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Дата публикации:2015-03-09 03:10:22
ПКОЯз. Англ. Базовый курс для лингвистов - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
Choose the adequate translation of: Вам предстоит операция аппендицита.
Choose the adequate translation: Я поправлюсь?
Choose the adequate word in: She likes ... classical music but not all.
Choose the appropriate variant: ... gold is ... precious metal.
Choose the appropriate variant: Is there ... more important than ... health ?
Choose the correct ending of: The institutions commonly known in England as public schools
Choose the correct translation of: a hall of residence
Choose the correct variant in: I’ve just made some coffee. Would you like ...?
Choose the correct variant: ... British are ... sports-loving nation.
Choose the correct verb: Can I borrow your scissors? Mine ... not sharp enough.
Choose the correct word in . “How often do you go skiing ?” - “ ... year. Usually in March.”
Choose the correct word The British are really …, they love familiar things in familiar places.
Choose the correct words: Talk quietly. I don’t want ... us.
Choose the right form: You would have been able to pass the exam if
Choose the right translation of: Многие женщины боятся мышей.
Choose the right translation of: cтудент-заочник
Choose the right translation: to make merry
Choose the right variant.: Tom’s hands are very dirty. He ... his car.
Choose the right variant: John is ... engineer. He works at ... plant. He is ... clever man and ... good man.
Choose the right verbal forms: What ... he ... here? - He ... for a friend.
Choose the right verbs: This is a secret. You ... anybody.
Choose the right word in: He said ... but I didn’t understand it.
Choose the right word in: “Do you work or are you a student?” - “ ... . I’ve got a job but I study too.”
Choose the right word in: “Is your friend English or Canadian ?” - “... . He’s American.”
Choose the right word: Many Scotch people … use some Scotch words when they speak English.
Choose the right words: His words made her ... ill at ease.
Choose the the appropriate variant. Will you stop … and listen to me, please.
Choose the adequate translation of: Его положат в больницу и сделают операцию.
Choose the adequate translation of: Полицейский спросил лежащего на земле человека, что случилось, и тот ответил, что потерял сознание.
Choose the correct translation of: Вы смотрели эти новости по телевизору?
Choose the right translation: Он сказал, что не знает, когда вернется.
Complete the sentence with the right word(s): Do you go to the cinema ... ?
Complete the sentences: We have lots of time. We ... hurry.
Cricket and soccer were invented in
Fill in the blank in the sentence. It usually takes .......... years to get a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science.
Fill in the blank: Forget ... if you want to recover.
Fill in the blank: How much money ... by your family ... food each week?
Fill in the blank: I wish she ...with me now.
Fill in the blank: If I ... French I would go to France.
Fill in the blank: In winter ... much snow in England.
Fill in the blank: Native Americans … to be called “Red Indians.”
Fill in the blank: Public schools in England educate ... people.
Fill in the blank: The teacher said that water ... at 100 degrees .
Fill in the blank: There ... hair in her cup.
Fill in the blanks with the right articles: ... door opened and ... man entered ... room. It was ... man of forty years.
Fill in the blanks: It … still … I wish it would stop. It … all day long.
Fill in the blanks: The commander ordered ... soldiers ... attack the enemy.
Filll in the blank: There ... computers in the world today.
Find out the adequate translation of: Если я долго не курю, я зверею.
Find out the adequate traslation: Что это ? - Это снимки Нью-Йорка.
Find out the correct variant: He thinks ... very important news.
Find out the expression which does not match the others in meaning:
Find the adequate translation of: У Олимпийских Игр очень большая история.
Find the adequate translation of: to get a degree
Find the appropriate variants: It’s ... building in ... town.
Find the correct form: If I had five thousand dollars, I .... a car.
Find the correct variant of the reported speech: The teacher said to the pupil: “Why did you miss the lesson?”
Find the correct word in: We like reading. We’ve got ... books.
Find the correct words in: Could you stay with him until the ambulance ... ?
Find the English for принимать за:
Find the line where all the words are adverbs.
Find the noun which does not match the others in meaning:
Find the right translation of: Врачи лечат пациентов.
Find the right Verb: What do you advise me ... ?
Find the verb which does not match the others in meaning:
Find the word (s) which fit(s) here: They speak English ... .
Find the word which does not match the others in meaning.
Find the words that fit here: Everybody likes Tom. He ... friends.
Find the words which fit here: If you ... the doctor’s directions a slight ailment can develop ... incurable malady.
Find the world which does not match the others in meaning:
Find out the correct translation: Джек сказал, что сделает это, если у него будет время.
Period means:
Poin out the right form: She ... to have left for France.
Point out the adequate translation: He wants me to come to his place.
Point out the adjective which does not form an noun with the suffix -ness
Point out the appropriate word: Modern aeropolanes fly ... old fashioned ones .
Point out the correct beginning: ... any furniture on sale in this shop?
Point out the correct definition: Special schools in England are the schools that
Point out the correct translation of: monitor
Point out the correct variant: I ... cut my arm when I fell down.
Point out the correct variant: If you want ... you ... give up smoking.
Point out the noun that does not have plural.
Point out the right form: I believe him … the fastest runner in our town.
Point out the right variant: Are there ... illustrations in that text-book? Yes there are ... .
Put in the appropriate verb: I must hurry. I ... be late.
Put in the correct variant: If you are ill you can’t be good ... work ... studies.
Put in the right form of the verb: I can’t open the door. I ... my key.
Put in the right preposition: Goodbye ! See you ... Friday.
Put in the right preposition: John is interested ... sport.
Put in the right word in: I’m lonely. I’ve got ... to talk to.
Put in the right word in: They didn’t make ... mistakes.
The English for прямая передача по радио is:
The phrase well-to-do people means:
The Russian for a participant sport is:
The Russian for elective subjects is:
The Russian for It’s time for a break is:
The Russian for sportsmanship is:
Use the appropriate form to end the sentence with: It sounds ... .
Use the right form to complete the sentence with: “You look ... .”
Wind-surfing and skate-boarding were invented in
“Boarding pass” means
“The man’s health is picking up” means that the man’s health is
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