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ПКОЯз. Англ. Базовый курс для лингвистов - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
Almost everybody in Britain dreams ___ living in ___ .
Ann ___ that she lived at number 10.
At dinner , as much food as possible was put on the table at once, to show the master’s __ .
Basically people in England live in 3 types of houses, all depending on their ___ .
Buckingham Palace is
Choose the correct translation of “ к тому времени, когда мы вернулись, дом был куплен каким-то американцем”.
Choose the right translation of “landlord”.
Choose the right translation of “social deprivation”.
Choose the synonym to “contemporary”
Choose the word that does not match the other ones in meaning
Choose the word that does not match the other ones in meaning
Darts is a game played
Fill in: A pessimist is a person who always expects bad things ___ .
Fill in: A vegetarian is ___ doesn’t eat ___ .
Fill in: At that moment Jack’s wife came in and said that she ___ the police.
Fill in: At the station a smiling policemen ___ that his bicycle ___
Fill in: Bill said he ___ Mary the following morning.
Fill in: Edinburgh ___ the capital since the 15th century, when its fortified castle was the centre of Scotland’s resistance to its enemies.
Fill in: Every Englishman is a ___ at heart.
Fill in: Greg has just taken an exam ___ history.
Fill in: He applied for a week’s ___ to look after the children while his wife was in hospital.
Fill in: He is very experienced because he has been working here ___ six years.
Fill in: I think by the year 2000 a cure for AIDS ___ .
Fill in: I ___ my friend ___ a very long time.
Fill in: It ___ still ___ I wish it would stop. It ___ all day long.
Fill in: It’s a long time since I ___ him.
Fill in: I___ video games for two years.
Fill in: James made everybody believe that he ___ all over the world.
Fill in: John told me that I ___ pay anything.
Fill in: Many Scotch people ___ use some Scotch words when they speak English.
Fill in: Mary was supposed to write an essay yesterday but she hasn’t done it ____.
Fill in: Mrs White ___ Mary that she was going away.
Fill in: My brother said that he ___ the car the following day.
Fill in: Native Americans ___ to be called “Red Indians”
Fill in: One evening I ___ home ___ a quite dark street in suburb of London.
Fill in: Since World War II there ___ intensive development in the metal industries especially in the South and southeast.
Fill in: Some articles in British Newspapers seriously deal ___ the problem of environmental protection.
Fill in: Steve is late , the car ___ have broken down again.
Fill in: The British are known ___ a people self-assured, absolutely confident in their national sense of ___ .
Fill in: The British Parliament ___ the House of Commons and the House of Lords and the Queen as its head.
Fill in: The British ruling class tried not to lose influence ___ the former colonies of the British Empire.
Fill in: The earliest known people of Britain were of ___ origin.
Fill in: The House of Commons ___ in law-making.
Fill in: The house was very quiet when I got home. Everybody ___ to bed.
Fill in: The number of publications dealing ___ the protection of animals has grown considerably.
Fill in: The world-famous Edinburgh Festival is devoted to
Fill in: There are a lot of legends about the English king William 1, who is known ___ William the Conqueror.
Fill in: Wales is ___ the rest of the UK.
Fill in: We hadn’t heard from him for a long time. He ___ wrote nor telephoned.
Fill in: We ___ abroad every year. We can’t afford ___.
Fill in: What time did he arrive ___ London ?
Fill in: When Europeans first arrived in America they thought that they ___ in the West Indies.
Fill in: When I arrived at work I realised that I ___ my watch at home.
Fill in: Winston Churchill was famous ___ his wonderful public speeches.
Fill in:John Major ___ Prime Minister in November, 1990.
Find the word that does not match the other ones in meaning
Find the word that doesn’t match the other in meaning.
Find the word that doesn’t match the others in meaning
Find the word that doesn’t match the others in meaning.
Find the word that doesn’t match the others in meaning.
Find the word that doesn’t match the others in meaning.
Find the word that doesn’t match the others in meaning.
Find the word that doesn’t match the others.
Find the word that doesn’t match the others.
Find the word that doesn’t match the others.
Give the correct translation of “быть ответственным перед”
Give the correct translation of “to be deprived of actual power”
Give the opposite to “innocent”.
Give the opposite to “reverence”
Give the opposite to “saint”
Glasgow a ___ city because or the greyness of the houses many of which were not suitable for living and needed repairs.
I ___ ten minutes before the police ___ .
If you are in London be sure to visit Westminster Abby which is
In London you can hear opera in
Jane wrote them a letter a week after she ___ from a business trip from South America.
My brother ___ Ann since childhood.
New Zealand is
On a national scale their conservatism may be illustrated by the attitude to the ___ which is held in affection and reverence by all English people.
One of the most popular hobbies of the British is
Some of the British national traits are resulting from the British ___ .
The British are really ___ , they love familiar things in familiar places.
The British display a very wide ___ of individual differences among themselves and even among others.
The British parliamentary system depends ___ ___ .
The British rulling classes tried not to lose ___ over the former colonies .
The Capital of Nothern Irland is
The chief theatres, music halls and cinemas in London are situated in
The correct translation of “tenant” is
The correct translation of “toleration” is
The creator of Sherlock Holmes is
The English are famous ___ their tea and their weather.
The Union Jack is made up of
The ___ with its church, pub, fishing, animals - all this is an ideal image of Britain.
Traditionally the British like to live independently in ___ .
___ is another British institution where alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks are sold.
“Approximate” means
“Brewery” should be translated as
“Cockney” means
“harp” should be translated as
“riot” means
“semi-detached house” means.
“to be invaded” means
“Violance” should be translated as
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