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Дата публикации:2015-03-09 03:08:57
ПКОЯз. Английский язык. Домашнее чтение - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
A slight pain in Mr. Ferraro’s chest reminded him of his …
According to Blackie, if Trevor … that would have been an exploit worthy of the gang:
According to Elizabeth, she did not work, because …
According to George he … a fortune in tobacco:
According to George, he would never have married Matilda if …
According to George, Matilda was …
According to George, Skinny and Needle had treated him … in Rhodesia:
According to Kathleen, all the women in her family were beautiful as girls, but they …
According to Kathleen, George spent a long time in her shop, because…
According to Mr. Ferraro, we are taught to pay first attention to … souls:
According to Mr. Hopkinson, Miss Sounders lived …
According to Mr. Thomas’ horoscope, he should …
According to the priest, the Black Madonna looked …
According to Trevor, Mr. Thomas’ house had a staircase … years old
According to Trevor, the house, in which Mr. Thomas lived, was built by …
According to Trevor’s plan, Mr. Thomas must have been stuck in …
After leaving the band of archaeologists, Needle was able to live on the fee she got for writing …
After Needle’s death Kathleen said that Needle was lucky because …
After Skinny had fallen ill, he was sent to a …
After the Parkers had decided to send their child to the adoption society …
Apart from George, … was grilled by the police in connection with the murder:
As the boys locked Mr. Thomas in the loo, he felt …
As the Parkers were expecting their child, they hoped to save up money for a …
At the beginning of their marriage, being worried about not having children, the Parkers had submitted themselves to medical tests as a result of which …
Before her marriage Lou had been a …
Before his departure Oxford promised to write to the Parkers …
Before Lou left Elizabeth’s house, she had given Elizabeth …
Before Trevor joined the gang, … had been their leader:
Blackie asked Trevor if he hated Mr. Thomas a lot, because …
Blackie did not leave the gang because …
Blackie said he had seen … at work:
Blackie said that nobody would pinch things from Mr. Thomas’ house, because …
Blackie was anxious …
By the end of the destruction the question of … no longer concerned the gang:
By the time Trevor arrived at the meeting, the boys had voted for …
Describing Mr. Thomas’ house, Trevor told the boys that the house was …
Destroying Mr. Thomas’ savings Trevor told Blackie there would have been no fun if he had … Mr. Thomas:
During the war Kathleen had been engaged to …
Elizabeth had … children:
Elizabeth lived in …
Elizabeth was a …
Elizabeth was …
Elizabeth’s house was …
Elizabeth’s letters were …
Everyone kept telling Needle she was …
George accused Needle of …
George and Matilda had … children:
George could not divorce Matilda, because …
George could see Needle in the Portobello Road on Saturdays, because Saturday was the day when he …
George explained to Needle that he had married Matilda, because …
George kept a … in Durban:
George killed Needle because …
George married Matilda in …
George treated Matilda as a …
George was always desperately afraid of …
George was taken to a nursing home, because he …
George went to Africa …
George went to the police and gave himself up after …
George’s old cousin was …
George’s uncle had a … farm in Africa:
Graham Greene called his books …
Graham Greene’s life was …
Graham Greenе ran away from school, because…
Graham Greenе was a son of a …
Henry Pierce and Oxford St. John came from …
Henry Pierce and Oxford St. John were taken on at the …
Henry was desirous of …
Henry was sent off to a sanatorium in Wales after he had taken …
Henry was … years old:
In Mr. Thomas’ opinion, horoscopes spoke …
In Raymond’s opinion, Oxford was a …
It was Trevor who suggested the gang should … Mr. Thomas’ house:
Kathleen came to London …
Kathleen was …
Kathleen’s aunt had left many supplies and the only thing that Needle needed to buy was …
Kathleen’s aunt lived in …
Lou did not share her husband’s desire to invite the Ackleys to meet the Farrells because …
Lou did not want her future child’s first name to be “Mary”, because she thought that name was too …
Lou gathered from … that the Black Madonna helped three childless couples:
Lou liked when Henry read out lines from his favorite … which he had copied into an exercise book:
Lou Parker liked …
Lou Parker was a member of …
Lou Parker was … at the time that the miraculous powers of the Black Madonna came to be talked of:
Lou said her rosary … before the Black Madonna:
Lou suggested they should call their child … if it was a boy:
Lou told Raymond that she … their child:
Lou … Elizabeth’s monthly letters:
Lou, to Raymond’s … , decided that all their friends must meet Henry and Oxford:
Manders Road was named after …
Matilda was …
Matilda’s father was a …
Maverick advised Mr. Ferraro …
Mike was the only one who …
Miss Saunders had …
Miss Saunders qualifications were special:
Miss Saunders was described in the firm’s books as …
Miss Saunders was employed to look after …
Miss Saunders was …
Most of the Parkers’s friends …
Mr. Ferraro discovered that Miss Saunders was at home with …
Mr. Ferraro engaged Miss Saunders …
Mr. Ferraro had the rare quality …
Mr. Ferraro had …
Mr. Ferraro insisted on Miss Saunders’ being in a state of … when she looked after his indulgences:
Mr. Ferraro regarded God as the …
Mr. Ferraro sat crouched in his Daimler waiting for …
Mr. Ferraro told Miss Saunders he could have attended to some of the indulgences if …
Mr. Ferraro was …
Mr. Ferraro … to combine business with pleasure:
Mr. Hopkinson was Mr. Fеrraro’s …
Mr. Thomas had mud on his shoes and he stopped to scrape them on the pavement’s edge because …
Mr. Thomas had once been a …
Mr. Thomas kept his savings in …
Mr. Thomas lived … in his crippled house:
Mr. Thomas spent in the loo …
Mr. Thomas was suffering from …
Mr. Thomas … plumbing:
Mr. Thomas’ horoscope warned him about …
Muriel Spark became a … in 1954:
Muriel Spark is celebrated as a …
Needle came to London …
Needle compared Kathleen with the poet Swinburne when Kathleen …
Needle got her nickname, because …
Needle got up speeches about … for industrial tycoons.
Needle happened to be alone in the empty house of Kathleen’s aunt, because ...
Needle met Kathleen and George in the Portobello Road … years later after her death:
Needle returned to England with …
Needle taught in … school in Kensington:
Needle thought of her type of luck after …
Needle thought that George needed …
Needle was told that George’s daughter was …
Needle went to the Portobello Road …
Needle’s Rhodesian friends referred to Matilda as …
On coming down from Ballion College, Oxford, Graham Greenе worked for four years as sub-editor on …
On Monday morning Summers was not eager to begin the destruction, because …
On the way back to the hotel as Lou called her husband “Ray”, he …
Once Needle found a … in the cinema for which she received a reward of fifty pounds:
Oxford St. John took up with a pretty …
Oxford was … than Henry:
Oxford’s love affair with his girlfriend came to …
Raymond advised Lou to be careful what she …
Raymond applied for promotion and …
Raymond considered Elizabeth …
Raymond discovered that there had been black blood in Lou’s family after he had …
Raymond fell out with his mother when …
Raymond had a feeling that when Lou went to the Black Our Lady and said her rosary praying for a baby she …
Raymond had been married for … years to Lou:
Raymond made a … for the baby when Lou was pregnant:
Raymond organized the … lottery in aid of the Church Decoration Fund:
Raymond Parker preferred …
Raymond Parker was a … at the motor works:
Raymond Parker was on the … committee.
Raymond told Lou if she didn’t want a child, he …
Raymond warned Lou not to tempt …
Raymond … being called Ray:
Since the murder of Needle, Skinny had always been …
Skinny came to London …
Skinny persuaded George and Kathleen…
Talking to Needle in Bulawayo? George described Matilda as a … woman.
The Black Madonna was carved out of …
The Black Madonna was installed in …
The byrehand emigrated to Canada to start afresh …
The gang met …
The gesture, when Mr. Ferraro knotted his fingers together in the shape some people use for prayer, meant that he …
The house of Kathleen’s aunt used to be a …
The murder of Needle was known as …
The Parker’s daughter was baptized and … became her godmother.
Tina Farrell told the Parkers that if their child had been hers, she would …
Tina Farrell was …
Tina said that the Parkers’ daughter was …
To Needle the main attraction of marrying Skinny was …
To prove that George had absolutly no motive in killing Needle, Kathleen told the police that …
Trevor did not believe in …
Trevor had been with the gang …
Trevor ordered Mike to smash … he would find in the kitchen:
Trevor said that the gang would need … to fulfil his plan:
Trevor said the gang would be in Mr. Thomas’ house like …
Trevor told the gang that a staircase in Mr. Thomas’ house looked like a …
Trevor was … years old:
Trevor’s father was a …
Trevor’s father …
Trevor’s mother considered herself …
Two days before Lou left the hospital … had visited her:
When Blackie asked Trevor if he had found anything special, Trevor …
When George returned home from Africa, Kathleen thought he …
When George told Needle he was married to Matilda she said it was …
When George told Needle that he was going to marry Kathleen, she said it would have been …
When Henry mentioned the slum mentality, he thought of …
When Lou prayed to the Black Madonna, she wanted Oxford to …
When Lou was in hospital she gave instructions that no one except … should be let in to see her:
When Lou was pregnant she gave up most of her church work in order to …
When Mr. Ferraro found Miss Saunders’ house, he …
When Mr. Ferraro looked through the window at Miss Saunders, it became obvious to him that …
When Mr. Ferraro realized that Miss Saunders betrayed his trust, in her he thought that the next day he would …
When Mr. Ferraro saw Miss Saunders approach the upper window, she was …
When Mr. Ferraro telephoned his wife it was a …
When Mr. Ferraro visited Christie’s, he discovered that Maverick …
When Mr. Ferraro … it occured to him to check on Miss Saunders.
When Mr. Thomas gave the gang three packets of Smarties, Summers said that …
When Mr. Thomas offered the gang three packets of Smarties the boys were … by this action:
When Mr. Thomas saw the destruction of his house, he …
When Mr. Thomas was locked in the loo, he did not call out for help, because …
When Mr. Thomas was locked in the loo, one of the boys gave him a …
When Needle met George in a hotel in Bulawayo, they drank …
When Needle saw George in the Portobello Road for the first time, he …
When Needle saw Kathleen in the Portobello Road, Kathleen wanted to buy a …
When Needle saw Kathleen in the Portobello Road, Kathleen …
When Raymond came home from the hospital he … the cot in his first fury.
When Raymond saw his daughter for the first time she was …
When the Black Madonna was installed … himself came to consecrate it:
When the Matron told Raymond that his daughter would be black, he accused her of …
When the new recruit said his name was “Trevor” it was a statement of …
When the new recruit said his name was “Trevor” …
When the Parkers got word about the adoption …
When the Parkers visited Elizabeth, she expressed admiration for …
When the Parkers visited Henry in the sanatorium, he was ...
When Trevor suggested the gang should meet at nine o’clock on Sunday morning, Mike said that he could not come because …
When Trevor’s position was in danger, it only needed a single use of his … and the gang would be at his heels:
While Mr. Thomas was locked in the loo, Summers was sent to watch the road for …
Whitney Clay was … town:
William Ferraro lived in …
William Ferraro’s business was called …
William Ferraro’s wife believed herself to be …
… , George used to tell his friends:
… was a sidesman:
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