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Дата публикации:2015-03-09 04:30:38
ПКОЯз АНГЛ Практикум по аналитическому чтению и письменной речи - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
Верны ли утверждения?
А) Arden is most likely a toponym for a forest close to Shakespeare's home town of Stratford-upon-Avon
В) The Oxford Shakespeare edition rationalises this geographical discrepancy by assuming that 'Arden' is an anglicisation of the forested Ardennes region of France (where Lodge set his tale) and alters the spelling to reflect this
Верны ли утверждения?
А) Celia, now disguised as Ganymede ("Jove's own page"), and Rosalind, now disguised as Aliena (Latin for "stranger"), arrive in the Arcadian Forest of Arden
В) The exiled Duke now lives there with some supporters, including "the happy Jaques," who is introduced to us weeping over the slaughter of a deer
Верны ли утверждения?
А) Duke Frederick is converted by a hermit and he restores the dukedom to Duke Senior who, in his turn, restores the forest to the bear
В) Oliver also undergoes a change of heart and learns to love Orlando
Верны ли утверждения?
А) Frederick usurps the legitimate place of his elder brother Duke Senior and forces him to flee for his life
В) Oliver de Bois usurps the rights of his younger brother Orlando and treats him so ungenerously as to compel him to seek his fortune elsewhere
Верны ли утверждения?
А) Harold Bloom has written that Rosalind is among Shakespeare's greatest and most fully realised female characters
В) Despite critical disputes, the play remains one of Shakespeare's most frequently performed comedies
Верны ли утверждения?
А) Hatred is the central theme of «As You Like It», like other romantic comedies of Shakespeare
В) Following the tradition of a romantic comedy, «As You Like It» is a tale of love manifested in its varied forms
Верны ли утверждения?
А) Orlando and his servant Adam, meanwhile, find the Duke and his men and are soon living with them and posting simplistic love poems for Rosalind on the trees
В) Rosalind, also in love with Orlando, meets him as Aliena and pretends to counsel him to cure him of being in love
Верны ли утверждения?
А) Scholars have long disagreed about the merits of the play
В) Critics from Samuel Johnson to George Bernard Shaw have complained that «As You Like It» is lacking in the high artistry of which Shakespeare was capable
Верны ли утверждения?
А) The play features one of Shakespeare's most famous and oft-quoted speeches, "All the world's a stage", and is the origin of the phrase "too much of a good thing"
В) The play remains a favourite among audiences and has been adapted for radio, film, and musical theatre
Верны ли утверждения?
А) The play highlights the theme of usurpation and injustice on the property of others
В) However, « As you like It» ends sadly with reconciliation and forgiveness
Верны ли утверждения?
A) «As You Like It» is a pastoral comedy by William Shakespeare believed to have been written in 1599 or early 1600 and first published in the folio of 1623
B) «As You Like It» follows its heroine Rosalind as she flees persecution in her uncle's court, accompanied by her cousin Celia and Touchstone the court jester, to find safety and eventually love in the Forest of Arden
Верны ли утверждения?
А) Act II, Scene 7, features one of Shakespeare's most famous monologues, which states: "All the world's a stage And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts"
В) This famous monologue is spoken by Jaques
Верны ли утверждения?
A) Orlando and Celia, Oliver and Rosalind, Touchstone and Phebe, and Silvius and Audrey all are married in the final scene
B) Silvius, ever melancholy, declines their invitation to return to the court preferring to stay in the forest and to adopt a religious life
"Are not these _____________ more free from peril than the envious court?"
"Men are April when they woo, ______________ when they wed. Maids are May when they are maids, but the sky changes when they are wives"
"O Rosalind! These trees shall be my____________, and in their barks my thoughts I'll character, that every eye which in this forest looks shall see thy virtue witnessed everywhere."
"We that are true lovers run into strange capers; but as all is mortal in nature, so is all nature in ___________ mortal in folly"
"_____________ is merely a madness, and deserves as well a dark house and a whip as madmen do; and the reason why they are not so punished and cured is that the lunacy is so ordinary that the whippers are in love too"
"_____________ travels in divers paces with divers persons”
Adam boasts that even though he is old (almost eighty) he will serve as ______________ as a much younger man
Adam gives Orlando his savings and asks to be his servant in his
After the match Orlando is so charmed with _______________ that he cannot speak when she addresses him
As they leave to make preparations, Rosalind decides to take _____________ the Clown as a traveling companion
As You Like It pleases _____________ by its idyllic romance, others by its optimistic philosophy of simple goodness, and yet others by its cynical irony
At the Duke's palace, Celia urges Rosalind not to be __________ while Rosalind laments that it is difficult to forget about her father who has been banished
Celia and Rosalind congratulate Orlando, and Rosalind gives him a _________ to wear as a token of her esteem
Celia and Rosalind decide to flee together accompanied by the jester Touchstone, with Rosalind disguised as a young ____________ and Celia disguised as a poor lady
Celia is a ____________ of Duke Frederick
Celia loves Rosalind so much that she will not continue to live in the court without her and proposes that they should go to find her uncle, Rosalind's father, in the ____________ of Arden
Celia wonders how it is possible that Rosalind could __________________ in love so quickly
Corin invited Rosalind and Celia to view the spectacle of his friend _______________ his disdainful mistress
Duke Frederick is impressed with Orlando until he learns that he is the youngest son of_____________ , his enemy and friend of Rosalind's father
Duke Senior is sorry that they must kill the____________, "native burghers" of the woods in order to eat
Duke tells Rosalind that he no longer trusts her and fears she will prove a traitor _______________ her father
Everyone meets together in the forest, and all _________________ Rosalind to fulfill their oaths to marry
Fearful of the danger they would face as unprotected women, Rosalind suggests that she should disguise herself as a
Finally, Silvius, Phebe, Ganymede, and Orlando are ____________ together in an argument with each other over who will get whom
In explaining the title of the play, Shakespeare scholar G.B. Harrison wrote, [As You Like It] is a lighthearted comedy ____________appeals to readers at all stages and in all lighter moods
In Shakespeare’s play, Adam is an elderly _________ who attempts to pacify Orlando and Oliver — as if the biblical Adam had come alive to temper the anger between his sons
In the Forest of Arden, _________ celebrates the simplicity of their new way of life, free of the customs and intrigues of the court
In the match ____________ throws Charles who is so winded he cannot speak when Orlando says he wants to have another round
Jaques de Boys, the second son of Sir Rowland, arrives to announce that Duke Frederick has had a religious conversion and returned the throne to
Jaques suddenly appears before the company, excited that he has met a ___________ in the forest who spoke with great wisdom about fortune and man's life
LeBeau returns to urge Orlando to leave the court as the Duke has become angry and may do him some
Literally a touchstone is a ___________ stone used to assay the purity of precious metals
Oliver hopes to get rid of ______________ and keep the inheritance by inciting Orlando to fight the Duke's expert wrestler, Charles, at court
Oliver tells how Orlando found him sleeping beneath a tree, threatened by a snake and then a
Orlando comes upon the company with his sword drawn, demanding food, but _____________ invites him to eat what he needs
Orlando demands either to be allowed to live as a gentleman or to receive his inheritance so he can _____________ his fortune in the world
Orlando hangs verses written in praise of Rosalind on the
Orlando says he ______________ die if Rosalind did not love him
Orlando’s rebellion _____________ his older brother Oliver is a further indication of the atmosphere and an expression of a fundamental law of life
Phebe describes the state of ______________ in love and Silvius and Orlando agree with her on every count
Phebe has never experienced what Silvius is going through, she has no pity _____________ him
Rosalind and Celia enter with Hymen, the god of____________ , and all the confusions are revealed and four couples agree to marry
Rosalind and Celia wait ___________ Orlando who has failed to meet them at the appointed time
Rosalind is a ________to Duke Senior
Rosalind is a _____________to Celia
Rosalind is ____________to Duke Frederick
Silvius is telling the older man how much he loves____________ , more than Corin could have ever loved a woman
The brothers reconciled and went to the Duke where ____________ fainted from a flesh wound he had received in the fight
The brothers reconciled and went to the Duke where ____________ fainted from a flesh wound he had received in the fight
The play ends with dancing and a speech by ___________ that the audience applaud the play according to how much they love the ladies or the men
The presentation of the conflicts — as well as the use of Rosalind's disguise to create suspense —___________ place quickly in the play
To take their minds ____________ their problems, Rosalind suggests they make a game of love, but Celia suggests that they should rail at Fortune instead
Touchstone is a ___________ of the court
When Orlando arrives late, Rosalind chides him but then asks him to woo her as if she ____________ truly his Rosalind
When Rosalind asks Corin if there is any shelter or food to be had in the area, he reports that he is poor but knows of a ____________ and some land that is for sale
When Rosalind upbraids Phebe for her hardheartedness, Phebe ______________ in love with Rosalind
While happy for his brother, Orlando is also heartsick _________ he cannot enjoy his own love
____________ , Celia's father and Rosalind's uncle, asks the girls to dissuade the young and inexperienced Orlando from fighting, but he is determined to wrestle the champion
_____________ the other hand, Nature may bestow a bounty of gifts on a person whom Fortune has ignored
______________ is Celia's name in Arden
______________ loves Rosalind
______________is Rosalind's name in Arden
_______________ and Touchstone try to outdo each other to show their wit
________________ pleads with Phebe not to be harsh with him even if she cannot find it in her heart to love him
_________________ , claiming to have magical powers, promises that Orlando also will wed his love tomorrow
“All the world's a___________, and all the men and women merely players”
“And one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being _____________ages"
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