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Дата публикации:2015-03-09 03:08:56
ПКОЯз. Английский язык. Домашнее чтение - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
... used to come for Cuff to ride home on Saturdays.
Captain Dobbin wanted to join the party at supper and he paraded twice before his friends and ...
Cuff could knock you off forty Latin verses an hour and could ...
Cuff’s fight with .... and the unexpected issue of that contest, will long be remembered by every man.
Dobbin ... . He was no willing to spoil sport.
Dobbin burst out laughing at himself, for the truth is, he could sing no better than ...
Dobbin had for once forgotten the world and was away with Sindbad the Sailor in the Valley of Diamonds, when ... woke up his pleasant reverie.
Dobbin’s parent was a ... in the City.
Every soul in the coach agreed, that on that night ...
Figs, alone in the schoolroom was ..., when Cuff, entering, bade him go upon some message which tarts were probably the subject.
Figs, being a ...., brought his arm into action and hit at Cuff’s left eye.
High and low, all ...
How Rebecca now felt the want of ... who would have managed the business in ten minutes.
It was, of course, Mrs. Sedley’s opinion that ...
Let’s step into the ... with the Russell Square party and be off to the Gardens.
Miss Rebecca Sharp and her stout companion lost themselves in a solitary walk, they both felt that situation was extremely tender and Jos Sedley ...
Mr. Sedley said that his son Jos was ...
Old Dobbin, his father, gave him ... , most of which he spent in a general tuck-out for the school.
Rebecca kissed old Mr. Sedley and her behaviour was so affecting that he was going ...
The boy had been instructed to get over the playground wall and to ...
When two unmarried people get together, and talk upon such ... subjects, a great deal of confidence and intimacy is presently established between them.
William Dobbin retreated to .... , where he passed a half holiday in the bitterest sadness and woe.
... was the only drink with which unhappy gentlemen soothed the fever of their previous night’s potation.
A ... made the young people remain at home and not to go to Vauxhall.
A woman with fair opportunities , and without an absolute hump, ...
After Jos’s letter, It became clear to every soul in the house, except poor Amelia, that Rebecca should ..., and high and low agreed that, that event should take place as speedily as possible.
All schoolboys at Dr. Swishtail’s famous school considered that the selling of goods by retail is a ...
Almost for the first time in his life, Mr. Sedley found himself talking without the least timidity or hesitation, to a person ...
Amelia determined in her heart to ask her mother’s permission to present ... to her friend Rebecca.
Amelia did not speak with Rebecca on the tender subject, she compensated herself with long and intimate conversations with the ...
Amelia insisted upon Rebecca accepting ...
Amelia received the reply through Jos’s man that his master was ...
Amelia reminded her brother about a promise made last Easter holidays to take her to ...
Amelia was ... old when her brother Joseph went away.
Amelia: «You know, mamma, Rebecca’s father was our ... at Chiswick».
And presently the voices of the two speakers , Mr. and Mrs. Sedley, were hushed and replaced by the ...
As for the girls, Amelia and Rebecca, they ...
As Mr. Sedley talked on, he grew quite bold, and actually had the audacity to ask Rebecca for whom she was knitting the green silk purse. «...», replied Rebecca, looking at him.
As the coach drove off, Miss Sharp put her pale face out of the window and flung the ... into the garden.
Asking Amelia questions about her brother Miss Sharp was interested in his ... first of all.
At six weeks old George Osborne had received from John Sedley a present of a ...
Before the bottle of champagne was emptied, of which Jos took ..., he had agreed to take the young ladies to Vauxhall.
Being offended by his father’s jokes Joseph Sedley took a goblet of champagne and it ...
Boggley Wallah was...
By saying «I wish it were in the bottom of the Thames, I do» miss Sharp meant ...
Captain Dobbin easily conveyed Mr. Jos Sedley into a hackney-coach which deposited him safely at ...
Cuff smuggled wine in and ...
Even Miss Pinkerton, that ... , ceased scolding Amelia after the first time.
Every scholar leaving Miss Pinkerton’s academy ...
George Osborne promised to ...
George Osborne was ... and had been one of the family any time these three-and-twenty years.
George took charge of Amelia and she looked as happy as a ...
I don’t know on what pretext Osborne left the room, or why, presently, Amelia went away, perhaps to ...
If a dear girl has no dear mamma to ... , she must do it for herself.
If a person is too poor to keep a ... he must sweep his own rooms.
In those days, in England, where Rebecca and Amelia lived, to say «Long live, Bonapart» was as much as to say «Long live ... !»
It was ... who made Rebecca a present of a doll a year she was admitted to Miss Pinkerton institution.
It was ... who used to say to ... , «Get me a situation - we hate each other, and I am ready to go».
It was ... who won the love of everybody in the Mall.
It was Rebecca’s... who wrote a letter to Miss Pinkerton recommending Rebecca to her protection.
Joe was in the East India Company’s Civil Service as .... of Boggley Wollah.
Jos almost drew away the audience who were gathered round the musicians and received from hearers a ...
Jos Sedley: «Amelia, my dear, I bought a ... at the same time, which I gave to Sambo»
Jos to Amelia: «Dear Amelia, as soon as I have recovered, for my health is very much shaken, I shall go to ... for some months.»
Joseph Sedley ...
Joseph Sedley ... by the fire when two girls entered the room
Joseph Sedley had a/an ...
Joseph Sedley was ... older than his sister Amelia.
Joseph was ... in man’s society.
Miss Amelia Sedley could sing like ... .
Miss Jemima wanted to present a dictionary to Rebecca Sharp because she (Miss Jemima) ...
Miss Jemima was Miss Pinkerton’s ...
Miss Jemima: «I have put up two bottles of ... for Mrs. Sedley, and the receipt for making it»
Miss Pinkerton ..... French, .... .
Miss Pinkerton gave all teachers orders to treat Miss Sedley with utmost gentleness as hash treatment ...
Miss Pinkerton had to send for Dr. Floss and half tipsify Miss Swartz with ...
Miss Pinkerton recommended Rebecca for the situation of a governess to Sir Pitt Crawley’s family ...
Miss Pinkerton was known to write personally to the parents of her pupils only when her pupils ...
Miss Pinkerton wrote her own name in the fly-leaf of ..., the book, which she presented to her scholars on their departure.
Miss Pinkerton’s academy was for ...
Miss Rebecca said «Revenge may be wicked ...»
Miss Sedley was glad to leave the Mall for home and ...
Miss Sedley’s papa was ... in London, a man of some wealth.
Miss Sharp ... Miss Pinkerton’s academy for young ladies on Chiswick Mall.
Miss Sharp’s eyes were so attractive that ... fell in love with her.
Miss Sharp’s father was ...
Mr. Sedley could not endure his son’s ...
Mr. Sedley [to his wife]: «Mark my words, dear, the first woman who fishes him ...»
Mr. Sedley: «Do you remember, Emmy, when you wrote to Osborne to come on Twelfth night and ... ?
Mr. Sedley: «He is out-Josephing Joseph, my dear, and all the while the boy is only thinking ...
Now and then Jos would make a desperate attempt to get rid of ... .
Old Sedley was a ...
On the day of Miss Sedley’s departure from Miss Pinkerton’s academy, the girls ...
On their way from Miss Pinkerton’s institution to Miss Amelia Sedley’s home Rebecca and Amelia were talking about ...
Once in looking over some ..., Rebecca suddenly came upon one which caused her to burst into tears.
Once, in looking over some drawings, which Amelia had sent from school, Rebecca suddenly came upon one which caused her to ...
One day Amelia ... and could not go upon some party of pleasure to which the two young people were invited.
Osborne: « I give Miss Sharp warning, that right or wrong , I consider Amelia is the ... in the world».
Poor Joe’s panic lasted for ... during which he didn’t visit the house.
Rebecca asked Amelia questions about Mr. Joseph Sedley ...
Rebecca had a vivid imagination ; she had, besides, read ...
Rebecca interested Mrs. Blenkinshop, the housekeeper, be evincing the deepest sympathy in ..., which operation was then going in the kitchen.
Rebecca kissed Mr. Sedley’s hand when he ...
Rebecca kissed the ... as she put it on and woved she would never part with it.
Rebecca lived among young girls at the Mall for two years and ...
Rebecca sang .... her friend Amelia (though of course Osborne was free to keep his opinion)
Rebecca Sharp looked like ... at school for young ladies.
Rebecca Sharp was ...
Rebecca: «And your sister is the ... ; happy man who wins her».
Rebecca: «How could you be so cruel as to make me eat that ... at dinner ?!».
Rebecca: «I’ll do it, when I’m gone», and she dropped her voice and look so ..., that everybody felt how cruel her lot was, and how sorry they would be to part with her.
Rebecca’s duties in Miss Pinkerton’s academy were ...
Rebecca’s father thought to better his circumstances by ...
Rebecca’s father, after his third attack of .... , wrote a manly and pathetic letters to Miss Pinkerton.
Rebecca’s mother ...
Rebecca’s mother was of the ... origin.
Respectable parents set their houses topsy-turvy and spend a lot of money in ball suppers and iced champagne to ...
Sambo, who flung open the door and announced Mr. Joseph, followed grinning and bearing ..., which the monster had purchased in Covent Garden Market that morning.
Speaking about her life in Miss Pinkerton’s academy Rebecca said that she
The happiness, the superior advantage of the young women round about her gave Rebecca ...
The name of ... was always on the lips of Miss Pinkerton.
The old joker stopped his laughter and asked Sambo to give him and Joe ...
The only point in Amelia’s behaviour which was not satisfactory to her mistress was/were
The task of husband-hunting is generally, and with becoming modesty entrusted by young persons to ...
Then, seizing Captain Dobbin’s hand and weeping in the most pitiful way, he ...
These fair young people passed such a/an ... evening together instead of having gone to Vauxhall.
To attract Joseph’s attention at table Rebecca ...
When Amelia and Rebecca entered the drawing-room where Mr. Joseph Sedley was he began to ...
When Amelia’s father entered the drawing-room and saw Miss Sharp and his daughter and son, he ...
When in London Joseph Sedley lived ...
When Joseph Sedley worked in India he lived there ...
When Minerva (Miss Pinkerton) intimated to Miss Sharp that she was to instruct the juniors in music, the young girl ...
When Miss Pinkerton gave Miss Sharp an opportunity of shaking one of her fingers at the moment of their parting, Miss Sharp ...
When Miss Pinkerton said that she had nourished a viper in her bosom she meant ...
When Miss Sharp’s father was drunk, he used to ...
When morning came, the good-natured Mrs. Sedley no longer thought of ...
When parting Rebecca Sharp addressed Miss Pinkerton in French and the latter ...
When Rebecca called Joseph Sedley a very handsome man, she ...
When Rebecca saw the two magnificent Cashmere shawls which Joseph Sedley had brought to his sister she said that ....
When Rebecca was at the Mall she ...
When Rebecca was cheated into trying a chili she ...
When the carriage was ready to leave Miss Pinkerton’s academy Miss Jemima ....
Young people went off to the piano, which was situated, as pianos usually are in the ...
«Amelia had better ...», said her father, «and let G. Osborne see what a beautiful handwriting we have brought back from Miss Pinkerton.
«By Gad, Miss Rebecca, I wouldn’t hurt you again.» «No», she said, «I know you wouldn’t», and then she ....
«Do you remember, Sedley, what a fury you were in, when I cut ..., and how Amelia, rescued me from a beating by falling down on her knees?»
«Good Heavens! Dobbin, where have you been?», Osborne said, seizing the ... from his friend’s arm.
«He is very kind and good,» Amelia said to Rebecca about her brother Joseph, «but ... ».
«How are you, Sedley?» , that young wag began. «There‘s a ... downstairs with a black eye and tied-up head».
«How could you be so cruel as to make me ... the first day I ever saw you» - said Rebecca.
«I ... Hessian boots», said Rebecca, and Jos was extremely pleased at this remark.
«I can’t make you such handsome presents, Joseph», continued Amelia, «...but while I was at school, I have embroidered for you a very beautiful ... .»
«It was ... who prevented my marriage», Rebecca was thinking in her heart.
«It was ..., Jos», Mr. Sedley said, «to torment the poor boy so».
«I’m better now. How kind you all are to me! All,» said Rebecca with a laugh, «except you, ...».
«Let us ... , Miss Sedley, Amelia», said George Osborne.
«Miss Sharp», said George Osborne, «you, who are so clever an artist, you must make a picture of that scene. Sedley shall be represented in buckskins, and holding one of the injured ...»
«My dear, it’s a mercy he didn’t bring us over ...», said old Sedley to his wife.
«My dearest Amelia», said G. Osborne, «you don’t know the world. I do. And your little friend Miss Sharp must ...».
«My poor papa», Rebecca said to Amelia, «could give me nothing, and I had but ... in all the world».
«O heavenly, heavenly .... !» - exclaimed Miss Sharp and held them to her bosom and cast up her eyes to the ceiling, in an ecstasy of admiration.
«Oh, delightful», said Rebecca going to ... , but she recollected herself and paused, like a modest creature.
«Order Mr. Joe’s elephant, Sambo», cried the father , but seeing Joe really almost to ..., the old joker stopped his laughter .
«She shall ... tomorrow, the little artful creature», said Mrs. Sedley with great energy, when her husband told her that Emmy’s friend was fishing for their son.
«The children must ...», cried Mrs. Sedley talking about going to Vauxhall.
«The curry was capital, indeed it was», said Joe, quite gravely. «Perhaps, there was not enough ... in it; no there was not»
«Tomorrow, your papa and I ...», said Mrs. Sedley, discussing the idea of going to Vauxhall.
«Well, Jos , do you remember coming down in a gig to Dr. Swish tail’s to see me, before ...»
«What abominably cold weather Miss», and Joe fell to poking the fire with all his might, although it was in the middle of ... .
But this arrangement left Mr. Joseph Sedley tête-à-tête with Rebecca, at the drawing-room, where she was occupied in ...
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