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ПКОЯз. Англ. Практическая грамматика - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: The newspaper … bought is the early evening edition.
Choose the correct word: Hardly had he sat down … he was sent for again.
Choose the correct word: I never know … to ask for permission or not.
Choose the correct word: I’ll have to do overtime tonight, … is very tiresome.
Choose the correct word: Not only there was no tea, … there were no sandwiches either.
Choose the correct word: They’ll explain … you need to know to complete your report.
Choose the correct word: When … money into the slot, be sure to use undamaged coins.
Choose the correct word: … out of work, I watch TV and read books.
Choose the suitable ending for the sentence: Even if it rained …
Choose the suitable ending for the sentence: If it hadn’t rained …
Choose the suitable ending for the sentence: It was … a straightforward job … I can’t believe such a mistake has been made.
Choose the suitable ending for the sentence: I’m writing to you … we have still not received a reply to the letter we wrote to you 3 weeks ago.
Choose the suitable ending for the sentence: Unless it rains …
Complete the sentence: Ales told me about his new job, … very much.
Complete the sentence: I don’t like stories … have unhappy endings.
Complete the sentence: I was woken up by the bell … .
Complete the sentence: Life must be very unpleasant for people … near busy airports.
Complete the sentence: What’s the name of the man …?
Complete the sentence: When I entered the waiting room it was empty except for a young man … by the door … a newspaper.
Continue the sentence: “Purpose clauses are introduced by conjunctions such as …”
Continue the sentence: “Clauses of comparison are introduced by conjunctions such as …”
Continue the sentence: “Manner clauses are introduced by, conjunctions such as …”
Continue the sentence: “Result clauses are introduced by conjunctions such as …”
Define the clause in the sentence: I couldn’t see Mary’s expression, because her head was turned.
Define the clause in the sentence: I keep the windows, open so as to let fresh air in.
Define the clause in the sentence: It all sounded so crazy that I laughed out loud.
Define the clause in the sentence: Mary sounded as though she had just run all the way.
Define the clause in the sentence: Though he has lived for years in London, he writes in German.
Describe the adverbial clause in the following sentence: He did the work very carefully so that he’d be sure of getting it right.
Describe the adverbial clause in the following sentence: I turned up at the dentist’s in spite of having the flue.
Describe the adverbial clause in the following sentence: I wouldn’t enrol for the course unless I felt it would fulfil my needs.
Describe the adverbial clause in the following sentence: In the interview, I tried to speak just as I do normally.
Describe the adverbial clause in the following sentence: Kate had a lot of loose change in case they ran out.
Describe the adverbial clause in the following sentence: She does exercise after exercise so as to perfect her English.
Describe the adverbial clause in the following sentence: There was too much noise where we were sitting.
Describe the adverbial clause in the following sentence: We kept on working till the end of the day.
Fill in the missing conjunction: I was very tired … I worked for a long time in my garden.
Fill in the missing phrase: “Please find a bill for £ 100 for the advice …:” read Mr. Grown.
Fill in the missing relative pronoun: The car … caused the accident drove off.
Fill in the missing relative pronoun: The thing … really surprised me was his attitude.
Fill in the missing word(s): A lot of our friends … to the party cannot come today.
Fill in the missing word: - Who shall we ask to the party? - Just a few people … we can be relaxed with.
Fill in the missing word: Are they the people … you went to Finland with?
Fill in the missing word: Carlo is the Italian guy … is staying with John’s family.
Fill in the missing word: Is he the one … bag got stolen when they were in Paris?
Fill in the missing word: James told me about his new job, … he’s enjoying very much.
Fill in the missing word: Maria works in that cinema … they show all the foreign films.
Fill in the missing word: Sue couldn’t come to the party, … was a pity.
Fill in the missing word: The sun, … is one of millions of stars in the universe, provides us with heat and light.
Fill in the missing words: I didn’t believe them at first but in fact everything … was true.
Match the situation with one of the sentences that follow: I have one colleague. He works extremely hard. He has many friends.
Match the situation with one of the sentences that follow: I have several aunts. One works in London. She’s getting married.
Match the situation with one of the sentences that follow: I have two umbrellas. I bought one of them in Spain. That one needs repairing.
Use the suitable co-ordinating conjunction: Everybody around him was panicking, … he stayed calm.
Use the suitable co-ordinating conjunction: She seemed calm … sad.
Use the suitable co-ordinating conjunction: We didn’t eat … drink.
Use the suitable co-ordinating conjunction: We stayed in a comfortable … shabby place.
Which sentence has reason clause?
Which sentence has the contrast clause?
Which sentence has the result clause?
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