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Имя файла:0096.11.04;СЛ.01;1
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Дата публикации:2015-03-09 03:08:54
ПКОЯз. Англ. Практическая грамматика - Слайдлекция по модулю

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
A compound-complex sentence consists of five or more independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses:
A noun clause does the work of a noun. It answers the questions "Who?" or "What?":
A relative pronoun in a relative clause can be the object of a preposition:
A sentence can take any one of four forms: - a statement; - a question; - a command; - an exclamation:
Adverbial clauses of reason answer the question "Why?":
Co-ordination is one of the methods for combining two or more complete sentences but it also shows the proper relationship between similar or related ideas:
In a complex sentence there is one "main" idea and one or more "subordinate" ideas:
In formal English, "whom" is sometimes used instead of "who" as the object of a non-defining relative clause:
In written or formal English, if the subjects of the main clause and the time clause are the same, you sometimes omit the subject in the time clause and use a participle as the verb:
Inversion can take place after negative adverbials:
Some verbs never take an object:
Subjects joined by both ... and always take a singular verb:
The meaning of an English sentence depends on the word order:
There is one kind of clauses in English: dependent ones:
We can use the past participle instead of the passive to join two sentences:
When connecting two complete sentences, we use a comma after the first sentence:
When there are two auxiliary verbs, neither is after the first one:
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