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ПКВЯз АНГЛ Практикум по аналитическому чтению и письменной речи - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
What do the 3 apparitions look like
A) armed head, bloody child, child with tree in hand
B) armed head, bloody child, child with flower in hand
What images are associated with Macbeth’s evil side?
A) day, light
B) night, darkness
Верны ли данные утверждения?
A) Banquo – Macbeth's friend and a general in the army of King Duncan
B) Banquo – Macbeth's elder brother and a general in the army of King Duncan
Верны ли данные утверждения?
A) Macbeth – a general in the army of King Duncan; originally Thane of Glamis, then Thane of Cawdor, and later King of England
B) Macbeth – a general in the army of King Duncan; originally Thane of Cawdor, , then Thane of Glamis and later King of Scotland
Верны ли данные утверждения?
A) Lennox, Angus, Menteith, Seyton are Scottish Thanes
B) Ross, Lennox, Angus, Menteith, Caithness are Scottish Thanes
Верны ли данные утверждения?
A) Malcolm and Donalbain are Duncan’s sons
B) Macduff and Donalbain are Duncan’s sons
Верны ли данные утверждения?
A) Siward – Earl of Northumberland, General of the Scottish forces
B) Hecate – Goddess of Witchcraft
Верны ли данные утверждения?
A) Malcolm – Duncan's eldest son
B) Donalbain – Duncan's youngest son
Who says this line about life:
“It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury”
Who says this line:
“Thou hast it now – King, Cawdor, Glamis, all, as the weird women promised. And I fear thou played most foully for it”
As Macbeth and ___________ wandered onto a heath, the Three Witches greeted them with prophecies
Fearing for their lives, ____________ sons flee, Malcolm to England and Donalbain to Ireland
In accordance with ____________ plan, he(she) frames Duncan's sleeping servants for the murder by placing bloody daggers on them
Macbeth and Banquo defeated the allied forces of Norway and ____________
Macbeth assumed the throne as the new King of ___________ as a kinsman of the dead king
Macbeth invited Banquo to a royal banquet, where he discoverds that ____________ and his young son, Fleance, would be riding out that night
Macbeth later reunites with his wife, having "____________ the deed "
On the night of the king's visit, Macbeth hallucinates before entering Duncan's quarters, believing he sees a bloody
The first act of the play opens amidst thunder and lightning with the ____________ Witches deciding that their next meeting shall be with Macbeth
The first witch hailed Macbeth as " ______________ "
The second witch hailed Macbeth as " __________ "
The third witch proclaims that Macbeth shall "be _________ hereafter"
The witches inform _____________that he will father a line of kings, though he himself will not be one
When Duncan decides to stay at the ________ castle at Inverness, Lady Macbeth hatches a plan to murder him and secure the throne for her husband
'Tis the eye of childhood that fears a painted
After finding that his son was killed while fighting back, Old Siward feels
After Macbeth has done the “deed” he is
All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little
As Lady Macbeth sleepwalks, she acts as if she
Banquo’s ghost appears
By the end of the tragedy
Fair is foul, and foul is
False face must hide what the false _________________ doth know
Glamis hath murdered sleep, and there Cawdor shall sleep no more, ___________ shall sleep no more
How does Birnam Wood come to Dunsinane
How does Macbeth meet his death
If you can look into the ____________ of time, and say which grain will grow and which will not
In a sense, the witches were the cause of Macbeth’s downfall by
In England, Macduff is informed by ___________ that his "castle is surprised; [his] wife and babes / Savagely slaughter'd"
In lying about his virtues, Malcolm tests the loyalty of
In the play, the ____________ represent darkness, chaos, and conflict, while their role is as agents and witnesses
It was the _____________ that shrieked, the fatal bellman, which gives the stern'st good-night
It was ___________ who discovered Duncan's corpse
Lady Macbeth could be characterised as
Lady Macbeth probably feints because
Lady Macbeth says she could not kill the king because
Lady Macbeth sleepwalks and tries to wash imaginary bloodstains from her___________ , all the while speaking of the terrible things she knows she pressed her husband to do
Learning that Macbeth wants to “proceed no further in this business” Lady Macbeth
Macbeth boasts that he has no reason to fear__________ , for he cannot be killed by any man born of woman
Macbeth fears Banquo because
Macbeth plans the assassination
Macbeth, believing that he is safe, puts to death everyone in Macduff's castle, including
Macbeth’s tragic flaw is
Malcolm tries to trick Macduff into believing he is a bad king because
Methought I heard a voice cry, "___________ no more! Macbeth does murder sleep!"
On the march to the castle, what does Malcolm order his men to carry before them
The attempt and not the ____________confounds us
The murder is
What appears to Macbeth before Duncan’s murder
What are the conditions of life in Scotland during Macbeth’s short reign
What is the “eye of newt”
What vision does Macbeth have before he kills Duncan
What's _________ cannot be undone
When our actions do not, Our fears do make us
Which nation’s army invades Scotland at the end of the play
Which of the following character traits best apply to Macduff
While encamped in Birnam_________, the soldiers are ordered to cut down and carry tree limbs to camouflage their numbers, thus fulfilling the witches' third prophecy
While the witches do not tell Macbeth directly to _________, they use a subtle form of temptation when they tell Macbeth that he is destined to be king
Who is a man not of woman born
Who is too naïve and praises the sweetness of Macbeth’s castle
Who kills Banquo
Who says this line: “Out, damned spot! Out, I say!”
Who says: “Wherefore could I not pronounce 'Amen'? - I had most need of blessing, and "Amen" stuck in my throat”
Who speaks the last lines of the play
Whom does Lady Macbeth frame for the murder of Duncan
Whom does Macbeth see sitting in his chair during the banquet
Will all great Neptune's __________ wash this blood clean from my hand
With whom are the Scots at war with at the beginning of the play
___________talks of the effect of drinking too much
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