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Дата публикации:2015-03-09 03:13:54
Англ.яз. (профессиональный для направления `Экономика`) - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: " a receiving or being received" is
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: " In agreement or conformity with" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "a boundary or bounded region; border, limit" are ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "a multitude, a great number of; a crowd" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "a pledge or promise to do something" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "a point, matter or question to be disputed or decided" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "a way of spending spare time pleasantly" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "abundance" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "adversely" means ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "all that is contained in something; everything inside; essential meaning, substance" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "an object or end that one strives to attain; aim" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "anxiety" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "applicable" means ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "assumption" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "at, on or close to the border; close to a limit" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "below what is usual or normal; poor; bad" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "carrying out (of something desired, expected, predicted; performance; completion) is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "compulsory" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "considerable, strong, large; real, actual" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "courteously" means ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "critical" means ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "declared by statute to be such, and hence legally punishable' is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "deviation" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "disbursement" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "embezzlement" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "extensive, sweeping or indiscriminate" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "having value, merit or worth" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "in regard to each of two or more, in the order made" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "inadequate" means ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "including much; inclusive" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "increased means of accomplishing some purpose" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "independent of all others" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "indicating or occurring in the beginning" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "integrity" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "judgment" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "lucrative" means ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "manifold" means ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "misstatement" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "money, set aside for a specific use" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "moving or capable of moving with great speed; rapid; fast" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "promptly" means ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "relevant" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "remaining after certain deductions or allowances have been made, as for expenses, weight of containers or waste materials, etc." is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "return" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "rigidly controlled, enforced, etc.; strict" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "seizure" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "that cannot be denied, indisputable" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "the act of permitting, admitting, etc." is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "the power of an event, idea, etc.; to produce changes, move the feelings, etc.;" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "the refinancing of a maturing note, etc.; the reinvesting of funds in such a way as to defer the payment of taxes" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "the time at which a note, etc. becomes due" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "thorough examination or restoration to good working order" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "threatening, sinister" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "tier" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "to accomplish" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "to accumulate" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "to attribute" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "to audit" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "to bar" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "to begin something; to engage in
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "to cast" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "to certify" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "to charge" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "to deny the existence or truth" is …
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "to deprive" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "to detect" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "to enlist (new members) as for a party or organization" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "to exempt" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "to give a specified name to; to call" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "to hint" means ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "to levy" means ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "to misguide" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "to mitigate" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "to owe" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "to parachute from an aircraft in an emergency; to find the way out of a difficult situation" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "to pay money as to settle an account" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "to promote" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "to receive advantage, to profit" is …
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "to reclaim" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "to rectify" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "to remit" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "to stimulate, to promote, to help to develop" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "to struggle for superiority (with someone) or enter into competition (for something)" is...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "to submit" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "to subscribe or agree to, as by signature; to insure" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "to sue" means ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "to tackle" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "to take out, remove, get rid" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "to try to persuade; to induce, esp. to something immoral; to provoke" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "to unite or combine into a single whole; to include; to embody" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "to urge into action; provoke" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "to withdraw" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "unfair" means ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "unfavorable, harmful, opposite in position" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "unilateral" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "unwilling, resisting, opposing, disinclined" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "very deep or low" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "violation" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "voucher" is ...
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: "worry, anxiety, care" is ...
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: аудит финансовой отчетности
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: благосостояние общества
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: ведение системы бухгалтерского учета
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: взыскивать убытки
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: внешнеторговая сделка
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: выдать налоговую декларацию
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: давать заключение в отношении...
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: деловая среда
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: дипломированный частнопрактикующий бухгалтер
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: доход после удержания (за вычетом) налогов
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: единообразная ставка
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: завершить аудиторскую проверку
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: заполнить налоговую декларацию
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: иметь право
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: налоговая льгота
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: находить недочеты
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: независимая проверка
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: независимая проверка
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: независимый аудитор
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: неравенство доходов
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: обнаруживать, выявлять уклоняющихся от уплаты налогов
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: общепринятые стандарты аудита
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: обязательства по уплате налогов
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: ответное действие
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: отсрочка налога
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: оформление возврата (налога)
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: подавать апелляционную жалобу
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: полные данные
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: получать доход
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: получить свидетельство практикующего аудитора
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: постоянно работающее предприятие, облагаемое налогом
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: правильность предположения руководства
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: предварительный анализ финансово-хозяйственной деятельности
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: предоставлять широкий перечень услуг
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: проблема сбыта
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: проверять (подвергать ревизии) учетную документацию
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: прогрессивный подоходный налог
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: продажная цена
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: сводная отчетность
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: сдавать оборудование в аренду
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: система, при которой размер облагаемого налогом дохода определяется самим налогоплательщиком
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: содержание налогового законодательства
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: соответствовать требованиям, правилам и т.д.
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: счет прибылей и убытков
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: уклонение от налоговых обязательств
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: управление предприятием
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: установление налоговых ставок
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: установленное законом требование
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: четкая и стабильная законодательная база
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: юридическое положение, юридический статус
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