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ПКОЯз. Англ. Базовый курс для лингвистов - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
After the age of 11 most children in England go to ....
Choose the correct ending of The institutions commonly known in England as public schools...
Choose the correct ending of They call special schools in England the schools that...
Choose the correct ending of: Such large and well-known American universities as Harvard, Princeton and Yale are ...
Choose the correct ending: Comprehensive schools ........
Choose the correct ending: Most secondary schools in Britain are ... schools.
Choose the correct ending: The Gymnasium is ....
Choose the correct translation of: наследовать
Choose the correct translation of: a welfare tutor
Choose the correct translation of: detentions
Choose the correct translation of: income
Choose the correct translation of: self-confidence
Choose the correct translation of: to get a degree
Choose the correct translation of: to give a mark
Choose the correct translation of: tutorial
Choose the correct translation to: scope
Choose the right translation for: headmaster
Choose the right translation of Nursery Education:
Choose the right translation of: студент-заочник
Choose the right translation of: a hall of residence
Choose the right translation of: form period
Choose the right translation of: incredible
Choose the right translation of: pay for accomodation
Choose the right translation: The pupils have set periods of arithmetic.
Choose the synonym of the word: train
Choose the synonym to: chapel
Complete the sentence: British University courses are rather short, generally lasting for ... years.
Complete the sentence: In Britain at 7 children go on from infants school to the ...
Fill in the blank in Comprehensive ___ admit children of all abilities.
Fill in the blank in the sentence In the USA schools for the academically, musically, artistically gifted are called .... schools.
Fill in the blank in the sentence. It usually takes .......... years to get a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science.
Fill in the blank in: It’s against the law for children in Britain to work more than __ on a schoolday.
Fill in the blanks in: There are ____ constitution provisions for education in Britain.
Fill in the blanks. - I can’t come to dinner tonight. - Well, I wish you’d ... me earlier.
Fill in the blanks. ..... is the group of subjects that must be taught in schools in England and Wales.
Fill in the blanks. ...... is intended for people who study in their own free time and who “attend” lectures by watching television.
Fill in the blanks. Colleges of Education provide two-year courses in ... education.
Fill in the blanks. Compulsory education begins at the age of ... in England.
Fill in the blanks. He would have been able to pass the exam if ...... .
Fill in the blanks. Hurry up! We ... good seats if we ... late!
Fill in the blanks. I wish he ...with us now.
Fill in the blanks. I wish, we ... it before.
Fill in the blanks. If he were in Moscow he .. us.
Fill in the blanks. If I ... Chinese I should go to China.
Fill in the blanks. If the water .... to 100 C0 , it .... .
Fill in the blanks. In England, Wales and Northern Ireland, pupils take GSCE (the General Certificate of Secondary Education) at the age of .... .
Fill in the blanks. In recent years, however many schools ... the idea of making children wear uniform.
Fill in the blanks. It is essential that every child ... the same educational opportunities.
Fill in the blanks. Oh, how I wish it ... vacation!
Fill in the blanks. When I was a boy, children always objected to .... uniform, but teachers were keen on it because they said all of us looked alike.
Fill in the blanks: - Did anyone see you? - No, but I ... if it hadn’t been so dark.
Fill in the blanks: - Why didn’t you tell me? - You ... angry if I had!
Fill in the blanks: I wish I ... smoking.
Fill in the blanks: I would have bought that dress if I ... enough money.
Fill in the blanks: If I .... early tomorrow morning, I .... jogging.
Fill in the blanks: If I .... her address, I would write to her.
Fill in the blanks: If I had one million dollars, I .... a yacht.
Fill in the blanks: I’m sure he will give me some money. I ... surprised if he refused.
Find the antonyms
Find the beginning of the sentence, which ends as follows ... consist of twelve grades.
Find the correct translation of: inferior
Find the correct translation of: monitor
Find the correct translation of: to be run by
Find the correct translation of: to teach basic computer skills
Find the different word
Find the different word.
Find the English for: остаться на второй год
Find the English for: плата за обучение
Find the right ending of In the USA all educational matters are ..........
Find the right ending of There are two major types of school in the USA: .....
Find the right translation for: sick-room
Find the right translation of: нечестный
Find the right translation of: a Junior college
Find the right translation of: a senior high school
Find the right translation of: recruitment of the staff
Find the right translation of: suppress
Find the Russian for: elective subjects
Find the synonym of: grade
Find the synonym of: period
Find the synonym to: compulsory
Find the synonyms.
Find the English for: зал для собраний, актовый зал
Grant: means
I feel awful. I wish I .... so much cake.
In USA all children .... go to school.
Maintain: means
Nursery schools in Britain are .... with teachers and students in training.
Obedience : means
On the whole, the public school boys in Britain are sons of people who have a substantial social position, very good homes and benefits of ...
Originally the public schools in Britain depended mainly on grants by...
Point out the correct date in Planning and organization of education in Britain was not controlled by central government until ...
Point out the English for: учительская
Prosperity: means
Public schools in England educate ... people.
So parents who wish to send their children to a public school often send them first to...
The ............ are usually small.
The academic year in Britain’s Universities, Colleges of Education, Polytechnics is divided into ... terms.
The primary school in Britain usually takes children ....... .
The public school system is valued because it produces leaders, it is a separate system of education for ... .
The staff of the school means
Translate into English: преодолеть
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