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ПКОЯз АНГЛ Базовый курс для лингвистов (курс 1) - Слайдлекция по модулю

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
A famous race-course is located near Epsom, where a popular annual horse race is held:
A game of football usually lasts for two and a half hours:
All around the coasts there is sea-fishing, and in inland waters there is coarse fishing (catching the ordinary fish well-known in our country) with many competitions:
Americans use the word "hunting" to include the shooting of birds:
Basketball and volleyball have been invented in America:
Golf was invented in Holland, but has been played in Scotland for at least 400 years:
Health is better than wealth:
If you need to buy some medicine you should go to the supermarket:
If you've got a sore throat you go to the psychiatrist:
In soccer a team is composed of a goalkeeper, three backs, two half-backs and six forwards:
One man's meat is another man's pleasure:
Tennis is played with an egg-shaped ball, which may be carried and thrown (but not forward):
The caber is a very heavy and long stick:
The Cup Final at Wembley remains, though, an event of national importance:
The greatest event in tennis is the Wimbledon International Tennis Championship held near London:
There is a game called rugby football, so called because it originated at Rugby, a well-known American public school:
When an Englishman asks you about your health, he is probably only doing so out of politeness unless he knows you have been ill:
When the British people use the word hunting they usually mean wolf-hunting which is a popular sport among the rich:
When there are races people all over the country bet on the results:
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