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Дата публикации:2015-03-09 03:08:53
ПКОЯз. Англ. Практическая грамматика - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “A car suddenly … in front of me and I couldn’t stop in time.”
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “After he was knocked out, it took a long time to … .”
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “Alex’s secretary … a call to the office in Chicago.”
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “As darkness fell, there was nothing for it but to … for the nearest village.”
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “As the years passed, Joe’s memories of his terrible experience … away, and he began to lead a normal life again.”
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “Did you notice Bob trying to … doing the washing-up?”
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “Don’t worry if you make a mistake. Just … it out.”
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “Don’t …! I haven’t finished explaining yet!”
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “He gambled … his life’s savings before starting on his wife’s.”
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “He … as a quiet, thoughtful person.”
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “He’s been to the USA, Australia and Germany this year. He certainly gets…!”
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “How could you have … him for your brother?”
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “I could probably … out the answer if I had a pencil, some paper and a calculator.”
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “I expect the new trend will soon … here.”
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “I knew his family would stand … him.”
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “I know it’s a pretty boring routine, but you’ll just have to … on for a moment, I’m afraid.”
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “I think a couple of coffees will … off the meal nicely.”
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “I was disappointed when I saw the film. It was a real … .”
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “If a bus doesn’t come, you can always flag … a taxi.”
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “If you’re interested in U2, you can send … free tickets and be part of the studio audience next time they record it.”
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “Ingrid broke … in tears when we told her about the accident.”
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “It is vital that we … a change in people’s attitudes.”
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “It … out that the mayor had bribed several councillors to vote for him.”
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “It’s no good trying to … with Henry. You’ll never change his mind.”
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “It’s sufficient to tell identical twins… .”
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “I’d better take one of my pills. I think I’ve got a headache…”
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “I’ll use my credit card to… up before we check out.”
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “I’m not going-so don’t try to … me … going!”
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “I’m so tired I think I’ll probably … off in the cinema.”
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “Look, I … it all back. I should never have spoken like that.”
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “Look, I’m sorry to … in, but I think I can help you.”
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “One of them was injured so the team had to … the competition.”
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “Owning an animal can really tie you … .”
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “Paloma will have to … her antiques, because she needs the money.”
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “Politicians frequently … a lot of criticism.”
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “Rosa certainly … her mother in her devil-may-care approach to life.”
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “Sarah wasn’t at all hungry and could only … with the food on her plate.”
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “Scientists … a carefully controlled experiment on the mystery virus.”
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “She’s so depressed. All these problems are really…”
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “So you’re passed your driving test! This … a celebration!”
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “Suddenly the fire-alarm … and everybody had to leave the building.”
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “Thank goodness you’ll be there. I’m … on your support.”
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “The elaborate bridal costumes of the coasted Indians are … from mother to daughter.”
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “The lecture hall gradually emptied as Professor Jackson… on.”
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “The motorist must have run … the fox without noticing.”
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “The official … quickly through my file, and then handed it back to me.”
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “The plane … and was soon flying high over the town.”
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “The reporter announced solemnly that the President had … in his sleep.”
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “The road was closed, so we had to … and find an alternative route.”
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “The speaker failed to get his message … to his audience.”
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “The terrorists headquarters was blown ... in the army attack.”
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “There’s no time to do anything but … briefly on the most important points.”
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “This is a big decision to make. Think it … before you give me your final word tomorrow.”
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “To beat the holiday traffic, we’ll have to ... out at down.”
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “We were … when we saw how much he had changed .”
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “We … for Aberdeen at midnight.”
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “We’ll have to… down the options before coming to a decision.”
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “What do the initials LT … ?”
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “You shouldn’t have sent Paul that Valentine’s card. I think you’re scared him…!”
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “You’ll lose marks if you don’t … in all the gaps.”
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