуски предлогами: In Britain, children normally start school ___ the age of five
Заполните пропуски. Can you tell us … amusing story?
Заполните пропуски. Doesn’t the river look beautiful when the sun… on it?
Заполните пропуски. Glass…made from sand.
Заполните пропуски. He fell off the ladder but he didn’t hurt…
Заполните пропуски. I can’t decide now. I need… time to think about it.
Заполните пропуски. I don’t agree… capital punishment.
Заполните пропуски. I got out of the bath and dried…with a towel.
Заполните пропуски. I know he doesn’t play the piano but…play?
Заполните пропуски. I was late but my friends… (wait) for me when I…(arrive).
Заполните пропуски. If I…a vacation next summer, I will probably go to Britain.
Заполните пропуски. If you… in time you will miss the train.
Заполните пропуски. If you…them, they will come.
Заполните пропуски. In the South… very hot in summer.
Заполните пропуски. It’s…to cross the river in this place than over there.
Заполните пропуски. I’ll have to stay here,…I?
Заполните пропуски. John’s room is… of all the rooms in the hotel, but he can afford it.
Заполните пропуски. Last night I went to a restaurant with… friends.
Заполните пропуски. Last night…a terrible thunder-storm.
Заполните пропуски. Last summer… almost every day.
Заполните пропуски. Lightning … twice last night. One flash … at 9:10, and the second … at 9:20.
Заполните пропуски. She is a kind of person… likes to go to parties.
Заполните пропуски. The Company has offices in many places but…head office is in New York.
Заполните пропуски. These are very old photographs. They… taken a long time ago.
Заполните пропуски. They hid in the winter forest,… they?
Заполните пропуски. They never think about other people. They only think about …
Заполните пропуски. This village reminds me… the one I lived in when I was a child.
Заполните пропуски. Tom… study hard but now he doesn’t study very hard.
Заполните пропуски. We arrived…England last week.
Заполните пропуски. What time did he arrive… the hotel?
Заполните пропуски. When I … in London, I hope to visit a friend of mine.
Заполните пропуски. Where can we sit?… any chairs.
Заполните пропуски. You … a lovely song when I entered the room.What was it?
Заполните пропуски. All of us are looking forward … to the concert.
Заполните пропуски. All the newspapers suspected that man … the businessman.
Заполните пропуски. During the 1980s this not very famous quest was fortunate in … round British theatres.
Заполните пропуски. Foreign films are shown with … or are … into English.
Заполните пропуски. Have you ever seen a film …?
Заполните пропуски. I could speak for a long time as I …
Заполните пропуски. I saw her … the street.
Заполните пропуски. In the USA most new plays are presented first …
Заполните пропуски. Musicals are … popular … the cinema goers.
Заполните пропуски. She watched the piano … up the staircase.
Заполните пропуски. The girl… we were talking about yesterday…come at two o’clock.
Заполните пропуски. The career of this actor crashed when he … letting his girlfriend died in a car accident.
Заполните пропуски. The commander ordered ___ soldiers ___ attack the enemy.
Заполните пропуски. The film is said … a thriller.
Заполните пропуски. The film is worth …
Заполните пропуски. The film promised … big hit.
Заполните пропуски. The holiday … Thanksgiving Day is now observed on the fourth Thursday of November.
Заполните пропуски. The problem … is of great importance for contemporary art.
Заполните пропуски. The proposal is reported … by the committee.
Заполните пропуски. The say that art … reality.
Заполните пропуски. The television programmes on this channel … recently.
Заполните пропуски. The … papers in Britain is just over 14 million copies.
Заполните пропуски. Their parents wanted him … in that musical festival.
Заполните пропуски. There … a number of news agencies in Britain, the oldest … “Reuters”.
Заполните пропуски. They were impressed by the facts …in that newspaper.
Заполните пропуски. Times Square is the theatrical district of …
Заполните пропуски. Turn … the TV, please. It’s too loud.
Заполните пропуски. We heard this musician … last summer.
Заполните пропуски. We… (meet) Joan at the party. She… (wear) a red dress.
Заполните пропуски. When my friends rang me up I … TV.
Заполните пропуски. While … through the old newspapers I came across a lot of interesting facts.
Заполните пропуски. William the Conqueror is famous for … England.
Заполните пропуски. … a room with ladies … rush before them.
Заполните пропуски. … her address I could not write her a letter.
Заполните пропуски. … in London be sure to visit the Royal Opera House.
Заполните пропуски. … like films … the life of nature.
Заполните пропуски. … with a toy pistol a man hijacked a jet yesterday.
Заполните пропуски: George and Alice haven’t got ____ children
Заполните пропуски: Have you got ___ brothers or sisters?
Заполните пропуски: He has ___ interest in ___ kind of sport
Заполните пропуски: How ____ foreign languages do you speak?
Заполните пропуски: Hurry! The Bus ___ I ____to miss it
Заполните пропуски: I can do this job alone I don’t need ___ to help me
Заполните пропуски: I don’t know ____ about car engines
Заполните пропуски: I don’t want ___ or help
Заполните пропуски: I would like to have ____ hamburger for ____ breakfast
Заполните пропуски: It costs ___ money to travel round the world
Заполните пропуски: I’m just going out to do some shopping I’ll be back ____ half an hour
Заполните пропуски: Jack has a bad memory He can’t remember ____
Заполните пропуски: New York is one of ____ cities in ____ world
Заполните пропуски: Sally is married ___ husband works in ____ bank
Заполните пропуски: The big news ____ that I ___ now head of the Physics Department
Заполните пропуски: The weather is ____ it was last month
Заполните пропуски: There is ____ dangerous bend in ____ road
Заполните пропуски: There ____ hair in my soup
Заполните пропуски: Tim is ____ best player in our soccer team
Заполните пропуски: Tom doesn’t see his parents very often these days - usually ___ Christmas and sometimes ___ summer for a few days
Заполните пропуски: Unfortunately all his employees are out today ___ is here
Заполните пропуски: We know ___ well They are friends of ____
Заполните пропуски: We’re staying at ____ very nice hotel ____ room is very comfortable
Заполните пропуски: Who is ____ President of ____ United States?
Заполните пропуски: ___ is the cheapest way to get to London: by plane or by train?
Какое прилагательное не образует существительного с суффиксом -ness
Какое слово выпадает из смыслового ряда?
Какое слово не подходит по смыслу к остальным.
Какой ряд не подходит по смыслу к остальным.
Найдите адекватный перевод. Каждый месяц я отдаю этот костюм в чистку.
Найдите адекватный перевод. Он попросил ее придти в шесть часов.
Найдите адекватный перевод. Отставать в чем-либо.
Найдите антоним к выделенному слову. Jenny’s parents were worried about her.
Найдите антоним к слову “important”
Найдите антоним к слову: talanted actor
Найдите вариант соответствующий тексту юниты. Most newspapers in Britain belong to ...
Найдите верный перевод. Говорят, что он играет на трех музыкальных инструментах.
Найдите верный перевод. Музыканту необходимо быть усердным.
Найдите верный перевод. Не забудь зайти на рынок.
Найдите верный перевод. Простите за беспокойство, не могли бы вы подвинуться немного?
Найдите к данному предложению эквивалент с глаголом в пассивном залоге . They are sending Mr Brown abroad on business.
Найдите начало предложения. ___ very important news.
Найдите неверное утверждение.
Найдите неверный перевод выражения: «через неделю»
Найдите неподходящее по смыслу:
Найдите отличное от других слово:
Найдите правильно оформленные начало и конец предложения. ___ any money in your purse ___
Найдите правильное определение The British Council ___
Найдите правильное. The Press Council
Найдите правильный вариант конца предложения . The promenade concerts ___
Найдите правильный вариант слова «парикмахерская» (жен):
Найдите правильный вариант.
Найдите правильный вариант. Thomas Gainsborough is
Найдите правильный перевод в косвенную речь. John said: “I am sorry to disturb you, Eliza”
Найдите правильный перевод в косвенную речь. Mary said: “If the weather is fine, I shall go to the country”
Найдите правильный перевод в косвенную речь. She said to Tom: “Why did you come so late ?”
Найдите правильный перевод в косвенную речь. She said:”When Kates goes to the library she will take a novel by this American writer
Найдите правильный перевод в косвенную речь. The teacher said to the pupil: “Why did you miss the lesson?”
Найдите правильный перевод выражения: «рано или поздно»
Найдите правильный перевод предложения: Какой месяц следует за маем?
Найдите правильный перевод предложения: Это машина Петровых
Найдите правильный перевод. To wash one’s face with dew.
Найдите правильный перевод. To make merry
Найдите правильный перевод. To stroll about
Найдите правильный перевод. Он не велел мне ходить туда.
Найдите синонилипкую паузу.
Найдите синоним к выделенному слову. After the Plague of 1665 another great disaster came to London. It was the great Fire of London.
Найдите синоним к выделенному слову. It is considered to be a fine specimen of Renaissance architecture.
Найдите синоним к слову “district”
Найдите синоним к слову “tradition”.
Найдите слово, которое не составляет смыслового ряда с другими.
Найдите слово, не подходящее по смыслу к остальным .
Найдите слово, не составляющее смысловой ряд с другими.
Найдите слово, неподходящее по смыслу к остальным.
Найдите слово, неподходящее по смыслу к остальным.
Найдите среди однокоренных нужное слово. John Brown fought for the ____ of the black people.
Найдите существительное, которое нельзя употребить во множественном числе.
Найдите адекватный перевод. To set a new trend in music.
Найдите верный перевод. to have a long run
Найдите подходящее слово. The weather was so - that it was hard to breathe.
Найдите подходящий предлог. You can rely ___ him being honest
Найдите подходящую форму глагола. He is said ___ the guitar well in his youth
Найдите подходящую форму глагола. I watched my cat ___ with her kittens.
Найдите подходящую форму глагола. Mike hoped that his friend ___ him with his car.
Найдите правильное. Quality papers are those newspapers which are intended
Найдите правильную форму вопроса к ответу: She is a secretary at our university
Найдите правильную форму глагола: Everybody ____ hungry, and it’s my turn to cook
Найдите правильный вариант. Thanksgiving day is celebrated
Найдите правильный перевод выделенного слова: Round the Base there are four bronze carvings representing scenes from Nelson’s life.
Найдите правильный перевод предложения. They were offered baskets of fine fruit.
Найдите требуемую форму глагола. The teacher said that water ___ at 100 degrees .
Найдите эквивалент к предложению. They consider him a good musician.
Определите в какой строке все слова наречия.
Определите верный вариант. Christopher Wren is a
Определите, в какой фразе глагол “keep” нуждается в послелоге “off”.
Определите, в каком предложение глагол “keep” нуждается в послелоге “in”.
Определите соответствующий контексту глагол. Dick’s mother said to the teacher that Dick ___ to take his examination the next day as he had fallen ill.
Подберите по смыслу существительное к глаголу “to lose”.
Подберите по смыслу существительное к глаголу “to waste”
Подберите правильно начало и конец предложения. ___ any furniture in his flat ___
Подберите синоним к выделенному слову. Since 1215 the Lord Mayor has been elected annually.
Составьте правильно предложение. ___ any kind people among them ___
Укажите нужную форму глагола: What ____ you ___? I am an electrical engineer
Укажите правильную форму инфинитива. Nobody heard him ___ the house
Укажите правильный вариант. John’s hands are dirty. He ___ the car.
Укажите правильный перевод предложения: Я хожу в университет пешком, но сегодня поеду на автобусе
Укажите суффикс, при помощи которого можно образовать существительное от глагола “to agree”.
Укажите, какое из слов отличается от остальных в образовании множественного числа.
Укажите правильный вариант. The car is going again. Tom ___ it.
Укажите правильный глагол. He ___ to have left for Canada/
“Stair“ means
“Boarding pass” means
“Меня угнетает жара” should be translated
“Approximate” means
“Boarding pass” means
“Brewery” should be translated as
“Cockney” means
“Fitting room” means
“harp” should be translated as
“Jet-lag” means
“riot” means
“semi-detached house” means.
“The man’s health is picking up” means that the man’s health is
“to be invaded” means
“Violance” should be translated as
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