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Имя файла:0096.10.04;МТ.01;4
Размер:102 Kb
Дата публикации:2015-03-09 03:08:53
ПКОЯз. Англ. Практическая грамматика - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
Complete the dialogue - Did anybody see you? - No, but I … if it hadn’t been so dark. with one of the following verbs:
Complete the dialogue - Why didn’t you tell me? - You … angry if I had told you about it. with one of the following verbs:
Complete the dialogue «- Did you say anything when your boss asked you? - No, I didn‘t. You see, if I … even a word, he … into a rage.» with one of the following verbs:
Complete the dialogue «- How did it happen that you missed your stop? - I … it if the conductor … the stops.» with one of the following verbs:
Complete the dialogue «- If they … short of money, they … eat out. - It’s true.» with one of the following verbs:
Complete the sentence «If water … to 100ºC, it … .» with one of the following verbs:
Complete the sentence «Andrew would have been able to pass the exam if … .» with one of the following verbs:
Complete the sentence «Had the councillors been re-elected, your proposal … accepted.» with one of the following verbs:
Complete the sentence «Hurry up! We … good seats if we … late.» with one of the following verbs:
Complete the sentence «I decided to stay at home last night. I would have gone out if I … so tired.» with one of the following verbs:
Complete the sentence «I felt as if I … a confidence.» with one of the following verbs:
Complete the sentence «I wasn’t hungry. If I … been hungry, I would have eaten something.» with one of the following verbs:
Complete the sentence «I wish it … possible.» with one of the following verbs:
Complete the sentence «I would ask him if I … him better.» with one of the following verbs:
Complete the sentence «I would go out if it … raining.» with one of the following verbs:
Complete the sentence «I would have bought that Hi-Fi if I … enough money.» with one of the following verbs:
Complete the sentence «I … the same if I … in your shoes.» with one of the following verbs:
Complete the sentence «If Benjamin Franklin … so hard, he … the symbol of America.» with one of the following verbs:
Complete the sentence «If Columbus … such a passion for travelling, he … America in 1492.» with one of the following verbs:
Complete the sentence «If Derek had been looking where he was going, he … into the wall.» with one of the following verbs:
Complete the sentence «If I were you, I … that coat. It’s much too expensive.» with one of the following verbs:
Complete the sentence «If I … early tomorrow morning, I … jogging. » with one of the following verbs:
Complete the sentence «If I … her address, I would write to her.» with one of the following verbs:
Complete the sentence «If I … Mrs. Ross, I … to her. But I didn‘t see or speak to her.» with one of the following verbs:
Complete the sentence «If I … you, of course I … hello to you.» with one of the following verbs:
Complete the sentence «If Laura … so much, she wouldn’t have put on weight.» with one of the following verbs:
Complete the sentence «If pigs … wings, they … .» with one of the following verbs:
Complete the sentence «If research into genetechnology … so successful, we … be faced with such serious ethical problems now.» with one of the following verbs:
Complete the sentence «If we … that you were coming, I … you at the airport. I had a lot of time to do that.» with one of the following verbs:
Complete the sentence «If you had one million pounds what … ?» with one of the following verbs:
Complete the sentence «If you … a run for it, you’ll catch the train.» with one of the following verbs:
Complete the sentence «If you … at a loose end last month, you … your driving. But you failed it.» with one of the following verbs:
Complete the sentence «If you … Eve’s vase, she’d have been furious.» with one of the following verbs:
Complete the sentence «If you … late, you … understood the lecture.» with one of the following verbs:
Complete the sentence «If you … late, you … what we … about now.» with one of the following verbs:
Complete the sentence «If you … really my friend, you‘d lend me the money.» with one of the following verbs:
Complete the sentence «If you … the milk out of the fridge in this weather, it’ll go bad.» with one of the following verbs:
Complete the sentence «It’s a pity you can’t drive. It … useful if you could.» with one of the following verbs:
Complete the sentence «It’s pity you couldn’t come to our concert. I’m sure you … it.» with one of the following verbs:
Complete the sentence «I’m not tired enough to go to bed yet. I wouldn’t sleep if I … to bed now.» with one of the following verbs:
Complete the sentence «I’m sure he will give me some money. I … surprised if he refused.» with one of the following verbs:
Complete the sentence «James, look at that man! If he … harder at school, he … the streets now.» with one of the following verbs
Complete the sentence «No matter what … . I’ll always stand by him!» with one of the following verbs:
Complete the sentence «Plants die if you … them.» with one of the following verbs:
Complete the sentence «Supposing the computer …, what would you do?» with one of the following verbs:
Complete the sentence «The view was wonderful. If I … camera, I … some pictures.» with one of the following verbs:
Complete the sentence «They helped me a lot. I don‘t know what I … without their help.» with one of the following verbs:
Complete the sentence «They would be offended … we didn’t accept their invitation to the party.» with one of the following verbs:
Complete the sentence «What a pity my cousin is away! If he … here he … us. » with one of the following verbs:
Complete the sentence «What … you do if you were bitten by a snake?» with one of the following verbs:
Complete the sentence «Which guide books … useful if you went to Britain?» with one of the following verbs:
Complete the sentence «Would it be all right if I … round at about six?» with one of the following verbs:
Complete the sentence «Would you contribute to the fund if I …. you to?» with one of the following verbs:
Complete the sentence «Yesterday’s earthquake would have caused less damage if the houses … of stronger construction.» with one of the following verbs:
Complete the sentence «You can get there more quickly if you … the short cut across the railway bridge.» with one of the following verbs:
Complete the sentence «You look tired. If I … you, I … a holiday. » with one of the following verbs:
Complete the sentence «You may invite whomever you … to the barbecue.» with one of the following verbs:
Complete the sentence «You … have a tussle with the management if you … through with that plan.» with one of the following verbs:
Complete the sentence «You’ll get a free month‘s subscription, … you renew your membership by the end of January.» with one of the following verbs:
Complete the sentence «… Andrew was angry, he would walk out of the room.» with one of the following verbs:
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