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Дата публикации:2015-03-09 03:10:21
ПКОЯз. Англ. Базовый курс для лингвистов - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
A lane is a
Choose the correct translation of the following sentence: “Майкла собираются послать в Америку.”
Choose the correct translation of “Я только что видел его. Он стоял в коридоре.”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: " After landing at the airport you ... go through ... first.”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “A taxi rank is ...”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “Aeroplanes... designed to fly ... the sky.”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “Have you ever been to England? Yes, I ... there last year.”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “Haven’t you finished the book ... ?”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “How much money ... by you ... food each month?”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “I ... to New York several times.”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “I saw an accident last night. Somebody ... an ambulance but nobody ... so the ambulance ... ”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “If I want to buy a jacket I always ...”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “If we ... the old methods, a lot of time ... wasted.”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “If your luggage weighs more than 20 kgs., you ... pay extra.”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “In the London underground the ticket-collector takes the tickets from you ...”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “In the perfumery they sell ...”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “It is not a ... shop, the ... helps the ... in finding what he wants.”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “Jane burned her breakfast, so she ... eat it. Then she got coffee on her blouse and she ... to change it.”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “My shirt ... made in Thailand.”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “Piccadilly is a ... in London.”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “Please, remember, you ... to be in before 11 p.m.”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “Since 1147 the name of Moscow ... on the pages of history.”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “Some of the formalities are repeated when you arrive ... your destination.”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “Something important ... so I sat down to listen.”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “The programme for students studying English ... every day.”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “The boat ... quickly but fortunately everybody ...”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “The flight was put off and we ... wait for three hours.”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “The form ... be filled ... ... block letters.”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “The letter ... a week ago and it … yesterday.”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “The London Underground is called ...”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “The teacher ... our papers so we ... learn the results.”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “The windows of our room ... the garden.”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “This present ... given to my son on his birthday last year.”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “You ... drive alone at night. It’s dangerous.”
Choose the right translation of “Концерт снимают для телевидения”.
Choose the right translation of “Не переходи улицу на красный свет!”
Choose the right translation of “Нам надо показывать билеты стюардессе? - Нет, не надо”.
Find the correct translation of “When you travel by car you can stop wherever you want.”
Find the correct sentence:
Find the corresponding English word for ‘не должен’ in the sentence: “Он настолько богат, что не должен работать”.
Find the different word
Find the inexact translation of the modal verb in the following sentence: “He needn’t come tomorrow”
Find the synonym to “a taxi”
Find the synonymous pair
The Russian for “Check-in desk (counter)” is
“A transfer” is a
“Flight attendant” means
“Hijack” means
“Runway” means
“To flag a taxi” means
“To give a tip” means
“To puncture a licence” means
Choose the correct translation of the emphasised words in “Jane might come on the 3 o’clock train”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “Excuse me, you ... the phone.”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “In a food supermarket you can’t buy …”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “Ron’s parents ... when he was very young. He and his sister ... up by their grandparents.”
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence: “The famous … is situated in the middle of Trafalgar Square”.
“Boarding pass” means
“Fitting room” means
“Jet-lag” means
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