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Дата публикации:2015-03-09 03:08:51
ПКОЯз. Англ. Практическая грамматика - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
... Ann was there?
... my view, it just shows that passing exams is not always a matter of hard work
... Russians can understand the other nations better now
Bill can't write yet and he can't read ...
Don't do it. It's very ...
Have you ... been to England? I'm surprised, you speak good English
He was so tired, he ... played chess at all
How did Tom behave? He behaved ...
I ... have tea than coffee
I don't like fish…
I got acquainted with ... last summer
I haven't seen her ... time
I suspect he isn't honest. I think he's quite ...
I was ... surprised to learn that I had passed my exam
I was very sorry ... that news
I would ... have been able to find a job like yours
I'm (extremely sleep)...
I'm so tired, but it's ... a long way from here to my house
I'm sorry, there's no ... information
I've drunk ... wine in a restaurant
In our country there are a lot of schools for ... blind
It is ... of me to forget about the meetings
It was nice of you ... me to the airport
It's ... meal I've ever had
It's a ... dress
Jack gave me ... handshake
Jim is a very ... runner and swimmer
Julia ... doesn't understand this rule
London is ... bigger than Edinburgh
London is ... city in Britain
Mr.Windsor is highly ... in the town
Mrs.Crown spoke very ...
Paul bought this suit and I bought these shoes to go with it, ...
She's never seen ... mess before
Susan can't do the sums as ... as you do
Susan is an engineer. She's ... a mother
The faster I write, ... more mistakes I do
The papyrus was ... old, we didn't dare to touch it
The supper smells ...
There are some books ...
There were ... many people on the bus
This is ... newspaper
This Russian cookery book is by ...
We saw that the train went ...
You needn't look at me in ...
You shouldn't answer the door when I'm out ... circumstances
You shouldn't sign the document ... any account
You think you're ... clever
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