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Дата публикации:2015-03-09 03:08:57
ПКОЯз. Английский язык. Домашнее чтение - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
Choose the right answer. Afraid is ...
Choose the right answer. Alack! expresses
Choose the right answer. And ’t is means
Choose the right answer. Hark! is
Choose the right answer. How now! is an expression of
Choose the right answer. I would thou couldst! means
Choose the right answer. i ’ th’ is
Choose the right answer. In ’s sleep is
Choose the right answer. Is ’scap’d means
Choose the right answer. Methinks is
Choose the right answer. Of late is ...
Choose the right answer. Prithee is
Choose the right answer. the like is
Choose the right answer. Thou durst is
Choose the right answer. Upon ’t is
Choose the right answer. Wherefore is
Choose the right variant of translation. He’s here in double trust
Choose the right variant of translation. I am his kinsman and his subject
Choose the right variant of translation. I dare do all that may become a man
Choose the right variant of translation. Bring forth men-children only!
Choose the right variant of translation. By the pricking of my thumbs, Something wicked this way comes
Choose the right variant of translation. Come, sisters, cheer we up his sprites, And show the best of our delights.
Choose the right variant of translation. False face must hide what the false heart doth know
Choose the right variant of translation. Had he not resembled my father as he slept, I had done’t
Choose the right variant of translation. O! these flaws and starts ... would well become a woman's story at a winter's fire ...
Choose the right variant of translation. proper stuff! This is the very painting of your fear...
Choose the right variant of translation. These deeds must not be thought after these ways:so, it will make us mad
Choose the right variant of translation. To know my deed, ’t were best not know myself
Choose the right variant of translation. What hath quenched them hath given me fire
Choose the right variant of translation. ’tis the eye of childhood That fears a painted devil
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Cross out the word which doesn’t fit.
Insert the proper word. ... face must hide what the ... heart doth know.
Insert the proper word. ... I heard a voice cry, sleep no more.
Insert the proper word. ... knows what she has known
Insert the proper word. ... when in swinish sleep Their drenched natures lie as in ...
Insert the proper word. And Pity, like a ... babe
Insert the proper word. And wash this …witness ... from your hand.
Insert the proper word. At first and last, the ... welcome
Insert the proper word. but I shame ... a heart so white
Insert the proper word. for none of women ... shall harm Macbeth
Insert the proper word. Gentlemen rise, his ... is not well.
Insert the proper word. Had he not ... my father as he slept
Insert the proper word. having no witness to ... my speech
Insert the proper word. How is't with me, when every noise ... me?
Insert the proper word. I am ... to think what I have done.
Insert the proper word. I dare do all that may ... a man
Insert the proper word. Macbeth, Macbeth, Macbeth: ... Macduff
Insert the proper word. One cried God ... us
Insert the proper word. Ourselves will ... with society
Insert the proper word. Sit ... friends: my Lord is often thus
Insert the proper word. That which hath made them ..., hath made me ...
Insert the proper word. The table’s ...
Insert the proper word. This even-handed ...
Insert the proper word. Unnatural deeds do ... unnatural troubles
Insert the proper word. Yet my heart ... to know one thing
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