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Англ. яз. Профессиональный язык для экономистов - Модульный тест

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “ a building where goods are stored, as before distribution to retailers, or are kept in reserve in bond, etc.” is …
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “ a request or commission to make or supply something” is …
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “a binding contract, promise, moral responsibility, etc.” is …
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “a business deal or agreement” is …
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “a coming to an end; termination” is …
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “a large, open barge used chiefly to load or unload ships anchored in a harbor” is …
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “a method or service for transporting goods, esp. bulky goods, by water, land or air” is …
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “a person or thing that receipts” is …
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “a punishment fixed by law, as for a crime or breach of contract” is …
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “a reduction from a usual or list price” is …
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “a statement as a fact, of something that may be called into question; assertion” is…
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “a system for carrying people, cars or goods across a river, etc. by boat.” Is …
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “a written acknowledgment that something, as goods, money, etc. has been received” is …
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “a written order issued by one person, bank, firm, etc, directing the payment of money to another” is …
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “agreement; accord” is …
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “an appendix or supplement to a book, a document. etc.” is …
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “an itemized list of goods shipped or services rendered, stating quantities, prices, fees, shipping charges, etc.” is …
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “any device or contrivance for carrying or conveying persons or objects, esp. over land or in a space, as automobiles, bicycles, etc.” is …
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “conditions of a contract, agreement, sale, etc.” are …
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “having legal force; properly executed and binding under the law” is …
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “in there; in or into that place or thing” is …
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “lack of agreement, or an instance of this; difference; in consistency” is …
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “sending out or off” is …
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “sharp divergence from normal behavior, from the official ideology or policies, etc.” is …
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “that cannot be erased, blotted out, eliminated, etc.; permanent, lasting” is …
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “the act of breaking into a house at night to commit theft or others felony” is …
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “the act or process of carrying on a lawsuit” is …
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “the amount of variation allowed from a standard, accuracy, etc.” is …
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “the compensation payable to a carrier of freight whose vehicle or vessel is delayed, as by failure to load or unload the freight within the time allowed; the delay itself” is …
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “the latest time by which something must be done or completed” is …
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “the load of commodities carried by a ship, airplane, truck, etc. “ is …
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “the party that the drawer directs, by means of a bill of exchange, order draft, etc. to pay money over to a third party (called payee)” is …
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “the place or space for storing goods” is …
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “the sending of money, as by mail” is …
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “the time at which a note, etc. becomes due” is …
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to be in need of; to need” is …
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to cause to do something, esp. by reasoning, urging, or inducement” is …
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to follow out or carry out; do ; perform; fulfill” is …
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to give force to; urge” is …
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to give notice to; inform; announce to” is …
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to honor or dignify by a title; to qualify (a person) to something” is …
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to insert in an envelope, wrapper, etc. often along with something else” is …
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to make invalid; annul” is …
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to make valid by formal approval; ratify” is …
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to meet the needs or requirements of; provide” is …
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to place or entrust for safekeeping; to put (money) in the bank, as for safekeeping or to earn interest” is …
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to plead or advocate strongly; to make an earnest presentation of arguments, claims, charges, etc.” is …
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to put or set right, correct, amend” is …
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to settle or arrange rightly; to decide how much is to be paid in settling” is …
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to take back or draw back; remove” is …
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: аккредитив револьверный, автоматически возобновляемый
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: акт осмотра
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: акцептовать тратту
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: безотзывный аккредитив
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: выполнять обязательства
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: делать оговорки
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: держать активы, владеть активами
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: заключить сделку
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: заявление о приеме на работу
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: идти навстречу, идти на уступки
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: инкассовая форма расчетов
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: компенсация за убыток
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: морское страхование
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: назначать цену
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: нарушение контракта
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: некоммерческая организация
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: неограниченная ответственность
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: нести личную ответственность
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: оставлять у себя товар
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: отклонить претензию
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: очищать товары от пошлин
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: переводной вексель, тратта
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: платежный баланс
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: подтвержденный аккредитив
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: помещать заказ
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: поставлено на границе
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: почтовый перевод
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: предъявить иск к кому-либо
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: провоз оплачен
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: расчетное время прибытия
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: розничная торговля
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: свободно вдоль борта судна
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: своевременное получение оплаты
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: сертификат соответствия
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: совместное предприятие
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: согласованные и заранее оцененные убытки
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: составлять документ
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: срок оплаты
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: сроки поставки
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: страховое возмещение
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: существенные условия контракта
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: терпеть убытки
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: тратта с оплатой в конце обусловленного периода
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: тратта «на предъявителя»
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: удовлетворить претензию
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: удовлетворять требования, обеспечить потребности
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: финансовый год
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: фондовая биржа
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: частная собственность
Choose the correct translation of the phrase: чистый коносамент
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