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Дата публикации:2015-03-09 03:08:51
ПКОЯз. Англ. Практическая грамматика - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
Choose the correct interrogative pronoun. … are these people?
Choose the correct interrogative pronoun. … are you going on holiday with?
Choose the correct interrogative pronoun. … car is this? Is it Jim’s?
Choose the correct interrogative pronoun. … colour is your bag?
Choose the correct interrogative pronoun. … do you think about this picture?
Choose the correct interrogative pronoun. … is your address?
Choose the correct interrogative pronoun. … of your friends lives in Brazil?
Choose the correct interrogative pronoun. … sort of car is it?
Choose the correct interrogative pronoun. … sweater will you take: the blue one or the black one?
Choose the correct interrogative pronoun. … told you about it?
Choose the correct result. Eight multiplied by four is ... .
Choose the correct result. Five from ten equals ... .
Choose the correct result. Nine nines are ... .
Choose the correct result. One hundred and twenty divided by six is ... .
Choose the correct result. One third and four sixths make ... .
Choose the correct result. Six fives are ... .
Choose the correct result. Thirty-six divided by six equals ... .
Choose the correct result. Twelve divided by four is ... .
Choose the correct result. Twenty-five take away seven equals ... .
Choose the correct result. Two times four goes ... .
Choose the correct translation. Кто из вас бывал в Америке?
Choose the correct translation. С кем ты танцевала на вечеринке?
Choose the correct translation. Ты знаешь, когда он вернется?
Choose the correct translation. Хотите мороженного?
Choose the correct translation. Я не умею ни петь ни танцевать.
Choose the sentence which contains a grammar mistake.
Choose the sentence which contains a grammar mistake.
Choose the sentence which contains a grammar mistake.
Choose the sentence which contains a grammar mistake.
Choose the sentence which contains a grammar mistake.
Choose the sentence which contains a grammar mistake.
Choose the sentence which contains a grammar mistake.
Choose the sentence which contains a grammar mistake.
Choose the sentence which contains a grammar mistake.
Choose the sentence which contains a grammar mistake.
Choose the correct translation. Никто никогда ничего мне не рассказывает.
Choose the correct translation. Двадцать одна страница отсутствует.
Choose the correct translation. Аптека находится на другой стороне улицы.
Choose the correct translation. Я знаю одну девушку, которая работает с тобой.
Complete the conjunction. Hardly had I taken my seat … the show began.
Complete the conjunction. He couldn’t decide whether … not he should go there.
Complete the conjunction. He not only told a lie … betrayed his friend.
Complete the conjunction. I came to London … to practice English.
Complete the conjunction. I can neither ski … skate.
Complete the conjunction. I have visited both Canada … the USA.
Complete the conjunction. I’ll study either Chinese … Japanese.
Complete the conjunction. Please call me … soon as you arrive.
Complete the conjunction. Please, move close so … I could hear you.
Complete the conjunction. … Jerome nor Harry can ski.
Identity the type of the pronoun: him.
Identity the type of the pronoun: itself.
Identity the type of the pronoun: our.
Identity the type of the pronoun: those.
Identity the type of the pronoun: whose.
Make the ordinal numeral from the cardinal. fifty-six
Make the ordinal numeral from the cardinal. five
Make the ordinal numeral from the cardinal. forty-eight
Make the ordinal numeral from the cardinal. nine
Make the ordinal numeral from the cardinal. ninety-two
Make the ordinal numeral from the cardinal. seventeen
Make the ordinal numeral from the cardinal. thirty-one
Make the ordinal numeral from the cardinal. three
Make the ordinal numeral from the cardinal. twelve
Make the ordinal numeral from the cardinal. twenty
Put a question to the underlined word (group of words): My sister and her husband are in Rome now.
Put a question to the underlined word (group of words): Two thousand people work here.
Put a question to the underlined word (group of words): It’s half past ten.
Put a question to the underlined word (group of words): The castle is on the other bank of the river.
Put a question to the underlined word (group of words): There is something on the table.
Put a question to the underlined word (group of words): They spent a lot of money.
Put a question to the underlined word (group of words): They told her the truth.
Put a question to the underlined word (group of words): This umbrella is mine.
Put a question to the underlined word (group of words): Tom missed the first lesson.
Put a question to the underlined word (group of words): We need a little sugar.
Supply a pronoun correctly. Do the English drink … tea?
Supply a pronoun correctly. I haven’t got … money. Could you lend me some?
Supply a pronoun correctly. There is … bread left. You’ll have to buy some.
Supply a pronoun correctly. There will be … people at the conference.
Supply a pronoun correctly. Unfortunately, I don’t have … .
Supply a pronoun correctly. We have … money left. Let’s buy some souvenirs.
Supply a pronoun correctly. Would you like …. tea?
Supply a pronoun correctly. … of us wanted to see the play.
Supply a pronoun correctly. … sisters, Mary and Sindy, are architects.
Supply a pronoun correctly. … time I listen to this song, I feel like crying.
Supply the correct reflexive pronoun. - How did the man die? - He shot … .
Supply the correct reflexive pronoun. - Who taught her to sew? - She taught … .
Supply the correct reflexive pronoun. Do you think the children can do it … ?
Supply the correct reflexive pronoun. Don’t hurt … , children!
Supply the correct reflexive pronoun. I want to buy … a new pair of jeans.
Supply the correct reflexive pronoun. Let me introduce … .
Supply the correct reflexive pronoun. One should solve one’s problems … .
Supply the correct reflexive pronoun. This tree stands by … .
Supply the correct reflexive pronoun. Tom enjoyed … very much at the concert.
Supply the correct reflexive pronoun. You look very proud of … .
Use a preposition if necessary. All … lemons are sour.
Use a preposition if necessary. Are you pleased … yourself?
Use a preposition if necessary. He was born … the sixth of February.
Use a preposition if necessary. It’s half … seven.
Use a preposition if necessary. I’ll pick you up … nine o’clock.
Use a preposition if necessary. Most .. us like American films.
Use a preposition if necessary. Seven multiplied … four equals twenty-eight.
Use a preposition if necessary. Six … ten makes four.
Use a preposition if necessary. Thousands … people visited the exhibition.
Use a preposition if necessary. We waited for half … an hour.
Use a pronoun or an article. Can I have … sandwich and … coffee?
Use a pronoun or an article. She is … only child, she doesn’t have .. brothers or sisters.
Use a pronoun or an article. There are … old buildings in the center of the city but you can’t see … of them from your room.
Use a pronoun or an article. There is … sugar, but there aren’t … eggs.
Use a pronoun or an article. There weren’t … spare chairs. I had to bring … chair from the bedroom.
Use a suitable derivative of some, any, no or every. He was sitting in an armchair thinking about … .
Use a suitable derivative of some, any, no or every. I want to go … with some sunshine.
Use a suitable derivative of some, any, no or every. Is there … to drink?
Use a suitable derivative of some, any, no or every. Is there … you don’t eat?
Use a suitable derivative of some, any, no or every. It’s … business.
Use a suitable derivative of some, any, no or every. My life is so boring. … ever happens.
Use a suitable derivative of some, any, no or every. There was … in the street. It was too late.
Use a suitable derivative of some, any, no or every. Where are my keys? I have looked … , but I can’t find them.
Use a suitable derivative of some, any, no or every. … wants to see you.
Use a suitable derivative of some, any, no or every. … was there when I came to the party.
Use the appropriate demonstrative pronoun. Could you show me another dress? I don’t like … one.
Use the appropriate demonstrative pronoun. Every time I come to London I stay in … hotel. I really like it here.
Use the appropriate demonstrative pronoun. These flowers are more beautiful than … .
Use the appropriate demonstrative pronoun. … peaches are delicious.
Use the appropriate demonstrative pronoun: Can you see ... man over there?
Use the correct conjunction or linking word. Brush your teeth … you go to bed.
Use the correct conjunction or linking word. I believe … he will be glad to see you.
Use the correct conjunction or linking word. I feel … miserable … happy.
Use the correct conjunction or linking word. I had a shower … went to bed.
Use the correct conjunction or linking word. I had to wait … I arrived too early.
Use the correct conjunction or linking word. I haven’t seen him … we met in Paris two years ago.
Use the correct conjunction or linking word. I recognized him … I heard him speaking.
Use the correct conjunction or linking word. I studied Japanese … I was in Tokyo.
Use the correct conjunction or linking word. I was tired … I had worked too hard.
Use the correct conjunction or linking word. It started to rain … we stopped playing tennis.
Use the correct conjunction or linking word. It was cold .. sunny.
Use the correct conjunction or linking word. It was getting dark … we didn’t turn the light on.
Use the correct conjunction or linking word. I’ll pay you back … I get the money.
Use the correct conjunction or linking word. I’ll stay here … he comes.
Use the correct conjunction or linking word. We visited … the USA … Canada.
Use the correct conjunction or linking word. Will you call me … there is any news?
Use the correct conjunction or linking word. Would you like to watch a video … to go out for a drink?
Use the correct conjunction or linking word. You know French … you can translate this letter for me.
Use the correct conjunction or linking word. … he finished school he went to college.
Use the correct conjunction or linking word. … I go to the country, I always go fishing.
Use the correct form of “other.” Can I have … cup of coffee?
Use the correct form of “other.” Can you speak any … European languages?
Use the correct form of “other.” Some people like cars, … prefer travelling by rail or air.
Use the correct form of “other.” The chemist’s is on … side of the street.
Use the correct form of “other.” There is only one shoe here. Where is … ?
Use the correct pronoun instead of the underlined noun. My coat is grey.
Use the correct pronoun instead of the underlined noun. My friends and I like French food.
Use the correct pronoun instead of the underlined noun. “The Queen Hary” (a ship) arrives in Bristol on Friday.
Use the correct pronoun instead of the underlined noun. Don’t tell the boys about it.
Use the correct pronoun instead of the underlined noun. Have your seen the Browns’ new car?
Use the correct pronoun instead of the underlined noun. I am five years older than my brother.
Use the correct pronoun instead of the underlined noun. I have read your letter, but I haven’t read Alice’s.
Use the correct pronoun instead of the underlined noun. I showed the girl the way to the station.
Use the correct pronoun instead of the underlined noun. My room is smaller than Tom’s.
Use the correct pronoun instead of the underlined noun. Where is the children’s room?
Use the correct tense form. Did he tell you what time the (call) again?
Use the correct tense form. He asked if she (marry) him.
Use the correct tense form. I am not sure whether I (come) to the party.
Use the correct tense form. I don’t know when he (come). Probably in an hour or two.
Use the correct tense form. I wonder if Jane (wear) her diamond ring to the theatre tonight.
Use the correct tense form. I’ll go home as soon as the classes (be) over.
Use the correct tense form. I’ll go to bed when I (do) the washing up.
Use the correct tense form. Kevin can pick up Joan if she (be) ready in twenty minutes.
Use the correct tense form. We’ll go sailing this summer if we (have) enough money.
Use the correct tense form. You (feel) better if you stop smoking.
Use the suitable relative pronoun. Alice, … husband is quite wealthy, doesn’t have to work.
Use the suitable relative pronoun. Did you visit the town … Shakespeare was born?
Use the suitable relative pronoun. Do you remember the hotel … I first saw you?
Use the suitable relative pronoun. I never know … to expect from him.
Use the suitable relative pronoun. The cars … are produced in Japan are high quality.
Use the suitable relative pronoun. The people … live next door have three cars.
Use the suitable relative pronoun. This is the man … name I can’t remember.
Use the suitable relative pronoun. Where is the boy …. broke the window?
Use the suitable relative pronoun. Where is the letter … arrived this morning?
Use the suitable relative pronoun. Why didn’t you tell me … you are tired?
Use the suitable relative pronoun. You can show him the photo … I gave you.
Use the verb in the correct form. Both my son and my daughter (drive) a car.
Use the verb in the correct form. Either Kate or Alice (be) in the kitchen now.
Use the verb in the correct form. I know some people who (not like) flying.
Use the verb in the correct form. Neither Jane nor I (like) cooking.
Use the verb in the correct form. Seven (multiply) by four is twenty-eight.
Use the verb in the correct form. There (be) a lot of snow last winter.
Use the verb in the correct form. There (be) twenty-one students in my class.
Use the verb in the correct form. Three times four (equal) twelve.
Use the verb in the correct form. Twenty-five students came to the lecture, four (be) absent.
Use the verb in the correct form. Which of you (speak) German?
What is the time? It’s a quarter past five p.m.
What is the time? It’s a quarter to four p.m.
What is the time? It’s exactly one a.m.
What is the time? It’s four minutes past six a.m.
What is the time? It’s half past six p.m.
What is the time? It’s nine twenty p.m.
What is the time? It’s ten to eight a.m.
What is the time? It’s twenty to twelve a.m.
What is the time? It’s two minutes to eleven a.m.
What is the time? Seven hundred hours.
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